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03x07 - A League of Their Own, Part 2

Posted: 03/04/23 19:07
by bunniefuu
Richie, wake up!


It's time to
get up, sleepyhead.

I'm awake.

Look at the time.

Virgil's already
downstairs waiting
for you.

Now, hurry
and get dressed.

Richie! Richie!

Come on, rich.
We're way late.

From now on,
if you wanna catch
up on your sleep,

Do it during
first period history
like the rest of us.

Hey, you ok?

Never better.
Why do you ask?

Well, you haven't
been on patrol
with me for a while.

You sleep in
all the time.


And you seem to
have forgotten how
your shower works.

I've been preoccupied.

Are you coming?
We're late.

Uh, sure.
Sorry to hold you up.


Am I reading
this wrong?

It looks like there's
been a big download

From our computers
hard drive.

You're right,
and it happened

Just before
we defeated brainiac.

Do you think maybe
brainiac escaped?

How could he?
He'd need another
computer to survive.

We've swept all of
our hard drives clean,

And nobody's taken
any technology out of here.

What about that kid
who had a computer
on his back?


We'd better
check him out.


Way ahead of you.
I'll run him down.

Um, how do I find him?

I don't know
what he looks like
under his mask.

This might help.

While they were here,
our security cameras

Caught them
having lunch.

He's the one
on the left.

I was wondering
where all the pizza went.

Ok, I'm off.

♪ Step by step ♪

♪ Step by step ♪

♪ I'm gonna
shake you down ♪

♪ Step by step ♪

♪ Step by step ♪


♪ I'm gonna
take you down,
take you down ♪

♪ Step by step,
I'm gonna take you down ♪

♪ Step by step,
I'm gonna shake you,
shake you, shake you ♪

♪ Shake--shake you down ♪

Hello, ladies.

There you are.
I've been looking
all over for you, gear.

What do you want?

Nice to see you
again, too, kid.

Slow down.
I need to see

That backpack
computer of yours.


I just wanna
check it out.

We think brainiac
may have used it to escape.

But I don't have it
here with me.

Then let's go get it.
It won't take long.

I'm the fastest
man alive, rember?

All right,
follow me.

This is
your headquarters?

What happened, couldn't
find a vacant tree house?

Backpack's here somewhere.

You should get
a utility belt.

Batman can always
find everything.

Do you hear
something? Aah!

Get this stinkin'
thing off me!

Get me out of this!

[In brainiac's
and richie's voices]
there's no way out, flash.

No one escapes
from brainiac.

♪ Day and night,
this is how we get down ♪

♪ The illest m.c.
I am pound for pound ♪

Richie? You in here?

Whoa. Looks like
somebody threw
a house party

And forgot
to invite me.


Easy, static.

We're on your side.


I brought
some company.

I didn't expect to see
you guys again so soon.

If you came for the party,
it looks like it's over.

Your friend
is missing,
and so is ours.

Flash came here
hours ago to investigate

Whether brainiac
had escaped into
gear's computer.

We haven't heard
from him all day.

That's suspicious,
even factoring in his
usual irresponsibility.

Well, I don't know
where flash is,

But richie should be
just a shock vox
call away.

It's our
personal communicator.
Pretty cool, huh?

Make the call.

Right. Sorry.

Yo, gear,
can you hear me?

Come in, gear.
Come in.

Please come in.

What is
it, static?

I'm here with
the justice league.

They need to see backpack.
Where are you anyway?

I'm at the old
steel mill.

I'm working on
a new project.

What new project?

It's very...special.

Why don't you
come over to see it?

Focus, gear.
Justice league here?

They wanna
look at backpack.

Well, I've got
backpack with me.

Come meet me here,
all of you.


Good. I think
you'll be impressed.

Notice anything?

You don't look
too good in green?

This abandoned
steel mill's been
active recently.

Well, gear did say
he's been working here.

Odd. My telepathic powers
detect no trace of him.

This place could
use some light.


There's no way
a high school kid
made all of this.

Stay alert.

Hey, guys. Miss me?

Where have you been?

With richie
and his computer.

Learn anything?


There. Is
everybody connected?

All: we await
your command, brainiac.

Yo, what just happened?

Uh, guys?


[In brainiac's
and richie's voices]
your natural electrical field

my thought control discs.

What are you
talking about?

I am not richie.

[In brainiac's voice]
I am brainiac.


What have you
done to richie?

Your friend is
totally in my control.

I thought
we wiped you out.

You merely delayed
the inevitable, static.

I still intend
to digitize all
information on this planet,

And then destroy it.

You wanna rip
and burn the earth?

I don't think so!

Go ahead.

The only one
who will feel any pain
is your friend.

Richie, if you
can hear me,

You gotta fight him!

I broke free
from his mind control.
You can, too.

[In richie's voice]
virgil...control. Control.


That's it, richie.
Fight him!

I'll help you.

