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06x10 - The Body in the Bag

Posted: 01/26/11 20:04
by bunniefuu
Hey, Paisley?

I know you're in here.

Why haven't you been returning my calls?


Hey, sexy.

Guess who's here.

Let's have a little fun in the shower.

Where are you, baby?



SWEETS: ♪ She put the lime in the coconut ♪
♪ And drank them all up ♪
♪ Put the lime in the coconut ♪
♪ Drank them both up ♪
♪ Put the lime in the coconut ♪
♪ Drank them both up ♪
♪ Put the lime in the coconut ♪
♪ And drank them both up ♪
♪ She put the... ♪

"Lime in the Coconut"?


Really isn't a morning song, you know.

Right. Was I...? Yeah.

Oh, boy. I haven't seen you around here.

Yeah, because treadmills are for mice.

Listen, I got to ask you something.


A while back, Bones, um... she kind of, um... you know, she-she kind of, uh, said that she kind of still has feelings for, you know...

Wait. Did she say that she loved you?

Was it that direct?

Wow. You just get right into it.

I have to. I'm getting winded here.

Yeah, that-that's what she said.

Okay. Well, what did you say?

"I'm sorry.

"I'm with Hannah... now.

I've moved on. I love Hannah."

You know, I haven't told Hannah, and, um, it's kind of eating at me.

I understand.

Oh, God, I'm... I'm going uphill now.

Sweets! Sweets!

Well, you know, if this is on your mind, then you should tell Hannah.

Bones and Hannah are friends now.

I mean, isn't that what secrets are for?

Hey, maybe you could just give me something to make me stop feeling guilty.

Well, perhaps this is difficult because you still have feelings for Dr. Brennan.

What? No. No. You know what?

This was a bad idea.

I'll talk to Hannah myself.

Okay? All right.

I'll tell you what.

Stop bringing up me and Bones, okay?

What are you doing?

Why can't I turn this down?

What did you do to this thing?

Somebody? Somebody?

(garbled radio transmissions)

WOMAN: We need a shot of this door frame.

Hey. Mr. Swiss Cheese here, huh?

The holes in the soft tissue appear to be a function of excellent water pressure and multiple nozzles.

According to the meter, shower's been on for three days.

Sounds like time of death to me.

Any indication of water temperature?

Tankless water heater kept at 105 the entire time.

More than adequate to bore holes through necrotic flesh.

BOOTH: Okay, so... we I.D. the body yet?

What's visible of the sacrum points to female.

Pubic surface indicates that she was in her early-to-mid 20s.

According to the neighbors, the house belongs to a Paisley Johnston, 23.

Nice place for a 23-year-old.

Oh, rich party girl.

She sustained a LeFort fracture, which caused her facial bones to fragment.

The force of the shower spray washed the fragments down the drain.

We'll need to recover them in order to do a reconstruction.

HODGINS (over radio): I'm working on it.

I just heard Hodgins. Where is he?

I'm up here, on the roof, snaking the vent.

The victim's hair mass?

It went down the drain, and then the whole clog caught on the adipose, which melted off of the...

Okay, enough of you.

Okay. Here we go.

Now, when I start to snake, I suggest you guys step away from the drain, okay?


Screwdriver, please.

Okay, here we go.

I think I see some bone fragments.

(grunting): Go through, go through...

Definitely a skull fragment.




(liquid gurgling)

Do you hear something?

It's just a little gurgle, that's all.

When it comes to plumbing, women just can't deal.



BRENNAN: Okay, we're covered in flesh and bone fragments.

Scrape it all off into evidence bags, and be careful not to swallow.

♪ Bones 6x10 ♪
The Body in the Bag
Original Air Date on January 20, 2011

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method BRENNAN: Have you found cause of death, Dr. Edison?

Epidural hematoma, resulting from a depressed fracture to the occipital.

Is it me, or is it strangely quiet around here?

