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01x15 - False Promises

Posted: 03/05/23 08:03
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Fire Country...
- REBECCA: Your friend Freddy

really did take a bum plea deal.

You looked into his case?

- Is there any hope?
- I'll have to work some

jailhouse lawyer magic.

There is no glamour in my job.

- I don't scare easily, Manny.
- I know you don't.

Stop by Three Rock next week.

We're gonna work on ourselves
so that by the end of your sentence,

we'll be good.

You're tense. You know, we could
work through that together.

Maybe in the woods later?

Is this about Cap's daughter again?

Did you make it official or something?

Not till I parole.

I got you something.

Music costs a pretty penny in here.

It's nothing for a friend in need.

Something's up with my dad. I can't get

an honest answer out of him,
he keeps dodging me,

and he lost the house.

- He borrowed money from us.

- are you gambling?
- Yes.

Mom, I'm a match to donate my kidney.

I'm a match. Pick me. Let me
be Sharon's kidney donor.

So, if my mom's still okay with it,
you should be her donor.

Sharon, I got approved
for the transplant.

(CRYING): I'm gonna get a kidney.


Bode, stop! Stop!


Stop, Bode.

I came as soon as I heard.

We lost her.

She's gone.

I'm so sorry, Bode.

SHARON: I acknowledge that I may die

in the process or after
a kidney transplant.

I also acknowledge that
I may die donating a kidney.

I understand that a pimpled intern

might remove the wrong organ

and I will not sue. (LAUGHS)

Don't sue them, okay, Vince?

Yeah. No suing. Copy that. (CHUCKLES)

You got anything else fun in yours?

Yeah, I consented to them
recording the surgery.

(GASPS) I'm gonna put on some makeup.


You understand this is...
serious surgery, right?

Anesthesia, risks.

She's ignoring that part.

And I've seen my son more

on edge over the Niners
giving away the Super Bowl.

Let's just have a toast to the
medical marvel of organ transplants.

Thanks to Jakey.

I mean, I thank you, but,
really, I'm just gonna owe you

for the rest of my life.


Oh! Easy, boys.

I'm not looking to make
any infirmary trips today.

Hear you, boss.

REBECCA: What are you working on?

Put in a furlough request

last week to see my mom in the hospital.

C.O. says I have to resubmit.

Let me guess. It was incomplete?

They always say that. May I?


You gonna, uh,

get back your license
to practice once you get out?

That's pretty hard to do.

You know, I'm just not interested
in corporate law anymore.

You know, I can't help
these white collar crooks

get off scot-free after seeing
what people get for minor offenses.

Or Freddy, who didn't even do it.

Right? Okay. And...

this is gonna cost you some new tunes.

I never worked pro bono.

But you're gonna need
your cap's sign-off.

Uh, Cap's out.

During his regular schedule?

- Mm.
- That's weird.

Well, then, you're gonna need
your C.O.'s approval.

Yeah. Good luck with that, man.

The new C.O. denied me
seeing my baby girl.



CASHEN: Playtime's over, inmates.

Let's hit the buggies.

Let's go.

You know, not all C.O.s
play by the rules.

I'd stay on his good side today.


♪ ♪

CASHEN: You call that hustle?

I've seen snails move faster than you.

Let's go!

Good morning.
I was expecting Captain Perez.

I don't think we've met.

Shiloh Cashen.

I'm gonna need a signature
for this cargo.

Uh, what is this?

It's a loan agreement. Perez is out.

I'm lending you this inmate crew
for the day for your...

Uh, reforestation project.

Yeah, that's right.

Okay. Um...

so, does that mean
I'm flying solo today?

Yup. All right, then.

You're officially
in charge of Three Rock

and Black Creek, the women's camp.

It's your lucky day.

I am all for a field trip,
but what exactly are we doing out here?

Looks like gardening.

Eve's been planning
on doing this for a long time.

She got these bull pines
donated from a retailer.

Got us on loan so we can help plant 'em.

It's a good thing.

Yeah, maybe for her career.

EVE: Sure, yeah.

Proving I can lead a crew
is good for my career, but

I'm not doing it for me.

