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05x15 - Darkness Ascending

Posted: 03/13/23 07:29
by bunniefuu

...we needed you.

We couldn't stop him.
We needed you.

Who's out there?

Who did this? Who are you?

Who's out there?

Nobody. Yes, yes, yes.

- We did it all by ourselves.
- That's not true. It's not true.

Oh, don't fight it.
No, you're not gonna win.

The more you fight it,
the stronger it gets.


What are you doing here?

I've decided to stop hiding
what the Vorlons did to me.

I'm testing to see what I can do.

How far I can go.

I had no idea.

You shouldn't have woken up.

This is just a dream.

This never happened.

Don't move.

Is that any way to welcome
the love of your life, Michael?

And so it begins.

- There's a hole in your mind.
- What do you want?

No one here is exactly what he appears.

Nothing's the same anymore.

Commander Sinclair is being reassigned.

Why don't you eliminate
the entire Narn Homeworld?

I see a great hand reaching out of the stars.

President Clark signed a decree
declaring martial law.

These orders have forced us
to declare independence.

Unless your people get off their
encounter-suited butts and do something...

- You're the one who was.
- lf you go to Z'Ha'Dum, you will die.

Why are you here?
Do you have anything worth living for?

I think of my beautiful city
in flames.

- Giants in the playground.
- Get out of our galaxy!

We are here to place President Clark
under arrest.


How did you get in here?

You gave me a copy of your pass code
back on Mars, remember?

Right after you said, "Listen, hon, I'm
just going to Babylon 5 for a few weeks.

Gonna help them get the place in shape.
Then I'm coming right back.

Meanwhile, you ever wanna come
and see me, here's a key to my place."

I figured I'd surprise you.

Didn't think I'd scare you
out of a year's growth.

I'm all right.

You didn't...

...see anyone just leave here, did you?
- No, why?

Was there another woman
in here with you?

I sure as hell hope not.

So, what are you doing here?

Would you stop being a detective long
enough to stop asking questions...

...and say hello properly?


- Hello.
- So, what are you doing here?

Why do I need a reason?

It's been a long time, and I missed you.

I wanted to see you.

You look like hell, Michael.

- I was asleep.
- You're usually up a hell of a lot earlier...

...than this,
or I wouldn't have just walked in.

- Are you feeling okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

I was gonna get up in a little while.

About an hour.

An hour?


Plenty of time.

This is C & C.
Is Ambassador Delenn present?

- Yes.
- Message from Lennier on a secure channel.

Do you wish to accept?

- All right. Send it to me here.
- Stand by.

- Lennier.
- Delenn.

I wanted you to know, there have been
three more att*cks on Alliance ships...

... in this area in the last six days.

- Any survivors?
- No. No survivors, witnesses or evidence.

The att*cks continue to be random.
They're impossible to predict.

But I may have something.

Twenty hours prior to each att*ck,
we've intercepted coded Centauri signals.

Now, I've yet to determine their location
or their destination...

...but I believe they may be instructions
for the att*cks.

They can be many things.

We need proof, Lennier.
Do you think you can decode the signal?

Yes, in time, I think I can...

...but I only worry about
how many other lives will be lost...

... the longer it takes me.

Has Sheridan found out
about my mission yet?

No. Fortunately, he has been too busy
keeping the Alliance from falling apart.

When we have proof the Centauri
are responsible for these att*cks...

...we'll bring him into it.

I understand.

I should go now, Delenn.

Captain Montoya is expecting me
on the bridge for the next training exercise.

Be careful, Lennier. You're far too close
to the Centauri border for my comfort.

I will. Be well.

Now, I'm sorry, Miss Alexander,
but there's nothing we can do about it.

I'm just asking you to consider it.
Imagine the possibilities.

All your company has to do is provide
us with a long-range explorer ship...

...capable of holding one or 200 telepaths.
- Rogue telepaths.

Who will have an advantage
no one else has ever had before.

Instant communication with each other...

...and whatever life forms
they happen to encounter.

