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05x10 - Redemtion Song

Posted: 12/05/05 13:25
by bunniefuu
In a mall change room, Darcy is trying on a bikini and Spinner walks in on her

Darcy: Spinner what are you doing?

Spinner: Shh.

Darcy: Someone needs a time out.

Spinner: Someone’s always getting a timeout.

Darcy: So what do you think? It’s for Friendship Club.

Spinner: You’re wearing a bikini to Friendship Club? You’re gonna give poor baby Jesus a heartattack.

Darcy: You know you shouldn’t talk like that. Besides I meant for the camping trip this weekend.

Spinner: Oh right. Camping with your bible buddies. So glad I’m missing that.

Darcy: Spinner! You said you’d come.

Spinner: Was I high at the time?

(Spinner walks out of the store and sees Jay.)

Jay: Spin what’s up? You in there shopping for some nice new miniskirts?

Spinner: Nah man. Checking out some man thongs.

Jay: Ooh. Oh hey you missed a hell of a party Friday night. People were asking about you.

Darcy: Jay. They let you out on parole?

Jay: Time off for good behaviour. Oh hey Nuns ‘R Us is having a black and white sale. You should really check that out.

Spinner: Funny. You guys always have to do this?

Jay: Oh hey Spin this weekend we’re having a party in the ravine. We’re getting a keg.

Spinner: Dude I am so there…possibly…maybe…we’ll see.

Jay: Well you let me know when she makes up your mind for you.

At Friendship Club meeting

Linus: So we’re all sinners, but you know if we accept Jesus into our hearts we’ll be free.

Spinner: But wait a sec. If we’re all sinners then what can Jesus do?

Kim: He can forgive you.

Linus: Exactly and you know that way you’ll get entrance to Heaven.

Spinner: Yeah, but there are good people out there who don’t believe in Jesus. What do they just go to Hell?

(The bell rings.)

Linus: Listen Spinner. That was a great debate. I’m looking forward to some more. Say uh tomorrow at the retreat?

Spinner: Yeah um about that. I have plans to worship with a friend.

Linus: That’s great. Is your friend a believer?

Spinner: Yeah he believes in things…like beer.

In the media immersion room

Jimmy: I come bearing morning bagels.

Hazel: I’ve got our coffees. Two creams for you, two sugars for me.

Jimmy: Okay Hazel. What’s the big secret?

Hazel: This summer, road trip! We hit the southern US of A! Orlando, Memphis, Atlanta. All summer!

Ellie: All summer. Wow that’s…that’s great.

Ms. Hatzilakos: (On the TV announcements) A year ago today tragedy struck Degrassi and since that day we’ve become a different school. Zero tolerance for bullying and an open door policy for student concerns. We did this together.

(It flashes back to the year before.)

Spinner: Jay listen. Raditch knows man!

Jay: About Jimmy? Yeah I’m surprised nobody’s figured it out yet. Jimmy set the whole thing up perfectly.

(Jimmy is shown walking away from Rick and then getting shot.)

Rick: You pretended to be my friend!

(It flashes back to the present and Spinner looks at pictures of him and Darcy.)

Ms. Hatzilakos: (On the TV announcements) I’d like to announce that out of the many proposals submitted, the winner is a new mural to be painted by Jimmy Brooks.

Paige: That’s amazing.

Hazel: I didn’t know you submitted a proposal.

Jimmy: Actually it’s, it’s all on Ellie. She talked me into it.

Hazel: Gee all these plans that I didn’t know about.

Ellie: Well Jimmy’s such a good artist and with the sh**ting…we just thought it was right.

Craig: Good job man.

Jimmy: Thank you.

Paige: So tell me when did Jimmy and Ellie become a ‘we’?

At Spinner’s locker, Spinner finds a note that says ‘I believe in you. Darcy’

Craig: Someone left you a card. How sweet.

Spinner: It’s a note man, from my girlfriend. Hey Jimmy congratulations man, eh? Listen I want to help out. If there’s anything I can do, whatever!

