02x27 - The Power Transfer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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02x27 - The Power Transfer

Post by bunniefuu »

# Go, go, power rangers # # go, go, power rangers # # go, go, power rangers # # mighty morphin power rangers # # go, go, power rangers # # go, go, power rangers # # go, go, power rangers # # you mighty morphin power rangers.


( Speaking portuguese )

( Speaking german )

( Speaking french )

Really big scoop.

They just picked the three angel grove teens for the world peace summit.

I know.

It's great.

Their names are out of thousands of entrants, three names were announced today as the lucky students invited to the world peace summit in switzerland.

The three youths will meet and travel with teams from all over the world to discuss global problems that affect all of us, young and old.

Hunger, pollution, poverty, cultural barriers and education are among the topics on their very busy agenda.

They'll be visited by scientists, politicians and academians as they attempt to understand these issues and offer their perspective on solutions for world peace.

Bulk and skull.

Peace ambassadors.

Auf wiedersehen.


Boy, swiss chocolate sure is great this time of year.

The swissen chokolate issen the three teams from angel grove are jason lee zack taylor and trini quan.


That's incredible! Cultural barriers and education are among the topics on their very busy agenda hey, congrats.

Where are they?

Oh, I know where they are.

They went to ride bikes.

Come on, you guys I want to be the first to tell them.

Thanks anyway, ernie.

This outstanding trio.

There they are.

You guys are going to switzerland! All three of us?

! Yep.

It's a chance of a lifetime.

Yeah! All right! All right, yeah.

Zedd: so that's all it takes to get rid of three power rangers.

I could destroy the rest with my eyes closed.

Don't even think about it, goldar.

As soon as my newest demon of destruction is fully energized I will destroy the power rangers myself! Zordon: I am pleased, rangers.

Though it is no surprise that you three were among those selected.

Over 10,000 students applied to participate in the summit.

You guys just might save the world.


But from switzerland this time.


No doubt the qualities which made you successful as power rangers will serve you well in your roles as peace ambassadors.

( Siren wailing )

What is it, zordon?

Sensors in outer space indicate zedd has begun energizing some sort of massive w*apon.

Unfortunately, zedd has completed serpentera a gigantic machine of destruction.

Zedd will most likely att*ck while they're at the peace summit.

That is exactly his plan.

He knows that once the three of you depart half of our strength will be gone.

This could be disastrous power rangers.

There is only one course


- A very difficult one.

Serpentera is more powerful than anything you've yet faced.

You may need assistance.

This is your new carrierzord, tor.

If your zords are in peril, call on tor for protection.


How will it protect us?

Once inside, you'll be shielded by tor's heavy armor as it transports you to safety.

Most important, I must now choose three new power rangers, or zedd may overwhelm us and take over the world.

But, zordon, who?

You will learn once the power transfer is activated.

The power transfer?

Is it possible?

Yes, but very difficult.

Because of the amounts of power required the transfer can only be achieved in one place.

You must travel to the deserted planet.

With this map and ring you must retrieve the sword of light.

Only with the sword can power be transferred to the new rangers.

But where's the deserted planet?

In a galaxy light years away.

Alpha will teleport you there.

Jason, zack and trini will go with you on their last quest as power rangers.

Alpha: ready when you are, rangers.

It's morphin time! Tigerzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber

-Toothed tiger! Tyrannosaurus! I am sure that this will be of interest to you, oh, evil one.

My sources have confirmed that the power rangers have left earth.

They are apparently headed towards the farthest galaxy at light speed.

The farthest galaxy?

! What could they be possibly going there for?

Maybe a vacation?

When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you! They're going after the sword of light.

Zordon thinks he's transferring the power to three new rangers.

Is serpentera fully energized?

! Goldar: armed and ready! The first mission will be to destroy the sword of light.

Squatt, baboo, take the sleep machine to earth! With the whole planet knocked out zordon will never find new rangers! This looks like a good spot.

Now, what did finster say?

Turn the knob and count to five.

One, seven, two, five.