We have had teeps onboard
other deep-range missions before.

It is not a new idea.

But the Psi Corps will only let you
have one telepath per ship.

And only to help out during first contact.

Look, your ships
keep to a tight schedule...

...with only a few days at each new planet
to determine its value.

With 200 telepaths spreading out
around a planet...

...learning its resources and culture...'d learn 10 times what any other crew
could learn in the same amount of time.

- In exchange for?
- Lf they find a livable planet...

...with no other sentient life forms,
we get to form a colony of our own.


It's an interesting idea,
but we're a big company, Miss Alexander.

And we employ a lot of telepaths
who belong to the Psi Corps.

They must be members of the corps or our
insurance wouldn't cover their activities.

If I did what you asked, well,
I'd violate our contract with the Psi Corps...

...and they could yank our people, and
it'd put us at a substantial disadvantage.

- We can get you all the telepaths you need.
- But not the ones I want.

Look, I understand your desire
to create a Homeworld for telepaths.

I'm not unsympathetic.

But what you're asking is beyond
the capabilities of my company.

Or any others.

You need someone with
a lot more resources.

And no contractual obligations
to the Psi Corps.

Good luck trying to find him.

BabCom unit standing by.

Access public scheduling data bank.

I wanna schedule an appointment for later
this afternoon with one of the ambassadors.

Identification required.

Ambassador G'Kar.

Stand by.

And we've had another request
from the Royal Court...

...for information on the trade deals
with the Alliance worlds.

They would like the report of the timetables
and the shipments by today if possible.

I'm sure they would. They can wait.

Besides, what difference does it make
to the Royal Court?

They've never shown any
interest in this before.

I only carry the message.

I've given up trying to make sense
of anything long ago.

Wise choice. What else?

Well, let's see...

Actually, nothing.

What do you mean, nothing?

I thought I had an appointment
with the Drazi minister of finance?

- It was canceled.
- Very well.

What about the photo opportunity
for the Gaim ambassador?

They've kept after us for months.
It was either today or tomorrow.

Canceled. Everything's canceled.

And you don't find this
in the least peculiar?

Since the other members of the Alliance
said that they'd take no more meetings...

...until the problem of the att*cks
are solved...

...I just assume
everything was postponed.

No. These are day-to-day practical needs
that have to be cared for...

...regardless of one's position
with the Alliance.

Then why would they cancel, then?

I don't know.

You'd think they don't trust us.

I don't think anyone trusts
anyone right now, Londo.

You say that as if it were a bad thing.
No one really trusts anyone, Vir.

It is the natural order of things.

But until now,
it has never interfered with business.

I find this very strange.

On the other hand, you have the rest of the
day free. You can do whatever you want.

Yes, it's been so long since I heard that,
I don't know what it means anymore.

Well, you could go to the casino.

Gambling no longer
has any appeal for me.

When every day is a risk... and dice are not quite as interesting
as they used to be.

Well, I'm sure you'll find something
to occupy your time the rest of the day.

So good day, Londo.

Oh, great. Thank you.
You used up all the hot water.

- I did not.
- Then why are there icicles hanging...

...from my nose?
- It must be the altitude.

Or the attitude.

I'm gonna make some tea.
You want some?


I was thinking, and I've decided
what you need most right now... a dose of normality.

So tonight, you have the honor
of taking me out on a date.

- How does that sound?
- Sounds fine.

Hey, I know a great place.
They've only thrown me out twice so far.

That will wake you up.

Hello? It got kind of quiet out there.

You must've found something
to watch on TV or...


- I think we should talk about this, Michael.
- I don't.


What, you came all the way from Mars
just to bust my chops about that?

- Come on, it's nothing.
- Nothing?

This stuff ruined your life
twice before.

It took years to put it all back together
after the last time.

I was a different person
back then, Lise. L...

Listen to me.

Back then, I had nothing. I was a mess.

I didn't know what I was doing
or where I was going.

My life was completely screwed up.
So yeah. Yeah, I was out of control.

