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01x03 - Stage Fright

Posted: 03/09/23 09:45
by bunniefuu
In their resting state, our actives are
as innocent and vulnerable as children.

We call it the tabula rasa, blank slate.

Now imagine the imprint process
fillin it, creating a new personality.

A friend, a lover, A... and when
the engagement has been completed...

all memory of it will be wiped clean.

I try to do my best.

Hey, neighbor. Off early?

Ooh, pretty. Is she in trouble?

Maybe. Just got caught
up with the wrong people.

Either way, I'll keep
looking until I find her.

Lucky girl.

You don't write. You don't call.

- How did you get this number?
- Dollhouse. Start hopping.

I don't know any dollhouse.

Then find another
honest citizen who does.

You will have a new
friend living with you.

Her name is sierra.


* superstar, superstar,
driving in your fancy car *

* wishing you could take me home *

* you've got the lingo and the pedigree
to flip the script and get to me *

* but you just can't get off the phone *

* don't mean to burst your bubble *

* don't want to waste your time *

* I've got the feeling your
priorities are out of line *

* even though I know you're
trouble you're gonna do just fine *

* you've rehearsed your lines and
now it's time for you to shine *

* you're such a star
go on and take it away *

* go on and take it away-ay-ay-ay *

* you play my heart with
every word that you say *

* and toss it you tear it, rip
it up you're gonna smash it *

* shopping sprees and limousines
flash a little je Y...*

get her locked down now!

I'm sorry. I was dizzy.

I didn't want you to get
hurt. You're my friend.

Friends help each other out.

Yes, they do.

You shouldn't have taken the arrow out.

You could have bled to death.

And a broadhead arrow does
more damage coming out.

I'll remember that next
time I'm being bow-hunted.

But you're healing nicely.

So I'm certified?

I really would recommend you
take a few more days, mr. Langton.

You know you can call me boyd.

Is there a reason I'd want to?

Look, if you don't certify me
and echo gets sent out again,

she could end up with some
stranger as her handler.

We're strangs to them.

She's my responsibility.

And we both know there's
someone out there.

Someone who wants her dead.

The word from upstairs
is it can't be alpha.

You're certified.

Thank you.

And do keep a close eye.

Someone else is watching.

Someone always is.

Did you forget your key again...

Oh, I startle you, you startle me.

- Can I help you?
- I'm, uh, a friend of paul.


An old friend from... navy.

Friend from old navy.
I did retail before.

He would buy slacks.

He told me he would be home.

He should be back soon.

You're a friend of paul,
too? Good fend, yeah?

Waiting by the door?

No, I just happened to... we're not...

you're making coffee in
there? Enough for two?

Did you want to leave him a message?


Tell him to meet me friday
night at this place. Not at work.

He comes by my work, he bothers me...

and my bosses get very mad.

- At old navy?
- You give him card.


Hello, biz.

I did try to respect your no-sunglasses
rule, but what is this, a greenhouse?

I'm photosynthesizing here.

All right.


Didn't know you were in town.

Rayna's at the henry fonda.

Not the forum? It's the prerelease.

You know, the intimate evening gigs.

Remind everyone that she's an artist.

Actually sings the damned songs.

We do the stadiums in the summer.

Sounds exhausting. I can have the twins freed
up in a day or so if you need to unwind.

Someone's trying to k*ll rayna.

And to my utter
astonishment, it isn't me.

k*ll her? Are you certain?

Did you hear about the
accident in kansas city?

Flash pot with a double
charge. Girl on fire.

It wasn't an accident?

Actually, it was, yes.

We changed up the choreography that day.
Should have been rayna standing there.

Was that the only time?

No, we had a lighting
rig come loose in philly.

Got tangled up in the flies.

How's rayna dealing with all this?

I'm worried about her.

She seemed erratic, disconnected lately.

Even moodier if that
is physically possible.

Here. Have a look at this.

Rayna's had stalkers ever since she was
singing for the mouse, but this guy...

and to think, some people don't
believe in everlasting love.

Meanwhile, rayna needs to be
protected and not by bodyguards.

Oh, she hates those guys.

Yes, feels like a prisoner,
blah-biddy, blah-blah-blah.

Anyway, this guy can dodge them.

