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07x05 - The Twist in The Twister

Posted: 12/15/11 22:38
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Right here's our archery range.

Archery's one of the electives for our campers in the Chipmunk and Otter Divisions.

Awesome. And the kids use real arrows, right?

Like, the pointy kind?


Lots of sticks and stuff around.

Jill, I realize you never worked at a camp before, but you did go to camp, right?

Okay, here's the truth.

Um, I saw Friday the 13th at Suzy Misner's sleepover in the fourth grade, and it completely freaked me out, so I only lasted at camp for two days.

Why on earth did you apply to Camp Patawomeck?

'Cause college tuition's a fortune.

I see. Well, I appreciate your honesty.


I got this.


Please, Mrs. Allen, just give me a chance.

I mean, I'm really a hard worker, I'm great with kids, I can even make lanyards.

Won't your fear of camp be a problem?

Please, I'm not in the fourth grade anymore, Mrs. Allen.




(both scream)

(baby cooing)

Oh, that's the largest coffee they have?

At least yours has caffeine in it.

I have to hope that the taste of the decaf just tricks my body into staying awake.

You want a few sips of mine?

Our baby doesn't sleep, and you want me to feed him breast milk laced with speed?

A good point.

What do you think's going on with him?

I don't know. Maybe he's teething, or it's a growth spurt, My grandbaby giving you trouble?

Oh, my God, Dad! Hi!

I thought that you promised to call before you came.

Oh, man, he did call. Last week.

I just, I forgot to tell you.


What? I'm tired.

Aren't you a burly little p*stol?

(baby laughing)

See what your Granddaddy brought?

He's sweet.

Oh, wow.

You know, that might not be such a good idea.

We're actually trying to keep him calm, is the thing, and...

(playing bluesy riff)

(baby laughing)

Now, Dad, you're, you're overstimulating him.

Babies need to be stimulated.

Are you two okay?

Oh, uh, we-we haven't slept in weeks.

Yeah. We got to get him to daycare and we gotta get to work.

So, it's just, you know...

I can take care of the little tyke.


You know, Dad, Michael needs his sleep, and daycare's the only place that he naps.


I'll see y'all after work then, and I guess I'll be boring.



Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, Bones!

Hey, did you fall or something?

I'm fine. I find this to be the easiest position from which to observe the remains.

Let me get you a chair. Can I get a chair?

No, I don't need a chair.

Something to sit on?

Booth, I'm pregnant, not sick.

Pelvis suggests male, dentition wear, early 30s.

In addition to the obvious penetrating s*ab wound, there is a tremendous amount of blunt-force trauma, including multiple compound fractures.

The guy was pounded on before he got stabbed.

Are you sure you're okay?

You don't look very comfortable.

I never said I was comfortable; I said I didn't need a chair.

What did the camp director say?

The property's been closed for two months, and I'm running checks on all the previous employees.

Well, there's no sign of disturbance from the ground.

I'm thinking it's just a body dump, if you ask me.

Most likely.

Bones, do you need help getting up?

No, I just need to gather some momentum and find the right trajectory.

This is ridiculous.

Here, let me help you.

No, I've got it. Booth!

Come on! Let go.

You're gonna hurt yourself, Bones!

No, I'm not! Let go, Booth. Let go!

Booth! Let me help you!

Just let me help you. Your points are...

Let go, Booth!

Just, I got it, Bones.



You know, staring at us is not gonna help solve the case.

So let's just all get back to work here, okay?


Okay, here. Watch your...



So, Fisher, how did this last looney bin compare to the others?

I don't think that's an appropriate...

Oh, no, that's okay, I'm not ashamed.

On the nuthouse rating scale, I'd have to give Verdant Valley four out of five nuts.

Fantastic game room, but the nightgowns chafed.

The m*rder w*apon appears to be a garden-variety fence post.

There's even soil on the tip.

I'll take a sample.

See if I can figure out where it came from.

Calliphoridae and coleoptera ratio (yawning) put time of death approximately... five weeks ago.

Is death getting dull to you, Dr. Hodgins?

Uh, sorry. It's Michael.

Apparently, our baby believes that sleep is only for the weak.

Sounds like my mother.

This morning at 5:45, she threw open the curtains and started singing a medley from Godspell.

Do you live with your mother?

Temporarily. It was a condition of my release.

♪ Don't forget to call your mother ♪

Oh. Speaking of...

