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02x02 - When Doves Cry Part 2

Posted: 10/13/02 11:58
by bunniefuu
Craig’s Room

He is looking in a mirror. He doesn’t have a shirt on. We see he has big deep bruises on his chest. He touches it + it hurts him.


Craig’s dad is dropping him off at school.

Mr. M: Here we are. Listen, hold on a second, Craiger. Got something for you. (He hands Craig a stack of money) Maybe you can get yourself a new camera. One of those digital ones.

Craig: Wow! Thanks.

Mr. M: If you need anything else, just ask.

Craig: Sure, sure. Thank you.

Mr. M: You’re welcome. No hard feelings?

Craig: No hard feelings.

Mr. M: All right, then. (Craig gets out of the car)

Degrassi Cafeteria

Hazel: It’s gotta be a real date, like a dinner and a movie date.

Paige: No way.

Spinner: Yes, way. We want value for our entertainment dollar. Besides we’re not the ones with the mullet.

JT: Paige Michalchuk and I will go out this year. It may take a little time, but—

Paige: Oh, JT.

JT: Uh, hey, Paige. To what do we owe this pleasure? This honor? This uh…

Paige: I just wanted to apologize… for the other day when you asked me out. Sorry.

JT: Oh, ok.

Paige: Movie and a bite. Your treat.

JT: Really? Great.

Paige: Tonight, the mall, 5 P.M. sharp. (She leaves. Tony stares at JT in shock)


Craig is talking with Sean as they sh**t hoops. Craig sh**t and it goes in.

Sean: Man, you should try out for the school team this year.

Craig: I’m not really a team sport kinda guy.

Sean: Didn’t think I was either, but it’s cool. Over here. (Craig gives him the ball. Sean tries to make a basket, but isn’t really close to making one)

Craig: Whoa, maybe I should join the team if you’re the star player.

Sean: Nah, never said I was.

Craig: I’ll give the Panthers some hope.

Sean: Ah. (They start to play when Sean hits Craig where his dad hurt him)

Craig: Ow! Man, this isn’t hockey.

Sean: Oh, I’m sorry.

Craig: For what? Being a total idiot?

Sean: Excuse me?

Craig: Take it! (Throws the ball to Sean) You need the practice. (Craig leaves)

Sean: Craig!

Craig in the hall

He is looking in his book of a picture of Angela. He then picks up the money his dad gave him.

P.A.: If you are interested in helping organize the upcoming junior and senior dances, the social committee wants you…join them in the student activity room in 15 minutes.

Emma is walking with a ton of books when someone bumps into her, making her drop her stuff.

Guy: Watch where you’re going.

Craig: Hey! How was the rest of the party?

Emma: Good, until all the supposed adults started singing ‘80s hits.

Craig: Sorry I missed it.

Emma: You shouldn’t have had to.

Craig: Did Joey talk to you?

Emma: No, I wasn’t eavesdropping, it just sort of happened. (Sits down next to him) I’m supposed to pick Ang up from school. Did your dad say you can’t hang with me too?

Craig: (Smiles) And hey, how was I to know you were going to go pick up my sister? (Emma smiles back at him)

Emma and Craig

They are outside. They are walking.

Craig: Thanks by the way. For inviting me to the barbecue.

Emma: It was no big deal.

Craig: No, no, to me it was. It was really, it was really nice of you to…it was really…comfortable. (Emma nods as Angela shows up)

Angela: Craig! (She jumps on his back)

Craig: What’s up, kid?

Angela: Can we go to the park?

Emma: I don’t know, guys. I got a whole chapter of math homework, so the TV’s gonna help baby-sit.

Angela: But I want to.

Craig: I can take her, right?

Angela: Park, park, park!

Craig: Right? Drop her off on my way home?

Emma: I don’t know guys.

Craig: Can you say please?

Angela: Please, Emma, please? Park, park, park.

Emma: Just for a little bit, ok?


Angela and Craig are running around water, with Angela on Craig’s shoulders.

