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01x10 - I Do

Posted: 03/29/14 20:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters...

That was Liam.

Foster brother you told me about?

He forced me to have sex with him.

It wasn't my choice, it wasn't my fault.


11-99, officer down! 663 Coronado Street!

I get that it's forbidden for foster kids to hook up

with the other kids they live with, but it's not like they're keeping you.

If you're into Brandon, then go for it.

[Lena] We chose you, and you chose us.

DNA doesn't make a family, love does.

[Ernie] But you don't think your daughter has a right to marry Lena?

I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Will you marry me?

I thought you'd never ask.


[Sighs] Come on, it's not like I'm running a sweatshop here.

I just don't understand why you want to use all this dirty old silverware.

I like the history, I like the story behind it.

Like, I wonder if someone died from the black plague after using this knife?

We washed it!

Don't knock the old stuff, kid.

You'll be old yourself before you know it.

You tell him, grandma.

Ok, here we go.

Stef, give me that!


You're not supposed to be lifting anything heavy...

It's not heavy. It's been weeks. Honey, I'm fine.

When I said we need to haul these old photos out, I meant me, not you.

You're going to have to let me do something...

[Sighs] I'm going nuts in this house.

[Chuckling] When are you going back to work?

I... we're not sure.

Just as soon as I'm cleared, I guess.

The only thing you have to do is walk down the aisle.

We're not even doing that, so come on!

You know what I mean.

You're not?

Your dads aren't giving you away?

No, no. Lena's dad got ordained on the Internet so he going to perform the ceremony, so he's out, and dad hasn't responded to the invitation.

[Laughs] I mean, come on.

Two women walking down the aisle? Really?

Who's waiting at the other end?

Why are we being given away?

To whom are we being given to?

[Chuckling] It's kind of silly, don't you think?

I don't know if it's silly, exactly, but...

Yeah, it's not us, that's true.


[Stef] Oh, Brandon...

No, no, no. No...

Mom, I can do it.

Let me do it. Let me do it.

I came early to help, let me help.

[Sighs] Oh, help me.

See? I'm not the only one who gets tense when her mother's around.

It's not just her.

I mean, she's going to drive me to an early grave.

Just not looking forward to the conversation we have to have with Callie this morning.

Morning, slug-a-bug


Hey Callie, can we talk to you for a sec?

Sure. What's up?

It's about Liam.


* It's not where you come from *
* it's where you belong *
* nothing I would trade *
* I wouldn't have it any other way *
* you're surrounded by love and you're wanted *
* so never feel alone *
* you're at home with me *
* right where you belong *

[School bell rings]

Hey. So, I guess Brandon and Talya are back on?

How'd that happen?

I don't know. It just did.

That's too bad.

It's for the best.

If you say so.

I actually came over to say goodbye.

What do you mean?

Well, since we lost the house, my mom's been freaking out.

So, she decided that we should go back and live with my grandparents for a while. In Indiana.

Are you serious?


Yeah, this is not one of my weird attempts at a joke that you never got.


So, my mom left with the u-haul last weekend, I'm driving out on Sunday with the car.

This sucks.

It kind of does.

I'm really... really going to miss you.

Me, too.

[Talya] I don't know what to get your moms.

And you want me to go shopping?

Yes. Tomorrow night.

[Chuckling] Ok.

[Laughing] Thank you.

Hey, I'm going to go talk to Callie real quick.

Ok. You should ask her if she wants to come with us.

Ok, I'll do that.

You ok?

[Sighs] What's going on?


I have to decide today if I want to go through with the pretrial.


Your mom said it's going to come down to my word against his.

Those kind of things don't usually go my way, you know.

I mean, Sarah's safe, right?

She's out of the house... you know, wasn't that the real goal?

What you did for Sarah is great.

But what about what he did to you?

Don't you think you deserve some justice?

I got to get to class.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make you self-conscious.

Well, I'm fine.

I'm not the one who's bothered by it.

I'm not bothered by it. It's just... it's a constant reminder, you know?

I do.

It's not just what happened it's...

You'll probably be going back to work soon and it makes me...

I know.

I can't stay home forever, love.

I can't believe you kept this wallpaper.

You picked it out.

In 1982.

And I was wearing Holly Hobbie dresses, and scrunch socks with high tops.

Did you hear about Kim and Darryl?

She's having an affair with her stepson.

Ain't that the craziest thing you ever heard?

Well, this is dead.

