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01x13 - Things Unsaid

Posted: 03/29/14 20:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters:

Nice effort.

Everybody knows I went to rehab.

They don't know that you were my dealer.

You're selling my pills?

Where'd you get the dr*gs?

- It was me. I did it.

You could have gotten me arrested for shoplifting.

Mariana, you're a genius.

She ran away because I kissed her.

We feel she deserves a second chance, but we are not prepared to bring her back into our home at this time.

She's gonna think you're giving up on her!

[girl] I ran away, I don't belong here.

You know me, right?

Wanna take another crack at my face?

I need to see my little brother. He needs to know why I left.

[woman] You don't get to just act out and then run away from the consequences.

Not in this house. In fact, not anywhere in life.

With all the strings we pulled to get Callie into that group home, you didn't think maybe you should've told me she was involved with your son?

We spoke to Brandon, and we thought we had this under control.

If you want Callie's program to work for her, she can't be dealing with this stuff.

If Brandon shows up again, Callie's out.

We agree with you, 100 percent. That's why you're here.

I just hope he takes you seriously this time.

Thank you. So do we.

[Jude] Morning.

Morning, Judeicorn.


Judeicorn? Really?

Are you hungry? I can make you something.

Waffles? French toast?

[indistinct chatter]

Who is that? Is that a social worker?

No. It's, um... I think it's Callie's probation officer.

But I'm sure everything's gonna be ok.

Apparently, we have some sort of misunderstanding.

Just because there are no locks on the doors or bars on the windows, that doesn't mean you can run out of the house whenever you please just to go see your boyfriend.

He's not my...

Well, whoever he is, zero contact.

You have anything to say?

I'm sorry?

Is that a question?

It won't happen again.


And there'll be no more accidents with Cole, or with anyone else.

I have really had it, Callie. No more passes.


Look at me.

You got it?

Got it.

Good. You can go.


[sighs] Come here.

Callie's probation officer just left.

Listen, I just wanted to make sure Callie was ok, just see for myself.

After we expressly forbid it?

We have the right to see each other.

No, you don't have the right to interfere with her probation.

Well, you can't stop us.

Actually, we can.

What's this?

A restraining order, Brandon.

If you go within 100 feet of Callie again, you'll be arrested.

[theme song plays]

♪ It's not where you come from ♪
♪ It's where you belong ♪
♪ Nothing I would trade I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ You're surrounded by love and you're wanted ♪
♪ So never feel alone ♪
♪ You are home with me right where you belong ♪

This is such bull!

Brandon, we know that you care about Callie, and that given the choice you might feel obligated to see her.

This restraining order, it takes it off the table.

B, we're just trying to protect you both.


It's completely insane.

[door slams]

Well, that went about as well as expected, huh?

This, I mean... are we doing the right thing?

We can't have a 24-hour tail on him.

Once he calms down and gets over himself, he'll realize this is what's best for Callie.

I gotta go.

First day back, already? How ya feeling?

Honestly? A little guilty. You should be coming with me.

Don't feel bad. I'm fine. This is all gonna work itself out.


Besides, you don't want me to go back before I finish the engine, do you?


He has a point.

Mike, thank you for working on my car and for, you know, just being here.

If there's anything you need...

Just coffee.

I'll get it myself.

Brandon will get over it.

I'm just worried about Callie.

How do we know she's not sitting there thinking Brandon is the only one who hasn't given up on her? It's just hard.

That's why it's called tough love.

[sighs] Yeah?

Well, I forgot how tough you looked in uniform.

You see?

Call me at lunch, let me know how things are going?

Absolutely. I love you.

Love you.

This is such crap.

Hey, you're lucky hosing off cans is all you got for running out of the house to get a little somethin' somethin' from your boy.

All I got was a hug.


Look, hurry it up. The van's picking us up in ten for the field trip.

Uh, I lost my privileges.

It ain't a privilege.

Hey! You coming in on my turf?

First wrestling, now my beach?

Oh. This is your beach?

