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14x15 - The Other Shoe

Posted: 03/20/23 10:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on "NCIS Los Angeles..."

Detective Ellen Whiting,
Internal Affairs.

I wish I could say this
is the end of it, but I can't.

'Cause the truth is
is I just don't know.


- Out of the car now.
- Hey, whoa, whoa.

- Hey!
- Stop!

Whiting tipped me off. They're
trying to push for paid leave

for the officer that pulled me
and my little sister over.

I should be able to drive
my little sister to school

without being perceived as a threat.

I got a long list
of "I should be able," too.

You start addressing
your list, Detective,

I'll be addressing mine.

DEEKS: So, Rosa, this boy
that's coming over to pick you up...

ROSA: Steven.
I told you about him. Steven.

Yeah, no, definitely.
We're aware of his existence.

I'm just wondering if this
is just, like, a boy,

it's not like a, like,
it's not like a boyfriend,

- right?
- Geez, Deeks, pry much?


Right now, Steven's a boy

who's a friend, but
he's not a boyfriend.

Okay, but when you say "right now,"
like, are we

- progressing towards something?
- I love this jacket.

But is it better than the blue one?

- So much better.
- It's just a great jacket.

- It's not even a choice.
- I love it, but my-my question is

- why does it matter if it's not a date?
- Mm.

Okay, boomer. Why are adults
so obsessed with labels?

(SIGHS) Boomer.
God, I wish I had that kind of

disposable income, but no,

sadly, we're Generation X.
We are the middle children,

the MTV generation, the
purveyors of the floppy disk,

- and SunnyD.
- Okay,

chill out, latchkey kid.

First of all, it's perfectly
fine to go to a movie

- at midnight with a friend.
- Yeah. Ooh.

Thank you, Kensi.

Yeah, no, I-I definitely think
it's okay. I'm just curious

- on what the said movie is?
- ROSA: An oldie.

10 Things I Hate About You.


Okay, first of all, no joke,

that is one of my
favorite movies of all time.

I love it so much.
Second of all, not an oldie.

DEEKS: Yeah, who's the boomer now?
But that is

- a rom-com, right?
- So dreamy.

So, dollars to donuts,

this kid, he thinks it's a date, Kens.

(SIGHS) He thinks it's a date.

- Oh...

Uh, I-I'm not ready yet. Stall him.

- Oh, yeah, I'll definitely stall him.
- Okay, yup. I'll take that.

I'm gonna run his license plate.

- ROSA: Deeks!
- I'm kidding.

- I'm not kidding. Oh.

Little impatient little bugger,
huh? You want to play hard ball?

I'll play hard ball with you. Ready?

- Deeks.
- Hey, Whiting.

- WHITING: Sorry to bring this

to your door, but you know
all those favors you owe me?

I'm calling them in.

All of them. Right now.

♪ ♪

I got a text last night
from an LAPD officer,

Sean Turner.

He was in trouble,
wanted to meet off the record.

But when I got there,

he was dead.


Before I could call it in,
I was att*cked.

By whom?

Couldn't say.

Male. Maybe six feet.

Wearing a mask, came at me from behind.

I got a few good hits in and escaped.

That still doesn't explain
why you're here.

Or why I am, at this ungodly hour

on a Saturday.

Well, I may not have seen the guy,

but if I was a betting woman,

I'd say he was a cop.

Now you're starting to see why
I interrupted your beauty sleep.

WHITING: I ditched my car. Phone, too.

Wasn't sure if they could track it,

and I went straight to Deeks's.

I didn't know who else I could turn to.

This is not an accusation
we can take lightly.

I'm assuming that you have
some evidence to back this up.

Well, there's the fact that,
immediately after I escaped,

they put out an APB on me

in connection to Turner's m*rder.

Only way they could get it out that fast

is if the whole thing was a setup.

Why would a fellow cop set you up?

I mean, I've never

won any LAPD popularity contests,

- but...
- Huh.

Let's just say my numbers are polling

at an all-time low.

Certain groups were less than thrilled

that I tipped off Agent Rountree

about the investigation
into his incident.

Yeah, color me curious.