SAROYAN: Everyone's trying to respect your wish for a calm and professional environment.


I'm sorry. That was an unfair demand of mine.


EDISON: My girlfriend says I'm a stick in the mud.

That the workplace can be a healthy social environment, as well as professional.

I think she's wrong.

Did you confirm that the victim is Paisley Johnston?

Not yet.

A large chunk of the occipital bone is missing, not to mention everything south of the eye sockets.

But I was able to determine that our victim had mild scoliosis.

It may help to confirm identity.

Booth is trying to get a hold of Paisley's parents, but they're in Antarctica.

You know, my parents also travel quite frequently.

I believe I may have some abandonment issues which causes me to be withdrawn.

Hence my previous workplace behavior.

You are really opening up.

Once Dr. Hodgins recovers the bone fragments from the plumbing, we'll be able to reconstruct the skull and determine a w*apon. SAROYAN: Well, I'll remove the rest of the flesh so you can get a better look at the bones.

Dr. Edison can assist you.

So... are you still dating that gynecologist?

Wow. That's zero to 60 in no time.

I'm going to just concentrate on removing the rest of this flesh, if that's okay with you.


(humming a tune)

If somebody wanted Paisley Johnston dead, it definitely wasn't a credit card company.

Yeah? Big shopper?

Olympic level.

But there's nothing in her paper trail that suggests a motive for m*rder.

Well, I checked out her social networking pages.

It's actually a sophisticated profiling tool.

May I?

Yeah. Knock yourself out.

All right.

Have you, uh, talked to Hannah yet?

I will. Okay.

Been a little busy here.

You know, uh, m*rder victim, remember?

You'll get around to it.

Do they teach a course in hounding at shrink school? Let's just stay on point here, Sweets, see what you got.

Okay. Paisley Johnston.

Who posts that many pictures of themselves?

Someone with narcissistic personality disorder.

What, is she clubbing with a rat?

Chinchilla. His name's Chi-Chi.

He features prominently.

She probably felt safer bonding with a pet than a human being.

Well, she lists a lot of friends. Well, not so much friends as admirers.

She only seemed to interact directly with one person.

Who? Nicole...


They exchanged direct messages almost every waking hour for months.

Usually, it was just compliments or exclamations of undying friendship.

Now check out the last message from four days ago.

"I can't believe what you did.

"You're the biggest fake in the world.


Oh, wow. What kind of language is that for BFFs?

And that is when Nicole, Paisley's only and best friend, severed their relationship by de-friending Paisley.

Now, symbolically, this is some rough stuff.

Rough enough for m*rder? Give me a shot at her, I'll let you know.

You got her. Now, with Hannah...

Nope. And Dr. Brennan...

Just walk away. Okay.


I can't believe this.

I just thought that Paisley was out of town.

Did you two fight recently, Nicole?

You mean about the purse thing?

Sure. Tell me about the purse thing.

Well, Paisley bought me a purse for my birthday.

A Chanel double-flap black lambskin with silver hardware.

Is that a... a good thing?

Well... what I really wanted was the double-flap lambskin with gold hardware.

I know, I know, they say that you don't, like, need to match metals.

But... really, like, look at my skin tone.


So, anyway, I... I went to Chanel to try to exchange the bag.

They arrested me.

Paisley gave me a fake.

Paisley gave you a counterfeit bag.

Like, I was humiliated.

Totally... humiliated.

So it wasn't just a handbag.

It was... symbolic of betrayal.

It would only be natural to seek revenge.

For a handbag.


You bet.

And I did.

I... de-friended her right there and then.

(sobbing): Now she's gone.

I just want her back.

I want to friend her again.

(saw buzzing)




Honey, you've been going at this for hours. I know.

When I snaked the vent, it created an artificial backflow and flushed some of the remains into the sink line, but I'm going to get every last bit.

Okay, I brought you something to eat.


Although the baby got hungry, so...