The thing about drinking is,
one of us has got to be in control.

And if it's not gonna be me,
it's gonna be the booze.

I am not the same person that I was.

I've got a good job now.

I'm a w*r hero, if you can believe that.

I've got you.

Then why is it here?

When did you start drinking again?

A lot's happened in the last six months.
You wouldn't know the half of it.

- I tried, but you never returned my calls.
- It wasn't an accusation.

No. No, I didn't return your calls.

I'm sorry.

Lise, just try to understand...

...that I have had my mind
messed with by Bester.

I was captured by the Mars resistance,
within an inch of being ex*cuted.

And there was nothing that
I could do about it.

- I'm sorry.
- I don't want you to be sorry!

I don't want anybody's pity.
I don't need anybody's pity.

All I know is that I am tired
of being controlled by others... fear, by my past, by what everybody
else expects of me, and it's enough!

It's enough.

Now this...

This is my own private little act
of rebellion, yeah.

I may not be able to control
what other people do to me.

But I can at least be in control
of what I do to myself.

So you don't mind going off the road as
long as you're behind the wheel. Is that it?

I'm not going off the road this time.

I told you, I'm not the same person I was.
This time, I'm in charge.

Then show me.
While I'm here, no booze.

That will make you happy?

Not entirely. But it's a start.


It's not a problem.

There you are.

I thought you'd be getting some rest.

I will rest later.

What have you got there?

A possibility.

Captain, I've been thinking
about the coded signals...

...we've been intercepting
from the Centauri.

So far, I've only been able to decode
three words: "Do not reply."

Probably means
they have a ship out there...

...and they don't want anyone
to figure out where they're going.

That's what I was thinking at first.

What if the signal
was going from a Centauri ship... a base of some kind?

Good point.

A stationary base would be vulnerable.

So you wouldn't want it to reply
and give away its location.

Even if you were right,
what good does it do you?

If they don't reply,
you can't track the signal.

You can't find the base.

That's what I was working on
when you came in.

Communication in hyperspace
is very difficult.

It requires a great amount of power.

To aid transmission, a large base
would keep a tachyon subchannel...

...or carrier wave going through
the jump beacons at all times.

It's too faint to pick up normally.

But if you catch it at the exact moment
that the larger signal comes through...

...then theoretically, you could lock on to
the signal and track it back to its source.

Looks as if your theory's going to stay
just that. This is from Babylon 5.

We've been recalled immediately.

- Who gave the order?
- President Sheridan.

Why did you recall White Star 27?

Because I found it was operating
on the border of Centauri space...

...without my knowledge.

As head of the Rangers, I have discretionary
power over their assignments.

I placed them there
as part of their training maneuvers.

And you assigned Lennier to the crew
on a covert mission to spy on them.

Now, it is absolutely inappropriate
of you to pull a stunt like that...

...without telling me.
I cannot have you making...

You are right.

Oh, damn it, Delenn. I have been
working up a good mad all day...

...and I am not about to let you undercut it
by agreeing with me.

It was inappropriate for me
to assign Lennier... that part of space
without informing you.

Just as it was inappropriate for you
not to assign him there.

I admitted mine with perfect honesty.
Now you can admit yours.

Absolutely not.

For starters, it's unnecessary.

We have plenty of patrols there already.

Lennier knows more about the Centauri
than any other Ranger.

He will catch things
that the others would miss.

Further, he will not stop, will not slow
down, will not give up, until he has proof...

...that the Centauri are behind
the att*cks. He's the perfect candidate.

You're saying just that
because he is your friend.

You're right. He's my friend.
It's also true.

And that is why you did not
assign him to that area, isn't it?

I called you in here to confront you...

...about using the Rangers to gather
covert information without telling me.

So why am I, all of a sudden,
having to defend myself?

I did not tell you so you would have
deniability in case things went badly.

You're being defensive because I'm right.

You did not send him
because he's my friend.

Delenn, listen... the last year or so, we have both
lost people that we cared about.

You in particular.

I mean, Marcus, Neroon, others.