- Why did you do that?
- You know,

I never wanted to be a part
of that mess in the first place.

As much as it pained me,
the order came from high.

But then... I got pressured

to push Rountree harder
to drop the complaint.

I mean, it was relentless.

I had to draw a line.

So, you think this was payback.

And you really believe
they'd go to these lengths

over Rountree's investigation?

I mean, the blue wall of silence
is a very real thing,

but there may be more to it.

When I started looking
into Officer McNeil

after Rountree's incident,

I started hearing rumors
about a crew of cops

that were running protection
for a fentanyl ring.

I quietly asked around,

but I think my questions
hit a little too close to home.

Best guess, they wanted to take me out

before I uncovered too much.

Make it look like
an I.A. bust gone wrong.

How does Turner fit into all this?

I don't know yet,

but I don't know
who I can trust at the LAPD.

I need your help
to get to the bottom of this.

Prove I'm innocent.

I'll be the first to admit
I don't always like her,

but I've learned not to doubt
her intuition.

Deeks, that may be the nicest
thing you've ever said about me.

Well, it's good to see that
this near-death experience

hasn't rattled your trademark snark.

KILBRIDE: Fentanyl.

Deadly even in small doses,

almost impossible to trace
if you mix it with other dr*gs.

And there has been an uptick
of it on the streets lately.

And if cops are behind this...

All right, I will contact DEA,

see if I can substantiate these rumors,

and, in the meantime, the team can


look into Detective Whiting's claims.

But be advised, Investigator Deeks,

you are on a short leash.

A very short leash.

Any idea why we're here on a weekend?

No. It wasn't a welcome call.

I was supposed to get brunch
with Akhil at R publique.

Do you know how hard it is
to get a reservation there?

Yeah, tell me about it.

I was supposed to be
at the LAFC game today.

Oh, Tree, you sweet summer transplant.

Everybody knows that LAFC
is just the flavor of the month.

Okay, Galaxy s the O.G.
L.A. football club.

Wow, okay. I didn't realize you had

- such strong opinions on soccer.

Comes from my dad.

He was a diehard Aboomoslem fan
back in Mashhad.

He missed soccer so much here,

until MLS started up.

He's been a Galaxy season ticket
holder ever since.

Well, I feel that, but nothing beats

the atmosphere at the Banc.

Doesn't beat the Lakers.

Have you been?

That's what I thought.

You are missing out, my friend.

So, in the next Trafico, we're going.

- Deal.

- But only if my dad can come.
- Sure.

He's gonna have to rep
the Galaxy at his own risk.


- Hey, Sam.
- Hey.

You have any idea what's going on?


I just got off the phone
with Kilbride. Follow me.

ROUNTREE: So, let me get this straight,

this woman defended the LAPD

when they pepper sprayed
me and my little sister,

and we're supposed to just
take her word for all this?

She did tip you off
to McNeil's punishment.

Or lack thereof.

I don't give a damn that.

That doesn't tell us
whose side she's really on.

We're not gonna take
her word on anything.

Naval Station San Diego
had several fentanyl overdoses

after a group of sailors
returned from liberty in L.A.

Two sailors died.

We're gonna investigate this ourselves

and find the truth.

Whiting was right about one thing,

LAPD didn't waste any time
getting a warrant.

News picked it up.

We need to find out what led
to Officer Turner's death,

and we can't tip off LAPD
that we're looking into it.

Where do we start?

SAM: Kilbride's heading in now.

I'll meet up with Deeks
on the way to the scene.

We got to get
a better picture of Turner.

We'll never get our hands
on his arrest reports

or his disciplinary actions,

so, Fatima, I need you
to dive into everything else;

his background, his personal life.

Anything that looks suspicious
or out of the ordinary.

Copy that.

What about me?

(SCOFFS) You're not gonna like it.

Oh, hell no.

Somebody has to keep their eyes
on her at the boatshed.

With all that's happened,

you don't want to be anywhere near LAPD.

Especially if this is payback
for her tipping you off.

You're right.

- I don't like this.
- I don't either.

But sometimes we just have to do it.

DEEKS: Is that the sound of
the other shoe officially dropping?

