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03x21 - Our House

Posted: 04/12/04 02:48
by bunniefuu
At a music place in the mall

Sean: Have you seen this? This is MC Terminal. Drives up onstage in a (something). It’s sick.

Jay: We need this disc.

Sean: It’s $50. It’s an import.

Jay: Hold on. I’ve got discount cards.

Sean: You’ve got discount cards?

Jay: Yeah two. They get me 100% off everywhere.

(They each take the discs and put them in their hoodies.)

Security Guard: You boys forget to pay for something?

Sean: Well we were just about to …

Jay: Go!

Security Guard: Hey get back here!

(Jay and Sean start running away and a security guard puts out his arms to stop them as they run basically right into him.)

At Sean’s house

Sean: So some rent a cop banned me from the mall. Big deal.

Tracker: It is a big deal Sean because they could have called the real cops.

Sean: I know. I was lucky.

Tracker: You’ve been off probation for what like a month now? This is how you celebrate, by pulling a stunt like this? That guy um Jay, he talked you into doing this?

Sean: What? No! No…

Tracker: I know guys like him Sean. All right? He’s bad news and you’re gonna have to cut him lose.

Sean: He’s my best friend…ok dad! (phone rings)

Tracker: Yeah hello? Hold on a second. (Looks at Sean pouring chocolate milk) What kind of breakfast is that huh?

Tracker: Yeah go ahead, sorry. I thought you said the job was filled. How much is it? Absolutely!

At school, in a classroom

Liberty: So JT…got a date for the semiformal?

JT: Why? Are you propositioning me, Liberty?

Liberty: No such luck. I’m very taken. (Showing a notebook filled with pictures of her and Towerz)

JT: Oh well that’s good. He’s getting some practice for the mug shot.

Liberty: As a more experienced dater I’d like to offer you some words of advice.

JT: This should be good.

Liberty: Ask Manny to the semiformal!

JT: Yeah right. She doesn’t like me –that- way.

Liberty: Wanna bet? (JT smiling and looking at Manny)

At the auto shop classroom

Ellie: Incredible. Really you’ve re-written the book on…what is it again?

Sean: An intake manifold?

Ellie: Sorry what I know about cars could be written on the head of a pin.

Sean: Hopefully Mr. Ehl agrees with you. About the project I mean... It’s worth 50%.

Ellie: No wonder you spend so much time on it.

Sean: Hey. (Pulls her back and kisses her while Amy and Alex give disgusted looks)

Amy: What’s he see in that bloodless freakbag?!

Alex: Amy, you broke up with him.

At the booth selling tickets at school

JT: Two please.

Spinner: Two? Heh. Aw JT finally gets a girl of his own, unless the other ticket is for Toby.

JT: No close though, Raditch actually. We really hit it off. (Looks at Manny walking by)

Spinner: JT. That’s not Raditch, but way better choice if you’re looking to get some.

JT: What?! What?

Spinner: Well you gotta figure…Manny with her history.

JT: Spinner how would you like it if people talked about Paige like that?

Spinner: They don’t uh ‘cause Paige isn’t a slut and she doesn’t go at it with other people’s boyfriends.

Spinner: Look JT I didn’t mean to get all up in your fries. Just don’t fall too hard for a girl like Manny. She’s got a reputation for a reason.

At Sean’s house where everything’s being packed up in boxes

Tracker: It’s awesome.

Sean: Hey I’m Sean, I live here?

Tracker: Hey bro! Come here! (hugs him) Crazy day bro. Do you uh remember the oil drilling job out in Alberta? Well the first guy. He like bailed at the last second.

Sean: Yeah

Tracker’s Girlfriend: So Tracker got it. Isn’t that awesome?

Tracker: Pays big. We’re gonna be living like kings. The only problem is we gotta be there by yesterday. So we gotta go.

Sean: Exams are starting. I’d lose my year.

Tracker: Yeah I know. I’m sorry I wish there was something else we could do.

Sean: Tracker I repeated grade 7, I’m not repeating grade 9.

Tracker: And I can’t leave you here alone. Either come with us to Alberta or I could drop you in Wasaga.

Sean: No. No I’m not living with mom and dad.

Tracker: And I’m not sitting around watching you end up in prison with your stupid friend. So that’s it. End of story. Alberta here we come.

At school, in the hallway

Amy: Hey Sean, what’s up?