I ate some of it.

Most of it. Okay.

Lets me, you know, get back to work quicker.


I got to say, this place is amazing.

I could totally live here.

And the neighborhood is nice, too, you know?

It's not all locked up behind gates and hedges.

You don't like our place?

Well, it's your place.

And before that, it was your father's place.

And before that, it was your grandfather's place.

Before that, my great-grandfather's.

Seriously? Mm-hmm.

Chester Putnam Hodgins.

Never met a chandelier he didn't like.

Don't get me wrong.

It's nice. It's just...

I don't know, can't you see our kid in a neighborhood like this one?

Riding his bike in the street with the other kids and playing kickball?

I mean, it's nice.

Except for the m*rder.

I just think we need an "our" place.

You know, someplace where we make our own history.

Um, can you do me a favor and grab me some of those forceps out of my field bag?


Well, bring on the bone fragments.


(whispers): Here we go.

Okay, thank you.

All right, come to papa.


(both groaning)


What is that?

That looks like some kind of paper.

Well, it's with the hair and bone fragments, so it must have been in the shower when Paisley got m*rder*d.

Why would she have a piece of paper with her in the shower?

Looks like writing, maybe Chinese.

You think you can reconstruct this?


If I can eat that pudding I brought you.

It's not for me.

The baby loves pudding.

HANNAH: She loves you?

Loved. Did.

I told her it was never going to happen again.

She's not going to get over it just like that.

How about you?

I told you-- that was all in the past.

Okay, whatever I felt, I don't feel it anymore, except for you.


I knew you two were close, but...

Would you rather I didn't say anything and kept this a secret?

No. No.

If I found out you were keeping this from me, then I'd worry.


And then I'd k*ll you.

You'd have every right to.

(sighs) God, what am I going to say to Brennan?


You don't have to say anything at all. She's my friend.

She's going to know I know.

I'm supposed to have lunch with her tomorrow.

Well, if you do bring it up, just go easy on Bones because she's not like everyone else.

You know that.

It's so much easier getting shot at than dealing with stuff like this.


I'm with you on that.

I don't understand the problem.

The driver's license says Paisley Johnston's five-foot-four.

The skeleton's five-foot-four.

The average height of the American woman is five feet, 3.7 inches.

That's not exactly conclusive.

It's consistent.

But the length of the femur is not.

You checked your measurements? Twice.

And you used the right tables? Of course, I did.

Did Paisley have some kind of congenital issue?

Scoliosis doesn't affect long bone growth.

So what could it be?

I have no idea-- unless Paisley Johnston was an Asian in a former life.

Asians have shorter femurs in proportion to their bodies than Caucasians, but Paisley Johnston isn't Asian.

Which means this is not Paisley Johnston.

BRENNAN: Since the victim is Asian, it's reasonable to find a paper with Chinese characters on it.

Although these don't look like typical Han characters, do they?

Uh, sorry. I was born in Baltimore, and I took French in school.

Can you enhance the image?

Yeah, I can try using multispectral imaging.

(phone rings)


Hannah, oh, I'm glad you called.

I-I got us a reservation...

I see.

No, of course.

Of course.

Why don't you call when you have some free time?



Hannah canceled?

She is very busy working on a story about the appropriation committee.

But I thought she called before to say that she could make it.

That was after she called to cancel the first time.

Apparently, she has computer trouble now.

No. No, honey. That's code.

What kind of code?


"Little White Lie Code."

A white lie is used to spare somebody's feelings.

Why would she think she needs to spare my feelings?

Well, three changes of plans between friends in one day is statistically impossible.

What study are you citing?

Just a little research project that I conducted myself at the Common Sense Institute.

Hannah's avoiding you, honey.

Did you guys have a fight?

A fight? No.

Well, then, she's embarrassed because she's keeping something from you.

You should get her to tell you what it is.

Secrets are toxic between friends.