No, what she needs is someone by
her side that she likes, she trusts,

and will protect her without
even knowing she's supposed to.

So there's risk?


She's got to be willing to
take a b*llet for my girl.

I will try to make sure
it doesn't come to that.

What we do need is a credible reason
for our active to be in rayna's life.

Yes, well, as it happens,
we do have an opening.

* I've got to find the freedom *

* that's promised me freedom from
our struggles and our misery...*

I really love this song.

I have the feeling that
she could be trouble.

I smell... attitude.

* Each day when sun
shines upon my eyes *

* it fills me with love,
makes me feel alive *

* I'm saving it up for a rainy day *

* when there's no
light to guide my way *

* We've got to find a
freedom that's promised me *

* freedom from our
struggles and our misery *

* freedom is all we need *

* to heal the pain of history.*

Rayna, love, perhaps we should just
take a minute to, um, you know...

get her working.

- I got the job?
- Yes, yes.

You, uh, you got the job.

Oh, my god!

Why isn't she working yet?

Lucky girl.

Thank you so much! Oh, my god!

You sent echo out on
a high-risk engagement?

Dr.Saunders, hey, so
good of you to annoy me.

I had her flagged for romantic
or altruistic engagements only.

Does anybody read these?

Her last romantic engagement turned
out to be extremely high-risk.

Maybe her engagement with
rayna will turn romantic.

She's bodyguard?

She's a singer.

Persona and parameter: Two
separate elements.

Persona: She's a struggling singer
who just got her first break.

Parameter: She must protect rayna,

which she will do instinctively
and unconsciously at all times.

So she doesn't even
know she's a bodyguard.

And this makes what better?

Who do you want?

Someone who's paid to protect you
or someone who wants to protect you?

This is the beauty of w do.

T we and what about boyd?

He's not up to any
serious physical threat.

Boyd? What are you guys, buddies now?

Oh, god, of course you are.

You both disapprove of everything.

You're gonna get married
and have scowly babies.

Don't be an idiot.

Not to stress. We're
sending in backup anyway.

Would you please have a seat?

All right, stop. Stop, stop.
That's what I was talking about.

You guys gotta come in
tighter on me on the eight.

You move any sooner than that, and I'm gonna be
steppin' all over you like a hot mess, okay?

It goes boom, pop, and
seven and eight. Hit that.

And five, six.

That's fine, but jordan,
softer on your consonants.

Okay. I haven't seen all the lyrics
yet, so I'm kinda flying blind here.

I need a lyric book
for the new girl now!

Ey're not very good lyrics.

- A lot "ooh"s and "ah"s?
- Yes.

Try not to move, please.

Oh, sorry.

- So is this your first big tour?
- Big one? Yes.

I've been working a lot, but
nothing like rayna russell.

I mean, this is the dream gig.

What's up with all the muscle?

- Oh, you heard about that "accident," right?
- Yeah.

Well, first, there was three bodyguards.

Now there's eight, plus
a whole security staff.

And they don't bring
in her fan mail anymore.

What I hear, it goes
straight to the police.

Stop, stop. Let's do it
one more time from the top.

And what about her? Diva or diva?

It depends on the day. I
mean, she's the real deal.

She's earning it.

All right, ladies, here you go.

We had to replace the monitor board, so you
are gonna have to get there an hour earlier.

Thank you. Hello, girls.

Bra off, please. Try this on.

Should we, uh, go to the bathroom or...

Honey, you've got three
quick changes during the show.

They're all gonna see your stuff now or
later, so you might as well get used to it.

Is it always this crazy?

Okay, stop! Stop!

Who's eating a mint?

Somebody is eating a mint!

Okay, I-I can't breathe!

And I think we're done here. Rayna,
darling, let's get you over to the venue.

Yes, indeed.

Hey, now that you're done flashing everybody,
you want to roll with me to sound check?

We can go over your
harmonies in the car.

Cool with me.

Well, looky who's pick of the week.

Nice view.

Yeah, look at all the pretty lights, and the people
look like ants and I casee my house from here.

You trying to get me k*lled?

I wasn't followed.

Yeah, yeah, you cannot be sniffing
around the family and talking to me.

The borons see us together, we both get
a death, and I don't get the nice one.

Besides, the family's clean on this.

They traffic girls.

