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04x18 - Intersections in Real Time

Posted: 03/13/23 07:19
by bunniefuu
Captain, I just thought you should know.

They've got your dad.
Traced him through his medication...

...picked him up at a safe house
just outside of Chicago.

We've got a couple days before they can
move. We should be able to break him out.

Now, I've got some people who can help,
but they want a meeting.

John, I don't like the way this sounds...

...the way it looks, I don't like
anything about it. It stinks of a setup.

Michael and I
have had our problems lately...

...but he has never given me
reason to think he meant me harm.

All right.

What do you want me to do?

You've already done it.

It's a tranq. Don't fight it.

- What are you...?
- Give it up or they'll hurt you!

Do you have any allergies or illnesses
I should be aware of?

Are you currently taking any medication?

Have you had any trouble
with your heart?

When I ask a question,
you will respond at once.

You will not hesitate,
you will not consider, you will not lie.

Cooperation will be rewarded.

Resistance will be punished.

Do you understand?


We bought them from the Narn
during the w*r.

They're most effective.

If you come within 3 feet of me,
you will be hurt.

If you come within 2 feet,
you will be rendered unconscious.

There's nothing to be gained
by trying to harm me.

I am not the enemy.

To be the enemy, I must have some
personal stake in what happens to you.

I'm not interested in that at all.

I'm here to do a job, nothing more.

You are a name, a file
and a case number.

That is all.

I have no desire to inflict pain...

...but I will do so when
and as it is required.

The level of discomfort you experience
will be entirely up to you.

I'm not here to negotiate
or to assist you.

Then why are you here?

To ensure your cooperation.

To that end, I will use whatever means
I feel are appropriate.

Do you understand?

No. No.

It was a simple enough question.

There's no reason to endure all this...

...just to determine if you have
a grasp of English.

So... you understand?

Do you have any allergies or illnesses
I should be aware of?

Are you currently taking any medication?

Have you had any problems
with your heart?




...we can begin.

It was the year of fire.

The year of destruction.

The year we took back
what was ours.

It was the year of rebirth.

The year of great sadness.

The year of pain.

- And a year of joy.
- It was a new age.

It was the end of history.

It was the year everything changed.

The year is 2261.
The place, Babylon 5.

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- It's not morning.

- It isn't?
- No.

And how do you know that?

When you came in before,
I saw daylight through the door.

When you came in now...'s dark outside.


You mean...


Well, if that's daylight...

...and that's night,
then we may as well assume that...

...this is morning again.

Good morning.

I'd forget my head
if it wasn't nailed on.

Which reminds me.

Never contradict me.

Oh, my.

Look at the time.

This is interesting.
I hadn't seen this before.

During your time at the academy and
all your years during the w*r, afterwards... never showed any
particular interest in politics.

So... don't consider yourself
to be political?

- No.
- That's interesting. Yes.

That's very interesting.

You see, that's what they thought.

That's why you're here.

If you never showed
any interest in politics...

...then it's not likely you'd start
running around...

...trying to overthrow
your own government...

...unless you had been
under the influence of outsiders.

Is that a fair thing to say?

That you've been under the influence
of other people?


No. Really?

I find that most remarkable.

I mean, aren't we all
under the influence of others?

It's part of being in the world.

Somebody in the office is in a bad mood,
pretty soon everybody's in a bad mood.

We're all influenced by other people.

You've really never been influenced
by anyone else?

Are you that far removed
from other people?

Well, no matter.

I'll put it down
as your first fabrication.

This is really excellent corned beef.

You have to get
just the right mustard.

The brown with the seeds,
not the yellow kind.

And not too much of it.

If there's too much,
it irritates the corners of my mouth.

Oh, would...?

Would you like some?

I know they haven't fed you since you
got here. That's at least two days.

Besides...'s lunchtime.

Isn't it?

Isn't it lunchtime?

You just said it was morning.

Well, you can't have
a corned-beef sandwich for breakfast.

It would upset your stomach.

Corned-beef sandwiches are for lunch.

If it's morning, you can't have it.
If it's lunchtime... can.

Is it lunchtime?

I'm sure it's lunchtime somewhere.

Excellent answer.


I ate half of that myself.

k*lling you does nobody any good.

I told you, I'm here
to ensure your cooperation.

And I can't do that if you're dead,
now can I?

It does prove, though, how everything
is a matter of perspective.

You think you see daylight,
and you assume it's morning...

...take it away, you think it's night.

Offer you a sandwich, if it's convenient,
you'll think it's midday. The truth is fluid.

The truth is subjective.