(computer trilling)

Oh, I was right.

They aren't modern Chinese characters.

It's a special Taoist charm or "Fu."


They're a type of spell.

This one was written to cure bone ailments.

Oh. Maybe she used it for her scoliosis.

That explains why it was in the shower.

You paste it to the affected area of your body.

That is an iron crutch.

It's a symbol used in traditional herb shops.

Like a pharmacy logo?


It should lead us to the apothecary who gave her this Fu.

I put a BOLO out on Paisley, but we haven't found her yet.

Which would suggest two possible scenarios: Either she k*lled the Asian girl and fled, or whoever k*lled the Asian girl also k*lled Paisley.

Whoa. Hey, what the hell are those?


BOOTH: Oh, God.

It's a Chinese aphrodisiac.

The lady knows her Jinfang medicine.

How can I help you?

FBI, Special Agent Booth.

This here is Dr. Temperance Brennan.

Ming Tsou.

Do you recognize this Fu?

Yes, I... I made it.

I gave it to a patient.

Was that patient about 25 years old, five-foot-four and slender?


How do you know all this? What is this about?

We're investigating her death.

(speaking Mandarin)

Who was she?

Jenny Yang.

You were more than her pharmacist, weren't you?

(speaking Mandarin)

They were engaged.

I gave her this blessing so her back wouldn't hurt when she stood too long at her job. BRENNAN: The scoliosis?

When was the last time you saw her?

A week ago.

I haven't heard from her.

Why didn't you report her missing?

We were having some trouble.

All she cared about were her American friends.

She was turning her back on traditions that were very important to our relationship.

And you couldn't let that happen.

I loved her.

I wanted her to be happy.

What was she doing at Paisley Johnston's house?

Paisley-- she's part of the crowd Jenny wanted to be a part of.

Jenny met her at work.

They worked together?

No. Paisley's rich.

Jenny worked at the Szechuan restaurant down the street, for Mama Liu.

Was it Paisley? Did she k*ll Jenny?

We're looking for Paisley now.

We don't know what happened yet.

Ask Mama Liu.

EDISON: Try to pull on that.

No, not that. That's tissue.

You need to stop backseat combing before I tweeze your eyes out. Sorry, but to have enough skull to I.D. a m*rder w*apon, I need more bone.

But you knew that. Again: sorry.


Did you really ask Cam about her boyfriend?


I've been far too withdrawn and private around here.

Oh, and by the way, congratulations, Dad.

(chuckles) Thanks.

You know, I want a lot of kids.

I'm from a big family.

I've had, like, nine brothers and sisters.

Could never get a word in.

It's probably why I never opened up around here.

Wow, nine.

Or it could have been my stint in the NSA.

Yeah, they never allowed us to talk about anything there.

You were in the NSA?

Mm-hmm, summer job.

Yeah, when I was deciding what I wanted to do.

What did you do there?
SAROYAN: Any luck?

Dr. Hodgins won't allow me to help.

Ooh! Ooh, there's a fragment!

Come on. Over here! Hodgins, right here!

I see it, Clark, but I cannot get it out from this tangled mess.

Then why don't we just put it in the centrifuge?

That's not going to work. Exactly. What we need is and acid reagent that can eat the hair, leaving the bones behind.

What? And risk damaging the bones?

You need a conditioner.

Three bucks at the drugstore.

Feel free to expense it.

My girlfriend and I are talking about having babies.

Yeah, but she's afraid of, like, losing her sexuality during pregnancy... Conditioner, Clark.

Yeah, okay.

(traditional Chinese music plays)

(door opens)

Yes? Can I help you?

We're looking for Mama Loo.

Mama Liu. Li... u, yes.

Paisley sent us.

At your service!

Very stylish, both of you.

Follow me.

You want Vuitton?

Prada, Gucci, Chanel?

The whole thing.

Follow me, cuties.

What's happening?

Chanel's what's happening.