I mean, I know that you've been

hanging onto these favors for years,

so, after this, are we finally even?

You get me out of this,

we're more than even.

And I did want to
apologize for the clothing.

Kensi's pantsuit collection's
running a little bit thin.

But on the bright side,

no one's gonna
recognize you without one.

Right? It's the perfect disguise.

Glad to see my near-death experience

hasn't rattled your trademark
childish insults.

- I mean, you started it.

Yo, can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah, of course.


Listen, I know she's not
everybody's cup of tea,

including me, especially you.

Yeah, that's putting it lightly.

And you're totally justified,

but I need you to know
that I respect her,

and I trust her.

Even though I do want to
sh**t her myself sometimes.

Yeah, maybe, but that's for you.

Respect is earned, not given.

You ever notice on her neck,

the scar that she has right
here? You know how she got that?

No. What...

She took a b*llet for Hetty.

She saved her life.

She almost died in my arms.


Please, just don't k*ll each other.



Then there were two.

Three, if you include
the giant elephant in the room,

but who's counting?

Do you really think it's a good idea

to leave Rountree and Whiting alone?

He can handle it.

Yeah, but if they do throw down,

who you taking in that fight?

I mean, 'cause Rountree's
got muscle, for sure,

but Whiting, I feel like
she's an eye-gouger.

You know what I mean? A throat puncher.

- A groin kicker.

- I'm not playing this game, Deeks.
- All right.

SAM: That's where Turner was k*lled.

Looks like LAPD still has
the scene locked down.

Yeah, we got to keep our distance.

It'd be risky to get close,
especially me.

- Mm.
- We got a lot of businesses, right?

There's got to be cameras.

Somebody must've seen everything
that came and went.

Okay. Let's split up.
It'll attract less attention.

- You take that side,
- I'll take this one.

All right. Let me know
the tale of the tape.

I want those odds when I get back.


How about the weather?

Any... weekend plans I ruined?


Just trying to make conversation.

Here's a conversation,
how's that list going

you're supposed to be working on?

Never ends. How about yours?

If you're not gonna ask,
I'll just tell you.

LAPD's closing McNeil's case.

Still on administrative leave,

but no additional punishment.


I know it doesn't mean
much coming from me, but

I am sorry.

You say that like you
had nothing to do with it.

I was just the I.A. investigator,

and I backed your take.

We report our findings to the
Professional Standards Bureau.

They're the ones
that decide the punishment.

So it was just out of your hands?

You know what? That's convenient.

Seems to be the case with everyone

I've talked to about this.

And my "take"?

I didn't have a "take."

There was only what happened...

- Hey, hey, where are you going?
- I mean, as much fun

as this is, I thought
I'd pop out for some sun.

There's a theory I want to check out.

Not happening.

Well, I'm gonna go, one way or another,

so you want to stop me,

sh**t me.

Do not tempt me.

You know, I'm starting to see

why you're not the crowd favorite.

You know what my superpower
is, Rountree?

I don't give a damn if people like me.


I'm I.A.,

almost everyone I deal with doesn't.

(SIGHS) Come on.

You really want to sit in here
in awkward silence

while they're out there doing the work?

Sooner you help me,

sooner I'm out of your hair.


Hey, how's it going with Whiting?

ROUNTREE (OVER PHONE): It's-it's going.

She wants to leave

and, um, I'm thinking
about going with her.

Okay, that does not sound
like a good idea.

LAPD is searching for her.

Yeah, I know, but we'll take my car.

They won't be looking for it.

Still, Kilbride would totally freak.

That's why I'm calling you.

Can you cover for me?

Look, I don't think she's as innocent

as she's claiming to be.

And if she's not,

I'll be there when she slips up.

Besides, you owe me
for that coffee date.

Okay, fine, but for the record,
I do not like this.

- Thank you.

Had to check with your parents?

Did they say you can come out and play?

Come on, before I change my mind.

This is the spot.


What conspiracy theory are you
actually hoping to unveil here?

You'll see. Now, we wait.


What happened to your g*n?

I saw your holster by your clothes

and realized your g*n was missing.

Lost it when I was att*cked.

Sure you didn't sh**t Turner
first and then ditch it?

