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02x04 - Every Monstrous Thing

Posted: 03/16/23 08:06
by bunniefuu
[eerie music plays]


[disembodied whispering]

[indistinct chatter]

[Vasily] Why must you always
play the diplomat, Nikolai?

Grisha dining beside true Ravkan soldiers
is a bit much for all our stomachs.

- We are all Ravkan here.
- Doesn't need to be us versus them.

Kirigan should've thought of that

before he tried to
m*rder my father and stage a coup.

[music playing softly]

That said, absent their Darkling,
the Grisha are rather easy to manage.

By "manage,"
do you mean "execute," moi tsarevich?

That fate is reserved for traitors
to the Crown, Miss Starkov.

If the Second Army requires
a leader loyal to the Crown

to assure their fealty,
then I will lead them.


Why should I believe
you have any loyalty to my family?

Today marks the start
of a new era of cooperation

between Lantsovs and the Grisha.

I'm delighted to announce
my engagement to Alina Starkov,

the Sun Summoner
and new leader of the Second Army.

Together, we will build
a better future for Ravka.

[speaks Ravkan]

[all speak Ravkan]

[in English] That was a bit much.

Understatement is overrated.

That's a lot to take on.

[Nadia] She can handle it.

Summoning light doesn't make one
qualified to run a military campaign.

- She's been a Grisha for less than a year.
- Grisha are born, not made.

- So you won't follow her?
- [Zoya] Of course I will.

If we don't act, we'll be lumped in
with Kirigan and reviled as traitors.

And I'd rather like to see him fail.

[Tatiana] Are you sure
about this, Sobachka?

I understand the political alignment,

but is this best
for your long-term positioning?

This is what's best for me
and for Ravka, Madraya.

Your other son is working hard
to send this country to civil w*r.

I aim to stand in his way.

[exhales] I'd better plan
some sort of official celebration.

Now's not the time for parties.

Such an affair risks exposure,
Kirigan's threat is unyielding.

You are a Lantsov heir.

If we don't commemorate it,
it'll look like we have something to hide.

I'll keep it small, extended family only.

I'll have my seamstress
run you up something appropriate.

[Baghra] Those wounds
are born of merzost, child.

Tailoring will be a waste of your energy.
They're part of you now.

[door opens]

[tense music plays]

[in Ravkan] Ruined.

[in English] Suffering is as cheap as clay
and twice as common.

What matters is what you make of it.

[door opens]

Why agree to lead the Second Army?
The engagement was there to protect you,

- not put you on the front line.
- What about Grisha who need protection?

Ravka's on the brink of civil w*r.

Rogue soldiers weren't k*lling Grisha,
it was on Vasily's orders.

Running the Second Army won't change that.

It will put a larger target on your back.

All Grisha are being targeted.
I was trying to provide hope.

[sighs] If you want to help Grisha,
we need to focus on finding the Firebird.

Once you tear down the Fold, the reason
for w*r, for hating Grisha, all goes away.

Once the Fold is gone,
someone else can lead the Second Army.

Nikolai can find himself a new bride.

But we came here to unite Ravka.

You came here for Ravka.

I came here for you.

You're my flag, Alina.

You're my nation, not this swamp.

[solemn music plays]

This swamp is worth saving.

I have to believe that. Believe in me.

Believe that once this is all over,
it will just be the two of us,

and a whole world to explore.

[sinister music plays]

[grim music plays]


Arrogant fool.
What you're attempting is heresy.

Well, you're an amplifier.

Surely you know how much other Grisha
desire even a... trace of your power.

What is infinite? The universe...

[Kirigan] And the greed of men.

You do love a bit of dogma,
don't you, Mother?

Stewed figs.

Your favorite.

You think you can win me over
with a bit of warm fruit?


[bowl thuds]

Take her away.

[cage unlocking]

[chains rattling]

What are you doing with the Tailor girl?

She's a traitor and a useful lesson
for others who might consider crossing me.

She served you loyally
since she was a child,

endured years of abuse on your orders,

and you reduce her to an example?

