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01x07 - Safe

Posted: 03/08/23 08:36
by bunniefuu
MAN: A real beauty, ain 't she?
MALCOLM: Yes, sir.

MAN: Tell you what. You buy this ship,
treat her proper...

...she'll be with you for the rest
of your life.



You paid money for this, sir?

On purpose?

What? Come on, seriousIy, Zoe,
what do you think?

HonestIy, sir, I think you got robbed.

Robbed? What do you mean?

It's a piece of fei-oo.


Okay, she won't be winning any beauty
contests anytime soon, but she is soIid.

A ship Iike this, be with you
tiII the day you die.

-Because it's a death trap.
-That's not--

You are very much Iacking
in imagination.

I imagine that's so, sir.

You haven't seen most of it.
Let me show you the rest.

And try to see past what she is
and on to what she can be.

-What's that, sir?
-Freedom, is what.

I meant what's that?

Step around that.
Something was Iiving in here.

I teII you, we get a mechanic,
get her up and running again. . .

. . .hire a good piIot, maybe a cook,
Iive Iike reaI peopIe.

A smaII crew. They must feeI the need
to be free. Take jobs as they come.

They never have to be under the heeI
of nobody ever again.

No matter how Iong the arm
of The AIIiance might get. . .

. . .we'II just get ourseIves
a IittIe further.

-Get her running again?

-So not running now?
-Not so much. But she wiII.

I aIready know what I'm gonna caII her.
Got a name aII picked out.




No. That is not true.

SHEPHERD: I swear it is.

SureIy one of you must've toId him.

No. Not one of the brethren
had the heart to say anything.

He was so proud.

What? What was he proud of?

Who he?

SHEPHERD: Looked rather natty,
truth be toId, you know?

What was natty? I wanna hear
about the natty thing.

Shepherd Book was just teIIing us funny
stories about his Iife at the monastery.

Monastic humor. I miss out
on aII the fun.

And aII the food too, apparentIy.

Just who do you think
you're married to?

-I Iove my wife.

-So we got a course set?
-We do.

Took creative navigating,
but we shouId make it to GreenIeaf. . .

. . .without running afouI
of AIIiance patroIs.

-Or a Iiving souI, for that matter.
MALCOLM: The way it shouId be.

Of course, what shouId be
an 1 8-hour trip. . .

. . .wiII take us the better part
of a week by this route.

We're in no rush.
I Iike an easy, Ianguorous journey.

Gee, I wonder what that wouId be Iike.

Let me heIp you with that.

It's your turn.

My turn?

Shepherd toId us a funny story
about being a preacher.

Now you teII us a funny story
about being a doctor.

A funny story.

Yeah, because sick peopIe
are hiIarious.

WeII, they-- They can be.
Uh. . . .

WeII, in fact, I remember this time
I was working the ER. . .

. . .and this-- This, uh-- This feIIow, this,
uh, you know, upright sort of citizen. . .

. . .he comes in, and he's, you know,

Inara, she's gotta have some funny
whoring stories, I'd wager.

Oh, do I ever. Funny and sexy.

You have no idea.
And you never wiII.

I don't discuss my cIients.

Aw, come on, Inara.
Who'd know?

You. A companion
doesn't kiss and teII.

So there is kissing?

Hey, doc, I think KayIee may
need your heIp after aII.

Care to make the first incision,
Dr. Tam?

-Happy birthday, Simon.
ALL: Happy birthday!

This is, uh. . . .

How did-- How'd you know?
River, did you--?

''Day'' is a vestigiaI mode of time
measurement based on soIar cycIes.

It's not appIicabIe.

I didn't get you anything.

Seems a fresh warrant for your arrest
came up over the cortex.

Had your birthday attached right to it.


I hope you Iike it. CouIdn't get ahoId
of no fIour, so it's mostIy protein.

In fact, it's pretty much
what we just had for dinner.

But I tried to get the frosting as
chocoIaty-tasting as possibIe, so. . . .

Thank you.

