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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 03/05/23 09:09
by bunniefuu


Get off the tracks!

I've had the most fun today!

Thank you.

-Is he crazy?


This is what I'm talking about!

Hey. Move.

-Mr. Do.
-Get away from there.

Now, everything is going to disappear!


-Mr. Do!

There are times

when you start to feel anxious

for no reason when nothing even happened.


I've been fantasizing a bit.

That these bad guys felt so guilty
that they k*lled themselves.

Including Choi Yong-seok.

It's more like a fairy-tale
than a fantasy.


The others might have felt guilty,

but there's no way that Choi was

after sexually assaulting a woman
in broad daylight.

I'm not talking about guilt.
Their suicides look like fairy-tales.

Oh, my. Oh, no!

Are you okay?

It's a shame
that you didn't get hurt badly.

Look at this punk.

We're working on a case.
This is obstruction of justice.

My goodness. Come on.

I want you to do your job properly
if you're going to use the word "justice."

Superintendent Do Jeong-woo.

That jerk.

Don't waste your energy.

He bumped into us on purpose just now.

It's not wasting my energy.

Lee Ji-uk has it out for the police,
and I'm a police officer.

He does that to prosecutors, too.

What if I hit someone's head on the street
and hit your head next?

Wouldn't you be mad?

If someone doesn't like me for no reason,
I should give him a good reason.

Sooner or later, I'll give him
a really good reason to hate me.

Something was off with the Baek case,

but I confirmed something
with the Choi case.

These cases are odd.

I can't put my finger on it.

But something doesn't feel right.

Right. They're missing what everyone has.

-Something everyone has?

Can you hold this for me?

Wait, my hair!

My hair!

My hair!

-Do you want to die?
-No! That's why I held onto this!

You almost pulled out all of my hair!

Gosh. So something like this.

Our victims didn't try to save themselves.

It must be su1c1de.
They all must've wanted to die.

I didn't have to think to grab it.

My body moved
even before I could think about it.

That's called instinct.

Or should I say reflexes?

Gosh, that hurts.

People aren't in complete control
of their own bodies.

People who want to drown to death
start looking for air

once they begin to suffocate.


a man k*lled himself by jumping
into a pool where his feet could reach.

That means the most ordinary thing
like a plate of water could k*ll us.

-You won't drown?
-What? No, try it.

How about jumping
in front of a speeding train?

It's not like I'm more dangerous
than a train.

Why didn't Choi close his eyes
when you closed yours just now?

You… You're right.

You just checked there.

I'm just double-checking.
I want to be thorough.

Do you think he was high?


He wasn't on dr*gs.

To have the balls to jump
in front of a train,

he should've been jacked up on mescaline.

But he was clean.

The pills you brought aren't
even sleeping pills, but sleep inducers.

You don't need a prescription to buy it.
And it's not that effective.

Nowadays, people's cell phones hold
more intel than the police's database.

Gosh, that's amazing.

Other examiners would've ruled him
as intoxicated if I hadn't done this.

Are you sure?

Yes, look at his face. He looks fine.

You said you were at the scene.

You can tell right away
if someone is high on dr*gs.

Addicts stick out even more.

Their pupils are completely different.

They are very moody.

They are depressed, anxious,
distracted, and sensitive.

It's impossible not to spot them.


It's , won.

Gosh. What the heck?

That assh*le. Is he high?

A professor at a national university

tried to r*pe a woman in broad daylight,
but was run over by a train

while being chased by the police.

But this is m*rder?

The culprit is the police, then.

Only Lee Ji-uk is claiming
that it's m*rder.

It's not a su1c1de or an accident
since they died just as forewarned.

Are we sure about that?

Why would this assh*le send out
coded messages?

Well, it wasn't that hard.

Stem-Branch was used for the date.
Binary for the time.

And the area code of a phone number
for the location.

It's already complicated.

-Shut up.


The Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
are often used in Chinese calendars.

Fortune-tellers often use them.

There are ten Heavenly Stems.

There are five phases such as
wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

And there are five colors such as
green, red, yellow, white, and black.

Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake,
horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, pig.

You can use animals
to represent the branches.

We pair one of the stems
with one of the branches to mark a date.

For example, here's a child
who was born on September th, .

It'd be Gyeongsul day of Eulyu month
in Gyeongja year,

which means the baby was born
on the White Dog day

of the Blue Rooster month
in the year of the White Rat.

So the day the Blue Rooster
climbs over the Red Sheep…

September the st.



The next part is easier.

You can replace the gems
with zero and one.

They all look the same.
Why do you replace them with zero and one?

They are different.

Gosh. Amazing.

How did Mr. Do figure this out?

He's not normal, either.

No freaking way. This guy is crazy.

-How did you--
-It's binary.

No numbers can start with zeros.
So the first one is one.

When you only have ones and zeros,
it's obviously binary.

I could easily find a binary program
that can convert the numbers,

so when I substituted them,

I got , .

We can figure out it means : p.m.

Yes, it's important to note
that all the messages start with a zero.

In this digital age,

it's odd that each letter was cut out
and put together. The spacing is a mess.

But if you look closely at the numbers
of letters after each space,

you get zero, two, four,

five, and eight.

The area code for Seoul is .

With , we get Jangyi-dong.

So you're telling me
that we cracked the code.

-I solved it.

If you solved it,
it means the police solved it.

Gosh, we're pretty good.

Call the public relations officer.

Tell the officer we cracked the code
and can prevent the next m*rder, too.

But how did the caller
for the Baek Seung-jae case

pinpoint the location to a hotel?

We cracked the code, but we could
only pinpoint it to a district.

Cracking the code doesn't guarantee
we'll catch the culprit.

Let's take care of this case
internally for now.

Why can't we catch the culprit?
We have everything here.

Whoever it is, I don't think
the culprit shows up at the scene.

And right now, all eyes are
on these forewarned murders.

We'd better make sure people don't
find out what the victims have in common.

If the public starts to get paranoid

and believe we're going easy on the rich--

Hold that.



Hey, turn on the TV.

-What channel?
-How would I know?!

Put on XVN.

The fourth victim
of the forewarned murders

was Professor Choi Yong-seok,
a college professor.

Who would do such a thing? And why?

My fellow reporters and I had
this question.

And we came across a shocking fact.

m*rder is an unpardonable crime,

but what if the victim of the m*rder
did not deserve to live?

What if he was no better than a brute?

He came at me all of a sudden.

It was like he was out of his mind.

What did he say?

He said he couldn't hold back anymore
and that he was too horny.

It was really horrible.

It turns out Choi Yong-seok

had been sued several times
for sexual as*ault and sexual harassment.

Last year,
one of the students who sued him

took her own life
because people called her a gold digger.

On top of that, recently, a woman
mysteriously fell from his lab and died.

Choi Yong-seok was worse than
a brute to his students.

Then what about the other victims?

Was being a victim to the forewarned
murders the only thing they had in common?

We'll be back with in-depth coverage soon.

One step closer to current events.

I'm Lee Ji-uk of
Zoom In on Current Events.

Reporter Lee Ji-uk warned the police,
but the police didn't do anything.

Is that why there had been more victims?

The victims were criminals
who were not charged by the police.

What do you have to say about that?

We'll establish a cooperative system
that will use every means necessary

and conduct a thorough investigation
to solve the case as soon as possible.

We also urge you to refrain from spreading
groundless rumors to cause social unrest.

Are you saying the victims
weren't ordinary people?

Was there external pressure?

What the hell? Come on.

What kind of press conference is this?

What is this all about?

I came all the way here for this!

It won't go that far, sir.

Will you take responsibility if it does?

If the foundation is mentioned
with everything happening--

I'll take responsibility. Is that all?

As long as you refrain from mentioning

the foundation and the murders together
like you just did,

no one will see the connection.

Can't you just…

Get this off the trending news
and pull down the blinds.

Then even fools
will know that something is off.

If all the information
they were reading disappears,

it will backfire
and they'll become obsessed with it.

We are currently managing all the posts
on active online forums.

