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00x02 - Slime Diaries: The Air in Spring and ...

Posted: 03/18/23 07:20
by bunniefuu
Rimuru: Since the battle with the Orc Lord ended,

Rimuru: we've been incredibly busy here,

Rimuru: but with everyone chipping in, things are settling down.

Rimuru: So, what's my schedule for today?

Shion: There are no urgent items today.

Rimuru: Oh, nice!

Rigurd: You can take some time to rest for a change.

Rimuru: Now that I think about it, I haven't had any days off.

Rimuru: Okay, I'm gonna forget all about work

Rimuru: and just have a lazy day!

Rigurd: Please be as lazy as you'd like.

Rimuru: Glance.

Rimuru: Boing, boing.

Rimuru: Boing, boing, boing.

Rimuru: Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing.

Rimuru: Boing, boing.

Rimuru: Glance.

Rimuru: One more try!

Rimuru: Aw...

Rimuru: Glance.

Text: Fidgeting

Rimuru: Hup.

Rigurd: Oh, no. We couldn't trouble you to do the cooking, as well.

Shion: There's no need for such concern.

Shion: I'll do everything I can.

Rimuru: Uh...

Rimuru: Got anything?

Shion: Pardon?

Rimuru: Like... any work?

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Title: Day : The Air in Spring and...

Gobta: So you ended up going back to work?

Rimuru: When they told me I didn't need to do anything, I just got restless.

Gobta: Man!

Gobta: When you get a rare day off, you gotta have fun with it!

Rimuru: O-Oh...

Gobta: We've had some fun new businesses pop up lately.

Rimuru: Oh?

Gobta: You can count on me to give you the tour!

Rimuru: Oh!

Gobichi: Here ya go.

Gobta: See? The food at these street stalls is great!

Rimuru: Yeah!

Gobta: And over there!

Gobta: We've even got a gift shop.

Rimuru: Oh?

Gobta: Between you and me, I hope we get a place with some ladies soon.

Rimuru: Ooh, yeah!

Rigur: Where did he go?

Gobta: Yikes!

Gobta: Captain Rigur and Master Hakuro!

Rimuru: Whoa!

Hakuro: Did we imagine it?

Rigur: He got away from us.

Gobta: Man, enjoying a day off isn't easy, huh?

Rimuru: Wait. I think you're just playing hooky.

Shuna: Oh?

Shuna: Brother, are you on standby today?

Shuna: If you are...

Benimaru: No.

Benimaru: Even on a day off,

Benimaru: I still need to discipline my mind and body, as well as care for my weapons.

Benimaru: A peaceful day like this

Benimaru: is exactly when I must polish the sword that protects us.

Benimaru: For Great Rimuru, for you, and for everyone in this town.

Shuna: Brother...

Shuna: But still...

Shuna: I need to clean, so you can do that outside, okay?

Rimuru: I guess in the end, I was a workaholic, too.

Rimuru: So I'm in no place to lecture you.

Geld: But you take pleasure in all you do, Great Rimuru.

Geld: I merely lose myself in constant work.

Geld: Even when I do get a break, I only feel lost.

Geld: When my hands are idle, I feel as if I stand out from the rest of the town.

Rimuru: Do you... like kids?

Geld: No... I, um...

Geld: Whoa, there. Be careful.

Geld: I'm not sure if I "like" them.

Geld: This just... happens, for some reason.

Shuna: Oh, I didn't know you were there, Great Rimuru.

Rimuru: My own secret fun.

Ririna: Pardon me.

Rimuru: Ririna-san! I don't see you here often.

Ririna: The time has come to begin preparing the fields.

Ririna: What shall we do?

Text: Preparing the Fields = Work

Rimuru: That's it!

Text: Preparing the Fields = Work

Rimuru: Get everyone together first thing in the morning!

Ririna: Very well. I'll go and let everyone know.

Rimuru: All right!

Rimuru: We're gonna work those fields!

Rimuru: As a step toward increasing the self-sufficiency of our growing town,

Rimuru: we decided to start lots of fields for farming.

Rimuru: It has long been said that any land that yields good food is good land.

Rimuru: That's what I want our land to be.

Rimuru: At any rate, I'll be counting on all of your help today.

All: Understood!

Goblin: You think we can grow the kinds of vegetables they sell in town?

Goblin: I bet it'll be fun to help!

Goblin: Let's all work hard on this!

Hakuro: There is that saying about what one can't do on an empty stomach.

Geld: I don't want to let our children starve.

Rimuru: I know, right?!

Shion: I relate!

Text: Guoooogh

Shion: We all want to eat delicious food, don't we?

Rimuru: All right! Start planting!

All: Yeah!

Rimuru: You can be in charge of that field over there.

Gobta: We gotta do our part, too!

Gobto: I'm getting tired.

Gobutz: Yeah.

Gobto: I wanna ditch this work.

Gobzo: I think it's pretty fun.