That doesn't even make sense.
Why would I k*ll him?

I hadn't even talked to him
until last night.

So you claim.


Hey, Fatima,

can you check and see if LAPD
found any g*ns on the scene?

Yeah, thanks.

So, you're really not gonna
tell me why we're here?

Get down.

This was a great idea.

What's the update, Agent Namazi?

LAPD released a video
from the scene, and, uh,



KILBRIDE: Well, that doesn't exactly

- help her case.
- Yeah.

Then, a few moments later...

KILBRIDE: Doesn't show Turner arriving?

No, but it came from LAPD,



Hopefully, Sam and Deeks
can find an angle

that caught more.

What'd you find?

Well, they got a great deal
on tandem bike rentals

if you want to share a ride
down the strand.

Split a bowl of spaghetti
like Lady and the Tramp?

- No? All right.

That's your loss.

Other than that, all the, uh,
exterior cameras, their wires

were cut, but there's no sign
of vandalism and no break-ins,

like every other shop on this block.

Same thing down there.

So, we get a bunch of cameras
that are tampered with

on the same street on the same night

that a cop was k*lled? I mean,

what's the chances that's just bad luck?

Somewhere between slim and none.

Whoever did this, they wanted to control

- what was seen in this area.
- And what wasn't seen.

I mean, Whiting's not gonna
go through all that trouble

to get rid of all those cameras,
but leave the one

that makes her look
the most guilty, which means...

There could be some truth to her story.

Mom is still M.I.A.?

Probably reading Zen and the Art
of Motorcycle Maintenance

with her throuple in Barstow.

Ugh. All right, keep me posted.
I love you.


- Kensi good?
- Pssh.

If by "good" you mean
using every evasion tactic

under the sun to avoid telling Rosa

that a potential m*rder suspect
showed up at our door last night

then, yeah, she's super, super good.

- So Rosa didn't see Whiting?
- No.

Thank God she didn't,
but we had to cancel her plans,

and she wants an explanation.

Well, there's no perfect parent, Deeks.

As long as you tell her
what's real, she'll understand.

If not now, when she gets older.

(SIGHS) Hope you're right.

SAM: Something's not adding up.

We need to talk to someone
who actually knew Turner.

He was married, right?

Yeah, might be risky, though,
talking to the wife

this soon after his death.

They probably got eyes on her.

But it may be the only way
for us to find out

what he was actually doing here.


- Fatima.
- FATIMA: Hey.

- Send us Turner's address.
- Copy that.


What do you know,

LAPD didn't find any other g*ns

on the scene except for Turner's.

You're not that naive.

Of course that's what they're saying.
Doesn't mean they don't have it.

I don't think they want
to take me in alive.

Probably gonna plant it after the fact.

Give them cause.

You got an excuse
for everything, don't you?


Look, you better
start giving me something,

or this little field trip is over.

Or you can cut me some slack.

This is me addressing my list.

ROUNTREE: Who's that?

WHITING: Detective Andy Price.

g*ng and Narcotics Division.

I think he's mixed up
in all of this somehow,

but I haven't been able to prove it.

You got us staking out
a detective's house

with a warrant out?

Are you trying to get arrested?

I don't blame you for not trusting me,

but taking down corrupt cops,
it's what I do.

You want to make a difference?

Take a leap of faith with me.


Yo, what's up?
Turner's house is up the block.

Past the house, ten o'clock.

Looks like LAPD is keeping
an eye on her.

DEEKS: Uh-huh.

I think I saw a walkway
behind the house.

Maybe we can enter through there.

Thanks for agreeing to speak
with us, Mrs. Turner.

Extremely sorry for your loss.

Thanks. Have a seat.

Um, some of the other wives from
the department were here before,

but I sent them home.

Needed time alone.

But my sister

is coming in from Ohio tonight
to help with the funeral.

Sorry, did you guys work with Sean?


Sorry, all I can say is we're...

assisting with the case.

More secrets.

Guess I can't say I'm surprised.

That's all Sean's life was
of late, one big secret.

What do you mean by that?

He was obsessed with his job.

Wanted to rise through the ranks
and make detective.