And the Gucci.

Sweet, sweet Gucci.

Four for the price of three.

Cash only.

$150 each.

Right. Nicole said Paisley got her a Chanel bag.

But that was counterfeit.

She got it here. Give you a special price!

(door thuds)
Freeze! Metro Police.

You're under arrest for dealing in counterfeit goods.

(Mama Liu shouting in Mandarin)

Sorry to point our weapons at you guys.

I had no idea we were on the same side.

BOOTH: Right, no problem.

Eric Anderson. I'm an investigator with the Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance.

Prada Police.

The Gucci Gumshoes, the Rolex Roughriders.

Take your best shot. I'm used to it.

These are beautiful.

I can't tell they're counterfeit.

Which is why it's such a lucrative business.

Well, personally, I don't see the appeal.

Status symbols are signifiers of the position one has in a social network.

The same as the hyena bones worn by the Malawi tribeswomen.

Although, those are impossible to counterfeit.

This is a little bigger than a few bones.

If you buy a fake purse, you are supporting a multibillion-dollar business which perpetuates child labor, launders drug cartel money, finances t*rrorists.

You think that little old lady could be dangerous?

Oh, I wouldn't cross her.

Well, we're investigating a m*rder; someone who works for her-- a Jenny Yang.

Jenny Yang was the one who tipped us off.

Yeah, well, maybe Mama found out and decided to get even, hmm?

Do I really have to get in?!

I'm old lady!

There you go.

Wouldn't the hair conditioner compromise the evidence?


It's basically hydrolyzed protein acidifier.

It's easily discernible from the other chemicals and particulates.

Got some there for you already.

Oh. Thanks.

You must be very happy.

Uh... yeah.

Always happy to retrieve evidence.

No, I...

I mean about the baby.

I think you and Angela will be... bizarre but splendid parents.

Thanks, Clark.

So about you and the NSA...

Never going to happen, Dr. Hodgins.

Yeah, but... It was just a summer job.

But... Can't. Sorry.

But I would be very happy to discuss this whole mess with Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth and this new woman.

What the hell is that about?

I mean, come on, the potential emotional fallout, it could be cataclysmic, am I right?

Okay, we... we should really focus on these bone fragments so that you can determine the w*apon. Okay?

Oh. Sure.

But... my money's on Dr. B. and Booth.



I... I'm just, uh... I'm late.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

Apparently, that is a statistical impossibility.

How is that a statistical impossibility?

You have exceeded your daily quota for legitimate excuses, and since I don't want to lose you as a friend, I insist on knowing why you're avoiding me.

Can we talk about this later?

Maybe we can meet for a drink.

I'm late for a meeting with the president. No.



I found out about you and Seeley.

Your... talk.

How you feel.

Booth told you?

He shouldn't have done that. He had to.

We're a couple.

I didn't want to hurt you. I just...

I-I shouldn't have said anything to him.

I would have done the same thing, and you would have understood, right?

I wasn't avoiding you; I was just confused.

I don't want to do anything to mess up your friendship with Seeley.

Or my friendship with you.

Now, if you'd please step aside, I'm actually...

I'm late for an interview with the president.

Oh! Really? Yes.

I am sorry.

Could you please ask him to devote more resources to the conflict in the Congo?

I will.

Drinks later? I won't cancel.



All I do is sell some purses.

I did not know they're fake.

BOOTH: Save it, Mama.

Mr. Anderson here tells me you run quite the operation.

My guess is, someone gets in your way, you take them out.

Cheap belt.

I fix you up with nice Hermes belt.

A real one. How about that?

Bribery. Interesting.

No bribery. Generosity.

Generosity, okay.

Purses are the least of your problems right now.

You know a Jenny Yang, right?

She's like my own child.

Right, well, she was found m*rder*d.

(speaks Mandarin)


(speaking Mandarin)

(arguing in Mandarin)
All right, hey, hey...

