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03x04 - She-Bang

Posted: 03/04/23 19:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta be, be,

♪ I'm so, so fly ♪

♪ You can watch me
touch the sky ♪

♪ So, so fly ♪

♪ You can't beat me
if you try ♪

♪ And maybe
if you knew me ♪

♪ You'd have to understand ♪

♪ The power
that goes through me ♪

♪ Is a-way inside my soul ♪

♪ I'm so, so fly ♪

♪ You can watch me
touch the sky ♪

♪ So, so fly ♪

♪ You can't beat me
if you try ♪

Man: grab the line!

Second man: I am!

Darn winds!

It's gonna snap.
Just hold on.

I'm trying.
Look out!


Nice weather.

Yeah, if you're
into hurricanes.


Whoa! Houston,
we have a rocking chair.

Best seat in the house.

And the biggest.

Whoa, bessie!


That's what
I call a moo-f-o.


Man: help me!


I'll fry the egg.
You rope the--

Would you stop already?


Well, I do admit
it was kind of funny--

Uhh! Uhh!




♪ You go, girl ♪

♪ You go, girl ♪

♪ You got the stuff ♪

♪ You got the stuff ♪

♪ That's my girl, girl ♪


♪ You got the stuff ♪

♪ You got the stuff ♪

You ok?


I'm not good
with heights.

Richie: oh! Look out!



Yo, gear, you have got
to watch out for wind shear.

[Groans] I'll try
to rember that.


By the way,
who are you?

Me? I'm a...

I'm a bang baby,
like you.

That's why I
call myself shebang.



Well, I guess it was
good you were around.

You guess?

If I hadn't been there,

Humpty would be
flying over
the state line by now,

And you'd be
street pizza.

I was just a little
shook up, that's all.


I would have been ok.


I was going
to catch him.


Well, see ya round.

Can't wait.

Can you believe it?

We hardly got a mention.

At least she's
on our side.


And who knows?

Maybe she could
join the team.

I hope you're talking about
some basketball team.

I didn't think
she was that bad.

The way she showed up
on our turf

Thinking she's
so hot and all?

Look, man, I know trouble
when I see it.

Well, that beats me.

I can
only smell trouble
when it's brewing,

Except when
I have a cold.

Hi, guys.

Hey, daisy.
Hey, frieda.

This is shenice vale.
She just transferred in.

Oh, our

Hey, shenice.


We're all
in the same p.e. Class.

In fact, we were talking
at the soccer tryouts

When your names
came up.

Oh, ok, you've
twisted my arm.

I will coach
girls soccer.

And I'll hand out
the towels.

Thanks, but no.

We were talking
about bowling.

We want a rematch between
the boys and the girls.

What? The last time
wasn't humiliating enough?

Ha! Yeah.

You should call

"The gutter ball

We've been practicing,
and we're this close

To talking shenice into
playing with us, too.

Do you bowl?

A little.

[Crowd cheers]

That's her th
strike in a row!

"A little," she said.

What was the word
you used, virgil?

Uh, "humiliated"?

yeah, good word.

Maybe I'm just having
beginner's luck.

Are you kidding?

Get this
next strike,

And you'll have
a perfect score.

You go, girlfriend.

Man: excuse me.

We're here
to pick up shenice.

Are you her parents?
Oh, excellent timing.

If she gets this strike,

She's going to have
a perfect game.

They'll put her picture
in the lobby and everything.


[Crowd cheers]

[Crowd groans]


I guess
I must have choked.

I bet she got nervous
with her parents
watching and all.

I'm not sure.

I don't think
they wanted her
to make that last strike.

Why would any parents
want their kid to fail?

Good question.

What do you mean you're
not trying out for soccer?

My parents.

What's up with them?

Are they sports-o-phobic?

They're both doctors.

They'd rather
have their daughter
hit the books than a ball.

Uh-oh. Look at that!


That's it! I've had it!

Everybody get away!
Get away now!

Who is that?

He's this bang baby
who used to go to our--

Oh, wow! I forgot.

Uh, pops wanted me
to do a job for him

Down at
the community center.

Uh, yeah, and I
gotta help, too.

I gotta go.

I just rembered.
I have to meet
my parents.

Was it something I said?

If anyone's gonna
stop hotstreak--

It's gonna be me.


It's wrong!
It's all wrong!


What do you think
you're doin'?

The movie stinks.

I give it
thumbs down.

You can't go wreckin'
other folks' property

Just 'cause
you're not feelin' a movie.

Have you seen it?

Somebody's gotta
send a message!

Give it up, hotstreak.

Those coils are
% fireproof.



♪ Fire, fire, fire, fire ♪

Ok, maybe %.

♪ I'm so, so fly ♪

Hey, hothead.

You should pull up
your pants.

[Hotstreak grunting]

Oh! Whoa!

Good shot.

Pure luck.

♪ Hey-ey-ey-ey ♪

All right!


I knew these gloves
would come in handy.

Oh, and thanks
for distracting him.

You're welcome.

Listen, shebang,

Static and I
were thinking about

Asking you
to join our team.

We were wha-wha-wha?
Are you trippin'?!

Funny, 'cause I've been
thinkin' about asking you
to join my team.

See? She's just
playin' us.

It's more fun
than rescuing you.

Listen, miss thang,

I'm gettin' up to here
with your high and mighty--

There she is!

