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07x08 - The Bump in the Road

Posted: 04/16/12 21:58
by bunniefuu
(softer murmuring)

Oh, she winked at me.

She probably has something in her eye.

Do you have the shopping list?


I have the shopping list right there.

Why do you have to be like that, huh?

She could've winked at me.

She's six weeks old, Booth.

She's developmentally incapable of making the decision to wink at you.

Well, she could be just like you, you know, brilliant and crazy about me.

Hey, that's a good one.

See that? Mommy winked, too.


I have packed extra onsies, a sweater...

I have infant sunscreen, if they take her outside...

Bones, she's gonna be fine. The Jeffersonian's got one of the best day car centers in the country.

Well, logically I know that's true, but for some reason, I'm still anxious.

Yeah, because you're her mom, right, and it's her first day at day care, and you're first day back at work.

You're gonna miss her. Well, I'll see her in a few hours. Oh, do you have organic baby wipes on your list?


I have organic baby wipes, I have diapers. Oh.

And I got food for us so we don't starve.

Good. Okay, oh.

Here she is.


(baby murmurs)

Bones, she's gonna be fine, all right?

If you need her, the lab is really close to the day care.

(sighs): I know that.

Oh! Did you remember to wash the nipples?

Yeah, when I showered this morning.

But I don't think day care is gonna check.

She's brilliant, just like her dad.

Right? Like her dad. She's very advanced.

I knew she would be. Yeah, of course.

WOMAN: You didn't have to rush us like that, Walter.

Well, the uh, the campground closes at 8:00.

And if we're late, we won't have anyplace to sleep.

A motel with pay-per-view and Wi-Fi sounds pretty good to me.

Yeah, the whole point of this trip is so that we can all be one with nature.

People stopped living in the woods for a reason, Dad.

Did you remember the cooler?

Yes. And the emergency radio?

And the first... Yes, yes, yes.

And the first aid kit. Yes.

And the marshmallows, and my guitar.

Oh, God, not your guitar.



I cannot believe you forget to tie down the luggage, Walter!

Well, maybe if you didn't nag me.


God, what did you run over?

Probably a possum. I know it's sad, sweetie, but... but these things happen.

Let's just pick up our stuff, okay?

Just... What? What?


What?! (gasps)

(both screaming)

(screaming continues)

You know, I owe you a 20 acre thank you, Dr. Saroyan.

My professor was... he was mighty impressed by the evaluation you gave me.

Oh, just telling the truth, Finn.

Are your classes going well?

Well, sometimes I find myself lost in the forest, but, uh... as long as no one walks off and leaves their campfire burning, I guess I'll be okay.

Wow. That was a lot of imagery.

(laughs) My mama used to say God gave us words and it's our job to put wings on them.

Finn, I thought you were gonna call me about this weekend.

(nervous laugh)

I-I'm sorry but...

I have to work all weekend.

Yeah, this is my boss.

She says there's fields to plow, weekend or no.



Finn has to hitch the horses to the wagon and use that plow to unearth the... the... he's got to work.

Maybe next week?

Sure. Yeah, uh, maybe next week.


What's the problem?

She seemed sweet and really beautiful.

No, I got papers to write and...

All work and no play, Finn.

You've got to have some fun, date a little.

WAITRESS: Three scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, toast, OJ, and coffee. That's mine.

And a small coffee with skim milk.

(phone rings)

Oh. There is a body on the interstate.

I've got to run, and you can prep the lab.


(low chattering)

Be careful while removing the remains.

I need every piece of bone in the condition it was discovered.

BOOTH: Okay, spatulas.

What, are you guys getting your technology from flipping pancakes now?

SAROYAN: Well, most of the tissue looks to have been mashed into the road or dried in the sun. Cars must've been running over this guy all night long not knowing he was human.

Based on the size of the femoral head, the victim is female.

Female. Just testing you, Bones.

So, first day back. What's it like not seeing your little one?

I have confidence in the day care center.

The director has a doctorate in child development.

We got her transcripts. Really?

Oh, Booth used the FBI... BOOTH: Bones.

That's between us, right?

(phone rings)


SAROYAN: Oh. Is that Christine?

Isn't she beautiful, huh? She winks, too.

I told the director to send a photo every half an hour.

Wow. I didn't know they did that.

