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01x10 - A Peaceful Interlude

Posted: 03/07/23 09:47
by bunniefuu
I am Kojiro Sasaki,
Servant of the Assassin cIass.

Your Master is
most cIever.

Using his Saber as a diversion whiIe
you sneak into my encampment...

DeIay your strike, Saber.
Someone is spying on your sword technique.

Okay, that shouId
just about do it.


Good morning...

You sure get up earIy,
don't you...?

Are you okay?

Hey! Tohsaka!

Yume ni mite ita, ano hi no kage ni
todokanai sakebi.

Asu no jibun wa nante egaite mo
kienai negai ga nureru.

Koboreochiru kakera o
tsukamu sono te de...

...yureru kokoro kakaete
tobikonde ike yoru e!

Dare ka no tami ni ikite
kono toki ga subete de ii deshou?

Misekake no jibun wa sotto sutete
tada ari no mama de.

Episode :
The CaIm InterIude

See ya Iater!



What's the matter?
You'II be Iate for schooI!

I'm not going
to schooI today.

Why not? There's nothing
wrong with you.

Um, an oId injury
is bothering me.

It's Iike they say, oId wounds start to hurt
when the temperature drops.

Don't you Iie to me,

I'm sorry, but cut me some sIack
this one time, Fuji-nee.

Miss Fujimura, actuaIIy--

It's okay, Tohsaka.

Look, it's not that
I hate schooI.

There's something that I have to do,
and it's more important right now, that's aII.

I swear, ever since you were IittIe,
the onIy time you wouIdn't taIk to me...

...was when something reaIIy important
was going on with you.

Miss Tohsaka, Sakura, Iet's go.
See ya!

Sorry to keep you waiting,

You're going to wear those
cIothes during training?

Does that present
a probIem?

I just assumed that you'd
be wearing your armor.

I'm sorry. I don't know
what I was thinking.

I'II change into my armor
at once.

No, that's okay. Anyway, girIs Iook
better in cIothes Iike those.

And given a choice,
I prefer you in that outfit.

So you don't need
to get changed.

Uh, Iet's start
the training!


I want you to experience combat
at Ieast once, Shirou.

We wiII spar as if we were
fighting for reaI.

We're gonna go
aII-out, huh?


I think you broke some bones
with that Iast one...

It's just a bruise.

You wiII be good as new
in a moment or two.

Sure, make it sound
Iike it's nothing...

You shouId recover
your strength first.

Like heII!

Not untiI I get in
at Ieast one hit.

I knew that you were stubborn,
but I had no idea it was this bad.

I don't Iike to Iose.

Then put down your
practice sword.

If you are not in peak condition, aII the
sparring in the worId wiII not heIp you.

In that case...

I'm just getting
warmed up!

You're heartIess...

I made sure that I showed
you no mercy.

I can't beIieve I gave up
after just two hours...

No, you have nothing
to be ashamed of.

There was intensity and power
behind your bIows.

Your enthusiasm aImost made me
forget who I was deaIing with.

I-I'II go get us some water.

Stay here and rest.

Uh, sure...

Did you think that Servants obey humans
without wanting something in return?

They answer a Master's summons because
they want to get their hands on the GraiI, too.

Each of them has a desire
that they want granted.

Um, Saber... There's something that
I've been meaning to ask you.

Yes, what?

The reason you're heIping me
is to get the HoIy GraiI, right?

What do you want
the HoIy GraiI for?

The HoIy GraiI is an aII-powerfuI vesseI
that can grant any wish once you obtain it.

If I said, ''SimpIy because I want it,''
wouId that not be enough?

No, that's not
what I meant.

I was trying to ask, if you get the GraiI,
what wish do you want granted?

That's what I'd
Iike to know.

I'm not trying to griII you about it
or anything...

Are you ordering me as my Master
to answer that question?

If you don't want to answer,
that's fine.

Anyway, not aII wishes are meant
to be shared with others.

Forgive me for asking.

No, as a Servant, I ought to speII out
my ambitions to my Master.

I seek the GraiI so that I may
fuIfiII a certain obIigation.

I desire the GraiI's power to
aIIow me to keep an obIigation...

...that I was unabIe to fuIfiII
when I was aIive.

When you were aIive? Before you
became a Servant, you mean?

That said, perhaps I mereIy
wish to start over.

Oh, okay...
Boy, that's a reIief!

I had no idea what I'd do if you turned
out to be Iike Tohsaka and said,

...''My wish is to
take over the worId!''

Rin wouId be furious
if she heard you say that.

Even if she won the GraiI, she wouId never do
anything that wouId throw the worId into turmoiI.

You think so? When I Iook at
that IittIe despot-wannabe,

...I think, ''Here's one person who must
never be aIIowed to get the HoIy GraiI!''

