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05x04 - Foolin'

Posted: 10/24/05 05:36
by bunniefuu
Outside, JT is driving with Liberty when he pulls to a stop and holds up the keys

Liberty: What now? I don’t even have my beginners.

JT: Oh come on my little speed demon.

(Liberty is shown in the driver’s seat.)

JT: Okay so give her some gas.

(The music starts blasting and Liberty hits the gas.)

Liberty: My god, it’s working. I’m driving!

(Liberty is swerving around on the road and they come to a stop.)

JT: You did fine. You did wonderful okay. Now we’ll go celebrate.

(He holds up a bunch of condoms.)

Liberty: I’ve got to judge video announcements in 15 minutes.

JT: Well believe me that’s way more than enough time.

(He leans in to kiss her and Liberty pulls away.)

JT: Liberty.

Liberty: Do we have to talk about this?

JT: I just, I want to know if it’s something I’m doing okay? Because ever since school’s started you’ve been like an iceberg.

Liberty: You know student counsel president comes with a lot of responsibility. Do you even know what that means?

JT: Whatever you say your majesty.

In Degrassi

Mr. Simpson: Congratulations on your win madam president.

Liberty: Thank you Mr. Simpson

Toby: Okay we’ll be ready to start auditions just as soon as our student council president arrives…with her man servant

JT: Ha, ha. I’m actually here to audition. For I seek not only to inform, but to entertain as well.

Liberty: You’re auditioning?

JT: Is there a problem with that?

Liberty: I’m sorry, but early mornings, writing copy, being on time. Does that sound like JT Yorke to you?

JT: Liberty this is kind of important to me. When that little light goes on, it’s a rush. It draws me in.

Liberty: Like a moth to a bug zapper. Are you sure becoming an entertainer is a responsible, mature career path?

JT: What’s that supposed to mean?

Liberty: Nothing. Do what you want JT.

JT: (Turns to Toby) I’ll just see you in class. I’ll audition tomorrow.

In Ms. Kwan’s class

Spinner: B-. Yes!

Ms. Kwan: Nice work Gavin. Keep it up and you might even pass this year.

Darcy: Got any tips on how to get past Kwan’s marking system?

Spinner: Oh I got tips. Lots of tips and um… be happy to share them with you. Anytime, anyplace, any subject.

Darcy: I‘ve got a tip for you, the flirting: lame!

Spinner: Okay so we’ll trade. I’ll help you with English, you help me flirt.

Darcy: So you failed last year?

Spinner: Yeah I had some problems.

Darcy: What kind of problems?

Spinner: Uh my dog got sick with leukemia. All his fur fell out, right around exams. I was just too broken up over Sparky…

Darcy: Wow. Not only are you bad at flirting, but you suck at lying too.

Ms. Kwan: Okay class let’s begin. Gavin attention!

In the boy’s locker-room

JT: Tobes! Wanna hang out tonight?

Toby: Don’t you have to rub Liberty’s feet or something? Look it’s just the way she talks to you. You gotta be the man JT.

JT: Oh believe me Tobes. I have been the man okay. All summer long.

Toby: You and Liberty have been…

JT: Getting our freak on? Oh yeah dozens of time. She especially likes it when I…

Toby: (singing) Oh Canada. Our home and native land.

JT: Okay I’ll stop.

Toby: So why is she barking orders at you?

JT: She just became student council president okay my virginal friend. She’s stressed, so maybe all she needs is a little de-stressing.

In the hallway

Spinner: Jimmy, come on man. Will you just give me a chance? It’s a whole new year.

Jimmy: Look just ‘cause they let you back, it does not change who you are.

Spinner: But I have changed man. I have!

(Jimmy rolls away and Darcy walks over.)

Spinner: Listen I’ve got to tell you something okay? The truth. I was, I was expelled last year.

Darcy: Okay that’s a start. Why?

