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02x13 - Hunter, Prey

Posted: 03/14/23 08:28
by bunniefuu
- Can I help you?

- I'm looking for the captain and Ivanova.

They went down to Bay 13.

I can link in if you want.

No, that's okay.

I need to talk to them in person.


Bay 13?

Nobody goes into Bay 13.

That's what the commander tried to tell him.

It's beautiful.

I've never seen anything like it.

There's no sign of instrumentation.

No visible way in or out.

It's absolutely seamless.


What kind of propulsion system does it have?

No idea.

In the two years since Ambassador Kosh arrived in this thing we've run a few surface scans, as much as we could get away with.

We could barely even get through the skin.

It's just been sitting here this whole time?


He's taken it out once or twice but just to the Vorlon Homeworld and then back again.

Sometimes late at night I just come here and watch it.

If you look carefully you can actually see the patterns on the skin changing slightly.

I can't even imagine the kind of science that's behind something like this.

Why, they must be at least a thousand years ahead of us.

I'd give a year's pay to see what's inside this thing.

Captain! Back away slowly.

You can see why we've had to quarantine this whole area.

The last maintenance crew we had in here wouldn't come back.

They kept having dreams about this thing.

They said it talked to them in their sleep.

It's Kosh.

He's been here for two years and we don't know anything more about him his people, or even this ship.

It's time that changed.

I think I'm gonna make it my personal project.

Captain, I need to talk to you.

You too, commander.

Not here.

I don't want this on the links and I sure as hell won't talk in front of this thing.

- Come on.

- Let's go.

Earthforce Intelligence has posted a fugitive alert for Dr.

Everett Jacobs.

- Jacobs?

- He's on the president's personal staff.

Past tense.

He's on the run, carrying a fake ID and enough stolen information to tear the whole Earth Alliance to pieces.

- He's coming here?

- They think he's already here.

And they want him.

Alive, if possible.

Dead, if necessary.

They authorized extreme sanction against a civilian?

My God.

What does this guy know?

They didn't say.

They're sending somebody to coordinate the search.

All I know is this: Armed or otherwise, if he gives any resistance our orders are sh**t to k*ll.

The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.

A self

-contained world, five miles long, located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million humans and aliens.

A shining beacon in space, all alone in the night.

It was the dawn of the Third Age of mankind.

The year the Great w*r came upon us all.

This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2259.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Tell me, Agent Cranston what does Earth Special Intelligence want with Dr.


I assumed you had been briefed.

I know he is, or was, the president's personal physician.

I didn't know that gave him access to classified material.

Apparently, he misused his clearance to dip into highly secret information.

New technology we're developing certain black projects, covert missions.

Enough to send the entire government into chaos and to ruin our agreements with half the Non

-Aligned Worlds.

We cannot allow him to offload the information he's carrying.

- What's he doing here?

- Probably meeting his buyer.

Or arranging travel outside Earth

-controlled space.

This is our last chance to catch him before he's out of our jurisdiction.

All right.

We'll put security at your disposal to coordinate the search.


I'll have my men plug into your intellinets immediately.

We'll go level by level, until we flush him out.

Commander, I want all outgoing ships checked out before they leave.

Slow down jump clearances as much as you can.

- Say we're having mechanical problems.

- That they'll believe.

If you'll show Agent Cranston and his people to their quarters I'll get Mr.

Garibaldi moving on the search.

Captain, thank you.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you.

He knows all the right things to say.

Nothing sounded really bogus as to raise any red flags, but he's not telling us everything.

His type never does.

But he is worried, that's for sure which inclines me to go along with this until, and unless, we hear otherwise.

But if he is right, we can't let Dr.

Jacobs get off this station.

Don't worry.

If he's here, we'll find him.

And I think I know where to start asking some questions.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

- Then you do know him?

- Know him?

Michael, you ever consider climbing out of the barracks and looking at the world?

I will, when people stop sh**ting at me.


Jacobs is a decent human being.

He's a humanitarian.

I studied under him at Harvard.

A Lot of us looked up to him as a role model.

When I had trouble with xenobiogenics, he was the only one to help me.

I might not even be here if it hadn't been for him.

He's the best there is.

The last time you vouched for a doctor, we had three dead bodies the station was trashed and an Ikarran w*r machine was sh**ting at everything.


You don't want my advice, don't ask for it but I'm telling you, there's been a mistake.


Jacobs that I knew would never sell out Earth.

Maybe he's not the same Dr.

Jacobs you knew anymore.

You looking for anything in particular?

No, no.

