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02x08 - A Race Through Dark Places

Posted: 03/14/23 08:25
by bunniefuu
-reporting a 15 percent drop in station revenue over the past two months.

Why the drop?

We've had a lot of military transports come lately forcing us to route some commercial traffic elsewhere.

It's only temporary.

We should be back on track soon.



Anything else?

Just one last item, which also affects the station budget.

Since we've been running at a deficit for a while and.

I thought you would have heard about it by now.

Heard about what?

Well, space on Babylon 5 is at a premium.

The larger the living quarters, the more Earth can charge for rent.

They've decided that our quarters are larger than necessary.

They want us to relocate to smaller quarters or start paying rent.


-Yes, sir.

Thirty credits a week.

Starting immediately.

-And this "us" would be?

-You and me, yes.

-Everyone else is to code.

-Oh, yeah?

Tell them they can take a flying

- It's only 30 credits a week, sir.

It's not that much.

I don't care if it's one credit a week.

I don't care if it's one credit a month.

-It's the principle.

-Some of the smaller quarters are nice.

Ivanova, I am not moving, and I am not paying the rent.

-And neither are you.


We can't let them divide us on this.

It is wrong.

We are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, busting our butts for Earth and now they want to charge us for an extra five square feet?

Seven feet.


I'll go live in Downbelow before I'll pay them a penny.

And you can tell those bean counters that they can go to hell.

-And that's for both of us.

-Yes, sir.

And it was starting out to be such a nice, quiet little day.

This is unnecessary, you know.

If you'd just give us the information we need, we could stop this.

We don't blame you.

You fell under the influence of outsiders.

They used you and then abandoned you.

You mean nothing to them.

You were raised by the Corps, clothed by the Corps.

We are your father and your mother.

Don't force us to do this.

We know there is an underground railroad helping unregistered telepaths.

We know you gave them access to our files.

Who was your contact?

Who's running the operation?

I don't know.

We never use names.

But you know where they're going, don't you?

There has to be a central clearing

-house for the underground railroad.

Where is it?

Mary had a little lamb Lamb Fleece was white as snow Everywhere that Mary went "The lamb was sure to"


- Where?

-He's dead.

-Doesn't matter.

I caught it, just before he died.

Betrayed by his final thoughts.

Babylon 5.

best hope for peace.

located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy humans and aliens.

all alone in the night.

of the Third Age of mankind.

came upon us all.

of the Babylon stations.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

-You sure you know what you're doing?


Those paper pushers back home probably figure that since I'm new I'll go along with this whole rent idea to make everybody happy.

Well, that's how it starts, believe me.

They nibble a little here, a little there.

Next thing you know, you're not in charge of your own command.

No taxation without representation.

-Give me liberty or give me death.




Bunch of butt

-scratching, hand

-wringing penny

-pinching pinheads.

All of them.

Thirty credits a week.

Let them cut back on those expense

-account lunches, then come talk to me.




-You're doomed, you know.

We'll see.

Well, if you need a place to stay, I've got a spare cot at my place.

-You've got a spare cot?


I don't even have a spare cot.

How the hell do you rate one?

Well, I requisitioned it for medical purposes.


Always knew I should've been a doctor.

Captain, there you are.

I was looking for you.

May I speak with you for a moment, privately?

Of course.

-Why don't you go ahead.

I'll catch up.

-Of course.


So, what can I do for you?

I was wondering if you could help me.

This is difficult.

If you could help me better understand what it is to be human.


Though I now look more like you, I'm not one of you.

And if I am to be a bridge of understanding between humans and Minbari it would help if I knew more about you people.

I see.

So, what would you suggest?




In all my time here, I have rarely sat and just talked with you or with any other human.

And I think that I would like to.

-Talk about what?



Except business and negotiations and whose trade agreement is being most unfair to the others.

Just talk.

All right.

I'll set it up and get back to you.

-This evening okay?


-Until then, captain.


One day they're sh**ting at you, the next day they're taking you out to dinner.

What a universe.

Babylon 5 control.

immediate appointment with command staff.

Roger that.

For some time now we have been aware of an underground railroad smuggling unregistered telepaths away from Earth to the outer colonies where the Corps can't reach them.

