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04x09 - The Con Man in the Meth Lab

Posted: 11/19/08 10:30
by bunniefuu
"The Conman in the Meth Lab"
Episode 4x09 / Production 4x04
Airdate: November 12, 2008
Written By: Karine Rosenthal
Directed by: Allison Liddi
Transcribed by: Jingeljangel

Disclaimer: The characters, plotlines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.


(Open on a State Police training ground, an old quarry. A State Police Instructor stands facing a class of cadets)

STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: Alright Cadets, listen up. What I am cradling, lovingly, in my arms is an M203 40mm canister launcher. (He holds it up to show the cadets). What's it for? Cadet Williams.


STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: That's right. That, (indicates a trailer nearby) is a meth lab, our boys took it three days ago. How do you think they did that?


STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: WRONG. And that is why we are here. I'm gonna demonstrate for you why we DON'T fire tear gas into a meth lab. (Aims w*apon at trailer, fires shot through a window)

(The trailer explodes in a fireball; something is flung from the trailer by the expl*si*n and lands on the windshield of a vehicle in front of them. It is a charred body)

STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: (hesitantly) We're gonna need a, er a fire extinguisher, then maybe some sort of ... trauma counselor.

(Cut to: The Hoover building. Int. Sweets' Office. Sweets sits facing the door, waiting. Booth enters.)

BOOTH: Hey 'm sorry I'm late. (We see Brennan sitting opposite Sweets. Booth sits next to her.)

BRENNAN: Well according to Sweets chronic lateness is a way of asserting control.

SWEETS: That's right.

BOOTH: So you believe that?

DR BENNAN: No, I figured there was traffic or something kept you at work.

BOOTH: Exactly, work. Work Bones okay. I was putting the final touches on a case that's about to propel me into FBI legendary status.

BRENNAN: Ah the big RICO case (Booth glares at her) ...that I'm not supposed to know anything about.

SWEETS: Why don't I know about this case?

BOOTH: (Whispers) Bones, its top secret.

SWEETS: But you told Dr Brennan.

BOOTH: She's my partner okay. (Turns to Brennan) Indictments any minute followed by a pay raise, possible parade and most definitely my face on a coin. (Indicates his face.)

SWEETS: Just in time for your birthday.

BOOTH: Which I will be spending in, Ha-wai-i. Uh look at that, ha, shark adventures. (Hands Sweets and Brennan brochures.)

BRENNAN: Sharks? (Booths cell phone rings.)

SWEETS Oh, I really wish that you wouldn't... BOOTH: (Answers phone) Booth.

SWEETS: ... answer your phone.

BOOTH: (Into phone) Jared. (He stands. To Sweets) Oh god, give me that. (Booth snatches the brochure from Sweets hand).

BRENNAN: That's his brother.

SWEETS: Booth has a brother.

BOOTH: (Into phone) Sounds good. I'll see you then. (Closes phone and sits down)

BRENNAN: Don't feel bad, I've never met him either.

SWEETS: At least you knew he existed. (Booth and Brennan's cell phones ring simultaneously)

BRENNAN: (To Sweets) Yeah. (Booth and Brennan stand and look at their phones. They turn to leave.)

SWEETS: Okay that's enough for today because obviously you have to go look at some horribly dismembered... (Door slams behind Booth and Brennan) ...human remains.

(Cut to: The training ground. Brennan is examining the remains on the vehicle's windshield. The State Police Instructor approaches Booth who is nearby. FBI personnel are working in the background.)

BOOTH: Any idea how the body got in there.

STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: I guess anyone could have done it anytime in the last three days.

BRENNAN: Male, 45 to 50 years old. Do we know where the rest of the remains are?

STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: Yes, uh, one leg is over there, the other's over there and the arm is over there (he nods his head to indicate locations). Did I k*ll this man?



BRENNAN: This man was shot in the chest.

STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: Would you be all upset if I had a little cry? (He turns away).

BOOTH: Yeah, take your time. (To Brennan) Uh, what's that there on the inside of his pocket?

BRENNAN: (Removes a charred notebook and leafs through it) This man was obviously some kind of technical designer or engineer.

BOOTH: Squint huh, one of your own.


(Cut to: The Jeffersonian. Int. Medico-Legal Lab. Hodgins and Angela are walking through the lab looking at several laminated sheets).

HODGINS: So these are from the notebook found in our victim's windbreaker?

ANGELA: Blueprints, schematics, sketches.

HODGINS: a*t*matic toilet scrubber, looks like those little vacuum cleaners that move around on their own.

ANGELA: Things in a toilet bowl should not move. Alright, look at this, this is a, a snow shovel with an attached heating device.

HODGINS: Wow, our victim was an inventor.

(Clark appears and clears his throat)

ANGELA: Clark, hey. (She runs up and hugs him)

CLARK: Oh god, here we go.

ANGELA: Really, you came back, huh?

HODGINS: You said you didn't want to work with us anymore.

CLARK: No, I said my preferred working style tends towards the professional. See my tie? That's an indicator.

ANGELA: Mmm-hmm, so why'd you come back then?

(Angela turns to walk into her office, Hodgins and Clark follow).

CLARK: Because this is the finest forensics facility in the world.

HODGINS: Wanna fly MiGs, you fly MiG alley right.

CLARK: A Korean w*r reference. You do know that we have a brand new w*r right? It's, uh, been in the news.

(Angela looks closely at one sheet and puts the rest down).

ANGELA: Yeah, I got a form letter here from the Patent Office.

CLARK: Ah, good, work. (He reaches for the sheet, Angela pulls it away).

ANGELA: Aren't you the least bit curious about whether Hodgins and I are back together or not?

CLARK: And... not work. Am I the only one that can tell the difference here? Is there a name on that letter?

ANGELA: No, there's a patent application number. We can find out who filed it.

HODGINS: Coleoptera just started feeding on the Diptera larva meaning our victim died about three days ago.

CLARK: Thank you. (He leaves the office).

HODGINS: (Calling after Clark). Aren't you impressed that Angela and I can still work together so well? (Clark turns and pulls out his tie).

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab. The forensics platform. The remains are laid out on a table Brennan is examining them. She lifts the head up to look underneath).

BRENNAN: Ah... there's no obvious exit wound.