Speaking of crazy, did you know that Lena's father is performing the ceremony on Saturday?

Got ordained online or something...

Church of the three stooges.

Can you imagine if they had that in our day?

We wouldn't have had to go to Vegas.


It doesn't matter who does it, it's going to be a lovely afternoon.

The kids are so excited.

They're happy you're coming.

You are coming, aren't you?

I'm just assuming since it's your only daughter's wedding, that you will be there, right?

You know, I can't believe I'm using these words, but Sharon, you got something to say, then say it.


You need to let go of whatever's preventing you from RSVPing to your daughter's wedding.

God, politics, I don't care.

Unless you want to risk losing her forever, like we almost did last month might I remind you, then you need to get over yourself and put on a nice shirt and haul your saggy ass to that wedding on Saturday.


So, I was thinking... do you want to, you know... again?

Wait. What?

I was just wondering if, you know, you wanted to have sex again.

Whoa, whoa... Lexi.

I thought we agreed we weren't going to do this again right now.

We're not even supposed to be alone in my room like this.

I know, I just want to feel close to you again.

I'm confused. I feel like this is a test, or a trick question or something...

You know what, forget it.

Forget I said anything.

I'm going to go. I have homework I need to do.

Wait, Lexi, come on.

Come on yourself, Jesus.

So, here's the truth.

There's no way this case is ever getting in front of a jury.

The judge is going to throw it out, as sure as I'm sitting here.

There's no direct evidence.

It's been, what, almost two years since it happened?

And it's just you.

And with your record, everything in your file...

I mean, I told you when we first arrested him, that this was a long shot.

It's not fair. I'm sorry.

On the other hand, if the sex with Liam had been consensual... that would be a different story.

But it wasn't. It was not.

If it was consensual, well, based on your age difference, that would be statutory r*pe.

And Liam might just go to jail for up to a year.

So, you're saying that nobody will believe that he forced me to have sex, but they might believe that I did it 'cause I wanted to?

And that Liam would go to jail for that?

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.

Hey Mike, thanks.


No, no. You supervise, ok?

Ok. Between you, Lena and my mother, I'm going to go nuts.

[Chuckles] What's new?

So, you going to go back to work?



They're hanging me out to dry, Stef.

Ana's saying her boyfriend dropped the g*n, he had his hands up. You know, in surrender.

That's not true.


He didn't put his hands up, Mike. I saw it.

You told I.A. that...

That I was unconscious or in shock or something.

I didn't want to contradict you in case you said something in your statement...

Whoa, hold on, wait.

So, you thought I might be lying?

He dropped the g*n, Mike. Before you shot him.

You sure?

Mike, listen, you heard g*nshots, you were amped on adrenaline and I was lying on the ground.

Of course you thought that he still had the g*n.

But he didn't.

No, he dropped it.

But he did not have his hands up. You did exactly the right thing.

I'm going to talk to Roberts and change my statement today.

Absolutely not.


No, Stef.

No, Mike...

They're going to think you're lying to cover my ass.

Or worse, they're going to figure out you lied before.

You know what that means?

They'll fire you as soon as look at you.

No, you've got the family to think about.

Look, I might lose my job.

But you do that, you'll definitely lose yours.

Absolutely not.

Come on, you're not supposed to do that.

I'm not letting you do everything, Mike.

Mind if I?

So? How'd it go?

Not great.

Well, what happened?

Like they were ever going to believe me.

What, the A.D.A. said they didn't believe you?

No, he said a jury wouldn't.

Well, I'm sure it's going to work out. Somehow.

Sometimes, you know...


No, you do not get to say those things to me.

I'm not you. I don't live in this magical world where everything always works out, ok?

So, stop. Stop with the pep-talks and telling me everything's gonna be ok,

'cause you know what they want me to do next?

They want me to lie.

They said that the only way to get a jury to believe that I'm telling the truth is if I lie.

And how is that ok?

Look who I found! Reverend and Mrs. Adams.

Mom! Daddy!

Oh, the ministry looks good on you.

Thanks. Cost me 29.99.

[All laughing]

Oh, yes. Hello, beautiful.

Hey, mommy.

Oh, you look tired.

It's good to see you, too.

Who needs a glass of wine?

Me, please.

Me, too.

Your mother was, unsurprisingly, doing a little backseat driving on the way from the airport.

I was not. I was doing passenger seat driving.

[Sharon] I'm back!

[Stef] Hey, look who's here!


Good to see you.

What took you so long?

