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02x17 - Mural Arts

Posted: 03/04/23 18:37
by bunniefuu


- Here.
- Tiffany.

- Present.
- Raheem.



What was that, Raheem?

I don't think that was even English.

But as a polyglot, I am open
to expression in any language.

Mr. C, you must be moss,

'cause clearly, you live under a rock.

Well, I actually live over an ALDI,

but, uh, wha... what do you...
What are you talking about?

It's "The Silly Sock Show."

You know, it's a family of
socks, and they do funny stuff.

It's everywhere.


This is Jim, the gym sock. He sings.

That's Toeseph and... Toesha.

They're twins.


I don't get it.
It's just a bunch of socks

saying gibberish.

I'll show him. My sock's already off.



That is spot-on Toesha.

Wait, what? You know this sock show?

Of course. I've survived every trend...

"Spongebob," "Adventure Time,"
Gangsta "Looney Tunes."

Now there's a silly sock show.

I speak fluent Sock. Watch this.



Hey, what did... What did he say?

He said, "This white fool don't
know his socks are mismatched."


CLASS: Mimimimimimimi. [LAUGHING]


I hope this isn't another assembly
about a new e-mail system.

I am not doing two-step verification.

They can just hack me.

They did hack you.

Remember when your account
sent out all that pornography?

I do not.


Hey. Is that seat taken?

'Cause I can stand.
It builds chair-acter.


It's been a couple of days
since the teachers' conference

where Gregory and I...
got caught up in a moment,

which was nothing.

But now, you know, we are so good.
It's, like, not weird at all.


It's actually not taken,
but it could be taken.

By you, if... If you wanted to take it.

Yeah, 'cause
there's nowhere else to sit.

So, yeah. Right.

- Okay. Okay, so.
- So that's, um...

- Sit down, Janine.
- Okay.

Everyone settle down.

I have a very important
announcement to make

in a short amount of time.

My Postmates is around the corner.
It's about damn time, José L.

Who are you again?

They're Mural Arts...
Mural Arts Philadelphia.

Oh, right. Welcome Mural Arts,
who we like and are excited for.

- Right?
- Yeah.

So, Mural Arts has a program
that goes from school to school,

creating these amazing,

inspiring murals with the students.

I've been applying for years,
but they are finally here now,

and best of all, the mural is going

right outside my classroom.

We're so excited to be at Abbott.

We'll be here for one week.

These murals are about legacy.

And we're excited to work
with you all to figure out

what represents legacy
for Abbott Elementary.

See? You guys get to talk with your

classmates and put on for the school.

Can't wait, Mr. C.


You know, if y'all need to warm up,

my apartment could use
a fresh coat of Benjamin Moore.

Uh, we only paint murals.

Okay, then paint
a eggshell blizzard on my wall.


Oh, hey, you. [CHUCKLES]

Damn. You in the classroom
right next to him,

and you dating his best friend?

Erica, there are children around.

Anyway, I think I'm going
to break up with Mo.

Oh, to get with Gregory.

No. No, no, no. No, no.

No, it's just that, you know,
the kiss made me think

if I'm kissing other guys,
then how much do

I really want to be with Mo? Right?

So, I'm gonna tell him
everything that happened...

Ah, ah, ah. What are you talking about?

Mo is not your husband.

All he did was take you out
on a couple dates

and buy you a reasonably priced
bag that you don't even like.

But I do, and my birthday
is coming up, so...

Look, you are in the clear for
some extracurricular activities.

I just feel like I owe him
an honest conversation.

You don't owe him details.

Look, all that's going to do
is hurt his feelings

and potentially ruin
his friendship with Gregory.

Maybe you're right.

Are you two done gossiping?
Can we go now?

Oh! Keep me updated.

This is the type of excitement
I need in my life.

You a dork, but you messy, girl.


Barb. Oh, my God.
This e-mail I just got.

No, not the porno again.

