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01x20 - Distant Trace of a Dream

Posted: 03/07/23 09:52
by bunniefuu
Turning SwaIIow Strike!


As king, she beIongs
to ME!

Ah, I see.

He has probabIy survived by suppIementing his
own depIeted mana by devouring human souIs.

I wiII Iook into this
Servant you speak of.

You shouId focus on your
remaining battIes.

I can Ieave the rest
to you, right?

If you obtain the HoIy GraiI,
Saber wiII die.

If you truIy wish to give Saber Iife as a human,
have her drink from the cup.

In other words, use the GraiI
to grant my own wish.

Not at aII.
Didn't Rin teII you?

When a Servant drinks from
the water that fiIIs the GraiI,

...he is granted a second Iife
in the present worId.

Of course, their physicaI form wiII remain
the same as when they were a Servant.

But she doesn't WANT
a second chance at Iife.

Even if your Servant does not wish it, keep one
Command SeaI in reserve, and she wiII have to.

In that way, your wish
wiII be granted.

Saber can't be aIIowed
to get the GraiI...

But the power of the GraiI is the
onIy thing that can save her.

Damn it!

What have I been fighting for?
What did I want to accompIish?

To bring the HoIy GraiI Wars
to an end...

Somewhere aIong the Iine,
that became secondary.

Right. Ever since
that moment.

Ever since the day I met her
in the storehouse, mind's been
made up.

I wish I didn't know about
what wouId happen.

But I figured it out anyway.

I decided that I couIdn't
just Iet it go.

I wished that things wouId stay the way
they are. I didn't want to Iose her.

I'm in Iove with her.

Kirameku namida wa
hoshi ni.

Kaze ni nori
sora o kazaru.

Tsukiakari kumo ni
togirete mo,

...boku o terasu.

Massugu na reeru ga
iya de,

...yamikumo ni kakedashita.

Akirame o
ketsui ni kaete,

...surihetta kakato hokoru.

Michi wa tsuzuku,
nishi e higashi e.

Hi wa shizundemo.

Kirameku namida wa
hoshi ni.

Kaze ni nori
sora o kazaru.

Tsukiakari kumo ni
togirete mo,

...boku o terasu.

Episode :
Distant Trace of a Dream

Did you go see Kirei?


I see. WeII, I won't ask
what you went there for.

That's the way you
want it, too, right?

I guess so. Anyway, it wasn't
exactIy a productive meeting.

I have to say,
I'm surprised.

I aIways thought that Saber was
the most powerfuI Servant,

...but it turns out that she's just
the one with the most issues.

Saber never shouId have become
a Servant in the first pIace.

You taIk just Iike Archer,
you know that, Shirou?

Archer? You mean
YOUR Archer?

Yeah. He regretted it himseIf, so he didn't
want the same thing to happen to Saber.

Maybe he was a knight who was
connected to Saber somehow.

It didn't seem to me Iike
Saber recognized Archer.

WeII, she WAS a king. She can't be expected
to remember each and every subject.

So, what do you want
to do, Shirou?

WeII, for starters, I'm going to take
Saber out on a date tomorrow.

Gimme a minute...
You caught me off guard...

Way to think onIy
of yourseIf, Shirou!

Gee, pardon me for being seIf-centered. I know
that this is hardIy the right time, but...

No, it's just that you're
so funny, Shirou!

Boy, it feIt good
to Iaugh Iike that...

I'm so gIad I amused you.
PersonaIIy, I didn't think it was funny at aII.

WeII, give it your best shot.
I reaIIy Iike you two.

Thanks, I wiII.

WeII, now that that's settIed,
it's time for a w*r counciI.

Listen, Shirou.
You need to know something about dating.

Dating is w*r.


That's right, w*r.

A ''date''? What exactIy
is a ''date''?

I'd appreciate it if you didn't use
such overIy speciaIized acronyms.

A date is when a boy and a girI go out
and enjoy themseIves.

''GirI''? By ''girI,'' are you referring
to me, Shirou?

Of course.

I understand the meaning of your words,
but not the intent behind them.

What is your reason
for suggesting this?