[In brainiac's voice]
you should be more concerned
with helping yourself.

Justice league,
destroy him.

Who, me?

Wait a minute, guys.

I don't want
to have to hurt you.

Heh. I guess that
sounded as lame to
you as it did to me.

Do you have a license
for that mace?


What happened? How--

I figure if
I can burn out
my control disc,

I can burn out yours.

Catch up later.



On the other hand...


Hope he's not mad
when he wakes up.

Hope he's
not mad now!

♪ Step by step ♪

♪ Gonna chase you down ♪

♪ Step by step ♪

♪ Gonna take you down,
chase you down ♪

Can't follow me here.

Oh, come on!

♪ Take--take--
take you, take you ♪

♪ Take--take--take ♪

♪ Step by step ♪

♪ Take--take--
take you, take you ♪

♪ Gonna shake you--
shake you, shake you--
take you down ♪

♪ Down....down....down ♪

I can't move my feet.

I know.
I magnetized
the bridge.

I call it
my static cling.

And I call this...


Actually, I don't
have a name for it.

If you think
of something,
let me know.


You can't
escape me, static.

You can't even
touch me.

Don't need to.


Hawk girl, batman,
flash, j'onn...

Who am I forgettin'?

Oh, yeah.
The lord of the ring.

Is that all
you've got, kid?

Unfortunately, yes.


Tag! You're it!

Was that
supposed to hurt?

You can remove
the circuitry now, kid.

Is he ok?


Yeah, that
was just a tap.

While I was under
brainiac's mind control

I tried to make
telepathic contact
with your friend.

All I could hear

Was a single
word, "control,"

Being repeated
over and over again.

That's what
richie said to me.

Maybe he knows a way
we can stop brainiac.

One word
is not enough.

So what do we do?

We have to stop
brainiac at all costs.

What about richie?
We gotta protect him, too.

We'll do
everything we can,

But the stakes
are bigger

Than the fate
of one teenager.

Now wait just a sec--

See what
I mean, kid?

Time to get down
to business.


It's starting.
He's even digitizing
the trash.

We've got to
get inside his ship.


You're not coming.


He's right.
You're too close to this.

Hey! What am
I supposed to do,

Just stand here
while my best friend

Is brain-jacked by
a psycho computer?

I guess brainiac
isn't the only
control freak

I fought today!

Control? That's
what richie meant!

What's that?


My guess is
that the eyes

Are the most vulnerable
spots on the hull.

Uh, yeah, if
they blink, maybe.

Right now they don't
look too inviting.

Hold on.

We're going in.

Better brace

Hey, next time
you have a plan,

You wanna
let us in on it?

We need
to find the
control room.

Oops. Sorry,
I thought this was
the little boys room.

But as long
as I'm here....


Where is he?

Apparently everywhere.


Where did you
put it, richie?

No wonder he can
never find his cds.

Looks like scarhead
could use an eye-patch.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


Where is everybody?

♪ Break it, break it ♪

♪ Don't do
what you're gonna do ♪


♪ Don't do
what you're gonna do ♪

♪ Break the barrier ♪

♪ Bring the hurt ♪

♪ Whatever it takes,
bring it on ♪

♪ Break it ♪

Must be brainiac season.

You were
supposed to
stay behind.

I figured out
how to stop brainiac
and save richie.

This is what richie
meant when he said "control".

It's the remote
control of backpack.

It can shut him down,
and brainiac, if I can
get close enough.

I think the
real guy is right
behind that door.

Keep us

Stand back.

Foolish humans.
You are in my house now.

where's richie?

With me, of course.
He sees everything,

Knows everything.

Richie, shut him down!
Hit the remote!

Unfortunately for you,
he can do nothing.

No one can, especially after
I destroy this.

Bull's eye.

It's over already?

Hurry! Richie's
inside him!

He seems to be ok.

[Babbling incoherently]

Brainiac's rebooting.

We'll take
care of him.

Just get the boy
out of here.


We better get
out of here, too!

Look out!

Oh! Oh, no!

I sense nothing
of brainiac within him.

Richie should be fine.

Hey, while
you're in his head,

Can you tell me
where he left
my lil' romeo cd?

It seems he gave it
back to you last month.

Ha! Told you!


Don't worry.
We're making
one final check

To ensure that
brainiac has been
completely deleted.

You'll have to
reprogram your robot,

But he should be ok.

Listen, i, um,
wanna thank everyone
for saving me.

I'm not sure
what to say.

You can thank
your buddy the most.

Turns out there's
a lot of power in
plain old friendship.

Sometimes we forget that.

For a rookie,
you did well, static.

But I can tell,
you're gonna
be a handful

When you finally
join the league.

I'm sorry,
did you say,

I join
the league"?

Anything's possible...
When you're a little older.

Yeah, but remember,

I get first dibs
on the pizza.

♪ Oh, yeah ♪