Maybe, maybe not, but
they don't brainwash them.

I thought you got something I could use.

Yeah, yeah, I did what you asked.

I start throwing the word "dollhouse" around,
my people, they look at me like I'm a tourist.

I can't afford that.

Maybe you're too small-time.

It's a myth, okay? It's an urban legend:

Young people having their personalities replaced
so that they could be the perfect date?

It's-it's alligators in the sewers!

I've heard this song.
It's not my favorite.

You got no leads.

Anything you think you had led
you to me, and I'm a dead end.

You don't know what I got.

What you got is the nicest
version of "fired" the bi has.

See, you don't know me, but I
checked you out plenty, agent ballard.

You don't close.

The van dynes, illinois g*n club.

Bureau takes pity, gives you the one job
you can't blow because it doesn't exist.

The technology exists.

It... somebody made
a monkey tango, right?

It doesn't mean it's
being used on people.

It does. It means that.

How do you know?

We split the atom, we make a b*mb.

We come up with anything
new, the first thing we do is

destroy, manipulate, control.

It's human nature.

Yeah, people are mostly crap.

I don't think there's a dollhouse.

I hear different, I'll get word.

Personally, I wish there was.

How come?

So I could sign up, wipe all
of my terrible burdens away.

We'll keep you in mind.

I start over, I wanna
be doris freakin' day.

Right, so, I know this isn't my place,
but I was just walking off my nerves,

and I noticed there's no
security by the freight elevator.

And it seems like somebody
could get in there.

You know, if you're worried about
a homicidal fan or something.

Good eyes, jordan.

Sierra should come
into play in a minute.

I'm glad they double-tracked this.

Who's handling her?

Joe hearn. You won't like him.

15 minutes to curtain.

Echo's on in 15. Okay. Okay.

Oh, my god, are you nervous?

Opening-night jitters?

Your little girl out
there on the big stage?

On the stage where the last
little girl caught fire?

A fair point.

I mean, her singing's not a problem.

It's not, right? I mean, she is
a good singer. I think she's good.

She wouldn't freeze up?

She'll be fine, mama rose.

What's the deal with rayna?

You got the inside edition.
Is she cool? What's she like?

If you like shallow,
vapid, narcissistic girls.

Really? Shallow?

She seemed so earthy and
normal with katie couric.

You just can't trust people anymore.

You think you know someone.

Hello, victor. How are you feeling?

Did I fall asleep?

Deep breaths help to
prevent pre-show barfing.

Biz taught me that trick when I was 12.

Rayna, this is audra,
winner of the ♪1 fan contest.

She flew all the way in from australia.

Oh, hey, sweetie, I'd love to hang, but I've
got a show to do. You understand, right?

Of course.

Oh, my god, oh, my god,
oh, my god, oh, my god!

That was weird. Weird adoration.

No, what's weird is that
I don't even notice it.

* you're a superstar everyone
knows who you are you think, *

* superstar, superstar,
driving in your fancy car *

* wishing you could take me home *

* you've got the lingo and the pedigree
to flip the script and get to me *

* but you just can't get off the phone *

* don't mean to burst your bubble *

* don't want to waste your time *

* I've got the feeling your
priorities are out of line *

* even though I know you're
trouble you're gonna do just fine *

Are you sure this is safe?

This is my party.

You know all these people?

Girl, relax. We're surrounded.

I know.

What in the hell is this
skank doing at my table?

- I told you...
- rayna!

You remember audra, yes, winner
of the online video contest?

She's your ♪1 fan.

Why do you always try to hurt me?

Be a saint.

You have no idea how much it means
to me that you're here tonight.

- My god.
- Shave aeat.

Uh, I just have to say, you are so beautiful
and talented and you saved my life.

I had your first cd before any of my
friends, and, you know, I-I told them...

okay, okay. Slow down.

Listen, sweetheart.
You can just hang. Okay?

Turn off fan mode and turn on, um...

- what's your name again?
- Audra.

Turn on audra mode.

Audra mode. Okay.

What are you drinking?

Oh, it's a shirley
temple. They're delicious.

Plus, I'm a lightweight, and I want to be able to
remember every single detail of my time with you.

Oh, geez...

well, you're making us feel like alcoholics
over here. Why don't you have some champagne?



I mean... is it always like this?