Out there,
it doesn't matter what time it is.

In here, it's lunchtime
if you and I decide that it is.

The truth is sometimes
what you believe it to be...

...and other times
what you decide it to be.

My task... to make you...

...decide to believe differently.

And when that happens...

...the world will remake itself
before your very eyes.

- Not a chance.
- No?

You've done it before.

- When?
- When haven't you?

When you were a soldier,
you fought the Minbari.

The Minbari were the enemy.
That was the truth.

And then one day, someone said
the Minbari are no longer the enemy.

And that was the truth.

And you not only accepted them as allies,
you embraced them.

You took one of them as a lover.

That's not the way...

You swore an oath to Earthforce
because you believed in it.

That was the truth.

Now Earthforce is supposed
to be the enemy.

Now that is the truth.

It all depends on what you believe
and what other people tell you to believe.

The truth is fluid.
The truth is subjective.


Governments make policy.

Soldiers have to accept those policies,
even when they're completely contradictory.

It's the very definition of your job.

A soldier accepts that the face of truth
changes on a daily basis.

Unless you're rejecting everything
that you said you stood for.

Is that what you're doing?

Thanks for the sandwich.

You're right.
The corned beef is perfect.

The mustard's a little weak
for my tastes.

Now you're being evasive.

Better than being dishonest.


You said it was lunchtime, even though
you knew almost certainly that it was not.

You said that you've never been influenced
by other people...

...and you and I both know
that's impossible.

I, however, have spoken
the utter and unvarnished truth...

...from the moment I came through
that door.

Now which one of us
is being dishonest?

I just remembered it's time for supper.

You know, about that sandwich,
captain...'s a funny thing about toxins.

I've always felt that if you eat
a little poison every day...'ll get used to it.

It desensitizes you until you can swallow
large amounts of it...

...with no difficulty whatsoever.

I've always thought that
that was a metaphor.

I could just never decide what for.

The contents of the sandwich
will not k*ll you.

As I said,
they want you alive for now.

But the toxins will begin having
their desired effects in just a few minutes.

I'll be back when they've had a chance
to clean up the place.

Good morning.

How are we feeling?

Poison's all flushed out?

Well, let's see.

Yes. It must have been a rough night.

The jaundice will pass
in a couple of hours.

I'm sorry I had to do that.

Part of the process.

We have to break you physically
before we can get to your mind.

I find it distasteful and crude.

But they don't listen to me.

Well, actually...

...they do listen to me.
They listen to both of us.

My superiors monitor all of the interrogation
rooms randomly throughout the day.

If they don't see some indication
that you're willing to cooperate...

...well, I can't be held responsible
for the consequences.

The best thing for you to do
is cooperate.

They'll let you go then.

You're dehydrated,
which is not surprising...

...considering that you just upchucked...

...everything you've been eating
for the last four days.

This'll help.

You need to build your salts
back up...

...restore your body's fluids.


Captain, I've told you the truth
from the beginning.

Now I'm telling you that this is safe.


...l'm the one and only ally
you have in this place.

I won't lie to you.

What I tell you
will be the absolute truth.

This is safe.

Drink it.

I recommend taking it in small sips
to start with...

...until your body adjusts.

We don't want a repeat of what
happened last night, now do we?

I've been going over your files
the last night.

I found some omissions
that we need to correct.

There are just a few bookkeeping points,
nothing of a compromising nature.

Your second in command...

...her name was Susan lvanova?

Is that correct?

Earth has all the records.

Well, yes, but only up until the time
you broke away.

After that,
everything gets a little fuzzy.

We just need to confirm her name
for the records.

There's no harm in that.
No reason you shouldn't tell me.

Sure, there is.

And why is that?

Because you want it.

I told you, I don't want anything.
I really don't care.

But my superiors don't like blank spaces
in their records.

They want everything neat,
tidy and complete.

- Feeling better?
- A little.


Then perhaps you'd care to join me?

It's for your own good.

Don't want you to hurt yourself.

Oh, and by the way,
I should mention, your father...

...sends his regards.

He's being held at another facility
a few miles from here...

...and one of my associates
is handling his case.

When I stopped by to pick up
your report, I passed him in the hall.

- Then he's still alive.
- Alive and well.

- Why are you telling me this?
- Why not?

I told you, I have no vested interest
in helping you or harming you... long as the job gets done.

He made a request. It didn't go
against my orders, so I passed it along.

"Thank you" would be
the appropriate response.

Thank you.

Yes. I imagine that we'll only hold him
as long as we hold you.