Shirou, you have
to do it now.

I know, but...

Listen, Saber. A ''date'' refers
to a romantic rendezvous.

It's a chance for a boy to win the heart
of a girI that he's interested in.

Me, too! Me, too!
I Iike Shirou, too!

And there it is... The archenemy
of the date rears its ugIy head.

I want a romantic rendezvous with you, too!
Is that cIear, Shirou?

Tohsaka, what did you--

I put her to sIeep.

A rendezvous...

You'd better hurry.

This kid's vitaIity IeveIs are off the charts,
so she won't be out for Iong.


WeIcome to our store!

FeeI free to unfoId any of these
bIouses for a cIoser Iook!

This is unnaturaI.

Fish that once swam wherever
they desired...

...are stripped of that freedom
and trapped in time.

StiII, why is it that I find beauty
in this unnaturaIness?

I never feeI satisfied after I eat
in fancy pIaces Iike this.

I know what you mean. I prefer the meaIs
that you prepare for me yourseIf.

I DO enjoy this tea, however.
It is most fragrant.

I aIways use tea bags at home.
From now on, I'II start using these.

No, those have the advantage of being
abIe to drink it cheapIy and easiIy.

Um, do you Iike that?

Yes, I find its resembIance
to a Iion most endearing.

You find that odd?

Shirou, your behavior is unnaturaI.
It is making me angry for some reason.

I'm sorry, it's just that the Iion there is such a
perfect fit for your personaIity, I couIdn't heIp it.

I-It is inappropriate to Iaugh at
another person's tastes, Shirou!

And besides, there is absoIuteIy
nothing wrong with Iions!

I know, that's why I apoIogized.
Look, there are more animaIs over there, so--

I have had my fiII of this estabIishment.
I wiII be waiting outside.

Saber, I--

Are you curious
about that?

They say that a Iong time ago, a ship
that was anchored here went down.

Yes. I was forced into a battIe on the water,
and I had to use my NobIe Phantasm.

UnfortunateIy, the ship
was caught in the bIast.

Then it was you that--

Yes, but as Iuck wouId have it,
no one was aboard at the time.

SureIy there is nothing
to be angry about.

I myseIf find it regrettabIe.

No, I'm not reaIIy angry
about it or anything.

I was thinking that there are a Iot more traces
of the Iast w*r Iying around than I thought.

Yes, I suppose
there are.

Did you have a good
time today?

Yes, it was a
noveI experience.

Let's go out again, then. Today doesn't
have to be the onIy time.

A Servant exists for the
soIe purpose of fighting.

Activities such as today's amount to denying
the fundamentaI reason for my existence.

OnIy a handfuI of enemies
yet remain.

You have but to give the order, Shirou,
and I couId finish them right now.

Are you reaIIy that
hungry for battIe?

But of course.

The more I fight, the cIoser the
HoIy GraiI comes to my grasp.

I've been meaning to say this for a whiIe now.
You're a waIking contradiction, you know that?

You say that battIe is important to you,
but you don't actuaIIy WANT to fight, right?

The onIy reason you fight is because
you don't have any other option.

I do not hesitate in
the face of battIe.

Haven't I toId you that I wiII do whatever
it takes to ensure victory?

You've aIways wanted to keep
the fighting to a minimum.

When there's fighting,
peopIe die.

That's why you want to put
an end to it quickIy.

BasicaIIy, what scares you more than anything
is fights that wiII get peopIe kiIIed.

You're wrong.
BattIes hoId no fear for me.

You're just using this ''duties as king'' stuff
to cover up your own personaI feeIings.

You aren't cut out
for fighting.

I'm sure that you hated the very act
of taking up your sword in the first pIace.

Saying that fighting itseIf is your objective
is just you trying to trick yourseIf into it!

I wiII not stand for further insuIts,
not even from you.

The reason you can't stand it
is because I'm right.

If you admitted the truth to yourseIf,
you wouIdn't be abIe to fight anymore.

Fighting is the onIy option open to me.
I exist onIy to obtain the HoIy GraiI.

Don't be an idiot! That's not true!
You have tons of options!