(We see Cam also looking at the remains.)

CAM: That suggests a .22 or .25 caliber. I'll keep my eyes open.

(Clark arrives at the platform).

CLARK: Multiple points of possible ante-mortem in-bending with concomitant fracture. (He brings up x-rays on a screen)

CAM: These abrasions are patterned. Repeated blows with a perforated surface?

(Booth and Jared Booth ascend steps to the platform)

JARED: Camille.

(Cam approaches Booth and Jared).

CAM: Jarhead, it's really you.

JARED: Jarheads are marines. I'm a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, not an acceptable mistake.

CAM: He's getting so big. Soon he'll be wanting a later curfew and a car of his own.

BOOTH: Jared, this here is my partner Dr. Temperance Brennan, that back there (indicates Clark) is a squint. Bones, this is my little brother.

(Brennan removes her gloves and approaches Jared).

JARED: Bones.

BOOTH: (To Jared) Dr. Brennan.

(Jared and Brennan shake hands).

BRENNAN: Ah it is nice to meet you Jarhead. I can see the family resemblance. (She looks closely at his face). Your facial structure is even more symmetrical than Booth's.

JARED: (To Booth.) Is she coming on to me?

BOOTH: No it's just the way she talks.

JARED: Right.

CAM: So, the Pentagon huh?

JARED: You're looking at the new head of Strategic Plans and Policy.

BOOTH: Basically he runs the place. So, uh, Cam, Jared has a favor he'd like to ask.

JARED: I can ask my own favors Seeley.

BOOTH: Okay, go ahead.

(Brennan moves away).

JARED: There's a cocktail party tonight. I'm in need of a beautiful woman on my arm, preferably a very smart one.

BRENNAN: I'm quite intelligent.

BOOTH: No. Not that you're not intelligent, I mean you are intelligent.

CAM: I would be delighted.

(Angela comes to the platform with some papers)

ANGELA: I've got a hit on the patent application, filed by somebody named Paul Stegman. (She hands Booth a document). I've got an address, there. Whoa, there's more than one Booth. I'm Angela. Montenegro.

JARED: Jared Booth.


BOOTH: Okay, uh Jared, uh Bones and I have to work on a case so... JARED: Yeah, no problem. I will, uh, grab a cab and get settled into my new place.

BOOTH: Okay JARED: It was very nice to meet you all, and Cam I will pick you up at your place, say seven.

CAM: Sounds good.

JARED: Alright. (He leaves the platform).

BRENNAN: (Aside to Angela.) Are you thinking of leaving lesbianism behind?

ANGELA: I prefer not to be labeled, okay.

BOOTH: (To Clark) Well, since you were last here Angela ran into her ex-girlfriend, who is now her ex-ex-girlfriend.

CLARK: Well, the only ex I care about are X-rays.

BOOTH: Right.

CLARK: Apologize for the pun. (He leaves).

BOOTH: Yeah, don't give up your day job kid. Okay Bones, what say we go and solve a m*rder, huh? Come on.

(Cut to: Int. the Stegman House. Paul and Lily Stegman sit on the couch. Booth and Brennan sit opposite)

BOOTH: The remains are those of a man in his fifties, bearded.

BRENNAN: Five foot ten, approximately 195 pounds.

PAUL STEGMAN: That matches the description of my father.

LILY STEGMAN: Was the, uh victim wearing a blue windbreaker with yellow piping? (Booth hands over a photo)

PAUL STEGMAN: Yeah, that... that's my windbreaker. (He stands).

LILY STEGMAN: He borrowed it Paul. One of your notebooks must have been in the pocket.

BOOTH: When was the last time you saw your father?

PAUL STEGMAN: Er... er, three days ago.

LILY STEGMAN: Was he drunk? He used to go on binges.


BOOTH: How often did your, uh, father go on drinking binges?

PAUL STEGMAN: We don't really know.

LILY STEGMAN: Jim had just come back into our lives. He said he quit drinking.

PAUL STEGMAN: He walked out on me and my mom when I was a kid.

LILY STEGMAN: His father wrapped his car round a tree drunk driving, Paul was injured and so was his mom.

PAUL STEGMAN: He broke both his legs, but, soon as he got crutches he was gone.

BRENNAN: How did he find you again?

PAUL STEGMAN: There was an article about me in this magazine. Dad read it, called me, said he had cleaned up his act, wanted to reconnect.

(Lily Stegman passes a framed copy of the article to Brennan.)

PAUL STEGMAN: So we invited him to stay with us.

BOOTH: Did your father have any run-ins recently?

PAUL STEGMAN: (Now seated again). Was my father m*rder*d?

BRENNAN: We think it may be foul play, yes.

(Lily Stegman looks nervous)

BOOTH: Mrs. Stegman?

LILY STEGMAN: The day before your father disappeared I came home from school, I teach fifth grade, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I, I saw Mike leaving the house, he looked upset.

BRENNAN: Who's Mike?

PAUL STEGMAN: Mike Campbell. We used to be business partners, but we're still friends.

LILY STEGMAN: Your dad said he caught Mike taking something from your workshop.

PAUL STEGMAN: Yeah, we loan each other tools all the time. I mean I bet dad just didn't understand that.

BOOTH: Well I'm gonna need Mike's number.

(Cut to: Int. Mike Campbell's workshop. The door opens, Mike Campbell enters followed by Brennan.)

BOOTH: (His voice is heard from outside.) So there, is it true that you borrowed his tools?

(Booth enters. Brennan is looking around).

MIKE CAMPBELL: What? I didn't borrow anything.

BOOTH: Well then Mr. Campbell what were you doing at, uh the Stegman house?

MIKE CAMPBELL: I went to confront his dad.

BOOTH: 'Bout what?

MIKE CAMPBELL: When I get stuck on one of my projects I like to do a little off track betting. Making predictions based on statistical models clears my head.

(Booth looks to Brennan)

BRENNAN: Makes complete sense.

MIKE CAMPBELL: Yeah. So, uh, that day I go in and there's Paul's dad. He's placing bets and taking hits off of a flask.

BRENNAN: Indicating that he hadn't really stopped drinking.

MIKE CAMPBELL: I confronted him and then the old geezer slammed me against a wall and told me to mind my own business.