Sean: Nothing. (As he just walks right by her)

Ellie: Hey, what’s wrong?

Sean: I’m moving tomorrow to Alberta.

Ellie: What!?

Sean: We have to break up.

(Ellie turns and runs away.)

In the auto shop classroom

Jay: Sup dawg, ever gonna finish that thing? (Accidentally makes Sean cut himself on his project)

Sean: Look what you made me do!

Jay: Maybe if you weren’t such a goof.

(Sean pushes Jay.)

Jay: Hey man I was joking! Psycho!

(Sean knocks a bunch of things off the table.)

Mr. Ehl: Sean!

Mr. Ehl: Alright, tell me what’s going on.

Sean: My brother got a job in Alberta and I’m moving tomorrow.

Mr. Ehl: That threatens the school year.

Sean: So? Think I care?

Mr. Ehl: Yeah, you told me you were going to be the first person in your family to graduate high school.

Sean: Yeah well whatever. It’s pointless.

Mr. Ehl: What about student welfare.

Sean: Yeah right. Cause they’re lining up to give guys like me money.

Mr. Ehl: If you keep decent grades and get a trustee to sign all your paperwork.

Sean: My own parents aren’t there for me man.

Mr. Ehl: Then I will be.

Sean: Mr. Ehl you barely know me.

Mr. Ehl: Sean I was the first person in my family to graduate. I know more than you think.

At Sean’s house

Tracker: C’mon bro. Give me a hand here.

Tracker: Ok I know you don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna leave either buddy. This is a great opportunity man. I’m doing you a favor. It’s a fresh start.

Sean: I don’t want a fresh start. I wanna stay here. Right where I am.

Tracker: I’m sorry but you can’t.

Sean: Actually I can. I can collect student welfare. Live here. I don’t need you.

Tracker: Ok. Rents being paid to the end of the month anyway. Finish your year but I’ll tell you this, you’re gonna be banging on my door before you know it bro.

At school, in the hallway

Sean: Ellie.

Ellie: Guess this is it. I was thinking long distance relationships are brutal, but…

Sean: We don’t have to worry about that.

Ellie: I love how you find this funny. *Hands her his student welfare form*

Ellie: You’re staying?

Sean: Yeah!

Ellie: Woo! (Jumps up on him and they kiss)

At Sean’s house

(Shows Sean at his house eating chocolate cake and drinking chocolate milk, smiling.)
In a classroom

Liberty: So Manny, the semiformal draws near. Got a sari picked out?

Manny: No. I’ve got sweatpants and ice cream picked out cause I’m not going.

Liberty: I disagree.

Manny: You can’t disagree. I’m not going. Besides it’s not like anyone wants me there.

Liberty: I know someone who does.

Manny: K, it better not just be you.

Liberty: Negative. It’s a certain shall we say friend of yours. *Looking at JT*

Manny: You mean JT? Well is he going to ask me?

Liberty: You didn’t hear it from me.

At the auto shop classroom

Alex: So the government pays you for nothing?

Sean: I gotta go to school, get good grades and I gotta get by on welfare. Does that sound like nothing?

Jay: Aw poor Sean. He has it so hard.

Amy: So can I come over sometime? (Putting her hand on his shoulder)

Sean: Yeah. Yeah you all can. It’s not just my house, it’s our house.

At Sean’s house, music playing, people dancing, people making out, Amy giving Sean/Ellie a glare while she drinks beer

At school in the auto shop room, Mr. Ehl waking up Sean

Back at Sean’s house, him and Ellie sitting on the couch eating pizza with people walking in carrying booze

At school, in the auto shop classroom

Mr. Ehl: Mr. Cameron. You seem to be making lateness a regular habit.

Sean: I’m sorry Mr. Ehl If it’s about your exam I can do it in my sleep.

It’s not about my exam. It’s about your other exams and your project. It’s worth 50%, remember?

Sean: I’ll get it done. I promise.

Outside the school

(JT walks out holding the tickets and sees Craig sit down with Manny.)

At the ticket booth inside school

JT: Do you give refunds on these?

Manny: JT.

JT: Now isn’t a very good time.

Manny: Um I heard you were going to ask me and I was waiting… JT.

JT: I saw you with Craig

Manny: And? We hadn’t talked since…he was just making sure I was ok.

JT: Yeah right.

