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01x08 - k*ll House

Posted: 03/04/23 09:42
by bunniefuu

What do you want?

W-What're you doing?


What right do you people have to enter somebody's property?

Who's the leader?

Show some identification!

We've secured the location.

We're also holding evidence over.

Hey, stop!

You can't touch that!

What's so illegal about it?

There are 74 candidates for the exam.

Not only D-11 or SAS We have some experts from foreign units with decent recommendations.

I trust you.

We've got a report from the diplomat.

They found a factory in Hong Kong that has been manufacturing the freak chip.

Hong Kong Police SDU began a compulsory investigation, but they destroyed everything, including the evidence.

They block our hands one after another.

Making pagans and atheists members of our honorable organization has never happened in the history of this family.

But we don't have any choice.

Even from the SAS, we couldn't acquire skilled members whom we could completely trust.

Right now, we need a reliable group of soldiers, Walter.

Yes, Sir Integra.

At the very least, we need strong soldiers who won't become ghouls.

I'll do as you ask.


Well, next are the members of group seven.

When you encounter the target, as you did at the briefing, sh**t only the head.

It won't count if you hit any other parts.

If you sh**t a non-target, you will fail immediately, and the test will end.

You have to follow the arrow for your course.

Any questions?

Hey girl!

W-What is it?

Is it true there is a real vampire in this unit?


Oh, there seems to be something wrong with your MP5.

What are you talking about?

See, the barrel is bent.

If you don't replace it quickly, you'll receive a time-out.

Chopper 1 to Headquarters.

We found the vehicle being investigated.

It's outside of Palo Alto desert.

Looks like the suspect is already dead in the car.

The artificial vampirisation catalyst semiconductor known as the "Freak Chip" We know that it combines existing biochip technology with electric transmitter mechanisms.

However, we have yet to ascertain the core mechanism of the tissue transformation which turns humans into non-humans.

As far as I can say, assuming that no black magic was put on this chip This mere chip is enough to cause the "freak effect.

" Which leads me to one of my theories.

Humans possess a dormant "freak gene" in some form.

Well, that's just one of the possibilities Your investigation has gone astray!

For many years, the Hellsing organization and the Hellsing family have been sensing, hunting, and destroying non-humans and all those who stand against Her Majesty, the Queen, and Great Britain.

A freak is a freak whether they were made artificially or not!

Our enemy destroyed their own factory and took the designer's life because they were afraid that the physical evidence might be investigated.

The enemy is human.

They retreat into a rabbit hole when they see someone of authority.

We have but one mission!

Search and destroy!

I can't eat these things anymore.

Father, I'm sorry.

I became a police officer, but I Father?

Who is it?

I came here to see you, Seras Victoria.

Please help yourself.

Thank you.

Not only did I miss supper, but afternoon tea as well.

How did you know I'd come back here?

Investigating is my job.

You know that.

Well, I don't know your name or where you're from!

Forgive me.

I'm Harry Anders of Ml-5.

You can call me Harry.

What do you want from me?

Yes, well before that May I eat this pie?

If you like.

I love kidney pie.

This meeting isn't really supposed to take place.

Although we are both serving this country with the same purpose we're from different groups and genders, not to mention human and non-human.

Yes, we are!


It's delicious.

So you want me to do something for you?


Quick girl.

No wonder you are the daughter of Senior Police Officer Victoria.

Do you know my father?


A long time ago We'll take time to talk about the old days, later.

There is a place that I'd like you to come with me.

I don't think you'll need that.

I just wanted to make sure.

I'm not so brave.

Who is it?

You are Helena, are you not?

I'm Harry Anders of Ml-5.

I'm just here to ask some questions.

I promise it's nothing more than that.

Who is that?

Miss Helena Good evening.

Good evening, Helena.

Thank you for seeing me.

Of course, normally I wouldn't see you.

This girl is You haven't been a person of the night for very long, have you?

Very cunning to bring this kind of girl as your shield, Mr.


I thought so too, but there was no other way.

You were reborn at a really nice time or perhaps you didn't have the chance to know the pleasure of a woman yet?

Miss Helena, you are well I mean, when did you become undead?

A long time ago You have always been just as you are now?

Yes, just as I am right now.

Now and forever Mr.

Anders I'm just living my life here quietly.

I don't have any power to act against the people of this country.

Can't you see that?

What do you want to ask someone like me?

Yes, you are undead.

I'm not sure "righteous" is the appropriate word for you, but you are part of a family that has existed in this world on the side of night for a very long time.

But recently, actually 18 months ago, a different kind of night people have been appearing, and they don't have the same morals as your kind.

They're enraged and attack people.

Making them into ghouls.

She, Seras Victoria, belongs to the Hellsing organization.

Yes, but I've only beaten up Um, er, I mean "taken care of," artificial freaks like the ones Harry just mentioned.

Do you know how many of my old friends the Hellsing organization has k*lled?

I'm sorry.

There is no need for you to apologize to me, young lady.

So that's it.

The one who sired you is being kept by the Hellsing organization, now.

That man Are you talking about my Master?

You are fortunate, Seras Victoria.

The artificial vampires created by humans are being produced mechanically, using the latest computer technology.

They are not elegant like you.

They are dirty and greedy with desires far surpassing those of human beings.

However, their powers do not rival those of native vampires Actually, I meant true vampires, such as yourself.

I have no interest in this.

No interest Although, it's true they are threatening our quiet lives.

The designer of the freak chip and the manufacturing plants are all being destroyed.

So the investigation is being blocked, isn't it?

Then, let's get to the point.

I belong to Ml-5, but I didn't come here on official business.

However, if our interests coincide, and we can help each other, I believe God will forgive us.

Helena, I want information about you and your commune.

Even though they are artificially made, they are still vampires.

I think there may be some traitors amongst your compatriots.


Anders We have no such commune.

We are all free individuals.

We are free from land, country, religion, and everything.

However, living forever is a very tiring thing.

I don't want to leave here.

Though I have lived a long time, I still have books that I haven't read.

Anyone who would disturb that is, of course, not my friend.

The first humans, who controlled this world as though they owned it Wasn't her name Eve?

The origin of the mitochondria?

I'm not so good with science.

I'm a little embarrassed.

I merely point out that with any kind of biological creature, there is always a first one.

To make a fake version of us, they would need an original first.

You mean a vampire?

As far as I know, in this gloomy and dusky country which I like, no one living here is responsible.

I see Good night, Seras Victoria Mr.


She seemed very lonely.

Thank you for coming with me.

I'd like to take you out for something to eat, but You don't have to worry about it.

I heard you don't drink human blood.

Only the blood for transfusions If I was younger Harry!


Releasing the control art restriction system to level two.



Release the ability and the power!

What is this?

What are you trying to do?!

I guess you don't want to know what it's like to be the target?

What is so funny?

Explain it to me!

What is this all about?!

You've been having me fight with fakes but this one is different!

A worthy enemy has just arrived on this boring island from the continent.

A strong, real enemy!

The real undead I'm immensely amused.

I'll finally meet someone who can give me the excitement I crave!

I'm immensely amused!