BOOTH: So then you left?

MIKE CAMPBELL: That's right. But then he disappeared so I figured why should I spoil Paul's last memories of his old man.

BRENNAN: Your inventions are much more industrial than Paul Stegman's.

MIKE CAMPBELL: Yeah, uh that's why we stopped being partners. Paul's more into toys and gadgets. (Brennan looks at a grating) Oh that is part of a pressurized industrial sieve. Its application's in the sewerage industry.

BRENNAN: This grating could have caused the damage to Jim's face.

(Cut to: Int. Booth's car. Booth is driving Brennan is in the passenger seat. His cell phone rings)

BOOTH: (Answers cell on speaker) Booth.

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab. Int. Cam's office. Cam sits at her desk, Jared leans. The scene cuts between speakers during the phone conversation.)

JARED: Did you catch the m*rder*r?

BRENNAN: We subpoenaed a possible m*rder w*apon.

CAM: Not a bad day's work.

JARED: More important than catching a m*rder*r, I'm dateless tonight.

BOOTH: What happened to Cam?

CAM: Oddly I think it's more important to catch this m*rder*r. I'm working.

JARED: So who else you got for me Seeley?

BOOTH: What am I, your pimp?

JARED: Don't think I'm not appreciative.

BRENNAN: Clark has everything under control so I could go.

BOOTH: What?

JARED: Really?


JARED: Thank you.


JARED: Wha... w, wait this is Bones, right? Not some ugly FBI woman with a moustache.

BRENNAN: I don't have a moustache Jared.

JARED: Seeley would you mind?

BOOTH: Mmm No, why would I mind. 'S alright.

JARED: Which means this is a great time to hang up.

BOOTH: Um-hmm. (He flips his phone closed).

(Cut to: Medico-Legal Lab. Int. Bone Room. Brennan enters in evening wear. She is fiddling with her earring)

BRENNAN: What did you find?

CLARK: It's what I didn't find that's interesting. (He notices her outfit) You have got to be kidding me.


CLARK: Oh nothing nothing, nothing Dr. Brennan, I just er didn't know that you were so er... The m*rder victim was supposed to be a long term heavy drinker, yet his bones show no signs of alcoholic osteoporosis.

(We see that Clark is viewing X-rays on a large screen.)

BRENNAN: There's no damage to the cancellous structure of the long bones either.

CLARK: Furthermore, he was supposed to have broken his legs in a car accident approximately 25 years ago.

BRENNAN: There's no signs of remodeling.

CLARK: No. These legs were never broken. We misidentified the victim. He is not Paul Stegman's father.

(Cut to: The Whitehouse: The Rose Garden. A cocktail party is underway. Jared in Naval uniform, drink in hand, stands talking to a group of other uniformed officers.)

JARED: Thank you General, appreciated. Would you gentlemen excuse me please?

(Jared leaves the group and moves towards a seated Brennan. A waiter passes and holds out a tray.)

WAITER: Champagne?

JARED: (Takes a glass) Thank you. (He hands champagne to Brennan.) Don't tell me you're sorry you came?

BRENNAN: No, not at all. (Jared sits and clinks her glass.) It is not often I get to observe people this powerful in a relaxed situation.

JARED: Don't be fooled, it's a school of piranhas in here. (They both laugh.)

BRENNAN: You're good at this. They listen to you when you speak.

JARED: You wanna know the secret? (He leans in close to her.) You have an incredibly beautiful, incredibly intelligent scientist slash novelist sitting alone waiting for you to bring her a drink. (Brennan laughs.) Nah, it's too corny.

BRENNAN: Definitely. (Jared laughs) I was thinking how Booth would be bored, at a function like this.

JARED: This kind of event would make Seeley very nervous. I don't mean he's incapable, my brother's very very capable. It's just, it's like Seeley's afraid of success. He stays in his comfort zone. Drove our dad nuts. (He sips his drink).

BRENNAN: Really?

JARED: Maybe that's what made him a good sn*per. He doesn't like to be visible above the ridge line so he keeps his head low - instinct. Me on the other hand, well I cannot help but run that ridge.

BRENNAN: Can you give me an example?

(Jared leans in and kisses her)

JARED: I bet you Seeley never took that risk.


JARED: (They clink glasses.) To a good night.

BRENNAN: Yes, so far.

(Cut to: Int. Medico Legal Lab. Cam is at her desk talking on speakerphone)

CAM: I found a match for our victim's DNA on the felony database.

BOOTH: (His voice over speakerphone) Have you seen Bones this morning?

CAM: No, I think she and Jared had a late night. Open the attachment I just sent you.

(Cut to: The Hoover building. Int. Booth's office. Booth is sat at his desk. He clicks and a mug-shot opens on his computer screen. The scene cuts between speakers during the phone conversation.)

BOOTH: 'Kay, Anthony Pongetti, multiple fraud convictions.

CAM: That's our victim.

BOOTH: Right so, Pongetti pretends to be Stegman. Why?

CAM: Reads that article on the inventor and figures there's something to cash in on.

BOOTH: You know, Bones never gets in this late.

CAM: You're the one who said you didn't mind them going out together.

BOOTH: (Sighs) Bye. (Cam rolls her eyes.)

(Colonel Wolchuck knocks and enters Booth's office).

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: Special Agent Booth?

BOOTH: Well look at that, a full Colonel from the State Police.

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: Ryan Wolchuck. (They shake hands).

BOOTH: How are you?


BOOTH: No, please have a seat. You know if this is about the RICO investigation I've been keeping you guys in the loop just like I promised.

(They both sit).

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: Well I'm here about the meth lab body.

BOOTH: Okay.

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: It's extremely embarrassing for the State Police that this homicide victim was blown up during a training exercise.

BOOTH: Uh huh.

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: And the Superintendent, the Governor, various movers and shakers would look kindly on it if you, well if you simply neglected to give that small detail to the press.

BOOTH: And if the press digs up that the bodies were burned and blown into several pieces it makes the FBI look sneaky.

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: Well, the FBI is sneaky. (They both laugh)

BOOTH: (Stands) Right. Not today sir.

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: (Stands) Careers are made when men of good intent help each other.

BOOTH: I'll tell you what. Why don't we just tell the truth and take our lumps when we have to.