No, I was looking into
what Kristen Marie said

about Legendary trying
to turn Abbott charter,

and she was right.
There's an online petition

a couple of our parents started

to "make Abbott part
of Legendary Charter."

- The audacity!
- Mm-hmm.

Now, what would make them
do something like that?

Well, they probably got
schmoozed by Legendary.

They have a pretty good rep.

There's got to be something
we can do to stop this.

There's a phone number

that we can call
to talk about the petition.

Well, maybe we should call.

You know, pretend like
we're interested parents.

Yeah, I th... You know, I should do it,

'cause I do the best
character work, like,

"Hey, youse guys,

we're interested
in going Charter over here."

Okay, Robert De No-No.


Maybe I should do it.


[AS MRS. DOUBTFIRE] 'Ello, dearie.


You know, I'm interested
in receiving some information

about turning Abbott charter.


[NORMAL VOICE] It's working.

[JAMAICAN ACCENT] Yeah, man. I said go.

You just go and send me
the information like that?


I'm not going to lie, Barb,
that was pretty fricking good.

Barb, I had no idea you were
this talented. You a damn genius.

We are going to need
all the genius we can get,

because the damn Legendary
is coming for us.

Legendary is coming for us.

[CLEARS THROAT] We got it. Yeah.

Janine. Oh, good.

Get off my floors.

My students are with Mural Arts,

deciding their legacy, like as we speak.

Talk about the room where it happens.

Oh, wow.
Can't wait to see what they pick.

Wait, why aren't you in there with them?

Well, I removed myself because I

don't want to influence their decision.

I still remember the mural
we did on my school.

Think about it every time I drive by.

Oh. Yeah, exactly. See?

You were a part of a legacy
that will not be forgotten.

Legacy is important.
That's why my picture's

hanging on the Wall of Flame for eating

spicy chicken wings at Wing Bowl.

Wait a second. That is you up there?

I always thought that
was Michael Jordan.

I get that a lot.

The only difference between
that MJ and this MJ

is I can hit a curveball.

Mr. Hill, your students
have made a decision.

- Remember this moment...
- Oh, oh.

Because history certainly will.


We had a great discussion.

Lots of incredible ideas
being thrown around

about what they want their legacy to be.

And we finally landed
on something pretty special.

Ooh, let me guess. John Coltrane?

Will Smith?

Oh, my God. It's not me, is it?



Okay, yeah.

You got me.


Wow. I love a good prank.

Seriously, though, what, um...

What did you decide?

Can you not see those socks?

This is what everyone wanted?


Finally, a voice of reason.

Clarence, talk to me.

Mr. C, on behalf of all the class,
I'd like to say...



Okay, I am processing this.

It's just that we came up

with so many great ideas
in the room before.

So I'm a little thrown off here.
Did they even mention legacy?

They did. Then someone called
legacy "leg-assy."

Then everyone laughed.

But then they came up
with the sock show idea,

and that seemed to engage them the most.

Could you possibly give us one
more day to land on a subject?

Sure, but remember, we leave Friday.

We're on a strict schedule.

The arts aren't going
to mural themselves.

Mm, well said. Thank you.

I appreciate it. Of course.

Of... Oh, by the way,
they showed me the show.

It's hilarious.

You see that one where Toeseph
said, "Mi? Mi mimimi Mimi"?


What won't he say?

We need to show Legendary
that we mean business.

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- There's power in numbers.

I need to write my congregation
for a letter of support.

Or I could write a note to
Draemond, the untraceable kind.

Get my kids to cut out letters
from a magazine. That'll be fun.

You know, me and Iggy been re-watching

those "Star Wars" movies, and resisting

a massive evil empire seems like a lot.

Are we positive we don't want
to be a charter school?

Because I don't get what's so bad.

They don't even require all
their teachers be certified.

Yet they take our funding.

Not to mention, the private
money from wealthy donors

with ulterior motives.

