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01x21 - Corporate Raiders

Posted: 03/02/23 12:13
by bunniefuu
(dramatic music)

- [Operator] Beta-1, come in, Beta-1.

- Beta-1, go ahead.

- [Operator] Beta-1, Alpha-7
responding to silent alarm,

Martling & Stern Stock
Brokerage, 2040 Lock.

Beta-1, provide backup.

- Beta-1, roger.

(sirens blaring)
(dramatic music)

- We need you to join the Corporate Guard.

- Wow!

- [Character] Business is poor,

and we're fighting for
nothing less than...

Who owns America!

- [Presenter] Over 40%
of our country has been

bought by private investors.

We need accountants, lawyers,
and officer managers now!

- Count me in!

- [Presenter] Now there
goes a real patriot!

(security guard groans)

(ominous music)

(siren blares)

- Stop where you are!

Let's nab 'em.

- [Justin] Lock them up.

- Hey, hey!

What is this?

- [Officer] What's happening?

(officer groans)

(siren blares)

(dramatic music)

(engine revs)

- Freeze!

You are under arrest.

- [Justin] I'm sorry,
officer, but we have to go.

However, feel free to stick around.

(dramatic music)

- Everything's frozen!

We're trapped!

- Help, we're trapped in here!

(suspenseful music)

(officers grunting)

(expl*si*n booms)

- Nothing like a good night's work

to make a man feel proud.

And as they say, when opportunity knocks-

- [Men] Don't knock the opportunity.

(men laughing)

(dramatic music)

(crowd clapping)

- And so in the name of Big
Business Buddies everywhere,

congratulations, Elliott Feldman,

wear this commodity's
leveraging badge with pride.

You've earned it!

(Waldo chuckles)

(crowd claps)

And now, the winner of our next award

will join the ranks of what it is

to be the best in the BBB.

The Milken Men.

Come out, men, and congratulate
our newest winners!

(crowd claps)

- Jimmy.

Stop squirming.

- Come on, Grandma, I feel so dorky.

- It's a big honor.

I only wish your mother
wasn't out of town.

She'd be so proud.

- She'll see it.

- And to present this next award,

I'm pleased as punch to
introduce our guest of honor.

Will you please give a
rousing triple B welcome

to the chairman of Omni Consumer Products!

(crowd claps)

- Thank you, thank you.

Well, I'm pleased as punch
to be here, Mr. Waldo.

Especially as I've been asked to present

this year's award for best essay

on the importance of business language

in corporate society.

I know you're all as anxious
as I am to know the winner.

And so, the winner is, Jimmy Murphy!

(crowd claps)

- Jimmy, you won!

- Get up there, Jimmy!

(crowd claps)

- Are you getting him, Russell?

- Don't worry, I'm getting him.

- Congratulations, son.

And here's a badge to
commemorate the occasion.

Let me pin it on.

Hold on.

There you go.

- Russell, Russell?

You're missing your grandson!

(dramatic music)
(crowd claps)

- [Doctor] Go ahead and
sharpen the flat-line,

then let's quit.

- [Nurse] Okay, everybody, clear!

- Officer Alex Murphy, shot
to death in the line of duty.

- [Man] Legally, he's dead.

We can pretty much do what we want.

- There's a new guy in town.

His name's RoboCop.

(dramatic music)

- Murphy, it is you.

(expl*si*n booms)

(g*n fires)

- Wow!

(g*n fires)

- [Madigan] Anything from the getaway van?

- The van was recorded
stolen this morning.

Prints and fiber scans are negative.

- Chalk up another one
for the Corporate Raiders.

Chairman masked, high-tech hardware,

it's gotta be them.

- Security guard.

- Same as the other hits.

- Where am I?

Who am I?

Do you know my name?

I like ice cream, I really like ice cream.

- Shot full of flatscan.

Same stuff they're testing on the psychos

at Buchanan Max.

She'll be lucky to remember
what planet she's on.

- Thank you again, Mr. Chairman.

You are such an inspiration
to our young members.

- Oh, it's the least I can do

for OCP's favorite charity.

After all, we must set an example

for tomorrow's young executives.

- Then I take it that I'll see you

at the ceremony tomorrow night?

- Yes, well, about that.

I'm sure it's an honor to be made

a BBB grand business master,

but my schedule is so crowded-

- Oh, not to worry!

It's honorary title only.

You wouldn't actually have to
spend any time with the boys.

And there might be a very
nice photo opportunity

if you were to present us
with next year's donations.

What do you say?

