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01x11 - The Swallow Gazes into the Abyss

Posted: 03/03/23 02:34
by bunniefuu

Poseidon's trident has pierced
Kojiro's side with ease!

It seems even the greatest loser
in history, Kojiro Sasaki,

is nothing more than a little sardine
in the face of the tyrant of the ocean!

Well, son of a bitch.

Looks like it won't be so easy
this time either.

Now this is a real god.

Way to go! That's the god of gods for you!

God of gods!

- Lord Poseidon!
- Lord Poseidon!

No matter how much the dumb humans train,
they'll never be a match for him!

God of gods!

- GOG!
- GOG!

Excitement is building among the gods!

The calls of "GOG" are swelling!

- GOG!
- GOG!

- GOG!
- GOG!

- GOG!
- GOG!

- GOG!
- GOG!

- GOG!
- GOG!

- GOG!
- GOG!

Shit! Cut the racket.

- Don't look him in the eye.
- He'll annihilate you.

Poseidon is giving off
one heck of a nasty vibe.


Why so frightening?

Why not accept the cheers of your friends?

"Friends," you say?

Gods don't gather armies.

Gods don't plot schemes.

Gods don't rely on one another.

That is what gods are.

We are perfect beings from the very start.

We don't need friends.


Is that what gods are?

Sounds like a pathetic existence.


Chione Tyro Demeter!


His thunderous strikes
are pouring down like rain!

Poseidon plans on ending this swiftly!

What a ferocious storm of strikes!

They're phenomenally fast!

Were it merely a matter of speed,
he could predict and avoid them.

But all that human had seen thus far

was but only the shallows
of Poseidon's abilities.

The depths of the god of the sea
remain a mystery even to other gods,

let alone humans.

Don't you lose, Kojiro!

Hang in there for Hrist too!

The more he fights, the more he evolves.

I've seen this.

This too.

I learned this just a moment ago too.

It is...

the Senju Musou!


How could that human possibly
be predicting his moves again?

I wonder how much he can predict.

How deep down can he go?

I'm quite interested to know.

Kojiro Sasaki's sword has...

surpassed the limits of humanity...

and approached the level of godhood.

Next, he'll go there.

However, unfortunately,

his opponent was Poseidon.

He read me and went for my blind spot.

No matter how close I come,

just when I think I've reached him,
he jumps away.

So far... No.

So deep.


I will persevere!

I see it!


I'll reach him!

- Whoa!
- He reversed his grip!

That is...

Ganryu Hiou...


Don't push your luck.

You maggot.


This is unreal!

Kojiro Sasaki's famous drying pole
has been broken right in two!

- He's done for now.
- True.

"This fight is over!"

That's what everyone thought.

"Without his Divine Treasure,
Kojiro Sasaki has no way of winning."



Or at least...

I wish I could say that now.

But this time, that won't do.

Not like back then.

Isn't that right, Musashi?

Funashima, Nagato Province.
Later known as Ganryujima.

April 13, 1612, 10 a.m.

The famous duel at Ganryujima.

According to the only record of the event
remaining today, the Nitenki,

Musashi Miyamoto arrived later
than the appointed time.

Annoyed at his late arrival,

Kojiro Sasaki cast his sheath
into the sea, and upon seeing this,

Miyamoto said...

If you have no use for your sheath,
you have already lost, Kojiro.

So it is written.

However, the Nitenki was written
over 150 years after the duel was fought,

so it is nothing more than hearsay.

The truth is...

As I expected of Musashi Miyamoto,

he is unbelievably powerful.

As I am now, I cannot defeat him.
If this continues, I will die.

Now's the time to quit.

I surrender.

Or at least I'd like to say that.

But I can't stop
when I'm having this much fun!

If I quit now,
I'd regret it for the rest of my life.


Regret it if you quit?

Those are the words of a swordsman
who's ready for death.


Let's fight it out to the death!


The duel that followed
would only last a few minutes.

It was a time of true contentment
for both of them.


One man loved the sword
and was taught by all of creation.

The other lived a proudly independent life

in pursuit of becoming
the Number One Under the Sun.

This is so much fun!

I never knew
there was such a swordsman as this!

So... this is as far as I go...

I wanted to...

fight against you longer...

To the two men, that was the most intense

and most blissful time
they had spent in their lives.


Hey there, Mr. God of the Sea.

I'd like to ask you a question.

Have you ever
practiced your swing all night

until the break of dawn?

Have you ever wept tears of gratitude

to a foe who made you stronger?

Have you ever

felt a fervent love
for a foe you dueled to the death?

Oh, never mind.

Sorry I asked.

I know there's no way you ever have.

This fella here...

This sword...

It is the combined passion
of all these fools!

Since you've never borne feelings
for anyone,

there's no damn way
I'm letting you defeat me!

What's that?

The broken drying pole is giving off
a glow in the hands of Kojiro!

That's so bright!

Could that be...


Sasaki... are you...


- Re-Völundr!
- Re-Völundr!








The sword that was broken in two
has become two swords!

Let's do this.


Thank goodness.

I thought you truly were finished.

Thank goodness!

But how did the broken Divine Treasure
become two swords?

That is precisely the true nature
of the second Valkyrie, Hrist.

Her power lies in her name,
"the one who trembles with fear

and with rage."

Hrist is the only Valkyrie
with two powers dwelling within her.

You're incredible, Brünnhilde!

You anticipated this would happen
and assigned Hrist to Kojiro...

- What luck!
- What?

"What luck"? This wasn't her plan?
It's pure coincidence?

f*ck yeah!

"f*ck yeah"?

- We've got it made!
- "We've got it made"?

Go get him, Kojiro Sasaki!

It isn't over yet.

Let's fight it out
to our heart's content, god of the sea.



Just now,
Sasaki seemed to look just like Father.

Those moves are just like Father's.

How is it that Sasaki...

It's only natural.

Even after Sasaki died,
he still dueled me like crazy.

He ardently dueled me thousands...
no, tens of thousands of times

until his muscles memorized my moves.

But even if Kojiro
can mimic you perfectly, Father,

will he have the power to defeat a god?

That is no ordinary dual sword style.

Watch carefully, Iori.

The small sword technique of Toda-ryu!

The flowing footwork
of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu!

The destructive power of Itto-ryu!

The infinite variety of strokes
of the master swordsman,

Nobutsuna Ise-no-kami Kamiizumi!


Oh, goodness me!

- Unbelievable!
- You must be kidding!

My, my!


my Niten Ichi-ryu!

He isn't mimicking or imitating us.
We dwell within his spirit!

He is the compilation of us swordsmen.

After the ultimate in training,
he has reached the pinnacle at last!

He is truly the Number One Under the Sun!

That is Kojiro Sasaki's Niten Ganryu!

Is it even possible for this to happen?

The Zeus of the sea,
the fearsome Zeus Enalios, Poseidon is...

covered in wounds!

- You're kidding!
- Poseidon is?

By a human?

Though crushed over and over again,
mankind's hope sprung back!


- We're counting on you!
- Our lives are in your hands!

You can do it!

Will he be the one to become...

a god slayer?