But, of course, that means that
as long as you continue to resist...

...we can't let him go.

- You've been interrogated before.
- Yes.

Anyone I know?

You'd be surprised.

Well, it's certainly strange
you don't seem to know the rules.

Perhaps I should explain them
in case you've forgotten.

This is your confession.

It goes on at some length.
So allow me to summarize.

You plead guilty to charges of treason,
mutiny, conspiracy to commit mutiny...

...sedition, terrorism...
- That's a lie.

Conspiracy to overthrow the government,
illegal seizure of Earth property...*ault on fellow officers, sabotage...
- Now, just a minute.

Willful destruction of public property...

...disobeying direct orders
of superior officers...

...and the m*rder of 547 officers and crew
on board the E.A.S. Roanoke.

- I won't sign it!
- You will sign it!

You will sign it, and you will read it aloud
in full view of the public... they'll know that we haven't forged
your image or your signature.

You will name your accomplices.

You will apologize to the families and
friends of those who d*ed fighting you.

And in the end,
you will beg for mercy...

...on the grounds that you're
under the influence of aliens...

...who are trying to subvert the government
and undermine the president.

I demand to see an attorney!

I demand the presence
of a full m*llitary tribunal!

- You have no right...!
- No, you have no rights!

There's no courtroom here, captain.

No tribunals, no attorneys,
no justice, no mercy... fairness, no hope,
no last-minute escape.

You will walk through that door
when you confess...

...and not one second before!

Good morning.

There, now.

That should do it.

Now, would you please repeat...

...what you told one
of our other interrogators last night?

I was one of those...

...who was responsible
for manipulating Captain Sheridan...

...into turning against
his own government.

Don't do this.

I confess... taking part in a conspiracy... overturn your government.

You're giving them
exactly what they want.

Precisely. And when he's done,
he'll be able to leave.

Continue. We can edit out
the interruptions later.

Those who worked with me
in this conspiracy...

...were Commander Susan lvanova...

...Minbari Ambassador Delenn...

...Senator Ross Fowler.

He's not actually involved
in any of this...

...but he's recently become a source
of annoyance to the president.

Waste not, want not.

I can personally verify all
of the charges against him.

However, Captain Sheridan
was not responsible for his actions.

He was not...

...mentally competent...
- Stop it!

Listen to me!
Listen to me.

Now, I don't know
what they did to you in here.

I know it must have been terrible...

...but it's all out here.
It's all flesh.

Now, I know you feel
that they've won...

...but as long as you don't break inside,
they can't win.

Don't do this.

He's trying to save you trouble, captain.
He's your alibi.

He's the one chance you have of avoiding
the death penalty for your actions.

I know the Drazi.

I've worked with your people.
I fought alongside them in the w*r.

You're a strong race, a proud race.

You'll bend, but you don't break.

The ones that have done this to you,
they are the ones that have been broken.

- There is nothing I can do.
- Yes, there is!

You can fight.

You can refuse to surrender.
You can refuse to be broken.

You just have to say,
"No, I won't"... more time than they can say,
"Yes, you will."


The moment you surrender... become expendable.

I'm afraid.

I've never been afraid before.

We're all afraid.

Don't give them what they want.



I have nothing more to say.

I will not cooperate any further.

Are you sure?

Do you understand
that this is your last chance?

What are you doing?

Do you understand
that this is your very last chance?


Oh, no, no, no.
No, let him go.

He's done nothing to you.

I've never even seen him before in my life.
He's got nothing to do with this.

For God's sake, let him go.


Room 17.

Now, I was asking you about
Commander lvanova.

What are you gonna do with him?

It's nothing you need
to concern yourself with.

Now, about your contacts
with the Resistance.

If you could provide me with,
say, three or four names... would go a long way toward
convincing my superiors...

I said, what are you going
to do with him?!

You must understand...

...he was expendable
from the moment he arrived.

We are all expendable.

Just parts in a machine.

You're lucky.

You were deemed nonexpendable
when you got here.

Even I don't fall into that category.

But the patience of my superiors
is not without limit.

You are alive because it's convenient...

...and because they want you
honestly and sincerely broken... case someone scans you.

It has to be a sincere apology.

This will encourage the others who worked
with you to reconsider their position.

It would save us a tremendous amount
of time and trouble.

Unless you become an even greater source
of time and trouble.

I'm sorry they had to do that.

But as I told you, it's not my choice.

You will cooperate with the state for the
good of the state and your own survival.

You will confess to the crimes
of which you have been accused.

You will be released, and return to society
a productive citizen if you cooperate.