But he could never tell me
what he was doing

or where he was going.

Some nights, he wouldn't even come home.

And then, when he was home, he
wasn't interested in anything.

No focus. No joy.
He was constantly sick,

working himself to death.

I hardly recognized him.

You said "constantly sick,"
can you elaborate on that?

His immune system was shot.

Lack of sleep.

He was always depressed or anxious.

Could barely function.

Some nights, I'd hear him
throwing up, and...

I wanted to give him my support,

and I hate what that job did to him.

He only wanted to help people. (CRYING)

LAPD share any of the details
or circumstances of his death?

No, they only told me he died.

The news said they have
a suspect, though,

and they're trying to find her.

But I've never even seen
that woman, Ellen Whiting.

Why would she want to hurt Sean?

Why would anyone?


Can you excuse me for a second?

Of course, of course. Take your time.

DEEKS: Thank you.

Every symptom she just rattled off

is synonymous with opiate addiction.

If Turner was part of that ring
and using the fentanyl

they were trafficking,
he was a liability.

So, if they take him out,

they think maybe we can k*ll
two birds with one stone,

they take out Whiting for good.

And do we want to talk
about the fact that

LAPD didn't question
the wife of a m*rder victim?

You don't need to if you already
know what happened.

All right, Price,

what are you up to?

Oh, look at that, just a couple
of old pals catching up.

You said Price is in g*ng and Narcotics,

- so...

guy could be an undercover or a C.I.


What up, Rountree?

ROUNTREE: Hey, Fatima,
I need an I.D. on the guy

with the long hair.

Copy that. Searching now.

Searching for what, Agent Namazi?

I, um...

KILBRIDE: Did Agent Rountree leave

Detective Whiting at the boatshed?

And before you say another word,

don't even think of telling me that

this is some sort of medical emergency

for a dog that he doesn't have.

Well, it's not quite that, sir,


Whiting is actually with Rountree.

Put him on speaker.


KILBRIDE: Agent Rountree,
you had better have

a good explanation for your actions.

We are sticking our neck out here,

and every minute that the two
of you are in the field,

increases the chances
that this will blow up

in our face. Now, in my day...

Sorry to interrupt, but

this long-haired guy here
is Scott Upson.

He's a part of a street g*ng
called The Unwanted.

They're known for
drug trafficking opiates,

specifically fentanyl.

And here, he's talking
with Detective Andy Price,


You're not off the hook, Rountree.

But the DEA says that
they have been circling

a fentanyl ring with ties
to this same g*ng,

only they haven't been able
to get close.

Now, if they're being protected
by police, that may be why.

And, seeing as how
even a disobedient squirrel

will find a nut every once in a while,

we will return to your
insubordination at a later time.

You keep an eye on them.

See what they do.

- ROUNTREE: Yes, sir.

Sir, I...

Stow it. And from now on,

I want to know every move they make.

You owe me big-time.


Hey, Mama D, it's me again.

I thought that fourth time
would be a charm. (CHUCKLES)

Clearly not.
It's not an emergency, though.

It's just a little time-sensitive.

So don't worry, but if you could
give me a call back,

that would be great, please.




Who is at the door?

Stay in your room.
Close the door, please.

Go, Rosa, please.

Can I help you?

Hey, I'm looking for Martin Deeks.

Is he home at the moment?

Why? Who's asking?

I'm a detective with LAPD.

I need to ask him about
one of my colleagues

we have a mutual connection with.

Yeah? Do you have a badge?

Ah, sorry. (SNAPS FINGERS)

Left it in the car. Force of habit.

That's just an inconvenient
habit, isn't it?

How am I supposed to know
you are who you say you are?

Listen, I'm only looking for
Detective Whiting.

I know that Deeks has
a relationship with her.

How about you let me come inside,

I'll take a look around,
then I'll be on my way?

That's not gonna happen.

You really want to obstruct an
official homicide investigation?

What I want

is for you to get the hell off my porch.

All right.

But you're backing
the wrong side on this one.

I hope you have a lovely,
lovely day now.

Stay safe.

- WHITING: Oh, Price, you bad, bad boy.

