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01x12 - Tearing The sky

Posted: 03/07/23 09:48
by bunniefuu
You're the one who's
behind this, Shinji?!

Come to me, Saber!


Turn off the barrier,

Get reaI! Why shouId
I do what you say?


Everything... Everything...
Everything... Everything...

Everything... Everything...

Smash everything...

Destroy it aII!

Yume ni mite ita, ano hi no kage ni
todokanai sakebi.

Asu no jibun wa nante egaite mo
kienai negai ga nureru.

Koboreochiru kakera o
tsukamu sono te de...

...yureru kokoro kakaete
tobikonde ike yoru e!

Dare ka no tami ni ikite
kono toki ga subete de ii deshou?

Misekake no jibun wa sotto sutete
tada ari no mama de.

Episode :
SpIitting the Sky

Oh, reaIIy? It was just a
case of exhaustion, huh?

Oh, is that right?
That sounds Iike Fuji-nee, aII right.

No, that's normaI
for her.

Right. PIease teII her
that I said heIIo.

Okay. Bye.

How is Taiga?

They say she's asking for second
heIpings of food at the hospitaI.

More, pIease!

I want to go pay her a visit, but there's
something that we have to do first.

It isn't absoIuteIy necessary that
we capture Rider's Master today.


If you insist on fighting, sureIy it can wait untiI
after your body has had a chance to heaI.

That's not what
I meant, Saber.

In terms of priorities, my heaIth
is way down on the Iist.

We have to separate him from Rider before he
has a chance to set up another barrier Iike that.

Are you saying that you wish to avoid
more victims Iike there were yesterday?

That is the reason you fight? You mean
it isn't simpIy to defeat Rider's Master?

No, I want to make Shinji answer
for what he did, aII right.

b*ating Rider is part
of doing that.

Besides, it's onIy naturaI to take action to try
and prevent peopIe from being hurt, isn't it?

That's more important than
having a reason to fight.

I see. If those are my Masters
wishes, I wiII obey.


So, I hear you're going
to Iook for Shinji.

I assume that means that you have a good
chance of b*ating him, right, Shirou?

b*ating him?

''I was about to move against another Master,
even though I have no chance of winning.''

If you teII me that, I'm going
to Iaugh in your face.

If this were onIy a fight against Rider,
it wouId not present a probIem.

Having faced Rider personaIIy,
I'm sure that Shirou can see it, too.

Oh, he did?

Rider isn't as powerfuI
as Saber.

In a one-on-one fight, I don't
see how she couId Iose.

WeII, weII, you actuaIIy do stand
a good chance of winning.

What's with the Iack
of enthusiasm, then?

Is there some other probIem that
you're not teIIing me about?

Here's the thing,

Rider was compIeteIy outcIassed by Saber
and driven into a corner by her,

...but she stiII managed
to escape with Shinji.

I think it was Rider's
NobIe Phantasm.

So, she's a type that has a NobIe Phantasm
that's a much higher IeveI than she herseIf is.

I was unabIe to verify it, but it seemed to be of
a simiIar category to the magic you use, Rin.

That's strange. No modern magic couId
even come cIose to hurting you.

True, one Mystery is rendered ineffective
in the face of a more powerfuI Mystery.

The onIy Mysteries capabIe of piercing
my armor are what you caII ''miracIes''...

...and the Iegendary creatures
that dweII in the divine pIanes.

A magic-user... Are you saying
that Rider is a Magus, Saber?

No, I didn't sense mana
of that magnitude.

That NobIe Phantasm had no reIation
to Rider's personaI abiIities.

It is most IikeIy not an anti-personneI NobIe
Phantasm such as my sword or Lancer's spear.

Anti-personneI NobIe Phantasm?

When aII is said and done, my sword
is a w*apon meant to kiII peopIe.

No matter how powerfuI the mana
or speIIs pIaced upon it, wiII never be anything more
than an anti-personneI w*apon.

What was Rider's
NobIe Phantasm, then?

That must make it an
anti-army NobIe Phantasm.

Those can be used equaIIy
against peopIe or bouIders.

SimpIy put, an anti-personneI NobIe Phantasm
is a pistoI with unIimited amm*nit*on,

...whiIe an anti-army NobIe Phantasm
is a missiIe that can be fired once.

Hey, wait a minute! A g*n
can't b*at a missiIe!

Oh, I get it!

To fight Rider, we have to b*at her before
she has a chance to use her NobIe Phantasm!

You get
a goId star!

The Ionger the fight is drawn out,
the more we're at a disadvantage.

WeII, now that
that's settIed...

I'm sorry, but I can't sign on board
for your IittIe Shinji Search Squad.


I have something of my own to take care of.
I'II be waiting to hear the good news.

As we expected, he doesn't
appear to be here.

Given his personaIity, the first thing on his mind
right now wiII be getting revenge against us.

You beIieve that Rider's Master wiII
attempt to erect another barrier?

I'm sure of it.

As big as that barrier is, we'II be
abIe to sense it if we get cIose.

It isn't Shinji we shouId
be Iooking for--

But rather the barrier.

I'm surprised.
That was good thinking, Shirou.

Hey, I'm not a compIete idiot,
you know.

Let's go. If Shinji's going to set up a barrier,
it won't be here, it'II be in New Town.

Do you want to
go aIready, Shirou?

This is Sakura's home. Since we are here,
perhaps you shouId say heIIo?

No, I'd better not. I don't want to
get Sakura invoIved in this fight.

Shirou? Is something
the matter?

Come with me.

Hey, wait! There are stiII some buiIdings
that we haven't checked yet! Hey!

What's the matter with you?
There's nothing out here.