They don't usually.

But I told her because of my position, that I could have her fired.

SAROYAN: Well, everything I'm seeing points to a hit and run.

Hit and run, not our problem. Nice.

I'm not so sure about that, Booth. There's no skull.

Look. You know what? It probably got knocked off by one of, you know, the cars that ran over her last night.

No. Separation of the disc from the body of the vertebra indicates that her head was removed before she was left on the road.

Well, that doesn't sound accidental at all.

I'm gonna take a photo.

Mr. Abernathy should see this right away so he can determine what type of w*apon might've caused this.

Oh. Uh-oh.

What? Something worse than her head getting cut off?

I sent the photo to the day care director.


Day one-- not a good first impression.


How... is there an "unsend" button?

♪ Bones 7x08 ♪
The Bump in the Road
Original Air Date on April 9, 2012

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

There are no kerf marks.

I mean, this lady's head wasn't slashed or sawed off.


It was torn off.

Maybe an animal k*lled her.

I mean, these marks on the bones, they could be from claws, right?

Nope. The abrasions to the fibula and the tibia are all in the same downward direction.

This lady was dragged along the highway for quite a space.

I've seen this before.

Really? A lot?

On the bones of a deer that was snagged by a pickup and dragged for a few miles.

I missed so much growing up in a city.

Have you discovered anything, Mr. Abernathy?

Well, the abrasions indicate that the victim was dragged for a stretch.

What dragged her I haven't determined yet.

But based on the length of her fibula, I'd say she was anywhere from 154 to 161 centimeters tall.

And taking into account her gracile form and small muscle attachments, I'd say she weighed approximately 54 kilos.

Dr. Hodgins?

Hmm. Uh, It's diesel fuel.

Smell it.

Diesel fuel leaked on her.


Well, that could be from any vehicle that ran over her. No.

It stained the bone.

Staining that deep would take time.

It probably came from the vehicle that dragged her.

Look at this.

There's some kind of oil or grease on the back of the victim's shirt.

NGLI 1.5 grade lubricant.

I used to work on our pickup.

Diesel... and that weight multipurpose grease are used on semis.

Okay then.

Our victim was dragged by an 18-wheeler.

Here you go.

SHAW: Agent Booth, you got a minute?

No I don't. I don't have any time.

I got 15 minutes to get to the store before my family starves.

Okay, new baby, I got it. I'll make it quick.


I heard that your victim was dragged by a semitruck.

There's a weigh station half mile ahead of the place the body was discovered.

Wait a second, Shaw, half mile ahead of the body?

That doesn't do anything for me.

No. Actually it does, sir.

Yeah? Okay. Let me show you.

Weigh stations use weigh-in-motion scales embedded in the road approximately one mile before the actual station.


You're saying the truck would've crossed over the scale while dragging the victim. And it would've recorded the excess weight of the victim.

And we'd be able to locate the specific truck.

Yes, sir.

Good work, Shaw. Okay.

I'm gonna go to the store, while I'm doing that I want you to cross-reference the weights from the two scales...

Well, I did, and one truck did weigh more when pulling into the station.

And I already got the victim's weight from Mr. Abernathy.

(chuckles) Hey, gold star. You win a chicken dinner.

Okay. I'm gonna go to the store and get organic baby wipes, 'cause for some reason they have to be organic...

There's less chance of a rash-- their skin is extra sensitive...

Uh, there's a truck that belongs to Fields Market that drove over the scale weighing 122 pounds more than it did at the weigh station.

It's the weight of the victim.

That's the truck.

So the trick is to track it down, while I'm at the store.

Well, according to the GPS unit that Fields Market places in all of their trucks, their driver, Alan Bates, is currently in Baltimore.

And I have his exact location for you.

Ha. Of course you do.

There it is, right there.

I don't suppose you have organic baby wipes on you?

No, sir, but I do have a break coming up, I could...

That's really okay, Shaw.

Just remember me when you take over the Bureau.

Thanks for that.

HODGINS: I found more papers in her bra.

Well, these papers from her pockets are all faded.

I have no idea what was printed or written on them.

Must be something important.

Why do you think that?

I mean, you have papers in your pockets, and so do I.

Yeah, but do you also stuff papers into your bra?

Not since high school.

She was hiding these, right?