I'm doing it for the hills,
and I'm doing it for y'all.

A few months ago, we had a fire

that b*rned hundreds
of trees around here.

That's because the local sheriff
didn't want inmate crews around.

Fire raged an extra week.

Yeah. He was prejudiced
against fire camps.

Which, again, is why y'all are here.

- To cover up his mistakes.
- It's too late for that.

No, to win hearts and minds.

When y'all leave fire camp,

whether you want
to join Cal Fire or not,

I'm here to show people what I see:

extraordinary firefighters
who've served their community.

All right. People are hard
to hate from close up.


All right, everybody,
we're doing a three-mile hike.

Y'all ready?

CASHEN: I think I'm gonna hang back,
rest my legs.

Rest your legs from what?

- CASHEN: Something funny, inmate?

EVE: Three Rock,
Black Creek, you're with me. Let's go.

CASHEN: Come on, pick up the pace.

Hey, you've reached Manny Perez.

Uh, please leave your name
and your number...

COLLIN: Oh. Hey, who pissed you off?

'Cause I actually know a guy.

Hmm. I afraid I can't stomach
hiring a hit man for my father.

Captain Perez? What'd he do?

He took the day off,

Which is not a good sign because
he doesn't believe in days off.

And he's been super unreliable recently,
especially with money.

Okay, well, I get it,
'cause my grandma...

She's always falling for Internet scams,

and she's wiring money
to strangers, and...

You're worried
he's making a bad decision.

I'm worried he's gambling

when he promised he'd get help.

So, can we talk about this DNR thing?

You don't want to be resuscitated?

Can we not? Because
I'm about to get a kidney.

And then we are gonna go
on that road trip to Yosemite

that we always put off.

DNRs are for...

super old, way sicker than you people.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, but then

I watched my father sit on a vent.

Uh, kept his body alive
long after his spirit was already gone.


That was excruciating to watch, Share,

but this is different.

Yeah, it is, because I'm not

going out that way. I'm...

I'm not leaving you with the
responsibility of pulling a plug on me.

I'm... not sorry.

DISPATCH: Station .
Hand stuck in a bait chopper.

Imperial Harbor cross
from th Street, dock space .

Okay, there it is.

Go worry about that poor soul.

Not me. (CHUCKLES)

I'm not going anywhere.

Actually, you are,

because you're making me
nervous, and Lilly says

that people who are nervous
have worse outcomes.

So, the surgery's not for hours.

And you can be of service.

And then come back to me.

MANNY: Uh, please leave your
name and your number after the beep,

and I'll get back to you
as soon as I can. (BEEP)

This is my fourth call, Dad.

And-and you know what?
I... I'm over it. Uh...

if you are gambling... And you

swore to me that
you would be getting help,

and I believed you.

At a certain point, I'm-I'm...


Here she comes.

- You might want to hang up now, Gab.
- You know what?

It might be more painful

to have you in my life than out of it.


Isn't that...

♪ ♪

My dad?

What's your dad doing on a fishing boat?


Not... gambling.

♪ ♪

FREDDY: Ooh! No more
leg day before gardening.

We're almost there, y'all.

You said that an hour ago.

(SIGHS) I will get you
to your mom's surgery.

What, are you worried?

- Try wrecked.
- Well, me too.

Jake's acting all weirdly chill.

You know how he is.

He's all closed off.

You know, it's gonna take more
than reforesting

a remote location
to change the way people see us.

Hey, are you trying to get written up?

I hate false promises.

- And you're a lawyer, right?
- FREDDY: Hey, yeah.

A lawyer who said
she'd look into my case.

What's the latest there? (TREE CRACKING)

REBECCA: What's that?

Eve, watch out!


Eve! Eve, can you hear me?

♪ ♪

- Eve, can you hear me?
- How did that tree fall?


Hey, hey, sh... hey, shut up.
Everyone, quiet. Quiet.

- Eve?
- She's down there somewhere.

FREDDY: Where? I don't see her.

Yeah. Come on.
Grab your stuff. Let's go.

I don't want a tree to take me out.

- Okay, okay.
- What?

Uh, hey, hey, hey,
the newbie has a point.

That is not a snag.

