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01x06 - Two Magi (Part 2)

Posted: 03/07/23 09:44
by bunniefuu
I'II be abIe to jump outside
from here, and then-- A barrier?

Must be Tohsaka...

Das SchIieBen...
VogeIkafig Echo.

I hope I have
enough time...

Trace, on.

Basic structure... determined.

Component materiaIs... determined.

Fixierung, EiIesaIve.

Yume ni mite ita, ano hi no kage ni
todokanai sakebi.

Asu no jibun wa nante egaite mo
kienai negai ga nureru.

Koboreochiru kakera o
tsukamu sono te de...

...yureru kokoro kakaete
tobikonde ike yoru e!

Dare ka no tami ni ikite
kono toki ga subete de ii deshou?

Misekake no jibun wa sotto sutete
tada ari no mama de.

Episode :
Two Magi (Part Two)

I can't put up a
fight Iike this!

So, you've finaIIy decided
to show yourseIf, Emiya.

It's aIready over.

Look, just put down
that strange w*apon.

Anyway, you don't have a hope
of winning against me, Emiya.

I won't know unIess
I try, now wiII I?

And anyway, you're the one who's panting,
so don't taIk down to me, you jerk!

AII right, have it
your way.

I'd pIanned to go as easy as possibIe on you,
but maybe I was being too gentIe.

AIIow me to apoIogize in advance. If my aim
is off and I accidentaIIy kiII you, I'm sorry.

You'd reaIIy
go that far...?

I wouId.
You've finaIIy caught on?

At worst, I might fIay aII
the nerves from your arm.

But that's better than Iosing
your Iife, right?

This is your finaI warning.
Hand over your Command SeaI.

My Command SeaI?

No way, I can't do that!

Why not?

If I give that to you, it's the
same thing as betraying Saber!

You have to the count of three.
Decide what you want to do with your Iife.




AII right, Emiya.
What's your answer?

What was that?

A scream... I think.

Hey! Do you even know
where you're going?!

How couId I?!
Anyway, it came from downstairs!

Wait for me, you idiot!
Going aIone is too--

She's just unconscious?

Of course she isn't.

Someone's drained her of her Iife force,
the source of mana.

If we Ieave her here
Iike this, she'II die.

She'II die? But there isn't
a scratch on her!

She might Iook fine on the outside,
but she's been sucked dry inside.

Stand aside.
This is something I can heIp with.

That serious Iook on her face... Why does it
feeI Iike I've seen it up cIose recentIy?

Damn it, I can't concentrate!

Shut that door, wiII you?

Hm? Sure.


Your arm! There's a hoIe
in your arm!

Tohsaka, do what you
can for the girI!


What kind of Iunatic wouId throw something
Iike this at Tohsaka's-- at a girI's face!

He's around here...

I don't know how,
but I can sense it.

Whoever att*cked that girI and threw that
short sword at Tohsaka is somewhere cIose!

He's cIose by!

Behind the archery dojo?

No doubt about it...
He's here!


Hey! Shinji, is that you?

I thought you stayed
home from schooI...

What the--?

A Servant!

Where is she...?
Where did she go?

She's definiteIy watching me...

Crap... I don't stand a chance
of winning against a Servant!

The next time she att*cks, it'II aII be over.
I'm gonna be kiIIed, no doubt about it.

Hey, I know! I'II use my Command
SeaI to summon Saber!

If you DO find yourseIf
in danger,

...I want you
to summon me.

I can't do it!
I can't summon her!

I can stiII move, and I even
have a w*apon!

If I'm at a disadvantage where I am now, then
I shouId take the fight somewhere eIse!

If I summon Saber, it'II onIy be
after I've done everything I can!

I'm surprised.

Aren't you going to use
your Command SeaI?

I hate to disappoint you, but
I've onIy got so many of them.

I can't waste one on a
IittIe thing Iike this.

I see... Putting on too much bravado
wiII onIy Iead to regret on your part.

Where are you?!
Where'd you go?!

I suppose I can't go aII-out against a
Master who doesn't have his Servant.

I wiII try a different
approach, then.

I'II grant you
an easy death.

You're not so tough.

Compared to the other Servants I've seen, you
come up short in the intimidation department!

AImost there!
I can make it!

No, it's the end of the Iine
for you.

You've been my prisoner
from the very beginning.

W-What the--?

You stiII don't understand?

The w*apon I drove into your arm is a
stake that is attached to my chain.

Y-Your stake?

Quite the brave one, aren't you?
You aIways take the choice that invoIves pain.

By the way, you said something
interesting a few minutes ago.

You said that I was inferior
to other Servants, did you?

I think I need to make you
reevaIuate your position on that.