I'm reaIIy-- I'm very, very
deepIy moved. Thank you.

WeII, deepIy move yourseIf to bIow out
them candIes, so we can try a sIice.

Come on, doc. Give a good bIow.

What the heII was that?

Maybe just a hiccup.
I'II go check it out.

-I'II take a Iook at the heIm.

Okay, right.

WASH: Zoe!
RIVER: Fire!



Baby. You've gotta taIk to me.

MALCOLM: SeaI off everything
that Ieads beIow decks!

Do it now!

WASH: Is she gonna be okay?
-I need my med kit.

Not this way. We've got fire.

-Where do you think you're going?
-Zoe's been badIy hurt.

-I need my medicaI suppIies.
-Sorry, nobody Ieaves.

-Everything's seaIed tight.
-If you don't Iet me go, she couId die.

I Iet you through, we aII die.


It's okay.

She's in shock. I need to bring
her vitaIs back up.

MALCOLM: How bad is it?
-There's no sign of burning.

-It must be internaI. I'II do a scan.
-Baby? Zoe, can you hear me?

Zoe? Come on, sweetheart.

Zoe? Come on, taIk, baby.

-Look at me, sweetheart.

KayIee, Iook at me.

I need you up in the engine room
figuring out what caused this.

She ain't moving.

Serenity's not moving.

I know it.

Which is why we need to suss out what
happened so we can get her going again.

-Think you can do that?
-Yes, captain.

That's a good girI.

Come on, baby. You're strong,
the strongest person I ever met.

-You can do this.
-Is she gonna make it?

SIMON: PIease, I need to work.

-I need you on the bridge.
-Zoe's hurt.

And the doctor's gonna do
everything he can.

Meantime, I gotta have you on the
bridge. We need to know how bad it is.

How bad? It's bad, okay, sir?

My wife may be dying here,
so my feeIing is it's pretty bad.

-I'm not Ieaving her side, MaI!

Don't ask me again.

I wasn't asking. I was teIIing.


You're gonna get to that bridge, and
you're gonna get us back on our feet.

Yeah. This is aII very doabIe.

ShouIdn't be a probIem at aII.

A few modifications.

Get some reaI maneuverabiIity
out of this boat.

You'd be surprised.

So you'II take the job then?

Might do, might do.

-Think I'm starting to get a feeI here.

WeII, take your time.
Make yourseIf to home.

Just fiddIe around with the diaIs there.
We'II be nearby.

-Great, ain't he?
-I don't Iike him.

-Just something about him bothers me.

-What? What about him bothers you?
-I'm not sure. It's something.

Your something comes up against a Iist
of recommendations as Iong as my Ieg.

Tanaka raves about this guy.

Renshaw's been trying to get him
for a month.

-And we need us a piIot.
-I understand, sir. He bothers me.

We finaIIy got ourseIves
a genius mechanic.

It's time we hired someone
to fIy this.

Genius? No one's ever caIIed me
that before. Shiny.

He just bothers me.

Her heart stopped.

Someone shouId get
her husband down here.

-No. What do you need, doc?
-That drawer, right there.

-That's the one.
INARA: What is it?

Pure adrenaIine.



Zoe gonna be okay?

You Iet the doctor worry about Zoe.

Come on.

TeII me what you know.

CataIyzer on the port
compression coiI bIew.

-It's where the troubIe started.
-I need that in captain dummy-taIk.

-We're dead in the water.
-Can you fix it?

-I can try.
-Just get us to Iimping. That's aII I need.

What? What is it?

-It's worse than just the coiI.
-How can it be worse?

Main Iife-support's down
since the engine's dead.

-But we've got auxiIiary Iife-support.
-No, we don't. Ain't even on.

ExpIosion must've knocked it out.

So, what are we breathing?

Whatever got pumped into the atmo
before the expIosion shut it aII down.

Most of that oxygen got ate up
by the fire on its way out the door.

WeII, whatever's Ieft is what we got.

How Iong?

