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01x09 - Vigil

Posted: 07/31/13 00:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters...

We can't give you money.

Do you want to go with me?

I can't.

I have a thing.

You came.

But on one condition.

This is a date. Ok?


I don't need a piece of paper and a ceremony to prove our love and commitment.

But you would like it.



[Playing piano]

Stop. Stop.

He says I need to face my pain.

[Both laugh]

I don't even think I've ever had the kind of pain he's talking about.


What are you doing?

Going to get our son.

[Knocking] Anybody home? Police!





Mike... Mike!

Don't talk!

Two-Adam-20, 11-99! Officer down!

- Six-six-three Coronado Street!

[Over radio] Twenty, repeat.

Six-six-three Coronado Street!


I didn't think you were coming.

I... I couldn't get away. Evan wouldn't let me go.

I... I had to climb out of the bathroom window.

You'll be safe here. They have a bed for you.

[Sobbing] Ok, thank you.

Look, I gotta go.

No! Look, I hate to ask, but... I had to leave with nothing. Not even a toothbrush.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Ok, then.


I was arranging for you to meet with your birth mom.

Why would you go behind our backs?

[Phone rings]

- Where are you?

[Jesus] I'm with Lexi, at the movies.

I know you're not with Lexi. Are you at Ana's house?

Uh, no. I'm downtown.

At State and 3rd.

Stay right there. I'm on my way.

He's not at Ana's?

No. Let's go.

Stef, Jesus called. He's not at Ana's.

I'm going to pick him up right now. Call me, please.

[Phone rings]

Hey, Mike, are you with Stef?

[Mike] Uh, listen, Lena...

What's wrong?

* It's not where you come from *
* it's where you belong *
* nothing I would trade *
* I wouldn't have it any other way *
* you're surrounded by love and you're wanted *
* so never feel alone *
* you are home with me *
* right where you belong *

Is anybody home?


Where is everyone?

I don't know. House was empty when I got home.

So how was your silent movie?


Actually, Wyatt met me there.


How was your concert?

Good. I, uh, actually went with Talya.

Oh. Is that... are you guys?

[Laughs] I don't know.


Brandon? I'm Officer Juarez. You remember me?

Yes, sir. You work with my dad.

He's been trying to reach you.


I turned my cell phone off during the concert. Um...

What's going on? Is he all right?

[Man] Officer Stephanie Foster, g*nsh*t wound to the chest, possible pneumothorax.

What'd you give her in the field?

A liter of fluids.

Stef? I'm Dr. Johnson. We're gonna take care of you.

Aspiration tray.

[Nurse] Pulse ox is 80 and falling.

BP 80 over 45. Pulse thready.

[Man] Type and cross her for 2 units, stat.

[Nurse] Pulse ox 75.

[Man] I need you to listen for breath sounds.

[Rapid beeping]

[Nurse] She's in v-tach.

Let's not lose her. Come on, Stef!

Where is she?

She's here. They're... they're working on her.

We sent officers to get Brandon. Is there anybody else we can notify?

Stef's father?

No. He's not in town. How did this happen?

We went in the house, there was a guy, he had a g*n.

Where were you?

Mr. Foster?

Yeah. How is she?

Your wife's condition is critical.

She's my ex-wife.

I'm her domestic partner.

Oh. Ok. We have our trauma team working on your partner.

Can I see her?

As soon as she's stable.

She's not stable?

Her lung collapsed, she lost a lot of blood.

Is she gonna make it?

We're doing everything that we can.

As soon as she's stable, we'll bring you back.

Was Ana there? Did she do this?

No. She was with me.

Don't be mad at him. This is my fault.

Let's give your mom some space, ok? Come on.

Let's go over here and sit down.

Why didn't you call or text me back?

I wasn't at Ana's house.

Well, I didn't know that. This never would have happened if you'd just told me where you were.

Don't pin this on me.

You brought Ana into our lives.

She's stable.

We need to get her up to imaging but you can see her briefly.

Can I come?


Only the significant other right now.

It's ok. Go.

You know you can't see Stef until Internal Affairs has gotten both your statements.

Come on, there can't be any question. It was a clean sh**t.

But there are other issues at play here.

Like what the hell you two were doing at that house in the first place.

Hey. I'm here.


The kids are ok.

Jesus was...

He's here with Mariana and Brandon.

We're all here.

[Lena] Sorry to keep you waiting.

Hi, I'm Lena Adams, the assistant vice principal.

Hi, I'm Stef Foster.


[Both chuckle]

So, your son... Brandon.

Brandon... Brandon. Right.

He will be starting kindergarten this fall?

Yes. He's five.

Great. Well, I would be glad to give you a tour, tell you about our school. Are we waiting for your husband to join?