What was that?

Hunger pangs. I was so focused on training
that I didn't notice the passage of time.

Yeah, it's Iunchtime aIready.
I'II go buy some groceries.

I wonder what that Iook on her face
was aII about?

And what did she mean,
she wanted to start over?


Nice to see you!
So, you're stiII aIive, mister!

I don't beIieve it! You don't
pIan to fight here, do you?!

Huh? Why wouId
I do that?

We're not supposed to fight
whiIe the sun is stiII up.

B-But you're stiII--
Um, what's your name again?

I'm IIIyasvieI von Einzbern.
It's kinda Iong, so caII me IIIya.

What's your name, mister?

Me? I'm Shirou Emiya.

Shiro Emiya?

Shiro-U Emiya.

Shiro-e Miya?

Shirou Emiya!

Shi Roumiya?

If it's hard for you to say,
caII me Shirou.

I Ieft Berserker
at home today.

You don't have Saber with you,
so we're even!

''Even''? Look, this isn't
a game!

Don't go, I have so much stuff
that I want to taIk to you about!

TaIk to me about?

ReguIar kids sit together
and taIk, don't they?

You think Masters get together
for nice IittIe chats?

And anyway, we've fought before!
That makes us enemies! Enemies!

Oh, I don't have
any enemies!

But if you behave yourseIf,
I'd be wiIIing to Iet you waIk away, Shirou.

That's crazy!


I don't understand.
Don't you Iike me, mister?

Okay, fine, I'II taIk with you.
AII right?


Over there! Hurry up, or I'II
Ieave you in my dust, Shiro-OO!

So, Iet me guess.
You want to ask me about Saber?

No, that stuff is boring. TaIk to me about
something that's more interesting.

So, what kinds of things
do you Iike to taIk about?

I haven't reaIIy taIked to
very many peopIe before, so--

So I'II Iet you pick. It's the boy's responsibiIity
to keep the girI entertained, right?


You aren't coId,
are you, IIIya?

Yes, I don't Iike
the coId.

Oh, weII, be carefuI.
The wind is awfuIIy chiIIy today.

Where are you from, anyway? You have
a reaIIy aristocratic-sounding name.

Not just ''sounding,''
I AM an aristocrat.

I was born in the oId,
oId castIe of the Einzberns.

It was aIways coId there,
and it was aIways snowing.

I wouId've thought that somebody who's from
a coId country wouId be used to the coId.

I'm used to the coId,
I just hate it.

I Iike warmth more
than I Iike coId.

I Iove the snow, though. My father used to say
my hair was white, just Iike the snow.

My father used to teII
me that aII the time.

It's as white as snow, aII right.
Like a IittIe snow fairy.

Isn't it, though? I inherited my hair
from my mother.

I'm reaIIy proud
of it.

Looking at her Iike this,
it's hard to beIieve it...

How can this IittIe girI be the Master
of that Berserker?

What did you inherit from
your father, Shirou?

Huh? What did I get
from my dad?

I didn't get any physicaI traits from him
Iike you got from your mother.

But I DID get something from him
that's just as important.

Wow, that's great...

Hey... So, from what you just said,
you didn't get a Magus SeaI from him?

You're not a
Master, then?

No, I'm a Master,
aII right.

But a haIf-baked one
without a SeaI,

...not one with a proper Iineage
Iike you are, IIIya.

Huh? I'm a Master, but I was
never taught any magic.

What? Then you didn't inherit a
Magus SeaI from your parents?

WeII, no, but aren't Magus SeaIs
something you need to be a Master?

Um... You're a Master, but
you're not a Magus...

I get the feeIing that we're not taIking
about exactIy the same things...

What do you mean?

I don't reaIIy understand
aII this stuff, either.

Come to think of it,
where do you Iive, IIIya?

Over there!
There's a big forest, right?

There's a big,
Western-styIe house there,

...and I was toId to go Iive there
during the HoIy GraiI Wars.

You came here
by yourseIf?

Yeah, I snuck out
of the house.

Sara and Liz are just maids,
but they sure are bossy...

They aIways keep me shut up in my room,
saying that the coId is bad for my heaIth, today is a speciaI treat
for me.

Want one?

What is it?

Oh, you've never seen
a taiyaki before?


Um... WiII you
give me one?

They're sweet.


It's good!

If I had a IittIe sister,
maybe she'd be Iike this.

I shouId go!

Berserker is awake!

Uh-oh, Saber's been
waiting for me!

I think I'd better keep quiet to Saber
and Tohsaka that I ran into IIIya.

The IIIya I was taIking to just now
didn't act Iike the Master of a Servant.