Craig: Close your eyes, Ang. You’re flying. Flying far far away from here.

They go to some grass and Craig takes her off his shoulder.

Craig: Get up. (She tickles him and then we see where Craig’s dad hurt him) Ow.

Angela: What is that?

Craig: Well, um, remember that dinosaur? (She nods) It also likes boys named Craig. That’s where it bit me.

Angela: Does it hurt?

Craig: Yeah. You know what would be great? To go someplace where dinosaur’s can never ever get to us.

Angela: Like where?

Craig: Come on. Come on. (They get up and he grabs her hand) Come on, let’s go. (They start to run and she laughs)

Outside Emma’s

Emma is outside doing homework, when Joey shows up.

Joey: Emma. (She looks up as he gets out of the car) I closed up early today. Where’s Ang?

Emma: Um…she’s…

Joey: She inside with your mom?

Emma: No, she’s…

Joey: Emma, where is she?

Emma: She’s with Craig, ok?

Joey: You let her go off with him?

Emma: To the park. It’s only fair since his dad won’t let him.

Joey: Excuse me?

Emma: Joey, he’s her brother.

Joey: And you are just her baby-sitter. So leave the parenting decisions to me. (He gets back in his car)

The Mall

JT is waiting for Paige. While he’s waiting, we see he has a bear in his hand. Then, someone (Paige) wearing a hood on her head and sunglasses taps him on the shoulder.

JT: (As she takes her hood and sunglasses off) You are Paige, right?

Paige: I’m late.

JT: Thought maybe you stood me up or something. Here, I got you a little present. (Gives her the bear)

Paige: Can we go to the movie already? (They go in)

The movie

They are watching the movie. Paige is looking freaked out about a part of the movie. JT looks at her, then back at the screen. JT puts his hand near Paige’s, but she pushes it away. Paige starts to get up, but she sees Spinner and Hazel, who wave, so she sits down.

The Park

Joey is looking for Craig and Angela

Joey: Craig! Angie!


They are buying ice cream.

Ice Cream Man: Here you go.

Craig: Thanks. Don’t eat it too fast. (As she licks it, she sees all his money)

Angela: Is that a million dollars?

Craig: It’s a lot. But not that much. You remember British Columbia?

Angela shakes her head “No”.

Craig: It’s beautiful. The weather’s warm.

Angela: I don’t remember.

Craig: You were just a baby. You know, this isn’t a million bucks, but it is enough to get us there.

Angela: Together?

Craig: Let’s go. The bus station’s not far. Come on. (They get up and he takes her hand)

Joey: Ang! Angie!

Angela: Daddy! (Runs up to him and hugs him)

Joey: I was worried. (To Craig) I thought you guys were going to the park.

Craig: We did. But, uh, Ang got hungry.

Joey: I’ll take it from here, ok?

Angela: Craig, can Daddy come too?

Joey: Come where?

Angela: On the bus. Craig’s got a million dollars in his pocket.

Craig: It was pretend. We were just playing.

Angela: Show him the money!

Craig: No, no.

Angela: We’re moving to British Columbia!

Joey: What are you doing? You think you can just take her and go somewhere with her?

Craig: No, I- No it was just pretend.

Joey: Yeah, like that money in your pocket is pretend, right? Just stay away from Angie, ok? Like your dad said.

Craig: Joey, I can’t do that.

Joey: I mean it! (Joey and Angela leave)

Craig: Bye.

He’s sitting at the table when his dad comes in.

Mr. M: Hey kiddo. How come you’re home so early? Everything okay?

Craig: Yeah. I’m fine. I’m fine, I just, uh, had a long day.

Mr. M: Well, don’t worry about it. We got Chinese food and a couple of videos, take it easy tonight. How does that sound?

Craig: Sure.

Mr. M: Great. Listen, did you get the camera?

Craig: Uh…No.

Mr. M: Why not?

Craig: Well, the one I really wanted was about a $100.00 more.