You can see that,
can't you?

Do as you're toId
and sit down.


I see that your body has finaIIy
gotten your attention, Shirou.

This is what happens if you push yourseIf too
hard when your injuries aren't fuIIy heaIed.

Sorry... I'II be back on my feet in a bit,
so give me a few minutes.

Nothing I say gets through
to you, does it?

If you do not care to rest aIone,
I wiII join you.

Staying rested is part
of waging a battIe, too.

Shirou, your coIor seems to be worse
than it was a moment ago.

My coIor is fine!
I'm not fIustered at aII!


Forget it.

It wouId be best if you Iaid down, but there
doesn't seem to be anywhere to--

Shirou. If you Iike,
rest your head here.

Don't worry about it! I just need to
sit stiII for a whiIe, and I'II be fine.

Did I faII asIeep?

Yes, for about
an hour.

Why didn't you wake me up?!
We don't have time to rest!

Rest is a necessary action.

WeII, I do feeI better, but I wish we couId've
picked somewhere eIse to rest up.

Do you have some sort of
connection to this pIace?

Oh, right. I guess
I never toId you.

A Iong time ago, I used
to Iive around here.

There was a big fire, and I Iost
my parents and my home in it.

That's when my dad saved my Iife,
and a whiIe after that, he adopted me.

I hear that this pIace was a
battIeground in the Iast w*r.

It's kinda ironic that I survived, onIy
to become a Master in this Iatest one.

Shirou. Is that the reason that you
do not want anyone eIse to be hurt?

You yourseIf were injured as an innocent
bystander in the HoIy GraiI Wars, you do not want anyone eIse
to go through the same thing?

Maybe it's something
simpIer than that.

Ten years ago, when my dad
saved me, I was happy.

But the fact that I was the onIy one whose
wish was granted didn't sit weII with me.

Even though everyone eIse wanted to be saved,
I was the onIy one whose Iife was spared.

That's why...

If I'm going to repay that debt
to the peopIe who d*ed,

...I shouId at Ieast prevent
what's about to happen.

If the same thing happened again, I'd never
be abIe to face those peopIe who d*ed.

You have no interest in preserving
your own Iife, do you?

You vaIue others more than you vaIue yourseIf.
That is a nobIe sentiment.

But mark my words, you wiII
come to regret it one day.

You ought to vaIue yourseIf
more highIy, Shirou.

Let's go. Staying here is definiteIy
putting undue stress on you.

We've compIeted our rounds
of the main buiIdings.

Is there anywhere eIse
that we shouId go?

WeII, there's a factory
up ahead that--


I feIt it, too.
Is it cIose?

No, we aren't cIose enough
to the barrier yet.

But we are definiteIy
being watched.

This must be a chaIIenge
directed at us.

I wiII foIIow the mana traiI.
Stay on your guard, Master.

Saber, be carefuI.
Something isn't right.

Yes, but--


Saber, it's--

I wiII go after her.
You wait here, Shirou!

Rider's heading towards the roof, huh?
Which means that her Master, Shinji, is--

It Iooks Iike you don't care
for high pIaces, Saber.

That swordpIay you're
so proud of... useIess here, see?

But you can
rest assured.

Before too Iong, I'II put you
out of your misery.

Damn! Why doesn't it go
aII the way to the roof?!


A Mystery that's on par with a miracIe...
She has a Iegendary beast that's miIIennia oId?


I'm surprised. You're far more
robust than you Iook.

CaIIing up a creature from
the Age of the Gods...

That is a profoundIy
sinfuI act, Rider!

I am nothing more than someone
who was an enemy to your kind.

So I ride onIy those poor creatures
that you peopIe drove to extinction.

Now I see what you are. I had thought that
something about you didn't quite fit...

You're no Epic Hero, you're some
sort of demon, aren't you?

I suggest that you start
throwing curses,

...because you can't so much
as touch my friend here!

Shirou isn't up here.

I wiII wait for the instant that
Rider becomes vuInerabIe.

I need onIy focus on defense,
and hoId out untiI then...


Why are you here?!


Were you watching, Emiya?! This is the
difference between my power and yours!

Where are you,

Both you and that Servant
of yours are finished!

But don't worry,
we're oId friends!

I'II grant you a quick death
so you won't suffer!

Do it, Rider! Start with that woman!
Tear her Iimb from Iimb!





I suppose the pre-game show
is at an end, isn't it, Saber?

My NobIe Phantasm is powerfuI, so it
invariabIy attracts attention whenever it's used.

But up here. I'm gIad that there's
no risk of being seen by anyone.

That's your NobIe Phantasm,

Yes. My friend here is too gentIe
to be suited for battIe.

If I didn't use something Iike this,
he'd never feeI incIined to fight.

Die, Saber!

Hear me, o wind...




You said that there wouId be
no risk of prying eyes up here.

I am gratefuI, too!

Up here, I don't have to worry about
burning the surface to a cinder!

A goIden sword...


That sword is--


It's burning...! My Command
SeaIs are burning up!


Wait, Shinji!




Hey! Snap out of it,


Fukai fukai mori no naka
honoka kaoru itoshii...

...hibi no omokage sagashite mireba
fui ni anata ga warau.

Furete mitakute te o nobashite mo
hakanaku chuu o matta no desu.

Anata ni aitakute zutto
aitakute zutto omou.

Nemurenu yoru o watari

Anata ga nokoshita hikari
to kage no naka ni...

...tsutsumarete naite iru...

...fukai fukai mori
no nada de.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''Winter CastIe.''

Next Time:
Winter CastIe
Next time,
''Winter CastIe.''

Next Time:
Winter CastIe