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06x23 - The Change in the Game

Posted: 05/26/11 21:58
by bunniefuu
Justin! I want to bowl!

It's my birthday and I want to bowl!

I know, sweetheart, but we have to take turns.

No turns! It's my birthday!

Okay, okay.

Can we let Justin bowl just once?

I want to bowl now!

Excuse me!

Lane four!

The pins aren't resetting on lane four!

Okay, well, look, I gotta reset the lane.

So you tell him to cool his jets.

I want to bowl... Yeah, that'll work. now!

You need to behave, Justin.

I don't have to.

I'm the birthday boy!

You know what happens to little boys at a bowling alley who don't behave, even on their birthday?


I don't think you want to know. Behave!

What can they do to me? I'm the birthday boy.


JUSTIN: I'll behave!

I'll behave! I'll behave!

I'm pretty sure any day the Guinness people are gonna come and measure me.

You look beautiful.

Yeah, for a water buffalo.

It's two days past my due date.

Well, the doctor said the baby could be up to two weeks late.

It's time to take matters into my own hands.

What do you mean?

Excuse me.

Could I have some habanero sauce, please?

Hot sauce can bring on labor.


Mm-hmm. You confirm with Dr. Banno?

First thing, she has to check the baby's eyes.

She knows.

I'm sure we can handle it either way, but I'd-I'd just like to know as soon as possible.

Dr. Banno has everything under control.

And everyone says she's the best.

I'm sure I've asked you all of this, like, a hundred times, right?

It's okay; I don't care.

Don't you think that that might be a little too much there, babe?

Oh, no, this isn't that hot.


You should drink milk, not water.

Oh, God!


Can I get some milk?!

Can I get some milk down here, please?

BRENNAN: Angela says she's going to have her baby today.

She's been saying that every day for two weeks.

Well, mathematically speaking, the chances of her being right increase every day.


Can you say "Blech of a strike?"

Okay, there's an extreme amount of insect and maggot activity.

That would explain the lack of tissue.

No one noticed him before he dropped?

The owner says the alley's been closed for ten days to resurface the floors.

It just reopened today Judging by this piece of the pelvis and the mandible, I would say he was a Caucasian male, mid-30s.

How'd he get into the pinsetter?

Well, look at that.

Looks like he got caught up in the machine, Bones.

BRENNAN: It ground him up quite effectively.

The owner said people have been known to sneak back here for, uh, you know...

I do not know. To have, you know...

Snacks? There are a lot of fast food wrappers.

That would account for the maggots, insects and the rapid decomp.

Wrong kind of snack.

Bones, you know, sexual liaisons?


So, what do you think, huh?

Fell in there after making a little whoopee?

Well, only if he died during whoopee, and then fell into the machine.

He was dead when he was ripped apart.

At least a week.

There's bruising on the ulna and pisiform and there's a slight fracture on the radial tuberosity.

All antimortem.

Did you follow that?

Dead first, and then ground up.

These are defensive wounds, Booth.

The victim was fending off an attack.

Definitely failed to fend.

I agree.

It appears this man was m*rder*d.

♪ Bones 6x23 ♪
The Change in the Game
Original Air Date on May 19, 2011

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

(sighs) I don't even know why we're here.

WENDELL: You mean existentially, as human beings or...?

Really? I'm about to be a father any second and you're doing stand-up?

No, I mean here, you know?

In the lab when we should be home, waiting in comfort.

It's normal to be worried.

Worry can make a guy edgy.

So right now, what you're being is normal.

This is the guy taking apart a meat puppet puzzle.

Watch this. I'm about to Brennanize you.


Transverse fracture of the metacarpal of the right thumb, chondromalacia patellae of the left knee, a notch in the notch of the ulna with...

A notch in the notch?

That's correct. With exostosis of the medial surface.

Okay, so what is that?

Some kind of, like, repetitive stress stuff?

Yup. Like this.


Yeah, I'm thinking some kind of ritualized offering to, like, the sun, you know?

Yeah, like a figure kinda on a high throne, right?