So that means that they're important.

You know, maybe even secret. You think that this is some kind of government conspiracy?

Ange, in 1963 the positions of the Soviet nuclear fleet were sewn into the lining of a hunting cap.

MONTENEGRO: The Video Spectral Comparator should be able to tell us what was once on here.

You never know.

I mean, these markings... could be code.

See? Right here.

Yeah. It's a UPC code on a coupon.

Ten cents off any three pack of tapioca pudding.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

t*rrorists are trying to corner the market on tapioca pudding and take down America.

You're mocking me.

You're quick. So, then, why would she be stuffing coupons into her bra?

I'm telling you, it means something.

Yes, honey.

It means that we're overpaying for pudding.

So you haven't found cause of death?

No, ma'am. Uh, so far all the trauma seems to be postmortem.

I have to reconstruct her skeleton to see if I can any trauma that might've caused her demise.

And I'm running tox screens to see if there was any poisoning or drug overdose.

Then I'll get to piecing that poor woman back together.


What are you doing here?

I'm dropping off your keys, unless you want to take the bus home.

Oh, I forgot. Thank you.

(Finn clears his throat)

Oh, Michelle.

This is Finn Abernathy, our new intern.

Finn, this is my daughter, Michelle.

Well, I'm, uh, very pleased to meet you, Michelle.

Me, too. Cam's told me all about you.

She says you're quite the star.

Well, that's because your mother doesn't know any other way but kind.

(Michelle chuckles)

I'm not sure she was kind enough.

Well, I can tell you that picture she has of you on her desk ain't kind enough.

Clearly, they haven't invented a camera that can do right by you.

Oh, my God. Um, thank you.

Actually, I just read that they developed an 18 mega-pixel camera that's quite extraordinary.

Don't you have guts to play with?

Yes, I do.

And Finn has a skeleton to reassemble.

You're right.

For a second there, you made me forget the horrors of death.


I'll walk out with you.

Oh, uh, you can stay?

No, no, you're busy.

I'll see you at home.

You don't by any chance like bluegrass music, do you?

Don't know it.

Oh, well. That's gotta change.

(chuckles) It makes you feel like your insides are having a party.

(both chuckle)

MICHELLE: I like parties.

This guy here, the driver of the truck, he's been with Fields Market for 15 years.

He's got two priors for solicitation of a prost*tute.

Hey, buddy, Special Agent Booth, FBI.

What's the deal, man. I got deliveries to make.

There's perishables in there.

Well, deal is, we think that this truck was used to drag a dead body along the freeway last night.

That's a joke, right?

No, it's not a joke.

Bones, what are you doing? Will you get out of there?

Let me do that. Come on.

Flesh and sinew.

This is definitely the vehicle that dragged the victim.

Okay, th's great. Let's get you out of there so I can...

Oh, Booth! Stop! I'm looking for evidence.

Oh, oh.

I think the victim's head qualifies.

I'm telling you, I have no idea how that woman got under my truck.

Mm. I'll bet it gets lonely out on the road, right, Alan?

Well, that's the life I signed up for.

Hookers, they take off the edge?

Nope, not anymore.

I'm a happily married man now.

Then your wife might not be so happy to find these panties in your truck.

You can't be going through there like that!

Don't you need a warrant? Not when the door's open there, pal.

BRENNAN: There's evidence of bodily fluid in some of these undergarments.

Okay, obviously, married or not, you definitely like to have company on the road, huh? This isn't what you think.

I was alone last night.

The panties, they're... Look, you better come up with a good story, 'cause your lawyer's gonna need something at your m*rder trial.

The panties are mine, okay?

They're mine.


They don't chafe like man pants.

Well, yeah.

Don't tell my wife.

I only wear them on the road.

BRENNAN: There's no need for embarrassment.

Even the Norse warriors were frequent cross-dressers. That's fascinating, Bones.

I'm gonna need to know where this truck stopped in the past 24 hours.

I've been to about 50 different markets.

You can have my logbook.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

I just like to feel pretty.

MONTENEGRO: Do I even want to know what you guys are up to?

Well, Booth got a list of all the stops the trucker made yesterday.

He covered half the state.

If we can determine the type of pollen our victim inhaled prior to her death we might be able to actually pinpoint where the truck picked her up.