Well, so far I don't see a problem.

The problem, Commander lvanova is that unregistered telepaths are a security risk.

The Corps helps to ensure their safety and the privacy of normals.

We believe the underground railroad is operating through Babylon 5.

It must be closed down.

We'd appreciate your cooperation, captain.

I'd like to talk to my people for a moment.

Of course.

Well, you've been pretty quiet.

Is he right or isn't he?


Yeah, I suppose.

We're obliged to uphold the laws of Earth Alliance.

It doesn't mean we have to like it.

If there is some kind of illegitimate travel going through here it's a threat to station security.

Come on, you can't tell me you agree with this.

-You want to help them?

-Want has nothing to do with it.

The law is the law.

It's damn ironic, isn't it?

The Corps got started because we were afraid of telepaths.

Now they're victims of our own fears.

We took away every right they had and shoved them into a big black box called Psi Corps.

Now look at them.

Black uniforms, jackboots, giving orders.

Some days, they scare the hell out of me.

If you ask me, we created our own monster.

And maybe we deserve it.

All right, give him whatever help he needs.

But keep an eye on him.

By the way, captain, I suggest you check the files on Mr.


We had a few problems with him last year involving a rogue telepath named Ironheart.

You might want to find out a little bit more about who you're dealing with.

I think they'll do as we ask.

-You seem awfully confident.

-I am.

Did you scan them?


Winters, you know the rules against scanning normals without their permission.

So are you scanning me?

-You'd notice.

-Not if it was just a surface scan.

I'd only do that if I suspected you were doing something inappropriate.

-Are you?


Of course not.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

m*rder*r! m*rder*r! What's wrong?

-You didn't hear that?


Open up.

Drop the walls.


Sorry, it's all background noise.

They're here.

I was right.

He's here all right.

I saw him.

-Did he sense you?

-I don't know.


Look, we knew this was gonna happen sooner or later.

What we have to do now is warn the runner and get the hell out of here.

I know.

I know, Bester will try to stop us so we don't have any choice.

We have to k*ll him.

I apologize for being late, captain.

I decided that as part of learning more about humans I would try to dress like one tonight.

I hope it does not offend you.

No, no, not at all.

It's very attractive.


Something I can do for you?

It appears my choice was successful.

The woman who sold me this told me that I would definitely "turn heads.

" Yeah, well, if they turned much further, you'd be sued for whiplash.

-What would you like to start with?

-Start with?

I don't know.

This is all so new to me.

What would you recommend?

Well, let's see what we have.

Hey, Michael! Over here.

-Can I talk to you for a second?

-Is this official business?

-Yeah, it's



-Hey, everybody! Garibaldi's here on official business! Well, then next round's on Mr.

Garibaldi! You know the rules.

No official business inside Earhart's or you buy everybody drinks.

I know, I know, but I was kind of hoping to talk to you on the q.



-Yeah, oops.

So, what can I do for you?

I need a contact inside the underground railroad.


Good hunting to you.

-What have I got to do with it?

-Come on, lvanova, this is me.

And you're so cute when you're worried about investigating someone close to you.

This time you're dead wrong.

There's no love lost between me and the Psi Corps but I've got nothing to do with this.

You look like you just swallowed a bug.

An operation like this couldn't work without support from someone inside.

I figured it was you.


-Well, have a good time figuring it out.

I'm gonna go back to my quarters and get some sleep.

That's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about.

After we cleaned up the debris, I told him, "Mac if you ever bring that cat within 15 feet of me again I will have you both up on charges.

" We do not have cats on Minbar.

We have gokks.



I think such creatures are an attempt by the universe to make sure that we never take ourselves too seriously.

You know, it's funny.

When I think of Minbari, I don't generally think of them laughing.

Is that part of the change you've gone through or?

We believe that no race can be truly intelligent without laughter.

In temple, we spend one whole year just learning how to appreciate humor.

This must seem very strange to you.

No other race we've encountered has anything similar.

Then you're in for a big shock.

Back on Earth, we have the laughing Buddha.

Then there's the school of Zen mysticism that teaches enlightenment through laughter.

It would appear that we have much more in common than we imagined.


Who'd have thought?