Uh, no. He's not... he... he couldn't make it. [Chuckles]

I'm sorry...


Well, um... follow me.


So, she's... she's good.

She's... she's opened her eyes.

And she's going to be ok.

They asked if we would move up to the second-floor waiting room.

Excuse me. We need to get Mrs. Foster's insurance information.

It's "Ms."

Do I have to do that right now?

I'm sorry.

Why didn't mom have her vest on?

We didn't expect things to go down like this.

Isn't that the point? To be prepared for anything?

Mike. I.A. is here.

I'll be back.

Brandon, don't.

What the hell is wrong with you?

I thought you didn't want anything to do with your birth mother.

That she was a drug addict and a con artist.

I was just trying to help her.

And look how that turned out.

We took you in when no one else wanted you.

When that woman abandoned you.

And this is what you do?

Brandon, stop.

Because of you, my mom is in there fighting for her life!

She's our mom too.

And you, you started all this.

Back off. She feels bad enough.

She should feel bad.

Brandon, walk away.

He didn't mean all that. He's just scared.

We were there on a personal matter.

Yet you were in uniform.

I didn't have time to change.

But once you got there, you entered the house on police business?

Yeah, when we saw dr*gs in evidence. But mostly we were worried that Stef's son might be in imminent danger.

[Man] Even more reason to call for back-up.

Unless you had another agenda, like abusing your position as police officers to intimidate this birth mother who just wanted to see her kids.

They're not her kids.

They were adopted by Stef and her partner.

Your wife's a lesbian?

My ex-wife, and what the hell is wrong with you?

We're just trying to understand the dynamics involved.

You want to understand something? One of our own was gunned down!

Are you guys done here?

My officer's been through a lot tonight.

Just one more thing. You said she was conscious.

After she was shot?


She tried to talk, but I told her not to say anything.


Until Officer Stef Foster is able to speak to us, he's not to see or talk to her.

I will have two officers to stay with him at all times.

I'm not gonna do anything stupid.

It was a clean sh**t.

Then you got nothing to worry about.

Where is everybody?

They're coming up.

So I knew Mariana was in touch with her birth mother.

I just... I thought it was just a one-time thing.

To give her money.

So you knew Mariana was the one selling Jesus's pills at school?

I should have come to you guys.

I just... I wasn't thinking. I didn't think...

This is what happens when people don't think.

Where's Jude?

He's at his friend Connor's, spending the night.

Does he know?

I don't think so.

It's probably better if he doesn't.


Hey, did they find Ana at the women's shelter?

Uh, she wasn't there.

The people said she came in, but she left pretty quick.

Did you give any money?

Just what I had on me. Like, 16 bucks.

Ok, well, she won't get far on that.

We really screwed up.

It's ok.

Did you sh**t him? Ana's boyfriend?


Is he dead?




When someone gets k*lled, it's never good, no matter what they did.


Miss Adams?

Hi, I'm Dr. Aldicott, I'm the attending surgeon on your partner's case.

How is she?

Well, the good news is, beyond the lung, there wasn't damage to any other vital organs.

Thank God.

Ok. What's the bad news?

The b*llet's resting near the spine, which in itself isn't cause for concern.

However, if any fragments migrate into the spinal canal, there's a risk of neurological damage, so she'd need surgery to remove them.

Damage, like paralysis?

It's a possibility.

Can we see her?

He's our son.

Yeah, but briefly.

And she's in ICU, so immediate family only. Ok?

I can take you now.

You guys, mom has a tube in her throat.

It looks scary, but it's just there to help her breathe. Ok?


I'm... I'll wait here.


[Soft acoustic rock plays]

* Baby's an island *
* trapped by a lonely... *

Honey, we're all here.

Brandon, Mariana, Jesus.

You're doing really great. And we love you.

All right.


I want you to take everybody home so you can get some sleep.

I want to stay. What about dad?

Your father's got enough on his plate.

I need you to step up.

And, uh, bring me some clothes when you come back in the morning?

Mariana, Jesus, Brandon is in charge.

Brandon took the twins home.

I'm trying really hard... to forgive them.

I'm sorry I'm not doing a better job.

What're they in for?

Armed robbery.

[Laughs] Seriously.

Their foster parents dropped them off.

Said they couldn't take care of them anymore.

We're waiting for CPS to come get them.

Hey, guys, my name's Stef. What's yours?

I'm Jesus and this is my sister Mariana.

Jesus and Mariana. You brother and sister?

Or is this your wife? [Chuckles]

Well, I'm sure you guys probably don't like candy.

But I just... I don't know. Just in case...

What... what are you doing?

Mom's been asking us to go through this stuff so she can make room in the closet.

I remember this.

My "nite-nite!"

You dragged this thing everywhere with you.

You would scream your head off if I even touched it.