(Cut to: Int. Medico-Legal Lab: Brennan's office. Brennan sits at her desk, Clark stands by her shoulder.)

BRENNAN: No signs of remodeling

(CAM appears at the door)

CAM: Did you just get in?

BRENNAN: I haven't been to sleep.

(CAM enters)

CAM: Can I offer you a little insight into Booth's little brother.

CLARK: Oh god, why am I always standing precisely in the wrong place?

BRENNAN: I didn't have sex with him Cam.

(Angela enters)

ANGELA: Didn't have sex with who?

CAM: Jared Booth.

ANGELA: Good. (She hands a file to Clark, he leaves the room).

BRENNAN: Why good?

CAM: Because... because... ANGELA: Because he's Booth's little brother and it would just be a creepy way to have sex with a Booth without having sex with the real Booth.

CAM: Kudos Angela. I would not have had the guts to say that aloud.

BRENNAN: N... Jared is a real Booth.

ANGELA: Hmmm. Jared's Booth lite. Booth is the real Booth.

BRENNAN: W... what if Booth is Booth lite?

(Clark re-enters the room with a file)

CLARK: Angela found the real Jim Stegman.


(Clark places an open file on her desk, they all move to see.)

ANGELA: Here, in the Jeffersonian cold storage. (She takes a photo from the file and places it on top.) Only, he's known as John Doe 100803.

CAM: Looks like a drowning victim.

ANGELA: Only if he drowned after being shot in the heart.

CLARK: How did you find him?

ANGELA: The real Jim Stegman has DNA on file stemming from an as*ault charge twelve years ago. I ran a search and this popped up.

BRENNAN: He's been a John Doe right here in the Jeffersonian, since last week.

CAM: (reading from file) Washed up at Anacostia Naval Station. Last known address: Bowie, Maryland.

(Cut to: Int. a garage apartment: Jim Stegman's home. The door opens slowly to reveal Sheriff Wilkinson, Brennan and Booth outside.)

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Well this is Jim Stegman's place. Landlord says nobody's been in here since he went missing.

(They duck under the opening door and enter.)

BOOTH: This guy's gone missing twice and nobody reports it.

SHERIFF WILKINSON: You say Jim ended up shot and dumped in the river?

BOOTH: That's right, shot and dumped. (He looks around).

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Old Jim did not deserve that ending, what with quitting drinking and quit betting.

BOOTH: Well, it looks like he fell off the, uh gambling bandwagon. (He is looking through a pile of betting slips) No sign of booze anywhere. Here. (He hands the slips to Brennan).


BOOTH: Yeah.

BRENNAN: One of these is made out to Anthony Pongetti.

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Pongetti, well that old boy's another whole earful of wax.

BOOTH: Bad egg?

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Black-hearted son of a bitch yeah. Had him in custody, oh, two months ago.

BOOTH: For what?

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Running a bogus roof repair company. He'd give an estimate, 'n take a deposit then skedaddle. Mind I ask what's going on here in my own town?

BOOTH: Yeah, the real Jim Stegman, he was shot, k*lled, dumped in the river a week ago. Pongetti shot and k*lled four days ago after pretending to be Jim Stegman.

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Sounds like maybe Pongetti k*lled Jim then committed, whatd'yamacallit, identity theft.

(Booths cell phone buzzes. He has a text message: From: Jared Booth I'm in trouble Jared)

BOOTH: Yeah uh, (He flips his phone closed). Thanks, Bones you know what? I gotta get you back to the lab okay? Thanks, ah Sheriff.

(Cut to: Int. Medico-Legal Lab. We see a large industrial looking machine.)

HODGINS: Paul Stegman had 66 inventions in his notebook and this one was marked with a star.

(Hodgins and Clark come into view. Hodgins tips a bin full of bottles and cans into the machine).

CLARK: All it needed was a little more torque.

HODGINS: Yeah well, if the gears can handle it. (Clark switches the machine on. It makes a loud noise as it processes the cans and bottle through 3 chutes. Brennan enters)

BRENNAN: (Loudly over the noise) Clark I was wondering if you had a chance to look at the gr...

(A bottle sh**t from the machine and hits the wall close to where Brennan is standing. Clark winces and switches the machine off).

BRENNAN: Is this one of Stegman's inventions?

HODGINS: Yeah, it's a garbage sorter. And thanks to Clark it works.

CLARK: I only indulged in this, uh diversion after he asked for help. I wasn't wasting time. I came in for the uh... the grating you got from Mike Campbell was not the w*apon used to strike Anthony Pongetti in the face. (He picks up the grating and holds it out for Brennan.) The zygomatic bones were fractured. The screen, while it resembles stainless steel, is actually a rather malleable magnesium alloy. So for it to cause that much damage... BRENNAN: Yes, it would have been bent from the impact.

CLARK: Yes. So what we're looking for is something heavier.

(Cut to: Street. Several police vehicles are parked with lights on. Jared Booth is stood leant against his car which has been in a crash. Booth's vehicle pulls up lights flashing and siren on. Booth gets out and approaches Jared.)

VOICE OVER RADIO: ...dispatch. ...Jared Booth US Navy Lieutenant Commander over. Copy, notify will stand by for transport now... BOOTH: You alright?

JARED: Yeah, yeah Seeley. I fell asleep at the wheel but, I'm okay.

BOOTH: Yeah. Fell asleep.

JARED: Local trooper here says he knows you.

(State Police Colonel Wolchuck approaches)


(Booth turns to face Colonel Wolchuck.)

BOOTH: Colonel Wolchuck. Is that what we're going with here, he fell asleep at the wheel?

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: I'm sure you'll agree it's best just to tell the truth, take our lumps when we have to.

JARED: They get me for DUI, I lose my job Seeley. I mean, I lose my whole career.

BOOTH: (He turns back to Jared) Shut up. Shut up. Please. (To Colonel Wolchuck) Can I talk to you for a second?

(Cut to Int. the Stegman House. Paul is seated at the dining table Lily stands behind him.)

PAUL STEGMAN: The first body you found wasn't my father, but the second was?

(We see Booth and Brennan are stood facing Paul Stegman.)

LILY STEGMAN: So the man we actually met, the one who said he was Paul's father... BRENNAN: Was not, that's correct.