Oh, Aleksander, where does this stop?

It stops once Ravka is mine,
and Alina is at my side.

So slaughtering civilians,
maiming Grisha, butchering your own kin?

Everything I know, I learned at your knee.

I was a fool to think
I could steer you to redemption.

Spare me your quaint ideas, Mother.

It's too late.

[pensive music plays]

[Inej] Kaz?


Wylan's brought the compound.
Jesper's helping load it in.

In a few hours, when the chips fall...

it'll give me some comfort
to know that you're with me

in the shadows.

I wouldn't miss it.

If the plan goes awry,
promise me one thing.

Get out of the city as fast as you can,
find your brother and never look back.

I can promise you only
that Pekka will beg for his death.

In most places, Sankt Emerens
is just a simple harvest festival.

Nothing on this scale.

In the Barrel, Patron Saint of Brewers
gets the respect he deserves.

Sankt Emerens drowned
in a grain silo trying to drive out rats.

Any holiday that mixes cold brew with
a little light role-play is fine by me.

Ah. Careful!

Break one and there'll be
an uncomfortable role to play

for nine to hours.

Cautionary note taken.

Danger... fun.

[indistinct chatter]



Not many people can pull off a beak.

Go on. Your turn.


Oh, don't forget your gloves.



[inhales sharply]

Covers my whole face.

I kinda like your face.


Smells like these haven't
been washed since last year.

- It'll mimic it in every way?
- Mm-hmm.


You're gonna say
you can't do this without me, yeah?

And that you hate it when we're angry at
each other, but sometimes brothers fight.

And that when all this is over,

you'll open a tab for me
at the club of my choosing,

'cause when Pekka's gone,
you'll take it all.

That's what you were gonna say.


[Kaz] There's a cap on the tab.

But otherwise, yes. To all of that.

Then let's go take down the king.

The plan is this.

Jesper and Wylan, you're gonna
hand out Komedie Brute costumes

and vials of the compound
to all of the Dregs.

Per Haskell's g*ng, our g*ng now.

By sunset, the streets will be
crawling with
Sankt Emerens revelers.

They'll provide us with the cover we need.

Hit all of Pekka's businesses,
the clubs, the brothels.

All to destroy Pekka's reputation.

Inej will cover Fifth Harbor,

and when the chaos begins,

she'll hand the note to Pekka's driver.

Nina and I will handle the Emerald Palace.

See you there.

No mourners.

[all] No funerals.

Why do you guys say that?

Why isn't it just
"good luck" or "be safe"?

We like to keep our expectations low.

You've been quiet.


[Alina grunts]

Absolute rubbish.


It's the second amplifier.

With the Stag, summoning came like breath.

This is like reining chaos.

Crossing the Fold was a disaster.

Hey, we'll get you there.

I could hit you with a switch

- and call you "stupid girl."
- [sighs] It may come to that.

How is it I'm overwhelmed
by the second amplifier

and at the same time
feeling the lack of a third?

For now, let's focus on what we can fix.
Your aim, for starters.

[Alina scoffs]

As leader of the Second Army, I need more.

I need to learn the Cut.

That was Kirigan's way, to lead with fear.

You can lead with your heart.

The Second Army will be better for it.

You make a good point.

But I wouldn't completely reject fear.

Can't tell you how many have
taken one look at my girls

and reconsidered.

I don't know how the Cut works,
that's a top-shelf Etherialki move,

but I do know how to direct power.

It's all about intention.

I like to picture the face
of the person I want to crush.

Try it.


[Kirigan] Remember who's driving.

No, you don't.

They are traitors.

[intense music plays]


[laughing] Well, it's not the Cut,
but it's effective.

I know, not to be disturbed,
but they need you in the w*r room.

- [ominous music plays]
- [sizzling]

[Alina] David.

Oh, so you do know him.

He claims to have escaped
from a very alive General Kirigan.

He gave himself up without a struggle.
We found this on him.

He says it's one of Morozova's journals.

I, for one, am dying to know more,
but he insisted he speak with you.


