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OVAx07 - (S) HLB <Hero League Baseball>

Posted: 03/26/23 17:46
by bunniefuu

Hero League Baseball.

That's the generic name for

the sandlot baseball league set up

by pro heroes who love baseball.

According to this year's rankings...

...g*ng Orca's team, the Orcas,

is tied for first place with Lion Hero:

Shishido's team, the Lionels.

And now, it's the HLB championship game!


The direct showdown between

the Orcas and the Lionels begins!

Victory will belong to us, the Orcas!


We're the ones who'll win, the Lionels!


You knew you couldn't win,

so you called in outside help?

Listen to you talk!

You did the same thing!

I pity you, Shishido. You're king

over such a tiny strip of land!

g*ng Orca, why don't you go back

to the sea and eat some sardines!

k*ller whales are the mightiest!

No, lions are!

Those two are always

at each other's throats.

Kamui, why did you agree to help out?

Ask Edge Shot about that.

Should we really be playing baseball

during our work studies?

I've never played it before...

But if we win, we get all-you-can-eat

takoyaki! I'm goin' for it!

Oh, yeah! Might as well play to win!

You know it!

Oh, forget this. It's sure to end badly.

The Orcas vs. the Lionels!

Which team is going to win

this game of the century?!

Coming to you with

live coverage by me, Present Mic,

and commentary by Eraser Head.

Why am I doing commentary?

First, some commentary

on the special rules of HLB!


Each team has only nine players!

No outside substitutes

are allowed during a game!

Any number of position changes is allowed!

Including substitute runners!

Even if players get ejected,

the game goes on!

If a batter is injured and has to leave,

they're automatically considered out!

Will it come down to the scores

at the end of the ninth inning?!

Or will one team forfeit

for having no members left?!

That's absurd.

--Here we go!

--Oh, I want to leave.

--It's a head-to-head contest,

fair and square!

--That's all I want.

It's the top of the first,

and the Orcas are at bat.

Batting now is the captain, g*ng Orca!

The Lionels starting pitcher is Sugarman!

Listen! No need to hold back!

Throw like your life depends on it!

Whoa! Sugarman has

already absorbed some sugar!

It's the Quirk-enhanced first pitch!

He throws! It's incredible!

And it's hit with ease!

Out-of-the-park home run!

We're sure to run

out of balls at this rate.

Hey! I thought I told you to do it

like your life depends on it!

D-Dying... Dying right now...

Pitcher substitution!

After just one pitch,

Mindz takes the mound!

Now, what kind of pitching

is he going to show us?!

Twin Impact.

He throws!

Wait, that is so weak!

Hah! Easy!





Strike! You're out!

Oh, ho! Chargebolt is out

in just three pitches!

He wasn't even able to swing!


Th-There's no way I could hit that...


Next up to bat, it's Tentacole!

What is this?

HLB rules place no limits

on the number of bats!

I'll cover the entire strike zone!

Even if the ball suddenly speeds up when

it's close, I just have to swing in time!

I'll win!


Now that's what I call a curve ball!

There's no hitting that!




Strike! You're out!

Strike! Strike!

Strike! You're out!

And just like that, three batters

in a row are struck out!

Penalty! Penalty!

Now, the teams switch

for the bottom of the first.

Tailman is at bat for the Lionels!

Starting pitcher for

the Orcas is Kamui Woods.

He winds up for the

first pitch and throws!



Pre-emptive Binding

Lacquered Chain Prison.

Not fair!


Strike! You're out!

Strike! You're out!

What're you doing?!

Can't you get into this like

your life depends on it?!

Lion Hero: Shishido.

Quirk: Lion.

He has the same power and

speed as a lion, the king of beasts!

He's tough on his people,

occasionally knocking them into bottomless

chasms and making them climb back up.

By the way, he's on very bad terms

with g*ng Orca the k*ller whale--

the king of marine life!

That's putting it lightly.

Bring it on!

Lacquered Chain Prison!

Think again, you rookie!

Shishido smashes

the Lacquered Chain Prison!

I've got more!

Smash! Smash! Smash!

Shishido's not stopping,

and Kamui's not backing down!

It's a battle of wills!

O God.

Center field, stop it with your body!

Titan Cliff!

Mt. Lady is out cold!

Nice save by Cellophane!

That'll keep Shishido

from getting on base!

Cellophane was crushed

by an unconscious Mt. Lady!


Kamui Woods... isn't even moving!

Shishido might be out,

but that was a fine play!

He took out three Orcas players!

Nice batting!

Nothing "nice" about it.

At the top of the second,

the Orcas have lost #, #,

and # in their batting order,

so they're leading with #, Vine!

Strike! You're out!

Strike! You're out!

Two outs, in the blink of an eye!

Penalty! Penalty!

Captain g*ng Orca's spout of fury!

The next batter is Earphone Jack.

I guess I'll have to use...


...high frequency batting!

It's being pushed back

by high frequency waves!

I did it!

This'll be a base hit!

You think?

I doubt it.

Shishido catches it!

Is she out?! I suppose she is!

That was a close one.

It was a good play.

We'll win, just you watch!

g*ng Orca's fighting spirit sets

his team members on fire!

It's the bottom of the second,

and the Orcas have swapped

Grape Juice in as pitcher.

I'll show you my miracle ball!

All mine!

Sugarman hits it... or not!

The ball came back and nailed Sugarman!