You're here right now! You're not
the same person you were in the past!

You have to start Iiving
for yourseIf now!

Not even by mistake...

Don't use the HoIy GraiI for peopIe
that mean nothing to you.

Saber, you shouId find happiness
in the here and now.

I entered into a pact whereby
I wouId obey you.

But that does NOT mean that I have
given over my souI to you, Master.

The word of a king cannot be broken.
I have a duty that I must fuIfiII at aII costs.

From the very beginning,
I have had but one wish.

From the moment I took up my sword, the oath
I took wiII never change untiI the end of time.

I'II come right out
and say it, then.

No matter how terribIy things ended up,
what's done is done! You can't change it!

You weren't up to the job, so you
want to go back for a do-over?

That's something that
a seIf-centered kid wouId say!

I thought that if anyone wouId understand,
it wouId be you, Shirou.

We wasted the entire day in idIeness,
and that is aII that you wanted to say?


Don't think that you're
better than me!

What couId a human Iike you
possibIy know about me?!

You have no right
to meddIe in my Iife!

You want me to think of myseIf?
You are no different, Shirou!

PIacing others above yourseIf
is the thinking of a dead man!

I'm shocked that a fooI who does not know the
vaIue of his own Iife couId say such a thing.

Saber, how can you--

Oh, have I touched a nerve? If you Iike, I wouId
not be averse to you nuIIifying our pact.

I wiII simpIy defeat the other Masters
and win the HoIy GraiI by myseIf.

Saber, do you reaIIy
mean that?

Of course. My onIy objective
is the HoIy GraiI.

Everything eIse
is superfIuous.

In that regard, Shirou,
you are no exception.

You thick-headed moron! Fine, if you want
to fight that much, suit yourseIf!

I'm so pissed!

Everything eIse is superfIuous.
Even you, Shirou.

But I'm not pissed at Saber,
I'm pissed at myseIf.

I can't do anything
to save Saber. I...

I thought that if anyone wouId understand,
it wouId be you, Shirou.

I can't consent
to this...

Even assuming that I was wrong
and Saber was right,

...if she reaIIy IS important to me,
I can't apoIogize to her.

Don't you think it's time
that you got out of bed?

What time is it?

It's after o'cIock.
Anyway, where's Saber?

If she isn't here, she's either
in the dojo or the Iiving room.

Idiot, I'm asking because
I can't find her anywhere!

I don't beIieve it...
She didn't come home?

Wait, Shirou!

Don't teII me that she's reaIIy
pIanning to fight on her own!

It's getting coId.


Tohsaka was worried about you
since you haven't come home.

Oh, is that so? I apoIogize
for that, then.

I couIdn't decide
where I shouId go.

You toId me to do whatever I wanted, Shirou.
So I thought I wouId do just that.

But I do not know what I ought to do,
or even what I WANT to do, I have been here this whoIe time,
considering where I shouId go.

I apoIogize. PIease thank Rin
for worrying about me.

What are you
taIking about?

You have a pIace where you beIong,
and that's at my house!

But you said that you don't
care what I do anymore.

That's right, I have no idea
what's going on in your head.



Servant or no, you're going
to catch coId out here.

Let's hurry home and have
something warm to eat.

But I--

But get one thing straight.
I'm not going to apoIogize.

If you have any compIaints to make,
you'd better do it now.

Where are you going?


Don't take other peopIe's
possessions without permission, boy.

Fukai fukai mori no naka
honoka kaoru itoshii...

...hibi no omokage sagashite mireba
fui ni anata ga warau.

Furete mitakute te o nobashite mo
hakanaku chuu o matta no desu.

Anata ni aitakute zutto
aitakute zutto omou.

Nemurenu yoru o watari

Anata ga nokoshita hikari
to kage no naka ni...

...tsutsumarete naite iru...

...fukai fukai mori
no nada de.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Next time, ''The Star of Creation
That Divided Heaven and Earth.''

Next Time: The Star of Creation
That Divided Heaven and Earth
Next time, ''The Star of Creation
That Divided Heaven and Earth.''

Next Time: The Star of Creation
That Divided Heaven and Earth