I hope I'm not disturbing you.

together, that Jason Ironheart situation and now this.

and I'd like to make up for it.

we should know each other a little better.

for breakfast tomorrow morning.

I'll be there.


Good night, Ms.


His name is Jason Ironheart.

We were lovers.

when telepaths make love, commander?

There is no more Jason.

I am something else.

-I am becoming.

-Becoming what?


He came to say goodbye, commander.

He came to say goodbye.

I give you a gift.

The only gift I have to give.

He's been in my mind twice today.

Why hasn't he seen this?

Was that the other part of the gift?

Forget it.

-They've been sealed.


Direct orders from Earth Central.

Our quarters have been sealed until we move to smaller quarters or begin paying rent on the bigger ones.

Garibaldi let me know.

If they think that they are gonna pressure me like this, they're wrong.

-You got something to jimmy this?

-I already tried it on my door.

Set off the sprinklers, scrambled the lock codes and scared the hell out of security.

I was just on my way to rent a room.


No way in hell.

That's just as bad as paying them for using our own quarters.

No, sir.

Millions for defense, but not one penny for tribute.

All right, then, what do you suggest?


They can't scan us if they don't catch us.

We just have to make sure we don't get caught.

That's what Jensen thought.

And just before he died, he cracked.

We can't afford it.

Do it again.

Her fleece was white as snow The lamb was sure to go Her fleece was white as snow The lamb was sure to go


-Couldn't be better.


Gotta take a hard line with these people, Susan.

Can't show a moment's weakness.

Yes, sir.

I heard a good one today.

How many Minbari does it take to screw in a light bulb?

I don't know, sir.

How many Minbari does it take to screw in a light bulb?


They always surrender right before they finish the job and they never tell you why.



-Who's there?


-Kosh who?


I thought that was a good one.

Were you like this when you were married?


The woman was a saint.

Well, at least I'm an intelligent life form, according to the Minbari.

I think I like that.

I think I like that a lot.

So obviously things back home have been a little tense ever since the president died.

Yes, it was quite a blow here too.

Do they ever talk about what happened?

-The captain, the others?



According to the news, it was an accident.

And so it was.

Still, if you could keep an eye on things for us, we'd



-"Almost ready.


-"In position?

" He's made us.

Get down! They must be getting desperate to try something like this.

They know we're on to them.

Why else would they try to k*ll me?

Is this a multiple

-choice question?

-What about Talia?

-As far as I know, she got out.

You mean you haven't heard from her since the attack?

No, but I'm sure she's fine.

It's me they were after.

Unless they took her in order to get to you.

Has that ever occurred to you now that you've saved your own skin?

Won't do them any good.

She doesn't know anything that could hurt me or the Corps.

Doesn't get it, does he?

The hell with what she knows.

She could be dead right now! Garibaldi! You should've told us she was missing when you called in.

If you're this worried, Mr.

Garibaldi I suggest you double your efforts to find these people.

You've got two bodies to start with.

Make the best of them.

It's too risky.

-"She's with the Psi Corps.


-"Have to k*ll her before she identifies us.

" Wait.

We don't want to hurt you.

We will if we have to, but we don't want to.

You're only hurting yourselves.

The Corps is here to protect you.

I don't believe that.

Neither do you.

-That's not true.

-It will be.

Very soon.

You're almost there.

Almost where?

What do you want from me?

We want you to understand.

I just heard from the underground railroad.

They've got Talia.

No, no, no, she's okay.

They haven't hurt her, and they don't intend to.

They want to arrange a meeting between you and the head of the operation.

Just you, nobody else.

And if anyone else shows, the meeting's off.

And if I don't come, what happens to Talia?


This isn't a hostage situation, captain.

The situation is spinning out of control.

They're trying to find a way out without anyone getting hurt.

And you think I can trust them?



I can't tell you right now.

I guess you're just gonna have to trust me.

All right.

When and where?


-and I guess that's how they found my brother before they found me.

They said he could either join the Corps, go into a relocation camp or take the sleepers, so he wouldn't accidentally violate the privacy of normals.

Well, he took the sleepers.

It shut off his talent, but it didn't stop him from speaking out against the Corps.

He wrote the Senate, the media got interviewed by ISN till one day when they came to give him his injection.

He closed his eyes and never woke up.