I'm here every morning, first time I've seen you.

Well, running is part of this new thing that I'm doing.

What, coach has you on some special plan?

Nah, that's not it.

[laughs] Then what? Getting ready for swimsuit season?


Um, I just got off my ADHD meds, ok?

Well, that's cool, you know, doing it on your own.

Wrestling's part of it, supposed to help me focus.

How's it going?

It's been pretty good so far.

Except I can't eat any processed foods.

And I can't have anything with dye.

Do you know what has dye in it?

Just about everything that tastes good.

Not everything.

Come on, I'll race you to school.

I gotta be honest, I've never had a female partner.

Is that so?

Don't get me wrong, I'm... I'm fine with it.

I appreciate the situation, getting shot and all, but no partner of mine has ever taken a b*llet.

Anything else I should know?

I drive.

[laughs softly]

Captain Roberts, do you have a sec?



How's the investigation's going?

Any word on Mike, when he's coming back?

Mm... Officially? Uh, no word yet.

And unofficially?

Between us, IA's clearing him soon.

[sighs] Good. There is one other thing. Um...

You don't really expect me to work with that sexist dinosaur, do you?

Yes, I...

That's what I thought. Ok.

Thank you very much.

All right. Get to work.

[pop music playing]

Don't hate me!


So, so sorry. I got in a Twitter w*r with some chick from Mission High.

She said our soccer team looked like it was made up of actual blue whales.


Yeah, seriously.

So I told her she was a skank and everyone in town hooked up with her boyfriend.

Did they?


Oh. Duh. Ok, here, finish him so I can eat?

And his shirt's a little loose.


Mariana, can you come here for a sec?


Do you think my pants are too short?

[laughs] Um, just a tad.

But I can take the hem out and re-pin them.

Great, thanks.

Um, I will get into your pants after school.

I mean, I will get into hemming them.

Hey, can you maybe do me another favor after school?

I'm not off book yet.

Um, could you maybe run lines with me?

Um... sure.

The movie at the planetarium. It opens in a couple weeks.

3D, asteroids and meteors and stuff.

Sounds cool, right?

Yeah, but I don't know.

What? Why?

I just don't know if I'm gonna be around then, is all.

Are you gonna eat that?

No, here.

Well, if you are around, you gotta come.

I heard it's so real it feels like stuff's exploding all around you.

[Stef on voicemail] Hey, it's Stef. I'm either working or avoiding your call.

So good luck.

Hey, it's me, I was just checking in.

Um, my lunch is almost over and I have a meeting, but... call if you get this in the next few minutes. Ok?

I love you. Bye.

Sorry. Um, the Kindle Paperwhite e-readers are here.

Oh, wow! Oh, my goodness. It must be nice to be a student these days.


Thank God for grants.

Wow, it's so light.

And the cool thing is, now the kids can read their assignments, add margin notes, and export them to their computers.

Wow. Fancy.

Can I have one?

They're for the children.

I was just kidding.

You ok?

Yeah. It's, um...

Stef's first day back to work.


Yeah. But I'm fine.

I stood up in front of all our friends and family and...

I said I would be fine, so yeah.

I'm ok.


It keeps sticking.

What do you expect? It's, like, a thousand years old.

Great, now I have to hand sew everything.

Goodbye, sleep.

I'll fix it.

Probably not today, but...

You're a tech wizard, you can't just make it work?

[laughs] Yeah, I'll get right on top of that, Rose.

Ok, you did not just say that. You know that movie?

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead?

It's a classic.

I love old movies!

Lexi and I watched it like a million times.

When we were little, we used to think that watching PG-13 movies was so dangerous.

[laughs] We were such dorks.

My favorite part is the grunion run.

I know, right?

I've always wanted to do that.

Me too. It's so cool.

Here. Rejects.

Ok... what's wrong?

Uh... I gotta go.

You even have to ask?



You knew I liked Chase.


Running lines?

Everybody knows that's code for hooking up.

It is?

God, are you even listening?

What? Chase asked me. I wasn't going after him.