What-Whatever fell a live tree
could come down on us down too.

No. Uh...

Eve's out here right now
trying to do right by us.

All we've done is sit here and grumble.

- Now we return the favor.
- BECK: She's your friend.

You go.

Today, she's also my captain. And yours.

I'll stick with Manny, thank you.

Cap's not here right now, is he?

Look, right now, we're Eve's crew, okay?

It's up to us.

Great. It's up to me?

I'm heading down to the buggy
before they send me

to Lompoc for attempted escape.

- REBECCA: Whoa.
- I can't go back to prison.

- WOMAN: Yeah.
- MAN: Me too.

Right now, somebody's life
might be on the line.

You guys are just-just gonna walk away?

- What kind of a person are you?
- REBECCA: All right.

There's no need to get all
Lord of the Flies, boys.

Beck, if you leave the crew,
that looks like you're trying to escape.

And if someone follows,
that's considered conspiracy.


Any of that true?

- Thank you.
- EVE: I'm here!

Can you hear me?

Yeah! Eve, Eve!

We can hear you! We got you!

Where the hell is Manny?

Not here. We're on our own.

(GROANING) Help me stabilize his arm.


I'm Captain Baha.
Chief Leone. What happened?

Bait chopper gets hungry every
now and then is what happened.

Safety officer tried to warn him.

That's him there.

Yeah, Perez, let Cal Fire do their job.

VINCE: Uh, actually, we could

use the extra pair of hands
if you can spare him.

Maybe you and your crew could,
uh, give us a little room?

Manny, what do you know?

His name's Alberto. He was trying
to scoop out some lodged bait.

Got his glove caught
in the spinning blade.

I hit the emergency shutdown,
but his hand's still jammed.

All right. Vitals?

His pulse is racing. He's tachycardic.

All right, we need to keep him calm.

The more upset he gets,
the more he's gonna bleed.

Okay, sir, I need you
to breathe with me slowly, okay?

Mija, he doesn't speak English.




Okay, respirations are stabilized.

Good. All right, we'll make sure
the power is secure.

We'll see if we can
reverse the blades manually,

get his hand out.

What are you doing
on a fishing boat, Dad?

You're a Cal Fire captain.

And then you have this guy
talking to you

like you're just some deckhand?

Yeah, well, today I'm a safety officer.

I know I raised you better than
to look down on honest work.

- BODE: Hey, Eve. Eve.

Eve, we're here.

Get me out of here, fast.

My... my breathing's labored.

- Rohan?
- Airway is patent.

No signs of retractions.

Chest rise is even.

Oh, you must be the doctor.


- BODE: Oh, no. Oh, no, no, Eve.

Don't move, don't move. Don't
move. This tree's not stable.

Uh, I'll stay still.

But you got to make sure
you get a good anchor point.

Make sure it's b*mb-proof.

I have rope in my pack.

Okay. Uh, hey, find something

that we can-we can
brace up this trunk with.

'Cause if-if this tree falls, it...

It's gonna crush me.


We won't let it.

Okay. Call this in.

Keep it aboveboard, get back up there.

I don't want you getting
in trouble for me.

Do you see her radio?

Uh, it-it can't be far. I'll find it.

Freddy, Freddy, hey, get some Pulaskis.

We need to create an access point.

We got to-we got to go slow.
If anything moves, we stop.

Got it, B.

- We got you.
- Okay.

Your eighth-grade zip-lining trip.

Okay, Mom, can we not do this, please?

You picked the place.

You wanted to go first.

And then you got scared

on the first leg
and refused to go any further.

Honey, look, you talk a big game, okay?

And I know that heroism
runs in this family, but...

Hey, this isn't zip-lining, though.

Oh, good, you know that.

'Cause... are acting like
this is a walk in the park.

And it's not that,
and it's not zip-lining, either.

I mean, this-this... this is your organ.

It's your body.

It's your life.


I want nothing more than for
my best friend to get a kidney,

except to protect my baby boy.

If you want to back out right now,

I will drive the getaway car,
no questions asked.


I don't want a getaway car.

Look, I'm healthy,
and I'm a perfect donor,

and that's according
to the transplant team.