PAUL STEGMAN: This Pongetti guy, did he k*ll my father?

BOOTH: We don't know that yet.

LILY STEGMAN: Were we in danger?

BRENNAN: Well, Anthony Pongetti was... BOOTH: He was harmless. He was a conman, that's all.

BRENNAN: Did Pongetti leave anything behind? Luggage, or papers?

LILY STEGMAN: He left a duffel bag in the coat closet over there.

BOOTH: Hey Bones, lets check it out.

(They all move to the closet)

PAUL STEGMAN: What did this man want from us?

BRENNAN: We think it's possible he wanted to profit off of your inventions.

(Brennan puts on latex gloves and reaches for the bag)

PAUL STEGMAN: He'd be the first one that ever did that then.

LILY STEGMAN: Don't do that to yourself.

BOOTH: Well look at this thing, man, what is this thing, a robot?

(Booth pulls something heavy out of the closet)

PAUL STEGMAN: That's a battery operated electrostatic dust trap.


PAUL STEGMAN: I gave up on it months ago. Uh, it's... hold on, (he opens the dust trap to reveal a brown paper bag.) Oh... that's not supposed to be in there. (He removes the bag.)

BOOTH: Oh ho ho, what is that?

(Brennan takes the bag and takes out two thick wads of cash)

LILY STEGMAN: Oh my god.

BRENNAN: Twenty grand give or take.

(Booth whistles)

PAUL STEGMAN: Do we get to keep that?

LILY STEGMAN: Paul, he wasn't even really your father.


BOOTH: That is the best motive we've seen for m*rder yet. Right there.

(Cut to: Hoover building: Int. Booth's office. We see a TV, on screen Colonel Wolchuck is giving a press conference.)

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: My name is Colonel Ryan Wolchuck of the State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigations. I have the great pleasure of announcing today that the Grand Jury has handed down 62 indictments following the State Police crackdown on organized crime.

(The shot pulls back and we see Booth sat on his desk watching the TV).

COLONEL WOLCHUCK: This victory is the result of a six month RICO investigation by our department. The State Police would like to acknowledge the very fine support work of several FBI field officers.

(Booth switches off the TV. He removes what we assume are travel tickets from his jacket pocket.)

BOOTH: Yeah. Support. (He rips the tickets and throws them in the bin. He takes the Hawaii books from his desk and throws them in the bin too. He sighs and sits at desk. His cell phone rings, he checks it and flips it shut.)

Cut to: Int. Medico-Legal Lab: The Autopsy Room. Cam is working with some remains. Booth enters.)

BOOTH: Hey Cam, what's up? What's so urgent?

CAM: Your people found a fingerprint on the bag of money.

BOOTH: I know, W... we don't have an ID. What, why is that so urgent. What's going on?

CAM: What happened? (Booth looks puzzled. Cam returns the look) I watch TV, State Police getting all the glory for that big RICO case. What the hell?

BOOTH: Relax, okay it's political. It came down way far above my head, right.

CAM: Don't you lie to me big man, I'm your friend. I know where this came from, and it wasn't from on high.

BOOTH: Cam, just let this one slip by. (She looks down, then nods. He leaves).

(Cut to: The Hoover building. Int. an elevator. Jared is inside. The elevator doors open to reveal Sweets waiting. He enters, the doors close)

SWEETS: You must be Agent Booth's brother.

JARED: Yeah I'm Jared. You FBI?

SWEETS: FBI? Uh yeah, yeah. Lance Sweets.

JARED: Nice to meet you

(We see Jared holding tickets for a Capitals hockey game.)

SWEETS: Capitals.

JARED: Yeah, I know Seeley's a Flyers man, but hey, when in Rome right? (The elevator doors open, he motions Sweets to exit first). Please.

(They exit the elevator and walk towards Booth's office)

SWEETS: Yeah, I still haven't gotten him anything for his birthday.

JARED: Oh my brother doesn't like birthday presents. Anyways these are more like a thank you. Or, an apology. You know what it's like with brothers right?

SWEETS: No, only child. (They enter Booth's empty office, Sweets waits in the doorway, Jared approaches the desk)

JARED: Oh well having a big brother is like having an extra dad, only a dad who protects you from your real dad, and always thinks of you as a kid. (He leaves the tickets on Booth's desk, and turns back to Sweets).

SWEETS: I have the same problem with Booth.

JARED: There is nothing worse than somebody who always thinks they're right, and then they're right. Right? It's a pleasure Agent Sweets (they shake hands. Jared leaves)

SWEETS: Doctor, not Agent.

(Cut to: Int. Medico Legal Lab: The Bone Room. A skeleton is laid out on a light table. Clark walks around the table, Brennan stands at the skull end).

CLARK: Jim Stegman was shot four times. I postulate that each g*nsh*t was both precise and deliberate and did not occur in a rapid fire succession.

BRENNAN: There's no way to tell that from the bones.

CLARK: No, not from the bones, close range injuries. Middle of the foot, middle of the knee, middle of the shoulder, dead centre on the heart. (He points to indicate each injury). Small caliber w*apon.

BRENNAN: You believe this was done on purpose.

CLARK: Yes, t*rture. Someone was trying to get information from this man.

BRENNAN: Pure conjecture Dr Edison. But it has logical integrity.

(Cut to: Int. The Hoover building: A corridor. Brennan and Booth are walking).

BOOTH: So, three years ago Stegman and Pongetti, they were arrested. They were working some scam together.

BRENNAN: Well, we already knew they were accomplices.

BOOTH: Yeah well, there was a third guy involved. They ratted him out, he went to jail for five years.

BRENNAN: Five year sentence, Three years with parole. Is the stool out?

BOOTH: Is the stool out? No, you mean stoolie and the third guy wasn't the stoolie, Stegman and Pongetti were, 'kay. You go in there, I'll be in here. (Booth opens a door)

(Cut to: Int. Interrogation Room. Steve Jackson is sat at the table. Booth enters).

BOOTH: Steve Jackson. What the hell are you wearing?

STEVE JACKSON: I'm on parole - they won't let me work on Wall Street. Course I'd make less there. What's this about?

BOOTH: Stegman and Pongetti.

STEVE JACKSON: Parole officer already told me to stay away from 'em.

