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02x05 - Frozen Out

Posted: 03/04/23 18:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

Static shock!

[School bell rings]

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be, be ♪

♪ The streets are full
of joy and the holidays ♪

♪ Are near ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ♪

♪ I love this time of year ♪

♪ The streets
are full of joy and... ♪

Apartment fires,
train wrecks,

And a cat stuck up
in a tree.

Some holiday.

I'm gonna be so late,
frieda'll never talk
to me again!

[Police siren]

Oh, no!

Because the lamp
stayed lit

Not for one day
but for days.

This is why
we observe hanukkah,

To mark our victory
over the invaders.

anyone notice
I was late?

Oh, yeah.

And to celebrate
the rededication

Of the temple
in jerusalem...

That's your cue,

Uh, sorry, grandpa.

Happy hanukkah.

Mazel tov!

Oh, happy

Happy holidays.

Let's eat!


Frieda, I want you
to meet my son.

Hershel, come here.

Hi. did your
patrol go tonight?

Good. I've accounted
for almost every
metahuman in town.

Maybe things'll
stay quiet.

They'd better.
I've been invited
to a lot of parties,

And I'm not
gonna miss 'em.

Daisy's having
an early kwanzaa thing,

Omar's doing
a ramadan feast.

Then there's christmas,
new year's--

What's this?

Hey, arthur,
pay the light bill,
will you?



The whole block's
gone dark.

I've got
a funny feeling.

Richie, it's just
a power failure.

Come on.
Let's hit the buffet.

How can you think
about food?

This could be
some kind of crisis.

You know
what's a crisis?

We're standing
here talking

While somebody else
is eating mrs. Goren's

Well, you could
still check it out,
mr. Radio wave.

Announcer: ...reports
from dakota hills

Where an electric substation
lies buried under
a mountain of ice.

Dozens of homes
are in darkness
and without heat,

On this,
the coldest--


Save me a plate.

Told ya.

What's up, guys?

Can't turn off
the snow cone machine?

Yeah, crazy, huh?
It just sprouted up--

And unless we get us
a sudden heat wave,

It's gonna take us a week
to hack through that thing.

Stand clear.

Give him room, boys!


Look at that.
He melted all the ice.

All right!

I don't
believe it!

Way to go, kid!

Stick a fork in me.
I am done.

What the--

Run for it!

Gotta recharge somehow.


Come on...

Ok, whoever you are.

Come out
where I can see you!

Girl: hey!

Got any change?

W-uh, look,
I'd like to help,

But now's not
a good time, ok?

Not a good time. No.
Never a good time.

No. No. No.


Snowball fight,

Ask me when I'm awake...
In june.

Well, aren't we
a cranky little
crimefighter this morning?

Maybe this'll
perk ya up.

has agreed to light
the -foot-tall tree

At the dakota city
media plaza."

Sounds cool.

Hold on.
How did this happen?

Because I set it up.

councilman's office?

This is static's
publicist calling.


V, get with the times.

You have to
promote yourself,
meet 'n' greet,

Press the flesh.

We're talking about
christmas eve here,

I got plans.

That's the price
you pay for fame.

Now, any idea
what to get your sister?

Mmm. Let's check out
the pet store.

Maybe they have
a sale on muzzles.



Look at that.

She's so young!

Yeah. Really sad,
isn't it?


That girl.

Ah! Just rembered--
I gotta jet.

Where are you going?


All that hot chocolate
just--you know--whoo hoo!

Well, gotta go! Bye!

That's more than
I wanted to know!

Whoa! Trippy.

Please don't touch.

It's so beautiful.

It certainly is.

Now run along.
I don't think
you belong in here.



No. No.

No, I don't--
don't--don't belong.

I don't belong anywhere!



Hello again.
Lois, isn't it?

No. Daisy.

Ah. My mistake.

You'll be safer--whoa!

Aah! Aah!

Don't tear the gear!

Microwave mode!

I won't go!
I can't!

I won't!


What's gonna happen?

We'll be ok, honey.

I won't let
anything hurt you.



Hee hee...


[Ambulance radio chatter]

Ma! [Sobs]

I'm with child services.

You have
to come with me now.




First floor,
dated fashions,

Overpriced jewelry.

Everybody out.

No sign of that bang baby.

[Sighs] next time,
I'm doing my shopping on-line.

So what did
old blue cheeks take?

That's the weird part.
She didn't take
a thing.

Just freaked out,
trashed the mall,
and took off.

[Both grunt]

You know, the lifting
would go faster

With a little
magnetic boost.

Rich, we're
in a gymnasium
full of people.

might notice.

No sweat.
I'll create a distraction
when my arms fall off.

Hey, I'm tired,
too, ok?

This holiday
is a total drag

Between the shopping
and the family stuff,

Not to mention
the ice princess.

V, you're
a superhero.

You work - ,
not : - : .

You have to be vigilant,
tireless, dedicated.

you're right.

And on that note,
I'm outta here.

What happened
to tireless
and dedicated?

I wasn't
talking about me.

I'm glad the church
and community center

Could get together
on this homeless project.

Well, since
the politicians
have decided

It's not their problem,
I guess it's up to us.

Hello, virgil.

reverend anderson.

Pops, can I go home

I suppose so.

Thanks. I'm getting pooped
from moving all this stuff.

Virgil, this "stuff"
is the only way
some poor families

Can get through
the holidays.

That's right.
The government says

There are more than
million homeless people
in this country.

And maybe a half
a million of them

Are kids your age
or younger,

Out on the street,
totally alone.

