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01x02 - Fateful Night

Posted: 03/07/23 09:42
by bunniefuu
I drew the most powerfuI card,
no doubt about it...

Oh, brother...

Looks Iike I've been drawn by quite
the unusuaI IittIe Master...

The thing is, when you save
one person's Iife, means that you won't be abIe
to save someone eIse's.

WeII, I'm off. You know what to do
when I'm gone, don't you?

Yes, Father.

Back then, my young mind
knew the truth.

I knew that he probabIy wasn't
going to come back.

A w*r had begun.

Not a w*r fought between countries,
but one between a mere seven Magi.

Rin, the HoIy GraiI
wiII appear one day.

It is the duty of the Tohsaka
famiIy to obtain it.

It is a path that we can't
turn away from.

I know that you wiII be abIe
to take care of yourseIf.

I wasn't abIe to
summon Saber...

Even though I worked Iong and hard
for ten whoIe years to summon Saber,

...who is said to be the most
powerfuI of the Servants...

You're moping
about that again?

Don't worry about it, I'm not disappointed
in you or anything.

It's just... I'm irritated with myseIf
for missing my mark.

You make exceIIent tea.

Thank you
for saying so.

Now, the name ''Archer'' is just the
designation of your CIass, isn't it?

As a Master, I feeI I have the right
to know my Servant's...

...true name, Iineage, and what
country's Epic Spirit he is.

Don't try to teII me that you stiII
can't remember who you are.

Is it even possibIe for a Servant
to not remember his own true name?

I don't know. But my
memories are jumbIed.

It's a side-effect of your
imperfect summoning.

What's that supposed
to mean?

You're impIying that you don't know who you
are because I botched your summoning?

WeII, there's more to it
than that...

Anyway, I'm not missing anything important.
Don't Iet it bother you.

But it does bother me!

It wiII be hard to formuIate a strategy if I
don't know what sort of Epic Spirit you are,

...and I don't even know
how powerfuI you are!

There's onIy one thing that
I can say on that score.

And what's that?

That you are a
superior Master, Rin.

In terms of both Command SeaIs
and magicaI power,'s safe to say that you're
the most powerfuI.

And as the Servant summoned
by such a Master as you, couId I be anything
but the most powerfuI?

FIattery wiII
get you nowhere.

I mereIy speIIed out
the facts.

Oh, weII. It means that our enemies
won't know who you reaIIy are, either.

Let's just say that I'II Iearn about you
as time goes on, and Ieave it at that.

But that said...

''The HoIy GraiI Wars shaII be conducted by
seven Masters and their seven Servants.''

I wonder if aII seven Masters
are gathered together yet?

That is a
very good question.

Yume ni mite ita, ano hi no kage ni
todokanai sakebi.

Asu no jibun wa nante egaite mo
kienai negai ga nureru.

Koboreochiru kakera o
tsukamu sono te de...

...yureru kokoro kakaete
tobikonde ike yoru e!

Dare ka no tami ni ikite
kono toki ga subete de ii deshou?

Misekake no jibun wa sotto sutete
tada ari no mama de.

Episode :
FatefuI Night

You made enough to feed an army again.
Can we actuaIIy eat aII this?

These here are for
my boxed Iunch.

I'm experiencing a cash fIow probIem at the
moment, so this is a big heIp, Sakura!

It's for your Iunch, huh?

Making Sakura cook for you is a fIagrant
abuse of authority, Fuji-nee.

No, if she doesn't mind having the same
thing I am, it's no extra work for me.

- Here you are.
- Thanks.

If you're feeIing jeaIous, why not drop by
the archery cIub during Iunch break?

If you do, I'II share
it with you...

Say, Sakura...


I reaIIy appreciate you coming over every day
to heIp out around the house,

...but I wish you'd at Ieast
take weekends off.

I mean, I'm sure you and
your friends go out and stuff.

No, I don't reaIIy
have any pIans.

I don't reaIIy go out just
because it's the weekend.

Um, but if I was meeting someone, or personaI
business to see to, that's another matter...

Oh, okay. WeII, don't put
yourseIf out on my account.

Sure, Sempai.

Sempai? What happened
to your hand?


When did that happen?

Maybe I cut it when I was fiddIing around
with that junk Iast night.

Don't worry, it doesn't hurt,
and it'II stop bIeeding soon.

It's nothing to
worry about.

WeII, if you
say so.

Good morning,

Oh, hey, Mitsuzuri.

Don't give me that, ''Oh, hey'' stuff.
You're as coId as aIways, Emiya.

- WeII, I shouId go.
- Sure.

Excuse me, Sempai.

Sure thing!

So, how's your
archery doing?

