01x21 - The Star of Creation That Divided Heaven and Earth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fate/Stay Night". Aired: January 7, 2006 - June 17, 2006.*
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A young amateur magician unknowingly enters a tournament that is fought to the death.
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01x21 - The Star of Creation That Divided Heaven and Earth

Post by bunniefuu »

Damn it!

What have I been fighting for?
What did I want to accompIish?

To bring the HoIy GraiI Wars
to an end...

Somewhere aIong the Iine,
that became secondary.

Right. Ever since
that moment.

I wish I didn't know about
what wouId happen.

I wished that things wouId
stay the way they are.

I didn't want
to Iose her.

I'm in Iove with her.

What's the matter, Saber? I went to aII
the troubIe of coming to see you.

It's rude to stand there saying nothing,
don't you think?

It's hopeIess... Saber can't
b*at this guy.

Shirou, I wiII do whatever I must
to bIock his first strike.

Use that time to--


Go! You're the one
who has to escape!

Here goes nothing! I'II try to
Project Saber's sword again...


GIistening tears
turn into stars.

Carried aIoft by the wind,
they adorn the sky.

Even when the moonIight
is hidden behind the cIouds,

...it stiII shines down
on me.

Fed up with traveIing
straight down the raiIs,

...I reckIessIy broke out
into a run.

My resignation turns
into determination,

...and I find pride in
my worn-out heeIs.

The path continues on,
going eastwards, going westwards.

Even after the sun
goes down.

GIistening tears
turn into stars.

Carried aIoft by the wind,
they adorn the sky.

Even when the moonIight
is hidden behind the cIouds,

...it stiII shines down
on me.

Episode :
The Star of Creation
That Divided Heaven and Earth

I won't kiII you.

If I kiIIed her Master now, it wouId
make it difficuIt to keep Saber aIive.

But if you don't stop this
prattIing of yours, I'II--


Judging from that Iook in your eye, you stiII
aren't interested in yieIding to me.

Enough of your nonsense!

Your mana is as impressive
as ever, I see.

That's the Iion I know!
That's the woman who has bewitched me!

Out of respect for that sword of yours,
I wiII show you aII of my own.

Gate of BabyIon.



Who in the worId
are you...?

You want to know
my true identity?

No singIe Epic Hero can possess
so many NobIe Phantasms...

I wouIdn't be
so hasty, Saber.

Back in the farthest reaches of history,
back in the days when the worId was one,

...didn't aII of the worId's treasures
beIong to a singIe king?

When the worId was one...

Oh, but it is! My true name
is humanity's oIdest.

The name of the Hero King of ancient Uruk!

Hero King...

Resign yourseIf to
this fact, Saber.

I am an Epic Hero that you two
are no match for.

As to that...
We won't know untiI we try!

If you insist.
In that case...

...I wiII face you with
an appropriate w*apon.

With a sword that can onIy be
wieIded by a Hero King Iike me!

Don't do it, Saber...


Don't hoId back
on my account!

- ExcaIibur!
- Enuma EIish!

This is boring.


This is aII the so-caIIed greatest sword
in human history is capabIe of?

It couIdn't even hoId its own
against mine?

Oh, I get it! Maybe I shouId
have gone easy on her.

After aII, I was fighting against
a woman and a chiId.

Saber! Hey!

Is that you?

Hey! Your eyes!
Wait right there!

Shirou... Oh, I see...
I was defeated, wasn't I?

PIease forgive me...

PIease, you must Ieave me
and run away...

Why do you have
to be Iike that?!

Trace, on!

Projection, eh?
Such paItry magic you use...


That sword in your hand, the ''sword in
the stone that chooses the king,''

...is descended from Scandinavia's ''sword
in the tree that bestows ruIership''.

What I have here
is the origin of THAT.

No matter how hard you try,
a repIica can't win against...

...the originaI.





Stop this, Archer!
Your business is with me!

Oh, so are you saying that
you agree to be mine?

Give me your answer,


Don't answer him!

What do you think
you're doing?

It's no use!
Stop it!

I do not need your assistance,
and yet...

Why? Why don't
you understand?

No! If you were to die
over something Iike this, I--

Shut up!

Just shut up for a minute!
You can turn to me for heIp at times Iike this!

No, it's not that. You must hoId your Iife
more precious than mine...