Emiya! Are you
aII right?

This is just
a quick fix.

Now then, who was that
woman just now?

I'm not reaIIy sure, but I'd say
she was a Servant, wouIdn't you?

What about her Master?

I don't know. It aII
happened so fast.

I see. WeII, I aIready knew that we
weren't the onIy Masters at schooI.

What do you mean,
you knew?

You spotted the barrier that's
covering the campus, right?

Yeah... I DID have a bad vibe
about something, aII right...

So that girI was att*cked by whoever
it was who put up that barrier?

Tohsaka! How is she?

You can reIax.
She's out of the woods.

That's a reIief...

What? Why are you
staring at me Iike that?!

Get this straight, I wasn't the
one who put up that barrier!

Don't get the wrong idea. I know that
you wouIdn't do something Iike that.

- What is it, then?
- Round two.

Are we going to pick up
where we Ieft off?


I've kind of Iost interest in it,
so Iet's caII it a day.

Let's get going whiIe my speII
is stiII working.

If that wound gets infected and you die,
it'II be Iike I was responsibIe!

The wound's just about cIosed...
Does it hurt?

No, it Iooks Iike it's
pretty much heaIed.

The same thing happened when Berserker
nearIy chopped you in haIf.

Emiya, you have an unusuaIIy high
naturaI heaIing abiIity.

The onIy thing
I can think of... that some kind of power is
fIowing into you from Saber.

I don't reaIIy understand aII this, but does this
mean that as Iong as my pact with Saber stands, wounds wiII take
care of themseIves?

I wouIdn't reIy too much on that
if I were you.

If Saber is the one
who's heaIing you,

...that means that she's expending
mana whenever you get hurt.

Do you understand
what that means?

Oh, I get it. Even when Saber
Ioses mana, I don't repIenish it.

Right, so keep the crazy
stunts to a minimum.

EarIier, you said that there
was another Master at schooI.

You don't know
who it is?

I can sense his presence, but not
strongIy enough to pinpoint who it is.

AII I know for sure is that
it's a maIevoIent presence.

After aII, this person is wiIIing to sacrifice every
student in the schooI to strengthen his Servant.

What? Sacrifice aII the students?
Is this guy crazy?!

Think about it! There's a barrier
over the whoIe schooI!

It doesn't seem to
be compIete yet,

...but once it's activated, everyone inside
wiII probabIy grow weak and die.

No way am I gonna
Iet him do that!

I don't intend to turn
a bIind eye, either.

I'II try to stop him from
activating the barrier.

That's why I've been poking around
aII over schooI.

Oh, so that's why you
were there so Iate...

Pretty much.

Of course, when I saw a Master stroIIing
the haIIs without a care in the worId,

...I Iost my temper
and got distracted.


ActuaIIy, I have
a proposaI.

Why don't we caII a truce
for the time being?

A truce?

Right. With what happened today, we both
reveaIed ourseIves as Masters to the enemy.

The Master at schooI
is a reaI piece of work, I want to deaI with him before
I do anything about you, Emiya.

So untiI then, why don't we work together
to find the Master at schooI?

You have a point. I'd feeI a Iot better
if I had you on my side, and--

HoId it! This doesn't mean that
we're aIIies or anything.

This is just a cease-fire untiI we break the
barrier that's been cast over the schooI.

So in this case, the enemy of
my enemy is stiII my enemy?

Of course!

StiII, I'II heIp you as Iong
as the truce is in effect.

So Iong as you don't
betray me.

Okay. I can deaI
with that.

I'm Iooking forward
to working with you.

This truce won't Iast Iong, but whiIe it does,
you'd better make yourseIf usefuI to me.


Saber? What's the matter?

Shirou shouId have
been home by now.

I was wondering if something
had happened to him.

Oh, I bet he's just staying
Iate at work again.

More importantIy, what do you suppose
is on the menu tonight?!

I have been smeIIing the fragrant scent
of frying tofu for some time now.

This scent encourages the ingestion
of carbohydrates.

My guess was that it is
Sakura's speciaI dish.

Good caII!

Sakura, is that deep-fried tofu
gonna be ready soon?

I certainIy didn't expect her
to interfere...

WeII, it won't matter once preparations
at schooI are compIete.

Oh, now I get it.

In other words, you aren't the
Iegitimate successor to a Magus.

Your father d*ed before he couId
pass on his Magus SeaI, I take it?

Yeah. But I don't think he was interested
in passing it on to me even before then.

My oId man was against
me becoming a Magus.

Then it's no wonder that you're
IittIe more than a rank amateur.

Then you don't know any
magicaI Iore, either, right?

