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06x278 - Musical Chairs

Posted: 03/20/23 10:10
by bunniefuu
Musical Chairs

You look a little down... Batta.

Go away.

I think you're hurting, deep down inside.

Even if you did it just to survive,

taking someone's life is very painful.

Shut up!

I'm sorry.

I was just trying to cheer you up.

Ladies shouldn't fight each other!

Stay out of this!

N-Now you've done it!

It's gone!

This what you're looking for?

My kunai!

Give it back!

Calm down, Shamo and Batta!

If you want to go home alive,

you need to cooperate with people you don't like.

Who are you kidding?!

How many were here at the start?

There's only eight now.

This experiment...

is set up so we can't proceed without trampling over others.

So, it's not your fault... Is that it?

I won't ask about what happened in the elevator.

But just know if you're planning to come after me...

I don't mind fighting you.

Is showing off your jutsu like that

your way of asking for an early death?

Personally, I wouldn't show my hand for all to see.

You damned—!

Keep it down!

You stay out of this!

Don't lose your cool, Mr. Kiseru.

You know...

For a long time, I've been bored of this hair color.

But I never had the guts to change it.

That's why I've made up my mind!

If I'm still alive at the end of these experiments,

I'm finally going to change my hair color!

It's times like these when you need to have some hope, right?

You might be right.

How about you, Boruto?

Tell us your reason you want to survive...

if you have one!


I, uh...

There's a person I admire.

No matter how difficult the mission,

my master never flinches and gets it done.

One day, I'm going to become a shinobi like him.

That's why I can't die in a place like this.

A person you admire, huh?

I have a reason, as well.

Someone very important to me is waiting for me.

I gave her a lot of grief.

I want to make her happy one day.

You're talking about your grandmother?

So what?

It's true that I gave her a lot of grief.

I see...

So, that's your desire, Shamo.


It's more like something that I'm going to do.

What about you, Mr. Namua?

What's your desire?

I don't have any.

Not even one?

That's strange...

If I remember correctly,

only convicted murderers in the Northern Penitentiary

are given that tattoo on your arm.

Were you... in jail?!

Stop. His past doesn't matter...

Long ago,

I was a wicked man who went as far as his desires took him.

I k*lled and stole whatever I wanted.

But the more I took from others,

the more worried I became that I would be the victim next...

By the time I realized it, I couldn't sleep a wink.

That was when...

I met a priest dressed in rags.

He didn't own a single thing of value...

but his soul was very peaceful.

I foolishly tried to steal his rice ball...

but I couldn't do it.

With his crystal-clear eyes fixed intently on me...

I felt the murky darkness in me melting away.

Ever since then, I vowed to shun all worldly desires...

and devote myself to asceticism.

That's a noble way of thinking.

Maybe you could learn a little from him, Boss?

Shut up!

How about you, Mr. Fugou?

You seem very secretive about

that suitcase you never wanna let go of.

I... want to deliver payment to my client, that's all.

My company's fate is at stake.

Just leave it to me.

I want to hear your story too, Batta.

I mean, you're pretty mysterious.


Why I need money is none of your business.

You see? That's just what I thought.


Someone who just wants money wouldn't have used the word "need."

Seems like you have a reason behind it.

Tell us.

No reason to hide it, right?

If you really wanna know, I'll tell you.

I'm going to save up a lot of money and buy an island!

An island?

One with pristine white sand beaches and blue seas!

I'm going to have it all to myself!

That was a waste of time.

You're totally selfish in every way.

What noble reason do you have

that gives you the right to say that?


I have no desire to tell you.


That just proves you have something to hide.

I want to know, too.


If I can get out of here,

I'm going for a soak at a hot spring in my homeland.

That sounds wonderful.

What kind of hot spring is it?

I was born in a village deep in the mountains

along the border of the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls.

My grandpa took me to a nearby hot spring often.

Watching the sunset while soaking in the hot spring is the best.

Oh, really?

A hot spring sounds great!

But to get there, you'll have to be the last one standing!

Now then...

What experiment will be next?

There are three remaining.

If you don't choose one, you can't move on.

I'll choose.

I can't waste time dawdling here.


Good choice!

I think this will be the harshest experiment yet.

Well then, the final eight! I shall lead the way!

{\move( , , , )}PRESSURE

What a creepy room.

{\move( , , , , , )}A

Mitsuki's not with you?

He's at the scene to continue investigating.

So, any progress?

The Thunder Train's still missing.

But I did find this.

It's a list of the people who bought tickets

for the Thunder Train Boruto was on.

I'll try running it against the databases from all the lands

to see if anyone suspicious was on board.

Let's get started as soon as possible!

Looks like blood stains...

What?! I-Is he going to make us k*ll each other here?!

I can't think with you around. Go to a corner and be quiet!

It's like you think I'm useless.


There's a button here. Should I push it?

Maybe it's a light switch?



What was that sound?!

Uh... that was, uh...


Above us!


The ceiling's coming down.

This is bad...


Damn it! There's no way out. What are we going to do?

Lightning Style! Thunder Wedge!

Yatsume! Don't push yourself!

I can manage this!

Yatsume! Are you okay?!

Yeah... I'm okay.

Damn it!


It didn't budge!

Hey, you!

What did you do?!

I just tried to turn on the lights.

I pushed it again, but it didn't stop!

There are six more!


Just do anything to make it stop!

We'll just have to try pushing them, right?

Whatever we choose, it can't get any worse than this.

This is the worst!

This is the worst!

Is it this one?!

This one?!

This one?!

Shamo! Calm down!

What is happening?!

All right!

All right!


It didn't solve anything.

Stop it.

What if you make it worse?

So, we're just gonna wait and let it flatten us?!

No. Ouga wants to see us sabotage each other.