So, like a, like a Satanic or Illuminati sl*ve.

Boys... you're bowling. Hey, okay.

You're ready?! All right, the hot sauce worked?!

Uh, no, not yet.

Just relax.


Bowling, yes.

Well, that would correspond with the high level of polyester in his garment.

And the fact that he was found in a bowling alley.

And the fact that he was wearing a bowling shirt with the name "Jeff" sewn on the pocket.

And the team name...

WENDELL: "Thunderballs."
(chuckles) I knew a kid in high school everybody called...

Right, yeah. Just to be clear, you're not in labor?

No, honey, not currently.

I don't know. The hot sauce doesn't work, the sex doesn't work.

I mean, maybe we should just take a long ride on a bumpy road.

How is that any different than sex? (chuckles)

My mom went into labor after riding on a roller-coaster.

That explains a lot.

I don't know, honey.

Maybe we should try an amusement park.

Uh, I think we should just let the hot sauce work its magic.

Yeah, sure.

Meet Mr. Jeff Fowler.

Jeff Fowler was an accomplished bowler.

Lots of trophies, custom balls.

He was also a classic car restorer and dealer, which tells us that he was fastidious, competitive, careful, respectful of design, social and gregarious.

Wait a second. Wait a second This shirt says "Thunderballs."

I'm still doing my psych profile.

I know but this Thunderballs, that's the name of Bones' dad's bowling team: Thunderballs. Oh, God, I hope this is not another case where Max, you know, k*lled someone.

I thought he promised not to do that anymore. Well, if he isn't the m*rder*r, I think he might be able to help us catch the bad guy.

Thanks for this.

Thank the victim's shirt.

BRENNAN: Angela, are you in labor?

Is it time? I can grab a cab and be there in five minutes.

No, no, nothing has happened, unfortunately.

What are you up to?

I'm going to meet Booth and my dad about this m*rder case.

I wish you would go into labor.

Yeah, you and me both.

The Zuni Indians believed that labor could be hastened by silence.

Did Hodgins tell you to tell me that?

For some reason, I find it very difficult to concentrate on anything else.

Well, that's probably because you are a very good friend.

Yes, probably. I'm here, Ange.

I know you are, sweetie.

That's why I love you.

Oh, no, I mean I'm at the diner.

Oh. Right.

Je-Jeff Fowler was m*rder*d?

His skull was set up like a center pin.

Dad, what happened to you?

Oh, nothing, Tempe, nothing.

So he's going back there to get himself a little nookie.

Right, so it's true what they say.

Dad, you don't end up in a wheelchair for nothing.

Okay, if you must know...

I had a very embarrassing physical event occur.

What, did you fall off your bike?


Yeah, and Rosamund was inured in that same, uh...

Physical event?


Okay, who's Rosamund?

She's a lady friend. A lady friend?

Did she break a hip or something?

She's 36. And by the way, weren't we talking about a m*rder case here?

Dad, can you think of why anyone would want to k*ll Jeff Fowler?

Well, he liked to call himself "The Closer."

And we all called him "The Gloater."

You'd k*ll a guy just for that?

No kidding. You...

Hey, cut it out! It wasn't me. You know, you have trust issues, my friend.

Do you think he was k*lled by a poor loser?

Absolutely. Just not me.

Okay, we'll just talk to everyone who he bowled against then. No, no, no, no.

Here's the thing.

It's a tournament. And you're not gonna get these people to talk to you.

It's only gonna lead to more questions.

But the first 48 hours of a m*rder investigation are crucial.


Well, you're a bowler, aren't you?

Yeah, yeah, I bowl. High 280s.


What does that mean?

It means he's good.

So why not go in undercover?

Come on. You could take my place with the Thunderballs.

But you just said they won't talk.

Yeah, but they love to gossip.

I mean, what do you think bowlers are doing when they're not actually bowling?

I get it. Get 'em to say something during the tournament--
I'm liking this.

I love undercover. What'll I be?

You can be my girlfriend.


Um, but if Angela goes into labor, we have to pick a fight so that I can be there to catch the baby.