♪ Don't forget... ♪

Hi, Mom.

Hi, dear, did you notice my hydrangeas?

No, I did not notice the hydrangeas this morning.

I'm sure they were beautiful, yes.

Okay, I'm at work. I gotta go.

Okay, bye, Mom. Bye.

(phone beeps off)

She sounds cheery.

Oh! The woman smiles when she chews.

There's no clear directionality for the sandblasting effect.

It's like whatever did this came from every direction at once.

Yeah, I don't know what happened to this guy, but I am seeing dozens of different types of organic and inorganic matter here.

Wait a minute-- you said time of death was five weeks ago, right?


There was a series of tornadoes five weeks ago.

Was there one near the body find?

Close enough.

A tornado would explain damages, the debris.

Yeah, but what about the fence post through the chest?

Tornadoes have even been known to embed a piece of piano wire into a concrete wall.

I watched at lot of TV at the looney bin.

There weren't many approved channels.

So you're saying that this guy was k*lled by a tornado.


There's no hemorrhagic staining in the chest wound.

The stake isn't the m*rder w*apon.

This happened postmortem.

Same here-- every injury I see so far appears to be post-mortem, too.

So something k*lled him, and then he got sucked up by a tornado?

Well, my mom would find a way to see the "happy" in all this, but to me, this guy just had a very bad day.

♪ Bones 7x05 ♪
The Twist in the Twister
Original Air Date on December 8, 2011

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method


(microwave beeps)

You're telling me a tornado dumped that body?

Isn't it fascinating?

I have never handled a tornado case before.

Meteorological hazards always present a challenging set of variables.

It is the totality of the bone damage that...

No, no, no, no.


Uh-uh! Do you know how much sodium is in this?

I'm planning to have a low-sodium dinner.

I'll be fine.

Fine? You're just gonna swell up.

I mean, swell more than you already are.

That's a bad word, "swell." You know, I'm just gonna get you fruit.

Fruit's much better. It's healthier for you.

Okay, that's it. You're getting way too overprotective.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are. It's bad enough that you do it in our personal life, but now it's affecting how you treat me out in the field.

What are you talking about?

This morning at the crime scene?

Yeah. I wasn't being overprotective.

I was just helping you.
(phone rings)

Now, I didn't know that was a crime.


The remains are still being cleaned, but I did some preliminary X rays.

I think I found cause of death.

I tell you what, if I was being overprotective, I would tell you to put your sweater on, because there's a really bad draft coming from this air conditioning vent.

What is it?

Well, the victim suffered three distinct injuries to the right parietal.

You think that all three were caused by the same object?

That's my hypothesis, yes.

Have Hodgins swab for particulate residue, we'll check for cranial staining once the bones are clean.

(ringtone plays) Of course. Dr. Brennan, I have to go. My mother's calling, and she gets worried if I don't answer.

Fine, I should... Hello? Hello?


Did you bring your sweater?

Orange paint flakes?

Present in all three skull injuries.

And since it is highly unlikely that an object let loose in a tornado would strike the same person three times in almost the exact same spot...


Are you okay?

Sure, sure, sure, sure.

Might have had a few too many cups of coffee, but yeah.

Oh, baby's still not sleeping?

Not that much, no.

Anyway, uh... looks like someone bashed this guy in the head.

(device beeping)

Uh, is she trying to get on the platform with a buy-ten, get-one-free yogurt card?

Oh, yes.


(sensor trills)
Oh. That's good.

Guess I'm a little out of it.

Finished the facial reconstruction, I think. (chuckles)

Great. I did.

Found a match in Missing Persons.

Nice work! Nice work.

Honey, how much coffee have you had?

Uh, it's...

No more.

Right, right, right, right.




Scott Braley, 32. Reported missing three weeks ago by his brother.

I will go tell Booth.


Hey, hey, the daycare center just called.

And my dad is there.



He wants permission to take Michael for the afternoon.

Oh, Ange, if Michael spends the rest of the day alone with your dad, by the time we get home, he's gonna be wound up tighter than an eight-day clock.

I know, honey, but, I mean, what am I supposed to tell him?

Tell him... tell him, tell him that we get points against us at the daycare whenever we change Michael's schedule at the last minute, and if we get any more, we could lose his spot.


That is good.

Are you that good when you lie to me?

How would I know? I've never tried.

Smart boy.


I don't get it.

Why would someone k*ll Scottie?