So, please, don't worry.

I am your mom.

- Worrying is in the job description.
- Yes, I know.

Absolutely. I've heard it my whole life.

I'm ready, Mom.

I wouldn't do this if I weren't.

Now, come on. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY)

Mmm. I'm still your peanut.

(LAUGHS) You are.

Hey, Freddy. Freddy, easy.

Easy. Tree's still not anchored yet.

How much longer, Beck?

Never done this without Cap.
It's gonna take as long as it takes.


Hey, hey, stop, stop.

- Stop! Everyone, stop!
- FREDDY: Stop now!

Stop. She can't breathe.

Freddy. Freddy, give me hand. Come on.

Help me get this branch off her neck.


Hey, I'm really sorry about that.

I'm not going out like this.
This is not how I go out!

Freddy, find something
out of one of the packs

so we can cinch it around this branch
and get it up off her neck.

Give her some breathing room.

- You got this?
- Yup.

Bode, you got this?

- It's not how you go out.
- FREDDY: All right.

We got a lot of people
to save still, you and me.


Around there.

Okay, okay. Now we get it tight.


BODE: Pressure on that.

Okay. Go, get in, get in.


All right, everybody keep moving.

REBECCA: I found the radio.


BODE: Go ahead, give him a hand.

Ah. Come to Mama. Yes.

- Hey, Rohan, get in there.
- You got it, Bode.


Greencrest, this is Three Rock Crew .

We got a firefighter trapped
under a tree at Silver Hills.

- LILLY: You're supposed to be resting.

You're supposed to be with Jake.

Yeah, well, Jake said
I was driving him crazy,

- so he kicked me out.
- Oh.

I might be crazy. I think
I just heard Bode's voice.

DISPATCH: Nearest heliteam is .

This is Division Chief Leone.

Can you confirm the incident location?

Silver Hills at Canyon Road.

Oh. Okay. That's where
Eve took Bode's crew.

These blades are no joke.

- Be careful, Gabriela.
- You think I'm not?

I'm just making sure, mija.

Hey, hey, we're all
on the same team here.


There. Done.

Okay. Can you get his hand out?


Okay. Let's do this.

It won't budge.

Because the spindle's bent.

Chief, we might need to
take this whole chopper apart.



I only took a year of Spanish,
but that doesn't sound right.

No, his-his pulse is weak.

He's losing too much blood.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Manny, compressions are
impossible in that position.

Well, he can't hang by his hand, Chief.
It'll tear right off.

Gabriela, go find me a flat surface.

We need to improvise a spine board.

Go, go, go.

Stats are dropping.

VINCE: Hey, hey.

Airway stays open at all times.
Keep his chin up.

I got it, Chief.

We're running on borrowed time here,
so move it.

Oh, let's go.
Let's put that board behind him.


Guys, I'm not getting a pulse.

- I got him.
- Starting compressions.

We are not gonna lose this guy. Come on.

Come on, Alberto.


BODE: All right, let's go, keep cutting.

Got to get her out of here.

We're losing sunlight fast.

EVE: No, no. No, no, no, no, no.

You can't miss Sharon's
surgery. You got to go.

Don't worry about that right now.

Didn't they say they
were sending a copter?

SHARON: This is Division .

Go to Tac Three.

Mom? Aren't you in the hospital?

I heard one of your crew is trapped?

It's Eve.

Oh, come on. What's her status?

She's hanging in there.

But where the hell is this rescue team?

Okay, the ground team got
lost trying to get to you.

The copter's only T-minus five.

They're just looking for a place
to drop the hoist.

She might be hypothermic.

She-She's conscious, but...
she's hypothermic.

Do you have rescue blankets with you?

Yeah, we-we got 'em, but there's no way

to get 'em around her until
we clear some of these branches.

She's caught in this tree.

Warm compresses.

You should have them
in the first-aid kit.

Yeah, Rohan's already on it.

She doesn't look good.

Okay. You keep doing what you're doing.

You're just raising her body
temperature. You're buying her time.

I know you can do that.

I got a pulse! I got a pulse.

I got respirations.

O'Reilly, go see if you can find
a drill laying around someplace.