So, we're gonna make the dead head sneeze.

FINN: Uh, if y'all don't mind, I should take the pieces of this frontal bone and zygomatic so they don't get scrambled in the procedure.

Be my guest.

You in a hurry there, Opie?

Let him go, honey.

Yeah, 'cause he's got a big date tonight, right, Cam? Date. No, no. It's just... it's just two people going out to do something together, that's all. What do you two know that I don't?

Finn is going out with Michelle.


That's awesome!

Not... awesome?

What's wrong? I thought that you liked him.

I like him. I do... like Finn, but it's just... he's got a somewhat troubled past.

Yeah, but you were the one who said that was all behind him.

I know, I know, but... Michelle's my daughter, and he went after his stepfather with a knife.

Yeah, but if some jerk was beating my mother, I'd have done the same thing.

Yeah, I mean, he's a good kid, Cam.

Can we just... go back to work?

Yeah. Yeah.


You guys ready?

More than you will ever know.

Three... two... one.

I'd say, "Bless you," but I think it's a little late for that.

BRENNAN: The rapidly spinning driveshaft caught the victim's hair and pulled her in, and then bore a hole through her left frontal and parietal bones and into her brain, which caused her death. Bones, don't you think this is a little strange talking about this in front of the baby?

I hardly think she understands, Booth.

The driveshaft on that truck is three and a quarter feet off the ground.

To come into contact with the gears, she'd have to be crouching.

Why would she be crouching under a truck?

Maybe she was hiding from someone, and she accidentally got her head stuck in the driveshaft when the truck pulled away.

Then whoever she was hiding from is responsible for her death.

Hey, I was hoping I'd find you two here.

So, I've got res... Oh, my God, she is so cute.

BRENNAN: She's going to be beautiful and quite brilliant, I assume.

Right? Look at her. Do you... have information for us?

Yes, yeah. I've got results on the contents of the victim's nasal passage.

So there were spores of American chestnut flower pollen in her mucosa, suggesting that she spent a lot of time on an American chestnut farm, but the only grower in the area is in Hagerstown.

And how is our little Christine doing?

Did she have a nice lunch?

She drank approximately 88.75 milliliters of milk.

Which means... I know what that means, Dr. Brennan.

I've been caring for infants for many years.

You struggled in early childhood nutrition in graduate school.

But I've since written a well-respected article about it in the Journal of Pediatrics.

I'm gonna go say hi to Michael.


Oh, almost forgot.

I know you wanted a picture every half hour, so I took this one just before you showed up.



And that's a dirty diaper.

Yes. Christine's bowel movements appear to be perfect.

Soft, yellow, loose.

This was very nice of Ms. Noonan.

I don't think nice was her intention.

Thank you. Thank you so much. Bones.

I can't believe it.

Who would want to k*ll my Barb?

My wife's never hurt anybody.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Where did you find her?

Where was she? She was, uh, discovered along a quarter-mile stretch of the interstate.

What do you mean, quarter-mile stretch?

Well, she was, uh... she was dragged by another vehicle.

Wha... So she was hit by a car, then?

So it wasn't m*rder.

Well, the folks at the Jeffersonian believe that she was assaulted before she was dragged.

We're convinced it wasn't an accident.

Sure, okay. Okay.

It's just I can't... can't believe it.

We also found some coupons that were stuffed in her clothes.

Any idea why they would be there? Coupons?

Sure, I do.
Welcome to Barb-Mart.

Oh! Wow! Okay.

Is your wife some kind of, like, a survivalist or something?

Nah. Barb is a...

Barb was an extreme couponer.

What does that mean?

Means her whole life was about saving money.

Whether we had space for the stuff or not.

BOOTH: Have to do a lot of shopping to buy all this stuff.

Barb would head out with a pile of coupons.

Sometimes it'd be days before I saw her again.

When was the last time you saw her?

Last night.

Just before she took off for Fields Market in Frederick.

They had some double-coupon thing going on.

She's dead? Are you sure?

You knew her? Of course.

Yeah, Bargain Barb-- she's one of my best customers.

In here at least once a week with her mounds of coupons, just clearing my shelves.

Was that a problem for you? Oh, no, no, no. No.

Uh, Barb got great product for great value, and I got reimbursed by the manufacturers.

