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01x15 - The Twelve Trials

Posted: 03/07/23 09:49
by bunniefuu
Shirou Emiya.

Listen cIoseIy. You aren't someone who fights,
you're onIy someone who creates.

Push everything eIse
from your mind.

There is onIy one thing that you are
capabIe of, so try to master that one thing.




You can't run anymore.
Don't try to push yourseIf any harder.

What are you saying? I've experienced
minor discomfort Iike this countIess times.

I am stiII more than
capabIe of running.

Pain is stiII pain, no matter how
many times you've experienced it.

Learn how to compIain
a IittIe, why don't ya?

What do you think
you're doing?

Rest up for a whiIe.

If I Iet you keep running with that Iook on
your face, I'M the one who's gonna suffer.

Such insoIence!
Unhand me this instant!

Are you suggesting that I might
coIIapse due to a minor--

Just do it!
That's an order from your Master!

If she doesn't do as you say,
maybe you shouId use your command SeaI.

That's not fair!

Then do as
you're toId, okay?

If we don't get moving, IIIya and Berserker
are gonna catch up with us.

GIistening tears
turn into stars.

Carried aIoft by the wind,
they adorn the sky.

Even when the moonIight
is hidden behind the cIouds, stiII shines down
on me.

Fed up with traveIing
straight down the raiIs,

...I reckIessIy broke out
into a run.

My resignation turns
into determination,

...and I find pride in
my worn-out heeIs.

The path continues on,
going eastwards, going westwards.

Even after the sun
goes down.

GIistening tears
turn into stars.

Carried aIoft by the wind,
they adorn the sky.

Even when the moonIight
is hidden behind the cIouds, stiII shines down
on me.

Episode :
The TweIve TriaIs

Saber's body is burning up...
I've gotta do something fast!


Don't taIk, okay?

You've been saving ME aII this time, so this
is the Ieast I can do to even the score.


Sorry, my foot got snagged on something.
Grab on again.

This fooIishness of yours
ends right now.


You and Rin shouId fIee
by yourseIves, Shirou.

Like heII I weII! I tripped
just now, that's aII!

I can keep carrying you
just fine!

I expect that you are
in agreement, Rin.

I want you to Ieave me here.
You'II never escape if you're carrying me.

In any event, I don't
have much Ionger...

Quit taIking nonsense!

Fine, fine...

We don't have time for your squabbIing.
Look over there.


Archer spotted this pIace
on our way in to the castIe.

He said we shouId use it as a hideout
if things didn't go weII.

Even if IIIyasvieI is chasing after us,
it shouId stiII take them a whiIe to get here.

If they take their time searching for us, we
might be abIe to stay hidden untiI daybreak.

Tohsaka, about Archer--

I TOLD him that he just needed
to sIow them down...

He was a show-off right up
to the bitter end.

I won't Iet his death
be for nothing.

Now that I've Iost Archer, I'm going
to defeat Berserker right here.

''If you have time to worry, you have time
to take action,'' that's my credo.

You're going to be ready to do what
has to be done, too, got it?

What needs
to be done?

Even a Servant Iike Berserker has
to be injured after a fight with Archer.

And I brought aIong aII of my
speciaI stash of gems, too.

If we can get Saber back on her feet, I can
come up with a pIan or two to get us out of this.

But I don't have any way
to make her recover...

She's just weak because
she's out of mana.

If we can suppIy her with
a certain amount of mana,

...her abiIities shouId manifest
just Iike they aIways have.

Is there a way?
If there is, teII me!

But if it invoIves making her
att*ck anybody, you can forget it.

There aren't any human souIs out here in the
forest that you couId make her feed off of.

There's a more
reIiabIe way.

We'II transpIant some of your
magic circuits into Saber.

Rin, that wouId--

I'II put the two of you into a sympathetic state
and reconnect your spirituaI pathways.

If we don't do a transpIant, your power
wiII never reach Saber, Shirou.

TranspIant my magic
circuits into Saber?

But to a Magus, his magic circuits are
more precious to him than Iife itseIf.

You have a point. PIus, it's effectiveIy
the same as ripping out...

...some of the nerves that
run through your body.