I thought you were just picking up a few things at the grocery store?

Well, I decided I'd stop by the mall to see if I could find myself something a little special for the wedding on Saturday, and I think I may have found something for you, too.

For what?

The ceremony.

I already know what I'm wearing for the ceremony, mom.

Don't just dismiss it before you've even seen it, Stefanie.

I also stopped by your father's.

That got sorted out. He will be at the wedding.

That's great. Thanks, mom.

Oh, boy. Wine, yum.

Oh, speaking of the wedding...

I'm running this show, right?


And I assume we're not doing the traditional,

"in sickness and in health" mumbo jumbo.



Have you ladies written your vows?


We're not doing vows... are we?

Well, without vows, it's really just a bunch of people standing around looking at you two for no good reason, isn't it?

No, I just... you have a very good point, Reverend.

Well, I think you two have too much on your plates, and you simply must let Sharon and me pitch in.

[Sharon] Yes, that would give us something to do.

And you guys could just sit back and relax.

[Laughs] Yeah, that's unlikely to happen.

But if you and Sharon would like to take care of the flowers and the decorations, that would be great.




Can't sleep?


I can't stop thinking about tomorrow.

I have no idea what you're going through, you know.

But I do know a lot about lying.

One lie turns into all these other lies.

And before you know it, things are just... you know?

Look, whatever you decide, you know we've got you, right?

I do.

But I really want you to put that bastard away.

So, at the time of the incident, how old were you?

Just turned 15.

You had just turned 15?


And how old was Mr. Olmstead at the time of the incident?


And how would you describe what happened that night?

Would you say it was consensual?

I know what you want me to say.

You want me to say, "yes, it was consensual. Yes, I agreed to it."

Because then you can get Liam on a technicality, and he'll get a little bit of punishment for the wrong crime.

And you'll feel good about that because, really, that's more than I should expect.

I want him to go to jail, believe me. I do.

But, in order to make that happen, I would have to give away the only thing I have left.

The truth.

You know what you did to me.

I know what you did to me.

So, I'm not going to lie about it.

No, it was not consensual.


He r*ped me.

I still feel like we should've cancelled.

Having this giant party when Callie just went through all of that.

Hey, listen. I checked in with her.

She's grateful for the distraction, all right?

She's such a good kid.

She deserves a lot better than what she got today.

I was so proud of her, and so sure the judge was going to see it her way...

It's not how it works.

Yeah, well, that sucks.

Yeah, it does. But she did the right thing.

Hopefully, someday, somehow, something good will come out of it.

It was everything I could do to not just stand up and shout, "this girl is not her file."

I can't imagine how awful that must feel to be reduced to a few sentences about every mistake you ever made.

That girl just needs a break.

What's wrong?


Please. Girl, is it my brother?


Well, not exactly.

My abuelita in Honduras is sick.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's not that.

I mean, I never even met her.

But my parents are talking about going back to see her.

How can you do that since you're, you know...

My dad says he has a way to get us there and back.


Don't tell Jesus, ok?

Why not?

I just... I don't want to worry him.

I mean, it's probably not even going to happen.



I mean, that's awfully pretty, but it's just, I don't know... it's a wedding, it's a party, it's a celebration.

It just seems to me like, you know, something like that would be a lot more fun.

Well, I do like that, but I can't help feeling that what would make the day really special is something a little more sophisticated.


I didn't mean...

No, of course you didn't.

I didn't realize that "sophisticated" actually meant "stick up your ass".

Hey, how's it going?

Just great...

Perfect, terrific.

I think I'll take a little break. [Sighs]

I think you should have your wife-to-be talk a little sense into her mother.

Dana, perhaps it would be best...


Sharon, who's a lovely woman, has, and I mean this in the best possible way, somewhat questionable taste.

And so we therefore now find ourselves at an impasse regarding the flowers.

Mom, it's flowers. How bad can it be?


She wants daisies. Multi-colored daisies.

So no, honey, it's not that bad, if you don't mind having a clown wedding.

Ok, mom, let's just take a breath.

There's no need to be so judgmental.

I'm not being judgmental.

I am trying to give you a beautiful day.

And I appreciate that.

I don't think that you do.

Dana, she didn't...

Well, her gratitude is overwhelming.

Calla lilies? Calla lilies?

What does she think, we're having a funeral?

"They're sophisticated," she said.

I don't know what to tell you, mom.

Tell me you'll wear this dress.

Oh, we have been through this, mom.