I was just doing my job, alone, thanks to you.

Oh, so forget me, right?

Just like when I covered for your ass when you were dealing dr*gs, and then you dumped me as a thank you?

I thought you were sorry about all that.

A fly orchid's petals look like flies, and it actually mimics pheromones, which attract hordes of male insects.

An insect will land on the flower and try to mate with it, with, of course, no success.

The system by which we call this is sexual deception.


Sounds like a date with Gabi.

I don't need to trick anybody.

We're out of the house, can we act like we have some sense?

At least I don't need to beg for it.

Ok, enough.

Please, can we get another line of jokes?

[indistinct chatter]

[Rita] You think that's a joke?

To make a sexual innuendo is not a joke.

[soft rock music plays]

♪ Going all the way ♪
♪ See my guitar ♪

♪ It's late and I can't stay ♪
♪ Secrets of the heart... ♪

Excuse me, miss. Would you like to see my bonsai tree?

[both laugh]

Our ponds have three types of koi: butterfly, dragon and ghost.

I think it's beautiful. Truly.

Where's Callie? Did you see Callie?

I don't know.

Ok, go on. I will meet you there.


Why didn't you just text me?!

I wanted to tell you in person.

God, Brandon, you can't be here. What if you get arrested?

So, what, you're the only one who can take risks?

No, not what I'm saying.

We have to be smart about this.


Excuse me. Sorry, excuse me.



I just want to help. Ok?

Do you need anything?

Yeah, to get out of that house.

What about getting emancipated? Kids do that, right?

Yeah, if I had a million dollars for a lawyer.

You should go. Someone's gonna notice you're gone.

Wait, um...

How's Jude?

He's ok.

He hates me, doesn't he?

No, he doesn't hate you.

He misses you.

I miss you.

Go. Now! Get out of here!

You wanna get bounced back to juvie?

Hey, where have you been?

Um, sorry, I...

Got lost looking for the bathrooms.

You know you're not supposed to separate from the group.

Yeah, I know, it's my fault. Um...

I just didn't want to interrupt the tour. Sorry. It won't happen again.

Yeah. It won't. Let's go.

Now we're straight.

So are you just gonna ignore me for the rest of the day?


Look, I'm sorry about Chase.

Seriously, if I thought it was gonna cause all this drama, I never would've agreed to run lines with him.

You mean it?


I mean, I won't do it if it really bothers you.

Good, 'cause I'm totally sorry too.

We're just becoming friends again, and we're letting a boy come between us?

Hells, no. We are not those girls.

Hey, Chase.

Um, one sec.

Hey, Chase?


I'm so sorry, but, um, with all the alterations and stuff, I'm sorta swamped, so...

I can't run lines with you after school.

Well, that kinda sucks.

But I'm free. I'd love to run lines with you.


Excuse me, this is the line for the boy's bathroom.

I know.

I'm sorry, but you can't sneak in because it's shorter.

It's confusing to the younger students.

You're the only one confused here. Mind your business.

Cole, just get over here.

Is there a problem?

She's in the wrong line, that's all I was telling her, and she...

Why can't you understand that using the other bathroom is confusing for me?

[officer] If you don't calm down, we'll escort you...

State law says I have the right to use any public bathroom I want.

And this is a public museum!

That's enough.

Don't put hands on me!

Stay in your lane, freak!

What did you call me?!

What did you say?!

I said, back off!

Don't touch her!

Stop, get off!


Back away! Walk away, girls! You walk away!

Social Services will transport you to juvenile hall, and there you will be...

I'll be sentenced. Yep. Got it.

You been through this before?

How many times?


[sighs] What are we gonna do with you?

We will have the report sent to his PO.


Come on, let's go.
[grunts] Easy, easy, easy.


Let's go.

Four times.

It seems like a waste to send him back to juvie.

Yeah, once they're in the system, lost cause.

And the older you get them, the harder it is to straighten them out.

I don't know about that.

Not if someone fights for them.

All these kids really want to know is that somebody loves them.