Oh, we're working on that.

Any idea why your brother was in Virginia?

Yeah, sure. He only spent part of his time in New Jersey.

The rest of the time he was out following tornadoes.

He was a storm chaser.


He was a real weather geek.

He was also good.

He was like the Storm Whisperer.

I mean, he had this way of just getting inside a... a tornado's brain.

Meaning you don't think he would do anything stupid on purpose?

Oh, no. No way.

And besides, I mean, if he ever was to get himself in trouble, that MiniMoho could probably survive an H-b*mb.


Yeah, his... his motor home.

It wasn't with him?

Scottie turned this thing into this crazy, fully armored, mega-equipped weather lab on wheels.

It... It was like a comic book-looking thing.

I mean...

I can't believe it wasn't with him.

Was it valuable?

Hell, yeah.

I mean, he put every last penny he had into that thing.

That thing was probably worth--

I don't know-- 100 grand.

FISHER: Honey, I told you to leave out of the side door.


She... she made you breakfast?

Yeah, I know, the-the-the smiley face made out of blueberries.

It's horrifying.

All right, I... I gotta go. Bye.

Was that your mom again?

No, that was a girl I met at a bar last night.

Jenna, Gemma, something like that.

Ugh. It's infuriating.

My mom said the rec room was mine, my space.

And this woman is still there at your house, with your mom?

You have a son. You tell me-- is letting your child have a simple, casual sexual encounter really too much to ask for?

Well, my son is eight months old, Fisher.

He doesn't date a lot.


You guys ready for me?

Yes, definitely.

Okay, Fisher.


The yellow area indicates the path of destruction caused by the tornado last month.

It's about six miles long by 1,000 feet wide.

And this mark here is where the victim's body was found.

SAROYAN: But if the tornado is what moved it, how did it end up way over there?

Logical question, Dr. Saroyan, and one that was answered in part three of When Weather att*cks.

Once an object is picked up by a tornado, it isn't carried and then set down.

FISHER: It's, uh, spun around, and then flung-- more like a shot put.

Would it be possible to work backwards from the location of the body find to figure out where along the tornado's path the victim was picked up?

I'm not sure, but I can try.

Hey, the only difference between try and triumph is a little "umph."

My mom puts motivational sayings up on the fridge.

Oh, God, she's destroying me.

So you think the k*ller was another storm chaser?

That's one possibility.

I mean, who else is going to want that crazy van?

Good point.

Well, like with any subculture, storm chasing attracts a variety of distinct personality types.

Adrenaline junkies.

Yeah, they're the ones most likely to, uh, put their lives and the lives of others in danger.

There's a name for them.

They're called... Insane.

(cell phone ringing)

You know, that's a real word, and people just throw it around.


Hemorrhagic staining on the interior of the skull confirms cause of death as blunt-force trauma to the head.

Good. Good news.

Any thoughts on the w*apon?

Based on the fracture pattern, we're looking for something cylindrical with a diameter of between five and seven centimeters.

Right, like a baseball bat.

Possibly, if it were painted orange.

Any luck on the MiniMojo?

The MiniMoho.

Well, that's what I meant.

Yeah, a vehicle fitting the description has been parked in North Carolina for days, so I... you know what, I just sent a team to check it out.

What? Wait. Why... why aren't we going?

If there are other storm chasers there, we're missing the opportunity to exploit their expertise and learn about the nuances of tornado behavior.

Ah, it's a four-hour drive there and back.

I didn't think it was a good use of our time.

Well, I wish you had consulted me first.

Where are you?

You sound like you're in the car.

'Cause I am in the car. I'm headed to the grocery store to get some soap for the dishes.

I know how much you hate it, you know, when the food gets crusty.

Look, that's the office on the other line.

Well, I didn't hear a beep.

I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything, okay?

Okay, but...

Why did you tell Dr. Brennan that...

Look, do I ask you questions about Daisy? No.

No, but, I mean, if there's something you want to know, I'd be happy to...

There's nothing I want to know, and there's nothing I want to tell.

Okay? Well...

License plate matches.

Oh, that's a relief, 'cause I really thought there'd be more than one armored motor home with a satellite dish on the roof in the parking lot.

Don't get snippy with me just 'cause you feel bad about lying.

(metallic creaking)

Hey. Looks like someone's inside.

Sounds like there's two someones inside.

WOMAN: The storm-- it's so big!