Perez, grab your wrench. We
got to finish taking this thing apart.

♪ ♪

Eve. Hey, how you doing?

Uh, Bode...

I've been running it
through my mind, and

there's no quick way to get out of here.

I don't know how much longer I have.

No, look, we're close, all right?

Copter will be here any minute.


My crew had another.

You're gonna be okay.

Okay? We're gonna get you out.

I thought you didn't believe
in false promises.


I'm really sorry about earlier.

Okay, I can be cynical, and...

borderline disrespectful,

and a pain in the ass to almost
anyone you ask who knows me,

but I... I really do mean well.

I'm just... I'm not
used to people helping me.

(PANTING) I get it.


I wish that I could
help myself right now, so...



The copter's incoming.

I don't know how a copter's
gonna... help me

without this tree k*lling me, but...

if I don't m-make it out of here...

- You are.
- If I don't,

you take the baton

and set up the... pre-parole program.

- REBECCA: Okay.
- That's my purpose.

And if I...

And if you deny me that and I die,

then I'm gonna haunt your ass forever.

That's not funny.

Your purpose is not to help Three Rock.

Your purpose is to-to live for you.

Something's wrong.

I can see that. Hang on, Bode.
Do you have them?

Okay, this is D.C. Leone.

I need an update on the
copter rescue on Silver Hills.

DISPATCH: Visibility's low.

Copter 's having trouble
getting low enough

to perform a hoist rescue.

Wait. Are they leaving?

Okay, Greencrest, can you Confirm

the team's ready to lower the hoist?

Negative. Copter is unable
to perform the rescue.

Responding engines are approximately
minutes from your location.

Plus a three-mile hike.

Eve doesn't have that kind of time.

Hi. I need to start your IV.

(CLEARS THROAT) Other arm.

- Excuse me?
- She's trying

to save an injured firefighter. Please.

Okay, we don't need a hoist rescue.

There's a suitable landing zone

a half a mile south of the lodge.

The copter should just land right there.


Copter's landing.

SHARON: How is it going, Bode?

Working on these bigger branches,

trying to quick fab a cross-brace.

We've barely made a dent, B.

Yeah, we can't work any faster

without jeopardizing
the stability of the tree.

All right.
I say we try and slide her out.

Little help here. Let's go!

Hey. Hey, just hold steady.

Can't imagine this is gonna feel good.

- FREDDY: All right, I got this.
- BODE: All right, on me.

One, two, three.

Wait, wait, wait! Wait!

- My boot's caught in a branch.

I think I can reach it
if I just slide in over there.

No, no, Reb-Rebecca.
This tree's unstab...

No, I got it, I got it.

- Rebecca, stop.
- I can do it.

(GRUNTING) Go-go get her.

Go, go, go. (GRUNTING)

FREDDY: Let's go, we got her.



- Eve's out.
- SHARON: Good work. Copy that.


EVE: Holy crap, dude.

I didn't think
you were gonna get me out.

No offense, though.

MAN: Okay, guys,
let's get her out of here.


- WOMAN: Yeah, I see a path.
- Hey.

We did it. (TREE CREAKING)

Take my hand. Thank you.

Oh! Rebecca!

Rebecca? Rebecca, can you hear me?

ROHAN: Pulse is racing.
She must be bleeding internally.


Yeah, I'm here.

Rebecca, this tree
shifted and came loose.

Her breaths are shallow.
She could be going into shock.

FREDDY: Hey, look at this.


This tree was already cut.

And that's why it fell.

SHARON: Bode, talk to me.

We evacuated Eve.

Rebecca got hit by the tree.

It was partially cut,
it wasn't even tagged.

Some crew screwed up and they tried

to cover up their mistakes,
and that's why this happened.

And it's gonna take too long to
get a helicopter back up there.

Bode, can you carry Rebecca down?

We don't have a stretcher.


Hi. We can't wait any longer.

Sharon you have helped them.

Now it's time to let Dr. Ray help you.

Come on.

I'm gonna go into surgery.

But you got to get a couple of branches,

and you tie your jackets together,

and you make a stretcher.

Yeah. I wanted to be there.

I tried.

