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02x15 - Ramiris's Warning

Posted: 03/17/23 11:36
by bunniefuu
Now, let's get down to business.


What the heck's going on?

I heard everything!

This country, Tempest...

is doomed to fall!


What did you say?!

Yes! It's doomed to—

H-Hey! What's the big idea?!

Even with all my mana, I still can't escape!

Great Rimuru, how shall I dispose
of this ridiculous little bug?

Excuse me?! What's your problem?!

She's actually a Demon Lord...

What did I do to you?!

Th-This is clearly no ordinary man!

Um, Great Rimuru... Who's the fairy?

Oh, she's a friend of mine named Ramiris.

Despite how she looks,
she's actually a Demon Lord.

What do you mean, despite how I look?!

Ah... A Demon Lord...

I'll have you know I'm one
of the Ten Great Demon Lords!


Hey, you! Be a little more surprised!

When they speak of Ramiris, the Fairy
of the Labyrinth, they mean me!

What's with the bland response?

Oh, well... I was so shocked
by the Storm Dragon's return,

I suppose I'm just all out of surprise...


What? The Storm Dragon?

You're saying Veldora is back?

That can't be true!

I sank Veldora with a single
punch back in the day!

He was all bark and no bite!

His time is long past, is all I'm saying!

It's not the Breeze Dragon
you should be afraid of!

You ought to fear and worship me!



Sorry, but could you watch her for a while?


She's all yours.

That Time I Got
Reincarnated as a Slime

Episode : Ramiris's Warning

Now, time to get down to business for real.

This is how we're going to make
our announcement to the public.

I'll state that I'm a Demon Lord,
but not how I awakened.

We'll say that the greedy
King Edmaris of Falmuth

sent an army to attack Tempest,
started a w*r, and lost.

Rather than saying they were
wiped out by a single Demon Lord,

other nations will have
an easier time believing

that they were defeated in battle.

Following that, the massive number
of casualties in the Falmuth army

was enough misfortune to break the seal,

reviving the sleeping Evil Dragon,
the Storm Dragon Veldora.

Hm? What's up?

Then Youm the champion and I worked together

and, at the cost of many
sacrifices, convinced Veldora,

and made a deal by calming his rage
and honoring him as a guardian.

That gives meaning to my
becoming a Demon Lord,

puts all the blame on the Kingdom of Falmuth,

and emphasizes that we were in the right.


Just think about it.

People fear those they do not understand,

and will never accept them.

If someone who wiped out an army of
, offered to be your friend,

you wouldn't trust them, would you?

But if we say it was the
Storm Dragon Veldora's doing,

they're more likely to understand.

The Storm Dragon is a Catastrophe, after all.

You recognize my genius!
You are a man of good judgment!

He wasn't calling you a genius!

I'm in favor of this plan.

It's better to let people think
Master Rimuru's evolution to Demon Lord

made negotiation with Veldora possible

than to be feared and hated because my
daughter led Rimuru to become a Demon Lord.

There are other advantages to it.

The other Demon Lords who are wary of me

might mistakenly think Veldora is
the only threat to them, right?

That'll make it easier for me to take action.

And the most significant advantage

is that when they find out we
can negotiate with Veldora,

there won't be many nations
dumb enough to mess with us.

If anyone has an opposing
view, let's hear it.

Especially you, Veldora, since
this would saddle my sins on you.

That's not a problem at all.

I've made up my mind to shoulder
your karma alongside you.

Use the influence of the
Storm Dragon all you like.

Okay. Thanks.

I do agree with this plan!

It should allow us to continue negotiating
with other countries as we have been.

Yes! You've done it again, Great Rimuru!

A brilliant idea!

Nah, it was King Gazel who came up with it.

I just organized our thoughts together.

Thanks a lot, King Gazel.

Now we know that when we do anything,
we can count on Great Rimuru's backing.

I see. This means we can focus on Clayman.

If we don't win, it will
mean I was incompetent.

Okay, so that's how we'll tell
everyone that I became a Demon Lord.

Everyone on board so far?

Okay, now I'd like to decide where
we go from here based on that.




I'd like to back Youm the Champion
as the new king of Falmuth,

with the goal of founding a new nation.

What? You're backing Youm?

First, we'll release King Edmaris

and make him pay reparations
for his invasion of Tempest.

But I can't imagine that kingdom
paying reparations willingly.

That's what I want.