We'll get you there, hell or high water!

Yeah! What?

I don't know. Something weird here.

You're-you're almost polite to each other.

What is it? You having a fight?

No, I just really, really want to be there when Angela's baby is born.

Right, so how soon before I can become a Thunderball?

Don't you love that smell?

The gladiators' amphitheater.

I can discern fried food, sweat, dirty feet, cigarette smoke, chewing gum.

And m*rder.

Okay, now, please, would you try and act like a couple?

And don't embarrass me.

All right, Wanda. here we go.

Hey, Amber, I want you to meet Buck and Wanda.

You're awful young.

How good can he be?

He rents his shoes.

Hey, The Closer rented shoes.

This team is cursed. First Jeff gets k*lled, then you fall out of bed.

Now it's just me and all this dead weight.

Hey, hey, hey, do not call me dead weight.

I'm a champion.

With style and grace.

Hercules Maldonado. They call me...

The Tornado.

Easy there, Hercules.

You're drooling all over my girl.

His fiancee, to be more exact.

Oh. That's French.

All right.

Here you go, hon. Thanks, doll.



Now that's my muffin at work.

Form is everything. You hear that, Buck?

I didn't mean him. I meant you.

Back off, Tina.

Don't fraternize with the other team.

They play head games.

I'm Alison Rose.

Like the flower.

I love your hair.

Alison, back off!

See what I mean?

Why don't you take a chill pill, you poisonous little dwarf.

Tod Balacleets is coming.

He is the tournament director.

AKA The Raven.

I need you to sign in before the preliminaries can begin.

Fair play and good sportsmanship above all else.

You know the drill.

They call you The Raven?

They call you Buck?

And that's Wanda.

Nice to meet you, The Raven.

All right, okay, Thunderballs, versus Strike Force.

Let the tournament begin.

So, these red flakes, they were embedded in the front of his skull.

He's so ground up, it'll be tough to determine the cause of death.

At least he was already dead before he was pulled apart.

You know, the only perimortem injury that I could find is this fracture to the nasal bone.

Who dies of a broken nose?

Exactly. If I can't figure out the cause of death Dr. Brennan's going to be tossing me into that machine.


You're supposed to say, "No, she'll understand."

Oh, but she won't.

Ah, that is so funny.

Did you hear that?

Only me being sarcastic.

No, no, no-- something rattled.

In the skull.


Something dislodged in the enzyme bath.

Wait a minute.

He was k*lled by a broken nose.

When his nose got hit, the force shattered the cribiform plate in the back of his skull.

So fragments from inside his skull literally flew into his brain?

Yeah, that's how he died.


Okay, is it time?!

All right, I'm going to call Dr. Banno!

You really have to chill, Hodgins.


♪ I like to go bowling with my friend Burt ♪
♪ With my bowling ball and my bowling shirt ♪
♪ I like to roll the ball down the lane ♪


♪ On a good day, I'll throw a few strikes ♪
♪ Make some spares, that's what I like ♪

Come on, come on! All right!
♪ Bowling is my kind of game ♪

That's how it's done.

♪ I aim for the one pin, two pin, three pin, four ♪
♪ Five pins down the lane ♪
♪ With a boom and a bang, they hit the floor ♪
♪ And I throw the ball again ♪
♪ I like to go bowling with my friend Burt ♪
You got it.

♪ With my bowling ball and my bowling shirt ♪
♪ Bowling is my kind of game ♪
♪ I aim for the six pin, seven pin, eight pin, nine ♪
♪ Ten pins down the lane ♪
♪ I throw the ball and I hit the line ♪
♪ And I knock 'em down again ♪
♪ I likes to go bowling with my best friend Burt ♪
♪ With my bowling ball and my bowling shirt ♪
♪ Bowling is my kind of game. ♪

What're you doin'?

I log every game we've played in here.

How each lane plays.

Who screwed up.

How well I did.

Here's where I'll be in 2026.

"World Champion of the World."

That's a redundant statement.

I'm so good, they have to say it twice.

♪ Bowling is my kind of game. ♪

Whoo! Yeah!