- Well, all right.
- Ah!

- But do I really have
to wear that uniform

you sent to my office?

- That's part of the
fun of being in the BBB.

- Oh.

Well, bye, bye, bye.

- [Officer] Okay, let's roll!

(siren blares)

(dramatic music)

- [Russell] You better lay off the donuts.

- Hi, Russ, long time no see.

- [Madigan] What's your dad doing here?

- Memories, perhaps.

He was once a cop.

- Oh, come on, Murph.

The only memory he has
of this place is pain,

and it's gonna stay that way

'til the day you decide
to tell him who you are.

- No.

That would cause him greater pain.

(dramatic music)

- I appreciate your offering to help.


- What is it you're looking for?

- I saw something or someone tonight.

At least, I think I saw someone.

I thought you might be
able to enhance the video.

You can scan right past this.

- You are worried.

- If it's who I think it
is, I'm more than worried.

Here, right here!

Can you zoom in on that?

Can you clear it up?

- Yes.

- Holy...

It is her.

Man, the years have
sure been kinder to her

than they have been to me.

- Scanning detects numerous facial scars,

indicating extensive cosmetic surgery

around the eyes, nose,
chin, neck, ears, and lips.

- It figures.

She always was vain, not
to mention dangerous.

She k*lled 6 people, Dorothy,

and she's gonna walk, just like that!

She's gonna walk!

- Tessa Stark.


- You know her?

- The n*zi Corps expl*si*n.

It is in police files.

- You know I was the
investigator on the case.

- Yes.

There was insufficient
evidence to convict.

- Tessa was guilty, all right,

I just couldn't prove it.

And now she's back, and she's
up to something, I know that.

Whatever it is, it cannot be good.

(Waldo groans)

- Where were you, Waldo?

- Just chatting with the Chairman.

- You don't chat.

Not on my time, especially not with him!

- I was making sure about
tomorrow night, to help you.

- When I want your help,
Waldo, I'll demand it.

After all these years,

my master plan is finally ready to launch.

I won't have it jeopardized
by your bumbling interference.

Now that we've cleared the air,

let's get ready for the
final phase tomorrow night.

Shall we?


(tense music)

Did you bring Tessa that
classified phone number

she asked for?

- Right here.

Plus all of Martling &
Stern's training data.

- The last of the four phone numbers,

and the beginning of the end

for all of my enemies.

Well, let's see what kind
of insider information

Martling & Stern have for me.

(tense music)


It always feels like the very first time.

Come on, baby.

What's your secret?

Let Tessa have it.

Oh, yes.


There it is!

A merger between SUX and RYP

to be announced tomorrow.

Buy me a million shares
through Tokyo, baby!

Get in on the ground floor, do it!



What a ride.

Go back to your room, Justin.

Everything has come together, Waldo.

10 hard years of planning
and manipulating,

preparing my little apocalypse.

- Are you sure that
this is the right time?

I mean, I was thinking-

- You don't think, Waldo.

I think.

You didn't even own a necktie

when I picked you up in that bar in Rio,

and don't you ever forget it,

Mr. Big Business Buddy.

(dramatic music)

(Waldo groans)

When you're able to stand up,

you can stop thinking,

and get back to the
important business at hand.

Get me Jimmy Murphy.

(dramatic music)

(siren blares)

- [Parks] The simps at
OCP are flipping out

over these Corporate Raiders.

- Why?

'Cause they're making fun of the Chairman

with those funny little masks?

- Madigan, they want some answers.

- So do I, Sarge.

Okay, four stock brokers in six weeks.

All we know that they're
fast, well equipped,

and very professional.

And they've got some sort
of computer as*ault program

that blows right by any
password protection,

they download everything,

pop it into the electronic trading net,

make a k*lling before morning.

- Well, can't we just trace the software?

- Nope, custom job.

- How about the OCP Comnet?

If they made a stock trade,

there's gotta be a
communications trail, right?

- Oh, yeah.

Take a look.

(computer beeps)

The pros at Comnet made
it to Nairobi twice

before their tracing system crashed.

- Well, tell them to try it again.

It may not be much,

but it's the closest thing to a trail

these punks have left.

- Okey doke.

(lighthearted music)

- Good morning, Mr. Murphy.

Jimmy ready to go?

- I don't know, I'll check.

- Here we are!

- I feel like an even bigger dork.

- Hey, Jimbo!

You all psyched up for our tour

of the phone company?

It counts towards your

business phone skills badge, you know.

- Great!

(Waldo laughs)

- Gotta motor!