Mr. M: That’s no problem. We’ll go together. Your father’s an understanding haggler. (The phone rings) Uh, how does tomorrow night sound? Dinner out? (He picks up the phone) Hello? Joey? What do you want? (Craig leaves and runs up to his room) Yeah, go ahead. I’m still here. (Craig runs in his room, shuts the door and locks it, then takes out his phone and calls Sean. As he talks, he packs some stuff)

Craig: Sean? Hey. Hey man. Um, I was wondering if you were, uh, were doing anything tonight. (For a second, it goes to Craig’s Dad coming up the stairs and knocking on his door)

Mr. M: Craig?

Craig: Okay, I’ll be right over. (He hangs up the phone)

Mr. M: Open this door now.

Craig throws his stuff out the window, then goes out the window himself.

The Mall

Paige is sitting at a table with the bear alone, when JT shows up with food.

JT: Okay. Wanna hear a joke? You got to promise not to get upset or something.

Paige: As if I’d get upset at a joke.

JT: What is a cheerleader’s favorite drink? (She looks at him as if to say, “I don’t know”) Root beer. Get it? Root Beer. Root.

Paige: I can’t believe you’d make a cheerleading joke to last year’s head cheerleader. I’ll forgive you, if you answer me this: What’s the difference between a North Park cheerleader and a bag of trash?

JT: I don’t know. What?

Paige: Trash gets taken out more often (He spits out his soda and they both laugh) Better get that.

JT: Yeah. (They keep laughing, until Spinner and Hazel show up)

Paige: Hazel, what are you doing here?

Hazel: What are you doing? It looks like you’re having fun. (Gives Paige the money) You’ve more than earned this.

Spinner: Let’s go. (Hazel nods as if to say “Come on”)

JT: You got paid to go out with me?

Paige: Sue me. (She gets up and leaves. JT watches her go. Then he picks up the bear he gave her that she left behind)

Train Tracks

Sean and Craig are walking on them and talking as they walk.

Craig: Where are your parents? You live with your brother, right?

Sean: Yeah. Yeah, they’re far away, which is, you know, good.

Craig: So you and your parents didn’t get along? They hit you or something?

Sean: No. No, they were too drunk to do much. Total welfare cases. How about your dad?

Craig: He’s a surgeon. He fixes people.

Sean: Surgeon, huh? Is he rich?

Craig: Yeah, crazy rich. But, his job’s stressful, so um, so we fight. (They sit down) And I’ve been thinking, I’m gonna go solo. I’ve got the money. I’m thinking B.C.

Sean: Are you serious?

Craig: Yeah, deadly serious. I’m outta here. Tonight.

Sean: You’re gonna wind up on the streets.

Craig: Then, come with me. We’ll watch out for each other.

Sean: Craig, come on. Look, I can’t leave. Look, uh, before you asked me if my parents hit me, right?

Craig: Did I? So?

Sean: I don’t know. Does your dad hit you? (Craig doesn’t answer. Then we see a skateboard hit the ground and Craig takes off) Man, what’s wrong with you?!


She’s painting her toenails when Sean shows up.

Sean: Emma!

Emma: What are you doing here?

Sean: It’s about Craig.

Emma: What? Is everything okay?

Sean: I don’t think so. (The camera goes up to Emma’s face)


Joey and Angela are at the table.

Joey: Okay this is an easy one. 2 and 2 is…

Angela: 4.

Joey: Yeah.

Emma: Joey! Joey! We need to talk to you. It’s about Craig. He said he’s going to B.C., but you know he’s just gonna end up on the street.

Joey: Guys, what do you want me to do? I can call his dad again…

Emma: Joey, his dad is the problem.

Sean: He beats him.

Joey: Now wait a minute. Do you know what a serious accusation that is? I can’t go around accusing the guy of that, all right?

Angela: Is something wrong with Craig?

Joey: Not now, honey, ok? This is serious.

Angela: No, I saw today.