Spinner: I got roped into something. Played a little prank on this guy and he went psycho. He came to school sh**ting…

Darcy: I know all about it. I just didn’t know you were involved.

Spinner: Only in the most indirect way and I‘ve more than paid for it, but people around here they, they won’t even look at me. I’m persona non grata and it sucks.

Darcy: Look a bunch of us are meeting up after school, room 208. Why don’t you come, hang out.

In the media immersion room

Mr. Simpson: Hey I read your dance committee budget. On time, under budget. President Van Zandt sh**t, she scores. The crowd goes wild!

JT: Weirdo teacher overload. Diagnosis, Simpsonitis.

Liberty: It’s nothing. Minor headache.

JT: I mean it’s understandable. You’re spinning a hundred plates at once. Hey uh maybe cirque du soleil’s our area.

Liberty: Don’t waste your A material on me.

JT: Okay. Just tell me one thing. What are you doing tonight?

Liberty: Work, work and more work.

JT: No you’re not. You’re gonna come with me and our friends to movie night.

Liberty: But there’s the budget and agendas to collate, memos to write… all of which can wait.

JT: Okay. Cool. I’ll pick you up.

Liberty: JT you’re really great.

JT: I know.

(He kisses her.)

At the Friendship Club meeting, Spinner walks in confused

Darcy: Everybody, this is Spinner.

Spinner: Hi. Why are you guys all sitting in a circle? You should move those chairs.

Darcy: It’s Spinner’s first time here so who wants to tell him the first rule of Friendship Club?

Random girl: (Puts up her hand) Oh! Always talk about Friendship Club.

Darcy: Right. Spread the word. Okay so since I’ve got the floor I guess I’ll kick us off today.

(They all hold hands as Spinner looks confused.)

Everyone except Spinner: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

At the movie theatre

JT: Oh polyester’s in this season.

Paige: Twenty movie theatres in this city and everyone from Degrassi comes to this one. What?

JT: I’ll have uh one extreme corn bucket, double toppings. Um… a cola tub. Actually make that root beer please and uh two bendy straws.

(JT kisses Liberty’s cheek.)

Manny: Enough with the PDA.

Emma: Sorry guys, bus took forever.

Liberty: Another advantage of dating JT, my man’s got a car.

JT: And my lady gets a ride whenever she wants.

(JT and Toby move away from the girls.)

JT: Actually I gave uh Liberty a really good driving lesson. She’s uh, she’s pretty handy with the old stick shift.

Toby: Okay enough about you and Liberty’s sex life.

JT: Uh hey good hustle Paige.

Paige: Yeah that’ll be about $400.

Liberty: Maybe this will teach you to keep private matters, private!

(She dumps the root beer into JT’s pants.)

Paige: Um you still have to pay for that.

Outside, JT is driving and trying to talk to Liberty who is walking

JT: I called, I e-mailed. If I give you a lift will you take that as an apology?

(Liberty gets in the car and they start driving.)

JT: Look I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made those jokes to Toby about our sex life.

Liberty: You should never have told him about sex life period. It was stupid.

JT: I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of this.

Liberty: Because you talk without thinking. You’re immature. You’re a clown.

JT: You treat me like a kid. Okay you boss me around and you wouldn’t even let me audition for the video announcements. You decide everything.

Liberty: Grow up JT.

JT: Respect me Liberty. Okay and then maybe we can make a decision together, for once!

Liberty: We did. Last summer remember? When we decided to use the king sized condom. The one that slipped off. I’m pregnant.

(JT looks at her shocked and crashes the car right into the bus stop outside Degrassi.)

Liberty: JT!

(JT steps out of the car shocked.)

Outside the school, Liberty and JT are standing by the car when Ms. Hatzilakos rushes out

JT: Oh my god. What are we gonna do?!

Ms. Hatzilakos: Are you okay?

Liberty: We’re fine. A dog ran onto the road. JT swerved. He did everything he could.