Then let go.

Hey! Hey! I did it! It works! It works! Uh


I told you not to put your lips on it, baboo.

Come on.

We'd better get out of here.

Kid: over here!

( Growls )

Lord zedd, scourge of the universe I'll be famous.

Or better yet, infamous.

Power levels at maximum.

On course for the deserted planet.

Soon we'll wipe it out of the universe along with the sword of light.

Full speed ahead! Whoa.

Check it out.

Feels so unreal.


There it is.

The deserted city.

Hard to believe this has been uninhabited for thousands of years.

It's beautiful, don't you think?

We need to hurry.

Let's check out the map.

We'll be heading right into the center of the city.

At least there won't be any traffic.

You got that right.

The sword is part of a statue.

It should be clearly visible once we get close.

Whoa! Get a load of that thing!

( Loud roaring )

Hey, I thought the planet was supposed to be deserted.

Oh, man! It's lord zedd! He must have come here for the sword.

Get out of here and I'll distract him.

Are you sure?


I'll call on my zord.

We'll meet at the statue.


Be careful.

Come on, guys.

Let's go.

Good luck, my friends.

We're going to need it.

( Bell ringing )

Somehow, I thought transferring would be a big deal.

It's simple, huh?

We got math together, chemistry.

Hey, it's lunch time.

Let's put this stuff away and check out the cafeteria.

The food's got to be better than at stone canyon.

Aisha, you look so nice on your first day.

Can i, uh, be of assistance?



( Alarm wailing )

Alpha, teleport the teens before it's too late.

The sleep cloud is causing interference but I think I found them.

Locking on now.


( Screaming )


Duck! That was close.

Welcome again.

Alpha, zordon, what's going on?

Yeah, there was this pink cloud and that is why you are here.

The rangers are on a mission.

We need your help.

Of course, we'll help if we can.

The cloud you saw is a sleep cloud.

All of angel grove is asleep.

We've got to find out what's making the cloud.

Sensors indicate it's coming from the park.

Alpha will teleport you to the coordinates.

Whatever is creating the cloud must be destroyed.

Alpha: I'll teleport you in behind the cloud so it won't affect you.

We're ready.

I call for red dragon thunderzord power.

( Roaring )

What was that, a mosquito?

You're wasting your time, red ranger.

A message from earth, evilness.

Someone is trying to destroy the sleep machine.

Stop them, goldar.

Send in the putties immediately.

Oh, man, putties.

Spread out.

This won't be so simple.

( Laughing )

Find that statue and destroy it.

( Roaring )

( Roaring )

Now crush him! Crush him! Tor, I need help!

( Roaring )

( Evil laughter )

Go ahead and shiver in your shell, red ranger!

( Roaring )

Zedd and his serpentera have blasted the whole center of town to bits.

The building with the statue is right about here I think.

That sword could be anywhere.

If zedd didn't destroy it.

Let's keep looking.


Come on, over here.

Let's go.

( Grunting )

Whoa! What is this?

It's awesome.


Guys, over here! Look, up there.

Kimberly: hey, that's it.

Tommy found it.

Good job.

That's it, all right.

It's got to be.

Well, get the sword and let's get out of here.


( Grunting )


You guys, that thing's too powerful.

We have to get out of here.

- Guys, get it.

- Right.

Fire! Okay, come on, guys.

( Grunting )

Come on.


Kimberly: okay.


Where are they?


-They were over there.

You'd lose your brains if you weren't sitting on them.

( Growling )

Destroy the whole planet! But that would use almost all our power.

We'll have to recharge.

( Growls )

I'll have to do it myself.


( Growling )

( Evil laughter )

Try to escape this, power rangers.

I think we're in trouble.

We've got to get this sword.

( Groaning )

Come on, everybody, pull! Ay


-Yi! Jason and the others are in terrible danger.

They must retrieve the sword of light.

And now putties have captured rocky and his friends.

At long last, victory is mine.

The entire universe trembles before lord zedd.


-Bye, power rangers.

( Evil laughter )
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