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05x22 - Sleeping in Light

Posted: 03/14/23 08:46
by bunniefuu
The Interstellar Alliance based on the Homeworld of the Minbari Federation was founded in the Earth year 2261 shortly after the end of the Shadow w*r, 20 years ago.

Twenty years of history.

Those of us who survived have seen it all and those of us who understand have been waiting and dreading the arrival of this day.

Step into the abyss and let go.

What if I die?

I cannot create life but I can breathe on the remaining embers.

It may not work.

But I can hope.

Hope is all we have.

His life force must be replenished.

I give of myself to replenish him.

For a little while.

How long?

In human terms, barring injury and illness, perhaps 20 years.

But no more than that.

And then, one day he will simply stop.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I just need to get a little air, that's all.

You go back to sleep.


Well, I thought you were going back to sleep.

I decided to go out in search of the same air molecules you were looking for on the theory that if they were good enough to lure you out of our bed I should investigate my competition.

You've never had competition.

It's a pretty night.

Yes, it is.

I just wanna sit here.

Watch the sun come up.

It occurred to me that in all my time here, I've never done that.

I want to know what it looks like when it comes up over the horizon.

So I can carry a picture of it in my head.

You had the dream again.

It's the third night in a row.

I know.

It's possible that it may not mean what you think.

It does.

It was 20 years ago that I died on Z'Ha'Dum.

Lorien said that he could extend my life 20 years, no more.

I'm almost out of time, Delenn.

I can feel it in my blood, in my bones.

Just a little further to go.

Time enough.

Do you want me to send the messages?


Send them.

Sun's coming up.

At 2, you're scheduled to attend the opening of Memorial Park.

The Joint Chiefs will be there and they want you to say something.

The usual, about the sacrifices of our brave men and women young people saving the world for those who follow

- You can do it in your sleep.

- I have.

This evening, there's a reception for the new ambassador from Narn.

Formal dress.

We'll have the press corps there just in case anyone says anything interesting.

- Like that's gonna happen.

- Well, it's a good photo opportunity.

I'm tired of them.

But, general, you're an important person.

I feel like an old warhorse trotted out after a parade so all the kids can point at it.

Besides, nobody gives a damn about anything I have to say.

Why should they?

I certainly don't.

You're being much too modest.

No, I'm not.

And if I hear one more patronizing word out of your mouth, I'll kick your I'm sorry, general.

He insisted on barging in.

- I have a message.

- I told him you were busy.

- Who from?

- I think you know.

I told you before, if a Ranger shows up I want him brought to me immediately, no delays.

I was just following protocol, general.

There's a time and a place and a way of doing things.

Frankly, I don't care for the attitude of some of these Rangers.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Tell him I'm on my way.

- On your way where?

- Minbar.

I want a shuttle fueled and ready to go in 15 minutes.


Majesty, we've just received a courier from Minbar.


Majesty, we've just received a courier from Minbar.

I see.

I'm sorry.

Tell the prime minister to cancel all my appointments for the next several days.

But you didn't even read what the note says.

I don't have to.

I already know.

Lousy Dodgers.

Please, Uncle Stephen, one more game?

Just one, come on.

Not a chance.

But the interschool tennis match is tomorrow.

I have to practice.

We already played three sets.

Michael, this kid of yours is trying to k*ll me.

And they say the younger generation doesn't have goals.

Dad! All right, come on, take it easy on your Uncle Stephen.

He's old and decrepit.

He's led such a clean lifestyle he doesn't have the stamina to deal with life.

Now, I, on the other hand, will be out in a minute to show you how the game is supposed to be played.

Talk is cheap.

Let's see how you do on the court.

Go, go on! Get! Where's Lise?

I didn't get a chance to say good morning.

She's out shopping.

She wanted to get an early start.

You know how nuts the stores get right before Independence Day.

- Comfortable?

- Yeah.

So how's the Edgars

-Garibaldi empire doing today?

Stocks haven't moved up or down in over a week.

So you're steady.

What's wrong with that?

Steady ain't sexy.

We need the capital to expand our resources back home.

And speaking of, when are you supposed to head back to Earth?

Booked a flight out tomorrow.

Hey, hey, that's the thing about being the chief of xenobiological research.

There's always another new alien virus coming off the next starship.

You could at least stay around for Mary.

It's her first tournament.

The president can make do for a few more days.

I can't.

I just wanted to come by, see how you were doing.

It's too long between visits and I wanted to see Lise.

- Dad?

- Yeah?

There's someone here to see you.

Oh, yeah?

Thank you.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, fine, fine.

Look, why don't you go on outside and I'll be out there in a minute, okay?

Is that what I think it is?

Sheridan's dying.

He wants us to come to Minbar for one last get

-together before Well before.

All right, I'll call the office.

They can wait.

Book a flight for one or two?

Well, Stephen, John and I may have had our differences in the past but he is a good man.