Marco: Probably not a good idea Spin.

Spinner: Come on guys. Let me help out!

Jimmy: Look when I said you were dead to me I meant forever. You don’t exist.

At the Dot

Jay: So this weekend you, me, dozens of horny honey's and an ice cold keg of beer sound good?

Spinner: Dude do you ever think about what happened with you know the sh**ting, with Rick?

Jay: Sure I do. Way I see it, we did the world a favor.

Spinner: And Jimmy. We helped him too, right?

Jay: Spin what are you doing? You’re getting yourself all depressed. You got school for that. What you need is to get your mind off the depressing crap. Have some fun.

Spinner: Dude you are so right.

Outside Degrassi, Friendship Club is getting ready for camping

Spinner: Hey um is my name still on the sign up sheet? Look under uh, I for Idiot.

Darcy: I don’t know Spin. There’s volleyball, barbeque…I don’t think you can handle it.

(Spinner picks Darcy up playfully.)

Spinner: Don’t think I can handle it, what are you talking about?!

At the camp grounds, Spinner and Linus are setting up a volleyball net

Spinner: Well alright. Um so if I’m not on your team that puts me on the winning team right?

Linus: That’s funny.

(Darcy waves at Spinner.)

Linus: Lucky man.

Spinner: Yeah. You’re not hurting.

(Kim waves at Linus.)

Linus: Kim’s my life.

(He holds up his hand and shows a ring.)

Spinner: Dude you’re married?

Linus: Married? No. No this is a, this is a pre-engagement ring. We gave them to each other last year when we pledged our abstinence.

Spinner: So you willingly gave up…with her?

Linus: Spinner, Kim and I love each other and we love Jesus. This is really the best way to show it man.

Spinner: Yeah, but if Jesus didn’t want us to have sex he’d make every girl look like Quasimodo’s sister. I mean…

Linus: Relationships are not only about sex. They’re about spiritual connectedness man, come on.

At the mural, Jimmy and Ellie are painting

Ellie: So road trip this summer? Guess we’ll put those art class on hold.

Jimmy: I guess so.

Ellie: I have a summer job anyway. There’s this tiny comic book company…doing their website.

Jimmy: You’re kidding. That’s amazing.

Ellie: It’s a job. I was gonna hire you to do the artwork, but whatev.

(Hazel walks over to them.)

Jimmy: Hazel! I did not know you were coming, but so glad to have you here.

Marco: Okay the fountain’s down and I am parched.

Paige: And someone has got to wash these brushes.

Marco and Paige: Ew!

Hazel: Looks like this project could use a little more organization. Marco I have a case of water in my car. Why don’t you go get it? Paige I’ll wash these brushes…and Ellie why don’t you keep doing what you’re doing.
At the camping trip, Linus is playing his guitar

Linus: Alright guys. Okay before I sing this song I want to talk about something. Fear. Spinner what scares you most?

Spinner: Ms. Kwan?

Linus: Be serious. Melinda?

Melinda: I’m scared of dying.

Kim: But why Melinda? I mean if you’re forgiven by Jesus you’ll go to Heaven.

Linus: Yeah, but what if you die before you make peace. So before Jesus could forgive you?

Kim: You’d go to hell.

Linus: How do you feel about that Spinner? How do you feel? Don’t you have uh anything you want to be forgiven for?

Spinner: No. Not particulary.

Linus: What about your friend Jimmy? What about him?

Spinner: Nice Darcy. No brainwashing huh?

(Spinner storms away and Darcy follows him.)

Darcy: Spin I didn’t tell him anything.

Spinner: Yeah then how’d he know Darcy? He psychic?

Darcy: I guess I mentioned it to Kim.

Spinner: Oh that’s great. Just spill my most private secrets to everybody.

Darcy: Who are you calling?

Spinner: Jay. My friend. I’m out of here.

Darcy: Spinner please! I’m sorry that Linus ambushed you. He shouldn’t have. It was a mistake.