Yeah! (laughs)

Oh! Yes!

It's okay. Not to worry. We will win the next round, no?

And you know what would be good?

If you'd try to help with that.

I'll be in the video arcade until needed, and not a second before.

Listen, you see the guy Hercules over there?

The Raven assigned him to us.

After The Closer got k*lled.

Well, I don't see any other way for him to get on the team.

He's terrible.

It's not about playing, Bones. It's about catching a m*rder*r.

Then why are you trying to win?

First rule of undercover-- you got to make it look real.

You want to make it look real, maybe you should be a little more affectionate with each other.


I'll go talk to Hercules.


Good game, Hercules.

Gracias, senorita.

Although, without the venom of the little one, I would have been much better.

Well, it must be difficult to step into The Closer's shoes.

That I would never do.

But you have.

No. I have my own shoes.

You see, he used rental shoes.

A disgrace.

A real bowler does not rely on superstition.

I don't understand.

Mr. Fowler believed in luck.

His lucky rental shoes, lucky lane number 12, his lucky little shirt, lucky beer mug.

It's foolishness.

I agree.

Yes. You see I-- I'm a real man who does not need superstition, because I have God on my side.

I'm sure God wants you to be a good bowler.

And when The Closer was going around telling everyone that I was terrible, I knew-- I had faith that, one day, I would have my chance.

And now, huh? Now I do.

Because he was m*rder*d?

God works in mysterious ways, no?

Well, I suppose that's one way to explain it.

Toodle-oo, Bucky.

Dude... that old fossil really wants to share milk and cookies with you, if you get my drift.

Yeah, yeah, I get that a lot.

Yeah, I know what you mean. No, you don't.

Hey, when it comes to Alison, everyone is fair game.

Alison put the moves on you?

Check it out, man, I'm fresh.

What about The Closer?

Yeah. All the chicks dug The Closer.

He was a huge fish in this dinky little pond.

With him gone, I am the hair apparent.

Hair apparent?

That's what they call it, dude.

Read a book.

BRAY: The splinters and chips dislodged from the inside and shot through the brain matter.

Okay, you do know that that hot sauce-- the only thing it's doing is making the baby sweat.

My dad says that this always brings on labor.

Oh, yeah.

And a rock 'n' roll guitar god is definitely the go-to guy for obstetrics.

(Bray clears throat)
Any idea what caused the damage to the nasal and ethmoid bones?

Okay, I tried a 2 x 4.

It would have caused the brain damage, but it would have crushed the frontal bone, the zygomatic bone and caused a Lefort fracture.

We need something with a more concentrated force.

Yeah, maybe a hammer?

HODGINS: Oof! Wow, that's nice, but a little too concentrated.

Can you zoom in a bit?


We need a point of impact concentrated over the defined area, but with the energy dispersed around the edges.

Right, yeah, of course.

Something with rounded edges.

That way the primary point of impact would be the nose, and the edges would account for the spidering.

HODGINS: Well, it's not a bat.

None of those match the fracture pattern.

Oh, my God.

What, do you know what it is?

Oh, my God. HODGINS: What?

What's the m*rder w*apon, Angie?

Are you kidding?

Come on, now, you're the expert.

You've been jumping around all day, and when my water breaks you don't even notice?


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Okay, here we go, here we go.

It's show time!

Okay, okay, I'm calm, very calm, okay?

No panic, no hysteria.

We can totally handle this, right, Angie?

Get the car!


Where the hell are my keys?!

(Montenegro screaming)

Now that's what we call a contraction.

Oh, God, that's what you call a contraction, you rotten old bat.

I call it a fireball of pain.

She didn't mean that-- the "rotten old bat" part.

I think I did.

That's okay. Everyone reacts to the stress and pain of childbirth differently.

Believe me, I have seen it all.

I wouldn't bet on it.

Angela's a very unique individual.

Shut up, Hodgins.

Your voice is incredibly annoying.

DOCTOR: We're going to wait for the contractions to get a little closer together before asking you to push.