And he's my friend.



Well, it's hard to I never understood what Lorien did to you or how the energy streams through your blood.

I don't know enough about them to make a completely accurate prognosis.

- There's just too many variables.

- Stephen.

Get to it.

How long have I got?

It's hard to say exactly.

That's the point.

If I had to guess, I'd say four or five days.

A week at the outside.

Done this sort of thing 100 times and I still don't know what to say.

I'm sorry.

How's Delenn taking it?

Well, she's Minbari.

You know, sometimes I look at her and I know exactly what she's thinking.

Sometimes she's a mystery to me.

Oh, there are a million years of difference between our cultures.

Try all you want, you never completely overcome that.

Not in 100 years, not in 20.

But she'll be okay.

She's Grey Council in training, if not in fact anymore.

I don't think there's anything she can't handle.


- I can come back.

- No, no.

I'm all done.

The others are waiting for me downstairs.

Well, you tell them I'll be right down.

And, Stephen?

Thank you.

- John

- Did you get everything?

It took some doing.

I believe it will be quite a party.

Well, that's exactly what I want, a celebration.

No sad smiles, no struggling for words.

- John, John

- Shouldn't we get downstairs?

Can't keep our guests waiting.

Come on.

And him, he's got this drunk Pak'ma'ra on the deck and he's shaking him, saying: "What did you do with the data crystal?

" Because, if you remember, it was hidden inside

- A cat!

- A dead cat! And he ate it! And, all of a sudden, this Pak'ma'ra just goes: Just up all over him.

It was the most horrible thing you've ever seen in your life.

- All he could do was stand

- And you.

You were no help at all.

He just stood there, laughing his ass off.

- It was funny.

- It was eating my uniform.

And that was the funny part.

Where's my PPG?

Somebody get me a g*n! Are you okay?

You know, Londo never liked the Pak'ma'ra.

I mean, they're stubborn, lazy, obnoxious, greedy.

Look like an octopus that got run over by a truck.

That too.

But one day, Londo and I were walking past their quarters and we heard them singing.


They can sing?

There's nothing like that recorded.

Apparently, it's something they only do certain times of the year as part of their religious ceremonies.

You may not believe this but it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.

I couldn't make out the words, but I knew that it was full of sadness and hope and wonder and a terrible sense of loss.

I looked at Londo and, this is the amazing part there was a tear running down his face.

I said, "Londo, we should leave.

I mean, this is upsetting you.

" And he just stood there and listened.

And when it was over, he turned to me and he said: "There are 49 gods in our pantheon, Vir.

To tell you the truth, I never believed in any of them.

But if only one of them exists then God sings with that voice.

" It's funny.

After everything we had been through, all he did I miss him.

A toast.

To absent friends in memory still bright.




- Mar

- Marcus.


Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine, I just I was just watching John.

You really can't tell by looking at him that he's He's the same old John.

I cannot imagine how you're handling this.

We have had 20 years to talk about it and prepare.

I'm ready.

As much as anyone can be ready.

But I'm going to miss him.

I'm going to miss him terribly, Susan.

So will I.

Is that why you were so quiet?

I've just I've buried so many friends, Delenn.

I'm beginning to resent it.

And I don't want to.

It seems like some days there's no one left to play with.

There's no joy anymore.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore or why.

I'm surprised that David's not here.

He's in a Ranger training mission to Drazi space.

We'd interrupt his training, but John doesn't want that.

When David joined the Rangers we agreed that he would not receive any special treatment.

No, no.

John's wish was to see his dear friends one more time the way they are.

And for David to remember his father the way he was, not There's something I need to talk to you about before you leave.


As you know, two years ago John refused to accept re

-election to the presidency of the Interstellar Alliance.

The committee chose me as a replacement.

My first instinct was to decline.

John felt it was important to accept.

He was right.

You've done an excellent job.


Since then, John dedicated most of his time to working with the Rangers because I was now distracted.

When he When he leaves us I will need someone to take his place as head of the Rangers.

They would prefer a human in this role to maintain the balance we've created.

I was hoping you would consider the job.


Why me?

I know you're not happy with your responsibilities back home.

Here, you would have a chance to build something new answerable only to me.

No politics, no bureaucracy.

- Can I have some time to think about it?

- Of course.

All the time you need.

- You're tired.

- No.

It's late.

You should rest.

You're right.

Good night, Delenn.

Thank you for the offer.

For everything.

- John.

- Did you talk to her?

Well, do you think she'll take it?

I think she might.

Where are the others?

They're putting Vir to bed, which is where we should be.

Come on.

I thought you would be asleep by now.

I'm not sleepy.

Do you know what tomorrow is?

In Earth time, I mean?

It's Sunday.

When I was a kid every Sunday, Dad would take us out for a drive.

We never knew where we were going.

That was half the fun.

We'd just go.

He'd say, "Pick a direction.

" And one of us would point and off we'd go.