Time is money, and we don't
have a nickel to spend.

(Waldo chuckles)

- [Jimmy] See you later!

- You ride on the bus.

- Okay.

- You know, Russell, I'm
glad Jimmy got that award,

but I've gotta be honest,

if I was still teaching,

I wouldn't give his paper
any better than a C.

- Then why would they
give him the Milken Award?

- Standards just aren't what
they used to be, I suppose.

(mysterious music)

- All right, my little CEOs.

Let's go, follow me, come on!

Smartly now, smartly.

Come on, gentlemen.

You'll be running the country soon.

(mysterious music)

Well, these are all the
Big Business Buddies.

- Why, here you are!

We've been expecting you.

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Now, please stay in a group,

and get ready for a very exciting time

at your phone company.

Now, if you'll just follow me,

we'll start with our fully automated

long distance department.

(eerie music)

- [Madigan] Charming.

Who is she?

- Her name is Tessa Stark.

She m*rder*d 6 people, 20 years ago.

- The guard at the factory saw

Tessa's hand throw the switch.

It had a birthmark on it right here.

And before I could arrest her,

she destroyed the evidence.

- Russell had evidence of her guilt,

but she destroyed it by putting her hand

through a paper shredder.

- Ouch.

Extreme lady, huh?

I wonder what she's up to now.

- Whatever it is, it cannot be good.

- And now the final stop on our tour.

At one time, there were a dozen

switching stations around the city.

But since OCP put MetroNet online,

why, everything's been centralized.

The equivalent of over 12 million calls

go through this one station every second

of every day, 365 days a year.

- Wow!

That is amazing, isn't it, kids?

Oh, well, time to shove off.

Let's give this nice
lady a big BBB thank you.

- [All] Thank you!

- Why, you're welcome.

Come back any time, you hear?

(Waldo chuckles)

- Thank you.

All right, gentlemen.

Follow the nice phone man out.

Move smartly, now.

- Bye.

(ominous music)

- Oh, hi.

Oh, no, it's okay.

They just left, yeah.

Uh huh.

No, that's okay.

(woman gasps)

- [Justin] We're in position, Miss Stark.

- You're on the clock, boys.

- Jimmy, why don't you
ride in the limo with me?

- That's okay.

I like riding on the
bus with the other kids.

- Is that any way for an
honorable Milken to talk?

You're not like other kids, Jimmy,

you should get used to that.

I mean, do you think that the Chairman

would ride on a bus?

- I guess not.

(ominous music)

(dramatic music)

(people yelling)

(g*ns firing)

- What's going down?

- You a cop?

- Retired, but I'm all you've got.

Have you called the police?

- They're on their way.

(g*n fires)

(dramatic music)

- What are we dealing with here?

- Three suspects with masks.

Two hostages, a couple of employees.

- Is there another way in there?

- Back service door, end
of the hallway and right.

- All right.

Cover me and then get him out of here.

(g*ns firing)

(tense music)

Hold it right there.

I may look old, but I'm not
gonna miss at this range.

- [Man] And certainly I'm
not gonna miss at this range.

Well, Mr. Murphy.

You are, without a doubt,

a very valuable commodity.

(Justin chuckles)

- Let's talk about this.

- [Man] Talk is cheap.

Action is money.

- [Man] No, Tes...

The boss wants him alive!

- [Man] When opportunity knocks,

don't knock the opportunity.

(dramatic music)

(man yells)

- You two get out!

(g*n fires)

- [Man] RoboCop's here!

- [Justin] Hold him off!

(g*ns firing)

Miss Stark.

RoboCop's got us trapped.

We'll have to restructure
our withdrawal policy.

- I am very disappointed in you, Justin.

I hate getting my hand dirty.

(g*ns firing)

(tense music)

(rocket explodes)

(dramatic music)

- Oh...

(expl*si*n booms)

(suspenseful music)

- [RoboCop] Get out.

- What about you?

- Don't worry about me.


- [Tessa] Move it.

Get in the car, boys.

Come on, let's go.



(sirens blaring)

(officers yelling)

- Clear the area!

(dramatic music)
(expl*si*n booms)

- [Officer] There's
another door over here.

Watch it.

(tense music)

- Murphy, you all right?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
- No damage.

- Was it the Corporate Raiders again?

- I can tell you who was behind it,

one of those punks let a name slip.

- It was Tess.

For my money, he meant Tessa Stark.

(Justin groans)

- You've been a very bad boy, Justin.

You nearly ruined 10 years of planning!