Just Just looking.

Excuse me, I I hear that you're the man to talk to about special orders.

Well, it depends how special.

I need an Identicard.

You got expensive needs.

Well, whatever it is, I'll pay for it.

No deal.

- But you just said that

- I didn't say anything.

All I did was ask you a couple of questions.

That's all.

- Lf it's the money, I have

- No, you want it too much.

You're either working for security or you're on the run from some really bad people.

- Either way, I'm out of it.

- No, please.

Please Afternoon, Ambassador Kosh.

Just thought I'd make sure you knew about the conference tomorrow to discuss the Narn refugee problem.

I found myself near Bay 13 earlier.

I got a look at your ship.

It's an amazing piece of work.

Made me realize just how much we still don't know about you your culture, your people.

And I was thinking maybe we should spend some time together soon.

Build some bridges.

Work toward a greater understanding of one another.

- Why?

- You tell me.

You're the one who popped in my dream when I was in that alien ship.

It felt like I don't know, like you called to me.

I sought understanding.

I listened to the song.

Your thoughts became a song.

Has this ever happened before?


We'll operate in rotating shifts.

Ten hours on, ten hours off.

Have your squads check every level down the air ducts.

And as we clear each sector, we'll place guards behind us so that we'll be sure that he's not doubling back.

With all due respect, sir, what you're suggesting could take weeks or months.

This place is five miles long.

He could be hiding anywhere.

These will help cut the odds down a little.

All high

-ranking Earth Dome personnel are injected with a coded identification crystal as a precaution against kidnapping.

Now, it emits a very low

-level signal.

Strictly short


I've stationed guards with scanners at all the docking bays.

He's locked in.

All we need to do is close the noose.

- Any problems yet?

- No, sir.

These guys aren't very subtle, but they know their stuff.

I'd hate to be on the wrong side with this bunch against me.

Yeah, well, keep on top of them.

Just once, I'd like to make it through a crisis with a minimum of grief.


There's something I remembered I have to do.

Keep me posted on what Cranston and his people are up to.

I'll check in with you later.

The general sent me.

I have a message.

You're in great danger, captain.

We know what you've been told.

But Dr.

Jacobs is not a traitor.

Then why is half the intelligence community out looking for him?

Earth Special Intelligence is under President Clark's direct control.

Jacobs represents a threat, and he's using whatever resources he has to stop it.

Including you.

What's the situation?

Before President Santiago was k*lled aboard Earthforce One Clark got off the ship, claiming he had some kind of virus.


-four hours later, Earthforce One is destroyed in an accident and Clark assumes the presidency.

Pretty damn convenient illness.

As Clark's personal physician, Jacobs knew it wasn't true.

If he testified to that, it would prove that Clark knew what was going to happen.

They couldn't allow that.

But if they k*lled him right away, it would look suspicious, so they watched him until they figured it was safe for the good doctor to have an accident.

We heard about it, and we helped him escape.

It's not much of an escape.

He's trapped here.

This wasn't according to plan.

He was supposed to rendezvous with his contact on Io.

That meeting didn't go off.

They were closing in on him, so he jumped the first transport he could find.

And came here.

So now you're improvising.


Cranston and his boys have my entire security force out looking for Jacobs.

If I pull them back now, Cranston will know I've been tipped off.

It'll expose everything we have started to build here.

I don't have any easy answers, captain.

But it has to be done.

His testimony alone isn't enough to bring up charges, but it's a start.

We need to accumulate as much evidence as we can so when we go public with this we'll hit the target.

Because in this game, captain, you only get one shot.

Find Jacobs before they do, have him dictate a sworn statement and get him off this station alive.


No problem.

You want mayo on that?


I know.

I know.

I just don't like the odds, that's all.

If we'd heard about this sooner, we could've handled it quietly.

Now the whole station's involved, and we'll have to circumvent our own people.

If the other side gets their hands on Jacobs, they'll disappear him.

They'll do the same to anyone he talks to.

So whatever you're going to do, I suggest you do it quickly.

Sheridan to Garibaldi.

Meet me in my quarters in 10 minutes.

You're gonna love this.

A routine scan of the eye shows the usual number of rods and cones with the addition of small cells designed for seeing into the ultraviolet frequency.

If you should have to operate on this area If you should have to operate on this area, I recommend Excuse me.

Set up the scanners to move into the optic cavity so we can proceed.


Hi, doc.

Just wanted to say happy birthday.

That's all.

- What you saying?

It's not my birthday.

- Catch you later.

What the hell is?

- Do you mind?

