04x169 - A Joint Mission With the Sand

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x169 - A Joint Mission With the Sand

Post by bunniefuu »

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

It's no good. This won't cut it.

I need something much more powerful, or else—!

Boruto, I think that's your limit.


Judging from the amount of chakra you have,

to intensify it more, unless you move mountains

it's gonna be impossible.

You keep telling me it's impossible…

But you know that I can't give up!

Wind Style: Rasengan!

A Joint Mission with the Sand

We have a patient in critical condition.

We're transporting him to the specialized underground treatment room.

This is very suspicious.

That's the fifth one this week that's been

taken to the special treatment room.

And number of patients brought back…is zero.

You're not authorized to go beyond this point.

Please continue analyzing that earlier data.

– Yes! – Yes!

Hurry, don't lag!

That guy!

Do you know him?

I'm sure he was there

during the coup d'état attempt in the Land of Earth.

What's he doing here?

If this experiment is successful,

my standing will probably improve greatly.

Have you heard anything?

Doctor, we Outers must focus only on the orders we are given.

You're so boring!

Damn it!

We've searched every inch of this place except beyond this elevator.

The most likely place the Hashirama Cell would be

is in the underground area accessed by this elevator.

The question is how to get there.



Looks like you're training hard.

Well, yeah…kinda.

That being said, just don't overdo it.

If I don't, I won't be able to perfect this jutsu.

What does that mean?

Back then, my Rasengan got shut down, just like that.

That's why it's still not enough at the level it's at right now.


Kakashi Sensei told me…

that I've reached my limit.

He said that unless I move mountains,

it's not gonna get any more powerful,

considering the amount of chakra that I have.

I see.

So, what are you going to do?

I just have to give it everything I've got.

So, you're just gonna keep at it, huh?


I wonder how Sarada's doing?

Are you okay?!

I'm okay, Dad.

One more time!



A mission to recover a puppet?


It's a request from the Land of Wind.

They're been searching for it ever since the battle with Urashiki.

There's still one missing.

The one they haven't found is the puppet that you fought.

Please help them.

I'm counting on you.

Yes, sir.

Hey, so they were still out searching for puppets?


The Hidden Sand had been independently continuing the recovery…

But there's just one that they haven't been able to find.

If someone stole the one that's missing, that's bad news, right?

Yeah, they might use it for something bad.

Also, this matter with Urashiki is top secret,

so only the Sand and Leaf will be investigating.

A top-secret mission! This is so cool!

But basically, we're just looking for a broken doll.

We're rendezvousing with Sand shinobi tomorrow morning.

Which means today's just a travel day to the Land of Wind?

It's a recovery mission, but we don't know what that entails.

That's why we're going a day early.

This isn't a vacation, so don't get too excited.

Anyway, Boruto and Sarada are training really hard, huh?


I don't know all the details, but apparently

the guy they fought last time must've been awfully strong.

I mean, look at how determined Boruto is.

Sarada seemed intensely focused too.

Well, they probably have their own set of motives and feelings driving them.

More importantly, be honest…

How do you think Boruto's training is going?

It's not going that well.

Sarada looked like she was having a hard time too.

And there's nothing we can do.

That's for sure.

Hey c'mon!

We shouldn't be all gloomy before a mission.

I have just the solution to change up this mood.

What is it?

You see, there's a place that I've wanted to go to.

Since we rarely get the chance to go to the Land of Wind…

It's a shop we just have to visit! Right?

Remember me saying that this isn't a vacation,

so don't get too excited?

Were you even listening?

It's probably a sweets shop, right?

Let's just go along with it.

We'll go in, get a quick bite, and go.

If you say so, Shikadai.

Then it's decided!

Yeah, yeah.

This is it!

– Okay… – Okay…

Dad stumbled onto this place on his way home from a mission.

He said the portions are huge, and that it's super good!


I've been wanting to try their Super Special Pork Stamina Bowl!


