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01x04 - Grounded

Posted: 03/02/23 18:46
by bunniefuu
Hey, you gonna finish all that? Didn't think so.

Yo, Carmen Dillo.

The police have been looking for you, and not just because of your bad table manners.

Whoa! He didn't even ask to be excused.

I don't get it.

He's too big to hide, and way too ugly.

What's the matter, Static, shell

-shocked? What's that? An earthquake? Okay, not an earthquake.

It burns.

Sorry, blobby, no shell food for you.

This is one fun city.

What do you think it was, V? A Bang Baby? No way that thing was ever human.

I just hope I zapped it for keeps.

Speaking of zaps, could you give me a hand here? Yeah, perfecto.

Just think, when we finish these, not only will we ace science lab we will have our own crime

-stopping walkie


- You okay, Frieda?

- No.

Didn't you hear? The school board cut the journalism budget by 40 percent.

That's a lot of pencils.

But meanwhile, have they cut one dime out of the athletic department's budget?

- No?

- No, and you know the part that really ticks me off? Mr.

Chesterson, our faculty adviser? I wrote this great editorial about the cutbacks, but he won't publish it.

- Why?

- Something about libel and losing his job.

But that's not the point! Whatever happened to freedom of speech? We have to take action.

That's right.

Power to the people! Yeah.

We'll chain ourselves to our lockers.

- We'll go on strike.

- Yeah.

- Strike, strike, strike!

- Strike, strike, strike! Virgil, you're a genius.

I am? We can test them outside.

I'll get my jacket.

Good luck.

Excuse me, Mr.


Could I? No, you cannot.

One of your grubby little classmates spilled juice here on this floor.

Ergo, I have declared this entire area off


Now stand back.

I have some serious sanitizing to do here.

Yo, dude, that stuff reeks.

Kind of like my sister's cooking.

Static to Richie.

You read me, bro? Yeah, loud and clear.

- Told you.

- What do we call these?

- How about "shock box"?

- Shock box.


I like it.

Yeah, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Richie, it's Goopzilla again.

And he's got the munchies.

Better lay off the beef.

Gonna mess up your cholesterol.

Hey, man, that was an accident.

But this won't be.

Yeah, that's right.

You better run.

Oh, no, you don't.

Here's the scoop, Mr.


You are mine.

This better be good.

I just set the land

-speed record for eating chili fries.

- What up?

- Peep this, Rich.

We can stay after science lab tomorrow and analyze it.

Yeah, sure.

We'll put it under the microscope, but why not now? School's closed, Rich.

Yeah, your point? Something called "breaking and entering.

" V, to make a superhero omelet, you gotta crack a few eggs.

Okay, let's do it.

Come on.

- That was easy.

- Yo, hold up.

The lock is taped open.

Like, who would want to be here after hours? Oh, never mind.

- You smell something?

- Sorry.

I told you I ate fast.

No, no, it smells like


- Mr.

Janus! What in the blue blazes? Don't you know the school's closed? Well, we were just leaving.

Yeah, we stayed too late, because.

- Geometry class was so interesting.

- We hoped there was another one.

- Yeah, bye.

- And no running, you hear? I got wet floors all over the place.

- What are you doing here?

- I.

Asked you first.

- It was her idea.

- She taped the door.

- We are totally innocent.

- You guys.

V, the ing

-thay in the ackpack

-bay? Right.

We were never here.

Us too.

Come on.

- What was she doing?

- Planning to overthrow the school board.

You know how practical Frieda can be.

- You ready?

- Show me the patient.

Easy, easy.

Get it off me! Get it off me!

- Virg



- Hold still, Richie! I got it! I got it! It's got me! It's got me! Don't move.

- Well, now, that's disgusting.

- But useful.

See? Unauthorized edition.

This way, we get to say what we want, and Mr.

Chesterson gets to keep his job.

It's perfect.

Now everybody sign.


Janus is coming.

Don't tell me he locked the door! Okay, I won't tell you.

- We're locked in!

- I think we've established that.

Okay, all of the microorganisms we're looking at can be found in any normal dirt.

Except those guys float around doing nothing.

These guys move like Soul Train dancers.

It's like they can think.

But how?

- They've been Big Banged, that's how.

- You're kidding.

The nuclei, they're the same color as the Big Bang gas.

It must have seeped into the ground, turning the bacteria into meta



How do we stop it? There! We gotta get it.

Happy crawling.

Keep in touch.

Here, goopy, goopy, goopy.


Bigtime superhero chases runaway sausage.

Something's moving.

Get off me! Get off! Virgil? Virgil? We got a little problem out here.


No kidding, man.

- It's a major 91 1!

- I'm on it.

- Use this paper clip.

It's bigger.

- Hold on.

Almost there.


We're doomed, totally doomed!

- Help!

- Help! Mr.

Janus! Anybody, help! Anybody, open the door!

- Please!

- Stop it.

- We could get in a lot of trouble.

- Four


-one: We're already dead! Well, that's one way out.

Virgil, what were you doing up there? Up there? You mean the ceiling? This frog from biology class hopped into the air duct, I went after it and that's when I dropped in.

Well, gotta go.

It's locked.

We can't go anywhere.

Oh, boy, not good.

Not good.

- Richie, it's me.

- Virgil, where are you? Your giant dirtbag is heading for the school.

- I'm locked in a classroom.

- So? Frieda and her journalism pals are here.

If I power up, I'm busted.

Hold steady.

I got an idea, V.

Sit tight.

Make it fast, bro.

- Watch the nose!

- You're tilting! No! No! That's gonna leave a mark.

That tears it, you little urchin.

You're in trouble now.

- What in the name of heaven?

- You don't wanna know.

I just cleaned up there, you grimy glob! Success.

Hold it right there.

Now I got you! Whoa, Mabel.

It won't turn! It's jammed! Because of her paper clip.

Richie, try one more time, and turn it hard.

I'll push.

- Excellent!

- Thanks.

Way to go, Rich.

All right! We're out of here! Wait! What about the editorial? Everybody chill.

Don't let it know you're afraid.

Come on.

I gotta get my gear.

- Did you squish?

- Not yet.

Yo! Here! Snack on that.

School's out, folks.

When they say germs are harder to k*ll, they are not kidding.

Help! Now there's two of them.

That's weird.

Come on, Omar.

Checkout time.

En garde!

- It's running away.

- No.

Just looking for more food.

And the whole city's on its menu.

- What are you gonna do?

- Spoil its appetite.

Yo, goopy! You still got the munchies? Well, here I am.

Come and get your grub on.


-fresh scent too.

- Over here.

- Were you afraid? Look this way.


-just a minute of your time.


Suddenly, they're the heroes.

Why were you inside the school after it closed? We were staging a protest.

Our journalism budget has been severely cut and there must be a better way to allocate funds.

In fact, Frieda has written an editorial on the subject.

- One at a time.

- Here you are.

You could make a statement that we would quote.

Can you give us a general impression of? V, don't you want to be interviewed? Got nothing to say.

Besides, I feel like I just caught a germ.