Moms gave us this at our adoption day.

"We didn't give you the gift of life, but in our hearts we know the love we feel is deep and real, as if it had been so.

For us to have each other, is like a dream come true, though we didn't give you the gift of life, life gave us the gift of you."

What if they don't want us anymore?

You scared me.

Sorry. I saw the light on.

I don't know what clothes to bring Lena.

Let me.

Do you remember what you told me, how your moms asked you if Jesus and Mariana could come and live with your family, you said yes, because you figured there was enough to go around.


You don't know what's it's like to not have enough.

To not be wanted.

So that means I don't have a right to be angry?


It means you don't know what it's like to wonder why.

Why the people that brought you into this world, the people who were supposed to love you more than anyone else, didn't.

So don't be a jackass.

[Garbled voice] I'm sorry I'm an ass.

[Garbled voice] I'm sorry you're an ass too.

Look, you're my brother... and you're my sister, and our moms are our moms.

[Knocking on door]

What are you doing?

It's the middle of the night.

Ask who it is.

Who is it?

It's Jude.

What are you doing?

I couldn't sleep so I came home.

You walked here in the dark?

It's not that far, and I didn't want to wake Connor or his parents.

What about when they wake up and find you gone?

I left a note.

They told me what happened to Stef.

I just wanted to be with everyone.

I'll call them. Don't ever do that again, ok?

We should all try to get some sleep.

Callie. Are you awake?

I am now.

This reminds me of our mom.

I know. Me too.

Is Stef going to die?


This family is not like ours.

They're lucky.

Go to sleep.

Hey. You sleep?

Not really.



What're you making?

Biscuits and gravy.

You've never had biscuits and gravy?


[Both chuckle]

It's comfort food. My mom used to make it.

So I know you said your mom died, but I don't think you ever said why you and Jude ended up in foster care.

You don't have to tell me.

I just realized I don't really know your story.

It's not a long one.

Um, my mom died in a car accident.

And my dad was driving.

He was drunk.

And he ran a red light and hit another car.

And... some people in that car died, too.

So he went to jail for manslaughter.

And there was no family to take us in.

So we went into the foster system.

You know the rest.

Is your dad still in prison?

I guess, yeah.

I used to write him letters, but he stopped answering them.


Do you think he'll come back for you and Jude?

If he gets out?

No, I doubt it.

I'm sorry.

Not your fault.

It doesn't have to be my fault for me to feel bad.

[Knocking on door]


I brought donuts.

Now, that's comfort food. Thanks, man.

[Phone rings]



Oh. Ok.

Yeah. See you in a bit.

They're taking my mom into surgery.

So I should get everyone up.

Did they say how long she'd be in surgery?

Uh, they weren't sure.

Have you eaten anything?

I had some toast.

What about you guys? Have you all eaten?

Wyatt brought donuts.

Um, do you want to get some air?


The only thing you might take heat for is not calling for back-up.

Worst case, a day or two suspension for both of you.

Ok. That's good news.

There's... another issue, Mike.

It's your drinking.

Come on.

I've never had a drink on the job.

Yeah, but your after-hours drinking is affecting your work performance.

I'm really hoping that this is a wake up call for you.

So you saying it's my fault Stef got shot, because I had a few drinks the night before?

I'm not saying that.

But you did put a band-aid on the problem before.

That was during the divorce. It was a bad time, Captain.

Your partner got shot, and you just k*lled a man.

Ok, ok.

Ok, I'll take care of it.


Right now I need a cup of coffee.

And I don't need two babysitters.


Are you ready to order?

I'm still waiting for someone.

Ok, no problem.



How are you? Sorry I'm late.

Look, this separation has been good.

I mean, bad... but good.

It's made me realize that I have not been present in our marriage for a while.

And I'm sorry. Our family is everything to me, Stef.

I'm going to spend more time with you and Brandon, I'm gonna communicate.

I'll even go to counseling. I just...

I love you.


Counseling can't fix what's wrong with us.

I thought that's what you wanted.

You're a good man and you're a really good dad, but I haven't been happy.

Yeah. Lately. Me neither.

But things were good before, Stef.

Because I tried to make them good.

But... but something was missing because I was not able to love you the way you loved me.

I don't understand. Why not?

Because I'm gay.

I'm a lesbian.

And I'm so sorry for you and for me for... for it taking so long to be able to say that, and to accept... before now.

Why now?

Because I met someone.

I hate hospitals.

You're using me.


It's ok. I'm not mad.

Not exactly. I don't think you can help it.

How you feel about Brandon.

Don't deny it or I will get mad.

Look, I get that it's forbidden for foster kids to hook up with other kids they live with, but it's not like they're keeping you. I mean, right?

You're just here until they can find you guys a permanent home.