Hello. Weird cash swirling around?

Don't thr*aten me with a good time.

Oh, you know, not every student
in the neighborhood

could count on attending Abbott
if we turned charter.

Now, what if only half of these students

got to come here next year? Which half?

Ava, charter schools write
your lesson plans for you.

Well, I don't ever plan
on reading those,

- but that sounds great.
- It's not!

You lose all your individuality. Kristen

Marie told me that they sit there

and make sure that you use
their exact words.

Well, you two need to work
on your pitch,

because it sounds like Abbott
might be on the cusp of a glow-up.

Oh. He lives.

Hey, yeah, man. I'm still kicking.

Tell that to the group chat,
bro. You been MIA.

That's because you create
a new group chat

every time you can't find the old one.

I can't keep up with all .

Whatever. I'm just here
to surprise Janine with lunch.

Hopefully she likes surprises.

And lunch.

Me and Maurice are fine.
We're totally fine.

I mean, we're friends.
Why wouldn't we be?

That wasn't an awkward interaction.
You're awkward.

Oh, well, hey, Maurice. Hello.

I wasn't, uh, expecting to
see you at my place of work.

Your MoDates has arrived.

- Oh.
- Get it?

It's like Postmates,
but I'm Mo and we're dating.

Oh. [LAUGHS] Aww, thank you.

Five stars. [LAUGHS]

So, um, you want to hang out tomorrow?

Um, yeah. %.

I would love to. Yeah.

Maybe we can go someplace
quiet, where...

- Where we could talk.
- Wow.

You trying to go to Bone Town?

Philly's Bone Town? The rib joint.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

I... I would love to go
to Bone Town with you.

- Cool.
- Alright.


Okay. Today is the day
that we pick a meaningful,

compelling mural that you will remember
for the rest of your life.

What was wrong with
"The Silly Sock Show"?

CLASS: Yeah.

Alright, class, uh, how about we go on

an imaginary ride with your boy?

It's years from now.
Your boo-thing is sitting shotgun,

and your little one's in a car seat
that you have trouble strapping in.

You pull up to Abbott,
and you look out the window.

Wait. I thought the mural
was going to be inside.

Why am I spending my time
cruising by a school?

Yeah. That's creepy.

Okay. You're... You're inside,
dropping your little one off.

I'm not sending my kids here.

Yeah. What has gone so wrong in my life

that I have to send my kids to Abbott?

- CLASS: Mm-hmm.
- Look, okay,

you are an adult here,

speaking for Career Day,
and you see a mural...

The mural you worked so hard on
with your classmates.

Your legacy.

Now, in your mind's eye,

is that mural really
the Silly Sock family?

- Of course.
- Yes.

All I am saying is you
like "The Silly Sock Show" now,

but you might not even
remember it in years.

But you told us that
we're all going to be dead

in years from climate change.

I said, "Unless we act now."

We're in school now.
How are we supposed to act?

Look, w-we are not doing
"The Silly Sock Show," okay?

You came up with a bunch of other ideas.

Pick one of those. Any of those.


CLASS: [SADLY] Mimimimimi.


- Hey, co-worker.
- Hey.

So, I ran into Maurice earlier,
and it's bothering me,

what happened
at the teachers' conference.

I feel like I've been
a bad friend to both of you.

There's no need to feel bad.

Look, even without what,
you know, happened,

something still wasn't
quite clicking with Maurice.

I mean, if it was,
then I wouldn't have...

- kissed you, right?
- Right.

I'm going to go to Bone Town with Mo,

and then I'm going to break up with him.

Wow. Okay, well, that feels like
too much information

and also kind of cruel.

I know, but I figured
if I got to do this,

I might as well be full of meat
and covered in sauce.


Oh, you mean the, um...
The barbecue restaurant.

- Yeah.
- Oh. Oh. Okay.

Um, well, Maurice is still my friend,

so I should be the one
to tell him about the kiss,

since you're going to
break up with him, anyway.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like...