Gobutz: Man, you sound like such a stiff.

Gobto: Hey, Gobta, are you hearing this?

Gobutz: Wait, what?!

Gobutz: He's not even working! He's faking it!

Gobto: Gobta! Why are you slacking off?

Gobta: I'm not.

Gobta: I was training in Meditation!

Gobto: Meditation...

Gobutz: I get it! Meditation!

Kurobei: Hey, Gobta!

Gobta: Kurobei?!

Kurobei: I finished the thing Great Rimuru asked for.

Gobta: For real?!

Text: Reward for the Gabiru Battle

Gobta: All right! I've been waiting for this!

Gobta: From that time, right?!

Gobta: Man, I really thought I was dead meat!

Kurobei: Gobta, this w*apon can split the earth with one swing.

Kurobei: It's a blade I'm most satisfied with.

Gobta: I-It's amazing!

Gobta: Now I'll be even stronger—

Gobta: Maybe...?

Text: w*apon

Text: Hoe

Gobto: Amazing, Gobta!

Gobutz: The hard ground is breaking right apart!

Gobto: It's really getting plowed!

Both: It's like the hoe is an extension of your body!

Gobta: Are you saying this is what suits me best?!

Kurobei: Did I get something wrong?

Shion: What are these beans?

Text: Soybeans

Shion: You're planting an awful lot of them.

Rimuru: They're soybeans.

Shion: Oh...

Rimuru: If we grow them right, we can make lots of things from them.

Rimuru: Seasonings like miso and soy sauce...

Rimuru: And natto, too.

Shion: Natto?

Rimuru: Natto is, put simply...

Rimuru: rotten beans!

Rimuru: Have some, Shion! They're tasty!

Rimuru: Don't be shy. Let me thank you for all the feasts you've made for me!

Rimuru: I just love these slimy, stretchy, rotten beans!

Text: Great Rimuru thinks rotten beans

Text: are good

Text: Great Rimuru thinks rotten

Shion: Great Rimuru thinks rotten things are good!

Shion: Great Rimuru thinks rotten things are good!

Rimuru: Let me amend that! They're fermented! Fermented!

Shion: Look forward to my next meal!

Shion: The whole table will be covered with rotten things!

Rimuru: Don't, Shion!

Rimuru: What are you planning to make from those notes?!

Rimuru: Shion!

Rimuru: Slime Diaries: to be continued!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Rimuru: So anyway...

Text: Trial Rice

Rimuru: I'd like you guys to plant the rice.

Gabiru: Oh! I am so grateful!

Gabiru: I must sing of my joy for—

Rimuru: No need for that.

Rimuru: Since your home's in the wetlands, this is perfect for you, right?

Gabiru: Yes! Here, no matter what battle may befall us...

Gabiru: We won't lose!

Gabiru: I could even demonstrate my skills with the Vortex Spear—

Rimuru: No need for that, either.

Rimuru: Just so you know, I take the cultivation and improvement of rice pretty seriously.

Rimuru: If you get carried away...

Gabiru: Please forgive me!

Gabiru: We will rise to meet your expectations...

Gabiru: by performing our sacred dance!

Lizards: Splish splash! Splish splash! Hey, hey, hey!

Rimuru: Would you just get started already?!

Gobta: There's Great Rimuru!

Gobta: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Hey, Gobta.

Gobta: Where are you headed?

Rimuru: Oh, there's a field of spring vegetables that I had Ririna-san start on early.

Rimuru: Wanna go see it with me?

Gobta: Sure!

Rimuru: Okay, then, if you don't mind.

Gobta: This is amazing! They're already good to go!

Ririna: I'm happy to see how lively everyone is today.

Rimuru: Right? We're gonna farm lots of fields this year!

Rimuru: A lot of these guys are doing this work for the first time, so help them out.

Ririna: Of course.

Ririna: I'm in charge of the farming in this town.

Ririna: Just leave it to me.

Gobta: Why's there a doll standing in the middle of the field?

Rimuru: Why? It's a scarecrow, of course.

Rimuru: To scare crows away.

Ririna: It's not working very well, though.

Ririna: Just look at what's happened to our spring crops.

Rimuru: Oh, no! My favorite spring cabbage!

Gobta: Those guys are really smart.

Gobta: A cheap doll like this won't work.

Gobta: Let me take care of this!

Gobta: Done!

Gobta: What do you think of this strong body...

Gobta: and this manly face?

Gobta: Now you don't need to worry!

Gobta: Let's go hide and see how it works!

Gobta: It's sure to scare those guys off and fix our problem.

Rimuru: Try hanging this up.

Ririna: What is it?

Soka: Amazing...

Soei: Time to go on patrol.

Soei: Let's go.

Three: Right!

Soka: Did he... want to help plant seeds?

Soei: Don't lag behind.

Soka: R-Right!

Haruna: Princess Shuna, the hotpot is ready.

Shuna: Thank you.