Yeah. AII I can do is
reinforcement speIIs.

In our fight today, I reinforced a desk
and used it as a shieId to--

HoId it!

Why are you teIIing me
aII this?

Why shouIdn't I?

We might be under a temporary cease-fire, but
it doesn't change the fact that we're enemies.

And anyway, a Magus never reveaIs
the speIIs he can use.

There's reaIIy no point in hiding anything
from you at this point, is there?

Besides, my oId man used to say that magic
isn't something that you shouId try to hide.

What are you saying?
He reaIIy meant that?!

Yeah. I think it was his way of teIIing me
not to be bound by the ruIes.

He even said that if I ever wanted to quit my
magicaI training, I shouId go ahead and quit.

Get serious!


Your father was no Magus! And neither are
you, the fooI who was trained by him!

What are you
so mad about?

Look, I'II be the first to admit
that I'm no Magus, but stiII...

That's not what
I'm mad about!

The thing that I can't
toIerate is--

I'm sorry. I Iost my
temper for a moment.

What did you mean?
What can't you toIerate?

To a Magus, your magic
doesn't beIong to just you.

It's the sum totaI of
their Iife experience,

...passed down from parent to chiId,
buiIt up generation by generation.

It's a Magus' duty to hand down
that magic to future generations.

But your father, he--
He turned his back on that duty.


To me, that's unforgivabIe.

Your father chose to be your father first,
and a Magus second.


I'm sorry. I know that taking it
out on you won't change anything.

No, I understand.

I shouId reaIIy
head home.

From now on, Iet's exchange
any information at schooI...

...that we uncover during
our ''Master hunt.''

We'II meet tomorrow on the roof
during Iunch recess. AII right?

Got it.


We're going to be working together for the time
being, so escort Emiya home, aII right?

Don't try to att*ck him
or anything.

AII right,
I understand.

This is far enough.
Go back to Tohsaka.

I was about to do that anyway.
I don't recaII being toId to foIIow your orders.


From what Rin had toId me, I used to think
that you were a pacifist who wouIdn't hurt a fIy.

But it Iooks Iike you can sense hostiIity
directed at you just fine.

If you want a fight,
I'II take you on any time.

I want to put an end to this stupid
GraiI Wars game as soon as possibIe.

Without kiIIing anyone
or Ietting anyone be kiIIed, huh?

What's so funny
about that?

Oh, I won't pass judgment on your
utter naivete one way or the other.

But answer me
one question.

Like what?

I'm toId that you didn't use your Command
SeaI during your fight with Rider.

I doubt you were fooIish enough to think that
you couId take on a Servant by yourseIf.

Why didn't you
summon Saber?

What's wrong with that?!
I don't have to answer you!

That's aII right,
I think I can guess.

You thought it was better to
bear aII the pain yourseIf...

...rather than risk making
anyone eIse suffer.

You make
my skin crawI.

I don't have to take
this from you!

Having an immature Master Iike you
must be an enormous burden to Saber.

I'm not a burden
on her!

If I fight in her pIace,
that's for the best!

Are you teIIing me that
this is what she wants?

No matter. Nothing I say to you
wiII get through to you now.

So, you reaIIy intend to end the
HoIy GraiI Wars without fighting?

I thought I made it cIear that when
the time comes, I'II fight!

But you won't
take a Iife.

You have a probIem
with that?!

You think that by shouIdering aII the
pain yourseIf, you can save the worId.

It's a pipe dream.

As Iong as you keep cIinging
to such ideaIs, wiII onIy encounter more and more
contradictions and cIashes with reaIity.

What are you
getting at?

That's what you'II find down the
road you're trying to take.

MeaningIess ideaIs wiII eventuaIIy
crumbIe in the face of reaIity.

Even knowing that, can you keep pursuing
that ideaI without ever Iooking back,

...Shirou Emiya?

You're back, Shirou.

Where have you been?

I'm fine. I'm sorry if I
made you worry, Saber.

Shirou, I'm gIad that
you are safe.

Can I keep chasing that ideaI
without Iooking back even once?

What the heII was that bastard
trying to teII me?

Fukai fukai mori no naka
honoka kaoru itoshii...

...hibi no omokage sagashite mireba
fui ni anata ga warau.

Furete mitakute te o nobashite mo
hakanaku chuu o matta no desu.

Anata ni aitakute zutto
aitakute zutto omou.

Nemurenu yoru o watari

Anata ga nokoshita hikari
to kage no naka ni...

...tsutsumarete naite iru...

...fukai fukai mori
no nada de.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''DespicabIe Act.''

Next Time:
DespicabIe Act
Next time,
''DespicabIe Act.''

Next Time:
DespicabIe Act