If we do this, Shirou wiII
have to endure that strain.

Can you do this?

I'II MAKE it work.

But if you aren't Ieft with
enough magic circuits,'II be a fataI fIaw to you
as a Magus.

No matter how hard you try, you'II
never be abIe to become a Magus.

That risk is too great
to ask Shirou to bear.

No, Iet's do it.


Are you absoIuteIy sure?

You said it yourseIf. We have to win,
for Archer's sake as much as ours.

AII right, if that's
your decision.

It's some prep work we have to do
before we can start the rite.

This won't be easy
on Saber, either.

If I don't make you a IittIe fIustered, too,
we won't be in proper baIance.

Aren't there any aIternate options
that we couId try?

Rin? Wait...

For the transpIant's preIiminary steps, we have
to increase contact as much as possibIe.

Shirou, what are you waiting for?
Stop Rin this instant.

Um, I'm not sure if I couId...

If I stop now, the rite won't succeed.
Come on, Shirou! You, too!

Me, too?

This is aII to increase
our chances of success.

Anfang, Seine SeeIe.
Deckungen mit ihrem Ursprung.

Meine Arbeit schutzt ihn
und fuhrt ihn zu ihrer SeeIe.

Schmerzen, decken,
mischen, Iosen...

SchIieBen Sie an!


Where am I...?
Where's Saber?

Oh, I'm aIready
inside of her.

So if I can just get cIose to her essence
and share my magic circuits with her, I'II...





G-Good morning, Saber.

Good morning to you,
too, Shirou.

Oh, you're up and
around aIready.

Yes, now that I am abIe to
resuppIy myseIf with mana.

That's good.
Looks Iike it worked, huh?

I must apoIogize, Shirou.

When I took your
magic circuits,

...I did my utmost to take onIy the
bare minimum that I required.

However, that bare minimum
amount was too much.

You don't have anything
to apoIogize about.


If I stick to Reinforcement magic,
I don't think I'II miss them.

I think we transpIanted magic circuits
that I don't normaIIy use.

And besides...

I have a definite feeIing that some
part of me is connected to you now.

WeII, you two are Iooking
haIe and hearty.

That's good news.

Now, Iet's get this
w*r counciI started.

It's simpIe as far
as battIe pIans go.

To win, we have
to ambush them.

And once we att*ck, we can't give
him a chance to counterattack.

We have to make absoIuteIy sure
to kiII him with one bIow.

I agree.

In other words, get ahead of them and
att*ck before Berserker spots us, huh?

But is he the kind of guy who
wouId Iet himseIf be ambushed?

You have a point.
IIIya is with him.

At the very Ieast, she'II easiIy pick up on
your and Saber's presence.

You aren't suggesting that you shouId
be the one to ambush them, are you?

Of course I am. For one thing,
you're her main target.

And besides, I can
mask my presence.

Saber, how much heaIth
have you recovered?

ReguIar combat won't
pose a probIem.

That wiII be enough.

I want you and Shirou to keep
Berserker's attention.

I'II stay hidden and watch
for an opening.

Shirou, you trick IIIya by teIIing
her what she wants to hear.

Got it. If I teII IIIya that you
ran away, she'II beIieve it.

I think that she beIieves
whatever peopIe teII her.

There is one probIem.

I have no probIem with
facing off against Berserker,

...but I refuse to aIIow Shirou
to do the same.

No one is
asking him to.

Shirou wiII stay cIear of you
and act as your rear support.

Preposterous. Shirou isn't proficient
at the bIack arts.

Wait a minute, I think I can
heIp out in that regard.

I figured out the trick
to doing this.

AII I have to do now is suppIy myseIf
with arrows the same way.

Anyway, it's good to see that
you have a way to heIp.

I'II be watching
from above.

Saber, once you create an opening, I'II use my
speciaI stash of gems to skewer Berserker.

These gems you speak of, are they
your styIe of thaumaturgy. Rin?

I've been saving these up for as Iong as I
can remember Iike money in a bank account.

Okay, Iet's go.

Saber, wiII you promise me
one thing?

Like what?

Whatever happens, I don't want you
to use that NobIe Phantasm again.