So powerful!

MAN: It's coming right at us. Hang on!

Seriously? You know, human sexuality is a gem with innumerable facets.

(woman gasping and moaning)

FBI. Open up. Come out with your hands up in the air and your pants on.

WOMAN: FBI? MAN: Where's my shirt?

Seriously, you didn't know how that was going to end?


All right, thank you.

Well, the girl swears they just met.

Okay, well, we'll run a check.

Meantime, I want you to meet Nolan.

Says here that he's been Scott's, uh, driver for the past three seasons.

SWEETS: Why do you still have his vehicle?

I've been holding it hostage.

Scott had cash flow problems this season.

He hadn't paid me yet.

I got fed up, said I wasn't going to drive anymore until I got paid.

So what were you doing out here where all these storms hit?

Were you trying to sell this vehicle?

You saw what I'm doing-- that girl?

She's what we call a, uh, chaser chaser-- storm groupie.

Someone who's aroused by extreme weather patterns.

It's, uh, human sexuality...

"Groupie" pretty much spelled that out to me.

Got that.

This little baby sure has gotten me a lot of tail.

Be sorry to see her go.

It's a sexy vehicle.



(chuckles) Those are particulates, not Michael.

You don't have to keep moving like that.

I... I didn't even know I was doing it.

Michael only falls asleep when I oscillate.

Coffee wore off, huh?


We'll get through this.

So these are the particulates?


If you cross-reference the concentration of various particulates with the topographical data you have regarding the storm's path, then you can determine the m*rder site.

Oh, honey.


You're so brilliant.

You, too.


Trying to make another kid?

Hi, Dad.

Stopped in to daycare, and it turns out they don't seem to have those rules you made up.

Oh, uh...

I can explain that. That's...

I'm getting the feeling that you don't trust me to be alone with my own grandbaby.

Of course we do.

That's... so not true.

I played stadiums every night back when you were in diapers.

You were backstage at every single show.

You think that did her any harm?

All the books say that a strict routine is crucial, so...

We just want to be there when you're with him.

Until he gets regulated.

Well, I'm leaving tomorrow, baby girl, and, uh, doesn't seem right for that little guy to miss out on even one minute hanging with his grandpa.

So the National Science Federation is making a, uh, IMAX film about tornadoes.

Let me guess-- Scott was trying to get the contract?

Right, so the filmmaker is going to ride along with a storm chaser for five seasons, gathering footage.

How much is the contract worth?

Half a million dollars.

(blows air)

That was supposed to be a whistle.

My tongue's coated with cheese.

Look at the, uh, storm chaser who got the contract.

Antonia "Toni" Lawrence.


Yeah, I need some water.


Turns out that Scott had Toni arrested last year.

Criminal mischief?

He accused her of putting sugar in his gas t*nk to keep him away from the storms, and the charges were eventually dropped, but still, right? Right.

Well, Toni must be around here somewhere, right?

Considering the storm system.

Bureau is tracing her credit cards now.

Why are you lying to Dr. Brennan?

I mean, you told her that a team was going to North Carolina-- that's us.

There's a lot of storms out here.

I don't want her in this environment.

I'm just trying to be protective.

Of course, she's going to think that I'm, you know, overly protective.

Aren't you, though?

Okay, look.

I'm just saying, Dr. Brennan is an adult.

She's your partner, both personally and professionally.
(cell phone ringing)

And while it's understandable...

Okay, we got the location for Toni Lawrence.



There we go.


No, Mom, I can't.

I'm not going to marry her, Mom.

I can't even remember her name.

Emma? Huh.

Could have sworn it started with a "juh" sound.

HODGINS (laughing): Oh, wow.

Got to go. Bye.

This is tremendous.

The FBI already examined it for evidence.

They couldn't find anything.

Dr. Saroyan said they could store it here until a spot opens up at their garage.

Hey, can we go inside?

Uh, we probably shouldn't.


Hey. Only the first two sensors.

We're going to leave those here, all right?

Everything else...

Sweets, look at all the camera equipment over here, huh?


You the ones that are sh**ting the movie?

Yeah. Is there a problem?

Wait. I'm Misty Clemmons, one of the project coordinators.

Sorry, no tourists on this run.

You're Toni Lawrence, right?

A fan. Nice to meet you.

FBI. Special Agent Booth.

This here is Dr. Sweets.

Yeah, we're here to ask you about your rivalry with Scott Braley.