Not too bad.
Come by and watch Iater.

Oh, and if you couId babysit Shinji
for me, it wouId be a big heIp.

Shinji? What's he done
this time?

He's been going
out of controI IateIy.

If I take my eye off him for a second,
he acts Iike he owns the pIace.

The other day, he deIiberateIy made some boy
students who had bareIy touched a bow before...

...take sh*ts in front
of the girIs.

He made Iaughing stocks of them
untiI they hit the target.

Don't teII me you just
stood by and--

Of course I didn't Iet him
get away with it!

But as team captain, I'm busy
with a dozen different things.

I can't be in the dojo aII the time, so
I wasn't abIe to catch him in the act.

When I try to griII him about it, that
jerk Shinji aIways gives me the sIip!

I swear, that boy
pisses me off!

StiII, I have to wonder what's
gotten into Shinji's head?

He's got to know that there's
a huge difference between...

...tough instruction and setting the
beginners up for pubIic ridicuIe.

From what I heard, he got shot down
pretty hard by that Rin Tohsaka girI.

B-By Tohsaka?

The one thing that boy
has in spades is pride,

...and it sounds Iike Tohsaka merciIessIy
smashed it into a miIIion pieces.

Shinji Matou.

We've been friends ever since middIe schooI,
and he's aIso Sakura's big brother.

Isn't it a IittIe earIy to be bugging me, Emiya?
Is there something you wanted?

No, it's no big deaI.

I was just wondering how things
were going with your after-schooI cIub.

Why is a guy who quit the archery cIub
so worried about the team?

We're piIing on the wins Iike cIockwork.
I'm on the team, after aII.

GIad to hear it. If there's anything
I can heIp with, Iet me know.

You were never good at stringing the
bows or fixing them, remember?

Oh, that. WeII, unIike you, I've never been
interested in meniaI Iabor Iike that.

I'II come to you the next time
it comes up.

- Do you feeI it, Archer?
- Yes.

I sense the presence of an enemy nearby.
It's been watching us for a whiIe now.

It doesn't seem to want
to attack us right away.

It appears to be biding its time,
waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Interesting. Let's just take a wait-and-see
approach untiI everyone Ieaves.

What do you think? It's aIways
been acting up,

...but I think it's gone to
its finaI reward this time.

Hey, I might be good, but even I can't
bring it back if it's died of oId age.

It's a Iost cause, huh?

Issei, can you go get my
tooIbox from my Iocker?

You mean you can--

I don't think it's given up
the ghost just yet.

I owe you one!

Hey, you're stiII here, Emiya?

Must be nice to have so much time on your
hands that you can goof off here so Iate.

I'm jeaIous!

I haven't been
goofing off.

Issei asked me to fix a piece of equipment
in the student counciI room.

Oh, you were sucking up to
the student counciI, huh?

Then wouId you mind doing
a IittIe job for me, too?

The archery dojo is IittIe
messy at the moment.

As you can see,
I'm a IittIe busy.

Sorry, but wouId you mind
straightening it up for me?

But didn't Miss Fujimura teII you to
cIean it yourseIf, Matou Sempai?

But if I stayed here to cIean up,
the restaurants wouId be cIosed, right?

If he does the work for me,
it's just as good, right?

Doesn't that seem
kinda mean?

You don't have a probIem
with it, do you, Emiya?

Sure, I don't mind.
After aII, I've got nowhere eIse to be.

Great, that settIes it!
C;'mon, Iadies, Iet's go!

Are you sure he
doesn't mind?

It's fine. For as Iong as I've known him,
he's aIways Ioved to heIp peopIe out.

I can't beIieve it...

What kind of idiot
is he?

CarefuI, he can hear you!

Okay, might as weII do this right
whiIe I have the chance!

Here we go!

It's here. Looks Iike it was
waiting for sunset.

It's coming in
to attack.

The maIice it's giving off
is incredibIe...

HeIIo there!

Nice night, isn't it?

Don't you think so,
too, buddy?

He can see Archer!

I knew it,
he's a Servant!

That's right.

And the fact that you know that means I can
assume that you're my enemy, IittIe Iady!


You handIe the Ianding!

His w*apon is a Iance. We need to find a pIace
where our strengths wiII give us the edge.


Oh, you catch on quick!
That's more Iike it!

So, you're a spear wieIder.
A Lancer Servant.

Indeed I am.

Your Servant there doesn't Iook Iike the type
who fights in a proper man-to-man fight.

Which makes you
an Archer, I assume?

No matter. Now that we've run into
each other, we have to fight.

Come at me.

How do you want me to handIe this, Rin?
I've been ready to go for a Iong time now.

Archer, show me
what you've got!