The problem is nobody does.

As we continue this semester's analysis of The Great Gatsby, we dive into...

What the hell was that?

We said we weren't going to let a boy come between us.

We aren't.

I thought that meant neither of us was going after Chase.

[school bell rings]

Sorry, what do you want me to do?

Nothing. It's fine.

Uh-uh! Not so fast.

Your homework is to write 1,000 words answering this question: Does Gatsby love Daisy, or does he love the lifestyle she represents?

Uh, Kelsey, where do you think you're going?

Play practice.

You got your third tardy this period.

You're with me, detention.

No, can't I stay tomorrow?

I have to work on costumes for the play.

That's too bad.

And you know the rules.

No phones.

Mariana, tell Chase I can't make it, ok?

[whistle blows]

He doesn't stand a chance. Ryan's got 30 pounds on him.

It's good practice.

Save the gossip, girls, I'm trying to watch the match.

[whistle blows] Ryan wins it. Foster, time to circle-up.

You and Vico, let's go.

Ankle pick, and go for the knee.

Don't worry. You've got this.

[coach] Let's do this, gentlemen.


[Emma] You got this! Come on! Go, go, go! Go, Foster!

Go for it!

You got it, Foster!

[whistle blows]

[coach] Match to Vico.


Hey. Nice job.

He's way out of your weight class, you held your own. Keep it up.

[coach] Ok...

Hey, Lena.

Hey. What's up?

Um, listen, I don't want you to worry, but just in case you hear something, there was a police chase and, um...


It just ended downtown and apparently sh*ts were fired.

Listen, I'm sure Stef wasn't involved, I just didn't want you to worry about...

Oh. It's fine. Thank you. Thank you for telling me.

All right.


[Stef on voicemail] Hey, it's Stef. I'm either working or avoiding your call.

- So good luck.


Hey, B. Give your old man a hand, will ya?

[Brandon] Homework.


Hold on a second.

Look, I know you're angry.

Oh, yeah? You think?

How about I get a restraining order between you and your car keys.

Ok. All right.

Look, I'm sorry I got too drunk at the quinceañera, and you had to drive me home.

Ok? I'm sure that was really hard for you to see me like that.

And your audition with Marshall, I was hungover, and I made you late.

I'm sorry for that, too.

Mariana's birthday, and some stupid audition?

Really? Are you trying to make amends? Is that it?


How about when I was six, and you nearly drove off the road, drunk, with me in the car?

Or after the divorce, you want on that bender, I didn't see you for a month.

Brandon, I never drank around you when you were little.

Oh, right, yeah, so I'm making that up.

No, I'm not saying you're making it up, ok? I just don't remember.

Yeah, you can't remember.

That's the thing about being a drunk: you get to forget what the rest of us can't.

Um, I got the pedal working.

Great. Thanks.

Where's your partner?

[sighs] Detention.


You guys are supposed to be a team, you do all the work, she takes all the credit.

Kelsey's just, I don't know, bigger than life.

And you're what, invisible?

I gotta get some more gobos from the drama classroom, need anything?

Nope, I've got everything I need.

Hey. Um... where's Kelsey?

Uh, yeah, turns out she couldn't make it after all.

But I still have a few days to finish the costumes, so...

I mean, if you're still interested.


What's this for?

You really gave Vico a run for his money.

I figured you deserved a cookie.

Like a dog?

It's organic, jerk, no dyes.

I'm giving you props, you held your own.

Yeah, for about three seconds.

You've gotta learn to accept praise.

So... do you want to run with me tomorrow?

Whoa, I've got a girlfriend.

And a giant ego.

Hey, newbie, time for your tunnel of love!

He's talking to you.


It's just an initiation thing.

Sounds kinky, and sorta scary.

Don't be a wuss. I did it.

Just run through the tunnel and accept our praise.


♪ Are you so far gone ♪

♪ That you can't be saved? ♪

[cell phone vibrating]

♪ Did the lights go out? ♪


I'm so sorry that I didn't call.

