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01x26 - The Savage Time: Part III

Posted: 03/07/23 08:44
by bunniefuu
Announcer: previously
on justice league...

Vandal savage is the
undisputed dictator

Of this unholy regime

Since world w*r ii.

But we won that w*r, didn't we?

Batman: no. They did.

J'onn: we only have 48
hours before it collapses.

Superman: those troops
are getting decimated.

You help them.
I'll fly to berlin.

Flash: where's g.l.?

Hawkgirl: his ring went out.

He's stranded back there.

You're a strange
one, steve trevor.

You have no special powers, yet
you're willing to risk your life here.

Some things are
worth dying for, angel.

There's an enemy airfield

Around here somewhere,

And our job is to turn
it into swiss cheese.

Welcome to e.z.
Company, soldier.

Hawkgirl: some kind
of factory complex.

It's defended by
antiaircraft batteries.

If you can take those out,
we can cr*pple the factory.

We just learned that one of our
coded communicators is missing.


Get it back or destroy it!

If we can break the code,

We can listen in on
the axis high command

And find out when
the invasion is.

Steve: it's a trap!

I tried to warn you.

They know you've
got the communicator,

And they want it back.

Give it to me.

What are you doing?

Trust me.

Brace yourselves!


Keep looking. Leave
no stone unturned.

Lieutenant, look!

Mein fuehrer!

News from the field.

You were lucky, hoffman.

The stolen communicator
has been destroyed.

Send out the order.

Begin operation endgame.

It's safe now.

Angel, I'm sure glad
you're on our side.

Ja. Danke schoen, fraulein.

You're german?

Please, believe me,
we're not all like them.

I understand.

Ok. Now that they
think this thing is kaput,

Let's see if you can
figure out how it works.

We should be nearing the target.

There it is.

Aah! Aah!

All right, everyone!
Quitting time!

You heard me! Get out!

'Raus, schnell! Chop, chop!


That's the last cannon.
We're clear to make our run.

Let's make it count.

Good work, flash.

You saved all those workers.

But what were
they building here?

I saw them working on that.

Superman: a jet engine.

But this technology's
way too advanced.

J'onn: it's from the future.

And I know how savage
is planning to use it.

We've cased the whole area.

Maybe g.h.q. Got some bad info.

Yeah. Wouldn't
be the first time.

Or maybe the map's no good.

You're right. This
hill isn't even on it.

I wonder.

You're so smart, why
don't you go find the runway

With your magic ring?

Enough of that, dozer.

Sarge, he almost got us k*lled.

What do we need you for anyway?

You're a big man when
your ring's working,

But without it,
you're just... Ah!

What in blazes...

I thought so.
The hill's a phony.

That's why it wasn't on the map.

There's your runway.

Any luck?

The code is complicated, but...

Yes. I've got it.

What are they saying?

Oh, no.

What is it?

The invasion. It's starting.

Does it say where
they're going to land?

Dover, brighton?

Britain is not their target.

They're invading america.

I'm not sure the signal
is strong enough.

We've got to alert
the allies. Keep trying.

It's not too late. I can
still stop the invasion.


What if I never see you again?

Wish me luck.

Good luck, angel.

Man: very good, lieutenant.

No time to call for backup.

Maybe we could string
some mines across the tarmac.

Too late for that. Look.

Is everything prepared?

Just as you ordered,
mein fuehrer.

Excellent. I will personally
lead the invasion force.

It's the big man himself.

Let's hit 'em and hit 'em hard.


Ignore them. We're not
stopping for anything.

I've got a plane to catch.

You can't stop
'em single-handed.

Watch me!

He's crazy, sarge.

Shut up and cover him.

Over here, you bums! Over here!

Did the hero make it?

Yeah. The man's got
guts, I'll give him that.

Now let's show him
what we're made of.

We just intercepted a message

From the resistance.

Savage has mounted
an airborne invasion.

He's headed for america!

That's why he needed
the jet engines.

Got to warn the good
guys. Which way is west?

That way, but...

What's the matter?

We're losing altitude.

Radio the others. Tell
them to go on without us.

The radio's not working.

Find out what the problem is.


Why are they slowing?

I don't know. They're
maintaining radio silence.

If the fuehrer's slowing down,

He must have a good reason.

We'll follow his lead.

Man: you there!

Man: we found the
problem, mein fuehrer...

A saboteur.


Striker is repairing the damage.


Any more of you aboard?

Very well. I'm in no hurry.

It's a long way to america,

Even with these new jets.

Now, talk.

Talk is cheap.

What now?

What are you waiting for?
sh**t them out of the sky!


Behind you!

This isn't going to be easy.

Wonder woman: when is it ever?


Let's go get 'em.

The wiring is
repaired, mein fuehrer.

All systems operational.

Then signal the others.
Fire the afterburners.



They're getting away!

Maybe not.


What did I tell you?
Right on schedule.

Take evasive action!

You're not going anywhere.

You think you can k*ll me?

You're welcome to try.

Aah! Aah!





Green lantern.

I'm sorry. We didn't have
time to tell you. We lost...

No. He's here,
onboard that plane.


Say your prayers, savage.


A god doesn't grovel.




Come on! Let's go!


What took you?

I had to fix my hair.

They're turning back! We did it!

Shouldn't we go after them?

I don't think we'll need to.


Hoffman: savage's
plan has failed.

His ridiculous air force
has been utterly destroyed.

But despite these
setbacks, we must fight on.

But who will lead
us, herr general?

Who, indeed?

Home sweet home...

I hope.

Batman: I should have
known you'd be here.

The instruments
in the watchtower

Picked up this anomaly
a few hours ago.

Batman! It's really you!

Am I missing something?


Uh, sorry. It's just that...

Well, it's a long story.

Hawkgirl: you're not going to
believe what we've been through.

Try me.

Please keep your visit short.

He tires easily.

Thank you.

Wonder woman: steve?