Spinner: No this weekend was a mistake. This, this whole relationship is a mistake. *On his cell phone* Jay what’s up man? Um…

At the retreat, Jay drives up in his car

Spinner: It’s about time buddy. Let’s go!

Jay: Sweet mother Mary. Who knew Christian girls could be so hot?

Spinner: Yeah, but trust me this place is no party.

Jay: Not yet.

Spinner: No, no, no, no, no, no. What are you doing?

Jay: I just drove two hours for you. At least let me join your Christian friends for a tasty hot dog or a cool, refreshing beverage.

Spinner: One hot dog. Beer stays in the car, your mouth stays shut and something else stays in your pants. Clear?

Jay: I don’t know. Let me pray on it.

Back at the mural

Hazel: How come nothing rhymes with orange? It’s such a lonely word.

Jimmy: And what’s not a lonely word?

Hazel: Hazel ‘cause it goes so perfectly with Jimmy.

Jimmy: That doesn’t even rhyme. So Ellie, this comic book website are you gonna use flash?

Ellie: Uh it’s all customized, but I’m also putting together templates.

Hazel: I really like the Crimson Kid…Flash. The Crimson Kid. You guys were talking about comic books right? I’ve been reading up.

Ellie: Um we’re talking about flash animation. It’s a computer thing. It’s complicated.

Hazel: Right and I wouldn’t get that.

Back at the retreat, Jay is talking to Melinda

Jay: My dad just couldn’t take it anymore so he took off on his hog.

Melinda: And your mom, was she okay?

Jay: Well I helped her through her painkiller addiction, but once she was in drug rehab it was like, like I was addicted. Addicted to helping people.

Melinda: Really?

Jay: Yeah.

Melinda: So that’s when you left school?

Jay: And headed down to South America. Yes to the mountains of Ecuador. I built a church and a one room school and a well. It just felt so good you know?

Spinner: Jay is quite the storyteller.

Darcy: Yeah and Melinda’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Spinner: Hey listen I’m sorry for what I said before. I didn’t mean it.

(Darcy kisses him.)

Darcy: I can party too you know, so don’t think I’m a complete loser.

Spinner: I don’t think you’re a loser. I think you’re great.

Jay: I just, I really feel like I can talk to you, you know? Just not here.

Melinda: Let’s go someplace private.

Spinner: Jay can I talk to you? Just for a sec.

Jay: Spinner slow down. I was just about to re-define bible thumping.

Spinner: No man you were just about to take a hike.

Jay: Praise the lord. God those freaks really got to you.

Spinner: Have you always been this stupid or am I just noticing it now?

Jay: Man ever since you met miss WWJD I don’t even know who you are anymore. I mean what kind of a hold does she have on you anyways? Is she that good in bed?

Spinner: It’s not like that man. We don’t…we don’t even have sex.

Jay: No sex? Nothing? Are you kidding me? What’s her problem?

Spinner: She believes in something alright? Is that impossible for you to get into your twisted little brain?

Jay: No. Look whatever. I just want you to be happy.

(Darcy walks over holding a couple beers.)

Darcy: Hope you don’t mind. I scooped these from your car.

Jay: Mind? No I wasn’t going anywhere.

Darcy: Sometimes you gotta bend the rules. Just a little.

(The three of them play frisbee while Spinner and Jay drink.)

Spinner: Oh nice catch. Nice catch.

Jay: Darcy you gonna partake?

Darcy: Ugh it tastes like barf.

Spinner: You’ve tried beer?

Darcy: Yeah a bit too much of it one night. Ages ago. Hense, tastes like barf.

Jay: Well cheers to that. Looks like we’re gonna need another round.

Darcy: I’ll get it.

Spinner: No. No no. I’ll go.

Jay: So underneath that nun’s habit lies a living, breathing girl. Who knew?

Darcy: Spinner.

Jay: Yeah right, Spinner. He’s all about you these days. I’ve never seen him like this, not about anybody.