(Booth, still standing leans down on the chair opposite).

BOOTH: But you didn't stay away from them did you Steve?

STEVE JACKSON: Fine, I met with Stegman.


STEVE JACKSON: He was making amends, apologizing, in the program. One small parole violation and the FBI get involved.

BOOTH: Stegman and Pongetti are both dead.

STEVE JACKSON: You gotta be kidding.

BOOTH: Shot. 'S okay, you can take a moment to rejoice in the death of your enemies. Go ahead.

STEVE JACKSON: Pongetti's dead good, I'm glad. Stegman, he was okay.

BOOTH: He ratted you out.

STEVE JACKSON: Pongetti ratted me out. Stegman backed him is all. I don't begrudge. I have an alibi anyway.

BOOTH: I didn't tell you when they died.

(Jackson lifts his leg onto the table. He is wearing an electronic tag).

STEVE JACKSON: Tracking device, somebody somewhere knows where I am 24 hours a day since I got out for the next two years.

(Booth smiles then exits)

(Cut to: Int. Observation Room. Brennan watches Steve Jackson through a two way mirror. She turns as Booth enters).

BRENNAN: Do you think he did it?

BOOTH: No, we'll check his whereabouts but, you know, I don't think so. Nice hat huh? Come on I'll take you back to the lab. (He turns to go).

BRENNAN: What happened with your RICO bust? (Booth turns back to her).

BOOTH: Nothing, why? Huh, you been talking to Cam?

BRENNAN: No. Did you do something wrong?

BOOTH: What d'you mean?

BRENNAN: Well you didn't get the credit you deserve. What did you do?

BOOTH: Life is not always about credit.

BRENNAN: Well that's not what you said before. You said life was all about credit and you were going to Hawaii and they were going to put you on a coin.

BOOTH: Uh, you know what, let's just forget about it. Okay Bones, forget about it. (He turns to go again).

BRENNAN: Jared warned me that you tend to sabotage yourself. (Booth turns back).

BOOTH: Jared said that?

BRENNAN: Mm-hmm. He said that you were afraid of success.

BOOTH: Mmm, so basically I'm a loser.

BRENNAN: No, he never said the word loser.

BOOTH: Do you think I'm a loser, like that guy in there. Some clown in some dumb-ass uniform who basically can't do any better? Is that what you think?

BRENNAN: Well, anthropologically, males tend to rank themselves into a hierarchy. There's no shame in not being at the top of the hierarchy.

BOOTH: You're not answering the question Bones. Answer my question. (His cell phone rings, he answers). Booth.

(Cut to: Int. Cam's Office. Cam is sat at her desk)

CAM: Your forensic techs got an ID for the fingerprint on the money bag.

BOOTH: Is it Stegman or Pongetti?

CAM: Stegman, but not the one you're thinking of.

BOOTH: The son?

CAM: Nope, the wife. The fingerprint belongs to Lily Stegman. (We see her picture on Cam's computer screen.)

BOOTH: Thanks. (He closes his cell phone). (To Brennan) The fingerprints belong to Lily Stegman. We know that because she works with kids.

BRENNAN; She acted like she'd never seen that money before.

BOOTH: Well, she was lying. (He turns to go).

BRENNAN: Booth... BOOTH: Bones, lets just go and do our work. (He exits; she grabs her bag and follows.)

(Cut to: Booth's office. Lily Stegman is sitting in front of the desk, Booth and Brennan are standing.)

LILY STEGMAN: I thought he was Paul's father I would never hurt him.

BRENNAN: We found your fingerprints on the money.

BOOTH: Can you explain that.

LILY STEGMAN; I'm ashamed.

BOOTH: Well, whatever you're ashamed of believe me m*rder is worse. (He sits at his desk).

LILY STEGMAN: The day after Jim, the man we thought was Jim, the day after he disappeared a package arrived for him. When he didn't come back I started thinking he meant for us to open it.

BRENNAN: That doesn't make any sense.

BOOTH: No, I understand. He's gone, it's sitting there, maybe he meant for you to have it.


BOOTH: Plus, you have a family to take care of. We do whatever we can for family.

LILY STEGMAN: I Opened it. It was full of cash... (She opens her bag and removes a piece of paper. Brennan takes it) and, a note.

BRENNAN: (Reading from the note) Jim do me a big favor. Hold onto this until I can get it back from you. Help yourself to whatever you need. P.

BOOTH: P. Pongetti.

LILY STEGMAN: I know I should have called the police and when you came I should have told you, but by then... BOOTH: You needed the money and in a way you felt like you earned it for taking an old man in. Family.

LILY STEGMAN: My teaching salary barely pays the bills and we're trying to have another child.

BRENNAN: So you were the one that hid the money in the dust trap thing.


BOOTH: What does your husband know?

LILY STEGMAN: Nothing. I promise.

BRENNAN: She could just be protecting him.

LILY STEGMAN: I am, by not letting him know about the money you found, or the... rest of it.

BOOTH: The rest of it?

BRENNAN: There's more?

LILY STEGMAN: Yes, I put it into our safety deposit box.

BOOTH: (He leans forwards.) Okay, how much?

LILY STEGMAN: 150 thousand dollars.

(Booth and Brennan exchange a look).

(Cut to: Int. Booth's car. Booth is driving; Brennan is in the passenger seat.)

BOOTH: So I figured what happened is that Pongetti got his cash in some, you know, illegal way. Maybe in a way that could get him k*lled. Stegman, he's about to go visit his son.

BRENNAN: So Pongetti sends the cash to his friend for safety.

BOOTH: Then Stegman gets k*lled. So to go get that cash Pongetti decides to pretend to be Stegman.

BRENNAN: People make stupid irrational decisions. (Her cell phone rings. She answers). Brennan.

BOOTH: They act from the heart sometimes Bones, 's not a crime.

BRENNAN: (Into phone) Okay I'll be right there. (She ends call. To Booth.) Cam needs me.

(Cut to: Int. Medico-Legal Lab: The Mezzanine. Cam leans on the balcony waiting.)

BRENNAN: Hello (Brennan arrives).

CAM: Dr. Brennan. I don't want you to think this is an intervention.

BRENNAN: I don't know what that means.