Not to mention the extra eight cents per coupon they throw in for the store. So...

WOMAN (over P.A.): Chad, register one. Chad to register one.

Sorry. Duty calls.

Go get 'em, Chad.

93 coupons-- she jammed my register.

That just means she knows what she's doing.

Doesn't it, Crystal?

Yeah, that's it-- she's Mrs. Einstein.


Okay, ma'am, we are up and running again.

Sorry for the delay. She also tried to slip these expired coupons past me.

Like that'd be possible.

CHAD: You know you're not allowed to use expired coupons, Ms. Carlyle. That'll be $3.07.

For all that?

CHAD: Those Sunday supplements can save a bundle.

I found the missing pieces of the skull in the parking lot.

The victim definitely died here.

What? Barb died in my parking lot?

Chad... let's go talk in private. Bones.

CHAD: Yeah. Sure.

I-I'm sure this is nothing. I mean, Crystal's been working here since before carrots were a juice.

But, um... this was last night.

I think we need to talk to Crystal.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

I can see you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of the repetitive circular motion required while scanning coupons.

That must be very painful.

I manage. Yeah, your wrist must've been k*lling you by the time Barb rolled in at the end of the night, isn't that right?

And her back.

Standing all day at her age would cause pinching of the nerves in the lumbar region.

My age? What the hell's that supposed to mean?

BOOTH: After Chad broke up the fight, you and Barb, did you take it outside?

No. I counted out my drawer while Chad cleaned up the mess.

The security camera shows you left your register for almost five minutes.

(laughs): Well, I had to tinkle.

That happens a lot in women my age.

You really don't care that Barb is dead, do you?

She ruined my life with her stupid couponing club.

What do you mean?

She sent in all her couponing freaks, and told them to use my checkout line.

Why you? I'm sure there are more pleasant cashiers.

But there ain't anyone faster than me.

Those cheap SOBs will do anything to get a deal.

I bet that includes m*rder.

I'd talk to her friends.

So, I hacked into the victim's e-mail account and found some e-mails chains about her couponing club.

Look at this.

"Clipped 200 coupons last night."

"Saved $242 this week alone."

I mean, there's a ton of these from her club buddies.

Extreme couponing is an addiction like any other.

Yeah, well, no wonder Booth thinks that one of them k*lled her.

It looks like Barb got into a fight over coupons. with someone who called herself the Deal Diva.

Well, Barb put those coupons in her bra.

Maybe she was trying to protect them from the Deal Diva.

Or maybe the coupons actually belong to the diva.

Look at this, "If I see you looking through my stuff again, bitch, the only coupon you'll be needing is for a coffin."

Oh, yeah, and look at this one.

The Maryland couponing club is meeting tomorrow morning at Half Price Harry's house in Frederick.

I'll let Booth know.

Oh, um, I didn't... I didn't order those.

No, no, no, they're from me.

Buy one get one free every Thursday.

Love this place.

FINN: Okay, so what did you think of your first bluegrass concert?


MICHELLE: I loved it.

The crowd wasn't at all what I thought.

I was expecting more...

Missing teeth, scraggly beards, guys who married their sisters?

Sort of.

Does that make me a horrible person?

Yes, yes, it does.

You weren't supposed to say "yes."

Well, um, I apologize, miss.

I'm still learning the ways of you sophisticated city folk.

Mm, well, then you're in good hands.

Because I'm an excellent tutor.

You know, they've got a saying back home.

"It's easier to catch a ray of sunshine than the smile of a beautiful woman."

I like that one.

I don't want to be too forward or nothing, but... think we could spend a little more time together this weekend?

Since you're not familiar with our big city ways, that was a "yes" for this weekend.

(quietly): All right.

(both laugh)

What have we got, Mr. Abernathy?

Hey, morning, Dr. Saroyan.

Why hasn't the skull been reassembled?

I beg your pardon, ma'am?

Dr. Brennan found the skull fragments in the grocery store parking lot 14 hours ago.

Well, I reckon I've got no control over how fast the beetles clean the bones.

Maybe they had a snack before work.

We're trying to catch a k*ller, so I'm not in the mood for jokes.

Is this about Michelle, ma'am?

Excuse me?

'Cause I'm keeping company with your daughter?

No. Do you actually think I would...

Absolutely not.