People just do whatever
you tell them to?

If she wanted you to take off your clothes
and run down the street right now,

just for kicks, would you do it?

Oh, with or without my undies?

Damn, girl. You need to chill.

That was so cool.

I'm a southie.

So, agent ballard.

Maybe I got something for you after all.

It used to be called
the devonshire hotel.

You know, big noise back when
hollywood still had its dignity.

If it's abandoned,
what am I looking for?

The basement.

If people were being held, they
probably would have been down there.

Hey, I'm getting this third-hand.
I still think it goes nowhere.

Then why call?

Because you inspire terrible
pity. Watch your back.

You wanted to mess with the borodins?

Actually, I didn'T.



Do you know who we are?

We are the last faces you see.

What do you know about the dollhouse?

I don't know what you're talking about!

No one ever does.


It takes 40 minutes to get coffee?

You had eyes on 'em.

'Sides, my girl only comes into
play in an extreme scenario.

What you got there?

Rayna's fan sites.

There's hundreds of these things.

Ah, a bunch of crazies.

That's what I'm looking for.

Our man had to have
been on this somewhere.

Right. You're the ex-cop.

Investigating is
somebody else's problem.

We just keep an eye out, pull
our girls when the job's done.

This sierra is new, isn't she?

What happened to the previous sierra?

She got the job done.


It's me!

Get in here.

Damn, girl.

Oh, aren't they gorgeous?

You know, orchids are the
symbol of pure affection.

Ye wo you sure have a lot of them.

They help me relax.

Nice. I could use some of that.

Have you ever felt
so unbelievably alive?

This is gonna be the
best night of my life!

I am ready. I am so ready.

- Go on. Right there.
- Oh, thanks.

Hey, I thought you weren't
getting fan mail anymore.

These people think they actually
have a relationship with you.

Comes with the territory.

My music touches people, so
they want to touch me back.

Shouldn't the cops be
getting all this stuff?

Oh, those are old.

This one isn'T.

It mentions last night's show.

These are all from the same guy.

It's him. The one they're all afraid of.

You're communicating with him?

He's my ♪1 fan.

Audra's a sweet girl, but...

she's got nothing on him.

Yo, he's not a fan. He's insane.

What do you know?

You're a background singer.

A wannabe. A nothing.

- Three minutes!
- Show time.

The biggest show ever.




Don't do this!

This is what I do.

He's gonna k*ll you.

I think you know that.

You have no idea what it's like.

You can't go out there.

You don't tell me what
I can and can't do.

You want him to sh**t
you. On stage. Tonight.

You're crazier than he is.

I'm not crazy.

I just wanto be free.


* Boy, I've been watching
you, stalking you I know...*


* Are you all alone tonight?'Cause
you're looking fine *

* and I want to make you mine *

* I think I could be the one for you *

* if you think that, too,
you need to make your move *

you have to stop the show. Rayna...

jordan, get your ass stage left.

- Where's biz?
- I'll take you there myself.

I will smack you.

* baby, make your
move make your move...*

You guys got me in the mood tonight.

I want you to meet somebody special.

This person...

reminds me why I do what I do.

You know who you are.

Come on. Show yourself!

Give it up for my ♪1 fan!

This is audra!

What up, los angeles?

He's here. I feel it. I know it.

Stop the show.

- Because the background singer said so?
- Do it.

There's no way psycho
got through security.

U know how many extra guys
I hired just for tonight?

Just relax.

Hey, wait a minute.

Rayna, get down!

We got g*nsh*t wounds to
the right lower abdomen.

Can you hear me?

What's your name, buddy?

Chest sounds are good;
no sign of hothorax.

He's cyanotic. I thought
the lungs checked out.

- Must be the gases.
- I'm gonna lay some pvc.

He's gonna arrest...
any... minute. Here we go.

What the hell is wrong with you?

- With me?
- You shut down my show.

I saved your life.

You've got no understanding of my life.

Okay, are there any dr*gs you're not on?

The guy was about to put a b*llet in
you, which, ps: Also stops the show.

You disappointed all those people.

I was gonna give 'em a show.

Now all they'll say is I
didn't give 'em a finish.

They don't want to see you die.

Did they grow you in a lab?

Do you know anything about people?

They'd love to see me die.