This IowIy bowman Iikes to think
he's a knight, huh?

What was that?
Did that come from the schooI yard?

Who the heII are
those two...?

What country's hero are you? I've never
heard of a bowman who uses twin swords!

But it's easy to teII who you are! There's onIy
one spearman of your caIiber in aII the worId!

A homicide.

They were kiIIed by a katana
or a spear or something Iike that.

Who's there?!

Oh, no! There wasn't supposed
to be anyone stiII here!

What the heII was going on
back there?!

HeIIo there!

Wow, you sure covered
a Iot of distance.

WeII, today just wasn't your Iucky day.
Now that you've seen us, you have to die.

''Dead men teII no taIes,''
and aII that.

I'II never...

I'II never become a champion of justice
if I die Iike this...

It's my fauIt...
He's dead because of me.

I thought I had resigned myseIf to the fact
that there wouId be casuaIties...!

Go after that Lancer, Archer. He'II probabIy
go back to where his Master is.

We need to at Ieast find out
what his Master Iooks Iike.


I'm sorry. The Ieast I can do
is sit with you whiIe you die.

No way... Are you kidding me?
Why you?

Why did it have
to be you?

Why you?

I'm sorry, Father.

Your daughter is
a heartIess girI.

RepIicate, repIace destroyed internaI organs.
SimuItaneousIy restore heart.

W-Who's there...?

Dad, I swore to you,

I swore that if I ever became a magic-user,
I'd save someone's Iife, but now...

I... I'm aIive.

Dear Sempai: I'm going home. Good night.
Signed, Sakura

Who were those
two guys?

They weren't human.
Ghosts, then?

No, they had soIid form and were
trying to kiII each other.

I was nearIy kiIIed, too.

No, I reaIIy did die.
From a thrust to the heart.

But someone who was there
saved me.

Did you get any resuIts?

Sorry, but no. His Master
is very cautious.

At the very Ieast, that Lancer's Master
wasn't on this side of the river.

I see. WeII, there's nothing eIse
for it, then.

I must say, I'm surprised.

You squandered a precious jeweI
to save the Iife of a witness.

No one asked you! I stiII have a huge stock of
gems, so I don't need to be stingy with them!

Rin, what concerns me is the reason
you took that particuIar action.

Our battIe mustn't be seen
by anyone.

The ruIe is that in the event you are spotted,
that person must be siIenced at once.

Even Lancer put the eIimination of the
witness ahead of his battIe with us.

PIus, he's going to reaIize sooner
or Iater that the witness is stiII aIive.

I didn't think of that! If the witness is
stiII aIive, Lancer wiII never Iet him go!

It's him!

He foIIowed me!

A w*apon... Need some kind
of w*apon...

How couId this get
any worse?

But if I've hit bottom,
there's nowhere to go but up!

Trace, on!

Component eIements...
Reinforcement compIete!

AII right, come on!
I'm ready for you this time!

I was being thoughtfuI in my own way,
giving you a painIess death...

I can't beIieve I'm being forced to kiII
the same person twice in one day.

Don't wander off
this time!

Oh, now this is a surprise.

Now I get it. That expIains why you're
stiII aIive even after I skewered your heart.

It's faint, but I sense some
magicaI power in you.

I swear, you're taking on a whoIe mess
of unnecessary troubIe, you know that?

Yes, I think so, too.

AII right, it's time to end
this game of hide-and-seek.

Just give up.



You gave me quite a surprise, boy.
Maybe you were meant to be the seventh.

The seventh what?

Either way, it's aII over
for you.

Are you kidding me?

I was given a second chance at Iife.
I'm not gonna give in without a fight!

No way am I gonna die a pointIess
death Iike this!

I'm not gonna
Iet you kiII me!


What's that?!

I am Saber, your Servant. I am come
in response to your summons.

I ask you...
Are you my Master?

My voice was stuck
in my throat.

Maybe it was out of confusion
over the insanity around me.

No, that wasn't it.

I was struck speechIess by
the overwheIming beauty...

...of this girI who had appeared
before my eyes.

Fukai fukai mori no naka
honoka kaoru itoshii...

...hibi no omokage sagashite mireba
fui ni anata ga warau.

Furete mitakute te o nobashite mo
hakanaku chuu o matta no desu.

Anata ni aitakute zutto
aitakute zutto omou.

Nemurenu yoru o watari

Anata ga nokoshita hikari
to kage no naka ni...

...tsutsumarete naite iru...

...fukai fukai mori
no naka de.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night.

Fate Stay Night.

Next time, ''Opening Act.''

Next Time:
Opening Act
Next time, ''Opening Act.''

Next Time:
Opening Act