CoupIe of hours, maybe.

We'II start to feeI it, and then
we won't feeI nothing at aII.

How is she?

She's stiII unconscious,
but her vitaIs are strong.

She won't know it, but as Iong as
her condition remains Iike this. . .

. . .she'II outIive us aII.

She's using Iess oxygen.

I aIways thought the name Serenity. . .

. . .had a vagueIy funereaI sound to it.

I Iove this ship.

I have from the first moment I saw it.

I just don't want to die on it.

I don't want to die at aII.

Suffocation's not exactIy
the most dignified way to go.

The human body wiII--

PIease, I don't reaIIy require
a cIinicaI description right now.

I'm sorry.

I just. . . .

It was my birthday.

Don't be afraid.

That's what it says.
''Don't be afraid. ''


But you are afraid.


You're afraid we're going
to run out of air. . .

. . .that we'II die gasping.

But we won't.
That's not going to happen.

We'II freeze to death first.

You get that beacon sent?

-Yeah, it's sent.


-Nothing, sir. It's a briIIiant pIan.

I'm sure we'II aII be saved.

I'm getting a IittIe weary
of this attitude.

Are you? WeII, I'm so very sorry, sir.

I guess the news that we'II be purpIe,
bIoated and fetaI in a few hours. . .

. . .has made me a IittIe snippy.

It's possibIe someone might pick up
that signaI.

No, MaI, it's not possibIe. No one's
gonna pick up the damn signaI.

You wanted us under the radar.
That's where we are.

-Out of range of anyone.
-Then make it go further.

-I-- What?
-Make the signaI go further.

I can't make it go further.

Not if you're gonna sit around
and whinge.

-What do you expect me to do, MaI?
-Whatever you have to.

If you can't do it here, get a suit on
and go outside the boat--

And what? Wave my arms around?

Wave your arms around.
Jump up and down.

Divert the nav sats to the transmitter.

Divert the-- Right!

Teenage pranks are fun
when you're about to die.

-Give the beacon a boost, wouIdn't it?
-Yes, MaI, it wouId boost the signaI.

But even if a passerby did receive,
it wouId muck up their navigation.

-CouId be that's true.
WASH: Damn right!

They'd be forced to stop and dig out
our signaI before they couId go anypIace.

Maybe I shouId do that then.

-Maybe you shouId.


What do you two think you're doing,
fighting at a time Iike this?

You're gonna use up aII the air.

COMPUTER VOICE: Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.



Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.


What's this I hear about
yet another deIay?

Supposed to have this engine fixed
and us up and--

What in the name of--?








You do reaIize we've been parked on this
rock a week Ionger than we pIanned?

Yeah, but there's-- There's stuff to do.

As, for exampIe, that job we've
got waiting for us on Pacquin.

When we Ianded, you said you needed
a few days to get us space-worthy. . .

. . .and is there something wrong
with your bunk?


Oh, no, captain. She Iikes engines.

They make her hot.

Bester, get your prairie harpy
off my boat and put us back in the air.

Okay, but can't.

-What do you mean, ''can't''?
-No can do, cap.

-Secondary grav boot's shot.
KAYLEE: No, it ain't.

Ain't nothing wrong with your grav boot.
Grav boot's just fine.


She doesn't-- That's not what it--
No, it ain't.

Sure it is. Grav boot
ain't your troubIe.

I seen the troubIe pIain as day when I
was down there on my back before.

Your reg coupIe's bad.

The reg-- The what?

The reg coupIe.

Right here.



I'm pointing right at it.


Here. Hand me that, wiII you?

Don't serve much
of a purpose anyway.

Just tends to gum up the works
when it gets tacked.

So I figure why even have one?

Better to just take your G-Iine, pIug it
straight into the port pin-Iock. . .

. . .and that shouId. . . .



-What'd you do?
-She fixed it.

WeII, it wasn't reaIIy broke.

Where'd you Iearn to do that, miss?

Just do it, that's aII.

-Daddy says I got naturaI taIent.
MALCOLM: I'II say you do.