Oh, God, they get closer together?

Wait a minute, I knew that.

I knew that, right, honey?

Didn't I know that?

I-I'm sorry that I called you a-a rotten old bat.

It's okay. And, yes, you did know that.

Angela, you know everything you need to know to have this baby.

And what you forget, your husband will remind you.



Doc, Doctor... uh...

Right. Okay, so... breathe through your nose.

Do not tell me what to do.


But-but-but coach me like we practiced.

Those are mutually exclusive.

Don't argue with me.


(computer chiming)

Hey, how's it going?

It's, you know, kind of hard to describe.

This is great. This is really great.

I am so ready for this.

Is it okay if I ask Hodgins a question?

Is it?

Yeah, yes, we're just lying around waiting for these contractions to get closer together.

Go for it, bud.

Okay, I put that red flake we found into the mass spectrometer, but I don't really know how to read the results.

HODGINS: I can help you with that.

Also, um, I have no idea how to get the Angelatron to find the w*apon.

Oh, okay. Uh, you need to run it through my program.

It's really easy, I'll, I'll, I'll help you through it.

Hey. What's this?

Hello, Dr. Banno, I'm Wendell Bray. We're solving a m*rder.

I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be solving a baby.

Um, okay, so... Wendell?

Let me see the mass spec readings.


Wow. Wendell, um, what you... what you need to do is run it through a program called "Spatula."

Hey, Sherry, how's it going?

Oh, hey, Cam We are solving a m*rder when we're supposed to be concentrating on bringing a life into the world.

Oh, contraction.

Good stiff one, looks like.

Hey, hey, that's polyurethane.

Did you say polyurethane?


Bowling balls are made of polyurethane.

You know, that could be your m*rder w*apon.

Great, I'll run it through the Scapula.

It's Spatula.

Okay. Sorry, Ange.

Bye! And good luck, Angela.

And you too, Sherry.

BOOTH: Whoa!

Yes! Eat it!


A little sportsmanship, if you please.

Sportsmanship is for losers and wanna-bes.

I'll be in the arcade.

Kid was raised by wolves.

Till she k*lled and ate them all.

I'll get your ball for you, Muffin.

Her daddy must've been a baker, 'cause that is a great set of buns.

Down, boy.

That's okay, you got your eye on her, too. I get it.

But all's fair, old man.

And I gotta warn you, I'm in the prime of my sexual magnetism.

Go, Buck! Go, Buck!

BRENNAN: Come on, Buck.

Ooh... oh!

Why are you bowling so badly?

My feet are k*lling me.

(cell phone rings)
This is Wanda. Talk to me.

Hey, buddy!

I need a pair of shoes that aren't going to rot my feet.

One with the ball, one with the lane, one with the pin.

Let's go...


Buck's on the truck, driving the truck.

Buck truck!

He's a car thief.



Isn't that the best thing about bowling?

Getting to meet a wide range of people?

Kid's a car thief?

A compulsive joy rider.

The guy that got k*lled-- didn't he restore cars?

ALISON: Oh! That would make them natural enemies, I guess.

I never thought of that.


Blake k*lled Jeff.

BLAKE: Hey, Alison.

You're up.


Wendell identified the m*rder w*apon.

Well, great. It's about time. What is it?

A bowling ball.

Oh, gee, that's a big help.

BOOTH: Great. That's really gonna help in here.

Oh, I got a great idea. I tell you what, why don't you use your m*rder ray, there, and look in Blake's bag.

It's not a m*rder ray, it's an ultraviolet light. Why?

Why? Because they were natural enemies.

(whispering): Be careful.

Distract him.

TINA: Hey! What do you think you're doing?

ALISON: Are you tampering with his equipment?

'Cause that is a grievous league violation.

No, no, no. She's just looking, right?

Hey! What's with the black light?

BRENNAN: I'm just looking to see if you used any substance to change the surface of your ball.

Right! Like, uh, baby powder for the, for your grip.

I don't cheat.

Yeah, but you steal cars.

That would make me a thief, and not a cheater.

HERCULES: You know what we should do?