I've got a four-vehicle crew, a thriving tour service.

I'm a regular commentator on the Weather Channel.

Scott's a lone storm weirdo.

There's no rivalry.

Really? You damaged his gas t*nk.

Sounds like a rivalry to me.

If you'll excuse me, there's a mesocyclone developing.

Meso...? Oh! Oh!

TONI: I've got to get my crew on the road.

BOOTH: You going to cut me some slack for lying to Bones now?

Yeah, no, you totally should've lied.

Whoa. Wait a second.

Look at the extinguisher on her truck.

TONI: Hurry up. Let's go, guys.

Bones was telling me about a potential m*rder w*apon.

That's the same shape and color.

I got to get this. Come on, let's go!

Agent Booth!

Stop Toni and the crew from leaving.

You understand?

(indistinct shouting)

It's all right, honey.

I'm not worried about you.

Come on!

Everyone into the shelter for questioning!


TONI: We have to get on the road!

We have to get the footage!

Can't we do this later, after the storm?

Come on! Come on down here!

Come on! Go! Just leave it!

Come on, let's go! SWEETS: Don't worry about it!

Go, go, go!

SWEETS: Hey, Booth!

Come on! Go, go, go, go, go!

Booth, get in here!

Close the hatch!

(wind whistling outside)

This is a big one.

This is huge.

I didn't think we were gonna make it.

You lied to me!

Bones, what are you doing?

Get inside!


Get the-- I got it. Couldn't miss this.

You know, you could've k*lled yourself, Bones.

But I didn't. I'm fine.

How'd you even know where to find us?

I used the cell tower ping method that led us to Vincent Nigel-Murray's k*ller.

This could definitely be the m*rder w*apon.

I'm telling you, I didn't k*ll him.

I didn't even know Scott was missing.

Right, but you knew that he wanted that film contract, right?

(thunder crashes)

I cannot believe you made us miss this.

How about you?

How long you been working with her?

Wait, wait, wait. Don't suck me into this.

Look, I just sh**t the storms.

Toni led me to the best footage, and that's as far as we go.

I've been doing some reading on the rotational behavior of tornadoes.

Have either of you...

Is this really relevant?

This is my first tornado case, Booth.

You know, you could've just used a telephone?

BRENNAN: I find it easier to have direct conversations.

Right, 'cause it's always important to have face time right before you're about to get blown into the side of a barn.

(crash outside, people gasp)

WES: Man, this one's huge.

Okay, did you ever sh**t film with Scott Braley, too?

I tried. I met with him in Virginia last month during the storms there.

He said he'd call me next time he went out, but he never did, though.

Okay, well, when that huge tornado hit, where were you?

I was sitting in my motel room like an idiot, waiting for him to call.

I missed the whole entire thing.

(crash outside) Now I'm missing another one.

Did you hear that?

Mother Nature is so incredible.

Mother Nature is not real.

BOOTH: Okay, how about you?

You have any dealings with Scott?

Oh, I don't get to spend much time with the actual chasers.

I mostly just drive the film back and forth.

Mm-hmm. And I see you're also a big fan of rainbows.

I love them. God's promise after every storm.

(crash outside)

TONI: You're wasting your time with us.

Someone else was giving Scott a hard time.

What do you mean? Who?

I don't know. I heard him on the phone about a month and a half ago; we were at the same rest stop.

He was screaming at someone; it was ugly.

Okay, what were they arguing about?

Sounded like money.

From what I could tell, whoever Scott was yelling at, Scott owed a lot.

♪ Don't forget to call your mother ♪
♪ Don't forget... ♪

You gonna answer that?

No. No, I am not.

Hey, check it out.

(ringtone stops)

The victim designed these recording probeses.

He'd set them out in the path of a tornado, and then gather them up after to download the data.

It's genius.

Dude, this thing is aerodynamically designed not to get blown away.

Technology someone might want to steal.

This guy deserves his own NatGeo special.


What do you think this thing is for?

That is a miniature tornado.

Saw that on episode six of Wacky Weather Wonders.

They made this Wicked Witch out of balsa wood; got her to oscillate on the top.

Did you say "oscillate"?


Dr. Hodgins?

Oh, my God.


Looks like winds reached about 160.

I can't believe I didn't get any footage.

Damn it. Look.

Over there.

It's a rainbow.

All right.

You see this?

You see all this destruction?