The issue of reparations
will only be impetus.

My real goal is to start a
civil w*r within Falmuth.

We'll destroy it so it can
be reborn as a new nation,

with Youm the champion as its new king.

Fortunately, he's popular among its citizens.


Very well.

I have no objections to the plan itself.

Are you prepared to stand and suffer
for the good of your people?!

Well, are you?

Like I care.

I'm not becoming king because I want to.

But this role was handed
to me based on trust.

What kind of man would I be if I refused?

I just don't want to decide I can't
do it and give up before I try.

Of course, part of it is that I want
to impress the woman I love, too.


If I'm gonna do it,
I'm gonna give it all I've got.

He's definitely stupid,

but it's just like him to say that.

King of the Dwarves, I give you my guarantee.

While it's true that he's stupid...

Stop calling me stupid!

He's not irresponsible.

Until the day he is called
the Hero King, like you,

I, Grucius, swear to keep watch over him.

I swear it, as well.

Very well, then.

If you are ever in need, just come to me.

That said, you certainly found
quite the interesting man.

Imagine becoming a king to
impress the woman you love.

Uh, er...

Not bad, Grucius.

Never thought I'd hear you so boldly
betray Lord Carrion right in front of us.

N-No, that's not what I...

Youm, what my kingdom desires of
you is agricultural production.

Having something you can specialize
in will make it easier

to co-exist and co-prosper with other nations

than competing with them over it, yes?

I'll second that request, Youm.

We'll talk later about what crops we want.

On top of things as always, eh?

You can count on me.
Falmuth's agriculture is pretty advanced,

so I think they'll accept.

Then, as the representative of the
Kingdom of Blumund, I have a suggestion.

A suggestion?

I believe we can also contribute
to the backing of Youm for king.


Blumund is friendly with
two nobles of Falmuth,

Marquis Muller and Count Herman.

Why don't we negotiate with
them to join our side?

When Youm rises to his new position,

I believe they can be relied
upon to support him.

That would be great, but...

Even if you are the Guildmaster,
can you make that decision here?

Please understand that I stand
here today as a man of the state.

I speak not as the Guildmaster, but as
assistant leader of the intelligence bureau.

Uh-huh... And you say we
can trust these nobles?

Marquis Muller is actually a distant
relative of the king of Blumund.

And Count Herman owes
Marquis Muller a tremendous debt,

so he would never betray him.

I see.

But are you sure you should be
telling us a big secret like that?

Not to worry.

I'm sure you knew already, did you not?

Those who work for Dwargon's dark underbelly

could rival Blumund's
own intelligence bureau.

Okay, got it.

Fuze, I want you to immediately contact
Marquis Muller and Count Herman,

and do it in utmost secrecy.

Of course. Leave it to me.

Youm, you hear that?

Yeah. I've got this.

Good. That should cover Youm the
champion's takeover of Blumund.

Let's make a glorious show of the
champion's triumphant return!


Let's do it!

Look at all these leaders of nations

openly sharing their honest thoughts
with no suspicion whatsoever.

You make me look silly for
having my reservations.

Come on, Dad...

A question for you.

Do you truly trust Master Rimuru, a monster?

What... do you mean by that?

Even if a monster were to declare
itself a nation's leader,

was there any need for Blumund to
formally recognize it as a nation,

much less to enter into
such close ties with it?

I'm saying that if it were me,
I would have done business with them

while keeping an eye on what
the Western Holy Church did.

Even if I made a profit,
I would secretly submit reports

to inform them of any problems,
leaving everything in their hands.

Is that not how a small nation
should conduct itself?

All right, fine! I get it!

Allow me to share my honest thoughts, then.

Of course, I was of the same
opinion as you, Archduke Elalude.

Before Master Rimuru visited Blumund,

I said as much to my superior.

But I was denied. He asked me,
"What if it leads to w*r?"

To build a relationship of trust

and an environment where we
can co-exist and co-prosper

was the route my nation's
upper echelon decided upon.

Of course, the Dwarven Kingdom
and your nation are much larger,

so I'm sure you have far more options.

But if a small nation like mine
makes one mistake, it's done for.

If we're putting our fate on the line anyway,

we'd rather put our trust in a monster leader

than seek the Western Holy Church's aid.

That's my reason.

So you came here to assist Master Rimuru.

Was that also your superior's decision?


Now that we've entered a mutual
security pact with them,

I have been ordered to
uphold it at all costs.