I know I wronged you.

Please believe I regret my role in that.

I know you have reason to distrust me,
but I have no loyalty to General Kirigan.

He survived the Volcra?

I'm afraid so.

He also knows that
you survived and you're in East Ravka.

Tell us where he is.

[David] No, no, no.

Mm-mm. That would be a very bad idea...

You can't expect us to trust you
unless you share information.

Confronting him would be su1c1de.


Kirigan used merzost
to create something in the Fold.

Creatures that do his bidding,
the size of two men.

Formed of pure shadow.

They have no breath to take,

no heart to stop,
no blood to drain, yet they live.

They live and they k*ll.

They are nichevo'ya.


b*ll*ts, blades, fire,
all simply pass through

and they walk freely in sunlight.

I fear that merzost may be
the only way to k*ll them.

So how did you manage to get away?


We tried to escape together,
but... the nichevo'ya.

She sacrificed herself to get me out.

I don't know if she survived.

- A smart spy will always play the victim.
- [David] No, no.

You make a valid point, Tolya.

As leader of the Second Army,
this is your call.

You've known David the longest.
What do you think?

Kirigan always kept him very close.

Take him to a holding cell.

We need a moment alone, please.

Of course.

[door opens]

Do you trust him?

I don't know.

- [door closes]
- Not entirely.

The shadow monsters...

But why would he lie?

Kirigan's a force to be reckoned with.

But if this is true,
I need to hunt the Firebird.

Or I can do something right now,
an alternative to boost my power.


He created soldiers of shadow.


Maybe I can tear down the Fold
by creating soldiers of light.

With what? Merzost?

The Darkling messed with it
and we got the Fold for years.

Now he has monsters who walk with him.

Give me time to track the Firebird.

There's always a cost to merzost.
It's not worth the risk.

[door unlocking]

- Alina...
- [door closes]

You must have them set me free.
I can help if you let me.

One thing at a time.


I want to understand how merzost works.

Oh, no, no, no. No.

If you have no loyalty to Kirigan,
then help me find a way to bring him down.

The journal omits
the most consequential detail, the cost.

You're asking the wrong questions.

Although, there is something
you should know.

I didn't want to
mention it in front of the others.

Go on.

Even now,
something may extend between you two.

A shared bond that persists
beyond what happened in the Fold.

I share no bond with Kirigan.

I wouldn't be so sure.

The fragment is out of his hand,

but there is still residue of the Stag.

He asked me about a link.

You may still be connected in some way.

His heartbeat hasn't wavered.

He believes it to be true.

[Mal] I was skimming this again
for leads on the Firebird,

then I remembered a legend
about a sword from Shu Han.

- Neshyenyer. The Relentless Blade.
- You know of it?

Of course I do. It's a folktale.

The Fabrikator Kho created
an unkillable army made of cogs and bone...

Until the Fabrikator Neyar
forged Neshyenyer.

"When Neyar fought,
her blade flashed so brightly

that people watching
swore she had lightning in her hands."

A blade so sharp it could cut shadow.

[chuckles] It's a bedtime story.
My culture has the best myths.

The Sea Whip was a myth.

So was the Stag. And they were real.
She k*lled an unkillable army.

This could be the w*apon
we need against Kirigan's monsters.

And this book
says it's in a temple in Ahmrat Jen.

No, I doubt that.

The one on display
is widely rumored to be fake.

Okay, how do we find the real one?

Who has the money and means
to acquire valuable weapons?

The blade in Ahmrat Jen
is indeed a replica.

The original was stolen long ago.
I suspect it's never left Shu Han.

If it turned up in the wider black market,
Sturmhond would've heard about it.

This could be the only w*apon
able to k*ll Kirigan's shadow creatures.

We need to find it.

It's a valuable old sword, sure.

That doesn't mean the story is true.

Any chance is better than no chance.

That's a very Sturmhond thing to say.

Were he here, he would surely commend you.

It's unsettling how you talk about him
like he's someone else.

And he would suggest
that our mutual friends in Ketterdam

might be the perfect crew for the job.