It's important to make them think
what they're seeing is everything.

We'll gradually take
the related terms off.

Once they are off the list,

we'll make sure no one can
access them online.


We can distract the people
without making it look so obvious.

It's a piece of cake.

We know what we're doing.

I'm hanging up.

He's getting so scared
now that the shit hit the fan.

That's right. Making people
forget this story should be easy.

There's plenty else to see.

What lies in front of you
determines what the fact is.

If that's the case, we need to decide
what we want to show them.

So was it su1c1de?

I'm just curious.

My husband wouldn't k*ll himself

as long as there are girls to sleep with.

What? I don't sound like someone
who just lost a husband?

I'm mourning more than I need to.

He may have had a shitty personality,
but he was good at hiding it.

I heard he tried to r*pe a woman
on the street that day.

More shockingly,
he jumped in front of a train.

He used to think even crossing
the street was too dangerous.

That's odd.

No dr*gs were found in his system.

Oh, my. Did I say that he was on dr*gs?

Apart from being horny,
he didn't have any other problems.

He'd gone to therapy before,
but he didn't have much to say.


That wasn't in his medical records.

Of course not.

It could've ruined
his chance at reappointment.

The therapist must've been cute.
He was excited to go to therapy.

Hey. Hello.

Ji-uk, are you sure we should do this?

I read the materials you sent me,
but I'm sh1tting my pants here.

Forget about Park Gyu-tae of Manoe Group.

Do you know who Kim Yeong-jun's dad is?

He's the CEO of DS Law Firm.

Come on. Can we go after…

Can we really go after these people?

Choi's brother-in-law, the mayor of Seoul,
is running for president.

He's dead. Who cares?

How's our ratings?

I wrote my will.

If our ratings go up to percent,
I'll die of a heart attack.

-We even got commercials for reruns.
-What about online?

We were going viral,
but someone's pulling the strings.

Then we can undo the strings.

Let's go.

I'm not so keen on catching
and punishing the criminal.

But I need to know what happened at least.

Is finding out if it was su1c1de or not
that important?

Even if you get to the bottom of it,
it won't bring back your husband.

Let's just say
I have no patience when I'm curious.

Right. To an ordinary wife, finding out
if he k*lled himself or was m*rder*d

is more important than his death itself.

-What is it?
-Where are you?

Things are crazy over here.

-The FBI is coming?
-The FBI is coming.

To be precise, she is former FBI,

and currently the director
at the Criminal Psychology Lab,

consulting on cases all over the world.

Is that all?

I thought Lee Ji-uk did
another report on our case.

-It's become evident…
-Well, yes. He did.

…that Professor Choi
was a sexual predator.

And the crimes committed by the other
victims have come to light as well.

It's because of that jerk.

The higher-ups don't trust us because of
his reports. So they called the FBI.

So what?
It's fine as long as it gets solved.

Have you no self-respect?

That's our case. We'll crack it!

Hey, what Mr. Do meant is

whether it's the FBI or the CIA,

it won't matter
because we'll solve it quicker.



I'm not cleaning up after some Yankee.
I won't!

You're right. She must be a foreigner.

Damn it. What am I going to do?

-I don't like people with big noses.
-Why not?

A man with a big nose…

Don't stand there. Go.

Don't touch me.


-Are you okay?
-How dare you attack a lady?


I'm the one who touched him.

He told me not to touch him.

But I didn't touch him, per se.

I'm all alone on an empty street.

The sun is shining brightly.
But the watch that can't be wrong says

it's midnight.

That makes me wonder.

Is it day or night?


Excuse me. Let me see your ID.

Was that English?

What the…

This is how we dress in Korea.

That's the former part-timer here.


And she's dead.

-You sexually harassed him.
-When did I…

You touched him which offended him.
So this is sexual harassment.

We need the victim's statement
for sexual harassment,

so we'll summon you
when the victim who ran away reports it.

And when we do, make sure to come…

with someone from the US embassy.

You speak Korean very well.



Where did he go?



I've been waiting for the day
when they would beat the crap out of you.