Of course, even if I broke
my promise with my nation,

I still would have come here.

I am a free man, after all.

Why did I accept this job?

The moment I became a member of
Blumund's intelligence bureau

was the moment my luck ran out.

Who is your superior, anyway?

The king of the nation himself.

You must forgive me, Master Fuze.

But thanks to you, I now clearly
understand Blumund's intentions.

I trust Rimuru, so there's no
reason for you to doubt him.

So you say, Gazel,

but the decision to enter diplomatic
relations with a nation of monsters

cannot be made so easily.

I just developed a new respect
for the king of Blumund.

Heh, please.

Your decision was made right from
the start. That's why you're here.

Elalude the Tactician, what is your decision?

I have reached my own personal decision,

but before I give it...

May I ask one more question?

Come on, Dad. Stop putting on
airs and just answer him already.

P-Princess! You shouldn't say that!

That's right! He's trying
his best to look good!

How the mighty tactician has fallen...

I'm listening, Elalude.

The Demon Lord aura...

I see now. It is intense.

Then, Demon Lord Rimuru, let me ask you this.

What do you intend to do with
your powers as a Demon Lord?


Oh, is that all?

Is that... "all"?

The answer's simple.

I want to create a world that's comfortable
to live in, the way I like it.

A prosperous world where as many people
as possible can always be smiling.

And you really think you can create
such a dream world in reality?

That's what this power's for.

Ideals without power to back them are a joke,

and power without ideals is just empty.

Delightful! You are delightful,
Demon Lord Rimuru!

Demon Lord of such deep karma,

now even I can understand why you awakened.

Forgive my rudeness, Demon Lord Rimuru.

As the emissary of the
Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion,

I request the establishment of diplomatic
relations with the Jura Tempest Federation.

I eagerly await your favorable reply.




I was hoping to build a good
relationship with you, too.

I'd be happy to accept your offer.

And so diplomatic relations were
established between Tempest

and the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion.

That makes the third human nation
after Blumund and Dwargon.

Okay, Benimaru!


Our enemy is Clayman. We're gonna crush him.

I've been awaiting that order.

Yes! I can't wait!

As for you Three Beastketeers
and the other beast warriors...

We are now under your command, Great Rimuru.

Yeah. You can count on us.

Rimuru, you sure you can win this?

I will win. He pissed me off.

You make it sound so simple.

Clayman is a Demon Lord
who commands many majin.

You mustn't be careless with him.

That means nothing.

It's quality that counts
in w*r, not quantity.


I can hear the sound of my
own common sense shattering.

Thus the very long meeting between
humans and monsters ended,

and we took another big
step toward our ideal.

I heard you're gonna invade Eurazania.


Milim wiped out its capital,

but the country still has
a massive population.

The settlements scattered throughout it

are home to many humans, as well.

They should be the perfect
sacrifices for my awakening.

Do you not agree?

He's talkin' about total
slaughter, includin' civilians?

That seems a bit heavy-handed.

Think you're startin' to panic
a bit too much, Clayman?

Say, there's no need to act right before
a big event like Walpurgis, is there?

Also, don't the Demon Lords have
a mutual non-aggression pact?

Ah, that won't be a problem.

Mjurran the Medicine Master
was k*lled by that slime.

This is his way of threatening to
take my position as a Demon Lord,

and it has become clear that Demon
Lord Carrion instigated him to do so.

That's what I'm going to tell them.

I see. It makes sense if one
of them betrayed you fir—

Wait, Mjurran's been k*lled?!

Yes, I heard everything
through Marionette Heart.

The heart I gave her turned to ashes.

I see...

And she was such a nice girl...

You are quite kind.

Tear recently told me

that you said it was important
to use one's tools with care.

She said you taught her that, Laplace.

Which is exactly why the one who broke
my tool must be held accountable.

Hey, Clayman...

You're sure this whole
plan was all your idea?

The only ones who can give
me orders are Lord Kazaream

and the one I am indebted to.

You should know that better than anyone.

Okay. All good, then.

I'm gonna go now, but let me give
ya one last warning, as your friend.

Don't overestimate your control
over Demon Lord Milim.

She's one of the ancient Demon Lords who
was around even before President Kazaream.

Don't let your guard down around her.


Was he suggesting that I'm being
controlled by someone else?

Damn him!

The Congress Dances

Next time, "The Congress Dances."