[people gasp]


Tell your boss I have what he wants.

[heart beating]

No match for a Heartrender,
are you, Brekker?

A real boss knows
how to inspire loyalty in his people.

- Isn't that right, boys?
- [man] That's right.

Good job, lass. I got it from here.


Move those hands and you lose 'em.

I'm gonna make you regret
the day that you crossed me.

[tense music plays]

[crew speaking indistinctly]

[suspenseful music plays]


[baby crying in distance]

[Inej] Hello?

[woman] Help us, please.



[baby continues crying]

It's okay.
I'm going to get you off this ship.

Follow me.


Get him on his feet.

We had a deal. I did my part.

- [Pekka] We'll get to that.
- [Kaz grunts]


I need to make an example out of this rat.

You'll pay for this,
you double-dealing witch!

[Pekka] No, she won't.

[Kaz groans]


After I beat you,

I'm gonna hang your body
on a post as a reminder

to anyone who forgets...

that I'm king of this city.

Do your worst.

[dramatic music plays]

No more bets.

What's that on your face?

Oh, no!


[man ] They have pox!

[man ] Firepox!

[man ] Run!

[Kaz coughs]



[Pekka grunts]

[breathing heavily]

[siren wailing]

What's the siren for?

Firepox, boy. Brought in on a Ravkan ship.

[indistinct chatter]

[somber music plays]

[coughing, gasping]

[siren wailing in distance]

Boss. Firepox is back.

We can all hear the bloody sirens, Edyck.

- Hope you brought more than that.
- Word is it started on the Drakonasha.

- Fifth Harbor.
- Docked in... Yeah.

The Council of Tides shut down
the harbor. No ships in or out.

Damn it!

Shay said the Menagerie
and Sweet Shop both got hit bad.

- Sweet Shop?
- Yeah.

That's not near the harbor.

There will be outbreaks
at all of your establishments.

And only yours.

The path of contagion will be clear.

A ship in your harbor
spread the disease to your clubs.

What did you do, boy?

He's lying. No one has the power
to spring a prisoner from Hellgate.

Not even Pekka.

His heart rate confirmed that.

But if I don't deliver, then...

He can make good
on his threat to hurt Matthias.

Once Pekka's out of the way,

I'll pay the guards
to keep Matthias out of the fights.

But I need you to do something for me
and I need you to make it look real.

I need something that mimics Firepox.

A powder that we can spread easily.

Well, it will look and feel the same,
but it wears off after a day or so.

But long enough before anyone
realizes that it's not the real thing.

There's nothing an island nation fears
more than disease.

The Merchant Council's
going to want a proper investigation.

[Pekka] Hmm.

You got my attention.

But you're not worth the time it'll take
to put a b*llet in your head.

Fifth Harbor is shut down.
Your businesses are tainted.

My businesses will be fine.


- But you?
- I'd reconsider.

If you want to see
your Kaelish prince again.

[Pekka] Oh.

What are you gonna do?
You gonna blow it up again?

You need to learn some new tricks.

Your other Kaelish prince.

Fond of sweets. Blond hair.


[tense music plays]

I will k*ll everything you love, Brekker.

The trick is not to love anything.

Your mistake was that
you let someone get in.

Someone you'd sacrifice everything for
and it makes you weak.

Then I'll just k*ll you.

[Kaz] Do that

and you'll never find your son in time.

What did you do?

I buried him.

Six feet deep.

He went into that box so easily.

Didn't even cry,

until I took this from him.

Where's my son?

Make smart choices,

and you might just reach him
before the air runs out.

You trifling piece of Barrel trash.

- What the hell do you want?
- I want you to remember.

[Young Kaz] Wake up.

[melancholy music plays]

[Pekka] Remember what?

Jordie, wake up!

[Kaz] A con you ran...

- Wake up!
- [Kaz] ...on two farm boys.

- Orphans.
- Wake up, Jordie!

[Kaz] A promise to replace
the family that they'd lost.

And then you duped them out of everything.

They ended up on the streets
and they both died.