That's it for him, this game!

How do you like my Pop Off

colored with a rosin bag?

Nobody can hit my miracle ball!

#, Shoda, is out too!

Dammit! What do we do?!

At times like this,

you've got to be clever.


If the ball won't fly forward...

Roar, miracle ball!

...then I'll hit it back, bat and all!

Yeah! How 'bout that!

You're out!

Real Steel is ejected!

Huh?! What for?!

Real Steel is an idiot!

Ejected for flagrant stupidity,

over an unsafe act!

What the hell're you doing?!


Learn your lesson!


I want to leave!

I want to leave! I want to leave!

I want to leave!

I want to leave! I want to leave!

The HLB final game, Orcas vs. Lionels!

At the end of the second inning, the Orcas

have the lead with the score at -.



At the end of the second inning, the Orcas

have the lead with the score at -.

The Orcas are down to five players.

They sure would love to score more points!

Oh? It looks like the Lionels are changing

their pitcher from Mindz to Fatgum.

Oh, what have we here?!

Captain Shishido has

started hitting Fatgum!

Is this some new form of tough love?!

It's probably Fat Adsorption.

Fat is using Fat Adsorption

on Shishido's impacts,

sinking them in and storing them up.

To keep g*ng Orca

the slugger under control.

You think you're so clever.

Stop Orca, no matter what it takes.

Don't forget about the

all-you-can-eat takoyaki.

I won't!

Well, time to get serious!

Please, Fat. Don't let him hit it!

And if you do, don't let it come my way!

Take this! The Naniwa Fat Throwing Style!

Not good enough!

Oh, this is hopeless.

Suneater got devoured!

But the ball fell out of his glove!

Nice play, Kirishima!

Mindz surfs away on

Orca's ultrasonic waves!

Tailman throws the dropped ball to third!

He's tagged out!

The Orcas couldn't score this time!

But they did sink Suneater and Mindz!


I overdid... it.

Fatgum burned through

too much fat, and he's down!


Oops, it's too much for Vine,

as she faints!

Now the Lionels have five left,

and the Orcas, only four!

We knew this was coming!

Captain Shishido has taken the mound!

Up to bat, it's Chargebolt!

This batter's no big deal.

But you can't be too careful.

No matter the prey, I'll hunt at %!

Lion-like force!

Whoa! A tremendous blazing fastball!

Gevaudan is out cold,

and he took the umpire with him!

And the shock wave took down

Chargebolt as well!

Whoa, this is too much...

Jiro, take a fall.

You don't need to keep playing.


Oh, no! Earphone Jack must fear for her

life because she's fainted like Vine did!

The Orcas are down to just two players!

Sugarman, play catcher!

Huh? Me?

This is t*rture, in the form of baseball!

We'll hold them back for now, then

turn it around in the bottom of the third!

Victory will be mine!

Lion-like force!

Again! It's a replay of earlier!

Sugarman is toast!

And Tentacole is gone, too!

An incapacitated batter

means an instant out!

That's three outs, so now the Lionels are

up to bat in the bottom of the third!



That's three outs, so now the Lionels are

up to bat in the bottom of the third!

If this gets any worse,

I'll start erasing Quirks.

Please do!





As we move into the bottom of the third,

the Orcas are still in the lead at -!

As we move into the bottom of the third,

the Orcas are still in the lead at -!

But now, the only player

the Orcas have left is g*ng Orca!

I'll hit this, for Fat,

Amajiki, and the rest!

He's my only opponent.

All I have to do is roll the ball forward!


S-Such power!

But don't back down! If I do,

there'll be nothing left!

He knocked that ball back!

g*ng Orca fields the ball!

But there's nobody to throw it to!

No outs, runner on first!


Now that there are no basemen,

we might even see a triple!

Not bad at all, Kirishima.

Tailman, go be a

pinch runner for Red Riot.

Uh, but...

The little guy's done all he can.

I'll settle the score with him.

The Lionels swap runners.

Shishido told me to take your place.

You worked hard, Kirishima.

Go rest on the bench.


Tell that to Shishido.

Play resumes,

with no outs and a runner on first.

At bat is the captain

of the Lionels, Shishido!

So, what now?

First, we even up the score.

I'll give you that much.

Strike! Or it probably is!

During which, Tailman comes

around second and reaches third!

They scored a point!

The score is now tied!



They scored a point!

The score is now tied!

At last...

...we can go all out!

Attention, all citizens in the area.

A villain who committed a bank robbery is

currently driving a large

truck north on a prefectural road.

Please take shelter immediately. I repeat.

Driving north on a prefectural road...

In that case...

...they should pass by there!

That's the one.




Damn you!

Take this!

I've got more!

Aw, hell!

Shut up!

Take a nap!



You're late.

Keep an eye on the villain

until the police arrive.

Do traffic control, too.

Where are you going?

Need you ask?

The game must go on!

I'll finish this with one pitch.

Sounds good to me.

Victory... mine!


...belongs to me!

I knew it...

Baseball is...

...more fun than anything.

The game is over! Both players are down!

Tailman is not present, so HLB rules

state that both teams withdraw!

Therefore, today's HLB championship is

a tie between the Orcas and the Lionels!

I-I'm never playing baseball again.

That really was a terrible time.

I never should have agreed to help.

Hey, somebody!

Get me out of here!

Hey, isn't anybody there?!