Ms. Hatzilakos: Well accidents will happen. Why don’t you go inside? I’ll talk to the police. I’m just glad you’re okay.
In Mr. Simpson’s class

Mr. Simpson: So what draws us to some advertising and not to others? Is it the look, the hook or is it-

(Everyone is watching Liberty and JT talk to the police.)

Mr. Simpson: Okay peepers up front people. It’s time to partner up.

(JT and Liberty walk in.)

Mr. Simpson: Liberty and JT. Nice of you to join us.

JT: How long have you known?!

Liberty: A while.

JT: A while? What’s a while? Days? Weeks?

Liberty: Try months. Three.

JT: Liberty!

Liberty: I don’t want to be pregnant. Okay morning after morning I wake up and guess what, I still am.

JT: Well uh what about a…?

Liberty: An abortion?! I don’t even want to think about that, let alone talk about it.

JT: Are you sure you’re really pregnant?

Liberty: Do you need proof?! Fine go buy a pregnancy test!

JT: You haven’t done that?

Liberty: A woman just knows JT. There are vast multitude of science. Including frequent urination.

(She stands up to go the washroom.)

Liberty: Mr. Simpson.

In the cafeteria, Spinner sits down and Darcy walks over to him

Darcy: Is this seat taken?

Spinner: No.

Darcy: You were awfully splitsville last night. Didn’t like the club?

Spinner: It was Christian.

Darcy: So? I joined a couple months ago. It’s fun.

Spinner: I guess I’m just not into the join hands group prayer, variety of fun.

Darcy: Right, because that’s all I do. Just because I’m Christian doesn’t mean I won’t cream you in laser tag.

Spinner: Oh laser tag. What a party. Um what else do you do, weenie roasts?

Darcy: I like horror movies, make fart jokes, watch the occasional ultimate fighting challenge.

Spinner: You’re allowed to do that?

Darcy: Yes. I’m not in some cult Spinner. I do pretty much anything I want.

Spinner: Um are you allowed to drink coffee? Like say tonight at the Dot?

At the mall, JT walks into the pharmacy and over to the ‘family planning’ section

(He picks up a pregnancy test and sees a man holding a baby. He walks over to the cashier who gives him a look when she sees the test. JT sees a sign for a job opening on the counter.)

At Liberty’s house

Danny: She in there again? Get comfortable. Gonna be a while, probably all bonged up.

JT: You are an ignorant little puke. You know nothing about Liberty okay? So just take my advice and get lost!

Danny: Man. You have issues.

(Danny leaves and Liberty walks out holding the test.)

JT: It’s positive?

(She nods.)

At Degrassi

Toby: You missed it. Heather Sinclaire auditioned with a dangler. She had a booger hanging from her nose hair. You okay enough to do this?

JT: Yeah it’s mine.

Toby: Alrighty. So um I’ll point to you and that’s when you start.

JT: (On camera) Hello. I’m JT Yorke with your morning announcements. I…okay. Good morning. Congrats to our senior girls relay team who knocked up…

(Liberty gives him a look.)

JT: …uh knocked off rival Carson Hill and are now guaranteed a birth um birth in…I’m gonna be sick.

(JT runs out of the room and Liberty follows.)

Toby: Okay. Uh next?

Liberty: That went great. Just have to notify Heather Sinclaire she has the job.

JT: I can do better okay?

Liberty: I told you not to audition. Entertainment is not a practical career path for you.

JT: Will you stop? Just stop trying to control me. Please.

Liberty: Fine. I’ll focus on controlling other things, like my vomiting.

JT: Liberty we need to get you a doctor and get you checked out.

Liberty: Actually I’ll take care of that. Medical concerns, telling parents…all the practical details.

JT: While I just stand around and watch?

Outside Toby’s house, Toby is playing with a remote control car

JT: The Canyon Hopper XT. It’s amazing it still works.

Toby: Yeah. Found it at the end of the garage. Technically it’s half yours.