(Sweets arrives with a tray of coffee cups)

SWEETS: An intervention is when a group of loved ones bands together to help one of their own make a difficult decision.

CAM: Oh, then, then it is an intervention.

BRENNAN: Are you my loved ones?

SWEETS: I was troubled by a conversation I had with Jared Booth.

CAM: Sweets came to me with some theories about Booth's family life, and he pretty much nailed it.

BRENNAN: Nailed what.

SWEETS: Sit down. (They all sit; he places the tray on the table.) Booth and Jared are children of a physically abusive alcoholic father.

CAM: Booth's been digging Jared out of trouble since they were kids. Jared always comes up smelling like a rose and Booth takes the hit.

SWEETS: He's denying his brother the opportunity to take responsibility and learn from his own mistakes.

BRENNAN: You have no evidence of that.

CAM: I've known the Booth boys for 15 years.

SWEETS: Now it's natural to be protective of a younger sibling. Of course Jared is a grown man, an intelligent, talented, capable adult.

BRENNAN: I like him very much.

CAM: Yah? Well, cut it out.

BRENNAN: Booth shouldn't be threatened by the fact that his brother is more successful.

CAM: I am absolutely certain that however it is Booth lost all the credit for that RICO bust, it's because of Jared.

BRENNAN: We're all scientists here, right? Well, not you. (She points to SWEETS). What is your evidence?

CAM: How about this, the last time I told Booth what I thought of Jared, he didn't speak to me for six months.

BRENNAN: That is an anecdote.

CAM: We're saying maybe Booth deserves the benefit of the doubt here, until all the evidence is in.

BRENNAN: Evidence, I am comfortable with evidence.

CAM: Okay, here's some evidence. The b*ll*ts that k*lled both Stegman and Pongetti were fired from the same g*n.

BRENNAN: Which suggests they were k*lled by the same person. Thank you.

CAM: Should I tell Booth?

BRENNAN: No, I'll do it. (She stands and leaves).

(Cam and Sweets look after her.)

(Cut to: Int. The Founding Fathers bar. Jared sits on a barstool sipping a drink. Brennan enters, they kiss on the cheek.)

BRENNAN: Thanks for coming Jared.

JARED: When a beautiful woman asks me out for lunch...

(Brennan's cell phone rings. She looks - the call is from Booth)

JARED: Something wrong?

(She cancels the call)

BRENNAN: I need to know the truth.

JARED: I've heard that about you.

BRENNAN: Do you know anything about Booth losing credit on the RICO case.

JARED: No. What, I mean that's the first I've heard of it.

BRENNAN: People are telling me that somehow all the credit went to the State Police because of you. Is that possible?

JARED: (He sighs) Oh.

BRENNAN: So, it is possible.

JARED: What did he say to you?

BRENNAN: Nothing.

JARED: I think this is something between brothers. No offense.

(Brennan starts to leave)

JARED: Tempe.

(Brennan turns back to him).

BRENNAN: You took advantage of him. You know you made me think that he's a loser. And what really makes me angry is that I believed you. You know I wouldn't blame Booth if he never spoke to me again. You're the loser. (She leaves.)

(She comes back and pushes Jared completely off his bar stool. She leaves. Jared gets up.)

BARTENDER: You alright?

(Cut to: Int. Booth's car. Booth is driving; Brennan is in the passenger seat.)

BOOTH: 'Kay look, why didn't you pick up? Were you in the bathroom or something?

BRENNAN: To be honest I was sp... BOOTH: Okay never mind, just never mind alright. Agents recovered the rest of the cash from Lily Stegman's safety deposit box, right. The bills were bundled with evidence bands.

BRENNAN: What does that mean?

BOOTH: Well the money is from the County Sheriff's Headquarters in Bowie. It was confiscated during a drug bust.

BRENNAN: Oh, so drug money.

BOOTH: It was scheduled for transfer to the Federal Reserve two weeks ago. A driver from the Reserve shows up, he flashes his credentials, drives off with the dough. Forty minutes later the real driver shows up.

BRENNAN: Oh, so the fake one was Pongetti?

BOOTH: Well it had to be, right? I mean jeez, he got away with over 200 grand.

BRENNAN: But he was in custody there, how come no one recognized him?

(Booth looks at her)

BRENNAN: What? It's a logical question.

BOOTH: Ah, you know what, you are a genius, hold on for a second.

BRENNAN: Why am I a genius?

(He does a u-turn)

BOOTH: Why? Because I let that big Sheriff know that we found 20 thousand dollars at Stegman's house.

BRENNAN: Why is that bad?

BOOTH: Because if he was in it with Pongetti then he thinks he knows where the rest of the money is. Thinks.

(Cut to: Int. The Stegman's entrance hall. Lily and Paul Stegman are stood together.)

LILY STEGMAN: We turned everything over to the FBI.

PAUL STEGMAN: All the money, everything the guy touched.

(The view pulls back to reveal the Stegman's son stood with his father and Sheriff Wilkinson stood by the front door.)

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Well, probably just a break down in jurisdictional communication. I'll check with the FBI.

(Sheriff Wilkinson exits the house onto the front porch.)

BOOTH: (We hear his voice from outside.) Why don't you check with me right now, huh?

(We see Booth standing on the sidewalk with his hands behind his back.)

BOOTH: Better yet, (he brings a shotgun from behind his back) why don't you just come with us now?

(In the street outside the Stegman's home Brennan is peering through the window of Sheriff Wilkinson's patrol car, where she sees a grill)

BRENNAN: The grating is what hit Pongetti in the face.

BOOTH: Old school, huh? Perp was handcuffed in the back, sped up, slammed on breaks, slam, sped, slam, sped.

BRENNAN: He couldn't protect his face.

(Sheriff Wilkinson pulls Lily Stegman towards him and grabs her around the neck. He draws his g*n. Booth aims his shotgun at Sheriff Wilkinson)

PAUL STEGMAN: No, stop, let her go.


BRENNAN: Mr. Stegman, take your little boy inside. (Brennan draws Booths sidearm from its holster.)

LILY STEGMAN: Do it Honey, please.

(Paul Stegman enters the house with his son and shuts the door.)

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Now this is what's gonna happen. You're gonna get in your vehicle and drive away, and I'm gonna do the same thing, and everybody lives and everybody's happy.

