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01x13 - Eat Up, Everyone!

Posted: 03/05/23 10:51
by bunniefuu
This is the tale of a man who continues to fight against fate.

Simon and the others emerge victorious from their battle with Adiane the Elegant.

During the battle, Yoko learns of Nia's trust in both her and Team Dai


Any hard feelings that Yoko harbored against Nia are now dispelled.

Team Dai

-Gurren's bonds of loyalty have been made even stronger.

Ah, so THIS is where you've been, Simon.

Is something the matter?

-No, it's just that you've really changed your image.

- I knew it, I look odd.

- No, you don't!

Not one bit!

You mean it?
I sure do!

That's a relief By the way, Simon There's something that I need to discuss with you.

What is it?

The thing is, I I want to be put to work!

Everyone else is toiling away at their tasks.
I can't bear to be the only one doing nothing!

I want to do something!

To make myself useful!

Well, you're a princess, Nia, so seeing you smile is enough for I'm no longer a princess.

Oh, right.

Um Simon!

What's this I hear about you going without a meal all day?

It's no big deal.

I grab a bite when I get hungry.


You're the only one who can pilot Lagann!

What would we do if you passed out or something when we needed you?

Eating properly is part of your job!

Eating properly is part of his job?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Did I interrupt something?

No, I have my answer now!

Oh, you do?

Uh, you do?

Anyway I'm gonna borrow Simon for a while.

I swear, you never grow up I've found it.

I've found my job.

Episode 13: Eat Up, Everyone What's wrong with Rossiu?

I can't pinpoint the cause, but nothing seems physically wrong.

It might be stress from overwork.

Well, he's going out to fight in Gurren day after day even though he's still a kid.

It's hardly surprising that he's collapsed.

I don't really think that you're in a position to talk here.

What are you getting at?

My point is, don't you think you've been pushing yourself too hard lately?

Not really.

I'm just doing what needs to be done.

Awesome Looks like we're gonna get a taste of "palace food".

Nia's so cute when she's working hard I've been fasting since yesterday to get ready!

That's going a little too far, dude Wow, I'm impressed.

Nia said she wanted to work, too.

It's nearly ready, everybody!

- Enemy forces?

- That's what's strange.

Judging from the size, I'd say it's a battleship, but these coordinates indicate that it's in the air.

- The air?

- Come on, that's impossible.

The radar is working properly.

But if it really is an airborne enemy, how do we go about attacking them?

Flying Carrier Fortress Gunmen: Dai

-Gunten The time has finally come to demonstrate my power.

Cytomander the Swift Spiral King Lordgenome, watch closely!

All units, advance!

- Yoko!

- I'm taking over for Rossiu!

I'll pilot Gurren.

I can do it fine by myself!

You don't think I'm up to it?

I've been practicing!

I didn't mean it like that!

That settles it, then!



You'll go with me, huh?

All right, come get some!

What's the matter?
Come down here!

Fight me, damn it!

Fight me!

- Second wave closing in!

- Come and get it!

I'll remember this!

It ain't gonna happen again!


Chew on this!

Weaklings Such weaklings!

They dispatched Thymilph and Adiane and gave even Guame a hard time, so I was unsure how formidable they would be.

It's not that they are weak, but perhaps rather that I am too powerful!


We're going out in Gurren Lagann!

If you go out now, you'll be sitting ducks!


Throw us again, Leeron!

- Are you sure about this?

- We don't have time to argue!

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Do it!


Damn it!


Simon, look at this!

Hey, right!

Maybe we can integrate it!

It worked!

All right!

Now we can attack that flying battleship!

Damn, that was cool
- Brother!

- Outta the way!

Kiyoh and Kiyal?
Hey, now!

All right, let's pay 'em back ten times over!

Not so fast!

We want a piece of this action, too!

If this keeps up, we won't get to eat Nia's cooking.

- Her cooking, her cooking!

- Her cooking, her cooking!

Okay, let's show those bastards what Team Dai
-Gurren is made of!

Commence counterattack!

- We'll fly right down their throats!

- Okay!

Enemy Gunmen closing in fast!


I didn't expect to get to face him.
It's been a while, naked ape!

Is that you, Viral?
Do you have any idea of the depths of my shame?

Of the humiliation of being the sole survivor?

How it felt for me to beg and plead to take part in this battle so that I might have the chance to face you?


I haven't got the hang of flying yet!

I'll clear us a path!

Are you kidding me?


You're not getting away!

Viral and the enemy Gunmen have crashed into the levi
-sphere control room!

They've what?


Why the worried look?

Don't worry, it's nothing serious.


What happened to Kamina?