JT: Yeah well we sold a lot of golf balls. Tobes. Liberty’s pregnant.

(The car runs into the garbage knocking it over.)

Toby: Wow.

JT: Yeah.

Toby: Okay. Okay. They have support groups right? And uh, you can talk to Ms. Sauve at school and tell your parents.

JT: Actually there’s a bigger problem.

Toby: A bigger problem than Liberty being pregnant?

JT: Yeah. Her. Liberty. Everything she used to like about me, she now hates. She treats me like crap Tobes.

Toby: Talk to her. Tell her to quit it.

JT: Doesn’t work. Nothing works. What am I gonna do?

At the Dot

Darcy: Corner table. Nice.

Spinner: Yeah it’s one of the perks of working here.

Darcy: Here. Made something for you.

(She hands him a CD.)

Spinner: Green Day. Missy E. Arcade Fire. Cool. Not what I expected.

Darcy: Your turn. Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn’t expect.

Spinner: Alright this goes right in the vault alright? You know those little mister handsome contests?

Darcy: Beauty pageants for boys.

Spinner: You are looking at little mister handsome, age four through six.

Darcy: What happened after six?

Spinner: Got ugly I guess.

(She laughs and Jimmy rolls over to them.)

Jimmy: Just a heads up. You should be careful with this guy. He’s dangerous you know.

Spinner: Jimmy…

Jimmy: He tends to get people shot. That’s no good. I don’t know what he told you, but I doubt it’s the truth.

In Degrassi

JT: I’m gonna ask you this, can I do the morning announcements?

Liberty: No.

JT: Okay I’m gonna ask again.

Liberty: JT we’re not talking about this.

JT: Liberty, if we can’t talk about this, then how are we gonna deal with the fact that you’re pregnant?

Liberty: We’re not, I am.

JT: Good to know.

Liberty: Just like you to make a joke.

JT: That’s what you used to like about me is that I made jokes.

Liberty: Yeah well everything’s changed. I don’t have time for jokes. This is serious. I can’t trust you to deal with this.

JT: Fine. Then I can’t deal with you. That’s it Liberty. I’m done.

Liberty: You’re breaking up with me? Now?

(JT keeps on walking as Liberty watches him upset.)

Outside Degrassi

Spinner: Look whatever you have to say I’ve heard it all before. Okay so you don’t have to bother.

Darcy: Why didn’t you tell me the whole story?

Spinner: Because Jimmy was my best friend. I basically cut his legs off. I don’t like to broadcast that.

Darcy: You didn’t sh**t him.

Spinner: No, but I might as well have. It was totally my fault. I keep trying to talk to him, but-

Darcy: You can’t make Jimmy forgive you, especially if you haven’t forgiven yourself.

Spinner: Yeah I get it. Friendship club right? Blah, blah, blah.

Darcy: No I’m talking about you, because I like you.

Spinner: Here. If you still want to get to know me better.

(He gives her a CD and they smile at each other.)

At Liberty’s locker

JT: Liberty. I got a job at a drugstore.

Liberty: You did?

JT: So not only will I be able to share our costs, but when the baby comes I’ll get a pretty good discount on diapers too.

Liberty: Why’d you do that?

JT: Because I want to help and it’s the only way I know how and I didn’t need your permission. That was a plus too.

Liberty: We’re not back together.

JT: I know. I’m not gonna abandon you and I’m not gonna abandon this baby.

Liberty: I’ve never, never needed help on anything.

Scenes for next week

Craig: (To the camera) I’m through with romance this year. No girls. None!

(Manny and Ellie are shown split screen.)

Voiceover: Get ready for a showdown. Two’s company.

Craig: Ellie’s been incredible.

Voiceover: Three’s a crowd.

Craig: Manny!

Manny: I didn’t want to interrupt.

(Manny walks over to Ellie angry.)

Manny: Did you just throw a drumstick at my head?!