I just wanted to protect you, that's all.

Mr. President,
call for you from White Star 27.

- Put it through.
- Stand by.

- Yes, captain, what is it?
- Ranger trainee Lennier is missing.

He apparently took out a fighter
shortly after we jumped to hyperspace...

... turning off launch base scanners
to avoid detection.

We doubled back to look for him,
we found nothing.

Frankly, Mr. President,
he could be anywhere.

Ship, continue recording
of personal journal.

I continue to track the path of
the tachyon signal...

...that will, I hope,
lead to a hidden Centauri base.

I've discovered that the distance from
that location to any rendezvous point... longer than my supply of oxygen,
unless extreme measures are taken.

I'm thus entering a meditative state which
will allow me to conserve air and energy.

I've programmed the ship to continue
on autopilot and monitor our situation.

It will alert me
if anything attempts to intercept us.

This will be my last recording...

...for a while.

- Recording off.
- Confirmed.

I only hope I'm right.


- Hello, G'Kar.
- Miss Alexander.

A pleasure to see you again.

I've noticed you here and there
since you got back.

But in all this time, I don't think
we've ever had a chance to sit and talk.

It's been crazy. And call me Lyta.

- Of course. Please, sit.
- Thank you.

How long is it since you and I
sat like this, five years?

Summer, 2257. Right around the time
Ambassador Kosh came aboard.

Six years.
By G'Quan, where does the time go?

As I recall, you made me a proposition.

If I gave you access to my DNA
to help your people develop telepaths... would see to it that I was...

Oh, how did you put it...?

That I would be
"compensated quite handsomely."

Yes, it was to be either a cloning
of your genetic material or...

...a direct mating.


We never did find out
what your pleasure threshold is.

But that was long ago.

What can I do for you now, Lyta?

Oh, well, I don't know how long
that offer was good for...

...but I just wanted to tell you
that I accept your proposition.

Which part?

The part where I give you access
to my genetic material.

Assuming you're still interested.

We had been trying to reacquire the
telepathic gene...

...ever since our own telepaths
were wiped out by the Shadows... a protection against their return.

The Shadows are gone now, but we remain
one of the few races without telepaths.

Look, G'Kar, I'll give it to you straight.

In return for certain considerations...'ll get not only my DNA sequence...'ll get the DNA
from as many telepaths as you want...

...until you find the sequence that combines
well with your DNA... let your people start
breeding telepaths.

And what are these considerations?

Number one, money. A lot of it.

Deposited into a private
account on Mars.

Number two,
at least five deep-range starships.

They don't have to be top-of-the-line, just
enough to carry a couple hundred people.

Three, we do this in absolute secrecy.

There I may have a problem.

As members of Sheridan's new Alliance,
we have certain obligations.

I've been told that each world's
internal affairs are considered private.

This is about as internal an affair
as I can think of.

Think it over, G'Kar.

When you're ready to talk,
you know where to find me.

Oh, and you mentioned wondering
what my pleasure threshold is.

I just recently found out...

...I don't have one.

Have a very, very nice day, G'Kar.

So did I lie about the view?

- No, it's beautiful.
- Just like you.

Do you come here often?

- Sir?
- Thank you.

No, not in three, four years.

Last time when I was here,
it was me, lvanova and Sinclair.

We were celebrating his engagement
to a surveyor named Catherine Sakai.

That same night, though,
President Santiago was assassinated...

...I got sh*t in the back and nearly k*lled.

Next thing I know, Sinclair was gone.
Sakai, she disappeared over a year ago.

Now lvanova's gone, and Franklin's heading
back to Earth at the end of the year.

Sometimes I feel like
the last soldier on the b*ttlefield.

I'm looking around, wondering,
"Where the hell did everybody go?"

Well, for a little while, at least.

It'll be good to have you back on Mars.

Ever since I inherited William's corporation,
I've been trying to get up to speed.

But there are some things
there I just don't understand.

And some of it worries me.

How did Sheridan react
when you told him?