And today is the day.

-Looks like they weren't that scary.
-They scared the shit out of me.

Your eyeballs are still intact.

They didn't rip your organs out.

They are too soft. Softies.

Actually, they'll pull my eyeballs out
the next time I mess up.

Just give me my stuff.

I'm not afraid of people
who are just all talk.

If they were going to do it,
they wouldn't warn…

I ought to tie up your organs.

This is , won short.

Oh, right. I spent it
to buy some disinfectant.


Hand it over.

Come on! Don't be so stingy.

Given your age,
this is like training your successor.

You're fooling yourself with that.

I raised a kid, so I know
what I'm talking about.

-Having a protégé is no joke.

I, Baek Hyeon-su, am a heartless city boy.

I'll use anyone for a greater cause.

You're full of crap.

So it's true that you have a child?

I heard you have a secret son.

What does he do? What's he doing now?

What else? If I raised a decent kid,
he'd be working right now.

It's dangerous going around with that
in your mouth.

I didn't know
anyone here could pull me so powerfully.

Do you want me to show you
how powerful I can be?

Why do you keep sleeping
in the holding cell?

How did you know?

Every police officer in Seoul knows
you sleep there.

They're complaining that
you're getting in their way.

Don't even mention the detainees.

Are you okay?

You have good balance.
That's even more annoying.

Goodness. You look like a bum.

The police only have
so much reputation you can ruin.

Why can't you dress up nicely?

What the hell?

What is this?

I don't think I can even buy
one of these anymore.

You know things are bad, right?

I don't go online or watch TV,
so I didn't notice.

Look around for once!

It's a mess out there.

Please help me out here.

I've got two kids
who aren't in college yet.

I can't even turn on my phone right now.

Oh, right. I heard about
that FBI agent or some doctor.

I'm fine with it. I'll work with her.

You're fine?

You haven't grasped the situation yet.

Listen. They don't trust us now,
so they're sending in an outsider.

Your feelings don't matter now.

No, but it's really strange.

We've had some bizarre incidents,
but they never sent in an outsider.

Don't you need water?

What kind of medicine is that?

Stop taking so much medicine.
Your immune system…

Take the next one.

By the way, I hope the higher-ups
aren't trying to close this case fast

because they have secrets
that can't be revealed.

Well, that's at least
what Reporter Lee thinks.

Even if that was the case,
we're the police.

I'm sure we won't let them
order us around like this.

Your lower eyelids are twitching.

Why are you making that face?

It's as if Reporter Lee was right.


She is an accomplished expert.

Whoever gave the order,

catching the culprit
and closing the case is your job.

Hang in there.

She is a licensed lawyer.

She was the head
of Behavioral Analysis at the FBI.

And she has a PhD in psychology.

She'd better speak Korean.

How old is she? She's a lawyer,

has a PhD in psychology,
and led the Behavioral Analysis Unit.

Hey, is she over years old?

What if she's a profiler or whatnot?
And she makes us do all the legwork?

If she can't run meters in seconds,
she's done for.

Well, Americans aren't formal
at work, right?

What if she thinks she's our boss
and doesn't respect Mr. Do?

She'd better bow to him properly
or I'll teach her a lesson.

Come in.

How can I help you?

You're from yesterday.

If it's about that, there was no report,
so no need to make a statement.

-Is he crazy?

I'm the one who touched him.
He told me not to touch him.

But I didn't touch him, per se.


I'm Jamie Leighton.
I'll be working with you from today.

I'm from the Criminal Psychology Lab.

I am also a former FBI agent.

I speak Korean fluently,
and I can run meters in seconds.

Damn it.

The breeze was so nice.

You're way too careful.

When I come to see you from now on,
I'll cover myself up,

and I won't even breathe loudly.

-More importantly, how did you know?

Choi Yong-seok.

It would've been odd if you told me
you knew he'd make a scene.

But you wouldn't have made me
tail him otherwise.

Cut to the chase.

Did you know he was going to die?


Gosh. I'm so scared.

That's just asking to be smited.

You're laughing?

Being smited with cash would be nice.