I left my stupid cell phone here at the station.


[sighs] Is everything all right?

Yeah, yes. I'm fine.

I was just... I was wondering about dinner.

Is pasta ok?

Um... yeah, sounds good.

See you in a bit.

All right. I love you, babe.

What happened?


Mom, don't...

What the hell happened to my son?

What are you talking about?


Anchor Beach has zero tolerance for hazing, or whatever this "circle of punching" is!

[Brandon] Tunnel of Love.

[Lena] Shut up.

Come on, it's just a rite of passage for new team members.

I guess we got a little outta hand with that.

I'll talk to the guys, ok?

I don't know what you think we're running here, but this is not fight club.

This is a school. We're not turning a blind eye!

So this rite of passage, it ends now, or your job does.

Are we clear?

Yes, ma'am.

[Chase] I could put on an act for you, Laura, and say lots of things without being very sincere.

But I don't...

I... [sighs]

Damn, I always screw this part up. Line?

"Um, but this time, I am.

I'm talking to you sincerely."

But this time, I am.

I'm talking to you sincerely.

I happened to notice you had this inferiority complex that keeps you from feeling comfortable with people.

Someone needs to build your confidence up and make you proud instead of shy and turning away and blushing.

Someone ought to... ought to kiss you, Laura.

Stop tripping! You need to get over yourself, Cole!

Why can't you just do what you're supposed to do?

We only got a few hours of freedom.

We had to leave early because of your ass.

I have rights.

We looked that law up, it only applies in schools.

It was a field trip during school hours, I should have the right!

But you don't, so until you do, stop throwing your "trantrums."

Hey, Gabi, can you express yourself to Cole calmly?

I think Cole makes things hard on herself.

What's that supposed to mean?

I think you're an angry person, and I think the only thing that's going to change when you go through your little transition is that you're going to be an angry person with a penis!



At least I know who I am.

Girl, please.

Don't call me "girl!"

[Rita] Everybody should know by now, refer to Cole as "he." All right?

Callie, you haven't said anything.

I think Cole's right.


Yeah. You just want him to do what's easy for you.

But sometimes what's right isn't easy.

What are you, Jesus Christ?

No, for real.

No, I'm serious.

You say you think Cole makes things hard on himself, but what you actually mean is he makes things hard on you.

So maybe you should stop thinking about yourself all the time, and cut Cole a little slack.

I think that was very well said, Callie.

Whatever, I'm over it.

[girl] Yeah, seriously.


What's his problem?

[sighs] He got a little roughed up at practice, and I had to have a talk with his coach.

[Jesus] In front of everyone!


We can't have students pummeling each other.

You're not just the vice principal, you know, it's not that easy hearing people call you "Meana Lena" all the time.

[Jesus] Ants!


Right there.

Can I help you?

Hi. Are you Rita?


Hi, I'm Stef Foster.

Callie Jacob's foster mom, one of them. I, um...

I spoke to you on the phone.

Yeah, of course.

Is everything ok?

Oh, yeah, no, I'm not here on official business.

I was driving home from work and I thought I'd stop in, you know, see how she's doing.

She's fine.

She's good?


That's good.

I, um... I don't suppose there's any chance I could just say hi to her?



Yeah. Um, Callie actually doesn't have her privileges, but even if she did, you can't just show up unannounced.


I just, uh...

Last time we saw her was in the courtroom and it...

Uh... I just don't want her to think that we don't care.

Yeah, I don't think she thinks that.

And if you don't mind a little advice, let her come to you.

Don't worry. She's in good hands.

Good, thank you.

You're welcome.


Maybe we'll see you at the next Family Day?

Yeah. For sure.


Have a good one.

You too.

[soft music plays]

♪ Tighten my grip ♪
♪ Tighten my hold ♪
♪ So what if it's out of my hands ♪
♪ There's some things you can't control ♪
♪ Well, there's some things I'd rather not know ♪

We have a stocked pantry, and you can help yourself anytime you want.

Are you worried that we're going to run out?