The last time I was here, they had
this sirloin made from soybeans. Fake.

It's usually not very good. But if you
get them to cook it right, it...

- Michael?
- Yeah.

Did you tell them yet?

No. Look, I was just waiting
for the right time.

- Just in time.
- Sir and madam.

Would you care for anything to drink?

The house wine, whatever you've got,
as long as it's red.

Of course. Sir?

I'll just have some coffee.

I see. Coffee for after dinner.
And would you like anything to drink?


No, I think sir misunderstands me.
Would you like anything to drink?

Why don't you just get me
a damn cup of coffee.


Is it me? Did I miss something?
Did I misunderstand something?

I could've sworn you said that you were
coming here to help me relax, to unwind.

Get rid of some of the tension.

- Why do I feel like blowing my brains out?
- You tell me.


...don't want to have
this conversation anymore.

Now, why don't you and I just...

...have a romantic, quiet evening,
just the two of us.

And then we'll go back to my quarters...

...and we'll make up for all that time
that we've been missing.

What do you say?

- Okay.
- Okay.


What's wrong?

That is the worst cup...

I'll be right back.

- Where are you going?
- This will just take a minute.

I see we were talking
about the same thing after all.

And from now on, I will bring the
special coffee, if that is what sir wants.

- Yes.
- White Star 27 on the line for you, sir.

- Put it through.
- Stand by.

Montoya, what's the situation?

White Stars 7, 12 and 14
have been assisting us...

... in a full-scale search for Lennier's fighter.
We've found nothing.

- Keep looking.
- There's something else.

Minbari fighters are intended for
short-range combat, strike and return.

They carry an emergency air supply
in case they're left behind during a battle.

Under normal conditions,
that can sustain a pilot for 36 hours.

It has now been almost 48 hours
since Lennier took off.

Now, it's possible
to extend that period...

... by meditating to lower heartbeat
and respiration.

That's part of their training.

And Lennier is very good at it.

Even so, I wanted you to know
because even under optimum conditions...

... if he has not already run out of air,
he should be out anytime now.

Ship detected on approach vector,
coming up from behind.

Angle of deflection indicates
it is following the tachyon stream.


Engage full stealth mode.

- Stealth mode confirmed.
- Move...

...10 degrees... beacon.


...and allow the ship to pass.
- Confirmed.

Ship. Ship.

As they pass...

...move up alongside.

Prepare to attach and sustain.


Attachment successful.

Refreshing oxygen supply
from partner vessel.

Warning. Jump point forming.

It was wrong of me
to be upset with you...

...when all of this came out.

You did what you thought was right
under the circumstances.

And it was the right thing to do, Delenn.

I mean...

Of all the other Rangers...

...he was the right choice.

The logical choice.

I mean, you had no way of knowing.

- It is not your fault.
- He's not dead.


It's been over three days now.

- His air would've run out...
- He's not dead until I see a body.



What? What is it?

You've got a message from the Homeworld.
They say it's urgent.

All right. In a minute.

All right. What? What is it?

Mollari, our sources on the Drazi
Homeworld and elsewhere...

... have led us to conclude
that Sheridan's people...

... are attempting to blame us for the
recent att*cks on Alliance shipping lines.

- What?
- We believe they are even willing...

... to fabricate evidence to that effect.

No, I don't believe it. I know Sheridan.
He would never do that.

But that cannot be said for others.

Remember, the Narns are also
members of the Alliance.

And they have access to many
of the ships and weapons...

... we left behind on their Homeworld.

More than enough to fool others
into believing we were involved.

You're saying G'Kar?


But many of his people
consider him too close to us...

... and have not informed him
of their intentions.

You must do everything you can
to stop them...

... from blaming our people
for these att*cks.

If they attempt to move against us...

... we will fight back.

This could be the first step towards w*r.


You wanted to see me, G'Kar?


I have spoken with my government.

They will agree to your terms.

We will give you support and money.
Even a couple of ships... exchange for access to telepath DNA,
with one stipulation.

They have asked me to ask you if you
would be willing to have your people...