I was talking to Erica, and she said

I really shouldn't get into details.

Well, I still want to be cool with Mo.

I don't want this weighing
on my conscience.

Well, if he's going to find out,
then I should be the one to tell him.

You didn't want to tell him at all,
and now you want to tell him first?

Because I didn't want to hurt him.

Alright, look. I guess the only solution

is for us to go to Bone Town, together,

and we apologize to him.
That's the only way.

Fine. Together.


A-ha! Okay.

Thank you so much for your patience.

Uh, my students and I
have come up with a new idea

that will knock your socks off.


Did you get those paint samples
that I sent you for my bedroom?

I'm thinking sexy, but dangerous.

Again, uh, we do not do
private residences.

We're a non-profit.

Who said I was gon' pay you?

Our mural is a sycamore,
with each root representing

a different part of West Philly,

coming together to form
our sturdy community.

Great. Let me gather my crew.
We'll get right to work.

Why y'all so sad? Wait, is it Monday?

We wanted to paint
"The Silly Sock Show,"

but Mr. C said we couldn't.

Okay, um, when I said the kids
and I came up with a new idea,

I will admit I... I steered them
in a certain direction.

Well, if it ain't the white man
making decisions for everybody.

So, that's not how this works.

The goal of Mural Arts
is to do it with the kids

and have them be
the drivers of the mural.

Yeah, no, yeah. We were all driving.

Well, they were in the car.

Not by choice.

Dang, Jacob. I thought you thought
you was one of the good ones.

I am. I am.

We can't, in good conscience,

paint a mural the kids
aren't fully behind.

Unfortunately, since you
and your students

can't come up with an idea,
we're out of time.

- No, no.
- We'll just come back next year.

We won't be here next year!

Yeah. Thanks a lot, Mr. Hill.


Well, looks like your schedule
just cleared up.

What do you think about mauve
in a vestibule?

Mimimimimi. Mimi.


I don't get it.

This stupid show means
more to the kids than air.

What, were you born
without a funny bone?

It's called a humerus. And yes.

Why are you like this?

Look, I loved "Ed, Edd n Eddy,"
but that was elevated.

You know, there are entire subreddits

dedicated to the subtext of that show.

They're friends with a plank
of wood with a face drawn on it.

It's nostalgia. It's important.

You can't take that from the kids.

Yeah, I know, but I just think the

mural should represent something more.

Like Janine. She said every time
she goes by the mural

she made in elementary school,
she is filled with a sense of pride.

Oh, no. No, no, no.

I remember it because
it was super embarrassing.

It was Spongebob with a durag
on, cape out and all.

Yeah. Really wish we'd made
some different choices.

- At least tuck it in.
- See?

This is what I'm talking about.

I want to respect what they like,

but I also want their future selves
to be proud of what they did.

Yeah, well, guess what.
That's teaching, buddy.

You got to respect their now
while preparing them for the future.


You're right.

- You're welcome.
- Oh, but it's too late.

The mural people left already.

Aww. You know what?

You're pretty dang defeatist
for someone who votes third-party.

Come on. Let's go bully
some sensitive artists.

I need to see Principal Coleman.

Well, if you want to serve
her with a subpoena, good luck.

She's got secret exits
all over this place.

Nicole! How's Josh doing at Addington?

I need to re-enroll Josh at Abbott.

They kicked him out.

No, they did not. For what?

"We regret to inform you
that Joshua Richardson

no longer reaches the standards required

for our educational nourishment"?

That's just BS-speak for he
brought down their test scores.

They don't see students.
They see scores.

I've never seen him so upset.
Is there room for him?

Are you kidding? He was the first one

to call Jacob "Squidward."
Consider Joshua re-enrolled.

He's going to be so happy
to be back at Abbott.

Legendary Charter...

If anyone's going to take advantage
of this school district, it's me.