Hey! Everybody, just calm down.

I did not k*ll anyone.

Why would I k*ll Jenny?

Jenny's the one who told us about the counterfeit goods.

She said you'd k*ll her if you found out.

Jenny was a good Chinese girl, not like those other girls who pretended to be her friends.

Yeah, really interesting-- or maybe Paisley just told her friend to get a cut of the action and you wouldn't give it to her.

That white bitch was the criminal.

She owe me $2,000 for the purses.

Jenny went to her house to collect... and I never saw her again.

She tried to be white.

That's what k*lled her.

679 pages' worth of Paisley's online life.

Did you find Jenny in there?

Yeah. Page 472.

Paisley ignored a friend request from Jenny.


I think Jenny wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

It's possible.

Classic stalker relationship.

None of these people have seen Paisley, or have any idea where she is.

All right, she always has this rat by her side, right? Yeah.

Narcissistic personality disorder, coupled with addiction to both intoxicants and sex-- it doesn't leave a lot of room to develop a human relationship.

Wait a second. Look at that collar.

SWEETS: Yeah, Paisley mentioned in one of her posts that she had Chi-Chi LoJacked so she'd never lose him.


That is excellent work, Dr. Edison.

Thank you.

I just want to tell you that...

I feel so much more comfortable here now that I'm not holding so much inside.

I'm glad.

But just know that if you ever feel the need to bottle yourself up again, we'll support you.

Thank you.

She was k*lled by a blunt force trauma to the occipital bone.

The bone shards were jammed into her brain.

This was one angry, violent death.

Dr. Brennan would say it's impossible to know the assailant's state of mind.

But I'm gonna go on record right now and say that this was one psycho dude.

Can you take a cast to determine what kind of w*apon was used?
(cell phone ringing)

Dr. Saroyan.

BOOTH: Yeah, we tracked down Paisley Johnston through her rat.

She was drinking and taking pills.

They had to pump her stomach.

I'm thinking that's the sort of thing you do if you regretted murdering someone.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

BOOTH: Generally, girls like you end up OD'ing in cheap hotels for a reason, Paisley.

I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Why don't you tell me about Jenny Yang?

Jenny who?


Jenny Yang. You were buying counterfeit purses from her?

I barely know her.

Well, she was found m*rder*d in your shower.

In my shower? Mm-hmm.

What was she doing in my house?

I don't know. You tell me.

Oh, God.

She knew where I kept my key, because sometimes she dropped off the purses when I wasn't home.

The FBI also found a small electronic device under your mattress?

Brody put it there. He's my boyfriend.

He thought I didn't know, but I did.

Whenever I bring someone else into bed with me, it would turn on the bear.

"The bear"?

A teddy bear cam.

You know, a secret camera.

He was using it to watch his girlfriend sleep with other guys.

Perv. Right.

Well, we didn't find a teddy bear cam in your room anywhere.

Well, Brody's probably watching what's on it.

Did you guys clean up the dead stuff in my shower?

Because, um, I really don't do that.

The reconstructed skull is complete.

What are these?

I thought they were from the skull, but they must be from another part of the skeleton.

I was going to determine that next.

There's a depressed fracture with lines radiating away from the point of impact.

Radiating lines point to a w*apon of small mass impacting with high force.

Well, that would be consistent with the idea of a hammer or a baton. But with this angle, the w*apon would have had to smash upward into the skull.

Hmm. That would be a very awkward attack.

Pull up the crime scene photos.

If Jenny was picked up and smashed downward onto one of those nozzles, that would also match these injuries.

They're approximately the right circumference.

And the right angle.

Death by shower.

That's a new one.

So, did everything work out with Hannah?

Yeah, yeah. It was... it was great.

She's really cool. I mean, she's amazing.

Yeah? And with her and Dr. Brennan?

Oh, fine. Everything's great.

You know, the two of them are becoming really good friends.