It wouldn't be his style to let this all end

with us getting crushed.

We leave it up to you now, Boruto.

Can't turn back now that we've come this far, right?!

Is that an exit?!

No, they're depressions where we can hide.

We can avoid the ceiling by going in there.

Yay! We're saved!

This space is mine!

Oh, good one, Boss.

Now hurry up and get inside.


I have to... hide quickly!

You're not taking this space!

Don't be so sure of yourself!

It's not right! You have to hide too!

Don't overdo it.

You got hurt earlier, didn't you?

Besides, you saved my life during the first experiment.

Let's call it even.

I can't leave you out here!

If you don't get in, you'll be crushed!

If you aren't going to use the space,

I'll take your place.

Don't worry about the two of us!


I told you, didn't I?

I'm gonna get out of here and become a shinobi like my master!

I'm sure he'd do the same thing.


Fire Style: Flaming Hail!

You bastard!

Take a good look.

You shouldn't be wasting your time with me.

You've put your friends in danger.

Water Style: Wave Surge!

Thanks, Boruto.

Don't mention it.

Our problem is the ceiling.

It's lower now!

What a bad joke.

We're done for!

The water's draining away?

Boruto, what are you doing?

I hear dripping water!

I can't tell how thick the floor is,

but there must be a space under here!

So, should we break through the floor?

It's our only option!


One or two hits won't get it done.

Let's keep going, Boruto!


It's going to be okay, Shamo.

I'm not letting anyone die here!

I promise we're all going to survive this.

I... can do this too!

Earth Style: Mud Wall!

Grandma! Grandma!

He's so wimpy!

But it's reassuring...

Mr. Namua, you too?

Are you guys insane?

There's no way you're going to break through this hard floor!

If you're not going to help, then keep quiet!

We should hurry.

Yeah. On " ."

... ...



We're getting there!

One more time!

... ...



Still not enough...

This is not the time to give up!

... ...



Good luck digging your hole.

But you know, this is a life-or-death game of musical chairs.

That's why there's only one thing to do.

This isn't personal.

I need money.

To buy your white sand beach?

With money you get from k*lling people?

Yeah, that's right!

I've been saying that all this time!

That's a lie! You were so miserable earlier!

What's the real reason?

That's none of your business!

Yes, it is!

I don't want to die without knowing your real reason!

Hurry up and do it!

k*lling two or three people isn't going to make any difference!

You keep out of this!

I need you to stay alive!

Don't you want the money?!

Yeah, I want it.

Of course, I do.

I need it to buy back the island

that rich guys like you took from me!


Resort development... whatever!

You guys came and trampled all over my birthplace and home!

Have you ever considered

how the people whose homes you took felt?!

So, that's your real reason.

It's what the rich always do!

They trample all over the weak without a care.

That's why I'll k*ll or do whatever it takes

in exchange for money!

You got a problem with that?!

Stop it, Batta!

There's no need to dirty your hands more.

You'll see. We're definitely breaking through this floor...

and no one has to die.

You won't be able to do it.

We can!

If we all work together!

Ouga wants to see us sabotage one another.

Isn't it frustrating to just play right into his hands?

Let's work together and shock Ouga, Batta!

You're serious about not giving up until you break the floor?

Oh yeah, I'm serious!

Then bring it on!

You're gonna help us?

Bashing it randomly isn't going to break it.

What do you suggest?

There's a process to breaking things.

Are you able to sense things?

It bugs me showing you my hand,

but right now, I can't afford not to.

Do you know how they cut hard diamonds?

They find the weakest point in a bond

and strike it with precise blows from a hammer.

Every material always has one weak point in a bond.

So yes, this floor has one too.

You're saying we need to find that point?

Hurry up, Batta!

Don't rush me. It's distracting.


I see it!

Over there, Boruto!


You gotta do it, Boruto!

I can't hold this much longer!


We did it... We did it.

Serves you right, Ouga!

I tip my hat to you, Boruto.

This happening is going to make what's coming

so much more enjoyable.

{\pos( , )\fad( , )}PRESSURE

I'll prepare the next one so it's much, much more formidable.

Rest up until then!

My body aches all over.

I'll join you after I take a little break.

All right.

Don't be so mad!

I'm still a little shaky.

Be careful.

Is it broken?

The lock's not working.

It's because you whacked me with it.

Your precious money is inside, right?

It opened...

Thank goodness!

Uh... yeah!

You saved us, Batta.

Thanks to you, no one d*ed.

There won't be a next time.

Well, to be honest, I was surprised that you're such a decent person.

Want me to let you in on another surprise?

There might be another traitor among the eight survivors.

Why are you saying that all of a sudden?

Do you know what this is, Boruto?

A communication device?

I swiped it from that person earlier.

It's not odd for a shinobi to have a communication device.

Having one isn't.

But the bastard kept it hidden from us

when they could've contacted the outside at any time.

Normally, someone would want to get out of this maze.

Don't you find that strange?

Maybe it's broken?

I tested it earlier. It works fine.

Unfortunately, no one picked up.

Who does it belong to?

Starting to believe me now?

Listen, the one who had this is...

So, there were five passengers with unclear backgrounds.

Yeah. I'm running them against the Leaf's records right now.

It might be a waste of time.

But right now, it's the only clue we have.

Kawaki, does this face look familiar to you?


It says this person...

is an Outer who was helping Kara.

An Outer was on the same Thunder Train with Boruto?!

It can't be a coincidence.

Who is he and where is...




Kiseru Gankubi from?!

There are numbers written on the tags that I gave out to you.

The number needed to win is .

The person who has already is super lucky!

I'm going to have everyone try to steal that tag!

The anything-goes survival game starts now!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"The Obstacle: Seven."