You still think I'm being overprotective?

You know what, you shouldn't have come.

I got a lot of valuable information, Booth.

Plus, it looks like you're the one who shouldn't have come.

My car!

That's my car!

TONI: Check this out.

BOOTH: Sweets!

Hey, where are you going, Bones?!

Hold up!

Bones, wait!

I need a ride.

I need a ride back.

You thinking of starting a band?

That's funny.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to tell my father anything?

All I want is for him to just see things from my perspective, right?

So I can get some sleep here.

But he just insists that he knows everything, and it's just... Angela.

Didn't someone get m*rder*d?


Yes. Yes.

So... based on the presence of certain particulates and the absence of others, we know that the victim was spit out from the tornado somewhere within this red area here.

Meaning he was picked up somewhere in this lower section.

That's still a lot of area to search.

I know. That's why I tried to narrow it down further.

I looked at the particulate density ratios and used a probability index, and it suggests that the body was picked up somewhere within this square mile.

So I narrowed down the area where the victim was k*lled.

Cam wants us to supervise a search for the... m*rder site.

You built a tornado with a car seat on top?

I call it the Sleepytime Cyclone.

It mimics the way that I move to get Michael to fall asleep.

What do you think?

Honey, this is stupid.


I thought it was sort of brilliant, in a...

No, I mean, we're actually considering strapping our precious baby into something a meth-addicted carnie wouldn't ride, but we won't leave him alone with my own father.

Wow, when you put it that way...

We have to go on this search anyway.

And so my dad overloads his little neurons.

Michael will be fine.

This means a lot to Dad.

You're right.

Of course you're right. Okay.


Okay, now I'm just feeling sick.

(sighs): Ah, great.

Saved you some pasta.


You, uh, left me stranded out there in the middle of nowhere.

I wasn't worried.

Unlike you, I trust my partner to be able to take care of himself.

You're angry.

You have every right to be angry.

I understand that.

So, uh, the fire extinguisher on Toni's truck-- that the m*rder w*apon?

No. It didn't match the skull fractures on the victim.

Yeah, doesn't surprise me.

You know, her alibi checks out, too.

This looks good.

I did discover some bone abrasions that Fisher ascribed to the victim's fall from the sky.

But I think they happened while he was still inside the tornado.

I might not have considered that if I hadn't talked to the storm chasers.

You're not going to let this one go, are you?

Not yet.

What about the victim's finances?

Did you find out who he owed money to?

Well, apparently, there was a backer who pretty much, uh, bankrolled everything.

If he couldn't pay back the money he owed, then that would be motive for m*rder.


And I got the forensic accountants, you know, checking into all that.

Bones, I'm really sorry I lied.

I'm really, really sorry, Bones.

You think you have the right to control me because I'm carrying your progeny.

Do you think maybe we could just use the word "daughter"?

I'm just trying to protect you here, that's all.

(cell phone beeping)

Oh. Here we go.

There it is.

Okay, I got the name of the person who bankrolled our victim.

His brother.

So we have to go to southern Virginia to search for a m*rder site.

But we'll be back in a couple of hours.

We'll be fine, darling.

Okay, the emergency numbers are on the phone, and there are extra wipes in the bathroom, if you run out, so...

And he'll probably be hungry again in about two hours.

Hand over my grandbaby. HODGINS: All right.

So, just try not to overstimulate him, okay?

Darling-- and you-- go.

Okay. All right.

Bye, buddy.


Uh, all right.


HODGINS: Okay. Bye.

Ah, it's quiet in here.

Let me show you what a show in Cowboy Stadium in Dallas sounds like.

Why didn't you tell us you bankrolled your brother?

It didn't think it was relevant.

Come on, not relevant, building up years of resentment, paying for a hobby you thought was ridiculous?

I didn't think it was ridiculous.

BOOTH: You took out a life insurance policy on your brother. You stand to get the money back on that, I'm sure.

I invested a lot.

That policy's just good business.

I also bought him disability, liability.

I cared about my brother.

Because a witness says that both of you were arguing about, what, two months before your brother died.

You want to tell us what you were arguing about?


Okay, maybe I was a little sick of him taking my money, but we worked it out.

Worked it out, how?

I told him I would pay for one more season.

If he still couldn't get by on his own, Scottie said he would give up chasing for good.

Did you go out with him to that tornado the day he died?

No, of course not.

I was scared of those things.

