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08x05 - Lost and Found

Posted: 03/18/23 16:03
by bunniefuu
Ah! That's darn fine coffee.

It'd better be.

You had like 12 cups.

Only thing that keeps me steady.

You don't want to see him without it.

Great lunch, guys.

This one's on me.

- Great!

- Delicious! You've been training hard out there.

You earned it.

Oh, waiter! Food courts do not have waiters.


Of course.

Go ahead and put all this on the company tab.

Payment is due in full immediately.

Uh Ow! Okay.


I'll just get the company to reimburse me later.

Oh, no I

-I don't have my wallet.

No wallet.


Come on! Uh, can anyone else cover lunch today so I can get out of this force field?

- No can do.

- I don't have any creds.

All right.

My wallet's got to be somewhere.

Let's see.

Last night, I definitely had it at the space club 'cause I bought the first round of wings.

Then I bought the last round of wings.

And then What?

I left my wallet back on mantis planet.

Can you guys go get it for me?

I don't know.

That sounds like a planet full of mantises.

Oh, it is.

They're cool though I swear.

It'll be super easy.

Just in and out.

Think of it as one of your training exercises.

Let's go get his wallet.

Can we drive?

Why not.

Oh fun! Manti love robots! We're getting close.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Oh, correct.

Hey what's with the beard?

Oh, this?

It is a disguise.

I need the manti to believe I'm a human being.


I thought you said they loved robots.

They do! In their horror movies! Outside of that, manti actually find robots extremely repulsive.

So, you coming with us isn't gonna be a problem, is it?

I'm quite sure I'll go undetected with this beard and this baseball cap.

As long as we respect all their customs, we'll be fine.

Take a left here.

Before we disembark, there are a few cultural rules we should Cool! Bugs with g*ns.

We have been commanded to escort you to the great mountain throne room by decree of the King of Mantlantis! Whoa.

The King wants to see us?

Are we in trouble or something?


Troub No! No, no! The King just likes to meet everyone who travels to Mantlantis.

Come along, then.

Eh, uh, you're not a robot, are you?

I'm, uh, getting kind of a vibe here.

No, sir.

If I were a robot, how could I grow this cool human beard?


It is a pretty sweet beard.

Good coverage, too.

Whenever I try, it's just like it doesn't really grow on the sides.

Of course, it's like a jungle on my thorax, but isn't that always the way?

I hear that.

Mantis King! Mantis King! Mantis King! What's he saying?

So, do you, like, have a translator or Uh Uh Blech! Pardon my gum chewing.

I just wanted to freshen up before meeting you.

Well, uh, we're here about a wallet.

Our friend Sureshot said he was here partying last night and thinks he left it behind.



Our lost and found box could contain any item lost or found.

Oh, cool.

That's just like what we have at the park.

I guess we're all more alike than we think.


I suppose we are.

There it is.

Sureshot was right.

This was easy.

Um But, before outsiders can access our lost and found, it is our custom for them to join us at the royal feast.

Oh, we wouldn't want to go against your customs.

Yeah, we can have a little bite.

Let the feast begin! What?

No! You guys! This food! We can't eat this! You choke down whatever they feed us until we get that wallet.

That's an order! Our host is watching.

And now frozen bug butts.


No more bug food.

The wallet's right over there.

Let's just grab it and go.

Yeah, I can't take much more.

I'll go talk to the King.

Ahh, Mordecai.

Hey, uh, I just wanted to say thanks for dinner all the bugs and guts and stuff but we're in a bit of a hurry.

We were wondering Ah, yes! Your beloved lost item still waits to be found! Right.

So if we could just snag it, we'll be out of your hair.

Nonsense! You absolutely cannot leave here until you've tried our galaxy

-renowned dessert! Bring out the vanilla ice cream!

- Oh, that's awesome!

- I love vanilla ice cream.

- All right, great!

- It's refreshingly normal.

Ooh! You got the juiciest one! Jealous! You know, I'm so full already.


You want it?

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Mordecai, I


-I don't know what to say! What?

Mordecai, you sly Earth creature you! What a grand ruse! "Lost your wallet" ha! Your intention was to propose to my daughter this whole time!

- What?


- No way! Is this for real?

Very real! In manti culture, offering food to another is an instant marriage proposal.

Well, the heart knows what it wants, I guess.

Not to be too hasty, of course.

We still await the Princess's decision.

We're manti, not barbarians! Daughter, do you consent to this fine young man's proposal?

I do, father.

I say yes! Kiss me, my love! Kiss me! Get away! I mean, get a wait for me to run to the bathroom real quick.

And, uh, I need my friends to come with me.

Nah, I'm good.

I want to see how this turns Ow! Your Earth tradition of using the bathroom in groups is baffling, but I'm not one to judge.

Go! Go! Ha

-ha, be back in just one second.

Return to me soon, darling! What do I do?

What do I do?

Hey, look on the bright side somebody likes you.

Just get married and have some mantis babies.

Except he won't live to see them, because she will eat him right after they get together.

Ha! Ha ha ha! Wait, what?


In mantis culture, it is customary for the bride to eat the groom immediately after marriage.

But then how is there a king and a princess if the females eat their mates?

Look, I don't know everything! I hate this planet.

Let's just get the wallet and get out of here.

Hey, settle down.

After they've been so generous with us, you really want to run like a coward?


So just explain the misunderstanding.

They'll get it.




Have a seat.

So I'm really sorry about this, but I've got this space mission to accomplish.

And, um I have sort of an "it's complicated" thing still happening back on Earth Oh, in mantis culture, they don't have "it's complicated", so she's confused.


I understand that, Recap.

I'm just trying to tell her I'm not going to marry her.

I mean You're not gonna I mean, it's just In mantis culture, when someone makes a princess cry, they Execute them! There you go.

Get down! They're trying to k*ll us! What do we do?

! Why don't you just marry her?

What, are you afraid of commitment?


No! What are you talking about?


Hyah! Ow.

I'll hold them off! Run! We can't just leave her out there! There's too many of them! What do we do?

Leave this to me.

Yaaaa! Normally, I'm actually super chill.

But the King starts spraying that "attack" pheromone and its like, "Whoo!" Time to eat someone's face!" Big mistake, bro.

I eat humans like you for an after

-dinner snack! Wait! You mean humans like me?

A robot! That's right! Bleagh! Bleagh! Get the wallet! Got it! Let's go! Get to the kart! There is no escape! Guards! Seize them! Do we have to seize them?

They have a robot, and that's just, like, "Ew.

" Just sh**t them! Fire! More! More! Keep sh**ting! Wait.

Less! Less! Actually, maybe stop altogether.

We got your wallet.

What took you?

Waiter! I am still not a waiter.

Well, whatever you are, payment has arrived.

About time.

Force field removed.


A little respect.

Now let me just pay the stupid bill and get out of Huh.


New mission I need you guys to go to my bank on the wasp planet and take out some They're super chill.

I swear! Aw, come on!