And that's okay? Yeah. Yeah, why not?

Well, I just meant, they're close and what they have in common is you, so... So?

So, some men might find that threatening. Well, lucky for me, I'm not "some men.
" ANDERSON: Excuse me?

Agent Booth.

Anderson. Mama Liu's not your k*ller.

She was in New York sorting through a shipment of counterfeit goods when the girl was m*rder*d.

Mama Liu led us to the importer who placed her there.

Wow, so you got an even bigger bust.

Yeah. Thanks for your help, Booth.

I got a big bonus for this one.

You know, I get the same salary no matter how many K*llers I catch. Where's the justice?

BRODY: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Take the bear.

Just take the bear. He's yours.

Why'd you take the bear in the first place?

How would you like it if people found out you were taping your girlfriend?

Well, she knew you were taping her, by the way.

I don't care.

I'm just glad she's alive.

Paisley was sleeping with other guys.

Maybe you wanted to take a little revenge.

You're twisting me around here.

I brought you the teddy bear. BOOTH: Right.

For your sake, let's hope there's nothing erased.



(woman moaning)

Oh. She's very energetic.

Paisley is very flexible.

Does this qualify as porn or work?

There's an overlap. Hmm.

Okay, that's a new guy.

Man, he's in a hurry.

It's on fast-forward, Sweets.

Oh. That makes sense.

Same woman, another guy.

That's not Paisley. That's Jenny Yang.

That's the Chinese charm, the Fu thing.

Uh, whatever they called it.

If the time code is right, then this was recorded the night of the m*rder.

MONTENEGRO: So, she's trying so hard to be modern, and yet she still wears that old country charm on her back?

An individual can try to identify outside their culture, but customs persist.

They're ingrained as permanently as a fingerprint.

Too bad she didn't realize that sooner.

SAROYAN: Could that be Brody with Jenny?


You don't actually see his face in the video.

Perhaps we can measure the male's limbs to determine ethnicity.

MONTENEGRO: Okay, well, I can try.

I only have access to that leg and part of his arm, but... let's give it a shot.

EDISON: Dr. Brennan.


I looked more closely at those two pieces left over from the skull reconstruction.

They aren't bone at all.

They're asymmetrically bundled keratin, amino acids, guanidine....

Hair? Yes.

But with sterols present.

Rhinoceros horn.

It's used in traditional Chinese medicine, mistakenly believed to be a male aphrodisiac.

Jenny's fiancé had it in his shop.

Looks like Jenny's fiancé's going to need a little more than rhino horn.

Like maybe a good lawyer.

BOOTH: You said you hadn't seen Jenny in a week.

I haven't. BRENNAN: We found traces of rhinoceros horn in Paisley's shower.

In Chinese medicine, rhinoceros horn is only used by men.

Which puts you in the shower.

No, the... the rhinoceros horn was on a blue string, like a necklace.

I told Jenny it would help her back.

That's not true.

Rhinoceros horn is cold, and only used on men, because they're hot.

We are.

I was trying to cool her spirits.

She was changing, lying to me, becoming obsessed with fools like Paisley Johnston.

So if you couldn't have her, no one could.

I didn't hurt her. I just didn't want her to lose her identity. I loved her!

Please roll up your pant leg.

Wait, what? What are you doing?

We have a video of the man with Jenny that night.

I'd like to compare your tibia with the one on the video.

No, you could make a mistake.

I don't make mistakes.

No, she doesn't.

It's definitely not Ming Tsou.

The tibia is the wrong length.

What about Paisley's boyfriend Brody?

Mmm. Not according to the body measurements.

(sighs) So all we've got is a m*rder*r we can't I.D.

Maybe we can.

I've isolated all the reflective surfaces in the room.

You can't recognize anyone in those.

No, not yet, but if we can find a portion of his face in any of these, we might be able to make a composite.

That's brilliant, Angela.

Or, if it doesn't work, totally idiotic.