How does that

Any one
of a thousand ways--

Long-term unemployment,
a marriage gone bad,
a runaway child.

Man, that's hard-core.

Yes, it is.

If you'd like,
we can talk more
about it some time.

Time? Oh, boy.
Daisy's kwanzaa party!

I'm gonna be--later!

Comin' through!



[Sniff sniff]

Definitely no.

[Cell phone rings]

I know, richie.
I'm late!

Same here.
My folks were driving me
to daisy's party,

When, bam, this big
honking snowstorm hits.

I don't see a storm.

Maybe not
where you are,

But little miss
frosty pants

Has snowed in
the turnpike
for miles!

That girl is
seriously cutting
into my personal time!



Not my fault, no.

No, not my fault.

Ok, uh,
you got a name?

The voices in the dark,
they call me something.


Right, permafrost.

I don't know
what your problem is.

What you're doing
has got to stop.

You have to
come with me now.

You have to
come with me now.





[Tires screech]




Aah! Aah! Aah!

S-some weather
we're having.


She was heading
down there.

"Dakota city
cable car company
repair depot."

This place
has seen better days.


Go away!

Leave me alone!

It's all right, man.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm looking
for somebody.

Everybody here
keeps to himself.

Man: yeah.
Woman: leave us alone.

Get out.

Second man:
can't trust nobody.

Third man:
don't want any trouble.

Relax. I'm trying
to find a girl.

She calls herself

About this tall,
light blue skin?

Come on, it's not the kind
of thing you wouldn't notice.

I know her.

Follow me.

She's not bad,
you know.

She just
has problems.

Up here.

Oh, my gosh.


I know this face.
Maureen conner.

She used to come
to the church for meals,

But I haven't seen her
in more than a year.

Right after
the big bang

What do you know
about her?

Her mother d*ed
a few years ago.

Her stepfather
wanted nothing
to do with her.

Before long,
she ended up
on the street.

That's gotta
mess with your head.

I'm afraid it has,

And sorry to say,
she's fairly typical.

Nearly half
of all homeless people

Suffer from some type
of mental illness.

I'm not
a social worker.

How can I help
someone like that?

When you find her,
try to rember this:

She's not some
faceless category,
"the homeless."

She's a person
like you and me.

A person in pain.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to get back

To preparing
for christmas eve.

We're having
an interfaith service
this year.

You're welcome
to join us.

Hey, I wouldn't
miss it for the--

Aw, I forgot.
I have this other thing.

A tree-lighting ceremony.

Church service.

Pops will slaughter me
if I don't show up.


You ever have
one of those days?

of course you have.

in this festive season

Which is so filled
with promise, laughter,
joy, and hope.

a season for families
to come together.

Oh, it's gonna be
new year's by the time
this guy stops talking.

Now it is
my great pleasure

To introduce
one of dakota's
most illustrious citizens--

Hi! Thanks,

Well, let's light
this baby, huh?

Care to say
a few words?

I'm in kind of a rush.

Some kind
of emergency, is it?

Yeah, I'm gonna be
grounded till I'm
if I don't hurry.

Ok, here goes.





Look, can we
just talk for a sec?


Give it back!
It's mine!

Give what back?!

Unh! Wait, is this
about that photo?

Hey, you can
have it back.

Oof! Come on, maureen,
chill out!

You know my name?

I found out
from some people,

People who
care about you.

Nobody cares
about me!

Whoa! Come on,
slow down!

I care, and
I want to help you!

I know what
you've gone through.

How could you know?


I lost my mom, too.

I know
how hard it is.

How the pain
never really goes away.

Is that why you did
what you did at the mall
and the power station?

Those families,

All happy and warm
in their homes.

They have no idea
how it is out here.

you're homeless,

People look
right through you.

It's like you're
not even there.

Yeah, I've been
guilty of that.

I felt when
I got these powers,

Things would
get better for me.

They didn't.


I'm more alone now
than ever!


I'm glad to see
you again, maureen.

I know this place.

It feels safe.


Now listen
carefully, maureen.

We want to help,

But we can't
make you do anything
you don't want to.

You have to choose.

I want
to get better.

We want that, too.

Now, joanna here
runs our homeless program.

She'll get you
some warm clothes.

It's been
pretty cold out there.

Yes, it has.

Thank you.

Will she
be all right?

I don't know,

But as we say
in my business,

"You have
to have faith."

Chorus: ♪ lift your eyes
to heaven ♪

I'm glad to see so many
familiar faces tonight

And even happier to see
lots of new faces, too.

Now maybe some of you

Haven't been
to our church before.

You belong to other faiths.

But I want to tell you
that despite our differences,

We all have in common
certain basic beliefs.

Whether you are
a disciple of mohammed,

A child of abraham,

Or a member
of the body of christ,

You know that
you are called upon

To care for the needy
and the poor.

That's right.

Yes, lord.

This great country of ours
is so very blessed,

Yet for some,
the blessings
are out of reach.

Therefore, it is our duty
to offer these people

Safe conduct through
life's difficult journey,

To be their
ambassadors of compassion.



You, uh,
get something
in your eye?

No. I'm just
starting to see

What the holidays
are really about.

Merry christmas, v.

Back at you, bro.

♪ whoo-ooh-ooh-ooh-yah ♪

♪ Be, be gotta be,
be, gotta be superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be
gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be
gotta be superhero ♪

Static shock!

Static shock!
Static shock!

♪ Gotta be, be
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be,
be a hero ♪

Static shock!