Now I wish I had gone.

Maybe my brother would still be alive.

♪ Friendly strangers on the path ♪
♪ Is there something I came here to do? ♪
♪ Can I hear you in the storm? ♪
♪ Is anybody there? ♪
♪ Ah... ♪
♪ Spinning in outer space... ♪

(groans): Aah...

We've been at this for hours.

Maybe we could just call and see how Michael is doing.

No, because my dad's gonna think we don't trust him.

Yeah, well, we don't.

Oh, God.


This is totally heartbreaking.

Oh, yeah, it is.

Guess we got it pretty good, huh?


Hey, hey.


Over there.

Oh, yeah!

This is it!

This is one of Scott's tornado probes.

He was here.

This would've recorded all the storm information.

I can download it, see if maybe we can find something helpful.

Dr. Hodgins, I got blood.

Okay, you know what? Take a sample of that.

We're going to get it to Dr. Saroyan.

We should take all this stuff, too.

Based on airflow patterns, any evidence that didn't blow away would have ended up in the debris.

Absolutely. Everyone, we're going to box everything up and check it out back at the lab, okay?

AGENT: Okay!

We did it.

We're good.

Okay. Okay... could I, could I just be projecting, then?

Okay, I gotta go.

I'll call you back.


No. Shrink.

When I came home last night...

Please, don't... explain.

Dr. Brennan took some notes on a journal article.

She wants you to assist her. Wow.

She wants me to determine the directionality of every bone injury?

Better you than me.

But if most injuries happened while the victim was inside the tornado, then how does directionality...

Flip to page three.

Apparently, Dr. Brennan spoke to one of the storm chasers, who said that 99% of all tornadoes in the northern hemisphere rotate in a counterclockwise direction.

So then, if we know directionality, then we can extrapolate the victim's relative body positions within the tornado at the time of each injury.

This is totally unexplored territory.

We could wind up on the cover of the journal.

Dr. Saroyan? I found something.

(indistinct conversation, tool whirring)

Broken glass? Mm-hmm.

I thought this was from a destroyed structure at first, but it turns out it's a different tensile strength than window glass.

It's 2.63 grams per cubic centimeter.

Well, it's covered in blood.

Yeah, and it's painted orange.

The same paint we found in the victim's skull wounds?

You got it.

The blood on the concrete was a match for the victim.

I'll test this, too, and see if it's a match.

Is this the same glass?


It's green.

Okay, so we know that Scott was out in the storm.

Most likely with his MiniMojo, since we know he set up one of his probes.

MiniMoho. And it ended up back at Scott's motel.

Which would suggest that the k*ller drove it back there.

Perhaps we should interview more storm chasers.

No. No. We are not going near any more storms.

Do you really think that I would put our child in danger, Booth?

Bones, you drove into a tornado.

(cell phone rings)

It's Cam.


Yeah, and Booth, so speak English.

We've got a partial m*rder w*apon.

It was a heavy-duty reusable glass water bottle.

That doesn't make any sense.

I mean, how do you get three times with a glass bottle?

It would break!

The water bottle uses a thick glass, very high tensile strength.

Plus, once it's filled, it weighs close to four pounds.

BOOTH: Was it painted orange?

Not only orange, it was also red, yellow, green, blue... A rainbow.

SAROYAN: You got it.

Our victim was k*lled by a friendly, rainbow-covered water bottle.

That woman from the National Science Federation.

Misty. I'm gonna have to talk to Misty.

So, you recognize this, Misty?

Yeah. It's my water bottle.

I've been looking for that. Where'd you find it?

We found it at Scott Braley's m*rder site.

Someone used it to k*ll him.

Oh, God.

Look, I have no idea.

I told you, I've never even met that guy before.

You sure about that?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure, but...

Oh, this is horrible.

Hey, why don't you take another look here, huh?


Oh, gee. What? What is it?

I've never seen this man, I swear, but I know the van. The van?

A couple months ago, on one of my trips to deliver film to Wes, I saw it parked at a motel, and there was this guy getting out.

A different guy.

And do you remember his name?



It was Nolan.

I figured he was a storm chaser, so I stopped to chat--

I mean, those guys are all so exciting, you know, and... one thing led to another, and...

I must have left my water bottle.

And you had sex with him?

It was wrong, I know.

I had a boyfriend, but I just got carried away.

Your boyfriend is Wes, right? The filmmaker?