Resistance will be punished.
Cooperation will be rewarded.

Good night.
I'll see you in the morning.

You will cooperate with the state for the
good of the state and your own survival.

You will confess to the crimes
of which you have been accused.

You will be released, and return to society
a productive citizen if you cooperate.

You will cooperate with the state for the
good of the state and your own survival.

You will confess to the crimes
of which you have been accused.

You will be released, and return to society
a productive citizen if you cooperate.

Resistance will be punished.
Cooperation will be rewarded.

Good morning.

I should tell you that unless
you begin to cooperate... won't be receiving
any more intravenous nutrition.

It's bad enough they had me
take you off solid food.

Don't compound the error further.

That piece of paper...

...and a few words from you are all
that's standing between you and that door.

Don't you see how foolish this is?

I'm not keeping you here.

They're not keeping you here.
You're keeping you here.

And are you suicidal
or simply self-destructive...

...preferring to let us do the work
for you?

Don't you want to leave?

Don't you want to be free?

Walk through that door?

Feel the sun on your face again?


Then sign it and speak.

That's all.

Then you can go.

They don't want you dead.

They want you as a symbol,
not a martyr.

As a warning to others.

- Then you'll k*ll me.
- No.

Absolutely not.

I told you, I won't lie to you.

They'll come for you eventually.

But they'll wait...

...until you've been forgotten.

Until your fate no longer means
anything to anyone.

They'll come in the night.
It will be very quick.

But until that time... will have your freedom.

If anything,
they'll encourage you to travel... that more people can see you... a symbol of the preeminent truth
of our time...

...that you cannot b*at the system.

I'm telling you the truth.

Sign and speak...

...and you can leave here.

It's really that simple.

I know you can do it.

I know you want to do it.




I really wish you hadn't done that,

I really...

...sincerely wish... hadn't done that.


I have no control
over what will happen next.

It's out of my hands.

Right. Now, listen to me. Wake up.

There's something
you have to understand.


Focus on me.

Do you know why
they're doing this to you?

Because you're a w*r hero, one of the few
to come out of the Minbari w*r.

They've invested a considerable amount
of time and effort...

...making you a hero
in the public's eye.

The problem is, when a w*r hero
starts believing certain things...

...and saying certain things,
the public listens.

They figure maybe
there's something to it.

Your credibility has become a thr*at
to their credibility.

So one of them has to go.

The best way out for everyone... for you to confess...

...and lay the blame for what's happened
on the alien government.

Whether it's true or not doesn't matter.
Truth is immaterial. They can sell it.

And they will let you live.

Note, I said, it is the best way.
I did not say, it was the only way.

The other way, captain... a posthumous confession.

Your signature is not a problem.
They have your image on file.

They can create you
reading the confession.

That's not as good as having you where
people can see you so they know it's true...

...that even you can be broken,
you cannot resist.

With a video record,
there will always be doubt.

It's not the same as breaking you...

...but I'm told that
as of this morning... is an acceptable option.

I can save your life.

Right now.

If you'll let me.

You know...'s funny.
I was thinking about what you said.

The preeminent truth of our age... that you cannot fight the system.

But if, as you say,
the truth is fluid...

...that the truth is subjective...

...then maybe you can fight the system.

As long as just one person
refuses to be broken...

...refuses to bow down.

But can you win?

Every time I say no.

Captain John Sheridan, will you
or will you not sign a confession...

...and endorse it
before a public hearing?


Do you understand that
this is your last chance?

Do you understand that
this is your very last chance?

Room 17.

Almighty God, look upon your servant lying
in great weakness, and comfort him.

Deliver him from all evil
and set him free from every bond.

No man lives to himself,
and no man dies to himself.

If we live, we live unto God.
If we die, we die unto God.

Therefore into your hands, a sheep
of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock.

Receive him into the arms of your mercy.
May his soul rest in peace. Amen.

What? What?

Good morning.

Now, before we begin your interrogation,
I'll need some information.

Do you have any allergies or illnesses?
Are you currently taking any medication?

Had any trouble with your heart?

Answer my questions
when they are asked.

Resistance will be punished.
Cooperation will be rewarded.

Do you have any illnesses or allergies
that I should know about?

Are you currently taking any medication?
Have you had any trouble with your heart?

Answer my questions
when they are asked.

Resistance will be punished,
cooperation rewarded.

Do you have any allergies or illnesses
that I should know about?

Are you currently taking any medication?
Have you had any trouble with your heart?

You will answer my questions
when they are asked.

Resistance will be punished.
Cooperation will be rewarded.