BRENNAN: Well, th... that sounds like a good idea.

BOOTH: No, not a good idea, huh. You drive off with the evidence. Not gonna happen.

(Paul Stegman opens the door and starts towards Sheriff Wilkinson, who punches him in the face, he falls down.)

LILY STEGMAN: Paul! Oh god!

(Sheriff Wilkinson begins to descend the porch steps pulling Lily Stegman with him.)

SHERIFF WILKINSON: Agent Booth... you are... by far... the worst hostage negotiator, I have ever run into. (He starts walking backwards with Lily Stegman towards his car) Don't you know you're supposed to talk? Disorient, distract the perpetrator.

(Booth and Brennan advance towards Sheriff Wilkinson with their g*ns raised.)


BOOTH: Not now Bones.

BRENNAN: You want me to try and sh**t him.


BRENNAN: Why? I'm a good shot.

BOOTH: You are not a good shot.

BRENNAN: Wha...? You are. (She turns to Booth.) You know, maybe if we switched weapons you could hit him right between the eyes.

(Sheriff Wilkinson sh**t his g*n. Brennan falls to the ground clutching her arm. Sheriff Wilkinson drags Lily Stegman into his car leaving the drivers door open.)

BOOTH: Bones, Bones are you okay?

(Sheriff Wilkinson, starts the car and begins driving away. Booth looks back to Brennan as he starts to chase the car.)

BOOTH: Bones?

BRENNAN: I'm okay.

(Sheriff Wilkinson pushes Lily Stegman from the moving vehicle, she rolls on the ground. Booth chases the car sh**ting at it four times. The car crashes into a parked vehicle. Paul Stegman runs from the house towards Lily Stegman.)



(Booth approaches Sheriff Wilkinson's car with his shotgun still raised. We see Sheriff Wilkinson slumped over the steering wheel with b*llet wounds in his back. Booth looks over at Brennan who is now standing.)

PAUL STEGMAN: Are you okay? Huh?

(PAUL and LILY STEGMAN hug. They walk towards their house).


(Cut to: Int. The Founding Fathers Bar. Jared stands by a pillar watching Brennan as she begins a toast. Booth sits at the corner of the bar. Brennan's right arm is in a sling, she holds a glass of wine).

BRENNAN: I would like to propose a toast, to my partner, Seeley Booth.

(We see the backs of Angela, Clark and others sat at a table facing Brennan).

ALL: To Booth.

BRENNAN: I know who he is, but I forget sometimes, because... because, he never shines a light on himself. He shines it on other people.

BOOTH: Yeah, right after I conked them on the head with it.

(There are quiet chuckles from the table of friends.)

BRENNAN: Anthropology teaches us that, the alpha male is the man, wearing the crown, displaying the most colorful plumage and the shiniest baubles, he stands out from the others. But I now think that anthropology may have it wrong (Booth looks puzzled.) In working with Booth... (She turns to face him.) I have come to realize that the quiet man, the invisible man, the man who is always there for friends and family, that's the real alpha male. And I promise, that my eyes will never be caught by those... shiny baubles again. Happy birthday. (She clinks glasses with Booth).

ALL: Happy birthday Booth. (They raise their glasses).

BOOTH: Thanks Bones, Thank you.

(Brennan pulls Booth from his seat.)

BOOTH: Uh Bones, alright. What are we doing?

BRENNAN: C'mere.

BOOTH: What.

BRENNAN: Just c'mere for a second. (She leads him to a quieter area further along the bar.) What you're doing for your brother, isn't fair.

BOOTH: Come on Bones, don't get me mad... at you, after that great speech right. Not after I got you shot.

BRENNAN: You didn't get me shot, I got me shot.

BOOTH: (He sits). I don't wanna talk about my brother.

BRENNAN: Would you prefer Sweets do it?

(They look along the bar to see Sweets. He raises his glass to them. Booth turns back to Brennan.)

BOOTH: I'm listening.

BRENNAN: Well I forgot all the psychological stuff but basically, when you... rescue somebody all the time. If you keep getting them out on bail... BOOTH: Bail them out Bones, if you bail them out.

BRENNAN: You're thwarting their ability to help themselves. Now you're angry.

BOOTH: Come on Bones, you have to admit, getting a psychological lesson from you is like... BRENNAN: Getting and anthropology lesson from you.

BOOTH: The RICO case, I traded my one shot at glory to keep my brother from being arrested....... for drunk driving.

BRENNAN: Booth! You know, what if he does it again? What if he kills someone next time? You shouldn't have done that.

BOOTH: Right. Says the woman who got her father off m*rder charges. (He sighs.) Face it, we do things for family.

BRENNAN: You're right, you're totally right.

(We see Jared at the bar chatting and laughing with a young woman.)

BOOTH: No, I'm not BRENNAN: What? Why?

(Booth stands)

BOOTH: There's no risk that your father will k*ll again. (He walks through the bar towards Jared) Jared.

(Jared stands and follows Booth. They exit the bar)

JARED: You uh, bringing me out here to give me advice on your partner, because I think that ship has sailed.

BOOTH: Well no. It's, uh what I gotta do. I, uh, I gotta stop. Do you understand?

JARED: Stop?

BOOTH: Yeah, and you should stop too.

JARED: I gotta stop what?

BOOTH: The drinking: Stop it.

JARED: I'll take that under advisement. (He turns to re-enter the bar).

BOOTH: I'm serious Jared. No more stepping in to make things go away.

JARED: (Angrily) I carry my own water, Seeley. Now you should go back inside and enjoy your birthday party. (He drains his drink and waves the glass in Booth's face)

BOOTH: Right.

JARED: Cheers. (He re-enters the bar)

BOOTH: Yeah, happy birthday to me. (He punches the side of a nearby bus shelter. He sits at the bus shelter).

(Brennan appears holding a plate of cake with her good arm. She stops in front of Booth).

BRENNAN: Okay? You gonna come back in for cake?

BOOTH: Bones, I just need some time.

BRENNAN: Do you need time and space?

BOOTH: (Smiling) Just some time.

(Brennan sits next to Booth. She holds up the plate and they each take a fork and a forkful of cake.)

BOOTH: My dad drank.

(He takes a bite of cake).