He broke up with me a couple weeks after I slept with Nolan.

I don't... Somehow he figured out I cheated on him.


Booth thinks that Misty's boyfriend, Wes, went out with the victim to get storm footage.

But when Wes saw his girlfriend's water bottle in Scott's van, he thought they slept together.

So he got angry and hit Scott over the head with the water bottle.

m*rder by rainbow.

SAROYAN: Why the tornado footage?

BRENNAN: This is Wes's footage-- he told us that he was in a motel during the tornado where Scott died. If we can link any of his footage to the same tornado, we can prove that he's lying.

We're comparing the footage that he took around that time to the photos that I took at the crime scene.

MONTENEGRO: We're looking for any topographical similarities, structural landmarks, anything.


Yeah, except it's not working.

I can't make out anything besides the funnel cloud itself.

This could be any tornado, on any given day.

BRENNAN: Wait... the directionality, it's unusual.

What do you mean?

The storm chasers said that virtually every tornado in the northern hemisphere rotates counterclockwise.

Can you pause this and, and highlight a piece of debris?


SAROYAN: Play it in slow-motion.


This tornado is rotating clockwise.

It's incredibly rare.

SAROYAN: If there was a way that we could prove that the tornado that carried the victim was also rotating clockwise...

MONTENEGRO: Yeah. We can.

The-the weather probe we found at the m*rder scene.

I downloaded the data.

MONTENEGRO: Wind speeds averaging 185 miles per hour.

Clockwise rotation.

Wes was there.

You lied to us. You were at the m*rder scene.

This is a lot cooler than the rec room. EMMA: This is awesome.

You really didn't have to bring me dinner tonight.

Well... I knew you'd be working late, and it didn't seem fair for you to miss your mom's meatloaf.

FISHER: Right.

Oh, that woman may be off her rocker, but... boy, can she cook.

You think my mother's off her rocker?

Sorry. Don't you?

Well, no, of course I do, but... you've been spending so much time with her.

Well, yeah, because I thought we had fun together, and when she made it very clear that she didn't want you inviting women into the house, I figured... it's probably just easier to get her to invite me herself.

So you befriended my mother so that you could have sex with me?

Pretty much.

That makes me feel very odd.


Oh, my God.

I think you may be right.

♪ I want your hi fi mama ♪
♪ Won't you let me play it tonight ♪

(rock and roll music plays loudly)
I don't believe this.

Honey, I'm sure there's an explanation for this.

Yeah, he's deranged.
♪ Won't you let me play it tonight? ♪

Dad! Dad, what are you doing?

Wait, don't yell; you'll mess up his dreams.

Wait, he's asleep?

HODGINS: With this on?

He likes it.

It soothes him. I tried funk metal, but this child has a distinct preference for them low-down blues, and that good, rockin' boogie.

H-How long has he been asleep?

(turns volume down)
About four hours.

I don't believe it.

I don't believe you still doubt me.

Love you, Dad.


And Michael loves you, too.

And you can come and baby-sit whenever you want.

Well, of course I can.

He's tattooed.

You, you, you... you tattooed my child?

Relax. It's a press-on.

For now.

(Michael whimpers)

Oh, boy... Okay.

(turns up volume)

HODGINS: Oh... my God.

♪ Good night, darling, wherever you are. ♪


How did it go?

You know what?

He didn't even lawyer up. I tell you, Bones, I think that he was actually glad he got caught.

It's too bad he won't be able to make his movie.

I would have liked to have seen that.


Listen, uh...

Bones, I do trust you.

Does that mean that you're not going to hover over me, like a crab whose mate is about to molt?

I don't actually follow that, but no, I'm not.

You're not going to stop?

I know it's not fair, but no, I'm not gonna stop.



Because I know that I'm not going to be able to always protect you and this beautiful baby.

So acting like I can actually makes me feel less helpless.


So basically, you're asking me to support your delusion.


That's crazy.

Well, you got a little bit of the crazy in you, too.

Excuse me, but I am a supremely rational person.

Really? Walking around these hardwood floors in bare feet?

I mean, you could get a splinter.

I'm gonna go get your slippers.


You're starting again.

I told you I wasn't going to stop.

Do you want the ones with the little bunny ears, or the slipper socks?

What? No. I'm not going to wear them.

I'm not going to pull a splinter out of your feet.

I don't have a splinter.

You will!

No, I won't.

Yes, you will!