-What is this?
-The building I mentioned.

I checked out the security footage
around it and saw

some famous people going in and out.

Who knows what else you might find?

Park Gyu-tae.

Baek Seung-jae.

-Choi Yong-seok.
-Choi Yong-seok.

What about Kim Yeong-jun?

It must've been erased
given the time frame.

That incident took place a while ago.

On April , an XVN reporter, Lee Ji-uk,
gets a video clip from a crime scene.

And that clip was the Kim Yeong-jun case.

It took place on February .

At the time,
everyone thought it was su1c1de.

This case was completely overlooked

because it happened before
the forewarned murders blew up.

But there was a warning letter

for the Park Gyu-tae case on June .

He got the clip a day
after the incident took place.

That's when he did a major segment on it
to get attention,

but people called him an attention-seeker.

It's obvious that both committed su1c1de,
but he kept making stuff up,

calling them forewarned murders
with those clips.

Was that the police's official statement?

You're new to this game,
but Lee is an attention-seeker.

So you're telling me
when he reported a crime,

the police took it as his attempt
to put on a show.

So the police intervened on August

when you got a tip that the third incident

would occur at Baek Seung-jae's hotel.

That's when someone cracked the code
and reported it to the police.

Is he crazy?


It happened right in front of your eyes,
but you couldn't stop it from happening.

Following this incident, the police
officially began investigations.

After analyzing the warning letter,

you figured out the location
of the fourth incident and set out.

That's where you met Choi Yong-seok.

I have a question.

Why were you in Jangyi-dong that day?

Oh, right! We met before
the convenience store incident.

At the train tracks!

Since we're on the subject, answer
my questions from the convenience store.

Did you really land in Korea on August ?

Why are you here?

Have some faith
in your immigration checkpoints.

Of course, I landed in Korea on August

as per the request of the Korean
police force for these incidents.

Of course, I was at Jangyi-dong because
I figured out the code in the letter.

Well, it wasn't exactly hard.

It wasn't much.

I know.

You're smart.

You have pretty hands.

When people try to get to know each other,

they compliment each other
to see how the other one reacts.

Yes. That's right.

Here. The pig on your Band-Aid…

It's cute.

It's a rabbit.

I'll still take it.

All right. It looks like you figured out
what's going on here.

You're with me today.

You guys check Park Gyu-tae
and Baek Seung-jae's victims.

-The two of you?
-Yes. She's practically a foreign--

She's American. I should take care of her.

And you can take care of her?

Is there a problem?

I was worried about you.

Me? What…

Why is that?

I'll take Ji-wan, then.

-Let's go.


She said she'd teach me a lesson
if I didn't bow to you properly.

But she doesn't bow to you at all.

I heard that seniority is pretty important
in Korea, but I guess that's not true.

That's just our team.

I'm pretty easygoing.

Gosh, you're really easygoing.

I'm practically a foreigner as you said,
but you're making me drive?

Didn't I tell you earlier? I'm easygoing.

All right. Easygoing Superintendent Do.

So where are we going?

Why don't you take a guess?


That's the address for the bereaved family
of the girl Kim k*lled.

However, I don't think
these incidents have anything

to do with the crimes
the deceased committed.

Maybe so,
but when it comes to police work here,

there is this boring process called
the protocol which we can't skip.

And the Kim Yeong-jun case
is a bit strange.

What's strange about it?

It doesn't make sense.

What doesn't make sense?



Just like I said, it doesn't make sense.

I said it didn't make sense
because it didn't.

If you ask me why, I have nothing to say.


"The act or habit of evaluating something
as unworthy

or making something worthless
by evaluating it as such."

It's an English word.

You said it didn't make sense

because you spotted a rule,
but this deviates from the rule.

So tell me the rule you discovered.

And how this case deviated from--

We have to make a right turn.

You've deviated from the route.


I was wrong.

I know I'm practically a foreigner,
but should I give it a try?

This is odd. I know this is the place.

Didn't you say this route was faster?

I told you we should've followed the GPS.


What? What is it?

This isn't the place.