Both: We're back.

Shuna: Garm and Dord, welcome back.

Dord: Oh, are you two going out to the fields, too?

Haruna: Yes, we're done with our work here, so we're taking food.

Shuna: We wanted to provide a hot meal for everyone who's working so hard.

Garm: Oh, that sounds nice.

Dord: Go on. Leave the rest to us.

Haruna: Thank you.

Shuna: We'll be going now.

Garm: They're nice girls, eh, Brother?

Dord: They sure are, Brother.

Garm: Tighter in the rear and ankles!

Dord: Looks good! This'll work great!

Garm: Don't you love how women look in work pants, Brother?

Dord: Sure do, Brother. Let's make it a trend.

Kaijin: You guys really get into your work, huh?

Lady: Geld!

Geld: Yes?

Guy: Geld!

Geld: One moment. I'll be right there.

Rimuru: Hey, Geld!

Geld: Yes?

Rimuru: Since you're here, come do some planting.

Geld: No, I'm here to carry loads.

Rimuru: C'mon, just try it!

Geld: A-All right...

Rimuru: That's it, keep them evenly spaced. Don't crush the seedling.

Rimuru: That'll do it! Come summer, we'll be eating the fruits of this labor!

Rimuru: The fruits...

Geld: Is it all right if I come to take a look now and then?

Rimuru: Sure. We'll all check up on it together.

Text: Rest Area

Hakuro: Being bent over all day certainly takes a toll.

Kurobei: What're you talking about?

Kurobei: You were faster and more accurate than anyone.

Hakuro: Call it the wisdom of my years.

Gobta: Is this really my reward?

Shuna: Here you go.

Kid: Thank you!

Shuna: Would you like some lunch, Brother?

Benimaru: Sure.

Kid: Sir Benimaru!

Kid: How can we get as strong as you?

Benimaru: Well, let's see...

Benimaru: You need to be able to eat anything, and don't be picky.

Benimaru: And...

Benimaru: the first step...

Benimaru: is to build up a strong body.

Kids: Got it!

Kids: Thank you, Sir Benimaru!

Benimaru: Sure. Let's keep up the good work.

Kids: Okay!

Benimaru: Eat well and grow up strong, little ones!

Shuna: Here you go, Brother.

Benimaru: Thanks.

Benimaru: Come on, I told you to leave out the carrots!

Shuna: Aw, you won't get strong that way.

Shuna: Here!

Rimuru: The spring air is starting to pack a punch.

Rimuru: The smell of dirt is unexpectedly strong.

Rimuru: The air in my lungs and the food in my belly...

Rimuru: They're enough to fill me up.

Rimuru: They're enough to make me fully aware.

Rimuru: All right! I'm gonna get to work!

Rimuru: So, now that we've completed the planting...

Rimuru: Cheers! And good work!

Shion: That's so good!

Guy: Wow, cabbage rolls!

Lady: I hope the crops are producing by fall.

Benimaru: Good job today. You really worked hard.

Geld: Same to you.

Gabiru: What did you think of my rice-growing dance?

Rigurd: I'm sorry. I missed it.

Guy: That smells so good! It's driving me crazy!

Gobta: If you need someone who can handle a hoe, just call me!

Gobto: Yay, Gobta!

Text: Out on Business

Treyni: Everyone truly worked hard today.

Rimuru: Yeah, but I guess the truly hard part's still to come.

Treyni: True. There is much to do by harvest time.

Treyni: But I'm sure you will be rewarded with fine crops this year.

Rimuru: Sweet, a seal of approval!

Rimuru: Plants are kind of your specialty, after all.

Treyni: Yes, which is why...

Treyni: I was waiting all this time for my...

Treyni: invitation.

Rimuru: Crap! I forgot to invite her!

Treyni: I'm a Dryad, a caretaker of the forest...

Treyni: I waited the whole time, in the shadows of those trees...

Rimuru: Uh, I promise I'll invite you when it's time to harvest!

Rimuru: Please understand!

Gobta: Aw, you made her cry.

Rimuru: Please cheer up! Look, I've got potato chips!

Treyni: Sniffle...

Rimuru: Right after that party,

Rimuru: with or without the knowledge of Treyni-san, the rainy season began.

Rimuru: Turns out this world has a rainy season, too.

Gobta: Still raining today?

Gobta: It's a little depressing when this goes on for days on end.

Treyni: Now, now, please don't say such things.

Treyni: We need the rain.

Treyni: The earth receives this blessing from the heavens in abundance,

Treyni: then the green grows, the insects multiply, and the small critters propagate,

Treyni: which again feeds the earth.

Treyni: Ah, a new flavor.

Treyni: And that is how the forest grows steadily bigger.

Gobta: Huh...

Gobta: So that's why you've put on weight.

Rimuru: Quick! Shut the window!

Gobta: Right!

Text: Preview

Shuna: I caught you!

Rimuru: Next time, "Summer in Jura."