BRENNAN: Try the chrome sphere on the lamp.

Okay, now that wine glass.

Oh, and that little cube-shaped box in the alcove.

And this other box on the other side of the bed.

Okay. Now I'll isolate the facial reflections and map them to the models.

And increase the resolution.

This might actually work.

Now, the computer just needs to generate a 3-D image, then fill in the pieces.


That's the Prada policeman.

BOOTH: Thanks for coming in.

Just have to ask you a few more questions about Jenny Yang.

No problem.

Why didn't you tell us that you, uh, slept with her?

Okay, look. I made a mistake, okay?

But come on. I got a wife, a new baby... You're breaking my heart.

I was conducting an investigation.

She was helping me. One thing led to another.

It happens.

One thing led to m*rder, Anderson.

You had sex with her that night.

The jury loves that sort of stuff.

You can't tell that's me.

Oh, see, the squints at the Jeffersonian got your face from the reflections in the room.

DA was convinced.

Arrest warrant.

Jenny took me to Paisley's that night.

Showed her fake purses.

We fooled around, and in the shower she asked if I could arrest Paisley instead of Mama Liu.

And that wouldn't get you a bonus.

We had the bust all planned, and then... suddenly she was freaking out about betraying Mama Liu.

Said if I didn't call it off, she'd tell my boss I slept with her.

I'd lose my job, my family, everything.

So you k*lled her and you ran.

You didn't even shut off the water.

I could've lost everything.

You k*lled her and you ran.

♪ ♪

Look at her little heartbeat.

(gentle beeping)

HODGINS: He's cute, isn't he?


He's really floating around in there.

Clark, uh... hey.

Hey, I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't...

I really didn't mean to spy on you two.

I just...

Wow, that is just so amazing.

You guys... come here.


Wow, that's... that's really sweet.

Yeah, and weird. What is going on?

It's like you've eaten the real Clark.

Change is growth, man.

I just wanted to come by and just tell you guys that you did a great job on the case.

MONTENEGRO: Thank you.

EDISON: And have a good evening.

Mmm. Bye.

(chuckling): Good night, Clark. Night.

It's totally weird, right?

And he was in the NSA, so he could be completely messing with us.

Or he's just turning into a normal guy.

Don't get all paranoid on us.

One last look?

Heck, yeah.
(whispers): Yeah.


Doesn't look like a chandelier kind of kid, does he?

I don't think I could fit one in there, anyway.

I think he'll be happier with this... anyway.

Uh, well, Hodgins, what is this?

Open it.

So, I ran into Paisley after, um, completely trashing her plumbing.

Unlike us, dead people freak her out.

So I made her an offer, and I got the place for a steal.

I mean, you still like it, right?

I'm going to replace the shower. I promise.

Hodgins... this is the... the craziest, sweetest thing that anybody's ever done for me.

Thank you.

I love you.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

You usually have a drink with Seeley after a case, don't you?

Yes, but he'll have his drink with you when you get home.

It depends on how many we knock back first.

I have quite a high tolerance for alcohol.

Oh. Is that a challenge?

Barkeep, a shot of bourbon, and one for my friend.


I enjoyed Westerns as a child.


(glasses clink)


I think that guy across the bar is looking at you.

BRENNAN: That happens frequently.

I'm quite beautiful.

He's very handsome.

He is.

I... enjoy a good-looking man.

Well, most women do.

Angela said that I... should move on.

She didn't mean that I should change locations...

I know.

I think she's right.

You deserve to be happy, Temperance.


MAN: Hi.


Can I buy you a drink?

I'd like that.

I'm going to go.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay. MAN: No, wait.

I wanted to buy you a drink.

Both of you.

What do you say?
(guffaws) No.

God, no. Get lost, creep.

Can you believe that?

(both laughing)

Wow. Barkeep, two more.

Barkeep, barkeep, two more! Two more, please.