We have to go that way.

No wonder it looked unfamiliar.

Let's follow the GPS.

-Where do we go now?
-We should stick to the plan.

Yes, Dr. Leighton.

How did you know it was me?

It's about time that you figured out
what a mess he is.

I'm sorry. I misunderstood you.

Given the time,

we'll only be able to talk to
Kim Yeong-jun's victim.

I'm really sorry.

Get in.

No. This is not the place.

Look how we inconvenienced them.

I'm sure they also had plans.

What do you mean?

I'm sure Lieutenant Gong was going
to check all the victims including Choi's.

What about Lieutenant Jang?

No, just Lieutenant Gong.

How on earth did you see this coming?

Why do you still think
Mr. Do will handle all of his work?

Special Recruit.

I'm not!

He said he wanted to see me,
so we could talk about our grades.

Do you remember when that was?

It was late at night after our class.

Why do you keep coming here?

How dare you come here!

You guys are unbelievable!

My husband was

beaten up by Park Gyu-tae so brutally
that he was hospitalized.

And he died at the hospital.

I mean, how?

How could his sense of direction
be this bad?


Are you doing this on purpose
to t*rture me?


Did you check

the security footage of the Park Gyu-tae
and Baek Seung-jae cases?

Yes. We did.

Lieutenant Yoon is checking it
a second time.

There were no cameras
at Kim's crime scene.

I saw it too.

And I found our

Okay. So what is that?

That all the deceased showed
antisocial behavior, committed crimes,

and didn't have any moral guilt.

Right before they died--

They looked like
they were sleeping, right?

There was no video. Instead,
we had an eyewitness for Kim's case.

He said Kim suddenly jumped
after waking up.

It's highly likely that Park
had just woken up when he came out.

I only met Baek Seung-jae briefly.

I don't know if it was dr*gs or alcohol,
but he definitely looked sleepy.

Choi Yong-seok was just leaving the office
after his sleep treatment,

so he would have just woken up, too.

I'm curious. Can I ask you a question?

Why did you really come to Korea?

I hear you're successful in the US.

A former FBI agent and
director of the Criminal Psychology Lab.

I heard serial m*rder cases over there
have dozens of victims.

Why would you come to such a small country
for such a minor case?

Have we

met before?

I easily get the wrong idea.
Do you have a crush on me or something?

Please don't tell me I look familiar
and you feel drawn to me. Please don't.

Yes. We did meet
at the convenience store that day.

-When I almost arrested you for--
-Not that.

Not on the train tracks, either.

Didn't you say you grew up
in the US your whole life?

So how could we have met before?

But why do I get the feeling

that you're trying to make it sound
like you know me?

What are you doing?


and where did we meet?

If you need some time to think,

why don't you do that
at a healthy distance?

Right now, I feel like I'm in danger
and intimidated.

Your vocabulary is good for an American.


found the house.

This is all I have.

It's fine.

Didn't you know that the dead part-timer
was Kim Yeong-jun's victim?

If you're trying to criticize me
for not reading the files closely,

I'll be honest, I didn't read up
on all of the victims.

Because initially, I didn't think
it was about getting revenge.

I'm sure these people ended up dead
to achieve a different goal.

Like what?


I don't know yet.

You're not that good.

What did you say?

I'm not a psychic, you know.

I need time to solve cases.

If I have more time
and information, I will--

With more time and information,

do you think you can remember
when and where we met?


You're not much.

I found something in Park Gyu-tae
and Baek Seung-jae's crime scene footage.

I didn't see it at first,

but I kept watching it and saw
they had something in common.

I saw Choi Yong-seok die with my own eyes,
so I don't have to check that.

What is this?

All three of them…

They were smiling

very happily.

The building I told you about.

I checked out
the security footage around it

and saw some famous people
going in and out.

Who knows what else you might find?

It's the last one on the third floor.

The door is locked.

The last room on the third floor.

What is this?




I'm almost done with the files.

And it's irrelevant to our case, right?

Right. These aren't revenge crimes.

But I want to reward the k*ller for
k*lling them now that I read their files.