And who told you to k*ll Russell Murphy?

- I wanted to surprise you.

- A surprise?

How sweet.

I don't like surprises!

Now, you morons listen to me.

I created Big Business Buddies.

This whole operation is mine!

Your butts are mine, the Chairman is mine,

and Russell Murphy is mine.

You don't go to the
bathroom unless I tell you.

Is that clear?


- RoboCop?

We have to talk.

I was out here just before the trouble,

I was tailing my grandson.

Okay, I'm an old cop,

I was worried about the boy.

The point is, the attack came right after

the Big Business Buddies were in there.

- You think there's a connection?

- If Tessa Stark is mixed up with the BBB,

you can count on it.

- BBB records show no
connection to Tessa Stark.

- Come on, this is a woman
that blew up 6 people

in order to cover her tracks.

You think she'd leave a paper trail?

- We need more evidence.

- Look, you can't always go by the book.

If my son were still alive, he...

He would've told me the exact same thing.

I hope robots can accept apologies.

- Actually, I am an adaptive cyborg.

- What does that mean?

- It means apology accepted.

(lighthearted music)

- Cyborg?


(dramatic music)



Anybody home?

(dramatic music)

I am losing it.

(dramatic music)

(siren blares)

- Sarge.

Take a look at this.

- [Parks] Phone numbers, right?

- I don't know, it's weird.

They're part of the data
the Corporate Raiders stole

from the brokers they hit.

Each one is protected by a password,

and they all came from different brokers,

but according to records,
none of them exist.

- You mean they're unlisted.

- I mean there's no
record of them anywhere.

Phone book, our files, the FBI files,

even OCP Comnet came up empty.

- Looks like you're taking a trip

back to the phone company, Madigan.

- I'm gone.

- Mr. Chairman!

You got the uniform we
sent you, very sharp.

- I haven't worn a uniform since my days

at the Ivan Boesky
Elementary Business School.

- You look awesome.

Come in, come in.

The ceremony's just about to begin.

- Good.

Thank you.

There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

- Oh, it's just a small, private ceremony.

This way, sir.

- Just how private is the ceremony?

(Jimmy grunts)

Jimmy Murphy!

What are you doing to that boy?

- He's here for a reunion.

A very private reunion, Mr. Chairman.

Or should I call you lover?

- Tessa.

Tessa Stark.

- You remember.

Oh, how sweet.

So do I.

It was our third day, and you were drunk,

and very, very cute.

I stayed the night,

and the next morning you betrayed me

to Detective Murphy and the police!

It cost me my hand to stay out of prison.

- You k*lled innocent people.

- Oh, how noble you are.

The fact that I was ahead of you in line

for chairperson of OCP had nothing to do

with your decision.

- Of course not.

- Don't lie to me.

You threw me to the sharks, darling,

and now I'm gonna make you pay.

- I'm back!

- Hi!

Where's Jimmy?

- I thought he'd be home with you.

- Well, I thought he was here with you.

He should've been back from that

phone company tour hours ago.

- You don't think
there's been an accident?

- Wait a minute.

Jimmy didn't leave the phone company

with the rest of the kids on the bus.

He went with Waldo in the limo.

(tense music)

- [Dorothy] What are you doing?

- Dorothy, I don't have time to explain.

Jimmy could be in danger.

- Then we should call the police.

- The phones are all down.

You go over to Metro South.

Tell them I've gone to BBB headquarters.

Don't worry, Dorothy.

I'll get Jimmy back.

Nobody is taking any more
of my family away from me.

(dramatic music)

(wires sparking)

- My bosses are very concerned.

- So, where do the four numbers go?

- To the main trading computer

at the New York Stock Exchange.

Like I said, they're only
used by the computers

to talk to one another.

If those four numbers
fall into the wrong hands,

any hacker with a keyboard

could play havoc with the stock market.

- Which substation will the four numbers

be routed through?

- Well, we've only got
one terminal online,

that did take quite a while to find out.

Well, I mean it's not that I
haven't got enough to do here.

I guess we better get started, huh?

Come on.

- How can you do this?

After all OCP has done for the BBB.

(Tessa laughs)

- Why do you think I created
Big Business Buddies?

I made it the kind of charity

that you would gladly shovel money into.

And thanks to your generosity,

I've been able to build up my w*r chest,

develop my personal army of Milken boys,

and prepare my revenge.

That's the best part, old man.

OCP is footing the bill
for its own downfall.

(tense music)


Our final guest.

- Mrs. Murphy says he's gone

to BBB headquarters to look for them.