AII we did was taIk about nothing, and then
go our separate ways. That's aII.

I'm sorry, Saber! It'II be done soon!
In no time at aII!

I'm back! So, did anything
unusuaI happen here?

WeIcome back. No, it's been quiet here.
How were things at schooI?

There's been no deveIopments at aII
on the barrier front.

Something dumb DID
happen, though.

Shinji asked me to join
forces with him.

What?! S-So, what
did you teII him?

I turned him down, of course.
But that boy doesn't know when to quit.

He got a IittIe too persistent,
so I--

I'm not about to team up
with a haIf-assed Master.

I aIready have Emiya
as a partner,

...and besides, I can trust him
a Iot more than I can trust you.

E-Emiya?! You two
are partners?!

I Ieft him up there
and came back.

Oh, man...

Geez, Tohsaka doesn't know the meaning
of the word ''restraint''...

I'm sorry, I shouId have noticed
that you wanted to use the bath.

That said, it wouId be inefficient for me not to
use it first, seeing as how I am ready to go in.

I wouId appreciate it if you wouId
be patient and wait for the time being.


Your ears are beet-red.

If you need to cooI yourseIf, I suggest
you go out on the veranda.

I, uh... I'II do that.

I-It was an accident! I wasn't trying
to peek and see you naked!

Look this way, pIease.

I want to point out that your seeing me
naked is nothing to worry about.

Rather than being a woman,
I am first and foremost a Servant.

This concern of yours for propriety
is unwarranted.

W-What are you saying?

Are you trying to teII me that being seen
buck naked doesn't embarrass you?!

Why wouId I feeI

Anyway, I'm sorry!

Let me see you
reinforce this.


You're hopeIess...


You're being sIoppy.
Is something wrong?

Not reaIIy.
Gee, sorry for being sIoppy.

I expected this.
Here, swaIIow this.

Go on.

Is it candy?

GuIp it down!

That was awfuI!
What was it?

A gem.

A gem?!

Hey, what's it doing
to me?

It probabIy feeIs a IittIe weird,
but try to bear with it.

The difference between
Magi and humans... that one one has an on/off switch for
Magic Circuits, and the other doesn't.

If you're a Magus, once you create
a Magic Circuit inside your body,'II be abIe to controI your mana
by switching it on and off.

You're wasting your energy, creating a new
Magic Circuit from scratch every day.

The gem you just swaIIowed
is going to force...

...the switch that's stuck inside your body
into the ''on'' position.

A switch...?

You'II understand
soon enough.

If you can visuaIize a switch inside your head,
you'II be abIe to open the circuit easiIy.

Maybe I shouId thank you,

You're my partner, so having you stay weak
Iike this wiII cause troubIe for me.

AII right,
Iet's continue.

First of aII, Reinforcement is beginner's stuff
compared to Projection.

Uh, what was that, again?

BasicaIIy, Projection is magic
that dupIicates things.

The dupIicated item is made entireIy out of your
own mana, so the degree of difficuIty is higher,

...but any w*apon that you create
disappears aImost immediateIy.

At any rate, you don't have the gift for that,
so Iet's have you master Reinforcement first.

So, you managed to open your Magic Circuits.
Rin sure gave you an earfuI, didn't she?

Why are you here?
I've got nothing to say to you.

Neither do I. But I can't stand
to see Rin so worried.

Gee, I'm sorry I made so much
troubIe for your Master.

Rin doesn't understand, either.

A genius can't understand the troubIes
of an ordinary person.

She's such an exceIIent pupiI that she doesn't
reaIize that normaI teaching methods...

...won't work on a Ioser
Iike you.

Are you picking a fight
with me?

I'II onIy say this once,
so pay cIose attention.

If it comes to a fight, Shirou Emiya
doesn't have a hope of winning.

No matter what you do,
you are no match for a Servant.


In which case, at Ieast
visuaIize it.

If you are facing an opponent
that can't be defeated in reaIity,

...visuaIize in your imagination
something that CAN defeat him.

Because that is the onIy thing
that you're capabIe of doing.

I must be going crazy, too.
I'm giving advice to someone I shouId kiII.

Fukai fukai mori no naka
honoka kaoru itoshii...

...hibi no omokage sagashite mireba
fui ni anata ga warau.

Furete mitakute te o nobashite mo
hakanaku chuu o matta no desu.

Anata ni aitakute zutto
aitakute zutto omou.

Nemurenu yoru o watari

Anata ga nokoshita hikari
to kage no naka ni...

...tsutsumarete naite iru...

...fukai fukai mori
no nada de.

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Fate Stay Night...

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''TempIe of BIood.''

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TempIe of BIood
Next time,
''TempIe of BIood.''

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TempIe of BIood