80 years old, they'd be talking
about tonight... they was there when.

Rayna... you are not okay, okay?

You are having a breakdown.

Not a shave-your-head,
flash-your-junk whacky phase.

You are truly unwell.

So he puts me out of my misery.

What misery?

What have you got to be miserable about?

No. Right, uh...

I got to be happy. I got to be
grateful. I got to be rebellious...

But just enough to give me cred, so
people know I'm not a factory girl.

But I am.

I don't exist. I'm not a real person.

I'm everybody's fantasy.

And god help me if I try not to be.

No, you weren't grown
in the lab, but I was.

Been singing for my supper since when
and before when for everybody else!

God put this voice in me
and forgot to make it mine.

I don't feel it. I don't feel anything.

For a long while.

But I know he's out there, the reaper,

and any minute now... freedom.

There's your rush. There's your joy.

I can hear. I can hear myself.

I think you hear yourself just fine.

Maybe you want to listen to
someone else, like, say, ever.

- You don't like your life, change it.
- They won't let me!

You make them let you.

You're feeling pain, but all
you're doing is spreading it around.

The last thing I ever thought
you'd turn out to be was weak.

I want you out of here.

You say anything to biz, I'll tell every psycho fan I
got right where you live, and you won't last a day.

Oh, this gig was supposed to change everything
for me and now I'm thinking it did.

Get your scrawny ass out of my sp...

you can fire me, ut, bitch,
don't think you can take me.

Have fun with your fan.

Uh, excuse me. Sir, sir, um,
I'm supposed to be inside.

Um, I'm rayna's ♪1 fan. I was onstage.

Go around back. Ask for
a guy with a clipboard.

Look what you've done, rayna.

You messed it all up.

And I want to be able
to forgive you, but...

your actions lately...

who is this?

I came to get my stuff.

I thought something might
have happened to you, too.

What do you mean?

Seems like it wasn't such a good
idea to be seen out with rayna.

Why her? How is she your ♪1 fan?

You gave her what was mine.

And I know you said we could
never meet in person because it...

because it would diminish what we have.

It would ruin our moment.

Now, you will come meet me in person, and
I will not sh**t this girl in the brains.


I k*ll for you, you die for me.

That was the deal.

I want to fulfill my part, rayna.

You have my number. Call me.


You did this?

Ten years. Never done that.

She wanted this. All of it.

Otherwise, I never would have...

getting what you want may not
be the best thing for a person.

You're supposed to be with her.

She fired me.

Does that make a difference?


I don't know why, but...

even after everything
that's happened, I...

I have to help her.

Sierra has been kidnapped.

She drew his focus away from rayna.

- Well, that was a good call.
- Thank you.

Her handler's outside the location.
I told him to wait for our team.

Yes, that's best. Echo?

On task. Still protecting rayna.

Are you a fan, mr. Dominic?

I'm sorry?
Rayna... Do you like her music?

I don't know if being a fan
has very much to do with that.

Not at the level we're dealing with.

No. Get the girl. Close it out.

Do it.

I don't want to.

You got to be near her.

To smell her.

To touch her.

This... is your big day.

Your time to shine.

- I can't remember.
- Do it!

* Don't want to burst your bubble *

* don't want to waste your time *

* I got a feeling your
priorities are out of line *

* even though I know you're
trouble you're gonna do just fine *

* I got a feeling it's
time for you to shine *

* you're such a star
go on and take it away *

* go on and take it away *

* You'll play my heart with
every word that you say *

* and toss it and tear it
up, rip it...* - no, no.

What are you doing

you scared me.

I scared you?

After all this, I scared you?

Why are you here? I fired you.

Look, I'm not here to fight, rayna.

I'm sorry for the things that I said.

I just want to know how I can help.

You can leave.

Then what are you gonna do?

The show must go on.

You can't be serious.

This isn't just about
you anymore, rayna.

Someone else is in danger.

We called the police.

What else do you want from me?

You know this guy.

You know what he's capable of.

You could stop him from hurting audra.

I can't stop him.

You could try.

She's your friend. She's a fan.

She'd want me to continue.


I know you don't feel anything, or
think that you don't, but you will.

You will if you do
something to save this girl.

And you will help this girl.

What makes you think...

friends help each other out.


Hi, fan ♪1.