Darcy: Not Manny, Paige?

Jay: Oh no he told me you’re way better than Paige or Manny. The thing is-

Darcy: What?

Jay: It’s Manny. She’s moving in on him.

Darcy: What? I thought she was with Craig.

Jay: She wants something on the side with Spinner. I’m talking sex. He keeps trying to fight her off, but how long can he keep fighting? I mean he’s a guy and well if he doesn’t get something soon, then game over. Look it’s just like you said Darcy, sometimes you gotta bend the rules.

(She takes a swig of beer and looks at Jay.)

At the mural, Hazel is looking at it and sees one of the people is drawn to look like Ellie

Hazel: You’ve got to be kidding me.

(She walks over to Jimmy and throws orange paint on him.)

At the campgrounds

Spinner: Dude I got round two.

Jay: Your lady awaits.

(Jay takes a beer and walks away from him as Spinner walks over to Darcy.)

Spinner: Hey. What’s going on?

(She pulls him down and starts kissing him.)

Spinner: On second thought, no need to explain.

(Darcy takes off her shirt and starts pulling down her bathing suit top

Spinner: Darcy. I love you.

(He kisses her as she starts crying.)

Spinner: Are you okay?

Darcy: I’m fine. Keep going.

Spinner: Hey, hey what’s wrong? What’s wrong?

Darcy: It’s okay. Jay told me about Manny. About everything.

Spinner: Wait. Wait! What Manny? I haven’t spoken to Manny in like a year! Okay. Start at the beginning. What did Jay tell you exactly?

(Jay is playing volleyball and Spinner walks over to him.)

Jay: Oh! Oh! Who is your saviour now?!

(Spinner punches Jay repeatedly and pushes him to the ground.)

Jay: Spinner!

Spinner: Why’d you do it?

Jay: You said you wanted some action. I was just trying to help you get it.

Spinner: No you just wanted to ruin it like you’ve ruined everything in my life. Jimmy and now Darcy.

Jay: Oh yeah! Oh yeah I’m the devil. I’m the evil lowdown sinner. Somebody save me!

Spinner: You know what? Get out of here. I never want to see you again, ever. Go! Go!

(Jay leaves.)

Outside Degrassi

Hazel: So this whole thing, this mural. This was all about her?

Jimmy: Of course not! I didn’t even mean for that girl to be Ellie. I guess it looks a little bit like her-

Hazel: A little bit? Jimmy that’s her face, to a tee!

Jimmy: I can paint it over.

Hazel: That’s not the point. Why did you paint it in the first place? Obviously you like her. Be honest.

Jimmy: Okay Hazel look. I love you, but Ellie she…she inspires me.

Hazel: I so did not need to hear that.

Jimmy: Well you wanted honesty. I’m being honest!

Hazel: No you’re being a coward and if you won’t say it, then I will. So here it is Jimmy. Ready? We’re through.

Back at the retreat

Spinner: I’m sorry. For bringing Jay here. For what he said. For everything.

Darcy: It’s not your fault. You were trying to be his friend. His only friend because PS: he’s a jerk. I love you Spin.

Spinner: You shouldn’t. I hurt everyone. You, Jimmy…I’m, I’m not worth it.

Darcy: You are. I know it. Jesus knows it.

Spinner: How can Jesus forgive someone who got his best friend shot?

Darcy: Because he just does. All you need to do is believe.

Spinner: It’s too late.

Darcy: No, it’s not. We’ll find Jesus together, okay?

Spinner: Okay.

Scenes for next week

Paige: (To the camera) I think I like someone. Someone I’m not supposed to like.

Voiceover: A movie premiere descends on Degrassi.

Paige: Could you spare a teensy weensy extra golden ticket Mr. Smith, please for my friend?

Voiceover: And Paige’s new friendship…

Alex: About before…

Paige: We were just having fun. No big deal right?

Voiceover: …get’s complicated.

(Paige and Alex lean towards each other about to kiss.)