But one of us was reborn.

Too many pigeons to remember?

Let me help you.

Jakob Hertzoon.

That was a long time ago.

So that's what this is all about?

Why you look at me with m*rder
in those shark's eyes of yours?

You were just two pigeons
who I just happened to have plucked,

and if it hadn't been me,
it would've been somebody else.

Bad luck for Alby that it was you.

[tense music plays]

You... you tell me where to find my son!

It's a simple trade, Rollins.

Speak my brother's name

and your son lives.

[Pekka breathing heavily]

How about another hint?

You called your daughter Saskia.

She wore red ribbons in her hair.


Okay, two b... Two boys from Lij.


You had a piddling little fortune.

Your brother,
he fancied himself as a trader,

wanted to get rich quick
like every other nub

who steps foot in the Barrel.

I want you to say his name. [panting]

- Come on!
- I...

I don't remember his name!

I just want my son. He's all I have.

I'll give you whatever you want, Brekker.

I'm begging you.

Are you?

A confession for the murders
of Tante Heleen and Constable Sem.

And a quitclaim deed for Inej Ghafa.

[somber music plays]

Sign both...
if you want to find your son alive.

Where's my son?

Black Veil Cemetery.

You'll need all your men digging
to find him in time.

[tense music plays]

[man mutters]

[Mal] If anyone can find Neshyenyer,
I suspect it's them.

Thick as thieves, the Crows.

Clever too.

Managed to cross the Fold
on some sort of fortified train.

Last time I was in Ketterdam,

I didn't get to stop
at the Kooperom for an omelet.

Oh. So that's why you volunteered.

Without me, who'll stop you from following
your stomach off the edge of a cliff?

I thought we were leaving at three bells?

Tolya's trying to cram
his entire poetry library into his pack.


"Long may the night whose dark..."

No! There'll be none of that.

Bring back Neshyenyer for Alina.

That was from Rabinov's Cantos.

A definitive work.

[Tamar] Yeah, now let's go over the snacks
you'll bring back from Shu Han.

[man] Malyen Oretsev!

[Mal grunts]


Deserter. [spits]

[sinister music plays]

Deliver him to the base at Ulensk
for immediate court-martial.

How's that, moy milaya, better?

[Alina sighs]

Still can't move my arms.

I'll get another corset.

[whispers] Saints!

I could use a hand with these laces.

While I admit it's a skill I've perfected,
I'm not sure it would be appropriate.

[speaks Ravkan]

[in English] I would prefer
you call me Vasily,

at least when we're in private.

What can I do for you, moi tsarevich?

- You call my brother by his given name.
- We met under different circumstances.

[Vasily clicks tongue]

Yes, I've heard some find
his whole corsair act rather charming.

If you'll excuse me, I have...

He must realize, no matter his aims,
he will always be a second son.

Only I can make you a queen.

I can assure you I have no such ambition.

Is that so?

You've made no secret
of your opinions on Grisha.

[Vasily sniffs]

Why propose an alliance with me?

I stand by my previous statements.

The Ravkan people are fed up
of being held hostage by Grisha tyrants.

Odds are some Grisha are good people.

You could help me sort that out.

Where would you find the time?

Rumor has it you find yourself
quite preoccupied at Caryeva,

between the horse races and the brothels.

How many true allies
do you really have, Miss Starkov?

Grisha scraps.

As leader of the Second Army,

I imagine the Commander of the First
would be a good one to keep.

[chuckles softly]

You're a smart girl,
consider your options.

[tense music plays]

Until then.

[door opens]

[dramatic music plays]

[Pekka] Keep looking!

That one's fresh!

- Where?
- There!

[man] Over here!

[men clamoring]

Get me a shovel! Get me a shovel! Please!

- [whistle blows]
- [men clamoring]

[policeman] Pekka Rollins!

[Pekka] Where is my son? [grunting]

You're wanted in connection
to the m*rder of Tante Heleen.

All right. Back.

Where's my son? [grunts] My son!

[somber music plays]

[speaks Kaelish]

[Wylan] Hmm.