Oh, Kensi just sent a photo of the cop

who came to her house.

Do you recognize this guy?

That's Detective Nick Sills.
Price's partner.

Son of a bitch. Last night
I tore the guy's mask, cut him.

Right where that gash is. Oh...

Uh-oh, looks like there's
trouble brewing in paradise.

Starting to believe me now?


Whiting. Whiting!


Hey you, LAPD.

Drop it. Slowly. Slowly!

Where'd you get that?

Had it the whole time.

Relax. We're on the same team.

- Are we?

I don't have to do this.

I'll take a leap of faith, too.

DEEKS: Where was she?

Well, she said she was
"getting her gong on"

at some naturist Earthing ceremony,

which apparently is the practice
of connecting

to the Earth's energy through
the vibrations of your body,

au naturel.

Oh, dear Lord.

And then they take your phone
when you unveil yourself

to the universe, and so that's

why she was not answering her phone.

I don't even know why I ask,

'cause I don't want
to know these things.

What... Is she on her way?

She should be here soon, so I gotta go.

Rosa's almost ready.

Okay. I love you. I'll see you in a bit.

Love you, too. Bye.

Why do I have to go to Bertie's?

Does it have something
to do with last night?

Or the man that was at the door?

Everything is going
to be all right, I promise.

You know you can tell me.

You don't have to treat me like a kid.

I know. Although Deeks and I
would like you to be able

to be 17 sometimes, Rosa.

You've dealt with enough already.

That's why I can handle it.

I have no doubt about that.

But there are parts of our job

that we just can't tell you.

It's not that we don't think
you can handle it,

it's just there are rules,
and we have to follow them.

Plus, it could compromise your safety.

Does that make sense?

- Yeah, I guess so.

That's Roberta. Time to go.

Can you at least call me later?

Yes. Of course I will.

And also, um, if she takes you anywhere

with the word "Earthing" in it,
you call me immediately.

- FATIMA: Hey, guys?
- Go ahead, Fatima.

Okay, so Price was meeting
someone in a g*ng known

for dealing fentanyl.

Whiting and Rountree detained him.

So if Price's partner is
the one that att*cked Whiting,

and Price was meeting with a g*ng member

tied to fentanyl trafficking...

There's no way this is not connected.

FATIMA: And there is more.

A friend in the M.E.'s office

slipped me an early copy of the report.

They list Turner's time of death
at around 8:00 p.m.

But the text to Whiting
didn't go out until 10:00.

Meaning Turner couldn't have
sent the text.

He'd been dead for two hours.

So Whiting was right. She was set up.

Somebody wanted her to show up
at the same place

Turner was k*lled.

So the real question becomes

who was using his phone?

What was in the envelope? Money?

What envelope?

A g*ng member, convicted felon

carrying a prohibited firearm.

That's another felony. What,
three to five years minimum?

Man, I ain't in no g*ng.

If you ain't in no g*ng,
why does your file

tell a different story?

Come on, man, they don't want you.

They want the crooked cops.

Help me and I'll see what I can do

about that felony charge.

You know what'll happen if I rat?

I can protect you from Price.

Price? I ain't worried about
snitching on a cop.

Then who you worried about?

I'm gonna need, like, promises and stuff

that nothing's gonna happen to me.

Only if you give me something I can use.

He goes by Odin.

I don't know his real name,
don't know what he looks like.

I've never even seen the guy,
but he runs the show.

And he's got eyes everywhere.

There's been a rise in fentanyl lately.

Is that Odin, too?

Man, they don't involve me in that.

I only deal with the payments

and the security for the fights.

What fights?

Underground. Bare knuckle.

The g*ng puts 'em on.
Takes a cut of the betting.

Then why were you arguing with Price?

Not too late to pull that deal.

Word came down that Odin's getting ready

to pull The Unwanted out of L.A.

Price was not too happy
to hear about it.

When's the g*ng leaving?

For real, I don't know. But soon.


where do we find this Odin joker?

Ah, gentlemen, just in time
for an update.

WHITING: Well, Upson says that
the g*ng has a mysterious leader.

Goes by the name "Odin."

Well, that tracks with what the
DEA knows about The Unwanted.