We just call over to The Raven.

Why? No, please.

For to become our unbalanced mediator.

Is there a problem here?


HERCULES: No problem.

THE RAVEN: I'm eyeing you Thunderballs.

You know why?

'Cause Jeff Fowler got what he deserved.

And so does anyone else who cheats.

We don't cheat.

I bet he k*lled Jeff.

Why's that?

Well, because Jeff superglued The Raven's hand into his bowling ball at a Dialing-for-Dollars bowl-a-thon a couple years ago.

Yeah, you can see it on the interwebs computer.

It's very funny.

The Raven has never competed again.

You know, they say sometimes, if you walk by the bowling alley at night, you can hear him yelling at God, and swearing revenge!

So what I want you to do is I want you to call Sweets, all right?

Have The Raven picked up, so we can have him checked out for a case of the k*ller crazies.

Everything looks great.

No, it is not great. It is not great.

I want this thing out of me, and it's staying in.

Would you like to reconsider an epidural?

Hey, yeah, why not, Ange?

Because natural childbirth is a beautiful, beautiful thing.


WENDELL: Excuse me, Dr. Banno. You're, you're blocking the, uh...

Hey. According to Dr. Brennan, "bowling ball" wasn't specific enough.

Dude. What do you want us to do about it?

You have to, you have to program a series of variables into the Angelatron. which mimic a spread of... Oh, God Almighty!

...spread of-- aah!

Take me now!

A spread of variables with...

Mars, Saturn, and Uranus!

Oh, babe!

I'll figure it out myself.

...The Raven!

That effectively ended your career.

I'm the tournament director now.

People respect me.

Right. But your true desire was to be a professional bowler, and you would have attained that desire, if Jeff Fowler hadn't put superglue in your bowling ball.

It was just a prank.

Which ruined your life.

I was a great bowler.

But after what Fowler did, I never trusted my release again.

Fate can be unkind.

But you can't fight it.

But... you can take revenge on the deliverer of that fate.

The guy who stole your, your life.

Now, you keep saying that he ruined my life.

But I supervise 12 leagues; I have the respect of my peers; I have a family.

Well, sort of.

The woman that I see sometimes, her stepkid seems to like me.

I am a well-respected official.

You know, it could be said that you dress in black and take revenge on real bowlers, by humiliating them in the guise of... officialdom.

Are you being so cruel to me in the hopes of getting some kind of "crazy m*rder*r" response?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

That's extremely cold-hearted.

It's my job.

Well, how did I do?

Quite well, actually.

But we still need you to provide an alibi for your whereabouts on the fourteenth.

I was bowling.

Over at the Granville Lanes.

No one knows me there, so I'm less self-conscious.

So you're saying there's no one to vouch for you.

Well, someone must have seen me there, right?

I am The Raven.


We are in Spatula.

I think. This should get us a variety of bowling balls.

Then we can, uh, run different scenarios to determine the weight.

Very good. She always makes this look so difficult.



I am not sure that was right.

I know, I know.

In the counsels of government...

Okay, I'm pretty sure he's not the k*ller.


What are you doing?

I am not really qualified to do this.

Oh! Whoa, Mr. Bray. Uh...

Look, maybe, maybe I should just ask Angela.

Uh, is, is this a good time?

I don't want to rush you, but you've got less than a minute before the next contraction, Wendell.

Oh! Uh, right. Okay, uh, this thing doesn't work. It started out all right, but now it's...

A million images started flying by, Oh, my God. Did you hit "purge"?

Hey, hey, get away from my equipment.

Do you want me to...

No. Walk away, Wendell. Don't touch anything.


Okay. We're, uh... going.

Let's try breathing, okay? Four short breaths.

Hee, hee, ha, ha.

Oh, God, shut up!

You sound like a quacking duck!

Oh, God, okay.

Come on, Buck. Come on.


HERCULES: We are doomed!

We only needed two pins to win, and you left them both standing.

I still got another ball.

Oh, yeah, right. A 7-10 split.

It's highly improbable, statistically approaching the impossible.