This is about you doing your job in a timely manner.

Nothing more.

Well, I'll be a sun-soaked bat.

Really, Mr. Abernathy?

Why will you be a sun-soaked bat?

An abrasion on the frontal bone.

Judging by the staining, this poor woman was struck in the head before that truck k*lled her.

So Booth was right.

She was being att*cked.

That's why she hid under the truck.

Now, what do you think caused this?

Well, it looks to be an extremely wide, V-shaped wound track, meaning whatever did this, is some sort of wide-angle tool that comes to a sharp point.

Like the corner of something.


Well, have Dr. Hodgins swab it.

Oh, were you able to analyze the wound Mr. Abernathy discovered?

Um, ow.

Uh, I-I'm actually waiting for the bones because Hodgins is just swabbing them first.

What-what's in there?


Oh, this is just...

This is an old filing cabinet.

Just got files in it.

(baby giggles)

Uh, oh.

Oh, my gosh.

Um, Michael is in here, too.


But we aren't allowed to have our children in the lab.

Yeah, I know, I know.

But you're not gonna tell them, right?

No, but why is he here?


Because I missed him.

Don't you miss Christine?

I'm at work, so I focus on work.

We have to compartmentalize our lives.

And you can do that?

I have to.

Okay, well, I can't, so I just break the rules, right?

And it feels good, doesn't it?

(phone rings)




So, is that all you need?

I'll see her soon enough.

Let me know if you can identify the injuries when you input the bones.


Until then, mister.

Until then.

(people yelling over each other)

No wonder they couldn't hear us knocking.


That is scary.

Trading and using coupons releases dopamine as a reward.

The feeling is very addictive.

It's like with you and gambling.

Really? I'm not like these freaks, okay?

Hey, hey, hey, FBI. Hey.


Listen, I'm looking for the Deal Diva.

I'm the diva.

Real name is Rhonda Fitzgibbons.

Can I help you?

Booth, look what she's holding.

Dr. Saroyan says we're looking for something with sharp corners. I need to see that, please.

No way, I don't care if you're the damn president, you ain't touching my coups.

Fine, we'll just do this the hard way; you're under arrest for impeding a federal investigation.

FITZGIBBONS: What are you doing?

I didn't agree to those deals.

I'm giving you half off a teeth cleaning.

No, get away from my coups! Come on.

(all talking at once)

I'm a good person.

I use half my coupons to buy groceries for the food bank.

What about your e-mail to Barb?

Please, I was angry, and I said things that I shouldn't have said, but I wasn't gonna k*ll her.

Why don't you tell us about your relationship with Barb.

Well, we used to be best friends, and I was the one who turned her on to couponing, which was big mistake because she turned into a monster.

Two weeks ago, I wouldn't share my 20% chicken thighs, and she bashed my head into a shopping cart.

Maybe that's where you got your revenge Thursday night at the market.

No... Well, your coupon carrier matches the description of the m*rder w*apon.

But I wasn't even at Fields Market last Thursday night.

Why don't you check my receipts if you don't believe me.

Every store I've been in since my fight with Barb.

These will tell you where I was on Thursday.

Check these. Oh, it's a lot.

Just check the receipts.

Hey, Cam.

Michelle, you brought lunch.

You are the perfect daughter.

It's for Finn.


He said he didn't think D.C. had any good catfish, so I brought him a sandwich from Mister A's.

I was gonna take him, but I couldn't wait.

I just wanted to come say hi.


What was that?

What was what?

That "huh."

That's your I-don't- agree-with-what-you're-doing, but-I'm-not-gonna-say-anything huh.

No, it was just a huh, Michelle.

Nothing more.

Good, then I'm gonna go give Finn his catfish before it gets cold.

No, you can't because he... is busy right now, and I don't want you two to see each other anymore.

That was more words than I was expecting.

Wait, are you serious?


I-I'm sorry, but know how you tend to get with new relationships.

I'm happy, is that wrong?

Well, the last time you were happy, you sacrificed a great college education to follow your boyfriend.

I just don't want to see you get hurt again.

You mean the way Finn tried to hurt his stepdad?

You are my daughter.

It's my job to protect you.

I may be your daughter, but I'm also 18, and that means if I can vote and go to w*r, I can certainly choose who I date.

Yeah, but you can't drink.