My name is jordan. I have rayna.

I want to make an
exchange. No funny stuff.

I'll meet you where the original
plan was supposed to go down.

You can have her.

What the hell's the matter with you?

Are you doing this on purpose
or you just terrible at your job?

Neither. Doing what?

Echo's off task. Your little
brainchild just backfired.

Okay, okay, first of all, wow.

Secondly, echo's hardwired
to protect the client.

Now, sometimes these things play
out differently than we anticipate.

You'd better check your tech!

That's enough!

You're in my house, lawrence!

Of the two people here,
one of us is a genius,

and the other is a security
guard in a very lovely suit.

All right, genius, tell me why echo would
kidnap the girl you programmed her to protect

and bring her to the man
who's trying to k*ll her.

That does sound kind of bad.

You wanted to die.

This would be a "careful
what you wish for" moment.

Let her go.

And let her fall to her death?

But then I'd have
nothing to bargain with.

You drop her, and this girl will
have a big hole right in her head.

This girl for rayna now.

How about this?

You let audra go, throw the g*n down
there, and I will hand you rayna.

You can do whatever you want with her.

Because, honestly, I
don't care if rayna lives.

She wants to die, and
you want to k*ll her.

So, basically, nobody wants
rayna to make it to tomorrow.

I do.

It's not about k*lling her.

It's about giving her what she wants.

Then this is a big, magical
moment for the two of you...

shut up!

You can't possibly understand
what we have together.

True. Maybe rayna can explain.

I'm so sorry. Please let me go.
I don't want to hurt anybody.

I'm sorry. No! Please! I'm sorry.

In position. I have a clear shot.

We're ready to eliminate the threat.


Not just yet.

I don't want to hurt anymore.

That's really up to him.

- He decides your fate, right?
- No. Please. He's crazy.

I guess it's not love after all.

She doesn't mean it then.

I'm sorry.

Rayna, I would never hurt you.

God, now you're
changing your story, too?

Shut up! I-I could k*ll
you and have both girls.

- I could k*ll everybody.
- No!

- She doesn't seem to like that idea...
- shut up!

Shut up! I will sh**t you.

And then I'll let go.

You don't want to die.
You don't want her dead.

This is way too confusing.

Is rayna okay?

Please don't let me die.

I want to live!

I know.

I will have quite the story to
tell when I get back to brisbane.

What do you mean? This is what
every day is like in america.

Well, part of it was dreadful, but
it was by far the most exciting,

fulfilling, wonderful day of my life.

And you're the scariest one of all.

That's all I need:
You rubbing off on her.

Who the hell are you?

Audra, time for your treatment.

What's wrong with him?

Are you ready for your treatment?

All right, but can I
kick that guy's ass first?

I will seriously consider it.

She's a risk. An increasing risk.

She had control over the situation.

But we can't control her.

I'm recommending that we
send echo to the attic.

Before someone else ends up dead, or
worse, she compromises this organization.

I believe she acted
in our best interest.

She went off mission!

In fact, I believe she
did quite the opposite.

She stopped the person
who wanted rayna dead.

It just happened to be rayna herself,

and by quite literally dangling
the threat of death in front of her,

she prevented rayna from ever being
a danger to herself in the future.

- Echo took the mission parameter...
- and did even better.

She seems to have the ability to think outside
of the pieces that we give her and then create.

Create a new approach to the problem.

It's impressive.

I don't know what it
means, but it's impressive.

She really is special.

Special isn't always a
good thing here, boyd.

Dewitt's a businesswoman.

Is she really gonna
harm her best active?

Echo wasn't always the best.

You're talking about alpha.

I'm just saying sometimes the best
thing to hope for is good enough.

* I've got to find the
freedom that's promised me *

* freedom from our
struggles and our misery *

* freedom is all we need *

* to heal the pain of history *

* I've got to find the
freedom that's promised me *

* freedom from our
struggles and our misery *

* freedom is all we need *

* to heal the pain of history *

* each day when the sun
shines upon my eyes *

* it fills me with love,
makes me feel alive *

* I'm saving it up for a rainy day *

* when there's no
light to guide my way *

* I got to find The
freedom that's promised me *

* freedom from our
struggles and our misery *

* freedom is all we need *

* to heal the pain of history.*