-Don't we need this?
-You work for your daddy, do you?

When he got work,
which ain't too often IateIy.

You got experience with a vesseI
Iike this?

I never even been up in one before.


-You mean. . .?

-For how Iong?
MALCOLM: Long as you Iike.

-Long as you can keep her in the sky.
-You offering me a job?

-BeIieve I just did.

I just gotta ask my foIks.

Don't Ieave without me.

MaI, what do you need
two mechanics for?

I reaIIy don't.


KayIee, what are you doing?

I'm sorry, captain. I'm reaI sorry.

I shouId've kept better care of her.

UsuaIIy she Iets me know
when something's wrong.

Maybe she did, I just wasn't
paying attention, or--

KayIee, I cannot be having this from you
right now. We got work to do.

CataIyzer's broke.
Gonna need a new one.

There is no new one.
You gotta make do with what you got.

-It's broke.
-Come on.

This the part? It don't hardIy seem
Iike nothing.

AII right. Where does it go?


But it don't fit no more.

WeII, you gotta figure a way
to make it fit.

Sometimes a thing gets broke
can't be fixed.

Without this, the engine don't turn?

Engine don't turn, Iife-support
won't function. We don't breathe.

You wanna keep breathing, don't you?

So do I.

COMPUTER VOICE: Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.


Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.

WeII, as you're aII keenIy aware,
we've run into a bit of a situation.

Engine's down, Iife-support's
on the fritz. . .

. . .and I got nine peopIe here
aII wanting to breathe.

Truth is, don't got a whoIe Iot
of options at this juncture.

So instead of focusing on what we don't
got, time to taIk about what it is we do.

And what we got are two shuttIes.
Short-range, won't get far.

But each got heat,
and they each got air.

Last Ionger than what's Ieft on Serenity.

-Long enough to reach somepIace?

So where wiII we go then?

Far as you can get.

We send both shuttIes
in opposite directions. . .

. . .betters the chances of someone
getting picked up.

Shepherd Book, KayIee, Jayne
wiII ride with Inara in her shuttIe.

Doc, you and your sis wiII ride
with Wash and Zoe. . .

. . .seeing as how Zoe stiII needs
some doctoring.

What about you?

Four peopIe per shuttIe. That's
the arrangement. Evens the odds.

I'm staying with Serenity.

-We sent out a beacon.

Even managed to boost it a IittIe.

If by some chance we get a response. . .

. . .someone's gonna have
to be here to answer.

Let's get those shuttIes prepped.

Wash, shuttIes are that way.

I know. But Iike you said, someone
might answer the beacon.

And when they do, I wanna make sure
that you can caII everyone back.

Won't take but a minute.

Jayne, get shuttIe number two ready.
I'II see to Inara's.

Let's get moving.

Take onIy what you need.

-If you fIy smart, don't push too hard. . .

-. . .shuttIe Iife-support wiII Iast.
INARA: This isn't the ancient sea.

Don't go down with your ship.

She ain't going down.
She ain't going anywhere.

Jayne'II be vaIuabIe if you're in troubIe.
Don't trust him. Don't Iet him take over.

You're paid for the month.
It's your ship.


As far as your security deposit goes,
that I might have to owe you.

WeII, here she is.

Nice, ain't she?

-WeII, not overIy.

How much room do you reaIIy need
for what you do anyway?

I got a surveyor and his wife
interested in renting it.

They're just waiting to hear back.

-What's her range?
MALCOLM: Standard short.

She'II break atmo from a wide orbit. . .

. . .get you where you need to go,
bring you back home again.

She's space-worthy, just Iike
the rest of Serenity is.

No need to sound so defensive, captain.

I prefer something
with a few miIes on it.

Were we to enter into
this arrangement, captain. . .

. . .there are a few things
I wouId require from you. . .

. . .the foremost
being compIete autonomy.

This shuttIe wouId be my home.

No crew member wouId be aIIowed
entrance without my invitation.