Tomorrow is Sunday, Delenn.

And I'm going out for a drive.

What about the others?

I'll leave early in the morning, before they're up.

There's no point in waking them.

We had our time, said what we wanted to say.

Any more would just get in the way.

I wanna feel space beneath me one last time.

It's where I belong.

It's where I've always belonged.

Besides everything we've built here, with the Alliance has become half reality half mythology.

And if it all ends here, like it ends anywhere else But if it ends out there they'll remember it.

It'll make it a little easier for you to keep the others in line.

Well, the other Minbari will approve.

Their idea of going to the sea and all that.

Always thinking strategy.

Even now.

Well, that's why you love me, isn't it?


There are many reasons, but that's not one of them.

One last thing: Tomorrow, there'll be no talk of this.

I want it to be a good day, a happy day.

I want that.

I want it a great deal.

Then you will have it.

Good morning.

Good morning.

I haven't seen you in that in a long time.

- It looks good.

- Thanks.

It feels a little snug in some places.

Must have shrunk while it was in storage.


I'm sure that must be it.

You look beautiful.

I'm told by a reasonably reliable source that today is Sunday on the Earth calendar.

One dresses up on Sunday, does one not?

One does.

Have you been outside yet?

It's a pretty day.

The perfect day for a Sunday drive.

It is.

A perfect day.

The others will be awake soon.

If you go you should go now, while you still can.

Good night, my love.

The brightest star in my sky.

Good night.

You were my sky.

And my sun.

And my moon.

Commander William Nils, sir.

I'm sorry.

No one told us you were coming.

It's all right.

It's all right.

I was just in the neighborhood.

Thought I'd stop in.

Where is everyone?

Well, there's just me, sir.

And the shut

-down crew, and a few others.

- What shut

-down crew?

- Oh, sorry.

Public announcement hasn't been made.

I think they're still working on the press release.

But since this place was turned back over to Earth control a few years ago and what with the recent budget cutbacks and much of what Babylon 5 stands for being done now by the Alliance, well no one comes here anymore.

It's Well, it's become sort of redundant.

- Redundant.

- Yes, sir.

Earth Dome says it's to be decommissioned and taken out.

Well, we can't just leave it here.

It would be a menace to navigation.

Of course.

Looks like we're still tied together, even now.


Nothing, nothing.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Just tired.

It was a long trip.

You're welcome to inspect the facilities.

I can have someone show you around.

I know the way, commander.

Sheridan died trying to attack Z'Ha'Dum.

No one who goes there comes back alive.

We can end this.

Not just for now, not just for the next 1000 years, but forever! Will you stand together?

So you hear them too, huh?


What the hell are you doing here?

I thought you went back to Earth.

Yeah, I did.

Got bored.


-upped about six months ago.

I figure I'll be here till they turn the lights out.


Well, that explains why the letter came back.

- What letter?

- Ah, nothing.


What was that you said about "hearing them"?

It's this place.

Quarter million people coming and going every day for 25 years.

Every part of this station has somebody's fingerprints on it.

Layers and layers of people's lives.

There were times I thought none of us would get out alive.

Some of us didn't.

But we did everything we said we were gonna do and nobody can take that away from us, or this place.

So you staying for the ceremony?

Well, I figured that's why you came, for the decommissioning ceremony.



I can't stay.

I was just in the neighborhood.

Thought I'd stop in.

Well, I was just gonna get something to eat.

Do you wanna come with me?

And then, one day he will simply stop.

You okay?

I'm fine.

Fine, Zack.


You sure you don't wanna get something to eat?


Sure wish I could but I won't have time.

I just wanted to come and have a last look around.

I should really be going.

Well, I'll walk you back to the docking bay.

- Where you headed?

- Coriana System.

Where we won the Shadow w*r.

Computer set course.


Coriana 6.

Best speed.

Approaching Coriana System.

Approaching Coriana System.

Jump to normal space.

Warning: Pilot life signs indicator entering danger zone.

Monitors off.

Turn it all off.

There's too damn much noise.


Who are you?

What do you want?

Why are you here?

Where are you going?


Did you think we had forgotten you?

We have been waiting for you.

Beyond the Rim.


There's so much I still don't understand.

As it should be.

Can I come back?


This journey has ended.

Another begins.

Time to rest now.

Well look at that.

The sun's coming up.

An expedition to Coriana space found Sheridan's ship a few days later.

But they never found him.

All the air locks were sealed, but there was no trace of him inside.

Some of the Minbari believe he'll come back someday but I never saw him again in my lifetime.

They're ready.

Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations.

There would never be another.

It changed the future, and it changed us.

It taught us that we have to create the future or others will do it for us.

It showed us that we have to care for one another because if we don't, who will?

And that true strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely places.

Mostly, though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings.

Even for people like us.

As for Delenn every morning, for as long as she lived Delenn got up before dawn and watched the sun come up.