Who are you?!
Over here!

Uh, why don't I let you
tell them how fabulous I am?

♪ You got the stuff ♪

♪ You got the stuff ♪

Static, here.
Fill us in.

Talk to us.
Who's your new partner?

Her name is shebang,

And she's not our partner.

Um, no more questions,

Static has left
the building.

[As elvis]
well, thank you very much.

ah, come on.

♪ So fly ♪

So it was you.

you can't do this.

You can't be
a superhero.

Why not?

You know
perfectly well why not.

Because they'll find out.

They won't.

This whole city
is filled with
superpowered teens.

It's the perfect place
for me.

No. They'll know
your abilities.

They'll see
right through this
halloween costume.

And then they'll find us.

Then let them!

I don't care!

I can't hide

I can't go on
pretending to be

Some quiet
little wallflower
nobody notices!

I wasn't
made for that!

Father: shenice!

Mother: come back! Please!

What have you got
for me?

The lab analysis
just came in.

Some of the dna
from the glove matches.

We're % sure
that's the girl.

Any sign of her?

Not yet.
Hang on.

what's that?

Track him!

Richie: what are you
still doing out there?

It's that shebang.

She's got me
all charged up.

Thought I'd just
let off some steam.

Speak of the devil.

Catch ya later.

Planning your
next heroic feat?

What? Afraid I'm gonna
show you up again,
shock jockey?

Well, you can relax.

I am relaxed.

You're the one jumpin' around
like a demented cheerleader.

You won't have to worry
about that anymore.

Shebang is
hanging up her cape.

My parents
have a little trouble

With me

Oh, well, it can't be easy
for parents to find out
their kid's a bang baby.

Huh. I wish I were
a bang baby.

You're not?

Then what are you?


Shenice? Unh.

It's her all right.

[Shenice moaning]

Let's go.

Leave him.

He won't bother us.


And they took
our daughter away?



Yes, and I think
you two know why.

You have got to
help us find her.

We can't keep
secrets now,

Not if they have
her, jonathan.

You know what
they'll do.

Who are they?

And how can shenice
do what she does

If she's not
a bang baby?

Shenice was the end result
of the secret project

My wife and I worked on
for a biotechnology company.

We created her
in the lab.

No way!


We built every chromosome
from scratch.

She was designed
to have incredible
strength and agility.

Well, you got
that part right.

Naturally, the company
had plans for shenice.

They wanted
to clone her, make more.

She was a walking blueprint
worth billions to them.

There was
just one problem.

We fell in love
with her.

She wasn't
a lab specimen
to us.

She was
our baby.

So we took her
and went into hiding.

We've been running
ever since.

Why didn't you
go to the police?

You know how
the media work.

It'd be
a free-for-all.

They'd treat her
like a freak.

All we ever wanted
was for her to have
a normal life.

Uh, static?

Backpack is picking up
a lot of electronic activity,

And it's coming
from that--uh-oh.

That's one of the guys
who grabbed shenice.

They're after
you, too.



Hey, boys, why
the long faces?

Ooh, this sure beats
the busted tape player
in my mom's minivan.

It's shebang's mask.

They must have
been driving this
when they grabbed her.

We gotta figure out
where they took her.

We'll let
the car tell us.

I'm not

Just watch.

This van has
a navigation system.

It lets them
find addresses,

But it also lets backpack
trace where they've been.

Both: yeah!

The harness is
carbonized steel, shenice.

So save your strength.

The company would
rather not have you damaged.

Where are your pals?

We should have left
minutes ago.

You're right.
Let's get going.

♪ Pack it up,
pack it in ♪

♪ Step back ♪

♪ Gonna take it
on the chin ♪

♪ Pack it up,
pack it in ♪

♪ Get ready ♪


♪ Showdown,
time's up ♪

♪ Time's up ♪

We're too late.

Oh, no
we're not.



♪ Gonna take it
on the chin ♪

♪ Pack it up,
pack it in ♪

♪ Get ready,
let the battle begin ♪

♪ Showdown,
time's up ♪

♪ Showdown,
time's up ♪

♪ Time's up ♪

Hey, that is
one mean-look--

Behind you!


Aw, it broke.

But don't worry.
I'm sure the authorities

Don't want you
damaged, either.

Too bad.

Whoa! Aah!

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

Let's turn
this thing around!
Come on!


You got
cranky superpowered
teenagers back here

Who've run out
of peanuts,
and there's
no in-flight movie.

Any thoughts?

I'm already
heading back.

Good thinking.

♪ Pack it up,
pack it in ♪

♪ Step back ♪

♪ Gonna take it
on the chin ♪

♪ Pack it up,
pack it in ♪

♪ Get ready ♪

♪ Let the battle begin,
showdown ♪

It's hard to say
good-bye to friends.

And in some ways,

I'm gonna miss
you two most of all.

So, where are
you going?

Don't know for sure.

We're being taken
care of, though.

Oh, sort of a shebang
protection program?

We're gonna
have to lay low

Until the feds can
track down everybody
who was involved.

Hmm, that could
take a while.


just think.

When this
is all over,

I can come back
to dakota and
see you again.

Maybe we can
even jump over

A few rooftops

[Car horn honks]




You know, there
might be something

To having a girl
on the team after all.

Most definitely.

♪ So fly, so fly ♪