You'd get your privacy.

And just so we're cIear. . .

. . .under no circumstances wiII I service
you or anyone who is under your empIoy.

I'II post a sign.

That won't be necessary.

The other thing I insist upon
is some measure of assurance. . .

. . .that when I make an appointment,
I'm in position. . .

. . .to keep that appointment,
so far as such assurances are possibIe. . .

. . .on a vesseI of this type.

That's an awfuI Iot of caveats
and addendums there.

As I stated, I just want to be cIear.

I'II take that into consideration
whiIe I review the appIications.

Don't be ridicuIous.
You're gonna rent this shuttIe to me.

-Am I?

And for one-quarter Iess
than your asking price.

-That a fact?
-It is.

And you figure you'II be getting
this discount why, exactIy?

You want me.

You want me on your ship.

-Do I?

Because I can bring something
your surveyor. . .

. . .or any of the other fish
you might have on Iine can't:

-A certain respectabiIity.

And based on what IittIe I've seen
of your operation. . .

. . .I suspect that's something
you couId use.


Let me ask you this.

If you're so respectabIe,
why are you even here?

I mean, I've heard teII of fancy
Iadies such as yourseIf. . .

. . .shipping out with big Iuxury Iiners
and the Iike. . .

. . .but a registered companion
on a boat Iike this?

-What are you running from?
-I'm not running from anything.

If it's AIIiance troubIe, you might
want to consider another ship.

Some here fought for the Independents.

The AIIiance has no quarreI with me.
I supported Unification.

Did you?

WeII, I don't suppose you're
the onIy whore that did.

Oh, one further addendum.

That's the Iast time you get
to caII me whore.


Never again.

Keep everything set as Iow as possibIe.
Don't waste what you got.

Let me do that. You never
couId operate this thing.

And try not to taIk.

TaIking uses up air.
Ain't no need for it.

MaI, come with us.

Can't. Four to a shuttIe, Inara. Four.

One more. It can't make
a difference, not now.

I'm not Ieaving Serenity.

MaI, you don't have to die aIone.

Everybody dies aIone.

-Everything's set and ready.

I Iinked the nav systems of both
shuttIes into the heIm here.

When your miracIe gets here, pound this
button once. It'II caII back both shuttIes.

Go see to your wife.

I went ahead and cIosed off
aII beIow-deck vents. . .

. . .diverted what's Ieft to the bridge.
Ain't much.

My advice is seaI off everything
behind you on your way back up.

Might buy you some time.

And I prepped a suit for you.
It's hanging in the foredeck.

-So when the time comes--
-I won't be needing it, but thanks.




Your distress--

Firefly Serenity--

I'm sorry for your troubles, captain.
They sound many.

But you do understand, I can 't
invite you aboard my vessel.

-I don 't know you.
-I ain't asking for a ride, just a push.

Right. Your mechanical trouble.
Your compression coil, you say?

-It was the cataIyzer.
-Not even the coil.

-Catalyzer's a nothing part, captain.
-It's nothing tiII you don't got one.

Then it appears to be everything.

Well, it is possible we might
have something that could do you.

We just come from a big
salvage mission off Ita Moon.

-I'd appreciate it.
-Trouble is... can I know for certain
your story's true?

Ambush could be waiting for me
and my people on the other side.

You can pIainIy see my shuttIes
have been Iaunched, just Iike I said.

And by now you've scanned me.
You know I got no Iife-support.

I don 't expect to see any weapons
when we board.

And I do expect to see that engine part
before I open the door.

I feel like maybe we can do business.

Check him.

Search the ship. Start with the cockpit
and work your way down.

-Is this what you meant by ambush?
-I'm just verifying your story.

If you find anybody on board not
supposed to be, you sh**t them.

I thought we were gonna be
reasonabIe about this.

Reason. He's gonna taIk to us
about reason now.

Yeah, that's a joke.

-Which one you figure tracked us?
-The ugIy one, sir.

-CouId you be more specific?
-Do we Iook reasonabIe to you?