Manny: What, you think I was just gonna go off and have sex with him because I’m that easy?

JT: Manny…

Manny: He was the one that was cheating on his girlfriend, ok? But no one ever talks about that do they?

At Sean’s house where Ellie and Sean are trying to study with lots of people partying in the background

Jay: Yo, Sean! Meet the Montreal crew.

Some guy: Sup man?

Ellie: You’re going to be able to work?

Sean: I have to.

(Ellie gets up from the couch and Amy sits down next to Sean.)

Sean: Take it easy!

Amy: Hey Seanny. Wanna see a world famous Avril Lavigne impression?

Sean: Sure.

(Amy does a stupid impression and Sean just sort of smiles and looks away.)

Amy: You don’t like me anymore.

Sean: Amy you dumped me.

Ellie: And he has a girlfriend.

Amy: Right and what are you, some kind of blood sucking vampire?

Ellie: Keep hitting on my boyfriend and you’ll find out.

(As Amy goes off and drinks even more, falling all over the place.)

Some guy: What’s your problem? (Pushes some other guy)

Sean: Hey! Outside! Jay!

Jay: Hey you heard him. (Tries to get them to go outside)

Sean: Thanks a lot Jay. Inviting the Montreal crew!

Jay: I am going to kick his-

Alex: Ahh! It’s Amy! Something’s really, really wrong.

(Everyone rushes to the bathroom where Amy is lying on the floor unconscious.)

Alex: Can’t wake her up.

Sean: Ok. Somebody call an ambulance.

Jay: There goes your student welfare.

Ellie: It might be alcohol poisoning.

Jay: Look, maybe you’ve never been to a party but this happens. She’s gonna be fine.

Sean: Man look at her. She is not going to be fine!

Outside Sean’s house

(Amy is being taken away in a stretcher.)

Paramedic: Hey that’s a good job calling us.

Jay: Well I hope you’re happy ‘cause you ground that party right to a halt. Whatever. The Montreal boys are bored. Where are we moving the party?

Sean: Nowhere. It’s over.

Jay: Did your girlfriend decide that?

Sean: No she didn’t. I did. The party’s over.

Jay: You know I thought you were cool. You had me fooled.

Sean: I know the feeling.

Outside school

JT: Manny! Look I just wanted to apologize ok? I never thought anything bad about you!

Manny: JT save it.

JT: When I saw you with Craig I thought you still liked him. Look when I asked you out the first time you blew me off. I just, I was afraid that was going to happen again. I was an idiot ok, I admit that. I’m only going to ask you this once. I have two tickets to the semiformal. Will you go with me? Alright I lied. I’m going to ask you twice! Will you go with me? I warn you, I’m prepared to wait months if I have to. Well maybe not months. We’ll miss the dance. (Manny smiling) Was that a yes? I heard a yes. Can we get a ruling on that?

Manny: JT, you’re such a jerk!

JT: But uh you mean that in the best possible way right?

(He holds open the door for her and clicks his heels together in the air after she walks in.)

In the hallway

Jay: Amy ok?

Sean: She will be.

In Mr. Ehl’s office

Sean: Mr. Ehl, signed these forms…

Mr. Ehl: Bring it here.

Sean: Before you sign there’s something I should tell you. I had a party and it sort of got out of hand. The cops were called. No charges or anything… If you don’t wanna be my trustee anymore I understand.

Mr. Ehl: I have a feeling a lot of people have let you down Sean. I’m not gonna add my name to that list. But I’m not going to sign until you can convince me that the partying is over and that you’re ready.

Sean: I am. I am Mr. Ehl.

(Mr. Ehl takes the paper and signs it.)

Sean: Thank you. Do you mind if I stick around? I have to finish my project.

Scenes for next week

(At the dance, everyone all dressed up and dancing.)

Dylan: I think its perfect Marco. (Hands on Marco’s shoulders)

Voiceover: The end of the school year.

Jimmy: This is going to be a night we never forget.

Voiceover: Prom night at Degrassi.

Hazel: You got us a limo?!

(Shows the inside of the limo covered with garbage.)

Jimmy: I think there’s been a mistake.

Voiceover: A night they wish they could forget.

(Shows some cops outside.)

Jimmy: You wanna pull up to the prom in a cop car?

Liberty: Fire!

(Shows a fire starting in the gym and then fire trucks pulling up outside.)