Why is there only a woman and a child here?



My Bro is If you're looking for my Bro, he's dead.

He's what?

#Encodergasm Presents Gurren Lagann #Encodergasm Presents Gurren Lagann He died back then?

Kamina is dead?

You're saying that I've been losing to you?

To a mere child?

You, boy.

What is your name?

It's Simon.

Simon, you can't do it alone!

I'll be fine.

Don't worry, Yoko, I'll protect you.
That's a fine attitude.

I wouldn't want you to say you lost because you had a wounded woman on board.

An insult done to me by a Gunmen will be repaid in my Gunmen!

That's the way I do things!

2 levi
-sphere output falling!

Unable to maintain altitude!


Putting up a visual now.
What do you think you're doing, Viral?

Hey, they're on fire up there!

I see that!

Now's our chance!

Hit 'em hard!

We've taken a pounding, too!

Our main g*ns are gone, and the engine room is seconds away from shutting down!

This is so frustrating!

Simon and Yoko are in the belly of the beast!

What's the big idea, not backing 'em up?

I'll nail 'em with a flying kick if that's all we got!

I'll borrow that idea of yours.
How can this be?

How can I be losing to a mere human cub?

I'm putting an end to this here, Viral!

Well, I'll be.

He really CAN fight on his own Cytomander's Custom Gunmen: Shuzack You in the Gunmen, stay where you are!

Otherwise, I'll crush this she

-ape flat!

General Cytomander!

How long are you going to keep fooling around, Viral?

Forgive me, sir.

I'm not interested in hearing your excuses.

Finish him!

Yes, sir No, don't!

Simon, keep fighting!

Keep quiet!

You're playing dirty, Viral!

This happens every single time!

Is this how you do things, Viral?

Leeron, are you SURE you want to do this?
Just this once!

Hold it together!

You can count on me!


Full speed ahead!

Damn you, what are you playing at?

I mustn't settle things with the human in this manner.

Have you lost your mind, Viral?

I see you've forgotten your debt to me for discovering you Viral!

- It's a flying kick!

- Dodge it, dodge it!

It didn't work, we just clipped them!

We ain't done yet!

Viral, you bastard!

Yoko, are you okay?

Yeah, somehow.

Boota protected me.

What about the guys?

Why, that looks like a flying device!

Perfect timing!

Grab it!


What the hell is going on?

We lost No.
1 levi

We can't maintain level flight!

Do whatever it takes to keep us level!

-Yes, sir!

Viral, you will pay dearly for this.

Yes, sir

- The enemy ship?

- It's retreating.

Looks like we managed to drive them off.

Say, Simon, did you know?

I kinda had a thing for Kamina.

Yeah, I knew.

You did, huh?

Your bones and organs seem okay.

A little bed rest, and you'll be good as new.

It can be a pain, being this tough.

Yoko, are you all right?

I'm fine, I'm fine!

Leeron's overreacting, that's all.

Don't worry.

Thank goodness If you're hungry, let's all eat the dinner I made earlier!

Weren't you listening?

Eating properly is part of your job!

Go on, shoo!

- I'll come by later.

- I'll come visit, too.

- Rossiu?

- Rossiu?

The thing is It all started yesterday.

I was walking by, and Nia asked me to be her taste tester.

Its taste was not of this world.

However, Nia looked so happy as she was cooking that I could not bring myself to come out and say it was awful.

And so, I sampled every last dish Ah, that's what caused it.

- Oh, no!

- Oh, no!

There is plenty to go around!

Eat up, everyone.

It's great!

The operation's failure rests entirely on this man's insubordination.

In addition to being incompetent, he is defiant, as well!

A fool beyond any hope of redemption!

I ask that you sentence him to death!


If you order me to die, I will gladly obey.

But before then, there is something that I must know!

Restrain yourself, Viral!

Very well.

Ask your question.

Are the humans truly creatures that are inferior to Beastmen?

These humans what the hell are they?

- Cytomander, leave us.

- Sire?

I will see to this man.


-Yes, sire.

Beastmen are imperfect creatures, indeed To maintain their powerful bodies, it is absolutely essential for them to go into a deathlike sleep, during which time their cells rejuvenate.

If one were to stay awake, every cell in his body would die.

Spiral King, it is you who gave us Beastmen life.

Why would you give us such flawed bodies?

What are humans?

Do you really wish to know the answer?

Do you, Viral?


To Be Continued Next Time No matter how thick the wall, it will eventually crumble.

With that belief in our hearts, we continue to pound away at it together.

Well Met, Everyone Next time on Gurren Lagann, "Well Met, Everyone".