I can't believe I'm saying this...

If you're into Brandon, then go for it.

Be happy.

I can't. You don't understand.

Maybe I don't. I don't know you that well, partly because you don't make it easy to.

But one thing I'm pretty sure of is that putting your heart out there scares you a lot more than getting caught breaking the rules.

If being here, in this situation, isn't proof enough that you've got to seize the day, then I don't what is.

[Soft acoustic rock plays]

* I'll see you on the other side *
* I'll see you on the other side *

Where's Wyatt?

He had to go.

She did great.

We removed all the b*llet fragments.

But not the b*llet?

Believe it or not, it can be more harmful to t take them out.

So, in about an hour, we're gonna move her back up to ICU where you can all see her.

We feel optimistic she's going to make a full recovery.

Thank you.

I'm not doing this.

I'm not getting involved with a married woman.

Women like you, you are just passing through.

But this is where I live, Stef.

I told Mike. And I told my dad and I told all of my... well, most of my friends. I told them I'm gay.

I even used the word "lesbian."

I told them I met a woman I can't live without.

And I belong with you, Lena.

[Soft rock plays]

That is, if you'll...

You had me at "lesbian."

* Being what I am *
* I will give to you *
* I'll give you my love *

[muffled speech]

No, no, no.


No. Don't talk. Don't talk.

Will you marry me?

I thought you'd never ask.

Neither did I.

Don't ever scare me like that again.

Um, how are my babies?

They're ok.

They were scared.

And Mariana?

[Soft piano music plays]

* Try to swing high fall down low *

Remember, before this, when I asked you why you went behind our backs to meet with Ana?


Well, I've been thinking about that and I realized...

I don't think you even know why.

I think... what you were craving was more than just some supervised visit with your birth mom.

You were wanting a relationship with the woman who gave birth to you, who you look like, who... who had it together now, and... and regretted not being able to keep you.

I know it must be hard to understand how your birth mom could have chosen dr*gs over you and your brother.

I don't understand it.

All I know is... we chose you.

And you chose us.

DNA doesn't make a family.

Love does.

* I can hear the cry echo in the night *
* we can't stop this *

We love you.

And that is never gonna change.

* Hold on *

Hey. What's up?

I heard about Stef. That's great news.


Yeah. So they picked up Ana downtown.

They're gonna bring her back here to ID her boyfriend's body.

She's saying she was there, at the house, at the time of the sh**ting.

She was with Jesus.

She says she climbed out a bathroom window.

The women's shelter was close by. So if she ran straight there, it's possible.

You're saying she met Jesus knowing her boyfriend just shot his mother?

Point is, if she was there, she was a witness.

If you have anything else you want to add to your statement, now would be the time.

We were sweeping the house.

I cleared the first bedroom, and then entered the second.

It was dark. Um... and I heard movement from across the room... and a g*n shot, and... and I was hit.

Officer Foster said you tried to speak, but he told you not to and called for back-up.

I... the first thing I remember was being in the ambulance.

Ok. That's enough for now.

Get some rest.


I want to talk to you.

What's there to talk about?

Brandon, do you have any idea what I've been through in the last 24 hours?

Do you have any idea what we've all been through?

You were drinking while mom was in surgery.

You know who does that? An alcoholic.

Don't walk away from me.

Get away from me!


I am done with you!

What is going on?


Come on. Everybody's tired.

If you ever go near my kids again, it'll be the last thing you do.

Let's go home.


How you feeling?

Never better.

Look at the bright side, you'll never walk through a metal detector again without setting it off.

Oh, great. Hand searches?

My favorite.

It wasn't your fault.

I shouldn't have let us go in there.

We should have waited. Called for back-up.

You know I wasn't gonna wait.

I thought Jesus was in there.

I'm sorry.

Me too.


Ow... ow, I can't laugh.

They, uh, they picked up Ana.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. She said she was there.

At the house? Where?

The bathroom.

So she saw the sh**ting?

Doesn't matter. It was a clean sh**t.

The guy had a g*n, he shot a police officer. He got what he deserved.

She's probably lying anyway.

[Soft piano music plays]

* Calling on St. Christopher *
* gonna need some help tonight *
* for the long, dark road ahead *
* on my way back to the light *
* 'cause the path is so unclear *
* and I'm not sure who to be *
* all I know is I can't stay here *
* won't you please watch over me *
* 'cause I'm on my way *
* yes, I'm on my way *
* yeah, I'm on my... *

[Gasps, groans]


Don't talk!

Two-Adam-20, 11-99! Officer down! Six-six-three Coronado Street.

- [Over radio] Twenty, repeat.

Six-six-three coronado street.

* I'm on my way *
* well, I'm on my way *
* now *
* calling on St. Christopher *
* gonna need some help tonight *