- Let's go.

Computer, play back last message frame by frame.

Look for any abnormalities.

Stand by.

I'm I'm nearly out of stims.

I have to keep moving.

If I fall asleep, they'll get me and If they get me, I I don't know if this will get to you, Mary, but I'm tired.

I'm just desperately tired.

I don't know who to turn to, whom I can trust.

What the hell do you think you're doing, man?

Hold on.

Hold on.

You got something?

I don't know.

It's gone now.

Think we should we report it, just in case?

Yeah, let's go.

Come on.

Maybe now you'll admit you were wrong about Jacobs?

- I didn't say I believe them.

- You didn't say you believed me.

- I don't believe anybody.

- What a wonderful world you live in.

Well, the rent is cheap, the pay is decent and I get to make my own hours.

Are you gonna help me, or spend two days analyzing my lifestyle?

All right, go ahead.

My people reported a blip on their scanners an hour ago in Brown 2.

Maybe it's Jacobs, maybe not.

Either way, it's a good place to start.

We can't bring my people in on this.

We don't wanna place them in jeopardy so we're gonna have to go in after him ourselves.


Which means you have to go up against your own security force.

It won't be easy.

I trained them myself.

I do have one advantage that they don't: I've got you, and you know Jacobs.

If anybody can help me find him, it's you.

- Won't you be recognized?

- I don't get into Downbelow a lot.

When I do, they don't see me, they see the badge.

And I have an excellent disguise.

Let's go.

Why is my life suddenly passing in front of my eyes?

You don't belong here.

Your clothes say money.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Get out of my way.

What is it?



You buying or selling?

Or running away?

That it?

Is somebody chasing you?

Now, why would that be?

Unless maybe you got something somebody wants.

I don't want any trouble.

I'll pay you whatever you want.

Yeah, you will.

Why don't you just listen to what I say?

There's nothing of value in there.

Mary, I don 't know if you'll get this.

But I wanted to make sure That's personal.


I could pick up a few credits for this one.

What's this?

A fake pocket?

You've been holding out on me.

Data crystal.

What's on it?


Account numbers?


There's nothing there that would interest you.

Everything interests me.

It looks like a real antique, not one of those knockoffs.

"Office of the President of the Earth Alliance"?

It was a gift.

I knew you didn't belong down here.

Keep him here.

Don't hurt him unless you have to.

I'm gonna find out what's on here.

Maybe someone will pay good money to get it back.

If not, maybe somebody will pay good money for him.

And we've made complete scans of levels one through 15 starting with Blue Sector, moving across to this part of Brown Sector.

He has to be in this area, the area you call "Downbelow.


- Unless you've missed something.

- Unlikely.

- Your security forces are very efficient.

- Good.

The sooner we get him out of here and into an interrogation room the happier I'll be about the whole thing.

You're right.

He's got to be in Downbelow.

- Sir, you don't know that for sure.

- Commander, where else could he be?

Come on.

Next thing you'll be saying he's Downtown.

- I didn't see anything called "Downtown.


- It's the unofficial name for this area here.

It's between the hull and the water

-reclamation system.

It's the most unpleasant part of the station not counting the methane bathrooms.

It's full of heavy machinery, lead walls and pipe, all over the place.


That is just the kind of thing he'd use to block the scanners.

- You think so?

- Cranston here.

Take the search team out of Downbelow for now.

Check levels 50 and 51, between the Blue and Grey Sectors.

And post guards at all the entrances and exits to Downbelow.

- Confirmed.

- Good thinking, Sheridan.

I'll keep you informed on what we find.

- "Downtown"?

- Seemed like a good name.

Those levels have been sealed, welded shut since the station went online three years ago.

Do you know how many pressure doors they'll have to burn through?


-seven, not counting the two big ones on either side Of the waste

-recycling plant.


Cranston and his associates will be ripe when they return from Downtown.


With luck, it'll buy Garibaldi five or six hours.

Let's just hope that's enough.


What is it?

Captain, one of the ambassadors is asking to see you.

- Can it wait until morning?

- I don 't know, sir.

It's Ambassador Kosh.

Captain, since I've been here, Kosh has never asked to speak to anybody.

Tell him I'll be there as soon as I can.

- Find anything?

- No.

He thinks he saw someone matching Jacobs' description, but he's not sure.

- You?

- My people have been over this section so they're skittish.

They don't want to answer too many questions.

It's funny how all the guards disappeared so fast.

- Captain?

- Yeah.


I don't know how, but if anybody could distract Cranston's bloodhounds, it's him.