Sometimes when you speak, it's like you, you watch PBS on purpose.

You need two pins, I'll get two pins.


Something is wrong.

You shouldn't have been able to do that.

Oh, honey, give the man his props.

I'd like to, but it's simply improbable.


Force equals mass times acceleration.

Okay. To break a nose, you need a very low force with a large mass, say around 30 Gs, or...

No, no, no. Hmm.

This is like watching Michelle do her homework.

Maybe I should try to... Oh! Wait!

Hey! Uh... Do you need me to--

Because of the amount of force it takes to break the victim's nose is so low, it means that the mass and acceleration must be fairly low as well, so... In fact, any mass over 2.26 kilograms, wielded at almost any acceleration, would be too much damage.

So 2.26 kilograms...

Five pounds.

The ball could not have weighed more than five pounds.

What are you doing?

Looking through Amber's laptop.

Don't you need a warrant for that?

If Buck and I ever have a child, she will not turn out like Amber.

Yeah, Temperance, it's just us monkeys.

You don't have to keep up your cover story.

I find it helpful to remain in character.

See how she improves month-to-month?

Yeah, very impressive.

These are all the statistics from lane 12.

Yeah? So?

So, there have been some very difficult splits made on lane 12, including Booth's.

You... you think Amber falsified her records?

I think she tampered with the lane.

Hey, Joe, my feet are itching like crazy.

Don't you fumigate these?

Wear a size 12? Yeah.

Probably got Fowler's shoes.

He never wore socks. Feet stunk.

We all hated it.

Superstitious bastard.

How do you calibrate the, uh, pin setters?

I don't do anything. Computers do it all.

So someone could reset the pin placement?

Yeah, I guess. You know, I don't really give a crap.


I was right.

You never could have gotten that 7-10 split.

So you gotta keep giving up hope on me, there?

No. Someone got into the computer system, and recalibrated lane 12, so the pins set closer together. That's why Fowler thought that lane 12 was lucky.

It's easier to bowl strikes and get splits.

I'll be damned. Sweets was right.

Fowler was a cheat.

(cell phone ringing)

This is Wanda.

At the bowling alley.

The size and shape of the injury indicates that he was k*lled with a bowling ball.

But the ball would have to be five pounds or less.

A child's bowling ball?

Thanks, Wendell.

What's he saying, it's a kid's ball?

It appears so.


Hey, what if it wasn't Fowler who rigged the lane?

What if it was Amber?

Fowler figures it out...

BOOTH: She kills him.

If we ever had a child like that...

Oh, that's never ever gonna happen, Wanda.


This is Wanda the bowler at the bowling tournament, bowling.

Dr. Brennan, I'm here with Dr. Hodgins.

Is he back from the baby being born?

Oh, no, Angela's still in labor.

She stalled or something.

Listen, tell her that bowling balls-- they don't flake, okay?

They chip.

He said bowling balls don't flake.

What do they do?

Uh, they chip.

Is there a difference?

This is my area, okay, Wendell?

Chips, flakes, shards, fragments, slivers, chunks, lumps, shavings, snippets.

This is what I do.

Okay, everybody is getting a little cranky now.

If what you found was a flake, that suggests that the m*rder w*apon was not a bowling ball.

Then what else is made of polyurethane and flakes?

HODGINS: This type of polyurethane meets national traffic safety standards.

You're looking for a motorcycle helmet with red sparkles.

He says we're looking for a motorcycle helmet with red sparkles.

Thank you.

She said "thank you" and hung up.

H-How's it going there, buddy?

BANNO: Good news.

It's time to push.

It's time to push. It's gonna be all right.

Come on... Okay.

Okay, babe.


Yeah. Yeah.

Max. Max!

Who owns a motorcycle?

George Clooney does.

No, Booth means in the league.


Ah, this sucks.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

He does.

BOOTH: The shoe guy? Yeah.

We're up! Let's go.

Well, we quit.



We have to catch a k*ller, and then we have to go visit our friend in the hospital. You understand.

AMBER: Hercules! They're bailing!

