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03x09 - Consequences

Posted: 03/04/23 19:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪
static shock!

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

Static shock!

[School bell rings]

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be, be ♪


See there?

Static's the man!

All that
and a bag of chips.

Thank you, thank you.

But wait till you
peep this out.

Ha ha ha!





[Breathing hard]

Static, you all right?

Rubber band man, watch
where you're going.

I was.

Can't say the same
for you, mr. Handstand man.

I was in complete
control up there,
sir stretch-a-lot.

By the way,
I'm patrolling
this part of town.

Patrolling or showing off?

Hey, I'll patrol my way.



We'll finish this later.

Hey, this is my


[Alarm ringing]

Ha ha ha!

My favorite things--

Play toys and real money!

Hold up, junior.


Steal your own.

A little shopping
between jail terms, shiv?

I'm just a sucker
for a good sale.

[All shouting]


♪ Watch it ♪

♪ Get outta my way ♪


♪ Outta my way ♪

♪ Move it,
move it, move it ♪

It's the ninja bot !

toy for geeks
with big bang.

♪ Move it, move it,
move it ♪

Oh, you think
you can take me?


I gotta get
one of these.

Showboating again?

Don't get bent
out of shape, r.b.

I put shiv down.
What's the problem?

Somebody could've
gotten hurt.

The secret word
for today is fun.

Why don't you go have some?

[Shiv moaning]

Sit tight, chuckles.


Woman tv reporter: and
their combined efforts

Foiled shiv's
robbery attempt

And sent him
back to prison.

Once again, static
and rubber band man

Are shaping up
as an unbeatable team

And in the process, making
dakota a safer place to live.

Live from toyz-a-palooza,

I'm shelly sando--

Hey! What the?

Aw, it's just her.

Gee, puff, you could've
just changed the channel.

I hate those

We try to go legit
with our bounty
hunting business,

But they mess
things up for us.

Now everybody thinks
we're the criminals.

Uh, we

No. We're just financing
our future, that's all.

And there's our
financial advisor
right on time.

Hey, dante.


Do you have to do that?

So jumpy.


I don't burn.


Talk to me.

Armored car shows up
every night : .

You just need to be
on-site before then.

Only a skeleton crew
workin' the lobby, too.

An easy mark,
except for...


Well, that's prime
static territory.

What if he shows up?

Let him.

And his bouncy
buddy, too.

This time they'll both
be dust in the wind.

In summation, not only
has the presence
of metahumans

Benefitted dakota
in certain ways,

It has actually
increased tourism.

In fact, if they
were here,

I'm sure the tourism board
would join me

In a rousing, "go,
big bang, go big bang, go!

Go, big bang,
go, big bang, go!"

That's the end.
You can applaud now.


That was, uh...


Ha ha.

what an "a"
in public speaking
sounds like.

Even better the second time.

You just gave long-winded
a whole new meaning.

Good job.

Admit it, sharon.

All those big words
kinda threw you, didn't they?

[Telephone rings]


Hey, virgil, what's up?

Just sharin'
my "a" project
with my peeps.

Hey, do you wanna--

I feel like celebratin'.

How about we catch the new
sandler movie tonight? On me.

I guess, but--

Cool. See you then. Bye.


Hey, v, we were going
to hit that new

Air and space exhibit.

Oh, that's right. Eh.

The flick's a way cooler
plan anyway.

Thanks, v.

Don't be like that, rich.

You can catch the movie
with daisy and me.

There may not be
enough seats for me
your ego.

Do you believe him?


Daisy: so don't just
assume I'm going to drop
everything for you.

Virgil: yeah, but--

Lucky for you I called
to ask you about
the same movie.

Yeah, but--

And another thing.

hang up
on me again.


Yeah, but--

Yeah, but what?

I've already
apologized, daisy.

Why you still
reading me?

It's not just yesterday,

You've had this attitude
for a while now.

Hey, things have been
going well for me lately.

I'm just expressin'
my confidence, that's all.

Well, I like you better
when you're humble.



Why don't you
find us some seats

And I'll get the snacks?


Hope there's lots
of previews.

The lobby's empty.

Come on!



At $ a shot,
that's a rip-off.

Speaking of which...


[Inhales deeply]





Easy on the butter,

Puff: hoped you'd show up.

Somebody could use
a breath mint.

I call them puff darts.
You like?

Uh, no.


Hey, look!
It's him!

[All screaming]


Hey, people, you're just
in time for the real show.

Have some popcorn...on you.

Show's over, static.




Let's get outta here!

Wake up, daisy.

Wake up!

Girl: is she all right?

P.a: paging dr. Becker,
paging dr. Becker...

Every head trauma case
is different, mr. Watkins.

You can't predict it.

She could wake up today,

What if
she doesn't?

What if she
stays this way?

Mrs. Watkins: let's
get that thought
out of our minds.

Our daisy is going
to wake up.

She will.

She has to.

Mrs. Watkins?

Mrs. Watkins: virgil.

They told me
I could come in,

It's ok. Daisy could
use every friend
she has right now.

I was in the rest room
when it happened.


I'm sorry.

This wasn't
your fault,


Virgil. Virg.