-The Corps doesn't m*rder its own.

-I was there.

All you need to do is scan me to see for yourself.

-I don't want to.

-You're afraid to.

The Corps raised me, gave me everything I have.

And took away everything you were born with.

Took away your freedom.

You wear that badge and those gloves every day of your life while you're out among normals.

Keeps you separate from them.

From each other.



-You're distorting everything.

-Am I?

Bester shot your friend Ironheart.

But, hey, he was a rogue.

A runaway, just like us.

But that's not the worst.

-You wanted to see me?

-Wanted to?

Not really.

But I guess I have to, don't I?


Garibaldi, I know we've had our problems in the past.

But I'm not the enemy.

We have the same concerns, you and I.

We want to protect our own and protect Earth.

Would it interest you to know that I'm married, Mr.


That I have a 5


-old daughter?

That on Sundays when I'm back home, we pack a picnic lunch and go out under the dome on "Syria Planum" and watch the stars come out?

Hardly the description of a monster.


You're getting good at this.

One of these days I might even be convinced that you're human.

Here's the information you asked for.

The two sh**t were living in Downbelow like I figured.

It's tough to track expenses down there.

Most of it's barter.

They were both living in the same level.

Probably wanted to stick close together for mutual protection.

Which means.

The others might be there as well.

That's what I figured.

I'm putting a team together.

We'll pick you up in an hour, and we'll go in together.

-That's together.


-Of course.

My talent woke up when I hit puberty.

The Corps took me in, said I was a P

-11 as high as you can go before they turn you into a Psi Cop.

After two years, they picked another P

-11 and said I had to marry him.

They wanted to increase the odds of breeding a P

-12 or higher.

I refused.

One night, I woke up heard voices something soft over my face.

Felt hands lifting me out of bed.

The next morning, they tried to tell me it was all just a dream.

Four weeks later, I discovered I was pregnant.

Oh, my God.

When she was born, they took her from me.

As soon as I could walk, I escaped from the hospital.

I never saw my baby again.

Maybe the Corps served a function a long time ago.

Now it's something else.

I know it.

You know it.

We can't let it go on this way.

So, what do you expect me to do?

Snap my fingers and make it all go away?

You're asking me to take everything I believe and turn it upside down.


Why are you telling me this?

Because you're special.

How do you know?

Your friend Ironheart was my friend too.

They experimented on both of us.

They pushed me up here.

They made me a P

-12, maybe even a P


But Ironheart, he went further than I did.

He went further than anyone will ever go again.

When he escaped, I went with him.

Helped set all this up.

I know he touched you.

I know he gave you something.

I know you can help us if you want to.

Hello, captain.

I thought the message said for me to come alone.

It did.

Don't you think your presence might scare off the guy who's running this operation?

No, not really, considering I am the guy running this operation.

I hope you have one hell of a good explanation for this, doctor.

I think he does, captain.

And I think you should listen to him.

I think you should listen to all of them.

Back on Earth, I heard things.

The kind of things you're not supposed to hear about.

Genetic manipulation.

Breeding telepaths against their will.


-called "relocation camps" that aren't much better than concentration camps.

It started when a few doctors began referring latent telepaths to each other keeping them out of circulation.

Losing reports and changing medical

-history files.

But we couldn't keep moving them around, we had to get them away from Earth.

They were filtered into Babylon 5 on business visas.

Last year, I set up a clinic Downbelow so we could start processing runaways and changing records without anyone from Medlab knowing about it.

I trust my staff, but the Psi Corps has a knack for intimidation.

Look in principal, I agree with what you're doing.

But there are laws.

And whether I like them or not, I'm a soldier.

I am honor bound to obey the law.

And as a doctor, I'm honor bound to help these people.

So, what am I supposed to do now?

If I turn you in, and right now I'm more than a little tempted I embarrass the station, Earth Central and give the folks back home one more reason to shut us down.

If I don't turn you in, I'm an accomplice.


There's a third option.

He's coming.

-I remember you.

-And I remember you.

That's why I started all this.

Listen to me.

You have nothing to be afraid of.

Come back with me.

You won't be harmed.

Of course they will.


You'll destroy them inch by inch as a lesson to the rest.