Joey: No, I know you saw him today, ok?

Angela: No I saw, all purple. A dinosaur hurts him. He told me.

Joey: Okay. Sean, why don’t you and I start at the railroad tracks. Emma, could you please just watch her?

Emma: Of course. (They leave. Emma puts the bag on the table)

The Railroad tracks

Craig is walking. As he walks, we see homeless men watching him.


Joey and Sean are driving around, trying to find Craig.


Emma is looking through Craig’s book of pictures of Joey and Angela.


Joey and Sean: Craig!

Joey: Where else would he have gone?

Sean: I have no idea. I’ve only known the guy since Tuesday.

Joey: All right, let’s keep looking. (They get back in the car)

Joey’s (It goes back and forth between Emma and Joey in the car)

The phone rings.

Emma: Hello?

Joey: Hey, any sign of him?

Emma: Nothing.

Joey: Okay, we’re gonna do one more sweep of the area, and if we don’t find him, we’re gonna go to the police, okay? Um, we may be late.

Emma: Hold on a sec. (She sees a picture that says, “We miss you, Mommy! It shows Craig’s mom’s grave) I think there’s one more place you should look.

The Cemetery

Craig is there, touching his mom’s grave, when Joey and Sean show up.

Joey: Craig? Craig?

Craig: What do you want?

Joey: Hey, whoa, I just wanna help okay?

Craig: I’m fine!

Joey: Yeah, right. Look at you. Just calm down and get outta here, okay?

Craig: Where am I gonna go? Where am I gonna go? Back home, so Dad can…?

Joey: What? Do what? What does he do to you? He hits you, doesn’t he? Doesn’t he?

Craig: Yeah, he does. (He starts to cry. He goes to Joey and Joey hugs him as he cries)

The Next Day - Hallway of Degrassi

Paige is walking to JT. He sees her and starts to walk away.

Paige: JT, please. Stop. I’m having some residual guilt about Friday night. That said, I really needed the money.

JT: Wow, you know what? That really makes me feel a whole lot better.

Paige: JT, you’re a good date. If you weren’t 5’1” and in a subterranean social strata, I’d maybe even consider going out again.

JT: Really?

Paige: Yes, but no. Sorry, hun. I only date up. Nothing personal.

JT: Sure, of course. But, um… you know, I would feel better if…

Paige: If what? Spit it out.

JT: Call me romantic, but I always imagined my first date ending in a kiss.

Paige: No way.

JT: Come on, Paige. You’d be making my dreams come true. (Paige makes sure no one is looking, then she kisses JT on the cheek.)

Paige: We’re so even.

JT: Oh, here. Forgot your bear (She takes the bear and shakes her head as she leaves. JT smiles)


Craig is in the car with Joey.

Craig: I wanna do this alone.

Joey: Okay. But do it just like we talked about. Go in, say as little as you can, get you can, go upstairs, get your things, and come out. He knows you’re coming. And he knows what has to happen. (Craig gets out of the car and goes to the door. Before he knocks, his dad opens the door. He sees Joey standing there. He steps aside and lets him in)

Craig: I’m just gonna get my stuff.

Mr. M: Craig, just leave it, leave it. Come back when we’ve cooled down. We’ll talk this thing through.

Craig: No, no more talking, ok?

Mr. M: Ok. But you’re breaking my heart, you know that, just like your mother. Just, Craig. I know I’ve been impatient, but work’s been really stressful. You can’t leave, Craig. I love you.

Craig: There are three options, Dad. I can go to Children’s Aid right now, I can go stay with Joey while we sort this stuff out, or I can come back here, and let you beat me,

Mr. M: I don’t beat you. (Craig goes up to his room)


Craig comes outside with his stuff. He puts his stuff to the car. Joey goes up to Craig’s Dad. Then, Joey goes to the car. It goes to the hood and the car door shutting. Then, Craig and Joey drive away. Craig looks back, watching his dad get farther and farther away.