- Come on, let's sit.

- Wait.

I thought we were supposed to be looking for Jacobs?

We have been walking for six hours.

My feet hurt.

It's probably midnight or 1, topside.

You've got to keep your strength up on a stakeout so I strongly suggest you eat something.

You know, you're a doctor.

You should know better.

- So you and Jacobs go back a ways?

- Yeah.

Before the Big w*r.

Best teacher on campus.

Been everywhere.

Used to spend all day between classes talking about all the things he'd seen.

Quite a time.

Earth had beaten the Dilgar, and we were setting up outposts all over the place.

Looking to the future with that reckless enthusiasm you have when you're 22 when your whole life's ahead of you.

- Oh, yeah.

I remember.

Back then, it was like some long summer night.



Optimistic as hell.

I don't know.

Somewhere along the line we lost something somewhere.

We lost interest in the future when all the things we were told were coming got here.

Wasn't what we thought it was gonna be.

It's like when you keep bugging your folks for that one special toy for Christmas and when you finally get it, it's not as great as the vids made it look.

It just doesn't run right.

And you're so disappointed you shove it in the closet and never take it out again.

Maybe someone should have labeled the future, "Some assembly required.

" Finest workmanship.

This is a real antique.

I'm talking 19th, 20th century.

It's somethin Hey, what are you doing?

This is Jacobs'.

I recognize it.

Where did you get this?

I bought it.

What's it to you?

You wanna buy it, you make me an offer.

- Who sold it to you?

- Some guy.

I don't know.

- What did he look like?

- What am I, a camera?

What you're gonna be is a smear on the deck if you don't answer.

I don't want any trouble here.

I just buy merchandise.

I don't ask where it comes from.

Station rat like you always knows who he's doing business with.

I want a name.

I don't give out names.

It's bad for business.

So is having your eyeballs spooned out and served on toast.

Make up your mind, and do it fast, because it's getting close to my breakfast time.

Sir, there's someone on the line who says he's seen Jacobs.

Put him on.

I understand you have something for me, Mr?

Who I am doesn 't matter.

I heard things.

I think I got the guy you're looking for.

- Where is he?

- Safe.

He'll stay that way too.

But I want a finder's fee.

10,000 credits on delivery.

- I think I can arrange that.

- Good.

I'll call you when I'm ready to make the exchange.

You wanted to see me?

- You wanted to see me.

- Well, I guess everybody does.

To see what you really are inside that encounter suit.

They are not ready.

They would not understand.

Am I ready?

- No, you do not even understand yourself.

- Could you help me to understand you?

- Can you help me to understand you?

- Well, I can try.

Is that what you want?

An exchange of information?

I tell you something about me, and you tell me something about you?


You do not understand.

- Go.

- Damn it.

What do you want?

What do you want from me?

You know, ever since I got here, I've had the feeling that you've been watching me.

You hardly ever went to council meetings until I showed up.

When I was captured, it was you reached out and touched my mind.

And now you call me here.


Just to throw me out?

Are we just toys to you?


What do you want?

Never ask that question.

At least I got a response out of you.

So, what'll it be, ambassador?

- I will teach you.

- About yourself?

About you, until you are ready.

- For what?

- To fight legends.


Inside, nice and slow.

Keep your hands where I can see them.

Untie him.

Don't move.

- Are you all right?

Let me see it.

- Yeah, I'm fine.

Come on, we gotta get out of here.

Go on.

- Come on.


- Stephen.

No names until we're topside.

We've been sent to find you.

You're safe.

No, I mean, that doesn't matter.

I mean, it's that other man.

It's that Max.

He's got a data crystal.

It's crucial evidence.

Copies of all the examinations I made of the president.


Okay, doc, change of plans.

- You've got to get him out of here.

- No.

You're the only one that knows the back way out of here.

We can't lose you.

You won't.

We don't have time to argue.

There's an old storage locker one level up.

Wait there.

I'll get the crystal.


Hey, Max, give me the data crystal.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- Look I don't have time for this.

It's because I've had a really bad day.

And I'm in a really bad mood.

In fact, I'm damn cranky.

So why don't you give me the fraggin' data crystal before I start to get surly.

Which is something that you really, really really don't want.

I've checked the station logs.

Twice before you've used the internal scanners to pinpoint a radiation source inside Babylon 5.

- It took a lot of rewiring to make it work.

- Yes.

But it is doable.

I'd like to know why you didn't mention this possibility when we came aboard.

We've run into a crisis with Dr.


He needs to see you as soon as possible.