And Robo, he took his g*n.

- I'm on my way.

(dramatic music)
(siren blares)

- [Tessa] Come in, Murphy.

Join the club.

Please, don't try anything foolish.

We have your grandson.

(tense music)

- Grandpa!

- Hello, Tessa.

I knew you'd show up sooner or later.

- That's right, Detective
Murphy, I'm back.

(Russell groans)

- Grandpa!

- And I'm better than ever.

- It's all right, Jimmy, I'm okay.

- For now.

All right, men, let's go.

We have less than an hour
to reach ground zero.

You know what to do, Waldo.

(dramatic music)

- Well, look on the bright side, Jimmy.


You're gonna become a
real, true Milken man,

after I give you a shot of this flatscan.

(dramatic music)

It's that walking trash bucket.

Hold him off!

(dramatic music)

(g*n fires)

It'll be better if you don't fight.

You'll just feel a little sting.


Oh, come on in, trash bucket.

(Waldo groans)

- Well done.

- They took my grandpa and the Chairman.

- Where?

- I don't know.

The woman said she was gonna destroy OCP.

Please, my grandpa needs help!

- I will find him.

- Hello.

Who are you?

Who am I?

Oh, hey!

You wanna play?

(tense music)

- The substation goes online
in 5 minutes, Miss Stark.

- Excellent.

Is the phone patch complete?

- Two minutes, Miss Stark.

- And in 10 minutes, Delta City's

four major brokerages will go back online

with the New York Stock Market computers

trying to make up for 12
hours of delayed trading.

Millions of trades, routed
through this substation.

And thanks to the phone
numbers we acquired...

And the miracles of
modern communication...

Tessa is gonna have one wild ride.

- My God, she's going to patch
into the trading computer.

You could destroy the economy.

- No.

I'll just have it by the throat.

And the first thing that I'm going to do

is choke the life out of OCP.

(Tessa gasps)

- Murphy, I'm at the phone company.

The guy here says all
computerized stock trading

will be routed through an old substation

at 5th and Woodward.

That's gotta be the Corporate
Raiders next target.

- I will meet you there.

- [Madigan] Great.

(sirens blare)

- Think of it.

A million sell orders boosted
through the system at once.

OCP's stock will drop like a steel kite.

And when it reaches zero-

- It won't work, Tessa.

As soon as the traders
realize what's going on,

they'll shut you down.

- Oh, perhaps.

But by then, you two will be found dead,

a m*rder-su1c1de.

Along with evidence proving that

you blew up n*zi Corps 20 years ago

and framed me for the crime.

- 30 seconds, Miss Stark.

- You're a sick, vicious woman, Tessa.

- It's too late for flattery.

(Justin groans)

(Tessa chuckles)

Come to mama.



Come on.

Oh, yes.

Dive, baby, dive.

Oh, 80 dollars a share and dropping.

Soon OCP's stock will be
worth less than toilet paper.

(Tessa chuckles)

I've won!

I've won!

(Tessa laughs)

(g*n fires)

Stop him!

(g*ns firing)

(man grunts)

- Not so fast, Justin!

(intense music)

Robo, look out!

(dramatic music)

- Let's make a Robo-crepe.

(dramatic music)

(g*n fires)


This is not fair.

- Well, Tessa, looks like this time

you're outta business for good.

- Okay, people, party's over!

Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

- Speak for yourself.

I have to halt trading of OCP's stock

before we're wiped out.

Where's the phone in this place?

I mean, for God's sake,

this is a phone company.

Can somebody get me a phone?

- RoboCop.



I thought you might need this.

(wondrous music)

You know, the worst thing...

The worst thing in the whole world

is to outlive your son.

It's not supposed to be like this.

What happened?

What did they do to you?

Who can I get mad at?

- We cannot change what has happened.

- There must be something I can do.

- Please do not tell our family.

- Yeah, okay.

(lighthearted music)

- I am still a cop.

- Yes.

Yes, you are.

(lighthearted music)

(catchy rock music)

♪ In the heart of the darkness ♪

♪ A light still burns ♪

♪ Takes you back there to
a memory you've heard ♪

♪ In the heart of the
darkness she's still there ♪

♪ She's always holding
on to what you shared ♪

♪ Is anybody out there
gonna touch your hand ♪

♪ Hold you close, help you understand ♪

♪ There's a future to this life ♪

♪ And it burns in the night ♪

♪ There's a future to this life ♪

♪ But it's like a sign in the sky ♪

♪ There's a future to this life ♪