Their leader has always been elusive.

But I'm not getting any hits

on Odin as an alias for anyone
associated with the g*ng.

Well, guy's running underground fights,

and Upson says Odin will be there.

I don't think he's playing with us.

What if the heat from Whiting
and Rountree's incident

with McNeil isn't
making the cops nervous?

It's making Odin nervous.

if the g*ng relies on these dirty cops

to look the other way so they
can push their product...

Then any of these cops going down

is gonna compromise their operation.

I mean, so far we've only seen
Price take a payout.

We've got nothing to connect the cops

and/or the g*ng to the dr*gs.

Well, this fight is our best chance

of doing exactly that.

And since we have momentum,
the DEA is happy

to have our assistance.

Odin is the key.

We take him, he gives us
the dr*gs and the cops.

Now, we're taking this fentanyl
off the street.

Not tomorrow, not the next day. Tonight.

Okay, but how do we do that?

Gotta get someone on the inside.

I can't show my face,
for obvious reasons.

Nor can I.

It's too late to backstop
anybody into the g*ng.

They wouldn't trust it.

Well, from what we've learned,
I mean, these fighters

aren't g*ng members.

You volunteering, Agent Rountree?

I was thinking someone a little bigger.

Oh, hell no.

You have a better idea, Agent Hanna?

I will if you'll let me think about it.

I will coordinate with the DEA.

Agent Rountree,

tell Upson he is replacing his fighter.

Investigator Deeks, you and Agent Blye

will take overwatch.

Agent Namazi, you will be
our eyes and ears on the inside.

Agent Hanna, you are our fighter,

and you are one mean son of a bitch

who has never been dropped.

Agent Rountree,
you and Detective Whiting

take the surveillance van and
monitor Agent Namazi's feed.

If Odin is there, we will find him.

Agent Hanna...

this fight, it's the real deal.

Bare knuckles, no pads, no protection.

There's even talk of men being k*lled.

Now, you just have to get us inside.

No hero crap. You got
nothing to prove in there.


- Absolutely.
- Good.

'Cause we're only gonna get
one shot at this.

All right, everybody report in.

We got eyes on the front.

DEA's tac team is on standby.

getting settled in over here.

Fatima, we're ready for photos.

FATIMA: We're in.
Heading to the ring now.


WHITING: I see Price and Sills.

These guys aren't playing around.

♪ ♪

All right, darlin'.

That's a pretty girlfriend
you got there.

I wouldn't, if I was you.

- She'll do nothin'.
- Mm.

You ever ruptured a testicle?

You want to?

I'm really gonna enjoy breakin' you.

Bigger men have tried.

How you feeling?

I got this.

- You just keep an eye out for Odin, huh?
- Okay.



♪ ♪




More g*ng members, various affiliations.

Still no one that looks like
they're running the show.

He's gotta be around here somewhere.

♪ You began a search,
I know many have tried ♪

♪ Not a blind man among you ♪

♪ For years let fate decide ♪

♪ So swallowed and followed ♪

♪ And played through start to end ♪

♪ With the good weight all carried... ♪

Table in the back.

WHITING: They're making
some kind of deal.

And they're not betting on the fights.

He just took something with him.

We may not need Odin
to lead us to the dr*gs.

They may be on-site.

There's a bunch of gangs here.

They might be unloading to
multiple buyers all at once.

Guys, you want us to move in?

Negative. Negative. Hold your positions

till we've located Odin.

DEA's got the perimeter.
No dr*gs will get through.

♪ She wrote you a song
and bought a wedding dress ♪

♪ Having handsome bite buxom ♪

♪ Have insured people met... ♪

REFEREE: Guys, break it up.

♪ Then sundry and nocturnal... ♪

- Come on, break it up. Break it up.

♪ With your new loves,
good fortunes... ♪

How's it look?

There's something going on over there.

♪ ♪

His eyes have been darting
in that direction

the whole round.

You don't think...

Be a hell of a cover.



♪ Can tether no more ♪

♪ What's shrunken withers ♪

♪ In the path to your door... ♪

You're hard to track down, Odin.

What the hell did you just say?