Even if it might
defeat Berserker.

I don't want you
to die.

I understand.

In any event, it might not defeat Berserker
at my current mana IeveIs,

...and if I disappear, I won't be
abIe to win the HoIy GraiI.

Great, you're back
to your usuaI seIf.

It's a reIief to hear you be
so irritatingIy caIm again.

What is that supposed
to mean?


Hey, what are you
two waiting for?!

Let's go. She's gonna
chew us out again.

Yes, Rin does seem to make a hobby
out of scoIding us, doesn't she?

Hey, watch where
you're stepping.

What's the matter?

It's nothing, when
I'm touched by you, I--

I found you!

I'm surprised, I expected you to
keep running to the very end.

So, Saber has recovered...

What a shame. It's so cute that you
think you can b*at me with that.

I hate to disappoint you, Shirou,
but you're going to die here.

What happened
to Rin?

She Ieft us and ran off. She's probabIy
way out of the forest by now.

I'm not so sure. This forest
is an Einzbern barrier.

If Rin had Ieft,
I'd know right away.

I'II track her down
and kiII her Iater.

But if you begged for your Iife,
I might consider sparing you.

IIIya, isn't there any way you can
waIk away from this fight?

I can't do that. It's my
grandfather's orders.

As Iong as I have Berserker,
I'm the Einzbern Master.

I have to kiII the other Masters
and bring home the HoIy GraiI.

I'm Saber's Master.

If you won't give up your status as Master,
I'II b*at Berserker and MAKE you.

Oh, reaIIy? In that case,
I'II go aII-out and kiII you.


It's her SeaI.

One so enormous that it makes those
of normaI Masters paIe in comparison.

PIaytime is over.

He's even MORE
powerfuI now?

KiII aII of them,


Their difference in power
is obvious.

If that sword so much
as scratches her,

...your Servant wiII be ripped
to shreds, mister.

I can at Ieast
distract him...

Berserker! Ignore Shirou!
After you kiII Saber, he'II be easy pickings!

So in the end,
I'm useIess after aII...

I can't heIp Saber.
I can't fight aIongside her.

There's nothing...

There's nothing
that I can...

That I can...

There is onIy one thing that you are
capabIe of, so try to master that one thing.

What you shouId aIways be visuaIizing
is yourseIf at your most powerfuI.



I want a w*apon...
A bow is no good.

I need a sword! An invincibIe sword
that can b*at that bastard!

Get cIear, Saber!

Neun, acht, sieben...

...StiI schieBt,
BeschieBung erschieBen!

I had a feeIing this wouId happen!

Did we win?

No way... It can't be! I'm positive
that I bIew his head cIean off!

I have to revise my
opinion of you, Rin.

To think that you actuaIIy managed
to kiII my Berserker, if onIy once.

I hate to break it to you, but he won't die
for good unIess you kiII him tweIve times!

TweIve times?

SureIy you know
the Iegend.

The Greek hero HercuIes endured
tweIve triaIs to atone for his sins,

...and as his reward,
he was made immortaI.

A stockpiIe of Iives...
MuItipIe Iayers of resurrection speIIs...

That's why he won't die
so easiIy.

A curse of immortaIity that makes him Iive
through the deaths that he avoided in Iife.

That's my Berserker's NobIe Phantasm.
The God Hand.

Berserker d*ed from your att*ck just now,
but he stiII has seven more Iives.

Are you kidding me? We have to kiII
this thing another seven times?!

Rin! Get away!


Berserker! Crush her!

In the deep, dark forest, as I search
for the faint fragrance...

...of the Iingering traces of the days
I heId dear, I suddenIy hear you Iaugh.

I reach out to try to touch you, but your
image fIuttered fIeetingIy in midair.

I've missed you for so Iong,
I've Ionged for you for so Iong.

Wandering through
sIeepIess nights,

...I am crying, enveIoped within the
Iight and shadow you Ieft behind, in the deep,
dark forest.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''The Sword of the Promised Victory.''

Next Time:
The Sword of the Promised Victory
Next time,
''The Sword of the Promised Victory.''

Next Time:
The Sword of the Promised Victory