You're wearing pants.


Really, stefanie, pants?


At your wedding? Really?

Mom, it has been decided.

Let it go!


Thank you.

You're so stubborn.

[Stef groans]

You are just like your father.

Ok, why am I stubborn because I want to wear what I want to wear on my wedding day?

And you wanted to take care of the flowers, so take care of them.

I don't care if we have white calla lilies or day-glo gerber daisies.

I just want this day to be here so we don't have to talk about it anymore.

Mom... mother. Oh, the hand.

I got the hand. Ok.


It's not just me, right? They're crazy.

They're crazy-making.

No, it's not just you.

Thank you.

No, thank you for not being crazy.

All of this fuss over some stupid wedding!

Is there a reason you insist on referring to it as a "stupid wedding?"

No, it's just...

Because ever since you proposed to me, you've been making cracks about how "dumb" it is, and how "silly" these traditions are, and you've been downright hostile towards anything as "ridiculous" as walking down the aisle, or wearing a dress, or even writing vows!

Don't do me any favors. If you don't want to get married, let's just not.

Let's just not get married.

[Door slams]


Thank God. I thought it was your mother.

No, it's just me.

Come on in. Have a seat. You want a sandwich?

No, no. I'm good.

Mm. So, why the drop by?

I already told your mother I was coming tomorrow.

Yeah, I know about that.

I think mom forced your hand on that and that's not what I...

Well, don't blame your mother. She can't help herself.

I've been really embarrassed about this wedding.

I haven't been able to enjoy one single solitary second of it.

This voice in my head keeps telling me it's not right what we're doing.

Two women standing up in front of friends and family promising to love each other forever. That's wrong.

How screwed up is that?

I'm embarrassed by my own wedding? How is that even possible?

I love Lena and my... family, more than I have loved anything ever in my life.

How can I possibly be even the slightest bit uncomfortable putting that out in the world to see?

And I realized that voice, that voice it's not mine. It's yours, dad.

It's yours, and I'm done.

I'm done listening to it.

And I don't want that voice at my wedding, dad. I don't want it there.

And I don't...

I don't want you there.

There shouldn't be anyone there who is not 100 percent happy to be there.

So, if you can't get behind this wedding and I mean really, really behind it, dad... then I don't think you should come and that's...

We missed you at dinner.

Yeah, I had some stuff I needed to take care of for the wedding.

I'm sorry I snapped at you, mom.

And I know I didn't turn out to be the daughter you dreamed of, but I can't wear a dress just because you want me to.

I can't believe you'd even say that.

I got caught up in the hullabaloo.

I don't care if you wear a bikini, or overalls, or a flak jacket, really.

But you're right about one thing, you're not the daughter I dreamed of.

You're better.

Of course I want to marry you.

I'd be crazy not to.

[Both laughing]

Are we sure about this?

Then I want to tell them. Today.

I don't want them to come to the wedding not knowing.

[Lena] So, we've already spoken with Brandon and the twins about this, but there's something we'd like to ask you guys.

We would like to know how you would feel about making this a more permanent arrangement?

You mean, like adopt us?

We think you deserve a home, and we'd like it to be ours.

Are you guys ok with this?

There's enough to go around.

So, is that a yes?





[Stef] Yes, they said yes!


Hey, can I talk to you a sec?

Sure, what's up?

You better open that or people will think we're having sex.

Which, you know, we're not. So...

So, why didn't you tell me?

About Honduras, dummy.

I'm going to k*ll your sister.

I didn't want to worry you if it didn't happen, but it looks like we're going.

My grandma's getting worse.

I can't promise that I won't be worried.

But I'll be waiting here till you get back.

You're not going to forget about me?

I can never forget about you.

I wanted to thank you.

For what?

You were kind of yelling at me last time we were alone.

Yeah, I know...

I wanted to thank you for believing in me when I didn't believe in myself.

Any time.

You know, I might not have gotten the outcome I wanted.

With the trial, I might not have gotten the justice I deserve, but I know what I deserve now. So...

Do you?

Because you do. You deserve to be happy.

You are amazing, and kind, and smart, and beautiful... and you deserve to be happy.

You deserve to have everything you want.

Don't you?

Hi, Mrs. Elkin.

Hi there, Talya! How are you?

I'm good. Have you seen your grandson?

Brandon, let me see. He was... he was right there a minute ago.

[Both laugh]

Ok, thanks.


[Laughing] Hey!

What are you doing back here? Come on.