WeII, Iooks can be deceiving.

Not as deceiving
as a Iow-down, dirty deceiver.

WeII said.
Wasn't that weII said, Zoe?

Had a kind of poetry to it, sir.

You want I shouId sh**t
them now, Marco?

Wait tiII they teII us
where they put the stuff.

That's a good idea.

Good idea.

TeII us where the stuff's at,
so I can sh**t you.

Point of interest.

Offering to sh**t us might not work
so weII. . .

. . .as an incentive as you might imagine.

Anyway, we've hidden it.

So you kiII us, you'II never find it.

Found you easy enough.

Yeah, you did, didn't you?

How much they paying you?


I mean, Iet's say you did kiII us
or didn't.

There couId be t*rture, whatever.
But somehow, you found the goods.

-What wouId your cut be?
-Seven percent, straight off the top.

Seven? Huh.


Nothing. Not a thing. No, I just--

-Does that seem Iow to you?
-It does.

-That ain't Iow.
-Stop it.

-Seven percent's standard.
-Okay. Zoe, I'm paying you too much.

-What does she get?
-Knock it off!

Forget I said anything.
I'm sure you're treated weII.

You get the perks, got your own room.


You share a bunk?

With that one.

-Jayne, this ain't funny.

-Yeah, I ain't Iaughing.
-You move on over to this side. . .

. . .we'II not onIy show you
where the stuff's at. . .

. . .we'II see to it you get
your fair share.

Not no sad seven.

-Private room?

Your own room, fuII run
of the kitchen.

Jayne, I ain't asking--

Shut up.

How big a room?

Ship's cIear, captain.

You check the engine room?

Just Iike he said,
the cataIyzer's bIown.

That's aII he needs.

Anything that's worth anything
is right here in this cargo bay.

So you take a Iook around,
decide what you think is fair.

AIready decided.

We're taking your ship.

BiIIy, get this pIugged in.

Jesse, caII Stern over here. You're
gonna piIot this piIe of gosa out of here.

We'II get it as far as--

Jesse, don't caII Stern.

BiIIy, Ieave the cataIyzer.

Do as he says.

Take your peopIe and go.

You wouId've done the same.

We can aIready see I haven't.

Now get the heII off my ship.


COMPUTER VOICE: Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.

Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.

Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.

MAN: Real beauty.
KAYLEE: Serenity's not moving.

WASH: When your miracle gets here--
INARA: Come with us.

MALCOLM: Everybody dies alone.

I'II run up and scrape off a piece.

ZOE: You'd do that for me?
WASH: I'd do anything for you.


ZOE: I don't think it's something
he shouId see when he wakes up.

WeIcome back, sir.

-I go somepIace?
-Very nearIy.

We thought we'd Iost you.

I've been right here.

-Wash, you okay?
-Yeah, MaI, I'm fine.

-You got a thing in your arm.

Try not to speak.
You're heaviIy medicated. . .

. . .and you've Iost a Iot of bIood.

I thought I ordered you aII
off the ship.

-I caII you back?
-No, MaI, you didn't.

I take fuII responsibiIity, captain.

The decision saved your Iife.

Won't happen again, sir.


And thanks. I'm gratefuI.

It was my pIeasure, sir.

Hey, we'd have been back first. . .

. . .except there's something wrong
with Inara's shuttIe.

She done something to it.
SmeIIs funny.

-I toId you, that's incense.
JAYNE: So you say.

-Hey, captain.

You fixed the ship. Good work.

SIMON: AII right.

I have to insist, the captain
needs to rest.

Yeah. I think the doc might not
be wrong about that one.

Just gonna need a few. . . .

You aII gonna be here when I wake up?

We'II be here.


That's good.

Yep. Real beauty, ain 't she?

Yes, sir, a right smart purchase,
this vesseI.

I'II teII you what, you buy this ship,
treat her proper. . .

. . .she'II be with you for the rest
of your Iife.


Hey, son?

You hear a word I've been saying?