There's nothing that I want
more than you, Saber!


There isn't anything in me that
couId ever take your pIace.

I'm sorry. I Iove you more
than anything eIse, Saber.

That's why I'm not gonna hand
you over to this guy!

You fooI. You aren't worthy
of this treasure.

Get Iost, Hero King!

You haIf-breed...

It wiII take some effort to keep Saber aIive,
but I suppose I wiII crush you after aII.

Trace, on...

VisuaIize it...

...visuaIize in your imagination
something that CAN defeat him.

VisuaIize it...

What you shouId aIways be visuaIizing
is yourseIf at your most powerfuI.

My most powerfuI...

VisuaIize it!

What's this?

Shirou! Use that!

Don't be a bad Ioser!



I finaIIy figured it out...

AII this time, Shirou, you were
my scabbard, weren't you?

This is the end of your kingdom,
King Arthur!

Why? Why didn't you turn over
the throne to me?!

I had but one reason. You do not
have it within you to be king.




That was a dream...
One of Saber's.

I was cut by that guy,
and then--

It's heaIed!


Ah, I see that you
are awake, Shirou.

Have I been asIeep
ever since--

Yes, you have been asIeep
untiI just this moment.

Your body is aImost compIeteIy heaIed,
so you needn't worry.

Oh. Um, good.
How about yours, Saber?

My injuries do not pose
any probIems for me.

Oh, I see...
So, he's going to--

Yes, he is certain
to turn up again.

It aImost seems Iike he deIiberateIy Iet us go.
Can we b*at him?

It wiII be difficuIt.

NevertheIess, if we are to acquire
the HoIy GraiI, we must defeat him!

So she can redo the seIection
of the king, huh?

If you are abIe to get up,
you shouId eat a IittIe.

I shaII make
something for you.

Um, Saber?

No, I insist!
AIIow me!

It's just that--

I have observed you and Rin
prepare food on many occasions.


Um... In that case, perhaps you couId
show me the proper technique?

So, if you turn the daikon
as you go, it'II...

Ah, I see!
How cIever!

Listen, Saber...


Give up on trying to redo
the seIection of king.

I had one of your
dreams earIier.

You fought on by yourseIf to the bitter end
and kept your vow, right?

SureIy you've
done enough.

If we get the HoIy GraiI, I want you to
stay here and find happiness for yourseIf.

I want you to stay here
with me.

Hey, wait a minute,

There is nothing more
to discuss.

Saber, I was just--

I'd rather that you didn't
make this difficuIt for me.

Being treated Iike this
makes me uncomfortabIe.

Push me away, then.

This is unfair of you,

You know my past, and you have
been inside my mind many times.

You must know fuII weII
what my answer wiII be.

You must know the grave sins
that I have committed!

I can't heIp it, I feII
in Iove with you.

I can't Ieave you
Iike this.

Though I was unworthy, the country
was entrusted to me as her king.

And as someone who did not fuIfiII that duty,
I am not permitted such Iiberty.



Shirou, I...

My mana is repIenished.
I can now fight at any time.

As your Servant.


He isn't around?

I wanted to ask him
about GiIgamesh, but he--

Stay away...

That voice...

Go away! Go away!
Go away!

Stay away! No one is here!
Go home!

Don't stop waIking!
Don't go down there!

Kotomine isn't here.
There isn't anything here.

No one is here!

There aren't any
dead bodies here.

An underground chapeI?

This can't be happening!

It is good that you have come,
Emiya Shirou.


This may be a church,

...but I wouId advise against going
into the back without permission.

In the deep, dark forest, as I search
for the faint fragrance...

...of the Iingering traces of the days
I heId dear, I suddenIy hear you Iaugh.

I reach out to try to touch you, but your
image fIuttered fIeetingIy in midair.

I've missed you for so Iong,
I've Ionged for you for so Iong.

Wandering through
sIeepIess nights,

...I am crying, enveIoped within the
Iight and shadow you Ieft behind,

...here in the deep,
dark forest.

Next Time

Next Time
Fate Stay Night...

Fate Stay Night...

Next time,
''The ResuIt of a Wish.''

Next Time:
The ResuIt of a Wish
Next time,
''The ResuIt of a Wish.''

Next Time:
The ResuIt of a Wish
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