I could see the light show
all the way from
my crib, bro.


Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

Come on, v.
If you keep this up,

People are gonna figure out
your secret, man.


Leave me alone.

I'm your friend, v.

We gotta talk
about this.


Come on,
baby bro.

Dis my food,
call me a spongehead.

Say something.

Daisy's gonna
be ok, virgil.

The doctor said
it was a good thing

Static got her
to the hospital so fast.

That's the only thing
he's done right lately.


I forgot, boo.

No static-bashing
in your house.

So we finally get a tip
on where puff and
her partner hang out,

But it was a dead end.

Let me guess.
Nobody home.

Everybody down there
had zipped lips.

Down there where?

Some pool hall
down by the dockyards.

Teenage hangout.

I know that place.

Wait a minute, adam.

Don't even think
about pulling

vigilante stunt.

With all due respect,

I'm one
of the good guys now.

I just don't want
this investigation
jeopardized in any way.

Ok, you two.
Settle down.


[Crowd muttering]

Puff and onyx.

I'm lookin' for 'em.

I'm only gonna ask once.

Has anybody seen them?

Uh? Uh-uh.

♪ Wanna play rough?
Let's play ♪

♪ Wanna hang tough?
Ok ♪

♪ Wanna play rough?
Let's play ♪

♪ You wanna hang
tough, tough? ♪

♪ Ok ♪

Yo. No superfreaks





Puff, onyx--
where are they?

Where are they?!




♪ Let's play ♪

♪ Ok ♪

Get outta my way!

You're out of control, man.
Cool out.

I said move!

I'm tryin' to be patient
with you, brother.

♪ Wanna play rough? ♪

♪ Ok ♪

♪ Wanna play rough?
Let's do it ♪

♪ Ok ♪

♪ Wanna play rough?
Let's play ♪

♪ Wanna play rough?
Let's play ♪


Why are you
fightin' me?

I gotta find puff.

You know this isn't
the way, static.

Hey, puff got
that girl hurt...bad.

Not exactly
the way I heard it.

Instead of
handling business,

You were showing off

That's how
she got hurt.

You're as much
to blame as puff.


I know.

Puff! Onyx!

He brought
that place down, puff!

Lookin' for you two.

I'm tellin' you. He ain't
playin' around this time.

Doesn't seem like
static's style.

He almost
took me out!

Word is born, onyx.

Maybe we should
keep layin' low

Until static
calms down.

Exactly not
what we're gonna do.

The madder he gets,
the sloppier he gets,


Then let's make him
really hot around
the collar.

Don't know
if you can hear me.

I--i hope you can.

I'm so sorry, daisy.

I'm so sorry.

I don't know why I act
the way I do sometimes.

I guess I want
to tell people
I'm static so badly,

Especially you.

I want to scream it
from the rooftops,

So when puff and onyx
showed up,

All I wanted
was to impress you.

Right then,
nothing else mattered,

Not even your safety.

Please wake up, daisy.

Please forgive me.

I'm sure she does,

Rich, i--

It's all right, man.
We're cool.

Seeing her like that,
i--i feel powerless.

You gotta stop
beating yourself up, v.

What happened to daisy
is like one of
those things

That no one can predict
or control.

All you can do
is wait and see.

And keep the faith, huh?

That'll help, too.

[Tires screech]

Puff: ha ha ha ha ha!

Uhh. Ohh.





Wow, look at that!
Come on!

What's she doing?

She's calling me.

V. V!

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be, gotta be
let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Static shock ♪
♪ static shock ♪

I can do this
all day, static.

Use your head, bro.


Tag, you're it.

You're it!

Do it! Now!



We brought the house down,

[Both gasp]

Better than
a hard hat any day.


This is between
you and me.

Let's take this someplace
where nobody can get hurt.

That's the trouble
with you good guys.

Too soft.



Saddle up, onyx.
We're out.

Agh! Agh!

Hey, stretchy.
They went that-a-way.

Everybody ok?

We did it.
We lost him.


[Both gasp]

You don't look
happy to see me.

Turn him
into a pretzel!

Your turn,
puff mommy.



This will really
blow you away.


Too through with you,

Feeling's mutual,

And by the way,

Do somethin' about
that breath of yours.




I hope you were thirsty.

Rich: "with a cool head
and a timely assist

"From rubber band man,

"Static stopped
puff and onyx's

rush hour rampage."

Ha ha! You've got
your groove back.

Yeah, I guess.

[Telephone rings]


What? She what?


Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Check out the flowers
the hawkins family sent.

Oh, they're lovely,

Just like my baby.


This must be
for you, daisy.

♪ Oh, it's gettin' harder
everyday ♪

♪ Hmm ♪

♪ And I can't take
this pain ♪

♪ Oh, stop playin'
with my emotions ♪

♪ I thought I could be
so laid back about it ♪

♪ But everywhere I'm
on the lookout for you ♪

♪ I know you don't mind ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be ♪

♪ Let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Static shock ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be ♪

♪ Let 'em know ♪

♪ Gotta be, be,
gotta be a superhero ♪

♪ Static shock ♪
♪ static shock ♪