[in English] So... [exhales] So,
how does it feel to be a free man again?

- [Jesper laughs] Amazing!
- [Wylan] Yeah?

[Jesper] Like the world
is full of possibilities.

Such as?

A decadent night on the town...
Club Cumulus is often a fun time.

And my friend Poppy
has a new show at the Blue Paradise.

- Which I've been dying to see, so, um...
- Oh.

[Jesper clicks tongue]

You could come with me.

[Wylan chuckles]


Um... [clicks tongue]
Something's off with you.

The night that we first met,

well, I left because I assumed
that's what you were going to do.


Okay? Okay.

No. I... Uh... I just thought that someone
like you wouldn't want anything more.

Especially after just one night, so I...

I thought it was easier to cut my losses.

Yeah, I get it.

Yeah, I mean,
my reputation isn't entirely unfounded.

I like the chaos.

The gamble of Barrel life.

Never knowing what comes next.

I might very well have left you first.

But that... was before I got to know you.

I can't make you any promises.

Or predict what might happen between us.

But I can tell you that...

I'd like to find out.

You may have
gathered this about me, but silences,

they really aren't my favorite thing.

[enthralling music plays]

- That was even better than last time.
- [giggles]

Maybe you need a fuller reminder.

[Wylan chuckles]

[both laughing]

[door opens]

[door closes]

Where were you?

The Drakonasha was trafficking indentures.

- I had to set them free.
- We had a plan.

It was unexpected.
I had to make a decision in the moment.

- You chose strangers over your crew.
- I got the note to the driver.

Nina said everything worked out.

I didn't know where you were.

I didn't know if Pekka hired
another assassin to k*ll you.

- I didn't know if you would...
- I'm fine.

Your face...

I'm sorry I wasn't there.

I can't have a weak link in my crew.

I do one thing without consulting you
and I'm a weak link?

- You can't be serious.
- I need to know I can count on my Crows.

If we can't rely on each other,
we have nothing.

So just like that... I'm out?

[somber music plays]

You're free.

Now all the indentures
in Kerch have a Wraith.

You look magnificent.

Like sunshine on the first day of spring.

Thank you.

Some of your Grisha were kind enough
to help me put this together instead of...

[laughs] I think I have just the flourish
to complete the look.

A gift.

[gentle music plays]

The Lantsov Emerald.

"Understatement is overrated."

I love it when you quote me.

Console yourself knowing that,
should you ever punch me while wearing it,

you'll probably take my eye out.

And I'd very much like you to.

Wear it, that is. Not punch me.

[both chuckle]

May I?


[softly] Yeah.

Your mother will not be pleased
you gave this to a commoner.

If my mother was as put off
by commoners as she claims,

I wouldn't be here, now would I?


If you lead an army, you must
get better at hiding what you're thinking.

[Alina exhales]

I wasn't sure.

I've heard the whispers
since I was a child.

I'll deny it if you repeat it,

but the truth is, I couldn't care less
if I have Lantsov blood.

Given all the royal inbreeding,

I think being a bastard
is probably a point in my favor.

[Alina chuckles softly]

It's nice when you drop the act,
when you're just yourself.

I'm a prince, Alina.

Being myself is a luxury
I can't often indulge.

The throne is just a prize to Vasily,
like some favorite toy.

You actually care about Ravka.

You'd make a good king.

Coming from you, that means a lot.

[solemn music plays]

[exhales] You're going to be
insufferable now, aren't you?

- Well, I'm already insufferable.
- [chuckles]

- [indistinct chatter]
- [woman laughs]

[classical music plays]

[Alina] This is your family's idea
of a small gathering?

[Nikolai] I did not expect this.

Where's Mal?

I know my company
doesn't account for much,

but at least pretend to enjoy yourself.

After all, that gelatin deer
gave its life for your entertainment.


It's just... It's not like him, you know?

You can't fault him
for being a little late.

This must be a sort of t*rture for him.

I'm sure he'll be here soon.