Yore still not allowed to drink.

The forensic accountant compared Rhonda's receipts with Barb's to see if their paths crossed.

So Rhonda's alibi holds?

I'm afraid that means more work for Dr. Brennan.

How is she holding up?

What do you mean?

Just being back at work and away from the baby for the first time; that can be tough.

Well, you know, she's making the day care people cry. for the first time; But, you know,hat can be tough. she's fine.

And she has you.

I was on my own.

You have a baby?


Um, a son.

Danny, he's three.

My mom watches him while I'm at work.


I didn't know.

And you shouldn't.

I'm a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and that's all that matters here, and I wasn't looking for special treatment.

That's right, I know.

Special agents.

Bet you're a great mom.

Uh, the forensic accountant did note that, uh, Barb and her husband have a joint credit card.

So? Most couples do.

Yeah, but the receipts that he checked showed four separate occasions last month while Barb was shopping, their credit card was also being used in high-end restaurants around town.

So, he's out fine dining while she's pinching pennies.

Yeah, and judging by the amounts that he was charging, he was not dining alone.

FINN: So, I finished reconstructing the victim's shattered frontal bone.

It looks the abrasion we found below the hole is actually just the bottom of a larger wound.

Whatever caused the abrasion, also appears to have chipped off a portion of bone near the top of the wound.

Okay, well, I'll have Dr. Hodgins take another swab.

We might have better luck this time around, given that there's now three times the wound to work with.

That may not be necessary, Mr. Abernathy.

There appears to be a metal fragment of some sort embedded in the wound.

(phone rings)


Oh, look what the day care director sent me.

Aw, she's cuter than a June bug in a jumpsuit.

I-I've never seen that, so I can't make the comparison.

I should go.

Christine clearly needs to be fed.

Have Dr. Hodgins examine the fragment.

He should be able to determine what type of metal it is.

Well, with all due respect to Thurston, I know my metals, and this here is aluminum.

Oh. Which rules out the card case.

Very good.

Dr. Brennan, one thing.

I am lactating, so make it fast, Mr. Abernathy.

Uh, I think Dr. Saroyan has taken issue with me keeping company with Michelle.

Maybe with you being a mother and all, you might be able to help me see her point of view?

Well, at this stage, I'm only equipped to handle the concerns of a six-week-old, so, unless you have a diaper that needs changing or need to be breast-fed, I'm afraid I can't help.

So, you and Barb weren't the happy couple that you made yourself out to be, isn't that right, Dale?

What are you talking about?

All those fancy dinners while your wife was out buying food to put on your table.

I like to dine out sometimes.

Apparently with a lot of women.

We called the restaurants.

O-okay, look, uh, Barb-- she-she wasn't the woman I married anymore.

She'd rather spend her nights Dumpster diving for coupons than with me.

Right, so you k*lled her before she could see this credit card statement and catch you.

No. Look, I-I admit I cheated.

I was gonna tell her.

Oh, it's easy to say now.

I didn't k*ll my wife.

Excuse me? Dr. Saroyan, do you have a minute for me?

This won't take long.


I talked to Michelle, and she informed me that you're not the happiest seed on the strawberry about my dating her.

Finn, please.

It's just that you have so much work here and at school, and Michelle's going to be applying...

At least be honest with me, Dr. Saroyan.

You're afraid for your girl.

I understand that, okay?

It's unfounded, but I do have a history. Let me explain.

There's no need, ma'am.

It ain't wood between these ears.

Look, I owe you a great deal, and I wouldn't have a second chance if it weren't for you.

And while I do think you're making a mistake about me and Michelle, you're her mama, and I have to respect your wishes until I can convince you otherwise.

Does she know you've come to see me?

Yes, ma'am, she does.

She ran out in tears when I told her.

But she understood?

No. Not from what I saw.

Opie, Dr. B wants you.

We're in the middle of something here.

FINN: With all due respect, ma'am, I believe the sun has set on our conversation.

I'd like to get back to work.

That's why you have me here.

Don't you have a m*rder to solve, Dr. Hodgins?

Sure. Right.


These are all the aluminum tools from Dale's nut farm, and none of them match the wound track.

Nothing from his place did.

So, we're no closer than we were before?

I don't know about that.

See, I did find what appears to be a microscopic puncture to the bone.