Now, you two need to get on board.
Who do we need to fight first?

Well, I am not sure
about the journey there,

but amen to the destination.

Welcome to the team.

I'll take the ribs. Thank you.

What's up, Janine?

And Gregory? You a Bone Bro, too?

Hey, Maurice. We were hoping
that we could talk.


Why so macabre, bro?

We got jalapeño poppers on deck.

Look, you know how much
I value our friendship.

I don't think I've ever heard
you say that, but sure.

And you know how much I value our, uh...

- Situationship.
- Yes.

And you're really a...
A great guy. It's...

We got drunk and kisses
at the confrontation conference.

We kissed at the teachers' conference,
but it meant nothing.

Yeah. It meant nothing.

Like, yeah, less than nothing, right?

You know, like, what...
What... what would you say

would be something
that's less than nothing?

Negative nothing.

Yep. That.

We are so, so sorry.

Very sorry.

Hey, it's fine, man. Things happen.

You know, I would tell you
about the last holiday party

we had at the UPS,
but I don't remember it.

I woke up in a box on a porch.

You know, thankfully, my co-workers used

packing peanuts, so it went smooth.

Well, you know,
we never meant to hurt you.

Nah, we're good.

It's all water under Adele's bridge.

You're taking this very well.

Yeah, I'm a chill guy.

I mean, if you say it meant nothing,

there's no reason that
we can't continue to date.

We're good.

I was thinking that maybe we aren't

the best fit for each other.

Wait, wait, wait.

You just wanted to break up
with me in front of Gregory?

That is what it looks like, but no.

That was not our intention.

Oh, y'all are sick.

Look, man, you can have my baby,
but not my baby backs.

Huh? I'm staying.

Please leave.

That's fair.

- And I did enjoy our time...
- Can I get some more ranch?

Okay, thank you all for coming.

I just want to give a special
shout-out to Mural Arts.

Thank you for coming back and helping us

with this very important work
on such late notice.

Well, one of your teachers
made a strong argument

that we return.

I sat down with my class,
and after a lengthy discussion,

they arrived at an idea
that they really believe in.

So, without further ado...

Let's go!


Well, I guess this Silly Sock brigade

is this generation's "Rug Vermin."

"Rugrats," and, um, wow.

This is gonna be here forever.

I have never been happier to be
on the first floor.

I know. [LAUGHS]

So, I guess you just
totally gave in, huh?

Actually, if you take a closer look
at the socks' social fabric...

- Yeah, move.
- is a mosaic,

and each of the kids got their own tile.

Oh. Whose is this one?

This is me as a doctor, which is
what I want to be when I grow up.


And this is me as the first
Black female president astronaut.


This is me in my favorite class...

Mr. C's class. I'm gonna be a teacher.

Wait. So you're trying
to grow up to be broke?

[LAUGHTER] Hey, Josh.

Um, I know you weren't here
to help paint the mural,

but I think we've got
some space for you over there.

Thank you, Mr. C.

Nice job, man. I'm impressed.

I was looking for a new paint color
for my bathroom downstairs.

Wait, your bathroom where?

Shut up, Janine.

I'm Jacob.

That's true. My favorite day
of the week is Wednesday.

- I didn't know that.
- Yeah.

What are y'all doing?

Oh, we're taking a personality quiz

to see which Silly Sock we are.

- Mm.
- Except me.

I'm not giving info to some
bankrupt hippie data farm.

Too late. I already did it for you.

What can I say?
I'm a stereotypical Nene Sock.

- You are Miss Ing Sock.
- Mm-hmm.

I knew it.

And I am the glamorous,
yet substantive Toeprah.

You want to get in on this, Gregory?

Yeah, I'm gonna pass.

I took it for you.

I don't really care
what kind of sock I am.

- You are a Toeseph.
- That's ridiculous!

I'm a textbook Toesha.

[LAUGHS] Toeseph says exactly that

in episode .


That's so Toeseph.