You want to keep us frightened and isolated.

Not just from normals but from each other.

That's the real reason we wear gloves, isn't it?

To keep us apart.

But what happens when the gloves come off?

Don't force me to


- It's not working.

Somebody's fighting us.


-Now! I'd have preferred to take a few alive, but better to set an example.

The main thing is, the leader's gone.

Cut off the head, and the body dies with it.

You had me going for a moment there.

The Corps is mother, the Corps is father.

I know where my loyalties lie.

I'm going back up now.

Security will be here within 20 minutes.

I didn't want them asking these people questions, and I don't want to answer any.

I suggest you take a different route back.

We'll, of course, deny all knowledge of this unfortunate incident.

Of course.

I don't suppose anyone would like to tell me what just happened?

What did you see?

Bester came down the hallway, said something Talia came out, joined the others.

Then he stopped.

He stared for a moment.

Then he smiled and went back the way he came.

-But that's not what he saw.

-Which was?

He saw what we wanted him to see.

-An illusion?

-A telepathic projection.

I thought Psi Cops were too strong for that sort of thing.

Individually, yes.

Any one of us alone never could have done it.

But together we were able to burrow past his defenses.

As far as Bester's concerned, underground railroad is dead, along with its leader.

He won't press the issue because he doesn't want to be linked to a bunch of dead bodies.

He'll go quietly.

And all I have to do is let him go.

And avoid seeing him before he goes.

If he suspects anything, he might scan you.

You don't have the defenses to block him.

And no more underground railroad?

Babylon 5's gotten too hot for it.

Others will pick up where I left off.

My part's over.

Well, if there's nothing illegal going on here anymore and Mr.

Bester drops his request who am I to argue?

Get your people out of here.

I don't want to see any of them again.




-Don't thank me yet.

Get one thing straight.

Anything like this ever happens again I will personally turn you in and let them hang you out to dry.


-So you don't think what I did was right?

-I didn't say that.

Well, what are you saying?

I'm not saying what I'm saying.

I'm not saying what I'm thinking.

As a matter of fact, I'm not thinking what I'm thinking.

There's only one thing on my mind.

What's that?

I need a drink.

And a place to stay.

Thanks, doc.

I just about managed to forget about that.

You know you can't go back again.

I can't leave the Corps.

They'll come after me.

No, I mean in here.

You know too much.

If Bester scans you, he'll


- Can you keep him out?

I think so.

Jason's little gift.

He gave you more than you know.

What we did back there, it shouldn't have worked, not with a Psi Cop.

You tipped the balance.

I felt it when we were joined.

You're more than you think you are.

Then what am I?

The future.

Captain, I'd like to note two things for the record.

Yes, commander?

Item one: I don't think this protest is gonna work.

Earth Central never gives in when it comes to money.

But if you're determined to keep at it, I'm prepared to do the same.

Item two: You snore.

-No, I don't.

-Yes, you do.

-No, I don't.

-Either you snore or last night we had a hell of a breach in the hull.

-I get dibs on the couch.


You can sleep in your own quarters tonight.

Security's unlocked them by now.

-They gave in?


-You gave in?

-Not exactly.

I'm deducting 60 credits per week from the budget set aside to maintain combat readiness and applying it against the rent.

On what grounds?

That I'm not ready to fight anybody until I've had a decent night's sleep in my own damn bed.

-You got a problem with that?


None whatsoever.

I rather like the idea of Earth Central paying rent to itself.

It has a certain symmetry.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go to my quarters and collapse.

Wonderful idea.

Dismissed, commander.

I'd better get back.

There's always a mountain of paperwork waiting for me.

I hope you'll give some thought to what I asked the other day.

I was informed that Sheridan would be supportive of the Corps.

I'm disappointed by his attitude.

You won't have a problem keeping an eye on him, will you?


No problem at all.



See you next time, Ms.


You are having far too much fun at my expense.


-I bring gifts.


Winters, it's late.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted to say that you were right and I was wrong.

About the Corps.

I can't go into details but in light of recent events I think we need to re

-evaluate our relationship.

Which is just a formal way of saying that I need someone to talk to, and strange as this sounds you're the only one I can think of.

Unless my being here offends you.


You don't offend me.

But that does.
