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OVAx08 - (D) Laugh! As If You Are in Hell

Posted: 03/26/23 17:54
by bunniefuu
My name is Izuku Midoriya.

It's been almost ten months
since I enrolled

at UA High School,
putting me on the path

to become pro hero.

I'm staying super busy.

It's winter right now,
and on top of

my regular classes, I'm
participating in a work study

four days a week at
the Endeavor agency.

Run by the number-one hero.

[POLICE laughing]

This is the story of a case

that fell into
our laps recently.

And a criminal who
ended up being both

frightening and absurd.

[DETECTIVE A] There have already
been more than incidents.

Endeavor, will you help us

bring this vandal to justice?

You're asking me to track down
a mere graffiti artist?

I'm begging you.

Denied! Send more officers.

This job is beneath me.

Please, sir. We've tried.

The man known as "Mr. Smiley"
keeps eluding our forces.

His Quirk's too strong.

Now you've got my interest.

What kind of power does he have?

Everybody who looks at
Smiley's face loses their mind.

They convulse
in fits of laughter.

That's your problem?

It's agony.

Victims writhe on the ground
unable to stop cracking up.

What's more, this lasts
for two full hours.

Whenever we try to arrest him,
he makes us laugh

and slips through our fingers.

Oh, very well.

I suppose we can keep
an eye out for this comedian

while we're out on patrol.

The city thanks you, sir!

I can't believe they're foisting

such a trivial case on us.

[KIDO] Yikes.
The graffiti's pretty bad.

Yeah. Does this guy think

he's Banksy or something?

He can force his opponents
to start laughing.

Which means, he's a lot
like Ms. Joke.

Perhaps the easiest option
would be to arrest him

without looking him in the face.

Why are you scumbags taking
this guy so seriously, huh?

I'm going home for a bit.

Patrols are on you.



They sent you after some
third-string gutter punk?

Now that's what I call
a disrespectful gig,

Mr. Number One.

You're telling me.

I should focus on the
Paranormal Liberation Front.

They're already turning
into a headache.

[ENDEAVOR gasps]
No. What is this?

He's mine!

[ENDEAVOR growling]

[yelps] Endeavor, sir!

I want our entire agency

after this scourge of
society named Mr. Smiley.

Got it?

We got it, sir!

He's more passionate
all of a sudden.

Apparently, the man graffitied

the side of his house.

Talk about a short fuse.

Quiet, brats!

This is Team B.

We've found the perp
and are moving in.

Let's go!

Yes, sir!

[ENDEAVOR] He should be
around here somewhere.

[SIDEKICKS laughing]

Wait, you hear that?

Calm down, man!

Split up and find him, now!


[BUSINESSMAN A laughing]

Well, he's obviously
the suspect.

Stop right there!

Mr. Smiley!


[IZUKU laughing]


It's him!

If I approach from
the back I should be--

Mr. Smiley!


You're done for, idiot.

Open wide.

Taste my AP Shot!

Like that?

Mr. Smiley!

[KATSUKI laughs]

[TODOROKI] It looks like his
Quirk has a limited range.

That's good.

Shoto here.

I've caught the
villain in question.

Mr. Smiley!

[TODOROKI muffled laughing]

Shoto! Which way did he go?

Escaped again.

My name is Mr. Smiley,

and I'm a wandering
artistic genius.

The art world is full of hacks

who refuse to acknowledge
my obvious talent.

So in order for my work
to reach the world,

I paint in secret day and night.

An aloof virtuoso using
the city as his canvas.

It's over, Smiley!

Mr. Smiley!

There's no force on Earth

that can keep me from
creating my masterpieces.

That's right. Nothing.

He will suffer and
then be locked away.

I'm gonna k*ll that clown!

I can't believe I disgraced
myself in public.

[KIDO] I'm just glad
my face was covered up.

He's certainly a formidable foe.
That power of his is incredible.

Yes. Somehow it even worked
on me with a remote image.

If he ever used that Quirk
on live television,

it would be a nightmare.


So, how are we supposed
to catch him?

With stealth?

We could attack and trap him
from a distance with my ice

or Endeavor's fire.

He paints in busy spaces,
where his art

will be seen by the most people.