Now, you can see the hemorrhagic staining, so it must have happened around the time she expired.

Wait a minute. Let me swab that.

Yeah. (laughs)

It's not blood.

No. That is ink.

FINN: Purple ink.

That's why it looked like blood.

It could be from a marker.

Well, I can get the exact make and dye batch so we can verify that.

FINN: But we've determined that the wounds were made from something aluminum, something with a sharp edge.

I don't know any marker like that.

I do. I've seen that marker, and I know exactly what holds it.

ID the marker. I need to talk to Booth.

Apparently, we just solved a m*rder.


I remembered that Chad was using a purple marker to cross out the expired coupons.


He kept it on his aluminum clipboard.

When he hit her, it made the mark.


Well, let's find Chad, huh?

There he is. Hey, Chad.

Agent Booth.

Any news about Barb?

Oh, big news.

Probably not to you.

What do you mean?

Could I see your clipboard, please?


BOOTH: Just give her the clipboard, all right, Chad?

Thank you.

These edges would definitely cause the wound track we saw.

CHAD: What are you doing there?

BRENNAN: A bone shaving.

Pretty sure that'll match the victim.

I-I hit her, that's all.

And-and she ran away.

Come on, she-she was digging through my Dumpster for coupons.

I was sick of it.

I'm trying to turn this into a high-end place.

Local produce, organic food.

Barb and her couponing friends-- they wouldn't know a decent peach if it bit them on the ass.

Turn around. You're under arrest.

No, no, I-I didn't k*ll her.

She ran away, I swear.

And she hid under a truck that dragged her to her death.

She died because she was hiding from you because you att*cked her.

It's not illegal.

Oh, actually, you know, it is.

You committed a felony as*ault which led to her death.

According to the law, you're responsible. Let's go.

But that's-that's crazy.

You shouldn't hit people.

You should use your words.

That's what all the books say.

(handcuffs clicking)
Are you serious?

Well, you know, she's a new mom. Come on.

Come on, let's go.

Whoa, whoa. Hold on. Look at this.

Organic baby wipes.

We might as well pick up some diapers, too.

You know what?

I need some beer nuts. What aisle is that?

Aisle four.

Aisle four.

We should probably get some of those organic peaches.

I'm sorry, honey, but

Finn must have agreed with me.

You're his boss.

What choice did he have?

Let me try to explain, Michelle.

What can you possibly say?!

What is it with old people?


How can you not remember that you were like me once?

Michelle... What?

I should get home.

I have some applications to finish.

FINN: No, Michelle. Wait.


I have something to say.

Dr. Saroyan, I can't stop seeing your daughter.


You can't?

No... ma'am.

You see, because...

I think about Michelle all the time.

And I wouldn't be much of a man if I walked out on her just because I was feeling a little pressure.

So, no, ma'am, I can't stop seeing Michelle.

And if that means you don't want me to work here anymore, well, that's something I'm going to have to swallow.


You're not going anywhere, Mr. Abernathy.




And I'm sorry I was old.

I'll try not to let it happen again.


Okay, don't press your luck.

Take it outside.

(laughs quietly)

(whispers): Oh.

(toy squeaks)

She sleeping?

Like a baby.


(whispers): Right. Sorry.

I put all of that stuff away that we got at the market. Oh, thanks.

We saved a lot of money with those coupons you had.

Right. Let's keep that between you and I.

I don't want that to get out.


Look at her.

So, are you gonna go put her in her crib so you can get some rest?

No, I'm not.

Why not?

I can't. I can't let her go.

(voice breaking): I just...

I missed her so much.

I thought you were okay with this.

It was fine that...

It's not rational, I know, but I... I mean...

(laughing): Oh, look at her.

I just missed her so much.

Maybe this was too soon for you to go back to work.

Maybe you should have taken more time, you know, for yourself.

No. No, I can't.

I-I'm needed.

You know, what I do is for her now, too.

She should know that what I do is important.

I know.

And just because something is difficult doesn't mean that I shouldn't do it.

Look, I'm here for you and for her, okay?

Anything you need. We'll go slow on this.


I'm going to sneak her into the lab.

Every day.

You're a good mom.

Isn't she a good mom?

Don't wake her up.

I'm not gonna wake her up. You're too loud.