If you will excuse me, Mr.

Cranston, this will only take a moment.

Perhaps you can answer my question.

I want to know why I was not told about the internal scanners before.

And how long will it take to interface it with our system, now that I do know?

A: You didn't ask.

B: We don't know the systems are compatible.

C: Assuming they are, 2.

3 hours.

D: At an early age someone should've told you you can attract a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar, sir.

Well, there it is.

Contains the records of my examinations of then Vice President Clark before and after he supposedly contracted a viral infection.

I've already given Mr.

Garibaldi the code to unlock the data.

They show no indication that he was suffering from medical problems?


Which helps us prove he deliberately did not want to be on Earthforce One just one day before it exploded.

All right.

We'll also need to get a statement from you Do you mind?

You were his teacher.

What did he get in first

-aid class?

- 4.


- 3.


- What?

- Forget it.

Never mind.

Forget I asked.

- We could go to Medlab.

- I'd have to answer too many questions.

Just try to keep both arms the same length, all right?

We've still got one other problem facing us, people.

Cranston's figured out that they can patch their scanners through our system.

- Nuts.

- What does that mean?

It means that as soon as they're online, they can just flip a switch and find you.

Can we get him off the station?

Not a chance.

Every docking bay's covered.

Not entirely correct, Mr.


He's got a plan.

I can tell.

He's got that look.

Internal scanners are now configured with yours.

Just double

-checking the interface to be sure it's working.

Ambassador Kosh requesting permission to depart.

- Tell him to wait.

Begin scan.

- Scanning.

- Scanning complete.

Subject not found.

- What?

That's impossible.

- Sure the interface is working properly?

- Five by five.

It's reaching every level.

The only reason he wouldn't show up is if he isn't here.


Cranston, I took you at your word that Dr.

Jacobs was here.

If you've turned my entire station upside down

- Ambassador Kosh again requests

- Fine.

Tell him he can go.

I don't understand it.

Our best information said that he was coming here.

The man who tried to sell the information Around here, if you offer to pay for something or someone you'll get 10 people claiming to have it.

They'll try to scam you out of the money.

- Kosh ready for jumpgate sequence.

- Okay, tell Just a minute! Now, I was not informed about a launch.

The Vorlon ambassador's ship is in Bay 13.

No one goes there except him.

I want this ship scanned before it's allowed to jump.

Maybe you didn't hear me.

That's an ambassadorial vessel.

He won't know! I want it scanned! Now, that shouldn't be a problem for you, captain, if there's nothing to hide.

Initiate scan.

Computer, analyze ship.

Are there any life forms present?

- Confirmed.

One life form detected.

- Is it human?


Registering non

-human life form.

Maybe we can call it back, escort Ambassador Kosh off his own ship and search it, even if it does mean violating Vorlon territory.

I mean, I'm up for it if you are.

I'm sure it would cause a major diplomatic incident without cause.

It would be all over the news, with everyone wanting to know why we did it.

- But still, I'm

- No, no.

It's all right.

Let it go.

Commander Ivanova, now that it's been established that Dr.

Jacobs is not, and never has never been, on Babylon 5 we should do all we can to help out Agent Cranston.

Backtrack from Jacobs' last known position.

Determine which other ships he might have boarded.

Give him their destinations, ETAs, anything he wants.


Cranston now that you've turned my station upside down with this wild

-goose chase I expect you'll be leaving us as soon as you have Ivanova's report.

- You enjoyed that, didn't you?

- How could you suggest such a thing?

- A foolish thought.

- Well, I'll forgive it this time.

Doctor, good.

You've got everything, I assume?

Ready when you are.

So, what do we do now?

He said wait until it recognizes us.


How does it know?

The same reason our scanners indicated one alien life form when Kosh wasn't around.

It's what we've suspected all along but could never prove.

The Vorlons use organic technology.

It's a living ship.



This should bring him out of the artificial coma anytime now.

The only way Kosh would allow a human inside his ship was in an unconscious state.

- Dr.

Jacobs, are you all right?

- Yes, yes.


It's strange.

While I was asleep the ship, it sang to me.

Do you have it?

Right here.

His testimony, records, all of it.


It's not enough to go public with yet, but it's a start.

We'll get Jacobs onto one of our ships as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your help.

You've just scored a major victory for the good guys.

You should be proud.

- Until next time, captain.

- There's always a next time, isn't there?

You better pray it stays that way, captain.

Because as long as there is a next time, at least there's a chance we'll win.

Because in this w*r, captain we need all the chances we can get.