It'd be best if
we can get in close

so we can minimize
collateral damage.

I know!

Mei Hatsume from
the support course

here to answer your request.

[POWER LOADER] You said you want
to borrow some kinda robot?

Yes, sir, Mr. Power Loader,
that's right.

Because of the
culprit's ability,

we can't face him head on.

I figured as much,
so I came prepared!

I've been saving
this capture robot

Mr. Power Loader and I
built together!

Meet lil' baby
number . [giggles]

[ROBOT A] I look forward
to working with you.

How's an oversized
toy gonna help?

[yelps] The hell?

Get me out!

[ROBOT A] I needed to test
my netting, human.

[HATSUME giggles]
Sorry about that!

But see those results?

My baby can capture fierce
criminals in a snap, no problem.

Wow, that's amazing.

And you guys don't mind if
we borrow it for a little while?

[POWER LOADER] Naturally!
That is why we lugged it over.

[SIDEKICK B] Team D here.
We've spotted Smiley!

This is it!

Ready, robot? Let's go.

Leave the villain to me.

[CROWD laughing]

Put those brushes down now!

Mr. Smiley!


Who'd want to interfere
with this gift of public art?

The net needs to be deployed
within five meters of him.

It's all on you, little robot!

[MR. SMILEY singing]


Mr. Smiley!

[ROBOT A dissonant beeping]

What just happened?

No way!

His Quirk is even able
to disrupt machines?

It's payback time!

Mr. Smiley!



[IZUKU] I'll estimate his
position and use air force!

Please! Somebody help!

Well, that was easy.

Mr. Smiley!


Not you, too!

Mr. Smiley!

[TODOROKI giggles]

[CROWD laughing]

Mr. Smiley!

Damn it!

Lemme go so I can explode
that pink bastard.

--[KIDO] Calm down!
--[HATSUME] Oh, no!

Mr. Power Loader,
our baby is totally wasted!

Not the best phrasing, Hatsume!

Think before you speak.

Sir. How was Mr. Smiley's Quirk

able to take down a machine?

[POWER LOADER] The robot
recognized your vandal's face

as a powerful image.

That must have
disrupted its circuits.

Various sensors were fried,
which supports my theory.

I don't think you can count
on anything mechanical

for this arrest.

That's not good news.

We tranquilize him.

Then we move in
and we incinerate him!

[KIDO] Easy! That's no way
for a hero to talk!

[BURNIN] Or we could
hit him with a rocket!

That's even worse!

I'm thinking Mr. Aizawa's Quirk
might be our last hope.

He's pretty busy taking
care of Eri right now.

We shouldn't bother him with
low-level crimes like vandalism

if we can help it.

Can we leave now?

Young Bakugo.

Yeah, what is it?

Could you follow my directions
with your eyes covered?

Of course I can!

Prove it.

Obscured vision. Smart.

It feels like such a waste.

With a Quirk like his, Smiley
coulda been a loved hero.

So why did he turn
to a life of crime?

Mr. Smiley.

Real name: Shinjiro Hohoemi.

Age .

Self-proclaimed artist.

In his youth,
he showed many paintings,

but failed to receive
the recognition he craved.

No art schools accepted him.

Since then, he's been
a wandering bohemian

using walls as his canvas.

I see.

Is it possible to become a hero,

even if I don't have a Quirk?

I'm a normal kid
without any powers.

Could I ever hope
to be someone like you?

[IZUKU] Maybe he
couldn't give up either.

He's like I used to be.

Searching for any way
to make his dream come true.

Hey, I brought our guy.


I've got another job for you.

I assume we'll be
splittin' the haul evenly?

That's how we roll.

So, you wanna make
a ton a' fast cash?

Hell yeah.

[BOTH laugh]

A-. B-. G-!

A-. E-.

Y-. C-. D-!


Forward blast!

You caught on faster
than I expected you to.

Like I said,

this practice is
a waste of my time.

What's up? Still at it?

You've been glued to
that computer all day.

Well, instead of
capturing Mr. Smiley,

I was thinking we could try
getting him to stop vandalizing.

Look at this.

I had Kaminari teach me
how to create a website.

I don't understand
very much about art.

Is this stuff
supposed to be good?