I'm gonna see you on the other side.

I love you.

Yeah, but I love you more.

Greencrest, Division .

Clearing the Silver Hills incident.

You have a good son.

Yeah, I do. (LAUGHS)

So do you.

You should go be with him now.


Thank you.

Ambulance is on scene.

The bolt is worn out.
I can't get a grip on it.

Just rip off the panel.

You might want to tell him to look away.




uh, he is missing two fingers.

Don't translate that.

Okay, let's find them.

Frozen bait probably kept them viable
to reattach at the hospital.


Got one...

Oh, my God, it's grosser
than the raw bait.

He was in cardiac arrest,
but we got him back.

He might still be hypotensive, though.

Murphy, get everybody back
to the station, okay?

I got to get to my wife's surgery.

Hey, great work, everybody.

There you go.


Um, uh, what was that about?

My dad took the blame for Alberto

so that he wouldn't lose his job.

All while I was busy
thinking the worst of him.

- MAN: Here we go.
- WOMAN: On my count.

One, two, three.


That doesn't sound good.

She's hemodynamically stable,
but in severe pain.

Hard to know much more
without imaging. (GROANS)

I-I need one more jacket.

Thanks, man.

Y'all are gonna freeze to death.

I bet you wish you'd done more
for my case now, huh,

that I gave you my jacket?

You should tell him.

Tell me what?

REBECCA: I called in a favor for you...

with the Innocence Project.

- For real?
- Mm-hmm.

I'm getting a retrial?

Eh. They're just reviewing
your file for now.

Baby steps.

You did that for me?

And you said nothing. Why?

Didn't want to get your hopes up.

BODE: It's a big deal, Freddy.

Means you could get out, man.

Then we better get my lawyer
off this hill.


Let's get this thing here...
Let's get her on there, okay?

Over. In position on me.

Let's move, guys.

Okay, okay.

Hey, I'll be right there. Got it.


You didn't listen to
my voice mail, did you?

What voice mail?

I left you a nasty voice mail
this morning

when I thought you were gambling again.

I wasn't.

I haven't been.

I know that now.

But why didn't you tell me
about your second job?

'Cause I was embarrassed.

Guess I was the one looking
down on honest work, huh?

A job is a job.

You did teach me that.

Hey, I'm proud of you, Dad.


Just erase it. Trust me.

My crew's in trouble.

There he is. (LAUGHS)

I'll give you two a moment.

I know you don't want to talk

about what happens
if something goes wrong here.

- Really don't.
- But I... I have to.

'Cause, you know, you and I

have spent the best years
of our lives together.

We've been through hell and back.

And there's nobody I'd rather
walk through the fire with than you.

You're gonna ruin all this mascara
that I just put on.

When I saw that you checked
the little box

that said, "Do not resuscitate,"

I... I kind of panicked a little bit.

But guess what?

I can.

I can live without you.

I, uh, I live without my daughter.

I hate it, but I do it.

And the thought of

having to do it w-with...

without you...

You're the reason
I get up in the morning.

You are...

You're the reason I keep going, Share.


It's time. Are you ready?

No. No. No, no, no, no.

I... I-I didn't think about anybody,

and I didn't make a will.

I'm so sorry. Oh.

Hey, do you even know where
my... my good pearls are?

Oh. What? No. No clue.

Okay, listen to me.
You have to help Bode do good time.

You have to... you have
to love him for me.

You have to love him
the way that I love him.

- He's gonna need you more.
- I will.

Okay, you have to take me
right now before I chicken out.

Just, let's go.

I love you.

Okay. Oh.

♪ ♪


CASHEN: Leone?


They're over here. What's wrong?

Bl-Blunt force trauma to her abdomen.

- What's her name?
- Rebecca.

Rebecca, can you hear me?

BODE: Uh, n-no. Hey, come on.
What's happening?

I don't have a pulse. She's coding.


Starting compressions.

No, no, no, this can't be happening.

Has it been an hour yet?

Vince, will you sit down?
You're making me nervous.

Yeah, I do that, apparently.

Oh. Hey.

How's Rebecca?

Her spleen ruptured en route.

They took her into surgery.