You got a hell of
an operation going on here.

I thought I smelled cop on ya.

Even worse, I'm a Fed.


♪ ♪

Cops! Everybody out.

♪ Can tether no more... ♪


♪ In the path to your door ♪

♪ Can tether no more... ♪

Stop! Federal agents. Freeze.

- Deeks?
- Go.



We got eyes on Price. We're in pursuit.

You're right, that was very enjoyable.

Still think I'm on the wrong side?



I hope you have a lovely,
lovely time in prison.


- Whiting!
- (g*nshots)


That is for setting me up.

Whiting, lower your w*apon.

Maybe I just end this right here.

Go ahead, bitch.

k*lling me won't make you safe.

You really think
there aren't more of us?


Whiting, I'm not asking.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna
throw away my life

on trash like this.

You better watch your backs,
both of you.

You better start exercising
your right to remain silent.



So Fatima and Sam confirmed it.
All the dr*gs are accounted for.

Nobody slipped past the perimeter.

Good. LAPD will have to drop
everything they have on Whiting,

which will probably take
a lot of paperwork.

Yeah. Well, you know what they say.

The real treasure is the paperwork

we made along the way.

Speaking of which,
you guys mind taking over?

'Cause we gotta get home
before my mom turns Rosa

into some sort of transcendental
motorcycle mechanic.

You're a parent now?

- Yeah.
- Aw, that poor kid.

- How old is she?
- 17.

We adopted.

- Right into the deep end, didn't you?
- Yeah.

- Definitely.
- Yeah. That's what's happening.

Yeah, Steven's 16 now.

Your son's name is Steven?

You don't think that, um...

- No. No.
- No. No...

Uh, anyway, we'll finish this up.

You guys take off.

- Yeah.
- Great. Whiting,

I'd say it's been a pleasure, but,

as always, it's been anything but.

Right back at you, Deeks.

Uh, hey, so...


And then there were two.

Think McNeil had anything
to do with tonight after all?

It's hard to say.

I mean, at the very least,
he led me to them.

Runs in the same circles,
I know that much.

If he wasn't on administrative leave,

he probably would have
been there tonight.

If McNeil had anything to do with this,

I'm gonna prove it.

We cool?

We don't have to be cool, Whiting.

You're LAPD, I'm NCIS.

- This is where we go our separate ways.
- Fair enough.

But I owe you.

And when I owe someone, I'm good for it.

Ask Deeks.


You need help with
anything on your list,

you let me know.


You lied earlier.


If you didn't care so much about
what people thought about you,

you wouldn't have apologized to me.

Better not tell anyone.

I have a reputation to uphold.

Till next time.

Hopefully there won't be a next time.

With you guys, always is.




Ice, ice and more ice.

A lesson I wish I'd learned
earlier in life.

Of course, back in my day
you just kind of cleaned up

with a little rubbing alcohol,

and k*lled the pain until last call.

Showed up fresh and ready
for morning colors.

- You were a fighter, Admiral?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

Well, you know, smokers
aboard the Iwo Jima

bound for Vietnam.

I was even middleweight
All-Marine at Camp Lejeune.

Now, those were the days. (CHUCKLES)

How far did you take it?

Oh, I kept it up
through the years, you know.

Even got close to a title once.

Then my son came along. I don't know,

the risk just didn't seem
all that worth it anymore.

That and all the time
I had to spend training

kept me away from my family,

so I just decided, stop.

Seems like a very good reason.

It's odd. Even after I quit fighting,

I still just didn't seem
to find the time to spend

with my young family.

You know, duty to the Corps
and all that.

I always told myself that
I was doing my duty

to the Corps for my family.

And the funny thing is, it seems that

all they really wanted was
for me to be around more.

Then I watched my son

destroy his life with dr*gs,

fentanyl being the latest
in a long line.

So, any time I spend
keeping that poison away

from somebody else's kid...

damn good day in my book.

How's your son now?

Oh, I called him.

Let's just say it was not
an easy conversation.

If a conversation's hard, it's
probably the one worth having.

Good fighting out there
tonight, Agent Hanna.

Damn good fighting.

Get some rest.

Good night, Admiral.