Uh... I don't know.

But still.

I think every one of these
pieces is important to him.


[SIDEKICK C] This is Team C.
We got eyes on Smiley.


Where is he?

[SIDEKICK C] A commercial
building he targeted before.

This time he's inside
the lobby, though.

How should we approach this?

If we don't go in with
some kind of plan,

we'll end up in hysterics again.

I'm not sure,
but we can't not go.

[MR. SMILEY humming]

We're so close to him.

If we attack recklessly,

we'll just embarass ourselves
like we did before.

[KIDO groans]

Okay then. What now?

Let's get a better feel for
how his abilities function.

Hello there, Mr. Smiley!

That looks like it'll be a great
painting when you're all done!

Thank you!

It's nice to see a kid
appreciating art.

Mr. Smiley!

Right then.

Close your eyes,
and his Quirk has no effect.

Guess that's good news
for Endeavor and Bakugo.

Means they might
pull this one off.

Let's hope.

Oh. Sorry, that was a reflex.

All right. Are you ready?

All over it.

He won't leave me
laughing a third time.



This won't do.

Trying to stamp out a painter's
creativity once again?

You're rude and you lack taste.

Mr. Smiley!

Okay, that's not smiley!

A-. E-. Y-!

C-. D-. E-!

B-. E-. X-!



No, Kacchan! Wait!

Don't tell me what to do!

Damn ner--


Mr. Smiley!


Kacchan. Forgive me.

Why did you protect me?

Or, wait.

Was it my painting you were
trying to save and not me?

I don't really get your art,

but I do get that it's
super important to you.

I bet it's something that
comes from deep inside you.

Still, drawing on a building
owned by someone else

is a clear violation of the law.
Even if it's a minor one.

If your work means
so much to you, please,

you should put it on display
in a proper venue.

Creating art that the world
isn't going to see feels futile.

What would be the point of that?

[IZUKU] Whatever happens,
chase your passion.

I know how you're feeling.

I was told I couldn't be a hero.

But I didn't give up.

Thanks to the support of many
people, I'm on my way now.

Please, Mr. Smiley.

Keep on chasing your dreams
and I'll help you how I can.

You wise child.

I see it now.

This whole time I thought I was
sticking it to the art critics.

But maybe I was just
running away out of fear.

It's not too late to change.

[IZUKU gasps]


A robbery?

Damn it, this is not the time!

[IZUKU grunts]

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah. Thanks to you!

[gasps] Not my work.
This cannot stand.

Suck it all up.

You get the bag.

Endeavor. There are
civilians here.

[ENDEAVOR growls]

If you don't want any of
these people to get hurt,

then don't try to stop us.

He's putting all of
his focus on Endeavor.

Our turn.

Not so fast.

Allow me to take care
of this disaster.

No, it's way too dangerous.

[MR. SMILEY] Crashing in here,
endangering bystanders.

I won't allow it.

Especially since
they shot my art!

Who's this guy?

Got you!


You're dead!

[BOTH gasp]

Oh! Miracle Smiley!

[ALL laugh]

You really did it, Smiley.

Mr. Smiley.

Real name: Shinjiro Hohoemi.

Quirk: Smile.

Whenever he shows
those pearly whites,

he can make any target
laugh for two hours,

even if it's seen through
a mirror or a video,

as long as it's happening
in real time.

Sides will be split!
La-ha-ghter is inevitable!

You really do have
an amazing power.

Have you ever thought
of becoming a hero?

Fighting's not really my style.

I won't give up on art.

But I can't run anymore.

So first, I need to atone
for what I've done.

[REPORTER A] Those criminals
were on the nation's

most-wanted list and
you captured them!

We're live right now.
Will you give us a comment?

Ma'am, I am nothing more
than a humble artiste.

Remember my name.

It's Mr. Smiley!

Mr. Smiley!

Mr. Smiley!

Mr. Smiley!

Mr. Smiley!

Mr. Smiley!

Mr. Smiley!

Smiley! Smiley! Smiley!

Always smiley!


Thanks to that live broadcast,

lots of people ended up
on Mr. Smiley's website

where they saw
examples of his art.

There was no way people
would forget his name.

But that's another story.