They're forfeiting?

What? I don't want to win like that.

Hey, a win is a win; I'm okay with this.

Oh, I'm not okay with that.

Uh, what are you doing to my helmet?

Looks like blood.

Everybody! Everybody get back to the game!

Listen, kid, there are things more important than your bowling average.

Do not mess with me, you mullet-haired hick!

Listen, kid, I'm with the FBI.

I'm an FBI agent.

You watch your mouth.

Hey, you! You're under arrest for the m*rder of Jeff Fowler.

You run, I swear I'll sh**t you.



He was gonna run; I saw it in his eyes.

MALCOLM: You know what?

You'd have k*lled him, too.

He never washed his feet.

I mean, look at my hands!

All of my fingernails fell off.

And then my girlfriend left me for The Raven, and I really liked her kid.

I didn't even hit him that hard.

It was just a tap.

Couldn't you go easy on him?

Yeah, Jeff Fowler was a pretty terrible guy.

L-Let him go.

AMBER: Go easy on him?!


You ruined everything!


Stop her.


You are a horrible child!


Oh, that's good, Angie!

Good, Angie!

We're very close.


(chuckles): Hi.


I want to talk about if the baby is blind.


Yeah, yeah, now.

Okay, okay.

Well, well, yeah, we're ready for that.

Yeah? Yeah.

Yeah, we're ready. Right?


BANNO: It'll only take a moment to check your baby's eyes.

I won't keep you waiting, trust me.

Hey, hey.

Have I ever told you how-how wonderful your voice is?

It's like hot tea and-and honey.

Any child who has a father with a voice like yours is just...

Have I ever told you how good you smell?

And-And how soft your skin is?

And how every time you take my hand, I feel your whole life vibrating with mine?

BANNO: My God.

You're going to be wonderful parents, no matter what happens.


Okay! Push, Ange!

This is the one. Here we go.

Go, Ange, go!


Yeah, that's it!

(Adele's "Make You Feel My Love" playing)

♪ I can offer you a warm embrace ♪
♪ To make you feel my love... ♪

(Montenegro screaming)

♪ When the evening shadows and the stars appear... ♪

(sobbing): Oh, God!

(baby crying)

He's here. He's here.


It's a boy.

He's a he.

Give me just a moment.

♪ To make you feel my love... ♪

We're a family.

♪ I know you haven't made your mind up yet ♪
♪ But I will never do you wrong ♪
♪ I known it from the moment that we met ♪
♪ No doubt in my mind that you belong ♪
♪ I could make you happy, make your dreams come true ♪

Your son's vision is fine.

Everything about him is just fine.

♪ Go to the ends of the earth for you ♪
♪ To make you feel my love ♪
♪ I know you haven't made your mind up yet ♪
♪ But I would never do you wrong ♪
♪ I've known it from the moment that we met ♪
♪ No doubt in my mind where you belong... ♪

(all gasp)

Everybody, I would like you to meet my son, Michael Stacatto Vincent Hodgins.

(all laughing warmly)

(laughter, quiet chattering)

♪ I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue ♪

Hey. These are your friends.

These are your friends.

BRAY: Congratulations, brother.

♪ Know there's nothing that I wouldn't do ♪



♪ To make you feel my love. ♪

What was it like?

It was wonderful.

And beautiful.

It was a dream.


Look at this guy.

It's from Booth, too.

Thank you.

♪ The storms are raging on the rolling sea... ♪

BRENNAN: They looked so happy.

BOOTH: Yeah, well, they had a baby.

Their whole lives have changed.

You'd think they'd be a little more apprehensive.

Well, you know, having a baby-- that's a good thing.

You really think that?

Yeah, it's a great thing.

What? What?

Oh, come on.

Bones, look, the baby, the baby's fine.

It's healthy. They had a healthy baby.

All right? They love each other.

This is the happiest day of their lives.



♪ Nothing that I wouldn't do... ♪

I'm... (laughs)

I'm pregnant.

♪ Go to the ends of the earth for you... ♪

You're the father.

♪ To make you feel my love. ♪