Perhaps your loyal tracker
doesn't share your enthusiasm

for the festivities.

If you'll excuse me, moi tsarevich.

[indistinct chatter, laughter]

Hey! We're in need of more champagne.
Would you like some?

Uh, no.

Back in a bit.

- Have you seen Mal?
- No.

I provided her with my personal seamstress
and got not a word of gratitude.

You know, milen'kiy,
it's not too late to reconsider.

We agreed on an intimate affair.

How many guests did you invite?

Vasily got a little overzealous
with the invites.

[Vasily chuckles]

Now I don't entirely
approve of your Caryeva set,

but I admit,
that sort lend a certain air of festivity.

You revealed our location to the gamblers
and freeloaders you call friends?

That's rich coming from a pirate.

You make yourself ridiculous.

The Darkling lives.

We're at great risk
if our location is compromised.

You'd sacrifice us all
for your pride and stupidity.

You overreach, you little bastard.

A toast!

I'd like to share
some words about my brother,


Yes, yes, we all know
he's pretentious... [chuckles]

...condescending, a man of the people.

But he has some hidden qualities, too.

[ominous music plays]

His intended should...

[people screaming]



There's no heart, no blood.

All creatures have a weakness.


Oh, no, my baby!

[Alina] It's not working!

[soldier screaming]

Did you see that? They have to be solid
to make contact with their prey.

That's when they're vulnerable.


I know a way out.

If these are Kirigan's,
he must be close enough to control them.

If he's close, maybe we can end this.

No, we regroup elsewhere
for a counterattack.

[man screaming]

Come on! Go! Go!

[dramatic music plays]

Where's Alina?



- [Kirigan] It's good to see you, Alina.
- [gasps]

- You're not real.
- The Sea Whip has made you stronger.

I always told you,
you were meant for more.

- Power suits you.
- Stay away from me.

I'm trying to protect you
from the fighting.

You lured me away from my friends.

- To keep you safe.
- To k*ll them.

Only the Lantsovs.

But my creations
are somewhat unpredictable.

Not unlike you.

Get out of my head.

Why must you be so difficult?

I'm only doing this
because I care about you.

[energy pulsing]

Let me help you.


I'll be back for you.

- [gasps]
- Alina.

Kirigan's Grisha surrounded the building.
We need to get to the tunnels now.

[somber music plays]

[bones cracking]

- [grunts]
- [chains clatter]

[thrilling music plays]

[Baghra] Fix it.

[breath trembling]

[breathing heavily]

Stay down.



[Baghra] Come.

[Alina] We have to find Mal.

The tunnels aren't much farther.

There are caves, we can hide there.

Where does it lead?

There's a concealed access point
just through that archway.

You two, go. We'll cover.

[ominous music plays]


- [Adrik screaming]
- [gasps]


[Adrik groans]

We need to get him to a Healer.
This is too much blood.

[grim music plays]

[chattering indistinctly]

- [Alina] Do you see him?
- [Tamar] Yes.

[Kirigan] I have no intention
of hurting you.

You must know that by now.

Forgive me
if I don't take you at your word.

[Kirigan] I was honest
about what mattered.

Like creating the Fold?

Your obsession with the Fold is naive.

Destroying it
won't solve Ravka's problems.

They've hated us and hunted us
long before the Fold existed.

I was there.

Now stop this, please.

And come with me.
We'll rule together side by side.

I promised that you and I
would change the world.

And I intend to keep that promise.

That is never going to happen.

[Kirigan] How do you see this playing out?

You and your Lantsov Prince
happily ever after?

Your faithful tracker curled up
at the foot of your throne.

I have seen what you truly are,

and I have never turned away.

I never will.

Can they say the same?

They're not the ones
obsessed with power and control.

Power must be controlled.

And you are playing
a very dangerous game with it.

[Alina] You don't want me
to tear down the Fold,

because if I do,
I'll destroy the only thing you have left.

Have it your way.

[sinister music plays]

Help Nadia with Adrik!






- [panting]
- [creature growls]

Alina! Come on, come on,
come on, we gotta go.