Dr. Brown's on call.
She's in good hands. I'm Lilly.

Oh. Hey, uh, Manny, this is Lilly.

Lilly's Jake's mom.


Can you give us just a second?


Chief, I should've been there

on that hill with my guys today.

Rebecca's tough, right?

She'll pull through. And Eve...

She'll be okay, too.

She's the help I never knew I needed.

Insanely talented.

And I wasn't there for her today.

- Why? Because I need an extra paycheck.
- No.

- What kind of captain am I, Chief?
- Hey,

you know you can stay with us
as long as you want.

I still owe you ten grand, man.

Forget about the debt, okay?

Vince, I told you
I was gonna pay you back.

And all I have left is my word, man.

- Okay.
- Okay.

WOMAN (OVER P.A.): Staff, Code Blue.



Hey, hey, uh...

My wife is in surgery. Is she okay?

Um, I'm afraid it's the donor.

I'm Jake's mom.

They're doing everything they can.

Well, do more.

WOMAN: Captain Perez.

I have an update on the inmate.

Is Rebecca okay?

♪ ♪

Bode, stop! Stop!

Stop, Bode.

We lost her.

She's gone. I'm so sorry, Bode.

Hey, hey.

My dad said she lost too much blood.

Her body couldn't recover.

She was gonna help Freddy get a retrial.

He signed up for a pre-parole program.

S-She wanted to help people.

She helped me every time I needed it.

Rebecca did good time.

We had no captain.

The guys wanted to stay and...

and wait for help, but I...

I convinced them we could
rescue Eve ourselves.

And you did.

Eve is alive.

Because of you.

Rebecca's dead.

It's my fault she's gone.

CASHEN: It's lights out, Leone.

And you know you can't be here.

(SCOFFS) Yeah.

So what are you gonna do about it?

Gonna write me up? Go ahead. Go on.


Read it.

You approved my furlough.

I'm sorry about Rebecca.

It's a short ride to the hospital.

The buggy leaves in ten.

Bode. You did it.

You get to see your mom.

No, Rebecca did it.

She got me furloughed.

♪ Then a little cloud came ♪

♪ And it got dark... ♪

Oh, my Bode boy.

Hi, Mom.

- Hi.
- And me, too.

Right here. Beloved husband.

♪ With some people typically drank... ♪

Did you know that anesthesia
is, like, the best nap ever?


And I wake up and I have a
new kidney and both my guys.


Hey, Share, there's...

there's no good way to say this. Um...


the transplant didn't happen.


I'm sorry.

No. No, no.

No, no, why?

Jake, um...

He had a severe reaction
to the anesthesia.

Is he okay?


♪ It ain't over, baby blue... ♪

He can't donate a kidney anymore.

♪ I won't say it if it's not true... ♪

No. No.

No, Mom, I-I...

I have... I have perfect health, I'm...

Mom, I ca-I can do this.

No, baby. I'm sorry.

Mom, Mom...

I'm sorry. M... Mom, no.

I'm sorry, baby.

It's okay, let it out.

Let it out. (SOBBING)

- I just wanted to...
- Oh, Jakey.


It's just a hiccup.

We will find you another donor.

We will.

I'm still a match.

No. No. I'm not doing this again.

What just happened to Jake, and...

No, I...

I'm barely living, I-I...


I won't put things off anymore.

I'm seeing Yosemite Falls.

Well, Share, you need a kidney.

You're on dialysis.

Yeah, I'll take that
stupid machine with me

and I'll-I'll do
the treatments on the road,

but whatever time I have left now...

I just want to live that.

♪ It ain't over, baby blue ♪

♪ The fire... ♪


♪ And rage ♪

♪ It ain't over, baby blue ♪

♪ I bent the bars and I ♪

♪ Fled the cage yet... ♪


♪ It ain't over. ♪

This is Captain Manny Perez.

OFFICER: Anita, from Sacramento.

Assistant Chief Snow has
requested a meeting with you

tomorrow at : AM.

Can you be here?

Since when does Snow
have jurisdiction over inmates?

This isn't about
the inmate death, Captain.

You are a person of interest
in an ongoing investigation.


What kind of investigation?