I don't think this is the kinda place we can just get a quick bite and go.

If we eat something like that the day before a mission,

we'll probably be so slow tomorrow.

I don't think we'll be able to digest it completely.

You think it was that guy earlier?


Damn it, what are they doing?!

I know!

You're late!


We stumbled onto a terrible incident yesterday.

We got delayed because we were making a report.

Damn it!

They grilled us over every detail like we were the suspects!

And I didn't get to eat the Super Special Stamina Pork Bowl!

It was the worst!

Never mind the excuses.

We're only wasting time.

Long time no see.

Yeah, it has.

This one's a joint search mission. Let's work hard together.

Sorry to dive in, but…

Shikadai, are you taking the lead?

Got a problem with that?

Do you know why we were assigned this mission?

Shikadai was the last one

who fought the puppet that we're recovering.

And let me remind you, that

Shikadai is the only chunin among us.

We're aware of that.

But this is the Land of Wind.

Shinki has a huge geographical advantage over him, right?

What a drag.

Then I don't mind if you take the lead, Shinki.

No, I just wanted to confirm.

So, you're okay with Shikadai taking the lead?


If Shinki's okay with that, then fine.


First, let's go over the mission situation report up to now,

and verify our search range.


As always… such a handsome profile!

I took down the puppet somewhere around here.

Excuse me, but this is a super big area!

How should we search?

This is where Araya's puppet comes in.

Leave it to me!

I found something!

No doubt, that's the one.

It's the one I took down.

I see.

I guess our mission's accomplished!

Looks like it.

You're the one from yesterday!

You know him?

No, but…

He was at the crime scene yesterday.

Have we met somewhere before?


You're Hidden Leaf shinobi as well, huh?

Seems like it's destiny that I have such a connection with you all.

Why, just recently I b*at up some Leaf shinobi

and made them run home crying.

By any chance,

are you the one who did that to Boruto and the others?

Oh, who cares about that?

Just hand over that puppet quick.

And if we refuse?!

You don't have a choice!


I see you have something very interesting.


The wall isn't going to stay up much longer.

We can't just rely on defense.

Whatever happened to your Iron Sand wall

being your complete defense?

Speak for yourself!

So much for your reputation as the Leaf's tactician.

Do you have a strategy for this?

How long can we keep this up?

Not too long!

Araya! Yodo!

How dare you!

Those b*ll*ts are harder than expected.

And there are so many of them!

As it is now, we can't even get close to him.

What do we do?

Sorry, but can you buy just a little more time?

It's only gonna be a little bit longer.

Okay, Inojin! Cho-Cho!

I'm gonna wrap this up soon.

You ready?

– Yeah! – 'Course!

I'm counting on you.

Leave it to us!

What a pointless thing to do!

It's your fault I couldn't eat the Super Special Stamina Pork Bowl!

I'm not letting you get away with that!

Human Boulder!


Over here!

Stay still!

Cho-Cho, your turn!


Take this!

Roll, roll, roll, roll…

– All right! Now!

– roll, roll, roll, roll…

roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll!

You're in my way!

Shinki, now!

Black Iron Fist!


How useful can something like this be?

Go and recover that thing!

And try not to cause too much chaos…

We can't afford to have anyone else find out.

I won't let you take it!

He's not gonna k*ll us?

Was he the one…

Boruto and the others couldn't handle?


Are you sure that he's the one that Boruto and Sarada fought?


His att*ck was the same as what Boruto told me.

As well as the description that his body is as hard as a diamond.

And it's certain that he was after the puppet?


Who the hell are they?

Wind Style Rasengan!

Hey, you're not trying to strengthen your Rasengan

just so you can go up against Deepa again, are you?

No. That's not it.

I have to get strong enough to surpass him,

or else I won't be able to progress from this point onward.

Okay. I get it.

If that's the case, I'll help you train.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"A New Rasengan"

I owe you, Shikadai!
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