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01x11 - Wake the Dead

Posted: 03/06/23 13:56
by bunniefuu
O malefic one,

your humble servants
make you these offerings.

The bones of wolves
ground into powder,

fat from the flesh of geckos
rendered into candles.

The rune that is your name,

unspeakable by our
unworthy tongues.

O malefic one, we beseech thee,

grant us the power to
destroy our enemies.

Especially Brad Turner,

who, if I have anything
to say about about it,

has given me my last swirly.

I'm just saying.
It's humiliating.

We beseech thee,

grant us the power to
destroy our enemies.

We ask this in your name.


That was so cool.

Yeah, but I don't
feel any stronger.

Me either. What a rip.

Just a lousy light show.

That's what I get,
buying a book of spells

on the Internet.

My head's goin' right
back in the toilet tomorrow.

Don't forget the wedgies.

I don't know if I
can take it anymore.

Me either.

So I stopped wearing underpants.

All right, Alan, I guess
we'll see you tomorrow.

And don't forget,

these have to be back
at the costume shop by 4,

or we lose our deposit.

Gee, Stew, did you
forget your dice again?

All right, I'm coming.

It's your move, Hawkgirl.

Check in five moves.

We'll see.

Diana told me you used

to regularly beat Batman.

Difficult to believe from
the current pitiful level

of your game.

I should have known better
than to expect a proper challenge

from a woman.

Such scintillating repartee.

I get better conversation
from the android.

You are aware I'm in the room?


I win again.


It's just a game.

You disgust me.

Join the club.

I could've told you
that wouldn't work.

She was once one
of the fiercest warriors

I'd ever met.

What's she doing here?

Trying to find her way.

Leaving the Justice
League was difficult for her.

I provided her sanctuary,

a place to meditate
on her life and future.

We must allow her
the time she needs to...

Excuse me.

New game?


this is Dr. Fate.

We may have a problem.

I wasn't expecting
you back so soon.

The garden needed work.

Don't go, Inza.

This is your place.
I'm just a visitor here.

My husband and
I have offered you

our hospitality.

We respect your privacy.

Treat this area as you
would your own home.

Aquaman thinks I've
been here too long.

Flowers bloom when
they're ready, Shayera.

Not before.

I'm no flower.

I don't know what I am.

I'm not Lieutenant Shayera
Hol of the Thanagarian empire.

Not anymore.

I've been stripped of my rank,

exiled from my home world.

I'm not Hawkgirl. That
was always a sham.

Most people on Earth
will never trust me again,

and I can't blame them.

When I do my job,
people get hurt.

People I care about.

And what happens when
you don't do your job?

Green Lantern. Go ahead.

You're on in five, love.

Wendy, get a move on.

Copy that, she's on her way.

You're early.

I'd say I timed
things perfectly.

I meant for our dinner date.

The fashion show's not
over for another half an hour.

It's over for us.

We've got Justice
League business.

I figured.

Aren't you dressed yet?

It doesn't take
me as long as you.

Come on, Vixen. I'll
fill you in on the way.

Dr. Fate called it.
Solomon Grundy's back.

The zombie guy?

A heavy hitter.

I read about him in the files.

Yeah, he's tough.
But we can handle him.

Funny thing is, he's
supposed to be dead.

Aren't all zombies,
by definition, dead?


Oh, man, don't do it.


Come with it, then.

Get the Lantern somewhere safe.

I could've handled him.

You may get your chance.

In the meantime, humor me.

Come on, Grundy.

We've been through this before.

You don't have a
chance against me.

Let's talk it over.
Maybe I can help.


You are improving.

This time it took me
16 moves to defeat you.

That's nearly double the
number it took last time.

Set up the board.

Solomon Grundy's grave is empty.

Tell me where to
find those responsible.

Then dig more graves.

We are dealing with
something far more sinister

than mere human avarice.

Grundy's grave was
forced open from the inside.

The site reeks of chaos magic.

He left under his own power?

Far more power than
he ever evidenced before.


They need our help.

So does Grundy.

Let's try and get there
before the League kills him.

That scenario seems...


In any case, are you
certain you're up to this?

Doesn't matter.

Bad guy or not,

he sacrificed his
life to save ours.

We owe him the
benefit of the doubt.

Very well.

I learned the hard way that
the energy dampening properties

of this device can disrupt
fundamental forces.

So I've kept it hidden
in a pocket dimension,

away from the magic that
must flow freely in my home.

But if you are truly ready
to take up the fight again...

I'm ready.

Hang on.

I'm coming for you.

Come on. I'll get you down.


Hate the beard.

You okay?

Do I look okay?

Better than Grundy's about to.

Perhaps we can be of assistance.

Okay, let's throw a wave
of our big g*ns at him.

Me, Fate and the android.

We let him out of the tower now?

I'm curious to see how
you would dissuade him.

Hold up.

Before golden boy
teleports him into the sun,

I want to try talking to him.

Shayera, wait.


It's me.

Remember? Bird Nose?


What's happened to him?

I'm sorry.

I sense nothing of
the Grundy we know

within that shell.

He is nothing but rage.

Then it is time I
brought this to an end.

No, don't hurt him.

In my travels through space,
I've attained mastery of forces

all but incomprehensible
to humans.

I... Wait.

Something's wrong.

The creature is somehow
feeding on my energies.

He adds my power to his own.

My presence here
puts you all at risk.

I will retreat several
light-years distant

until I can determine
how to counter this effect.

Tell us something, doc.

Grundy was revived
with chaos magic,

accumulative and with
no known outer limit.

My magics are as useless
as Amazo's technology.

Then I say we take him
out the old-fashioned way.

No way it's this easy.

Sure it is.

The android half-fried
him with the cosmic thing.

All we had to do
was seal the... Yahh!

Put her down!

You heard the man.

Don't make me do this, Grundy.

I don't see him.

Neither do I.

There must be lead in
those old sewer pipes.

Guy tends to leave a trail.

We'll find him.

And then Pretty
Polly can bash him

with her magic mace.

Why does it hurt him?

It's made of nth metal.

Your people's technology
was developed specifically

to repel magical creatures.

It disrupts the magic
that animates him.

The creature knows only
rage and seeks only oblivion.

Your mace may be
the one object on earth

that can grant him peace.

What are you saying?

Your favorite
movie's Old Yeller.

You know exactly
what he's saying.

Is this my destiny?
To be a destroyer?

To betray yet another friend?

It's not that simple.

It never was.

Hey, how 'bout we discuss it
for another couple of hours?

That way, he's sure to escape.

Only you have the
power to put that creature

out of its misery

and to stop it before
it hurts anyone else.

You don't have to, Shayera.

I'll do it for you.

Give me the mace.

Forget it, John.
He was my friend.

It's my responsibility.

I'll do it myself.

Shhhh, it's ok.

I know what you want.

What you need.

Close your eyes.

That's long enough.

I'm going in after her.

It's over.

Hawkgirl! Hawkgirl, over here.

Hawkgirl, do you
think today's act

can possibly make
up for your complicity

in the Thanagarian
invasion of Earth?

Do you have a comment
on your dismissal

from the Justice League?

Hawkgirl was never
dismissed from the League.

She can come back
whenever she likes.

I recused myself, because...

well... anyway,

Superman broke the tie.

I believe in second chances.

I believe in redemption.

But mostly...

I believe in my friends.


Go back where you came from!

Back off.

She doesn't have to
take that from you people.

Yes, I do.

But it's okay.

I guess I deserve some of it.

You saved our lives.

God bless you, chica halcón.

You deserve that too.