No. It's just, sometimes foster homes don't have a lot of food.

Or they, you know, they keep track of what we eat.

Are you afraid someone's going to come and take you from us?

That's kinda how it goes.

Callie does something, case workers show up, we get moved.

Oh, my goodness.

I know how scary it is, feeling like the rug could be pulled out from under you at any minute.

You do?

Sure, I do.

I felt that way when I got the call that Stef had been shot, and I imagine it felt the way for you when Callie ran away.

Jude, I can't promise you that there won't be any surprises.

Life is unpredictable.

But you can't live your life in fear of what might happen.

The one thing that I know for sure is that you are safe in this house, and we won't pull the rug out from under you.

It's ok.

Whatever it is, we'll take care of it.

[Kelsey] I mean, I thought she changed, and I hate to narc, but we were doing some shopping for the play, and she stole something.

I'm really worried about her.

So... I just, I have to come clean.

Um... Jesus didn't give me his pills.

Mariana sold them to me.

Mind if I use the men's room?

Um, thanks, you know, for what you said in group.

Yeah, it's no problem.

Look at you and your new best friend.

Not quite.

Least he don't talk much.

That one always be pontificating. [sighs]

I know big words.

Thank God I'm outta here in two weeks.

You're getting out?

Got my approval for ILP.

The Independent Living Program.

Don't you have to be 18, or emancipated?

Nope. You gotta be 16. You get your own apartment.

No roommates. They give you money for living expenses and help you with school and other stuff.

And you just have to apply?

You gotta do good here first.

You won't get in without a recommendation from Rita and your PO.

I'm gonna get my diploma, no GED, and take some parenting classes and get my baby girl back.

You have a kid?

Yeah. She's two.

In foster care like I was.

But I ain't gonna be like my mama. I'm gonna get her back.

My little Tasha.

Yeah, she comes first.

Yo, what up in there?!

Re-lax, biotch.

I got your "biotch."

[soft rock plays]

[music shuts off]

[gasps, laughs]

You scared me.

Nice hat.

Is that the one you stole?

I didn't steal it, I swear.

It was Kelsey.


If you knew it was stolen, why didn't you return it?

Um... because Chase really liked it.

Kelsey? Kelsey who you're not supposed to be hanging out with Kelsey?

OK, I know, but I thought because it was for school stuff, you know, for the play...

Well, you can pack up all of the costumes, young lady, because you are done. No more extracurricular activities.

What?! All because of a stupid hat?

No, Mariana. Because you are suspended.

Kelsey told Principal Sanchez about everything, including the pills.

I'll take that.


You want me to call Michelle?

Fine, you get caught with it, no more sneaking out to see your boyfriend.

Sure as hell no ILP.

Give it.


I'm gonna toss this. It's for your own good.

"Sometimes what's right isn't easy."

[knocking on door]


I know I blew up today, I'm sorry.

[Mike] No. You were right.

Look, I really thought about what you said.

I get it, Brandon. I hear you.

I knew alcohol was a problem.

I wasn't conveniently forgetting.

[sighs] I was... hoping you were too young to remember.

I'm sorry.

Look, I know this restraining order seems drastic, but it's for the best.

Believe me, I know firsthand how hard it is to be kept from the person you want to see every day.

I get it, ok? I've heard it a million times.

Mom broke your heart.


I'm not talking about Mom. I'm talking about you.

I went from seeing you every day, 24/7, to once, twice a week.

You're the love of my life, dummy.

For piano this week.

Is this teacher still living up to the hype?

He's great, but Dad, can you afford this?

You're not working.

I'm on a paid vacation. Don't worry about me.


Um, hi, this is Brandon Foster.

Um, I'm sorry to do this, but I can't take piano lessons from you anymore.

My family just can't afford it.


Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was your day?

Oh, it was, um... fine. Same old.

How was your first day back?

Same as it ever was.

[clears throat]

My new partner is a delight.

I'm exhausted.

Me too.

Good night, love.

Good night, babe.

[phone vibrates]