Don't say that.

I'll report that they're irrelevant.


Is that all you care about?

Is he a psychopath?

You startled me. Hey.

I told you to clean it up!

I'm the producer. Am I your maid?

I cleaned it.

I know you're a neat freak,
so I cleaned it.

Come here. Sit down.

Drop everything.
We need to find something.

No, I can't.
I heard an assemblyman's son did dr*gs.

Play it.

-What are you looking for?
-I don't know.

If you don't know, who would?

Producer No.

Apart from the one who sent me
the warning letters,

someone else tipped me off
that they had cracked the code.

This person wanted me to tell the police
who the next victim was.

And Choi Yong-seok was the victim.

Choi Yong-seok?

Do you know what I did?

I didn't report it,
but I had someone follow him.

Then you could have saved him.

What's the point of saving
that piece of trash?

Just check the footage.

It's a week's worth of footage.

If this leads to anything,
we'll have an exclusive scoop.

Gosh. Seriously?

Dad, why are you home at this hour?

-What a good husband.

I get to see him once every ten days.

There's no husband like you.

This is nice.

Hye-won, are you just coming home?

You should quit your job.

Choose a nice man from your father's lab.

Have adorable children
and enjoy your life.

What will we do with her?

Will you let her live so dangerously?

My gosh.

I can never understand these Gongs.

-You guys are so weird.
-Let me try that.

Look at that.

Hey, don't take my husband's tea.
Take your boyfriend's.

That's right. What about your team leader?

Didn't you say he's smart,
respectable, and handsome?

Didn't he have a good voice?

Mom, what are you talking about?

He's awful.

Gosh, he's… He's weird. He's awful.

-I'm going to my room.

Didn't you say that his eyes were
captivating or something?

Hey, if you aren't satisfied with that…

By the way,
you've always been awful to me.

You are the best thing
that happened to me.

You're all talk. My goodness.

How can both father and daughter
only care about work?

You'll have to lose your family
to realize that it is the most important.

Gosh, I hope that doesn't happen to us.

I love you!

Both of you are all talk.

I can never argue with you.

You're not that good.

With more time and information,

do you think you can remember
when and where we met?

That means we've met before.

But I've never seen him before.

I'm all alone on an empty street.

The sun is shining brightly.

But the watch that can't be wrong
says it's midnight.

That makes me wonder.

Is it day or night?

Choi Yong-seok was just leaving the office
after his sleep treatment,

so he would have just woken up, too.

They looked like
they were sleeping, right?

We had an eyewitness for Kim's case.

He said Kim suddenly jumped
after waking up.

It's highly likely that Park
had just woken up when he came out.

I don't know if it was dr*gs or alcohol,
but he definitely looked sleepy.

Choi Yong-seok was just leaving the office
after his sleep treatment,

so he would have just woken up, too.







How did he know that?




My arm.

Don't move.

My arm hurts.

A therapist wouldn't have an office here.

Then how on earth…

Choi Yong-seok was just leaving the office
after his sleep treatment,

so he would have just woken up, too.

How could he pinpoint that
Choi had just left his sleep treatment?

Wait. Hold on.

Didn't someone just walk past the window?

What? Which window?

-The third floor.
-The third floor?

-Are your eyes getting dim?
-Just check it.

I didn't see anyone by the windows.

-Okay, you're right. Someone did.
-Right here.

Can you improve the resolution?

Yes. Hold on.

To be certain that Choi Yong-seok
was leaving after his sleep treatment…

At this point,

only the culprit would know.

It's done.

What? Is this what you were looking for?


It's way more than that.

We caught the culprit.

And ominous feelings are never wrong.


How good is your information?

Lee Ji-uk did get the right place.

Right. He got the right place.

We'll make the cops
arrest one of their own.

Are you suspecting Mr. Do?

I don't think Superintendent Do
is on a slippery slope.

He seems dangerous.

Join my team already.

I bet that some kids survived,

managed to evade our pursuit,
and are now attacking us.

What are you hiding?

You knew something we didn't know,
didn't you?

Then I must be the culprit.