Jude, stop!

Why do you have to ruin everything?

I like it here, they were going to keep us.

I'll never do it again. Ok, Jude? I promise.

Yes, you will, or you'll find some other way to ruin everything, because that's what you do.

You can't ever just let things be,

'cause you don't know how to do that.


But you don't just ruin things for you, you ruin them for me, too.

'Cause we're a package deal.

You know they're not going to separate us.

You act like you care about me so much, but you don't, you only care about yourself. You're selfish.

We always knew she'd recover like a trouper.

All I know is, I'm so glad she's coming back to work next week.

I was waiting until after the wedding to tell you.

Will you excuse us for a minute?


Lena... Lena.

What are you doing? Lena, what are you...

I'm making my peace with it.

If I'm going to marry you, I'm going to marry all of you.

The scar, the b*llet, and the cop.

[Stewart] Welcome friends.

Now that the Supreme Court has finally seen fit...


It has finally seen fit to recognize that all people are entitled to equal protection under the law and have the right to the same challenges and triumphs, benefits and burdens, as everybody else.

I'm very proud to welcome you here to the marriage of my daughter, Lena Elizabeth Adams, to stefanie Marie Foster.

And we're honored that you are here to witness this magical event.

The moment when two souls declare that they have become one.

Let us not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the...

And as a very wise woman by the name of Erma Bombeck once said...

[Both chuckling]

"Marriage has no guarantees.

If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery."

[All laughing]

I'm sorry.

Stefanie Marie Foster. You are a piece of work.

But you're my piece of work.

I accept you.

Every single thing that makes you who you are, from now until the end of time... I love you.

You're the person I've been waiting for my whole life...

And I am so proud to be standing up here in front of our friends and family to make sure they know just how lucky I feel to have found you... and just how much I love you.

May we have the rings, please?

Thank you.

[All laughing]

[Lena] Thank you.


[Both giggle]

It's the wrong one.

Never get that on my finger.

Thank you.

Well I think it's high time that somebody kissed somebody, don't you think?


[Cheering, applause]


- It's ok, mi amor.

I know.

But she's going to be devastated when she finds out we aren't coming back.

I'm sorry he didn't come.

Me, too. For him. I'm sorry for him.

Mike doesn't seem like himself. It's not us, is it?

No, it's not us.

So, you're right.

I've been selfish. I'm sorry.

I'm not going to be selfish anymore, ok? I promise.

Excuse me, everybody.

I want to dedicate this song to my moms.

[Macklemore: Same love ]

I hope you know how much I love you.

So much that I took my nose ring out.

[Everyone laughs]

* And I can't change *
* even if I tried *
* even if I wanted to *
* and I can't change *
* even if I tried *
* even if I wanted to *
* my love, my love, my love *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *

[man] If I was gay, I would think hip-hop hates me have you read the YouTube comments lately?

"Man, that's gay" gets dropped on the daily we become so numb to what we're saying no law is going to change us we have to change us whatever God you believe in we come from the same one strip away the fear underneath it's all the same love about time that we raised up.

* I can't change *
* even if I tried *
* even if I wanted to *
* and I can't change *
* even if I tried *
* even if I wanted to *
* my love, my love, my love *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *
* she keeps me warm *
* love is patient *
* love is kind *
* love is patient *
* love is kind *
* not crying on Sundays *
* Love is patient *
* not crying on Sundays *
* Love is kind *
* not crying on Sundays *
* Love is patient *
* not crying on Sundays *
* Love is kind *
* not crying on Sundays *
* Love is patient *
* not crying on Sundays *
* Love is kind *
* love is kind *


[Erin McCarley: Re-arrange again ]

* Why does it feel it's going to hurt the same? *
* you got to live until you die *
* lost in the silence of a long delay *
* you laugh until you cry *
* flowers fade *

♪ the space is over our lives ♪

* they remind us to forget the pain *
* all the voices *
* they stir the fields *
* we've got to lift our eyes... *

Take hitchhikers?

What are you doing here?

I need a ride.


I don't know.

I was thinking Indiana?

Do Stef and Lena know you're here?


I don't know, Callie. Maybe you should just go home.

Ok, fine.

Yeah, I'll just take a bus or something.

Good luck, Wyatt. Drive safe.

* It's time to say goodbye *
* and start over *
* it's time to say goodbye *
* and start over *
* it's time to say goodbye *
* and start over *
* it's time to say goodbye *
* and start over *