...listen in on the thoughts of the other
ambassadors from time to time...

...and report in on what you find.

That's the condition.

That's the condition.

Then I'm gonna have to decline.

I've decided there's a lot of things I can do
that I didn't think I could before.

But this?

There's still a little bit of decency
left in me, G'Kar.

Even if it means blowing the deal,
I can't do this.

I'm sorry I wasted your time.

Lyta, wait.

There is no such condition.

I wanted to see how far you would go.

If you had said yes, then there would be
no deal, because I could not trust you.

No was the right answer.

Then we have a deal?

We have a deal.

Warning. Jump engines activated.

Open all frequencies. Monitor and record.

We surrender!
Please! We've done nothing.

Take whatever you want, but please, we've
got children onboard. Don't you understand?

We've got children onboard! We've...

Jump engines activated.

Ship, stand by to disengage.

As soon as they're ready to jump,
move us into the field of debris.

With luck, they won't notice us
with so much else floating around.



...did we get all of that?

Full video and audio records online.

Send a distress signal.

Confirmed. Will pilot be entering another
meditative state to conserve air supply?


I think...

I think I will watch...

...pray for a while.

And we're en route
to Babylon 5 at top speed.

We estimate our arrival at 0900
tomorrow morning, your time.

Should I notify Ambassador Delenn?

No, I'll tell her myself.

Thank you, captain.

Tell me what?

They found Lennier's fighter.

He's alive, Delenn.

He could barely stand up by the time
they got him out, but he's alive.

He found the proof we're looking for.

Of course.

As I said, I...

I knew he would...

Excuse me.


Are you all right?


What is this for?

I have never done that in all the time
you and I have been here.

And I think very soon...

...we will never have another chance.

- Greetings, Entil-zha Delenn.
- Lennier.

I should...

I should be very upset with you
for disobeying a direct order.

But I have decided
to overlook it for now.

- Mr. President.
- You did well, Lennier.

- Thank you.
- We live for The One. We die for The One.

Do you have the recordings?

Thank you.

Well, you should get some sleep.
You've had a hard few days.

I will. Thank you.

- Entil-zha Delenn.
- Lennier.

We have worked months
to get this information.

Now that I have it, a part of me
wants to throw it through an air lock.

I was hoping we were wrong, Delenn.

Damn it, but I was hoping
we were wrong.

So was I.

But now that we know the truth, we have
an obligation to follow where it leads.

I'll pass the word
to the rest of the ambassadors... for a closed session first thing
tomorrow to consider the evidence.

Mr. President, Delenn...

...I heard you were looking for me.

Yes, I was. I want you
to get ahold of Stephen and G'Kar.

Meet me in my quarters in one hour.

I have something I wanna show you.
And after that...

...we're going to need you
like we've never needed you before.

Now, this catalog of various biologies
will not be used for warfare, I assume.

Now, why does everyone ask that?
No, it will not...

- I need to speak with you.
- In a minute. I am speaking to the doctor.

But this is very important.

I'm sorry, doctor.

Well, Vir, what is it?

Delenn and Sheridan have called for a
council meeting tomorrow morning.

Since there were to be no more meetings
until they knew who the attackers were...

...they must have found something.
- Yes.

Well, it does not necessarily mean
they will implicate us.

The minister's information
could be wrong.

- But I suppose we'll find out tomorrow.
- That's the point, Londo.

Everyone's been invited except you.

Oh, I don't like this.

I don't like this at all.

This is going to be bad.

Michael, good. I was wondering
what was taking you so long.

- I was thinking I could make...
- Leave.

- What?
- I want you to leave as quick as you can.

Next transport out.
The sooner the better.

I shouldn't have eaten at that restaurant.
Every time I do, something awful happens.

What? You're not making any sense.

I want you to get out of this part of space
and back home just as fast as you can.

Because barring an act of God...

And since I don't believe in God,
that kind of narrows the odds a bit.

By this time tomorrow,
we're gonna be at w*r with the Centauri.